Revival Night 2 | Guest Kevin Wallace

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[Music] give him a praise all over the building tonight come on and give god praise all over the building tonight if you know he's never lost a battle and believe he never will i don't care how you feel giving praise if you know he was victorious he is victorious he shall always be victorious he's not the he's not the kitty cat he's the lion of the tribe of judah and he's roaring in power tonight somebody give you god your best praise somebody [Music] some through the water some through the flood some through the fire but all through the blood [Applause] [Music] some through great sorrow but god gives a song in the night season and all the day long how many got a praise in your belly tonight [Music] i felt such breakthrough in here tonight i've made myself at home this night i feel like sometime tonight someone's going to jump up out of their seat and the religion is going to fall off of them and they're going to get quickened by the holy ghost i felt in prayer today like somebody you've never seen shout is gonna snap their neck and stomp their feet and clap their hands not because we're in some excited thing but because we're in a river that is full of life there is no death or darkness in the river of god there is no hopelessness or despair in the river of god and i want to know tonight who came to jump in to this river the river of the holy coast that is flowing men steaming with life anybody thirsty for it anybody hungry for it anybody tired of dead shrine of religion anybody believe that heaven can be had on earth on earth as it is in heaven this is our prayer tonight slap your neighbor and tell your neighbor say neighbor if you don't jump in i'm in such a mood tonight i will push you in come on if you don't jump in you sat by the wrong person i want to know where are the premeditated people at not the people who came to church and decided then when you got to feel it good that you were giving praise where are the premeditated praisers at the people that made up their mind before they pulled the car out of the driveway that when i get to calvary i'm coming with a hallelujah i'm coming with a blessed lord i'm coming with the thank you god it's not that everything has been what i wanted it to be but at the end of it all i'm beginning to agree with the apostle paul all things really do work together for the good [Music] oh i've got to slow down but i feel breakthrough in my soul tonight we're going to get we're going to get to a place in our walk with god we're looking back and chilling out and calming down are not an option [Music] at a moment when the world is screaming and darkness is screaming in a loud tone i'm trying to find out why we don't see the assignment of the enemy that the enemy is trying at this hour to silence the church while the world and darkness are screaming louder than they've ever screened before oh but tonight something is shifting the norman beach and it doesn't take a whole city it just takes a remnant the lord told me in prayer several weeks ago quit waiting on the majority to get with it and understand that when you have a remnant there is enough power in the remnant to shift the maturity god's not waiting on a whole city to get it god's waiting on you to get it and when you get it the city will fall you know feel the lord i feel the lord shifting and moving some things in this place tonight [Music] i want you to go with me to the book of ruth look at your neighbor while you're standing tell them there is revival in the book of ruth oh yes and i want you to put your finger on the book of beginnings you said that's not in my bible oh yes genesis is the book of beginnings the 38th chapter of the book of beginnings and the fourth chapter of ruth i want to say before i preach this last night of this revival how much i love you you are not another church or another appointment this is family and this is an assignment and i told your pastor a long time ago i will come and serve the vision of this house anytime the door is open if i have to cancel stuff if i have to delay my family whatever i got to do you call me and i'll be there it just so happens though that the family loves daytona beach so thank god for his arrangements hallelujah it's a special place and i don't want you to ever take this place for granted because there are places you go and you see the residue of religion and what it looks like when people have had it at one time but lost it but every time i come into this house i stand as a testimony that there is an ever flowing river in this place and i found out why that happens because you are hungry and your pastors even today in noon prayer was when i was here with them i saw the tears streaming down their cheeks [Music] oh family don't take it for granted this is the hour to pray and to press in like never before for god is doing something special and the best is yet to come for calvary if you believe that give god praise all over the building i want to go to genesis chapter 38 first and then i will attempt to draw a point of harmony between ruth chapter 4 and genesis 38. this is not a message i could just go preach anywhere i've only preached it at my church but i asked the lord today to lead me to my assignment for this house tonight and god very clearly i believe led me and directed me to this message and this text at the beginning of this year god told me to come in this place tonight and to declare over you that this and that your house would be a house a breakthrough [Music] a house of breakthroughs look at your neighbor and tell them neighbor you're going home tonight i need you to tell them like you love them and believe it tell them