Gone Fishin': Come and Dine

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for them in prayer this morning I'm going to preach a message called come and dine look at your neighbor's say come and dine mm-hmm I'm going to talk about the fish the fire and the forgiveness the fish the fryer and the forgiveness come and dine John chapter 21 oh that's a beautiful table that look like when we get through with it at Thanksgiving at our house but it's a beautiful table anyway amen John 21 look at verse number let's start with verse number 6 this is sort of ending I know I have told you 9 but let's get a little bit of context if we can John 21 verse 6 when you got its Amen and he said to them cast the net on the right side of the ship and you will find they cast there for and now there were they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes therefore that disciple who Jesus loves somebody say that's John said unto Peter it is the Lord now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he Girt his Fisher's coat unto him for he was naked and did cast himself into the sea and the other disciples came in a little ship for they were not far from land but as it were two hundred cubits dragging the net with fishes as soon as they were come to land they saw a fire of coals there and fish laid on the fire and bread jesus said unto them bring the fish which you have now called Simon Peter went up and drew the net to the land full of great fishes there were 153 and for all there were so many yet the net was not broken say the net was not broken jesus said unto them come and dine look at your neighbors say coming down come on look at him look you got to add it to say what's holding you back now listen that don't mean leave and go down to the chicken house right now okay you gonna do that in a minute he's not talking about that yet which I'm not spiritual thing is okay and none of the disciples asked him who are you knowing that it was the Lord Jesus then came and took bread and gave them and fish likewise this is now the third time that Jesus showed himself to his disciples after that he was risen from the dead so when they had died this is it jesus said unto Simon Peter Simon son of Jonas do you love me more than these say more than these he said unto him yay Lord you know that I love you he said unto Him feed my lambs he said unto Him a second time Simon son of Jonah do you love me he said hey Lord you know that I love you and he said unto Him feed my sheep he said unto Him the third time Simon son of Jonas till you love me Peter was grieved because he said this unto Him the third time lovest about me and he said unto Him Lord you know all things that and you know that I love you jesus said unto Him feed my sheep I want to talk today about I want to preach about coming down but I want to talk about the fish in the fire and forgiveness lord help me to wrap this up today this sermon on fishing I believe you've spoken to some labs and got some labs in order purpose has been restored to people and for those who are still in need of that today would you do that God and just surrender Lord these few moments we have together you said in your word that a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth I'm pretty that you help me to do that God to rightly divide the word of truth I pray the word that they would be like a sword that pierces into our soul with exact precision circumstances our hearts that the word circumcise our hearts I pray you'll cut back the flesh and let our spirit come alive in you we open our hearts now to you Holy Spirit to hear your voice and I pray for the next few moments you'll just help me to teach and preach so that our congregation our people our church family would be lifted into heavenly places and will be transformed and washed by the water of the word in the name of Jesus somebody say wash me Lord somebody said again say wash me Lord a man you may be seated I have so I've been in the boat in the water on the ocean for the last three weeks and today the the text starts in the ocean starts in the water but it ends on land because what we're going to see is that fish are in water and if you're going to catch fish you got to be in the water but if you're going to clean fish you got to get to land evangelism is an important thing you got to go fishing to catch the fish right but at some point you got to drag the fish back to the land and get them to Jesus Church has to be an evangelism organism it has to be a going church you know the Bible says go ye into all the world it doesn't say it says go you so we have to be a going church and a reaching church and a winning church we talked about winning people to the Lord but at some point the harvest has to come in and you have to take care of the fish that you've caught and the good there's several good pieces of good news in this text today the first thing and this may be a little more pastoral today but I really think our house needs to hear this the first thing I want you to see is that when they come in from the big harvest Jesus already has fish now we might be tempted to be impressed with all the fish that we have but please understand Jesus has his own fish he's not waiting on us to bring our kitchen and brag on how much we've caught right he's got his own fish and III think we need to be reminded and how many would agree with me God's been real good to us here at our church anybody other than me and Devon feel that way God's been real good so as he supplied all of our needs he's been very kind and very gracious and he's been better to us then we could ever deserve and we're grateful for all that he's blessed us with but I just want to remind you none of it impresses God God is not attracted here because we have cool lights and a nice LED screen and a fantastic sound system and God has attracted here for one thing hungry people come and they want more of him and so he just keeps showing up and the moment we think that it is our stuff and the accoutrements and all the bells and whistles that attract God we'll lose him God has his own fish jesus said to his disciples I have meat that you know not of so the first thing I want to remind you is no matter what you catch it doesn't impress God no matter the harvest it doesn't impress God God simply just wants watch this to be with you on this in this story that I read to you today this is so much like the story I talked to you last week in Luke chapter 5 where Jesus tells them launch out into the deep and they go out and that the word of the Lord they dropped down the net and they catch a great I'm a massive amount of fish so much so that the Bible says there begin to break it literally means their nets were breaking it doesn't just mean that they almost broke literally in the Greek thinking the