Where have we been!!Cookbook finally ready!!

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[Music] by telling y'all i've been kind of out of whack here the last couple days i tell y'all um saturday morning when i got up every time i stepped outside my eyes would just run like a faucet and ever since then i mean it's just been like a i know it's not a head code but it is beyond allergies that i've ever encountered because i've never been one to have allergies but i think the older i get i'm gonna start getting them now mr brown suffers from pretty bad but i am not kidding and by sunday morning from all that drainage which i know y'all don't want to hear my throat got so sore but i went on the church sunday morning by that afternoon i was in bed i had a headache and i just i coughed with every breath and no it's not covered it's allergies so we'll just set that straight but i'm going on several days of it well i've been getting outside because this time of year you're not going to find me sitting in the house i'm going to be outside i don't care and every time i step out there even with glasses on my eyes just automatically just start running and i can't hardly see what i'm doing it's not funny but it is because i had to come in the house and i had to shut everything up i just had to settle down a little bit now the bradford pears in our area and different other trees are just blooming so beautiful and i've never had this trouble before but i'm afraid it's fixing to kick in like i said i'm getting older and my body's falling apart so but anyways you can tell by the way i sound now i'm still just my head stopped up and uh i i haven't been wanting to do any cooking videos or anything with you know with all this going on so but we've been doing a lot of stuff and i just went video and off and on just little things so i wanted to come back and uh because i'm we miss y'all and just talk about a few things well probably some of you already know because my daughter let the cat out of the bag but uh i come home one day and on my porch and when i sing them boxes i know exactly what it was was my cookbooks my little homestead cookbooks that took me a while to get done um but the books finally come in and they're so cute i just love the cover and even the back and it's not a very big cookbook because this is why there's just a little over i think 120 recipes in there and not just uh recipes there's dry mixes and stuff like that now what i want to do is do some different series of books and it just seems like to me if i've got a cookbook or any kind of book that's just too big i get overwhelmed with it and i hardly make very many recipes out of it but you give me a smaller book and i tend to go through it more and make more recipes out of it because i'm not overwhelmed with so many so what i've done is some of the recipes in this book is from some of the recipes i've done videos on now not all of them are in here because there's some newer ones too but like i said i want to do some series of different smaller books as i go on i would like to do a canon one and for especially for beginners i would love to do a bread cookbook and um i have so many dry mixes um that i use here on the homestead instead of buying and i i grow most of my own herbs and i tell people so often to if you never grow anything else because you don't think you have the room go out there and plant you herbs they're going to grow they're going to do so good and you can do so many things with them and they're good for you you can grow municipal herbs or herbs that you cook with and even the ones that you cook with are very beneficial so i just want to do different versions of cookbooks so like i said this is just a small homestead cookbook got several recipes in it there's also a couple recipes in here from one of them is from miss vicki from becky's country home and i wanted to put one of her heritage recipes in here and one of them is a biscotti recipe her husband is italian and that's the recipe she wanted to share in here so that's when i'm in here and i haven't made that yet but believe me i'm going to and also my friend michelle um her family heritage fruit cake now don't shrug your nose at it because i'm not a fruitcake eater but i'm going to tell you something this lady besides giving me the recipe and it is in here because i told her i was going to put it in here she not only made the fruitcake that the two different versions but she sent it to me to those in the mail and we thought it was never gonna get here she was constantly messaging me like oh my gosh you know it's still stuck here and it's over there and it's in timbuktu and i told her one day i said somebody's probably enjoying that fruitcake but anyways it finally got to me she had wrapped it in a cheesecloth if i'm thinking rice and uh and just wrapped it and wrapped it and it come and it was perfect i can't remember how many days it stayed in the mail but by the time it got to me and i unwrapped that and somebody was still in the freezer to eat later it was the best fruitcake anyways that recipe is in this book with so many others but i know a lot of y'all been waiting for my cookbook and uh i want to tell you how i'm going to do this cookbook um i am going to sign it i am going to write you a little note and sign it and send it to you but i also was trying to get my ducks in a row before i really announced that my cookbooks were here i've not had them that long but i wanted to get my packaging because i want them packaged very well and i did get the right envelope it's it's uh it's a good one it's got a bubble and you know to keep them good and safe so after i got all my melons to issues excuse me tucked away to see how much shipping would cost