you're going home tonight to a house of breakthrough if i could find three or four people who believe what i'm getting ready to preach by the time you pull up in your driveway an atmospheric shift is coming on your property by the time you get back home some stuff you've been stressed about is getting ready to be handled tell your neighbor one more time you're going home to a house a breakthrough let's look at the text thank you holy ghost verse number 27 genesis 38 27 my subject subject tonight house of breakthrough now it came to pass at the time for giving birth that behold twins were born in tamar's womb and so it was when she was giving birth that one put out his hand and the midwife took a scarlet thread and bound it on his hand saying this one look at someone next to you and say this one this one come out first but it happened as he drew back his hand that his brother came out unexpectedly and she said how did you break through oh i'm going to have myself an eternal glorious fit in this church tonight look at your neighbor and say how did you break through oh my lord this breach be upon you therefore his name shall be called perez and afterward his brother came out who had the scarlet thread on his hand and his name was called zarah flip on over here with me to the book of ruth the fourth chapter and the 11th verse say it again house of breakthroughs and all the people who were gathered at the gate and the elders said watch this we are witnesses the lord make this woman who is coming to your house like rachel and leah the two who built the house of israel and may you prosper in ephrathah and be famous in bethlehem watch this here family may your house somebody say made my house come on say it like you'll want it say maim my house may your house be like the house of may your house be like the house of perez who tame our board to judah because of the offspring which the lord will give you from this young woman so boaz took ruth and she became his wife and when he went into her the lord gave her conception and she bore a son and the women said to naomi bless the lord be who has not left you this day without a close relative and may his name be famous in israel and may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age for your daughter-in-law who loves you who is better to you than seven sons has borne him then naomi took the child and laid him on a bosom and became a nurse to him and also the neighbor women gave him a name saying there is a son who's been born to naomi and they called his name obed everyone say obed obed was the father of jesse jesse was the father of david now usually when we get to our bible reading plan and we come to the place we call the begats we skip that because we don't find a whole lot of significance in the genealogies but the holy ghost moves in the genealogies can somebody say amen now this is the genealogy of perez perez begot hezron hezrun begot rama rama begot aminadab aminadab begot neshon and nashan begot salman and salman begot boaz and boaz begot obed and obed begot jesse and jesse begot david and i felt like god told me in prayer this afternoon before you leave ormond beach i want you to preach and declare the blessing of the house of perez over these people and let them know at the beginning of this year that their house kevin if you'll just declare it they'll receive it if you'll say it kevin i'll be i'll let them know and declare to them tonight that their house [Music] will be a house of breakthrough i wish somebody would say man father help me tonight you know i need you open up my mind open up my spirit pour it in and let me pour it out and let the god of israel receive the glory for what happens in this room tonight in jesus name and everyone said amen you can be seated in this house of breakthrough ruth such a rich book of the bible full of so many preaching texts it's one of my favorite books to preach from and the book of ruth begins with a precious faithful famous family who is living in a city called bethlehem bethlehem the house of bread the place where bread is prepared the place that is notorious for bread and for things that feed people and yet we have a serious issue in the first chapter of ruth because in this city called bethlehem which means the place of bread they have come into a famine and there is no bread in bethlehem and what we find from the story of this precious woman and her husband named naomi and elimelech is that famine will cause you to do drastic things when you go through a famine and most of us have never understood the power of a famine or the seriousness of a famine but a famine in that day was all but a death sentence if you stayed in the city in which a famine had begun then you most likely would have experienced death not immediately but slowly through this process we call starvation in fact if you look throughout the word of god there are places where famines occurred and in each of those places where famines occurred people did drastic things and women began to boil their children and people were eating dove dung and the sca and just go out of the school of a donkey it's crazy stuff and you say how could that ever happen but you you've never understood the pressure or the stress or or the desire to to fight for life in the middle of a famine and when you go through a famine you begin to do drastic things and and naomi and elimelech who are famous citizens of bethlehem are in such dire straits in the middle of this famine that they decide that the best thing for their family is to pack up and leave the place of god leave the place of bethlehem and run to a city that is foreign to them and surround himself by a foreign way of living and submit themselves to foreign gods all in the name