nets were actually breaking which means somewhere between Luke 5 and John 21 they had to mend their nets now that's not something I'm implying or something but I'm suggesting it is something that the Bible reveals that when fishermen went they would soften times drag their net on the bottom it could hit a snag it could get locked up on a rock it could tear the net and fishermen have to pull the net in and go down to the shore and they would have to sew their nets up there's two times that word is used in the Bible and don't miss this it's very important when the Bible says they mended their nets in the book of Mark and then in Galatians chapter 6 verses 1 & 2 watch this don't miss this if you see a brother I'm in Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 if you see a brother or a sister either could be implied who has been overtaken in a fault or a sin you who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering yourselves lest you also be tempted watch this because there are going to be people in life who get caught on the bottom of life sometimes and the net of their life is going to get ripped by the rock of sin Paul says in the book of Galatians you who are spiritual restore everyone say restore the only other time that word used in the Greek is in the book of Mark where fishermen were on the shore mending their nets the word mending and the word restore are the same word and what Paul was saying is is when lives drag the bottom and get caught and holes get how many know a net with holes in it is useless so what you have to do in order to repair it you have to you have to resew and put back together what has been torn apart somewhere between Luke 5 and John 21 these fishermen who had experienced the tear in their net had to restore their net because they had a future and they had to prepare for the future despite their past despite the RIP in the net despite the fact that they had a hole in the net and it looked useless they had two men nets because fish were in their future no watch Paul says when a brother or sister gets torn and ripped apart you who are spiritual restore them mend them because although this season looks dark there is a future season coming where they are going to be useful in the kingdom of God again now I want to tell you right now if you're a Pharisee that seeks to finish Christians off after they fall there is very little space for you in the kingdom of God because God is looking for true spiritual people are not just those who talk in tongues and Huck and buck and condemn Christians when they fall true spiritual Christians are those who have the love of God on the inside the grace of God on their last day all you love the spirit within them that when someone makes a horrible mess out of life they don't throw them away they heal them and put them back together and they speak in to them and say God ain't through with you yet you might have just got out of prison but God ain't through with you yet you may have been incarcerated but God ain't through with you yet you may have been broke busted and disgusted but God ain't through with you yet how do I know God in through because we're here and we see them the witness of God in your life that God has something for you in your future it can put you back together and this whole thing with the fish that I see it would have been absolutely impossible to catch these fish in John 21 had someone not mended the net so they catch the fish they bring the fish back Jesus says now let me stop I'm not gonna if I get into this I'll just stay here and I don't want to stay here this is not the real assignment I think it's absolutely hysterical you have to see this in a a bit of a humorous way they're out fishing Jesus is probably 200 yards most people think 200 yards back on the shore he says hey what'd you catch they say nothing he says drop it on the other side at this point they don't know who's talking to them but I can hear the conversation in the boat does that Joker no come on y'all who does he think he is I've been fishing on this lake all my life he's hundreds of yards away and he's telling me just to drop it on the other side and they pull it up and they drop it on the other side and all of a sudden fish start swimming in the net and John looks up and says y'all that's the Lord I know who that is come on tell somebody that was the Lord come on is anybody ever experienced that kind of season in your life where you know that was the Lord I mean yeah it ain't that big of a deal I just pulled the net up from one side and put it on the other but when I did what he told me to do so word he spoke had power and was pregnant with potential and my obedience unlocked something that I wasn't even qualified enough to receive Who am I talking to Who am I talking to if wasn't a big adjustment it was just one act of obedience and when God did it there was no doubt who done it it was the Lord what my sugar daddy it wasn't a sugar mama it wasn't him or her or it or that it was the Lord and I am praying that God is getting ready to bless some of you in such an extravagant way that when it happens you won't be able to give anyone credit for it you will say like John it was the Lord how many will praise him when he does it how many will praise him when he doesn't how many will run the church and say it was the Lord that paid off the house it was the Lord to save my children it was the Lord that healed my marriage it was the Lord so they say it what he says it was the Lord Peter is in a bit of a situation here he don't have much clothes on and you have to understand why it wasn't you know I've heard all kind of stuff preach about this text let's just be real real just be real if I if I'm fishing if I'm fishing and I'm cutting up fish and I've got fish stuff everywhere I don't want my coach to get fish guts all over it so I'm gonna take my fishing coat off right just what I'm gonna do when Peter found out it was the Lord he picked his coat up and put it around him like this he wasn't going to wait on everyone else to get back he swam all the way back to shore now you know you love Jesus when you skip the boat ride and take a swim how hungry are you today would you skip the boat ride and take a swim to be in his presence have you ever met somebody all they needed was a a direction where he was and they just take off running for him that's the kind of attitude Peter has here he ties his garment around him he gets in the water and he swims back now watch this here's what I want you to see he gets back Jesus already got his fish he's not waiting on their fish he's already got his fish now watch this and he has them on the fire now there's two layers of understanding that we need to import in this text the first is a very a very practical one no one wants to eat