and everything and then i could put an amount on my cookbook and so what i'm going to ask for my cookbook and it's going to include shipping it's 15 now i'm going to do this a little bit different i'm cutting out the middleman on this so i'm going to be doing this all myself with probably the help of my daughters mainly uh they may have to help me uh go through my email and and get the orders and and get them in the envelopes and all that stuff and i know they will help me and of course mr brown's gonna help me but um so what i'm gonna do and it's going to make it easier on so many of y'all because a lot of my subscribers are like me they're from the old world they're they're from the old ways they don't use paypal some of them don't even use credit cards so what i'm going to do is y'all know that i leave my email address underneath the video of every video and what i want you to do is go to my email and message me of course i'll have your name tell me how many books you want and the address to send it to now the postage is going to be different if you order two or up to five so what i'll have to do is if you order more than one what i'll do is i'll email you and i'm going to tell you what the extra postage is going to cost and the way we're going to pay for these is either through check or money order and when you email me i'm gonna i'm gonna email you back and tell you um i got i've got your cookbook your name is on a cookbook and i'm gonna put your name on that cookbook and i'm gonna set it back and when i get your money order or check then i will package it up and i'll send it to you and we're gonna hope we're gonna hope it doesn't take forever because and i'm not putting anybody down because i'm telling you our postal workers our fedex our ups are working so hard and um it's just it's taken longer nowadays to get things done our mail goes from our little town to memphis and a lot of our stuff that even comes from other states will go to memphis and then to us but it's it'll sit there at memphis for a long time and you know when i was getting christmas gifts and christmas cards from people i was still getting them in february that's how long some of that stuff was taken so i'm hoping we don't have any melon issues in fact what i'm thinking about doing instead of going to invading and i talked to the postmaster there and she explained to me that i might be better milnem at hardy which is my next little town at the post office because the mail goes to little rock from there it doesn't go to memphis and it might be faster so i may try that so this is what we're going to do again i'm going to explain to you in fact tonight i'm going to go through my email and i'm fixing to wipe out everything on my email so that when y'all start ordering i can go down through there so go to my email and i'm going to leave my email here in just a minute for some of y'all that that seem to have trouble to go into the description box i know a lot of y'all have a lot of trouble with that but the description box is always under the videos it'll either say show more on my phone if you're looking at it on the phone it don't say show more it's just a little arrow and you click on it and then the description box will come down and it'll have all my information and recipes for that video is always there so go to my email say miss lori i want one cookbook this is my name and address and uh i'm going to come back to you and i'm going to tell you i've got your cookbook put back this is how much it is and as soon as i get your your money order or check it's going in the mail as soon as i can get it get it in the mail but i will always keep you updated if when it's been mailed and i will get the tracking number on it so you will get it so we're cutting out the middleman and i'm going to be doing all this myself and like i said the help with my daughters and stuff and we're going to see how this goes now i'm sure there's probably an easier way that i don't know of but for me and my anxiety and making sure that this is taken care of i'm doing it this way i'm the kind of person that i have to have control of the situation i have to know that every little thing is taken care of because i don't want anybody left out i don't want anything wrong and of course anything could go wrong so in this cookbook like i said it's called bless table with a little holler and it's just a simple little church granny cookbook homestead cookbook and it's just got your simple recipes in here like i said some of them are some that i've had in videos and some of them i haven't and i want to do more cookbooks so we're going to see how this goes and i want to thank y'all because so many of y'all have supported me through this and encouraged me because there's some nights i'd come in and i i'm thinking i have got to sit down and i've got to get some more recipes in this book so it is anybody that's wrote a cookbook a gardening book or anything it is a labor of love it is you gotta put your mind to it and uh you gotta think and if you plan on doing other cookbooks you really have to think okay i want this in this cookbook and the next volume we're going to go to this and then the next volume so i'm keeping this one simple and like i said it's just it's not a huge cookbook but it was made with love i guarantee you so anyways we're going to try it that way and i think it's going gonna work um i do work a full-time job still so if you email me and i don't get back to you that night believe me i'll get back to you the next day because i'll be writing people's names down addresses and everything so it'll get done one way or another and you'll get your cookbook so i'm excited and i hope you are still excited and give up on me but anyways so