4th July recipes// Ribs// cowboy caviar// Berry Cobbler

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[Music] the welcome to whoopee whale holler i'm miss lori and this is mr brown we live in the hills of arkansas we love the lord [Music] keepers are the old way but accept some of the new we love to cook and we love to eat we love to garden it's in our blood it's how we stay sustainable and fill our pantry we do a lot of canning and preserving we live a sustainable life we love our family we work hard and every once in a while we like to dance so y'all join us [Music] don't [Music] all right y'all we're fixing to a fourth of july meal and we're gonna do a little early so maybe you might want to try it for the fourth but it would be a good meal anytime we have got a new pit boss pellet smoker and i have used it about i don't know five or six times and i really like it it's very efficient i just cleaned it for the first time underneath here there's a you go and take the grates out and go up there's a piece of metal plate in here and you go up under there and like i say i've used it five or six times and it had about maybe a half a cup of ashes in there and i have almost used this bag right here a pellet it's a 20 pound bag i've used that many pellets and it's only like i say very little ash in there very simple to clean took me five minutes to clean it clean it out uh one thing i do like about this thing is it's almost mouse proof if you if you got it outside like we do and live here in the woods we have trouble with mice wanting to get in our grills and i don't like that at all always clean and sanitize my grills before i use them this one right here has one place one hole and it's down here in the drain the drain area and a mouse would have a hard time getting in there what i normally do is just shove a piece of steel wool or a piece of just anything in there just to make sure they don't get in there so it has a hopper on it it's self self feeding it does have to have electricity to work but it is it's self-feeding it's got an auger that feeds from this box in there and you can cook up to 400 i believe it's 400 and well high is around 500 degrees and it will cook i have charred some pork steaks i have charred cook and charred some beef steaks and they've been good ain't they girl they've been good i made a meal saturday uh miss laurie run off to the river with the grandkids and i had me some pork steaks and i smoked me some fresh potatoes out of the ground in here and they're really good this here's the hopper i don't know what it holds i don't ever fill it all the way up because humidity is high around here i don't keep a lot in there because of moisture i don't know how much it even draw moisture but i don't want to have to and we keep it under the shed just keep it out of the rain and i actually put me some cardboard on top of this when i shut the lid when i'm done with it this is a master blend pellet or competition blend it's maple maple it's maple hickory and cherry it's a blend and it's really been good you know and we've got different ones we're going to try but you just pour this in this now how much how much do you know to pour in there well you can feel it full if you want to just but see it's easy to check you ain't got to worry about it you can fill it up like i say this is the first 20-pound bag we've gone through and i ain't telling how many bags of regular charcoal we'd have went through and how many ashes we would've had and so this is gonna of course them ribs are gonna be on four or five hours so right and if i need more i'll put more in there it won't be no problem okay won't be no problem to add more to it they've been people asking having trouble getting their grills to light now i may have trouble today but i haven't been having no trouble what you do you turn it on it's plugged in you turn it on you got a blue light there tells you that it's on it's got temperature selection but the first click on mine is smoke and what i'm going to do before because it was getting low on pellets i'm going to purge it one time you don't have to do that every time i'm going to purge it one time prime it yeah i prime purge i'm gonna do that after i kick it on i don't think it's gonna do it till i kick it on i'm gonna put it on smoke and i'm gonna prime it one time and it takes about three or four minutes right now that auger is feeding it now all there is in this grill is a cup about this big maybe not that big and it flat cooks and puts out some heat and don't make makes very little ash [Music] i'm pretty impressed with it so far long as electronics hold up and last that they're not cheap but you can put it on there and walk away from it check it once in a while just to make sure your temperature is staying up there everything's working right we found this one on sale at a tractor well farm store farm supply stores it's like 50 off that day or something like that maybe it might have been 100 but it was what how much was it with 50 off i think it's around 350 it might have been 400 but i think it's 350. i think so and they've got them even bigger than this one a lot bigger this this one here will cook i mean you could put one two three four five i thought you could put six chickens in there if you wanted to we're gonna cook some baby back ribs and some corn we're gonna smoke a little bit of corn but then red's probably gonna take we're gonna cook them on uh around 225 degrees probably gonna take around four hours maybe more we'll just have to check them and see and i guess we're going to dry rub them i hadn't thought we're going to dry rub them and this thing should start smoking here before too long i can feel that auger