raw fish out of the sea of galilee so you have to have a fire i want your first of all to picked up on the fact that jesus in his kindness is creating a table for them fresh off a season of failure he creates a table for them in fact let me help y'all understand some he built the fire in me a good guy people running around all the time I'm gonna start the fight you're not starting to fire we didn't start the fire come on ages people don't leave me hanging you net you never start the fire you tend the fire he starts the fire Leviticus chapter six he said the fire on the altar shall never go out but they didn't start the fire the fire came from heaven are you following me God always starts the fire and let me help you any fire that has its birth and beginning through the hands of man is called strange fire and there's some strange fire burning in certain places I don't know about you but I'm asking God to peel back heaven and send down holy fire and if he started to fire it's our job to tend the fire and here's what I want you to see the fire is the destination for the fish he laid the fish on the fire the very first layer I want you to see is the practical layer where Jesus spread a table for hungry fishermen who had called nothing but the spiritual layer that I want you to see is that Jesus I believe is trying to show us not only did he prepare a table for them but he was showing them that the destination of the fish was the holy fiery presence of God catch the fish but if you really want to find out how to how to maximize the fish put the fish in the fire I'm not gonna get no help right here because we don't talk about the fire of God in the church anymore we don't even talk about fire much in the church in in terms of hail I'm grateful today I'm not gonna burn forever in eternal hell I still believe in Hell by the way some of y'all I heard about hell but hell is a real place and hell is a real place where real fire is burning where the fire is not quenched the worm dieth not me we'll know their tongues for pain and in the hell darkness will creep into someone so so black it will make their eyes ate that's where I am glad I'm not going today and while I am faithful I'm not going to hell I'm grateful that while I'm on my way to heaven I can burn not with Hale but I can burn with the power and the fervent fire of the presence of a living Jesus he is not some chimney mantle God he is a living God and my soul is the candle of the Lord and because my spirit is the candle he likes my candle with his holy fire and your life and my life should be lived consumed by the all-consuming fire of the Holy Ghost say Amen somebody I wish somebody soul catch on fire I can tell when I say that I love this and you tell when I say that the people who've been in church all their life good luck Wow and the people who've been saved three months ago I'm telling you there's a place you can get to when your walk with God were you in your heart burned with holy fire nobody got to beg you to worship when you get there nobody got to beg you to praise the Lord when you get there nobody got to beg you to pray when you get there when you're so catches on fire you'll start your own Bible study when you're so catches on fire you'll have your own prayer closet when your soul catches on fire you'll lay hands on your own head catch yourself while you fall pass the offering plate and give an offering you will speak in tongues and give the interpretation win yourself catches on fire nobody gotta beg you to come back to church that's why we gotta go chase fish who we rescued we don't put them in the fire if you Oh God who am I talking to if you ever catch [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and I know summer kiss the oh I'm looking [Music] this-this-this if that's what your ways to let me just say you know the caution is well I tell you I'd rather have to calm people down you hear what I'm telling you I'd rather have to pull you aside in love and say maybe a little bit too excited can you just tone it down a little bit then to resurrect the valley of dry bones every Sunday I mean what I'm telling you right now I mean what I'm telling you right now baby I want to come in here on Sunday started red wine so you already started one and the power of Almighty God is pardon and your son you ought to come in so fiery you ought to come in so prayed up now this video when I was growing up and I introduced you to the Prophet leopard he would he'll tell you this when we were growing up 20 minutes before the church on Saturday night on Sunday night we have Sunday night church back in the day and we come in there and the women were on the left side in the church I'll never forget the night he was preaching his teeth telling the truth in the middle of he said [Music] [Music] just make it all the way you can tell them saints that are on fire you get them to pray you say pray for me it don't take him 40 minutes to get a prayer wheel turning they woke up in condo bow on that I'm a ha so cold and they went to bed Hyundai today local shot higher and when you intercept them between the chitlins and the Hogs all at the Food City they don't know somebody who has a need the destinations for fish cult is the fire of God now let me say some things right here before you judge me and write us off as crazy you come too late to tell me this ain't real como hole shake it in my hand saya you might have been able to talk me out of this four years ago but when God hit this house with a 90 day revival and I carried my for babies to my car I carried my four children Zion was just a little thing and Judah was just a little thing Isaiah and Jeremiah they weren't even teenagers here and I'll never forget the night we walked is 11:30 or 12:00 and not all these people say people don't stay for church no people who won't the fire will stay people who are trying to run their another fishbowl have to get out we love you but we gonna stay cause the fires burning 11:30 at night I'm walking down this hallway with my four kids in my life and the Holy Ghost who came on us in the hallway my whole family got slain in the power of God nobody laid their hand notice I'm dumb I got whole family got slain I had to pick my babies up speaking in tongues I put them in the car speaking in tongues I've carried him up the steps speaking in tongues I woke him up the next morning for school and they were late and I didn't care they were speaking in tongues [Music] well what about their grades they made A's and B's and get out right because we're you get in the fire God will take [Music] [Applause] [Music] you might have talked me out of this thing four years ago you might could have talked me out of this but when I saw a blind man standing right in there start jumping up and down saying I can see I