today's just going to be a little bit of this and a little bit of that the wind's really blowing and has been we've had rain off and on and [Music] i've still been working in the in the greenhouse i've got a lot of seedlings that i've had to go ahead and put out in the kitchen garden uh under the high tunnel because i had broccoli and cauliflower and kawarabi and different radishes and of course i've got lettuces and stuff out there and just all kinds of stuff and so i wanted to get them out because some of them were getting kind of leggy i've got sweet potato vines in my window going crazy and i'll show that to you in a minute but we don't plant sweet potatoes while the ground's cold here because they won't grow so i try to keep them as well as i can until i can get them in the ground i think what i'm fixing to have to do is i'm fixing trim some back and i'll stick the the ones i trim back in water and let them rote but they're leaking they're starting to need just a little bit of miracle grow or something because they they've been in there that long trying to grow and uh it's just not time yet i need to give it a couple more weeks i don't know if they're gonna make them a couple more weeks i want that ground to start getting warm just a little bit and we you know we could have snow who knows that's arkansas for you but i'm telling you what if you need a place to homestead and a beautiful place to live very easy to homestead here the costs are not expensive the people are wonderful and so many people here in arkansas grew up homesteading and they want to teach and and help others you know as neighbors we try to help each other as most as much as we can so if you're looking for a place to go to homestead the land is not bad and you can always hit water it depends on where you're at up here on this hill we went a little over 600 feet that's a big deep well well we lived before on the big farm our well was just a little over i think 200 feet and we had blue coats of water there too so you never know but i'm just saying arkansas is a good place so that being said um i'm going to show you some things we've been doing in a garden danny's uh had his little granddaughter here and uh her mom was busy so she was here for a little while we've had rain off and on so it means that you really getting out and doing anything with tractors when you just couldn't only do it but i want to tell you what he did y'all i'm going to show you all the pond again and it's lipping full and mr brown is so proud of it in fact he went fishing that didn't catch hardly anything except two little fish and he was so excited about it he come and put him in a pond so then little fish are swimming around in there somewhere you know because eventually he is going to stock the pond but we can't do it right now till we know for sure it's going to hold good but anyways we were out shopping the other day and um oh and he is fishing that right now that's why he's not here talking to you um they had some really nice willow trees at one of the farm stores and he had talked about wanting to plant a willow tree and maybe a couple other trees down by the pond and i told him i said this one is so healthy and so pretty i said let's not procrastinate let's just go ahead and get one and we don't have a video planting that tree and i'm going to tell you why it has rained off and on so much and we have been so busy even on spring break that mr brown was down there with his tractor and his backhoe attachment to his tractor digging a hole down their side of the pond and it was pretty much dark outside so i wasn't able to video that but he knew he had to get that tree because we then had it a couple days up here at the house so in the dark he was planting that willow tree and i'm fixing to show it to you but i want to tell y'all and uh my friend michelle she even mentioned it to me and it was just so funny because i told her you know we were thinking the same thing we wanted the pond is a new thing to us here on our new property and it means a lot to us it means a lot as much as beauty as it is mainly for sustainability because we needed the water and putting fish and raising fish in it and eating the fish is another way of being sustainable on your homestead so that being said we wanted to plant a willow tree in memory of some of our youtube family members that have left us my my sweet friend adele needy homesteader and the tragedy that she's went through phyllis stokes there's so many that um we've lost in our youtube family and that's one thing that we do know is how tight-knit so much of us many of us are and we help each other in any way we know how we may be thousands of miles apart but we always support and love each other so danny planted this tree and this tree is in memory for for all those lovely youtube people our friends our family that have left us so it's in memory of them it'll be some day a beautiful willow tree just kindly over the pond doing its beautiful thing that willows do and we can look at that and always think about our loved ones that that left us too soon so anyways i hope i hope that you're excited about the new cookbook and and just be patient with me to get it out to you and i'm excited about it but anyways we're going to go into the garden and just see a few things that's going on and y'all still tell i'm kind of stopped at so anyways i don't know what we'll be doing next but we'll be doing something y'all know i guarantee that every time so let's go on to the garden and a few other things and y'all have a blessed week and y'all just know that we love you all very much okay y'all can see how i've got started my sweet potato slips and i started one two three four five i started with six of my home grown my