Mrs. Lori // Uncut video, its who I am

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so i've got some uh more kel seeds and i'm gonna go out to the greenhouse and we're gonna plant i've already got some lettuce and spinach and a few other things planted out there but i want to plant some more kale even though i got kale planted in my high tunnel i still want to plant some in the greenhouse so with it so that we have plenty this winter i love having greens through the winter it's just the best thing and you know winter times when you really need to you know to have all them greens and all that good nutrition in your body anyways but we're going to go let the chickens out too it's so pretty today i tell you it's so nice i think it's just about like in the lower 70s or something it's really nice you can hear the leaves underneath my feet we're going to go let the chickens out you can hear the ducks hollering at me they're wanting out too but i just got in from work i've been coming in just a little bit earlier than mr brown i'm not having to to wait on him as much anymore and it helps me because i can come home and i get some stuff done so that helps a lot so let's let the hands out are y'all ready to get out are y'all ready to get out come on come on let's get out let's get out and get us some bugs yeah y'all aren't supposed to be up there y'all gonna get your wings clipped come on come on out they're usually not that shy really now we're gonna go let the ducks out it's so fun to let the ducks out because they like to um sun's hitting me they like to take off and fly as especially mr brown here's those watching fly let's see if i can get there y'all we're going to let the decks out it's so quiet up here on the hill you don't hear no cars or nothing hey ducky duckies hey dick of duckies you all ready to get out yeah this is all the ducks we got left the hawks are pretty much wiped us out come on come on i know y'all went out come on come on i'm not gonna bother you come on it's so funny they got just a little swimming pool back there and they'll fly to it every time but y'all have to understand these are these are wild mallards they're not tame so it's just what they're used to doing my garden's really the main garden's just pretty much gone there ain't nothing left except maybe a few gourds or something like that and i guess i can take you around to the uh the high tunnel we'll see what's in there i do have some stuff in there and of course i close it up for the winter time so that keeps me and some fresh greens and stuff and there's the tomato plants are going crazy in there though so we're gonna go around here and see what we can get into oh everything's just pretty much pretty much gone pretty much gone i got some lavender down here that i'm fixing to harvest and dry oh my goodness it smells good and this is the front of the high tunnel trying to see what y'all are saying and uh i want you to look at this massive tomato plant and it's still growing and it's got a bunch of tomatoes in there a bunch of tomatoes and it's still got a bunch of blooms so i don't know how many tomatoes ripe tomatoes i'll get out of it but uh we'll see especially once i close it off to where this right here is my little cherry to my well they're black cherry tomato and you can see they've grown plum up to the to the top i picked them pretty much about every day when we eat them you can see my marigolds and all that stuff we'll go around to the other side right here is my butterfly bush still blooming but i haven't been seeing any butterflies i think they went with the hummingbirds well i think not sure i think they did you know i quit putting uh especially in our area i'm just talking about our area i quit putting um hummingbird feet out because they need to move on they need to migrate and move on it's just that time of year here so i hate to see them go but you know it's just that's nature they need they need to do what they need to do and i don't want to hinder them either so but this is the other side of the high tunnel right here up front is my apple tree it's a self-pollinated apple tree but i'm thinking about planting another one there anyways and i'm telling you it's doing really good and i've got kale coming up and all my marigolds and i've got herbs in there i've got basil i've got sage growing kale's coming up looking good on the other side of the fig tree there's spinach and then way off over there there's some celery and there's basil over here there's some rosemary and lavender and i need to get in here and kind of water everything i think but my fig tree i bought really really young and it has really took off and grown and i'm gonna see if i can grow me some figs inside the fake the fig tunnel okay lori that's a new one uh the high tunnel and of course my apple tree i'm fixing to do a little trimming on it and uh i'm gonna tie it up the way that i want it to grow and stabilize itself and we'll see if we get any apples one of these years maybe but right now that's the high tunnel that's just what's going on right now and as time goes on there'll be more grains and stuff coming up and and growing so anyways i hope i'm not making y'all dizzy we're going to go out to the greenhouse and like i said i'm gonna plant this other kale that i've bought um i just tried to grow as much kale as i can in the wintertime because we just need that we need that in the wintertime we need it anytime but you know hey chickadees hey chickadees [Music] there's my young rooster he's not very old he still sounds funny when he crows hey y'all get off the porch are y'all doing up there you know better than that get down off that porch get out of there much old ain't no better than that you think growing up with chickens all my life i'd be used to chickens getting on the porch and pooping everywhere but i just can't handle it i'd handle all things but i don't like it so we're going out to the greenhouse i've already got some things planted nothing's come up of course because i just planted it