Lifes simple Pleasures! A Pot of the Best Stew!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so we're in my little town of hardy arkansas we're gonna go and look around a little bit in some flea markets not gonna stay around very long got a lot to do on the homestead today but i'm here and i'm going to look around so let's go in and see what we can see [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i just seen this and i want to show y'all these are little these are what we call rag balls it's just strips of material wrapped around a ball or styrofoam ball but i really like this this is a candy cane wrapped in material and it's just really cute i'm gonna make some of these i really like this good idea so we are back from the flea market and i did pick up a few things at the end of the video i'm going to show you what i ended up bringing home with me i couldn't help it anyways you hear the bird outside the window i think he's mad at me for some reason anyways we're going to make a stew i was out of any kind of uh stewmate whether it was beef or deer so when i got done to flea markets i run up to the little local grocery store and uh wow stewmate is ridiculous high so i went down looked at the roast well they didn't have a chuck roast and that would have been what i would have wanted uh to make my stewmate out of but stewmate was 659 a pound i like to flipped out because i've not bought stew meat at the store and i couldn't tell you when because i've always got it out in the freezer but so i went on down i found a rump roast i think they had a few rump roasts and maybe a certain some sirloin or something i can't remember but the rump roast was 359 a pound versus the stew meat that was 6.59 a pound just because they cut it up for you i mean i don't know but that was just unreal to me so anyways i got this roast and uh we're going to cut it up in a stew mate and we're going to make us a pot a comforting stew it's a kind of a chilly rainy day today outside so it's really going to be good let's get started well that was just so unreal to me how much um stewmate was and most of the time you really don't even know what it's you know what they i'm sure they cut it up out of the bits and ends that they have left but this is a an arm roast a rump roast or something i'm pretty i think it was a rump roast but uh i'm gonna cut this fat off the side here now the reason that i like to buy or have butchered the uh i always make sure that i get the chuck roast i don't have that ground in the hamburger because to me it's my favorite roast because it's really marbled up good and that's what gives your meat a lot of flavor i didn't cut that off very good i'll have to kind of trim that but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna save about three dollars a pound and i'm gonna cut up my own stow mate and this will make us a couple of stoves or it's gonna make me a big pot that i can warm up again tomorrow for after church so i'm thinking that i'm just gonna make a big pot that way somebody comes over to eat for lunch there'll be plenty we'll make us a big pan of cornbread go with it and we'll be good to go i don't know i don't know if the price of meat is the same everywhere but usually here in arkansas we have a lot of cattle farmers i mean a lot that's all i've ever known that's all danny's ever known but i can tell you meat's not cheap now i just had a we bought half a beef from a local family that we love very much we've known this family since we were young and on their mom and dad and now they're they're farming raising cattle and everything else kids and chickens and they've got uh an egg house or two or three that they take care of and uh we bought a half a beef from them and uh we should be getting that in about three weeks and it costs of course when you do that it's the same cost straight across the board and i can't tell you right now because i don't forgot what it is per pound straight across the board we'll have to wait for mr brown because i sure don't want to tell you wrong but when i sing that that's still mate and i need to sharpen my knife when i sing that stewmate was 6 59 a pound i like to flip the lid okay i'm gonna get all this cut up and i'm saying y'all watching me cut it still mate and then uh i've got my my woodcook stove i got it filled up and i'm trying to get it good and hot get it going so we can start browning our meat but i'm going to be cooking this stew in the oven and it's going to be good here in about two hours it's gonna be the meat's gonna be tender everything's gonna be done it's gonna be good my mr brown will be home by then okay i got my roast roast cut up you see i got me a little bit of flour here in the corner what i'm gonna do is coat my mate with that to brown it in that's gonna brown my meat real good and also that little bit of flour i help thicken your stew a little bit also in this flour i've got a teaspoon of baking soda and what that baking soda does when you're wanting to brown a piece of meat is it brings up the ph and it just helps to it helps the browning of your of your meat so i'm just going to mix this up i'm going to put some oil i might put some my leftover bacon grease in my in my pot to brown my meat in we'll get it good and browned up and then we'll cook it a while we'll cook the meat for about an hour and then we'll put our cut up vegetables in there and cook it for another hour i added just a little bit more flour to my mate i didn't feel like i had enough and uh i added salt and pepper to my meat i'm gonna go ahead and add some i forgot my garlic of course and that's very unusual for miss lori to forget her garlic i'm gonna mix this up again and we're gonna now you don't wanna put all this in your pot at one time try to brown it because it's not to brown it's just going to sit there and it's just going to that moisture is going to come out and it's just going to sit there and steam and and boil and it's not really going to get brown when you load it up like that you