own sweet potatoes well i'm gonna take that back one two three three of them are mine and maybe four and then two of them are organic and come from the store um just regular sweet potato that you might store more or less is probably not going to give you any slips because they've been sprayed um but your organic wheel i've always had good luck but most time i use sweet potatoes that i've had left from the year before but anyways these are getting kind of out of hand they're getting long so i'm gonna have to come in and i'm gonna start uh nipping off the ends and you just take them off at a certain point and uh so what i'll do is i'll go above this leaf right here say for instance and uh i'll cut that at an angle and then i'll put this slip in another cup with water and i'll do that with all these and then i'll let them rote and i'm gonna have a bunch of slips now these have been growing for so long and um i feel like because it we just can't get them planted right now because the ground is too cold and your potato slips are just not going to do nothing they do not like cold soil so what we're going to do after i trimmed a bunch of these off and uh put them in some water and let them rotate just like some of these others have i'm gonna put me just a little bit of fertilizer to help them because they're needing a little bit of nutrition from the way they look so that's how we do our uh potato slips and i've got an older video showing y'all how i go about doing that but uh we take them like these right here and you'll just nip you'll just carefully take that one off of that sweet potato and slip it down in here or in another cup with water in it and let it rot now a lot of times like things down here they'll just start rotting by themselves so i've got a lot to do to get these ready but i still have plenty of time because i don't harvest our sweet potatoes till plum into fall so they've got a lot of time to grow so what's going on in the garden we got sugar peas i've still got cabbage and kawarabi if you ever i call robbie i haven't but here it is and i'm going to try it because people tell me it's really good [Music] i've got a ton of microgreens in the greenhouse and i just we just trim them and eat them with salads they're so good for you just mix them up with your salad in my salad i use all kinds of lettuces and parsley and dill and micro greens you can see the hostesses are starting to come up [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay i'm going to show y'all the tomatoes that we're going to plant this year there's so many different ones out there this is what we chose this year i'm going to do a dr witches yellow tomato i've got of course cherokee purple a sweet cherry beef steak rutgers and yellow pear okay guys we are all over the board here today but i wanted to share with y'all uh my azure standard haul my pickup today this first time i've ever done this i've been wanting to do it for a long time and i just haven't had the ability to do it i'd get on there and i'd put all this stuff in my cart and i think lori you're at work you're not gonna be able to pick this stuff up but i think i've worked that out but we were off this week for spring break and that's when the truck ruined so i was really happy about that so i got to go pick it up myself so in the future when i order something um i'll just have one of my kids or danny mike can run pick it up for us because it's just going to be once a month and there may be a month that we don't need anything so i'll skip a month and that's what's good about this just order it whenever you need it but this is stuff that i i just went through there's so many things that i want to try but i'd have had a heck of an order if i'd had done that so i picked and choose this time and i need to show you all this because i've got to get this stuff in the freezer and in the refrigerator so i'm just going to show you some of the stuff that i just wanted to try this month was not a month that i needed um any kind of wheat berries i didn't need any organic cornmeal just stuff like that for the pantry i didn't need this month i mean i have got buckets full stacked up everywhere so i'm good on that right now but as time goes on i'll have to start getting some more and you know refilling the buckets but this was kind of just like a fun haul so i could taste stuff see if i like it and i can tell you from the looks of it i think i'm going to like it so let's get started and see what miss larry got okay we're going to start down here on i got a big bag of it's uh 25 pounds of my organic cane sugar and i'm gonna try theirs a lot of times i just get mine at the mennonite store but a lot of times they're sold out because so many people buy from them so i wanted to try this and i'm sure it's going to be good and right here too i went ahead and purchased some different seeds now some of these i may not use even this spring so i'm going to put them back this is orange king calendula and some of this i may plant for this fall planting too this is a french breakfast radish winter time this is a american flag leek and like i said some of this is for fall crops this is red russian kale they have got all kinds of seeds and they were out of a few things but they'll be getting it back this is greek oregano genevieve's basil uh this is a belgium belgian farmers beefsteak tomato seeds i'll be saving these because i'm not going to need them this year this is a piece fine cherry tomato seeds i pretty much got my tomato seedlings coming up in the greenhouse so i'm not going to plant anymore this is a purple top white glove turnip and we absolutely love these white glove turnips they're so good especially roasted in place of potatoes you can't beat it this