you see i got my sun oven over there here's my lemon tree and y'all i mean i don't know my lemons are still they're not getting huge still um they're not turning yet but i read that it could take up to nine months for lemons to turn yellow so we'll see i mean i don't know i'm sure you know here in arkansas i'm sure it's gonna be different anyways but i know a lot of y'all have lemon trees and y'all know more about them than i do but so i've got some stuff planted over here and these are the plastic containers i think they're the number five if i'm saying that right anyways it's the ones that are are not harmful or anything the plastic i always make sure that and i hope i'm telling you all right but anyways put me some good potting soil down in there and then planted my seeds and put the top on and it's just it's staying really moist in there and of course here in the greenhouse it warms up during the day and it's just with that lid on there this is how i how i grow a lot of stuff and it comes on up sprouts and grows let's see in this one i've got lettuce i wrote on the side i've got lettuce and i've got dill over here i've got parsley some crests and spinach and then here i've got kale and swiss chard i put my sun oven in here because it gets really warm in here and it really heats this thing up of course right now there's no sun here but during the day it does really good now i said i planted some cress and i want to show y'all what i mean by chris this is if i can get it up there it's earth care seeds upland crest it's a spicy crisp it's good for salads and garnishes it's a fast growing 30 days prefers cool weather can grow indoors all year round so i think it'll be good to throw in with my other my other greens when i'm eating a salad you baked uh watercress and stuff you know out in the wild it says sow seeds in rich soft soil no deeper than a fourth of an inch and it prefers cool weather and partial shade in the summer it'll germinate five to nine days maturity is 30 to 50 days it says harvest before flowering so it's a good thing it's kind of a spicy maybe a little bit of spicy taste to it then my parsley different stuff that i've already planted but i'm fixing to plant some more kale in here and this is a it's from marty ross and company i ordered these off amazon they put their little card in here it this is a it's called black magic dinosaur kale and it gets really big so i'm going to be playing some of it and i've got a container here a plastic one that i'm going to but i need to see that make sure it's a the number on it before i plant in it and then i've got this little wooden box that i'm gonna put i'm gonna line it so that i might plant some lettuce or something in it and uh the greenhouse is doing pretty good i mean we ain't got a lot going on then out here you're way up in the air up there i'm trying to get y'all down here but i will have quite a bit going on enough to keep me mr brown fed and i do love my greenhouse i have to tell you um i love just being out here period it just you know does something for my soul i can tell you i also have my my mesh hanging dryer right here and i know y'all some of y'all have seen this already and this is how i draw a lot of my herbs and stuff like that i also have uh put dried vegetables and fruit and stuff out there apples mr brown's got some mullen leaves in here right now that he's trying to dry and it works really well the thing of it is putting it out here in the greenhouse it doesn't take as long so you really well i'm going to show you for example this right here is oregano and i left it out here too long and it's too dry i mean i can use it but you can see how brown it is it really you don't need to leave it out here you need to put it in the morning and the next morning check it if it's not dry enough but you just need to keep on it i mean i still use this it's just kindly um left out here too long so i really need to get it out but that does work so in all these i've got me some greens going i've already got my light up here in case i need to use it i'd hardly ever have to use it at night unless it gets below freezing um but my little greenhouse serves its purpose especially when i am trying to start my plants my little plants and sets and stuff for the spring i had so much going on here before spring i had so much growing it was unreal i didn't have to buy any plants or anything like that and this is my yoder built greenhouse and i just love it come out of mansfield arkansas and i'll be putting some of my my plants out here that i keep on my porch they'll come out here they'll be okay till maybe really bad freezing weather and then i'll try to cover them up or i'll take them in the house one or the other i just don't have room in the house to keep all my plants that's for sure so i'm gonna see about planting some of this kale and this is the company i bought it from off amazon so i've never bought these before so we'll see see how well they germinate i always like to keep my seed packs for just a little while so i can remember what kind i planted and i can pretty much look at the brand name and i can tell usually where i bought them from too sometimes not all the time and i always keep my little labels because if i don't label my seeds if i don't label my seeds i'm in trouble because i will forget what i planted in this little thing [Music] if you look on the bottom of your container and a lot of people think that these uh little totes don't last very long out in the sun and that is absolutely true but i can tell you um i've had totes probably going on their third year and by the third year when you try to pick it up they just kind of crumble so it's not something that's long lasting for sure but uh i'm going to put some soil on this i've got a few little holes in the bottom not exactly on the bottom but kind of up the side about an inch and i'm going to fill it up with some soil [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] now i don't want to plant this too thick because these get pretty