of survival so they pack up the family and they run to moab everyone say moab moab represents the world you and i must understand that anytime we sense a little bit of a famine uh in in in the things of god anytime we go through a dry season has anybody ever been through a dry season before have you ever come through a you felt like you were hungry spiritually you could get a prayer through i'm not getting no help in here tonight you couldn't get a prayer through you didn't feel like your praise was breaking you through you you felt like there was something a little bit off uh-huh there are some people who incorrectly deduce from a season that is temporary that the best thing you can do is leave the place you're in and run to a place of survival and god forbid that people who live in bethlehem run to the world to survive this is exactly what elimelech and naomi did the bible said they packed up themselves and their two sons namely chileon and malon and they moved to moab and while they are in moab your bible says that that their two sons they acquired two moabites uh wives for themselves yes they they they had they had girlfriends that became wives and the bible said that they married these two young ladies namely oprah and ruth we call them the moabitesses now they were not bethlehemites they weren't israeli people they were not from the tribe of israel they were moabitesses they were from the land of moab but but because these young men did not think they had a future in bethlehem the bible said that they married moabitess women i don't have time to unpack all of this make sure you don't make long-term decisions based on temporary circumstances some people ruin their life if you're not careful you can ruin your life trying to make long-term decisions based on temporary circumstances and this is what her two sons essentially did they took these wives from moab because they thought their future was in moab they thought that tomorrow was in moab but what you've got to understand is that if you ever left bethlehem at some point or the other god is going to order your steps back to where you left because he who has begun a good work in you is faithful to finish what he started look at somebody tell them we got to get back to bethlehem and they go back to bed and the bible said that before they go back to bethlehem something drastic happens i'm just painting the picture and giving you a bit of of of of information regarding the text before naomi goes back to bethlehem something tragic and horrible happens the bible says she loses her husband and she loses her two sons because you cannot control your losses when you walk out of the will of god i am terribly convinced that we in our attempt to reveal the goodness of the grace of god have preached a god that removes the consequences for our poor decisions when in reality god is gracious and forgiving and will forgive you every time you ask but if you sow bad seed every now and then you're gonna have to deal with the harvest and if you run to moab trying to get away from the famine in bethlehem i want you to understand that moab is not a place that you can control the outcome my old saints i was raised with the old saints i was raised with used to say sin will take you farther than you ever wanted to go keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay and make you pay more than you ever wanted to pay there is nothing in moab that you and i should be attracted to be careful about trying to manage moab her husband dies her two sons die and naomi is now faced with the reality of living the rest of her life without her sources of income and protection and yet the bible says in the midst of all that she lost she heard that the famine had ended in bethlehem aren't you glad that the famine doesn't last forever in bethlehem i need to tell somebody who hasn't been in this thing long enough to know that there are going to be some seasons when it looks like bethlehem is running low on bread and it when it might feel a little bit tight in the house of god it might get a little it might get a little crazy in your walk with god and the devil might sit on your shoulder and tell you you need to run from bethlehem and run to moab and make all kind of drastic decisions baby what you've got to know is that weeping only indoors for a night joy really does come in the morning famine does have an expiration date and if you've been going through a famine i feel like god wants me to tell somebody that this famine you've been walking through this dry season you have been walking through is about to come to an end i want to announce no more dry seasons no more famine the god we serve is not a god that will barely help you get by he is a god of more than enough and i feel like god is about to bring somebody who's been walking through a season of lack into a season of abundance slap somebody and tell them the famine is over the famine is over the fam put a smile on your face the famine is over put on a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness the famine is over god is getting ready to shake some of you out of oppression in the victory i dare you to praise him if you believe famines are coming to an end i'm going back home the famine is over and she does something rather gracious and most honorable she comes to her two moabites daughter-in-laws and she says to her daughters-in-law i'm going back home and we see orpah who in my opinion represents religion at its finest she kisses naomi on the cheek but she walks away and this is what we have in today's church people who blow him kisses on sunday but they don't walk with him where he walks and they don't know him in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering some people