think I'll take the fire when I was sitting I'm sorry when I was sitting the first week of the revival and I'm not just here to talk about an old flame cuz he's getting ready to do something fresh in every one of our lives but I remember leaving here midnight one night and Damon and jr. and Chris Brooks made up a member who I was with us we went to the what's the name of that restaurant City Cafe it's the only place open at midnight oh the Waffle House and I I don't have some more firehouse that we eat that one something else Amy don't get bitter with me she works at Waffle House everywhere we go in the city cafe it's one o'clock in the morning we're in city cafe and we can't even order food Damon's shaken I never seen the man shake like this he's shaking on the power God look these back there lift your hands they are yeah yeah yeah elder Finch was a Baptist who thought we was all crazy and we're sitting in city cafe at one o'clock in the morning and the power of God we just left revival service the power of God is always and there's only one other person in the whole restaurant and all we're doing is talking about can you believe God did that tonight did you see those young people yeah do y'all understand we baptized 1,100 people in 90 days well revival don't grow a church with a lion spirit we were running 200 people before a 90 day revival and the church exploded when revival hit revival don't kill the church religion kills a church and most the time when revival is trying to break out religious demons start rising up and we're confused about what's killing the church revival never killed the church reg until the church got saved and the drug addicts who got saved and while we're talking about revival us3 shaken under the power of God this woman's two or three tables down with a pulldown over ice date she's just weeping and we're friends and at that time I didn't know him very well I know him very well now and I saw look come on him that I have come to understand when he gets that look it's getting ready to be crazy we're sitting in City Cafe this woman is weeping and I look at them I look at the brothers I said go God is missing with that woman over there and Dan Davis starts shaking he says what's this we're sitting there all of a sudden a man comes in and sits down with her Noah and they're both weeping it's and all I know is I feel like I could slay a million demons and lay 1,000 people out in a prayer altar somewhere that's the kind of annoying thing I felt on me at that I felt like I could grab a demon with my right hand and a demon with my left hand and crack their heads together and pound the bones up on the side that's how I felt right there hallelujah I'm telling you I feel the authority of Jesus in this house after the power and the person of the Holy Ghost in this place this is not some little bitty God this is el-shaddai [Applause] we're sitting there shaking under the power of God and this man stands up and freaks me out he said posture this is the God appointment my wife and I came here tonight to finalize our divorce and to discuss separation agreements and visitation agreements for our children but we both feel like God is in this moment would you pray for us I don't know if Damon took his ring off I'll never forget this as long as I live he took his ring off and gave it to her and said you put it on his finger and we renewed their vows in City Cafe and to this day [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll take fire four years ago you you might could have talked me out of this fire thing boy just see where I thought I was going in this room I left the teaching a long time ago ah you could have talked me out of fire four years ago but when I had a a police officer in full uniform at 2:30 in the morning slain up under the table in the greenroom I'll never forget he might be in here right now he walked in with his John Hagee four blood moons book I said what is happening here that Maggie come into this revival and the God he said I don't know about is speaking in tongues I said don't worry about it this is just coming here get in the fire with us at 3 o'clock in the morning he's laying up under the table in there speaking in tongues snot flying everywhere gary cailin was walking around and saying put the wind in his sails one more time Lord but the wind in his sails one more time Lord my tongue is like the pen of a ready writer but he was quoting all these crazy scriptures and the man sitting again baptized in the Holy Ghost he got up from out from under the table ran out in the middle of Bailey Avenue like like the man on It's a Wonderful Life was jumping and telling Chattanooga it's real it's I just prefer that little quieter movement it's bad you can prefer what you want to but when the when your finger goes into a socket and touches 120 volts of power you don't get to determine how you manifest I want you to sit there as long as you can I want you to behave as long as you can I want you to be quiet as long as you can but there will come a point when the fire will reach such a degree in you [Music] look at your neighbor elbow Crotty chop and holler at him do something say put the fish in the fire Commission the fire is a garden you know that my Bible said your God is a consuming fire John Wesley's method of evangelism was very simple catch on fire and men and women will come from all over to watch you burn but that little religious thing starts looking for a little pocket fire don't get too excited it's called the premise police it's the wbi the worship Bureau of Investigation they came to find a man who was on fire one day it's over there in John chapter 9 he was so excited because the man had been born blind and he had come into contact with Jesus and Jesus told him go your way your scent and when he came back the Bible said he washed his eyes and he came that scene and the man got really happy because most people who get touched by the fire of God they get the joy of the Lord but because we think you might be in the flesh we came to investigate you tell us was this man a sinner tell us by what means were you healed have you ever met a group of people who just wanted to put water on your fire you shout and they look at you funny I'm gonna tell you how to handle the wbr I'm gonna tell you how to handle the praise pull these when they come to check you out learn how to stop arguing with them and when I ask you a question what kind of man was this was he a sinner what kind of church was this you would be amazed at how many people in the middle that 90 day revival how many pastors in this city got up and filleted us there was one night we had I'm not exaggerating we had 400 young ladies and young men dancing on a stage and the next Sunday somebody brought me the sermon the man preached