big i want to give them enough room to grow i usually plant my my kale and my spinach pretty thick but this is dinosaur kale so it's going to get pretty big so i'm just gonna water it again and uh i'm gonna leave it just like that i'm also going to put me a tag so don't forget what kind black magic dino kale maybe that'll help me remember what i got in there the rest of these seeds i got plenty to session plant so i can come plaque and i can plant more where i won't have it all coming up you know at the same time i can have it at stages and i think i've got enough condensation in these that i'm not gonna have to water them for probably a couple more days the way it's looking so they're doing really good and i've already got some lettuce in here that's already sprouting so this is a good thing even even inside of a greenhouse starting them just like this it just it uh it just germinates them faster but once they germinate i'll take the lid off of it because i won't need it anymore and we'll just uh start planting here and there and this place will eventually be full of greens and lettuces and all that good stuff you know if there's one thing that i guess i've always done all my life and that was to make sure that mr brown supper was always ready and on the table when he got home and when he was an over-the-road truck driver for 17 years you know he'd be gone a week at a time but me and the four kids would be there on the farm we had cattle we had everything there was to take care of plus you know school and activities and work the farm everything that goes with you know taking care of everything i always made sure that suppertime was supper time and everybody sit down and eat i think it's very important i know i see a lot of families nowadays that um they want to go in there and and cook a little bit and fix their kids plate and even their own plates and then they want to go in there and sit in front of the tv or they want to see it and be on their phone and eat supper and nobody's really talking i even see that in restaurants and i think how sad is this nobody's even looking at each other and talking to each other and we wonder why the world is in the state that it's in but we had to remember this poe ever since the beginning of a time there has been trials and tribulations there has been horrible horrible things that happen um and big empires that absolutely fell to their knees so it's just that i think the world has become a little spoiled um when i say that i don't mean to be hateful i consider myself a little spoiled on some things too sometimes i think i'm a little spoiled when it comes to let's say the heat i grew up without air conditioner my grandparents didn't have it we grew up an old farmhouse you know i've heard me say this before and grandma cooked on a wood cook stove sometimes even in the summertime i don't guess i ever thought i was going to burn up but this is the deal as kids even you know whether it's summertime you know during school you was always in school summertime you was not in the house you was always out doing something doing your chores or you was helping um in the hay you know take like i said taking care of the chores on the farm now i can remember on saturday mornings me and grandma saturday mornings was house cleanup day and the house was never a mess but it was the day that we dusted and we vacuumed and mopped and then from that point i was out there i went outside and you know even i've been with danny since i was about 13 and a half going on 14. and uh he would work all summer so it wasn't like we were able to be together you know all day every day in the summer because he was cutting hay bale and hay i mean it was something all the time and sometimes he would even come get me kind of late because he you know he'd gotten in from work so like and there was sometimes he just didn't come at all and of course i understood that because i grew up on the farm too and there was times that he would come pick me up and i'd still be out there feeding cattle and he'd had to wait on me to come in war times have changed surely have i'm sitting out here behind the greenhouse and uh down here you're gonna see the poor pond it's dry right now i don't know if y'all see it or not because i don't know what you are looking at it's just a puddle down there and those that have been with me for a while know that that thing was full at one time it was running over the spillway it was beautiful it had so much water in it but this is you know this part of um the country where we live and we've built several ponds um you're not guaranteed that it's going to hold right off the bat so as time goes on it will hold we have put bent knight in it he has uh his brother gave him some sheetrock that you can throw and it kind of it'll supposed to sink to the bottom and help seal up the bottom but we don't worry about it because it'll seal itself it's just a natural thing it goes through and it will hold water so it's just you got to have patience you got to have patience for a lot of stuff but uh i love sitting out here this time of year you can just kind of see the woods out there the leaves on the ground there's no traffic you don't even hear traffic right now sometimes you'll hear the the train off well what it does is it comes through the hauler you can hear it there's our summer garden right there and you can see it's done in fact we took some of the fencing down and the deer have been going in there and kindly they've donated all the bean leaves off and everything and we're going to go in there sometime another get all that pulled up and get this fence down so we can go in there and and clean all that up and then we'll be amending all the soil and putting uh compost and stuff in there for the wintertime and they were stuff like that it's just so peaceful i wish i wish everybody could experience this i really do people are so stressed out they're stressed out now but people have been stressed out for years i know i see it i've seen it it may be a little bit