like oprah are simply looking for an exit they're looking for an out they're waiting for an opportunity to be released and that's why they're not oh i'm about to get in trouble right here a lot of people are not returning to the house of god not because of coronavirus they're simply looking for an excuse not to come back in the first place but there are a remnant of people i belong to that crazy bunch of people who said god i'm sorry if it looks crazy i know they're gonna talk about me on social media but i'm going to church on tuesday night because my family is coming to an end and the holy ghost is getting ready to give my house a breakthrough i will not miss an appointment i will not miss this moment god is up to something in my life oprah kissed naomi and stayed in moab but ruth when given the invitation to leave naomi she recites these words that we repeat in marriage vows whenever we conduct these wedding ceremonies she looks at naomi and says to naomi where you go i will go your people will be my people and your god will be my god when you start making those kind of declarations you begin to change your future i want you to understand tonight that there are some people in this room that are blessed and if you look at their life long enough you may come to an incorrect conclusion that they are blessed and have what they have because of where they came from or who they know but they are not blessed tonight at the level of their blessing because they earned it they are blessed tonight because somewhere along the line before you knew them and all that they had that you despise that they have they made up a mind their mind and they made a decision and they declared with their mouth i cannot go back to moab i cannot go back to moab i am going wherever you go i'm going to be the people of your people and the god you serve will be my god and when you make that declaration every curse over your life gets broken the blood breaks the curse and god turns your life am i talking to in this church tonight can anybody be real and testify i'm not here because of my hookups and my sugar daddy i'm not here because of my pedigree i'm here because somewhere i made up my mind and said i'm not going back to moab i have nothing in moab to live for i'm going to bethlehem [Applause] touch your neighbor tell them i'm going to bethlehem i'm going to bethlehem why would i go to bethlehem because there's bread in bethlehem and this place called moab has left me hungry and i'm tired of living hungry i'm tired of living with all these strange gods i'm tired of waking up not knowing where i am or why where i was last night or who i slept with i'm tired of it i'm tired of moab i'm going home to bethlehem and ruth said i'm going with you wherever you go i'll go and your people will be my people this is the first thing i need to tell you when you make up your mind to go with god god will give you some people there's somebody in here tonight you worried about being in the church because none of your friends are in the church that's a favor because some of you got the craziest friends and you spend more time i don't even know who i'm talking to but some of you think your friends are your friends because they gave you a line when you were desperate for a little bit of crack and they gave you a joint when you were desperate for another high that ain't your friend you can't soar with the eagles and run with the chickens you don't have to thank god that when you say yes to god he's going to cut the umbilical cord that was attached to people trying to rob you of your destiny your future is not in moab or for anybody that was in moab with you your future is in bethlehem touch your neighbor tell them god's about to hook you up with some people [Applause] god is about to hook you up with some people anybody in here needs some people in your life i'm not talking about people who want your money i'm not talking about people who keep you in trouble i'm talking about people that when you say hella they say i'm talking about people that i help you praise the lord i'm talking about people that'll call you at one o'clock in the morning and say i had you on my heart the holy ghost woke me up and told me to pray you know my daddy you need some friends that not only talk in english they talk in heavenly tongues you need some friends that know how to drag your behind down to an altar get the devil cast out of you and set you free [Applause] snap somebody tell them god's about to give you some people but god not only gave her some new people when she went back to bethlehem god gave her a place because if the truth be known some people are scared as messed up as the place is that they come from some people are scared that when they get born again and come to church they won't find a place you would be amazed at how many people sit in our churches on sunday feeling like they have no place but god told me to tell you tonight you have a place in bethlehem it may take you a minute to adjust it may take you a moment to make the adjustments to to find your place here but i want you to understand i feel like i'm talking to some people in this room that are kind of on the edge and you're waffling between moab and bethlehem and do i have a purpose here oh i feel like telling you this is not just your preacher and your first lady this is your mama and your daddy this is your spiritual family and you have a place touch your neighbor tell them you have a place oh yes you do ruth i know you came from moab i know you came out of a drug house last week you might have been hugging a strip pole but baby grace will take you out of a strip joint and put you in an altar there is a place set three people in your zip code tell them god has a place