putting that put the pellets in there so it takes about three to five minutes after it starts smoking before it will start smoking then your pellets start setting them far and then it'll kick on and it'll start burning and your temperature will start rising it's 200 degrees in there right now it don't take very long you can see why you see that flame right in there that's that's where i char my steaks and stuff right there over top of that but for cooking ribs we're gonna keep that shut and now i want to turn this knob up to 200 which is the first d temperature i'm gonna try it at 250 or 225 i'm sorry 225 and it'll probably rise up to 250 275 and back down to 200 and back back and forth should keep it above 200 we'll see but don't i may bump it up one more notch which is 250. to let her get good and warm i'm going to sit right there for now then i may knock her back down to 225 it just depends on what it's gonna do and how it's gonna cook how much heat it's gonna throw under this is kind of new to me and i'm still learning on it but so far i really like it we've got to make some dry rub put on these ribs as far as gonna make some dry rub and we cut the silver skin the outside skin on the inside of the rib would cut the silver skin off and also we cut it in half and that just makes it easier to handle too when you're grilling now we're just doing one baby back rib but y'all may be doing three or four so anyways i'm going to be making this dry robot and uh you may have to double the recipe but we'll see how far it goes on this just one baby back rib and i've got a fourth of a cup of brown light brown sugar let's see i need a tablespoon of smoked paprika and if you don't have smoked paprika but you've got just the spanish paprika or what they call the sweet you know whichever just use whatever pepper you got this is a tablespoon a smoked let's see we need a tablespoon of salt i'm going to put a teaspoon of cumin of course of course we're going to put a teaspoon of onion powder and this is your your rub and you can make this up and put it in a little jar or something because it may last some of y'all a good while like i said you can double and triple this recipe put it in a this will be one of my dryer mixes that we do every so often and this will be kept in the pantry so i'm gonna put a teaspoon of chili powder what have i not put in there did i put garlic powder not yet okay a taste i couldn't forget garlic a teaspoon of garlic powder i think that's everything now i'm i'm not personally gonna put black pepper in here you can because i'm putting that smoked paprika and chili powder so anyways that's our our dry rub for the ribs and we're just gonna mix that up good and i'm gonna let whoops i'm gonna let mr brown i've washed my hands his hands i'm fixing to get in it his hands are clean we gotta get these ribs in that smoker so just mix it up really good and i'll let you have it now well how much i'm going to use probably most of this i'm sure i'm going to sprinkle it on there to start with and then i'm gonna massage it in i'm gonna rub her in we like the dry rub better than uh i'm not saying that barbecue sauce is bad nothing like that but we just we just like the dry rub and then and then smoking it and then every hour or so he'll go out and he'll spray it down with a little bit of apple juice and at the end we always bring out the barbecue sauce and if you want barbecue sauce don't you put it on there it's just an optional and you can use apple cider vinegar instead of apple juice some people do that but i prefer to use apple juice i'm going to go ahead i'm going to use most of this stuff i'm going to stick my hand in there's not a whole lot of need to put on the very back you can put it on there but i could get the end of the end of the rib where the ribs have been cut for sure i like to get the very end of where that tan or meat is and like i said you don't have to cut your ribs in half it just makes it easier to handle on the uh on the smoker or the grill and i think it even might help it cook just a little bit faster too it sure smells good it does smell good and she's about ready to go out there i used about all that of course i you know i'm putting it on pretty thick well it really does you know take quite a bit so that's why i said you may have to double or triple it i like doing the ends and the ends of the rib make sure you get it all covered and then we'll spray it just a little bit right now with a little bit of the apple juice before we put it on the grill that looks good though it does it smells really good so we're going to take this out to the grill the pellet grill and get it on there and let it start cooking so i set this on 250 degrees right now it looks like it's holding between 200 and 250 around 225. i will say it may go up at times to 275 and back down to 225 but that's where we're going to keep it at see how it goes for a while she just went through a smoke cycle i've seen it smoking like a choo choo train i'm not going to set these right on top of that right this minute this here center is the on the hottest spot until these get smoking i might set some on there later i'm just going to kind of keep them off to the side of it right now it probably wouldn't hurt to put it on there but i'm just going to wait and see what this is kind of all new to me i've never cooked ribs on here before so we've been cooking steaks and beef and pork and hamburgers and i've cooked some potatoes now i'm gonna spray just a little bit this apple juice on top of there right now keep it moist and we're going to shut them in and let her cook for about an hour [Music] okay for the corn on the cob we're gonna make just a little bit of uh there's