we said how that craziness going on down there hard him young people hopping around and acting crazy and look like a bar y'all holier than me I know y'all more sanctified than I am cuz I think we go down and talk to him cuz my thought on it was no they're not in a bar and that's why we're hopping we're not hopping because we want to be in a pod we're hopping because we used to be in a bar they said they said or not he said well you know whether he's a sinner or not that I don't know one thing I know I was blind I was a prostitute I was a life leader I was an alcoholic that's it he touched your life you are not put the fish on the fire it's vain to catch nish and not put them on the fire I'm trying not to but it feels good he put the fish on the fire and what I want you to see is not only was the fire burning but the bread was there hit me good to us see this is a real move of God right here this little table he made this a real move of God he had the fish he had the fire and he had the bread you need fish everyone say I am a fish and fish need to be in the fire say thank God for fire but if you don't have no bread I'm not gonna get no help right here but you can never be more spiritual than you are scriptural I'm not only wanna have fire I want to know the words you know there's these people they only get spiritual between 10:30 and 12:30 on Sunday and I can smell your facade a mile away okay let me back up most most new Christians can smell the fakeness of somebody who hadn't had a word life all week long and then come over here and oh sure my mama and follow them quaking and shaking and going crazy and get up and live like the devil bread man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God the bread represents the word listen to me family we don't have to be people of the word if we're gonna be people of fire but I want you to understand something the deeper you go into the word the stronger the fire burns people often act like what you find out and what you know and the knowledge you gain from being a person of the word makes you some you know chilled out version of who you're supposed to be listen what I found out didn't calm me down it turned me on the mark the people are getting this word the hotter the fire burns in my heart didn't that what the two disciples on the way to Emmaus said they started talking with him about the Holy Scriptures on the way to Emmaus and they said did not our hearts burn within us the word doesn't put the fire out the word becomes fuel for fire you can have fish and fire but if you don't have the bread you're not gonna last I want the word now listen I said there's a number of times and I'm trying to be mean when I say it I know I go we go along sometime sometime we get into where right now we are in a two hour and 30 minute worship service turn 15 minutes no Lord we almost three hours in yo I'm not looking at that right 245 now I will say this I didn't even know I don't even really even care but listen listen when the word being preached and we can really give an altar call where are you going now if you got to go to work and got an appointment got a got a date I get it I want you to go have fun but if you're just trying to hurry and beat the crowd I'm gonna preach right here that's not a good reason to leave how are you gonna sit down and eat the whole meal and not get the dessert do you know at the end of every service I've been addicted to service do you know what that benediction is that last prayer I pray that is like this how many ever had leftovers when you got through eating and you put it in one those plastic satin plastic bags and you got that zipper tied thing that goes across top to seal it the benediction is the seal on all that's happened here today how you gonna leave before I seal it I love you don't get mad with me fish fire and bread now watch this I'm done he puts the fish on the fire he feeds them bread when the breakfast was over your Bible says and this is gonna take just a minute when when the breakfast was over Peter is sitting by that fire now this is where it gets real crazy that fire everyone see the word fire on charcoal or fire on coals whatever your version about everybody see that okay if you don't see that look got it real quick I want you to see it cuz this is important John 21 verse 9 he said they saw a fire on coals safe our own clothes there's only one time other time and I know I talk to you a lot about the Greek but I love these little truths in the word there's only one other time in the entire Bible where that phrase is used fire own coals it is the Greek word and throw kiya it is found one other time in the entire Bible and it's in John 18 verse 18 and here's what happened Peter went up to a fire and a little woman looked at him and said don't you know Jesus and Jesus is hanging on a cross and they're beating him at this time and she looks at Peter and says you know him he you're one of his disciples and he's warming his hands on the coal of fire that same word don't miss this he blew it that night he did not Jesus that night warming his hands by coals of fire jesus replays the entire scenario and brings him back to some coals on fire Peter a few nights ago you were in this same situation and you denied me but I built a new fire for you Peter somebody often asked me what's the difference between Judas and Peter nothing except Judas killed himself before Jesus could get to it have you ever thought why did Jesus pick Judas why did Judas he knew he was gonna betray him why would Jesus pick Judas you know why Jesus pick Judaism because he knew as long as I keep Judas near me Judas has a hope how do I know that's the truth because whenever Jesus was crucified and Judas got separated from Jesus Judas killed himself there's a reason why Jesus often invites the Judas is in clothes because he knows as long as it keeps them close to him he's got a hope and whenever you separate Judas for Jesus there's no hope for draw me nearer nearer blessed Lord to the cross where thou hast drawn me me never blessed two precious bleeding [Music] he's recreated the moment in which Peter failed Peter warm his hands by a fire and denied Jesus three times jesus said Peter let me build a new fire he's just getting warm on this farm he's thinking about the failure he had engaged in several nights ago Jesus looks at him this this Jesus looks at Peter and says do you love me more than these my whole life I have been taught when he said do you love me more than these he was talking about the rest of the disciples do you love me more than John and Matthew and Thomas and effect do you love me more than these but I caught something this week that I want you to consider peterhead decided after Jesus was crucified and he had failed the Lord he decided I won't go fish it's