a place a place for you you may not feel like you fit in but the devil is a liar we need some crazy people who are on drugs last week that got saved this past sunday to come up in here and shout in the face of every religious spirit we need you to know you have a place you have a place you know what i found out that the most uncomfortable people in church when moabitesses get saved are religious people you're not gonna help nobody but i'm flying out in the morning so i don't care uh-huh religious people get nervous when those from moab start coming into bethlehem because they start getting in their pew and they take their parking spot and they take their job as an usher and the reason they take your job as usher is because they smile because they remember what it was like last week to be on their way to hell and now they're on their way to heaven and you forgot what it's like to be lost so you can't get happy about being safe god i just want to say tonight calvary's got room for those who are trying to run from moab send them on down here lord let them come into the house [Music] [Applause] place you have a place no matter how educated or not how wealthy or not red yellow black white toupee sharpay no pain it don't matter it doesn't matter to me and i know it don't matter to him what you drove up in or if you're ubered to get to the front door you have a place in bethlehem and i feel very good told me to tell somebody that the devil that's been lying to you telling you you don't fit in in the church that devil is about to put up under your feet god is about to show you you have a place look at your neighbor don't freak him out smile and be real quiet say you have a place when when you leave moab and your father god got to give you a people he'll give you a place and then i like this part i'm just getting to my text lord i got to hurry he gave her provision because she got out in this place and this place belonged to someone in in uh naomi's family his name was boaz and boaz was a wealthy man and isn't it funny how god knows who to connect you with oh yes when you come out of moab and make up your mind you're gonna follow god god don't just hook you up with any old kind of people and he don't just cook connect you to any old kind of place god will put you in a in a fat place y'all don't like this preaching do you but i want to tell you tonight we have been preaching about a god who makes sinners get saved and they're more miserable after they got saved this is what religion tells people they got to get more miserable after they get saved than they were when they were not saved some people have been fed so much religion they think there's more fun in moab than there is in bethlehem well baby i came to correct the narrative tonight when i got saved i didn't get hooked up to a little god on a little corner talking about little things i got hooked up with a god who owns the cattle on a thousand hills who did not come just to give me life but it came to give me life more abundantly can anybody in this room testify that the god you serve is a really really really really really really really really good girl [Music] [Applause] and she gets out in this place connected to these wealthy people and naomi says go out here in this field because this field belongs to a man who is family and when the gleaners get through gleaning and they've left their leftovers in the field walk on out there and ruth and get whatever you can find so here is this moabitess who cannot find a job at the bulletin board down at the piggly wiggly she she has no she has no job and she's got this place and she's got this people but now how is she gonna make it and she goes down to the field after the gleaners are left and she finds a few leftovers and here is where the story gets real awesome she's out in the field and there's a moabitess can you see her her hair ain't dead her nails ain't dead she she don't have her act together she don't even look like a bethlehemite because she ain't a bethlehemite she came from moab but while she is in the field when all the gleaners have left the bible said that boaz saw her and he was attracted to a moabitess this is crazy i need to fix a few things regarding our theology about how we attract god because some people think that we run after him first but the truth of the matter is that that she didn't run after him first she didn't even know he was looking at her while she was out with the dirt under her fingernails and her face had no makeup and her hair was stringy and her she didn't look like anybody that royalty would hang with but aren't you thankful that when redeemers show up the redeemer that we serve didn't wait on us to get our hair done and our nails done and put on nice clothes before he saw us and he loved us i agree with what the apostle paul said that he loved us when we were yet sinners christ died for the ungodly we don't shout to get his approval we shout because when we were on our way to hell he loved us in spite of the moab that we came from and he says to his servants tomorrow she's gonna come back here by my side and i want you to just throw out some handfuls on purpose ah do y'all have kleenexes in here anywhere give me a box of kleenex thank you pastor joy have you ever been in a place where god blesses you and you look back over your life and you say that couldn't have been an accident oh yeah unspiritual foolish deranged people can look at your life and say what a coincidence but anybody with their right mind looks back and said that was a handful all purpose come on in here brothers some of you married over your head and you know when you look at your wife every night when you're laying in the bed i know i don't deserve her what was that lord