probably about three fourths of a stick of butter here so pretty much the recipe is gonna depend on how many how much corn that y'all cooked we've done three corn on the cob so i've done about three fourths of stick and we're gonna put a teaspoon of minced garlic and i'm gonna turn that off and put a good tablespoon of parmesan and i'm just gonna stir that up now i think i'm gonna put a little bit of sea salt here so i'm gonna put a little bit of salt in it so i like a little bit of salt on my corn and that's it that's gonna be our our seasoned butter for our corn cob when it gets done it all looks good i'm gonna put a little bit of this melted butter and garlic and parmesan on your corn is that okay you know that's okay it all looks good you got a good chard on this tart on this corn cooked it for a while somewhere around 20 minutes i turned up the temperature at about uh i turned it up to 350 and it hovered around 300 and then right there at the last i opened up where i can char and i charred it on each side for about 30 seconds smells so good it looks good these ribs smell wonderful yeah they do absolutely wonderful the good lord's blessed us with another wonderful meal another wonderful meal i'm gonna put some some more like garlic on them on that corn man now this is gonna be the first time i'm fixing bite into a piece of coin everybody's gonna be watching me first time sure man first time on youtube on tv whatever oh because there most people know i've got dentures are you going to taste them are you going to taste that's good stuff and it squirted right up my nose man that's good corn i'll get the plate over here or i can taste it i know it's gonna go everywhere that parmesan and that garlic just really brings it over top i'm gonna get me a little rib right here this these ribs are really good the thing about they'll tell you about a good smoked rib you don't want it falling off the bone you want to stay on the bone but when you bite into it you want to be tender like these are and it's got a good smoke ring around the top and around the bottom not too bad for the first time cooking ribs on there huh mm-hmm those are so good that rub is really good too now let's taste the one he did right now people be talking about us eating after each other oh well we've only done it for 43 years done good job man not good stuff that's good stuff guys y'all need to try mr brown's recipe it's really good and i hope um you know there's a couple of people that want to know about the pellet grill and he really likes it now we do have several different smokers we have a gas one we have a huge smoker that my family down texas built for us it's a huge one we just absolutely love that but it's just not something you go out there and use every day so my son got a pellet grill just like this my youngest son uh both of my older son got that's true and they just bragged and bragged on it so i bought him one and uh so far everything he's cooked on has been really good that's good it is so i hope you like this recipe and i hope y'all try them one of my favorite foods i know the corn is delicious that that garlic and parmesan that melted butter and that sea salt yumminess anyways this is just part of our our fourth of july recipes here and mr brown you're doing good job thank you very much over there so i'm up next and i'm gonna be making a dessert and another side so i hope y'all stay with us because uh we got more coming eat up that corn is wonderful okay we are gonna do another side dish and really and truly you can use this as a side dish or you can use this as maybe an appetizer but what we're going to make is we're fixing to make some cow cowboy caviar and this is some deli delicious stuff y'all it's easy to put together you can serve it either cold or you can serve it at room temperature and that's a good thing about it because if you need to take it to a fourth of july picnic or something like that it'll be good so we're going to start out with a 15 ounce can of black eyed peas now my beans what you want to do is you want to dump them and strain them and rinse them really good and then let them dry while you don't want to really uh make this with a bunch of wet beans or anything so that's a 15 ounce can of black eyed peas and i've got a 15 ounce can of black beans and i'm going to use shoe peg corn but you can use any corn that you have you can use fresh corn toad so we got our black beans we got our corn and we got our black eyed peas and we're going to put i chopped up a small purple onion and i've got a half a cup of chopped up red bell pepper and i've got a half a cup of chopped up yellow bell pepper so we're just going to put this in there this is really good for something you know that you try to think of something different sometimes to to take to fourth of july or different holidays and you can serve this anytime it's just a really good thing it's very colorful too and we're going to put in a small can of chopped up green chilies now in place of that you can put some jalapenos if you like stuff really spicy you can do that i'm gonna put in a half a teaspoon of salt a fourth a cup of sugar i'm gonna put in a half a teaspoon of garlic powder and a teaspoon of chili powder and i need to grab my cumin we're going to put about half a teaspoon of cumin we're gonna put a third of a cup of white wine vinegar and this is your dressing for your your salad and then we've got a half a cup of olive oil now to this too you can add some cilantro mr brown does not like cilantro so i'm not going to add it to it there's not very many things that mr brown don't like but cilantro is one of them and i'm gonna put a tablespoon of lime juice and that's all there is to