need to separate your meat so that it gets good and brown so i'll do probably take me two batches to get it done don't get your phone hot miss laurie it'll shut off again [Music] okay i'm going to start browning the stove i'm going to do it two batches then we'll come back and get it put together and get it [Music] [Music] [Music] i got all my stone mate browned up so i'm going to kind of deglaze my my pan here my wood cook stove it's sorry i had y'all covered up my towel the wood cooked still is um i still got it cranking so that it'll stay hot enough and cook like it's supposed to and i am pouring cups of stock in here beef stock big broth you can use vegetable broth if you want to so that four cups brought it up about two inches of liquid on in the pot now i can't get y'all too close to my stove where y'all shut off again like it did last time when i was cooking on the wood cook stove because camera got too hot i'm gonna put the rest of my stew meat in here then we're going to add some a little bit of seasoning and then we're going to put the lid on it and get it in the oven i've got my damper open in the back of my wood cook stove and i'll show that to you in a minute and what that does is it lets the heat from the firebox when you open that up back there then the heat goes around your oven when you shut it off it goes up the chimney so i'm going to kind of deglaze the bottom of this get all them good bits off the bottom of that pot and then we'll put our seasonings in here okay i'm gonna put about teaspoon of black pepper teaspoon of salt i like thyme in my stew you don't have to put thyme in there i'm going to put about a half a teaspoon of thyme i'm gonna put a good teaspoon of garlic and i'm gonna put um two bay leaves you can leave your bay leaves whole or you can crush them up whichever you want i put i use bay leaves in a lot of my cooking i was going to put it in my spaghetti sauce all day when we made lasagna and i was out so anyways i think i put about three or four in there but anyways it's all going to be good so we're going to stir this up i'm gonna move y'all back so y'all don't get too hot and shut off again and that liquid that vapor off and stuff is deglazing the bottom of that from where we browned all that stove made now i've got 28 ounces of tomatoes and that's going in there a lot of deliciousness in here already now these are whole tomatoes you can use crushed tomatoes you can use tomato juice tomato soup tomato puree your home canned tomatoes whichever you got now i'm gonna find my lid to my pot and we're going to get it in the oven i want to show y'all my oven temp it is it's between 350. it's about 375 that's about where i want to keep it in your regular oven i always cooked it about 350 for two hours so we're gonna keep it stoked and keep it at about 3.75 so what i'm going to do is i've got it over now i'm gonna let it cook for about one hour with just the meat in the season and then the good old broth in there and then i'm gonna take it out and put all my my carrots and potatoes and stuff like that in there you can put turnips you can put sweet potatoes any kind of root vegetable that you like you can put in there and then we'll put it in there for another hour so meanwhile i gotta keep my wood cooked stove i gotta keep it with kindling keep it hot and keep it going so we can get this stuff done and it's going to be good hello chickadees y'all ready to get out huh you already come out for a while scratch around come on y'all lay me some good old eggs already you did good for you you're not freeloaders then okay back here is the the handle i was talking about and you can open it shut it this way i mean open it this way and then you shut it that way what that does is it shuts off the heat from going up your the stove pipe instead it's going to go up and around your oven when you shut it off so it should really be a cooking now when you're cooking either on top of your wood cook stove or in the oven you got to keep it you got to keep that fire going to keep it at least 350 in your oven now if i'm wanting to get it all up to 450 for cornbread or something i gotta stoke that baby up even more it'll run you play hit and run you plumb out of the cabin but it's all good it's been in the oven for one hour and i cannot begin to tell you how good this house smells the meat's starting to get a little bit tender but it still needs about another hour everything's looking and smelling good so at this point i'm going to put me put my potatoes and carrots in here and you can put like i said any kind of root vegetable in here that you like just give it a good stir i always put lots of carrots in my stoves because they do cook down a little bit and me and danny just love love cooked carrots especially in soap and stoves now at this point if you needed to you could add you a little bit more broth or water to it now earlier i goofed and forgot to put my teaspoon of onion powder in there so a teaspoon of onion powder now if my grandkids were not going to be eating this tomorrow i would have put onions and i would have even put some bell peppers because we love bell peppers and i've got a bunch of them in the freezer um i'd have probably put some sweet potatoes and celery i don't know what all but i'm trying to make this just a little bit kid friendly because i've got a few little grandkids that they like their their carrots and potatoes and mate and that's what they like and so that's what nanny does so what we're going to do is put our lid back on here and this is the same process you'd be doing if he's cooking it in a regular cook stove we're going to put it back in the oven and i'm going to let it cook for another 30 minutes and i'm going to come back and i've got some pearl barley then i'm gonna rinse and get it ready to put in there and then i've got some sweet peas i'm gonna put in there and then from that point we'll cook it another 30 minutes and it should all be done we're gonna whip up some of my favorite biscuits i said