is from brim seed company non-gmo heirloom this is a table queen acorn squash cherokee purple this is mr brown's favorite favorite tomato so always make sure i have plenty of these seeds available and con i never can say this right into ancient nisha it's a herb anyways it's a it's an initial herb and i know i did not say that right and you're gonna y'all say it because i know y'all say it better than i can but i do know what it is i may not can pronounce it but i know what it is this is a melon it's an old israel melon that i wanted to try so these are just some of the seeds here is a australian butter squash there's no pitcher with it there was when i looked at it but there's not on the package there's one more sweet meat squash seed so those are some of them that i ordered to put with my my seed vault as i call it so let me move over here if i don't drop before i get you over there now i got some olive oil and i have been told this is really good olive oil now they had this with my cold stuff so it solidified but that's okay i'm just going to keep them put them in the pantry and they'll be okay but i got two of those it's extra virgin co-pressed organic olive oil over here let me move this out of the way see if y'all can see it i got non-gmo blackberries i got one box and i got a box of organic blueberries and i'm just going to separate all these for now and i'm going to put them in bags and put them in the freezer and i'll figure out what i want to do with them in different recipes i can make jam with it i can just do them in a dessert i can make smoothies with them just whatever so that's what i'm going to do with them right now i want to freeze them now i've been in need of some mixed vegetables because i use them a lot in different recipes and um they had these in bulk so i went ahead and got one box and i'm going to try them is corn peas carrots i'm going to put them separate them in different bags and because like i said i use a lot of them and these just looked really good now what i'm really excited about is my dairy products this is 40 whipping cream and i was told this is some really great stuff so the good thing about this toe is the way that they bottle this i'm going to have to come out just a little bit there we go the way that they bottle this they do it in a way that you can freeze there's a little indention here so i can get as many as i need and put them in the freezer i cook a lot with cream and mr brown uses it in his coffee he loves his coffee and you know what he could be doing a lot worse so if he wants cream in his coffee i say have it so i got six of those and like i said i'll kick one out and i'll put the rest in the freezer when he needs it now you can do milk this way too and i've been wanting to try their milk after miss vicki from vicky's country home started drinking it and she's not a milk drinker y'all but they converted her so i got me some milk that i will be able to freeze you see the indention in the bottom of this one me mr brown drank milk and we drink always usually whole milk this is from alexandria alexander family farm organic a2 a2 100 grass-fed milk with cream on top so you can imagine how excited usda organic seasonal full fat now this is exciting for me because mr brown loves loves fresh milk that we get from the mennonites but y'all know as well as we do that you can't always get it because you know they're they they have to wing their calf and then they had a breeding season and during that you don't get milk this is exciting too this is from the same farm organic a2a2 plain double cream top yogurt usda organic since per six percent milk fat and i'm hoping that this is some good stuff i just have a feeling it's going to be because i like to use it in a lot of my recipes but i can put me some honey in here a little bit of vanilla and some fruit and i can eat this for breakfast i want to try this because it's nancy's probiotic sour cream organic says it's naturally thick and creamy no gelatins pectins or thickeners now there is a lot of calories but you know you just have to do it moderation two tablespoons 30 grams is 70 calories so anyways i know this is going to be good can't wait to try it okay let's move on i got me some parmesan cheese this is non-gmo soft shredded let's see it's a pound yes it's a pound parmesan cheese and um i freeze a lot of parmesan cheese so what i'll do is i'll put this in smaller bags and keep one out from image to brown and when i need some i'll just take them out this will last me mr brown quite quite a bit unless i make you know a big dish of lasagna or some kind of italian dish that i use a lot of parmesan in like alfredo or something like that but i wanted to try it it looks really good i know it's going to be good i got two things of this mozzarella parched skin low moisture petaluma creamery i think it's from california so it's made local and i wanted to try it now i'll freeze one what i'll probably do yeah i'll just freeze them because i'm really not need for both of them right now anyways but when i need it i can take it out and shred it up so i got two of those now this is something i splurged on because i usually don't buy anything already shredded it's not that it's bad for you i just prefer to do it myself because it doesn't have either cornstarch or something on it and i wish i had my glasses with me so i could read this to you it says organic cultured pasteurized milk salt vegetarian enzyme so you cellulose i needed to prevent caking okay anyways i couldn't hardly read that without my glasses because from organic valley mild cheddar cheese thick cut off the block can you see how that's cut it's a thicker cut than just shredded and i ordered six of these so i'll be putting them in