this and we're just going to mix it up now there are a few other additions that you could put to it you could put you some black olives like i said some jalapenos just anything like that and putting the sugar in there what this is going to give you is it's going to give you a sweet but a little bit of snap to it with that chili powder and cumin and stuff and of course the longer that it sits the better it's going to be and you see how pretty it is but then green chilies and bell peppers and it's just a really good thing that you can serve it at room temperature and it'll be okay so what i do is serve this with chips you can serve it with pita chips or anything like that but that's how fast and easy that was and we're gonna taste it so such pretty pretty colors okay guys we're gonna taste of our cowboy caviar and what i've got here is i've got um this is simply organic it's a blue corn tortilla chip and these are really good and they also make this in red too so that's a really good thing to have for the fourth of july is maybe some blue corn tortilla chips and some red ones and just even your uh regular tortilla chips so let's taste it i know it's going to be good but i want to taste it anyways stuff like this it's just some of my favorite things to eat in fact i told my daughter one day i said you know for some reason i just really love finger foods at parties and stuff and i love the side dishes and all the dips and stuff so let's taste it everything in there it just kind of marries together and tastes so good i'm telling y'all y'all really gonna like this it's an easy thing to put together it tastes wonderful it's it'll be a good thing to take for hot weather and everybody's going to love it too it's a good thing so y'all try it it's good so you know what next time windows we're gonna make dessert and um i had a lot of things in mind but i just want to go back to the to the old times i want to go back to what we would have had at grandma's for fourth of july and that would be a berry pie or berry cobbler with ice cream so we're gonna make a triple berry pie it's going to be easy of course you know that's what i always say but it is it's an easy pie and it's just so good and it's just another one of grandma's recipes started with our triple berry cobbler now you can if you've only got one kind of berry like blackberries or blueberries or raspberries you can just make a you know you can make any kind of berry pie but a triple berry pie is just that much to me it's just all the different berries together just kind of they go together and they just taste really good and since i've got so many of each i just thought i'd go ahead and make a triple berry i've got some thyme blackberries right here and they're pretty good size uh they don't have a lot of seeds on them so i'm not worried about seeds i've got some blueberries see i've got about two cups of blackberries probably almost two cups of blueberries and about a cup and a half of raspberries and i'm just going to put these in my pot and they've been sitting here long enough that their juices have kind of been they've been doing their thing and i've got my heat on about medium low put my raspberries in there y'all my raspberry bush has done so good this year i'm going to put a half a cup of water i'm going to put a cup of sugar i'm going to put just a teaspoon of lemon juice and i'm going to put about a tablespoon of butter and that's all i'm going to do and that's going to be my filling right there what i'm going to do is i'm just going to let this cook down and when it starts to simmer i'll turn it down and just let it simmer oh probably about 15 minutes or so and let it do its thing and while it's doing that we'll make our crust okay we're going to back this truck up just a little bit miss lori forgot her flower one of the most important things in my filling here and i got a fourth a cup of flour cannot forget that now i know everybody has their favorite pie crust recipe this is just the one i use mainly well most of the time really tell you truth uh but i'm using all butter today a lot of times i'll use um about three fourths lard and a fourth of uh butter but today it's going to be all better for this cobbler so what i've got in my bowl is two cups of all-purpose flour and i'm gonna put a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar and i've got a whole stick of butter that i shredded up in there it was a good cold butter and all i'm gonna do is work all this in together and like i said everybody's got their own recipe how they do things i tend to do things the easiest way that i grew up learning no nonsense no trouble you know when you were feeding a house full of people you didn't have all day really to spend on things so you just had to get in there and you had to do the best you could do and make things work and make things stretch and get it out and some of the most basic recipes are my favorite so that's worked in pretty good now i've got some really cold water over here and i'm just going to put a little bit at a time some days it may take four tablespoons some days it might not you just you never know what it's going to take and i just kind of work it together till i feel it coming together sometimes i'll take my time when i've got it and i'll make the pie crust that you use a little bit of vinegar in it just makes no difference to me i know i'm a pie crust gal when i make i mean that's my favorite one favorite parts of the pie for me really is the crust and i like a lot of crust the thing about pie crust is you don't really want to overwork it and i could do this in a food processor but all my young married life i never had a food processor and this is just the way