you know worse right now but not the worst that i've seen but like i said i think we've become spoilt so when things really just i don't know when things just get beyond our [Music] um control what we believe in and i love my country so does mr brown and we pray for it every day just like we pray for our children and our family and the world over for those who are sick and fighting illnesses those who are you know just aren't as fortunate as a lot of people those struggling with so many different things in their life we pray for them we pay for people going through any kind of abuse neglect um the little children that are not being fed like they should be the elderly who are being mistreated we pray for them and that's that's what i stand on and that's what mr brown stands on is prayer and y'all know that we have always been i'm not a prepper i'm a homesteader in homesteading that's just uh part of what you do you keep your your pantry full you sustain yourself in any form or fashion what you need to do to sustain yourself for any anything anything that should happen you should be able to live and sustain yourself i could let what's going on in the world just really upset me and take over my life in my mind and i refuse to do it i'm not gonna do it do i like it you know no there's a lot of things i don't like but i just i refuse um the good lord is going to see fit for what he thinks should happen how it happens and when it happens and we're not going to know but i trust in him whichever way it goes i trusted him i don't know if you can hear what somebody's calling cattle people live behind us are calling their cattle but anyways we just uh we just set up here or we don't sit up here we go to work every day and come home and there's probably no other place i'd rather be than right here on my homestead so once we get here we are just like there's no other place i'd rather be [Music] we're prepared we're always prepared but we don't worry and we don't get anxious about it our faith is too strong it's too strong he gives us the ability to do the things that we can do to uh sustain ourself to keep ourselves fed to take care of ourselves period two he gives us the ability to protect ourself to heal ourself it's just something you got to learn and something you've got to do um whether if it's 100 years ago a thousand years ago whether if it was 20 years ago because i can tell you when my kids were young and i was back on the farm i was doing everything that i'm doing now oh i've learned a few new things and i do i do practice it and i do use whatever new sustainable idea that i've learned or come up with but i'm not going to get on here i'm not going to scare anybody i feel like everybody has got the ability to do what they need to do maybe you just need the encouragement but what i want to tell you is not to be scared don't fall into the to the anxiousness of it all to being scared that a what what if and what what's going to happen um i think the only thing that probably i really worry about and here i am being a hypocrite saying don't worry but i do think about my grandkids um they're so young i just think about how's it going to be when they're in their 20s or 30s or 60s or you know i hope they have the the same um i hope they're able to be able to sustain their self and take care of themselves the way that we have for many many many years people have done this people just ain't this is not a new thing people have took care of their self and sustained their self and prepared for many and many many years we just got lazy and got spoilt and i'm talking about myself too going back to the heat i've gotten spult about the heat um i think the older i get i just can't handle it now where we live right here the humidity is so thick that sometimes you come out here and i'm not right now it's beautiful out here now but sometimes you come out here when you want to go out and just really work in the garden and uh the humidity is so thick you can't breathe and it uh it's just i can't handle it anymore so i just have to be careful and uh but we are blessed where we live because we can grow a lot of crops we're able to grow quite a bit take care of ourselves and we have a long growing season too probably not as long as a lot of people but longer than a lot of people that's for sure so i think i need to go in there and i think i'm going to warm up some leftovers from yesterday i made some chicken and rice um i think i'm going to warm it up for supper and i think i'm gonna get on my email maybe answer some emails i also want to talk about my cookbook um of course y'all heard that i'm out of cookbooks right now i'm selling out just soon as the printer sends them to me and uh they're just they just keep reproducing them but they can only do it so fast and they can only ship them so fast so they're doing a great job and uh i think around the ninth and then again on around the 20th i'll have some books coming in so and some people have asked me if i've got two different books now i've got one book one cookbook still oh i can't wait to maybe start another one and i'm hoping maybe as the winner goes on i don't know uh maybe we'll get a bunch of snow when i just sit around and i can write my second cookbook and i have learned a lot from doing my first cookbook what i would do and what i wouldn't do so i've learned a lot just like anybody else does but i want my cookbook to be personal i don't want to go through a middleman or nothing else so that's the reason i do the what i do i'm old-fashioned i don't do much on credit cards at all sometimes i have to order some things online i don't do debit cards at all um i don't do paypal or nothing like that my daughter she does paypal but anyways i'm just that kind of person and i'm not going to change that's just who i am
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 106,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YQlX0iHyYkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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