i'd make some cornbread but we had cornbread the other day and i'm thinking for some reason i'm craving what we call cheddar bay biscuits and you can make them with uh bisquick or if you have some homemade bisquick that you make in fact i'm out and i need to make some up so we may do that on video sometime i've got two cups of all-purpose flour [Music] and i need two teaspoons of baking powder i i dearly love these biscuits i just love the tenderness of it um the garlic and the cheese and just everything in it it just goes together so good so that's two teaspoons of baking powder i need a half a teaspoon of baking soda i need one teaspoon of sugar and i need about three fourths of a teaspoon of salt i'm gonna mix that up and i'm gonna cook these in my wood cook stove and i'm gonna cook them after i get my stew out of my oven but i want to go ahead and get it ready i can even put these on my sheet pan and stick them in the refrigerator for a little bit before i cook them okay i'm gonna go ahead and put a good teaspoon of garlic let's see i need so i got my garlic oh my cheese what i do with my cheese did i leave it in the fridge oh lord get yourself together get yourself together yourself together there it is about four ounces of cheese or if you like a little bit more cheese you can do that i've got some already grated cheese that i need to use up i think it's a taco blend but i usually uh i hardly ever buy already grated cheese hardly ever i always graded it but this cheese was on sale and we so much of it during the week on tacos and stuff and i just could not not buy it that i don't hardly ever buy it so really until you can put as much cheese as you like ain't gonna hurt nothing and that was more than four ounces so now i'm going to pour a half a cup of melted butter and just make sure that your butter's cooled you don't want to put it in here while it's still hot and i've got a cup of buttermilk and if you want to you like a little spice in your life you can add you a little bit of pinch or two of cayenne or pinch or two you know some red uh red pepper just whatever but mr brown and i are little wimpy's and we just can't take nothing just can't take the heat and that's how fast that went together now what i'm gonna do is uh i'm gonna melt me a little bit of a couple tablespoons of butter with a little bit of garlic in it and a little bit of parsley and that's what i'm going to use um i'll butter my biscuits the top of them when they come out so let's get this on a sheet pan yeah mr brown he bought him a used riverboat and it's it's a pretty one it's it's a good one got a good motor on it and everything and i think he's satisfied with it but uh as he's as he calls it he had to do a little bit of modifications on it so he's been doing that today and then he called about an hour ago and said that he was going to take it out on the river and see how it's going to run because he's not had it in the river yet so it's almost dark and i told him he better get in that river before it gets dark and get back out because i don't want to worry about him so that's what he's doing and i hope i really hope it runs good and does what he wants it to like i said it's a used one he didn't buy brand new one and things are too expensive but uh mr brown is a big fisherman uh he mr brown don't if he's not working you know he's hunting or fishing or he's sitting here with me talking to me but or eating but he just don't do a whole lot so i never i never say anything cross about his hunting or fishing because that's just his thing you know i feel like if that's what they're doing they could be doing a lot worse so that's all they're doing let them do it plus the fact that he brings some fish home and we absolutely love fish okay i'm gonna let them sit there for just a minute and uh i'm gonna finish them off and put some on another sheet pan and i'll put them in the fridge until i can get them in the wood cook stove okay i've got a handful of barley right here curled barley and we're going to rinse it real good always rinse your barley because it's got a lot of dust in it for sure [Music] so we're just going to rinse this off we're going to put it in our study i want to put my barley in now the thing with barley i'm going to use this barley to help thicken up the stew and just make it a little heartier if you're not wanting it to use it as a thickener for your stew what you'll do is rinse it and then cook it for about 20 minutes before you put it in your stove okay we got a handful of barley i'm gonna put this is frozen peas i'll put about half the bag it's a it is i don't know 13 ounces and i'm gonna put a small can of mushrooms in here i like mushrooms in my stove i'd rather have fresh mushrooms but i don't have access to any right now but i do have a lot of canned mushrooms so i'm just going to stir this in if you need to add a little water to it at this point i'm good it looks good to me um i'm gonna put the lid on it and we're gonna stick it back in the oven again and i'm gonna give it there's a whole potato right there miss lori my goodness i forgot to cut that potato see if i can cut it in half with my spoon mr brown would have liked that potato i'm gonna put the lid on it put it in there for another 30 minutes and uh we'll see how tender our meat is and how tender our potatoes and carrots are and it's already looking wonderful okay all together two hours in the oven you see how that barley has thickened the stove the carrots are done potatoes are done the peas are done it's all coming together look at that goodness yeah i think i heard mr brown just drive up just in time the biscuits are good the stew is wonderful everything just tastes so good and yeah i did come home with a few things i think mr brown won't care do you [Music]
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 252,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LcOsHaGNulU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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