handful on purpose some of you got a job and you ain't educated enough to have it much less keep it and when they tell you who who did you brown knows and kiss up to to get that job oh no honey that what me and my swan techniques that was a handful on purpose i felt like god told me to tell somebody before i leave tomorrow you're getting ready to come into the kind of blessing that nobody can tell you or talk you into believing that it wasn't a hand of the lord that did it in fact in prayer this afternoon god told me to tell somebody you're getting ready to come into a level of blessing that your family is not going to understand when they see you at the end of this year they're going to look at your life and say what was it i dare you to just start shouting it was a handful [Applause] [Music] it was a handful it was a handful it was a handful all purpose god is getting ready to bless you good measure press down shaken together and running over slap your name and tell them handfuls on purpose [Applause] [Music] how did you get that job the lord hooked me up how did you buy that house the lord did it how did you get that breakthrough it was the lord spoke three people tell them handfuls handfuls handfuls handfuls you didn't deserve it but he gave it to you anyway [Music] he he left her handful on purpose and she came back the next morning you ever felt so blessed you feel like a convict taking something [Applause] look at your neighbor tell them neighbor you better make room for this thing god's about to bless you tell your neighbor say god tell them like i tell them to tell you say god is about to bless you with handfuls on purpose i just heard the holy ghost whisper to me when your grandkids sit on your knee 20 years from now 2020 will not be about covet 2020 will be look what the lord has done yes he gave me handfuls yeah we didn't go out of business we built new buildings because it gave me handfuls handful handful slap your neighbor tell them get blessed right now be blessed right now and oh i feel the blessing of the lord falling in this house [Applause] [Music] but that's not what i came to preach about that's not what i came to preach what i came to preach is what happened when this man named boaz fell in love with his moabitess name ruth and he asked her to be his wife and you must understand that he asked her to be his wife because she although she had her hands on his stuff she didn't stop with the stuff she went into the tent rolled up the covers and in the middle of the night said i came for you oh y'all don't want me to talk about this on tuesday night cover the ears of the children because we about to go to another level it's called intimacy and ruth recognized she could have temporary stuff but there is no legacy in possessing the temporary if i'm gonna have legacy i've got to be more than infatuated with a handful on purpose i've got to have intimacy that causes reproduction and i don't know if you're ready for this word but your future is not connected to what's in your hand your future is connected to intimacy with the redeemer if you want legacy if you want your grandkids and your great-grandkids and your great-great-great-great-great-grandkids to be talking about revival 100 years to now you better have more than a religious clergy shirt and a bottle of oil you better have intimacy there better be some hot tears rolling down your face if you want to have something that lasts you've got to have more than a one-night [Applause] stand we don't like intimacy in the church i'm going to preach i'll show you i was preaching about blessing everybody i was too i want to be blessed i am blessed you're blessed but this hour calls for a bride that is not shacked up in the backseat with the world this however calls for a bride that is not infatuated simply with the stuff because god is tired of us blowing kisses on sunday and living in idolatry monday through saturday [Applause] she said i'm going into the tent and she went in and he accepted her and let me condense the story by telling you that they came to a place where every couple who's in love comes to it's the place of commitment if i was preaching a singles conference tonight i would tell all my single people all the single ladies i had a single lady oh single leg come on i would tell all the single people be careful how quickly you get to that line because there comes a point when true love begins to break forth where you get to a line where you do one of three things you get married you live in sin or you break up that was free that was free that was free yeah and the quicker you cross that line the sooner you have to decide am i ready for this level of commitment she can't live without him and he can't live without her and so they betrothed and they become one and the bible says that they come this is very customary let me break this down and teach this for just a moment this is very customary when they come to the place of commitment they come before the elders of the city to receive the blessing of the elders oh if i had time because what we're raising up now is some little generation that wants a blessing that's not connected to authority and they've not submitted themselves to leadership but if you're gonna walk walking oh no no no let me fix it real quick yeah because there are people prancing around the church talking about we don't need pastors anymore we don't need apostles and prophets and evangelists and teachers anymore we're going to start our own thing in our backyard you can start whatever you want to start but if it's not connected to an apostle prophet evangelist pastor or teacher that is set by god and anointed by the holy ghost it is illegal in the kingdom of god we need to have the blessing