that we done it you know we got a a saying there in the school cafeteria and we say it all the time and somebody come in they'll say well they'll say what's for lunch and you tell them they say well is that any good and they'll say well yeah we made it with love with lots of love so really and truly that's really the truth take your time enjoy what you're doing don't make it a hassle so i ended up tonight putting a good five tablespoons if not six of cold water and i'm just gonna work all this flour in here i'm just gonna dump it out on my my board don't never be intimidated by making pie crust one of the first things i think i learned even before i really was learning how to make bread was to master pie crust my grandmother could whip some pie crust up pretty quick don't put too much flour on it i'm gonna get my rolling pin my berry filling is starting to do its thing it's starting to thicken up so i'm gonna turn it down i'm gonna let it simmer for just a little bit it's starting to thicken up already and when i do a cobbler there's different ways you can do a cobbler you can roll your crust out and a rectangle or whatever it is that would fit that's going to fit in your baking dish whether it's an iron skillet some kind of a glass baking dish it doesn't matter you can do like we always done in the cafeteria there at school we rolled out our crust and we usually left the crust kind of thick we didn't roll it out real thin and then we cut strips and we strip it is what we would call it we strip that cobbler or you can do the patchwork which is pretty much just squares and i'm kind of thinking uh i might do that because i like the look of it you can do it with a pizza cutter i'm trying to find the knife that i'm wanting to use use a knife and put me a little flour on my knife i'm just going to cut them off i'll probably use that and then don't have to be perfect squares life is not perfect though i have to confess i think pie and cobblers one of the most perfect things desserts i'm pretty partial to pies and cobblers i like cake too and like i said your squares don't have to be all the same size kind of cut them out like that and any sides that you're cutting off you can kind of stuff down the side of your cobbler so there's my squares and i'm gonna get my baking dish over here my berry pie filling has cooked down really good you see how thick it's gotten it didn't take but about 15 minutes looking really good it's just the right consistency where i like it now what i like to do too is i like to taste it taste that juice in there make sure that it's sweet enough i can tell you that cup with all these berries was plenty it's sweet enough but it still has a little bit of tart bite to it and that's what mr brown likes especially with ice cream so we got that done i've got my bacon dish right here and i kind of just uh it's not necessary but i'd like to take a little butter and just kind of go around the bottom and the sides and i'm going to put my pie filling in here and i've got my oven in fact i'm baking it outside in the outdoor kitchen in that oven i've got it on 350. it's already looking good get y'all down here maybe where i can see it better we're going to go over this way just a little bit pull our pie over and we're just going to start taking our pie crust and i'm just going to kind of overlap it none of it's going to make any rhyme or reason it's called patchwork crust and i'm just going to lay it on top now y'all seen that i already had butter that i put in my pie filling um before you put the crust on you want to you could have dolloped more butter on it a lot of times i do that this is gonna be so good now i'm not gonna have homemade ice cream that is coming sometime though um but i tell you i'm gonna have just about as good and that's bluebell vanilla ice cream mr brown loves blue bell he just won't he won't eat hardly anything else you tell him you ain't got blue bill he'll just say well i don't think i want any ice cream that's the truth that is the truth blue bell all the way so i've got enough pie crust i can just keep overlapping making this quilted crust as we would call it and when it cooks up it looks it just looks just gives it a different look i mean you know so i'll put that one in the corner and then i've even got this odd piece i think i'm going to overlap it over here in this corner because you can never have too much pie crust right there in that corner let's put some right there i got me a little bit of egg wash here this is not necessary it's optional but i'm just going to kind of brush the tops just a little there and then i'm going to sprinkle just a little bit of sugar that kind of gives it a pretty shiny top to it on the crust my mother-in-law always sprinkles sugar on top of her pie crust okay this is going to go in a 350 oven for about 30 minutes and we'll check it [Music] well i hope you all enjoyed our fourth of july recipes we enjoyed y'all being here with us fourth of july it's a [Music] great holiday to celebrate your country and we do love that our country and we do love triple berry pie that's for sure this stuff is so good but anyways guys if you haven't subscribed please subscribe to our channel if you liked our rest please give us a thumbs up and y'all come back visit with us y'all have a very good safe for the july weekend celebrate with your family and be safe if you're traveling somewhere especially and eat you some good food goodbye everybody we love y'all [Music] you
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 152,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V1L2OSyikl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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