the freezer so i won't be needing cheese i've got so much cheese frozen so that's a good thing right there i bought a thing of candelini beans because i'm going to be doing some more canning and put beans on in the pantry i'm out of candy lady beans so i went ahead and ordered some i ordered some small red beans i'll be canning these and put them on the shelf i even ordered some green peas and i've got a bunch of green peas planted right now i love green peas and i'm going to can these and i may just leave some dry just like this too i probably will but i'm going to cancel them up to see how they do i absolutely love green peas there's a lot of people don't danny can live without them but i'm going to do both i'm going to can some and i'm just going to leave some dry [Applause] these beans i don't i've never ate them but some of y'all might can tell me this is heirloom good mother stallard beans non-gmo gluten free high protein vegan of course i'm going to cook some up but i'm also just going to keep some back for planting because they are heirloom um i don't think i'm going to can any of these i'm just going to keep them dry i do want to cook a little pot up to see how they taste but i wanted the beans to plant too so i'll be keeping those for planting purposes [Applause] we're getting to the end here i bought two things of a quick rolled oats organic i'll be putting in my containers now i bought a bag of bread flour i don't hardly ever buy bread flour even when i'm making bread and there are recipes that i find that calls for bread flour and usually what i do is i just use my all purpose and make my own bread flour and i need to do a video on that and i think i have one back some of my older videos i know i made self rising i'm pretty sure i made bread flour but anyways i'm going to put this in one of my buckets and i'm just going to keep it for when i decide uh this bread is really worth maybe using some really good bread flour so [Applause] right here is five pounds of buttermilk powder and i've got a really tight fit and container to put this in i usually buy some off amazon but if i really like this i'll start getting it from azure i was told it was really good stuff let's see of course i got me another thing just because i seen on there i thought i'm just going to go ahead and get me some more salt i got salt in containers everywhere and me and mr brown we're not cereal eaters by no means we love hot cereal and y'all have seen me make cereal out of my my grains but every once in a while we love just to boil cornflakes with bananas fruit a little bit of honey this is organic corn flakes and i know i've had people say there's no such thing as organic corn and i'm thinking well where does the organic cornmeal come from then anyway with that being said that is my my haul for this time and i was just really excited about it and there will be other halls too if there's anything you see here you're interested in just let me know i tell you maybe a little bit about it but what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave a link below i'm not affiliated with this company at all but uh i will be leaving a link now thank ms vicki from vicki's country home is an affiliate with azure standards so you might if you're wanting to order something you might go over and leave her use her link because uh it helps her out a little bit somebody does that so anyways i'm gonna get all this put up and uh we'll be off to something else it's either gonna be gardening or or just chit chatting who knows but anyways i'm gonna get all this in the freezer refrigerator and we'll go from there [Music] [Music] i want to come back on here guys because i want to tell you i'm gonna go i don't i decide i'm gonna go ahead and start dehydrating my mixed vegetables that i got from azure standard i wish i had a bigger dehydrator i've had this thing forever and i'm just one of those you know it's not broke don't fix it one of these years i'll have a big one but uh so i got uh maybe half of it in there and i'm gonna put the rest in here and put in the freezer and then i'll work on dehydrating this now i want to show you all something too if you and some of y'all probably seen these this this is a reusable storage bag that you can put in your refrigerator or your fraser i'm just putting the rest of my mixed vegetables in here until i can get to them i love these things they're bpa free my daughter-in-law got me started on this she bought me some for christmas and i love them you wash them drive you know just kind of hang them over something drive and use them again like i said they're bpa free i bought these i bought some more at walmart because i seen them they're by mainstay they had this size quart and maybe a size smaller but anyways so i got me some more because like i said they're reusable and eventually it will save you some money and cut back on so much garbage but i just want to come back and show you all that so i am dehydrating i'm gonna come back real quick to the means i showed you earlier for my pickup good mother style your beans and i told y'all i just i forgot the information on them but i went back and looked because i you know i knew there was something that caught my eye about them and i wanted to try but they are a deep burgundy color burgundy and white they date back to the 1930s and they say this bean is like a real meaty bean when cooked up and they say it makes the best veggie burgers so there you go i just want to give you a little bit of information on that
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 103,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GzNr2YH46Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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