of spiritual fathers and mothers over our life and they come before the elders of the city and the bible said that when they stood before the elders of the city the elders of the city began to release a blessing over them and tonight [Music] i don't even know how this is going to happen i just want to tell you what i felt in prayer i felt like god said to me tonight they're going to be some people who make the commitment tonight i'm talking to save people i'm talking to people who love jesus but but you just kind of 2020 put some kind of funk on us and it just kind of messed with our commitment level tonight somebody's about to say hell or high water he is mine and i am his and so they come before the elders of the city and the elders of the city lift up their hands in customary fashion and they release the blessing i don't have time to preach the whole blessing it is powerful in and of itself but let me let me dance through this and get to the assignment that god gave me he said number one i want this woman that you're marrying boaz i want her to be blessed with a womb like that of leah and rachel the mothers of israel between their two wombs they birthed 13 sons he said i want your wife to be fruitful let me just say right now we're moving out of a season of fruitlessness into a season of fruitfulness if you've been feeling like nothing was being birthed don't panic i was in that season too but i just came to tell you that mess don't last as long as you've got an intimate walk with god and there's too many tears been wept in the altar of this church in the middle of 2020 for the lord to leave the womb empty somebody is getting ready to be filled with a season of fruitfulness like you've never known in your life god is about to blow your mind in fact you're getting ready to reproduce sons and daughters in the kingdom in a fashion you've never seen before god is about to give you sons overseas i see campuses coming up overseas in other nations this is not just about ormond beach it started here and it's spreading to the four corners of the world we're coming into a season where wounds are being filled slap your neighbor tell them paint the nursery get the thing ready babies are on the way [Music] ah but but it's but it's not that that i i came to get to it's this it's it's not even the next part because the next part is good but but but it's not it either even though it says may you prosper may you prosper in ephrathah and be famous do you hear me a woman that came from moab is about to be famous in bethlehem [Applause] you know how good god is when god raises up somebody whose daddy and her mama and all them in the past wasn't even in church and god raised up a prophet an evangelist a pastor a teacher a psalmist a singer right up out of the middle of hell's headquarters god will anoint somebody and make them a household name just to blow the minds of religious people [Applause] prosperity that's wonderful being known amazing but i got to this part and it messed me up he said and i want your house to be like the house of perez now what you must understand is that this is not some abnormal abnormality if you study the jewish way of living at this particular time this blessing of being like the house of peres had become a household blessing that israelites released over all their people because they understood what was being said when the blessing of perez was released upon them and you say pastor what was the blessing of the house of peres what did it mean when the elders lifted their hands over the people and told the people may your house be like the house of perez what was that and what did it mean i'm so glad you asked genesis chapter 38 this looks like a scene and a segment out of out of inside edition or maury povich or or montel this is crazy stuff y'all judah had a daughter-in-law named tamar whose husband died she dresses up like a harlot runs to the gate of a city judah's wife dies and he's looking for love in all the wrong places walks up to his daughter-in-law who's dressed up like a harlot has a one-night stand with his daughter-in-law who's dressed up like a harlot but ain't a harlot this really is his daughter-in-law and they have a one-night stand and out of that one-night stand tamar conceives twins and the bible says in the 38th chapter of the book of genesis that the time came for her to give birth and when she was about to give birth the bible said that the midwife come into the room and the midwife was attending the moment of birth and the bible said that one of the sons in tamar's womb stuck his hand through the womb of his mother and just like any midwife is supposed to do when twins are born they wrap a scarlet thread around the first hand or foot that emerges from the womb of a mother to decide that this is the firstborn and will receive the blessing tamar is having babies the first child sticks his hand through the womb and the midwife ties the scarlet thread on his finger and said that's the first one and then something happened that has never happened in israel the hand withdrew up in the womb and the shift happened all of a sudden the one that was behind the first one coming out said excuse me you took my place and i will not be denied this blessing who am i talking to who am i talking to i feel like there's about seven people that are about to get a breakthrough like they've never had in their life because someone in this room is deciding on tuesday night in january of 2021 excuse me i will not be denied this blessing i may not have been first but i'm about to not be last god is about to shift slap your neighbor and tell your neighbor it's a good night for a shift to happen in your life you didn't feel like you were next but i came to rebuke the