really who I am I'm a I'm a fisherman I'm a failure I think I walked with him for three and a half years and I'm no more spiritual than this I'm done but then I'm gonna go back fishing so he goes back fishing and he drags in a hundred and fifty-three fish and he's standing there with Jesus warming his hands by the fire that the Lord had made and Jesus says do you love me more do you love me more than these 153 fish I don't think he was trying to compare his love to all the rest of the disciples I think he was talking to a fisherman who loved fishing and love catching fish I think he was saying this Saint who I called you to be I didn't tell you you were gonna catch 153 fish I told you you were gonna catch men and I know you're in love with this harvest but do you love me more than these that's what I want to ask you before we go home today do you love Jesus more than the job do you love Jesus more than the pursuit of happiness and pleasure do you love him more than the chase of your husband or wife do you love him more than that new car do you 11 more than you love Facebook and sports do you love him more than these things he says Lord you know now this is I don't to go too deep again with me Jesus says to you agape me Peter says I phileo you two different words for love there the word love and the English is the same but in the Greek it's two completely different things Jesus says do you love me sacrificially more than you love anything else Peter does not say yes I love you sacrificially more than I love everything else Peter says I love you like a brother and he asked him that three times and I want you to know this in this text Peter never says I adopt you but he does in the Epistle of 2nd Peter which tells me this the Lord Jesus was patient with Peter as he sanctified his heart and Peter became more and more like Christ on the inside here's what I want to tell you you may not have all your ducks in a row today but he's asking you a question he just wants to know one thing do you love him more than this what is your this maybe it's not fish but what is your this what is it that your today let's to come closer to the Lord I'm opening the alter heads bowed eyes closed I'm opening the altar today for those who want to come to the table of the Lord and draw closer to him there's some things you need to get in right priority it doesn't mean you're not saved and you don't love Jesus it just simply means today he's asking you and I around the table the table that he prepared he's saying and at the end of the thing you're going to find something out it's not about how much Peter loves Jesus it really is about how much Jesus loves Peter in fact the day I don't feel very spiritual so I got to tell you sometimes I don't feel like I love him enough which is why I stopped having confidence in my confession of my love for him but I'll always stand on my confession and how much he loves me you say pastor how much does Jesus love me if you want to know how much he loves you you have to look at Calvary you have to look at the old rugged cross I'm I'm just thinking right now God is working on someone's heart someone who wants to just kneel before the Lord and stand before the Lord and say you know I don't know if I love him enough but today I do want to stand in his love for me someone needs to bounce back from a failure today you need to bounce back from a failure Jesus is giving you that opportunity now heads are bowed eyes are closed if you say pastor I want to be forgiven and freshly restored I know this isn't for everybody but there's someone in this house today you've been through a season recently and there are voices that are telling you just to go back go back fish and go back to the old way of life and you almost thought you might but the day you see a tablespread the fires burning Fisher cooking the breads there and the Lord is inviting you to come and dine if I'm talking to you just lift your hand where you said right now yeah if your hand is up or it should be I don't want to embarrass anyone but one step it's all it's gonna take for the grace of God to come flowing like a Niagara River over your life you're gonna wash some things away and restore you right now if your hand is up or should be come join me I'm standing down here I'm waiting on you right now draw me me [Music] come on come on come on come on come on there's room for you honey there's room for you sir come on they're coming they're coming they're coming somebody's just brain so that it just breaks [Music] come on I'm waiting for we trades people are still coming and still wanting to come whatever chain has you bound I break it over your life now there is hope in God for you come on [Music] [Music] I do once pastors of pastors wives elders and doctors wives and those who are on our projectors come a player Japan gently on their shoulder the Lord is going to begin to restore it while you're in this altar pray I want you to stretch your hands come on stand with me family and if you have to go I know the hours late I love you will be your son Wednesday night 7:00 p.m. and I hope you'll come back although those of you who can stay would you stretch your hand toward this altar right now pray for like you wish somebody would [Music] [Music] [Music] lord I give you my [Music] for every breath dad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just asked the Lord why are so many people still here Lord he said to close they're waiting on fire I want everyone who stayed because you won't got to set a fire in your heart to lift your hands all over this house lift your hands if you stayed because you want the precious holy fire of Jesus presence to burn in your heart lift your hand just as you came I can't possibly get to all of you but I can pray for all of you and believe that right now a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit is getting ready to come across this congregation in the name father Oh [Music] [Music] stop there marker Oh No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't usually pull people up from a place of prayer I would never do this come here sweet lady I don't usually do this what did she come with come here you know her it's your mother-in-law then the Lord deliver you last week sweetie oh but is it your husband's right here but bring the whole family [Music] this is your moment if you love Jesus you know what's happened in the last week you keep praying in the Holy Ghost maybe you've been praying something you prayed for him this week didn't you you've been worried about it Mannion you don't have to worry about it because God's about to put you into fire sir listen just keep praying listen to me in the Old Testament has she ever done that before [Music] in the hotel cement they cut a rod off of a tree it was called Aaron's ridin and they put this stick in the presence of the Lord and overnight it budded and brought forth fruit supernaturally when you put dead things in the presence of a living God the Living God makes the dead things live what's your name pal Chris how long y'all been married 18 years how many kids you got since you were 16 you got one child the next 18 years of your marriage is gonna be very different than the previous 18 now it's gonna take some walked in my face it ain't gonna be everything's gonna be easy and roses but Jesus ain't gonna ever leave you okay and you've been worried about him this week I saw you in prayer I saw you praying you say God I want him to have what you're doing in me and he's gonna do it you're Chris right and you're Chris and Christie Chris Chuck now did you tell me you miscarried with one you had a miscarry and course Christian is he here how old is Christian nine years old and you love him don't you lord [Music] I placed them in your presence Lord God right now the dead things inside of them are coming back to life the pain is going to be healed in your heart sir the hopelessness is going to be run out Grace's coming Jesus loves you and he's coming to your house today and you say but I'm not worthy I'm so screwed up and he says he'll stop and I'm coming anyway and when he comes into the house I see him walking through the house the living room I see him walking through the bedroom in the kitchen and I see all this stuff out of place in your house I see things just laying on counters the beds not made I see all kind of stuff happening but you know what the Lord's doing he's making the bed he's cleaning up he's picking things up and putting him where they go oh I want intercessors to pray for him and her right now chains are being broken and generational strongholds she's okay she's okay don't worry but generally I want my coat back if she don't need it I get cold generation to sit right there baby sit right there just let him pray for you you got it but I want them to just seal it right now intercessors chains are being broken over both of their lives right now generational chains have just been broken and mama it got broken when you got filled with the Holy Ghost it got broken when you got served with the Holy Ghost mr. needs come right here and pray for the Holy Ghost is still filling this woman she's getting it right now Lindsay you stay here and pray God he's going to somebody else's house and putting things in order right now stuff that and I'm not just talking about a messy physical house on some that things were out of order of spiritually but he's walking through the bedroom the kitchen the living room casting out darkness and bringing the joy that is your strength right now if you receive that in your house lift your hands and begin to praise him as he feels every house with joy fill live all the time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by my so local resident about can you just if I know can you just let your hands and pray in the spirit with me for a moment God is just sealing something and real about so-called glorious you gotta sick up about seven today never Bible Roku come on there's a fervent prayers coming over you right now we have some on our on eboshit a a fiery fervent prayer of a righteous man a woman that is going to avail but so peace a la rocha kobata sweet AC da da ba ba ba prosciutto the Bible says pray in the spirit and with understanding that's why I'm asking you as you can and to pray in the spirit you can pray and understanding that means you pray in a language you understand but sometimes you pray in the spirit in a language you don't understand them I'm asking you to pray in the spirit now because when you don't know what to pray the spirit knows what the front will arrive haha I say building a bus [Music] suit our additional level but for another line [Music] holy spirit [Music] waymaker miracle worker promise keeper mine in the darkness [Music] you can change cheese it releases [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm leaving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh bah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe there is a word from the Lord I don't want to miss it thank you [Music] lift your voice and praise [Applause] you're pretty someone received that word from this house come on we take it in Lord great a day for coming greater days mobile camera greater day in the southern hallelujah come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe the Lord is helping me to see something and here's something by the spirit I want to release it before we go or whatever we're going to do when I was in an Orlando three or four weeks ago preaching for my friend William Lee down I stood there on the front row I had received a personal prophetic word from the Lord that was right on Devon received a word Jeremiah received a prophetic word that night I was standing on the front row and the Lord said I want to say one more thing to use on and I said Lord I want you to say it and I thought he would speak it to me but he said I want you to stand here until I send the person who's going to say it and several moments later Pastor John who flew down just to be with us for that night he came up to me and he said the Lord is saying watch this again now I need to explain that you would watch this the first time meant I was standing somewhere where Rick or Chris or sister Marie is somewhere in that area when I was preaching on a Sunday morning I have never heard the audible voice of God in my life that I know of I was standing somewhere around in here preaching a sermon and in my right ear and y'all could they come crazy if you want to I know what I heard I heard the Lord say to me watch this I stop preaching it shocked me it shipped me when I heard the voice of the Lord say that watch what I literally said watch what the next Sunday is when the 90 day revival started now I'm not trying we're not going to get into recreating moments because how many know sometimes people experienced a good thing and because they don't know how to go to a fresh thing they ride they try to recreate an old thing okay that's not what we're doing I don't even know but when he said that to me watched this again something rose from way way way deep in my spirit he came yeah just a surge of faith a surge of expectation the surge of joy I think that's one of the reasons why God called this year a year of s.a.w at the end of this year we're going to testify that we saw s.a.w saw s.a.w signs and wonders but I want to release a congregation today to get hungry for Awakening and revival again I don't know what it looks like but whatever it looks like and whatever it sounds Lord Jesus can we make that our prayer before we do anything else but they Lord whatever it looks like whatever it sounds like we will watch this again we're gonna see his glory I release you right now to get hungry for revival than you've ever been in your life and I'm not talking about a Sunday through Wednesday series of meetings I'm talking about a culture where we walk into this property whenever we decide to come and whatever God says come and we expect every time we walk through the door salvation deliverance miracles Jesus presents burning in hearts I released you right now to begin to expect and elevate your faith for it again if you felt like I don't know if we can never go back to that that lid of limitation is being ripped off in this moment and the Lord said release them to begin to pray and expect for an outpouring of my presence and the word the Lord we just received is that better days are ahead that lets me know as good as the past as being better days are ahead if you believe the best is yet to come I want you to lift your hands right now and seal this service of worship to the Lord and say Lord big let it begin in me come on let it begin in me god I don't want to begin in an altar I don't want at the beginning I wanted to begin into my heart Lord let riff-raff [Music] some of you who were here four years ago in that 90 day revival hit you're gonna see it again your families are gonna be overtaken by the power of God again whether Ledford just prayed with me a moment ago I said lay hands on me he said this year you're going to see more souls one that you've ever seen before saith the Lord I receive your word there was no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] starting the work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can we courageously ask God for his reign the Bible said asked for rain in the time of rain would you pray for revival [Music] taught me this is the word the Lord gave us there would be times of refreshing acts 3:21 times of refreshing can you ask God for times of refreshing right now all over this house open your mouth ask him for it [Music] you have taken the press [Music] your beard for Ashes love for hey you have chosen the weak things of the world to shame that which is strong and the foolish things to shame the wise you are help to the helpless straight to the stranger and a father to the child that's left alone you're inviting the hungry to come to the waters and those who have [Music] [Music] behold the days are coming for the Lord has promised when the plow man will all retain the rebirth and our hearts will be the threshing floor and the move of God the cried out for will come surely come and you will shave the heavens and feel this house with glory to the shame of the outcast into praise all creation groans and wings for the spirit and the bride to say the words that our heart have longed to hear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make it your prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heal this city [Music] I pray for our nation you said house divided will not stay here our nation [Music] I know this is crazy but I feel like we're supposed to pray for this government shutdown the end would you take your neighbor by the hand right now Lord we pray for Washington to our nation Jesus Heelys we're so divided but full of hate and malice racism and evil prejudice I'm asking you to eat of America kill our nation I pray those men and women would come together Lord immediately immediately shot a Holocaust so go bata soca I feel the Holy Ghost right now doing something sheer Abbas Atoka gravitas a metallic rap battle a brass a band the spirit of disunity and division Lord we cannot experience the blessing I hear the Holy Ghost we cannot experience the blessing the Lord intends to send this nation in this year while there is division so now God we pray you would heal the division in Earth in our nation's capital so that we can experience the blessing of unity promised in Psalm 133 I pray differences would be mended that bitterness would be covered that people would forgive I pray for a forgiveness revival to come to Washington in the name of the Lord let them just start forgiving one another in the name of Jesus let the love of the Lord Jesus Christ just begin to invade hearts there you said there is a river whose streams were up make glad the city of our God I pray the river of God get loose in Washington DC in the name of the Lord that people start getting a joy in the name of Jesus from the White House to Congress to Capitol Hill in the name of the Lord every leader of their father I prayed in the name of Jesus the spirit of the Living God would be breathed on them now they don't even know what the breath of God is but let them come up under the power of the breath of the almighty Lord you said your heart is in the heart of the king is in your hand I just pray for a great healing to come to this nation this year what good would prosperity do us if our hearts are sick and bankrupt so God healers heal our hearts prosperous as we experience your forgiveness I'm praying specifically now God in the name of your son Jesus that this government shut down but stop I pray you would let your will be done in this nation father I even pray for them in the deliberations of the daka Lord all of these precious innocent many of them innocent young ladies and gentlemen Lord God I pray for this nation that has been a loving nation for our strategy to come that will not only keep us safe in the future but will reveal the heart of a loving God Lord you establish this nation because you loved us and I'm asking you in the name of Jesus that our principles and decisions would be a result of remembering how good you've been to America I pray for a resolution Lord God Lord I'm asking you for a divine strategy to come from heaven and just breathe on Washington God heal it up fix it can you just share the love of the Lord with people near you right now I know it's so late but this is so wonderful we're not going to close anything we're just sure this love this presence of God don't forget be baptized next sunday make sure you sign up for that [Music] my god [Music] Waffle House of you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 2,050
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: redemption, nations, church, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, spirit, spirit-filled, pentecostal, kevin wallace, deven wallace, zion project, women of fire, ruach, ruach conference, highland park, love, rsm, redemption to the nations church, redemption to the nations, nation, school ministry, school of ministry, redemption school
Id: Z9M-KIvRMro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 32sec (7052 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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