devil and to tell you that god is about to make you next in line you're next in line stop wishing you were somebody else who you thought was next and start praising god like you know you're next ah i'm about to quit but the bible says that he pulled back and the other child shot through and the midwife said uh-oh this one wasn't supposed to come out how did you break through i'm going home but i came to ask you pastor how did you break through i came to ask you pastor josh how did you break through i need to know how some of y'all made it because i know some of y'all came through some stuff some of you came out of some hellacious situations some of you came out of a mess that you didn't know how to get yourself out of how did you break through how did you break through after that divorce how did you break through after that abortion how did you break through after losing that baby how did you break through after losing your career how did you break through after losing your house how did your breakthrough when you felt like you couldn't get a prayer through how did your breakthrough i came tonight to help you understand god is a god a breakthrough he's a god that'll break you through into your next season somebody shop [Applause] how did you break through [Music] i tell you how i broke through last night when the pastor said dance i started dancing and i had a breakthrough i'll tell you how i broke through i didn't sit there and wait on the blessing to pass me when blessings started getting poured out i reached up and took my blessing some of you are gonna let your blessing pass and you're gonna think everybody else is next in line the only thing that separated the two boys is that one was all right with not having the blessing and one said i will not be denied i'm breaking through slap your neighbor tell him i'm breaking through tonight i'm breaking through tonight i'm not going home the same way i'm breaking through my family's breaking through my children are breaking through my marriage is breaking through my church is breaking through my sunday school class is breaking we're breaking breaking breaking turn around and ask three people how did you break through how did you break through how did you break through how did you come out of that how did you get up from that how did you make it over show them what you did show them how you did it somebody give god praise if you've ever had a breakthrough [Music] if you've ever had a breakthrough open up your mouth and scream if you need a breakthrough open up your mouth and praise god [Applause] [Applause] sit down almost i promise i'm almost done but i ain't yet he said i will not be denied and he came out and the midwife said uh-huh this one is called perez everybody say perez uh-huh and that story got passed down from generation to generation to generation to generate all the way to a field in bethlehem when a man named moab boaz said i'm gonna take this woman to be my wife and the elder said boaz may the blessing of your great great great great great grandfather come upon you generations later i came to tell somebody you getting ready to break through for some children that ain't even born yet y'all didn't hear what i said you know what the lord gave me a revelation pastor a couple of months ago he said i want you to start praising me for your grandbabies i said god wait a minute i don't even have my children ain't even married yet he said i know just praise me in advance because what you're storing up right now is breakthrough for your babies oh yes a hundred years from now when they're sitting at thanksgiving and they break out the pictures of the family i want them to see the great great great great peppa who was up sweating and hollering over tuesday night preaching and telling calvary there's a breakthrough in the house i want them to know that i broke through not just for me but i broke something through for them somebody shout like you're gonna [Applause] somebody shout like yourself is gonna break something through for your grandbabies [Music] yes i might have dealt with it i may have struggled with it i might have fought it but my grandkids will not have to fight my child [Music] breakthrough slap your neighbor teleport coming through for our children we're coming through this we're coming out of this our grandkids are not gonna know this mess our babies are not gonna deal with this giant god give us a break watch this i'm through preaching yes he said may the blessing of perez be upon your house what's crazy is that boaz had a son named obed oh man had a son named jesse jesse had a son named david [Music] everybody that was connected to that bloodline was a part of a house for the breakthrough in fact this man obed had a grandson named david david come on here watch this got down in a fight with the philistines in a valley called ephraim and your bible said that when the philistines came up against david don't miss this this is in second samuel chapter five yes when the enemy came up against david in the valley david looked up to god and he said do i go up against them or do i go around them god said go up before the philistines for i have given them in your hand and your bible says that david went up against the philistines and he changed the name of the valley from the valley of giants look at what he called the name of the valley he called it belle pereziem i feed a bit of word magic right here do you understand that perez is the singular but perezine is the plural how do i know that because seraph are burning angels but in isaiah chapter 6 it was an a seraph that was around the throne it was seraphim i am is the plural when david got down in a valley i feel a preaching and he got victory over the philistines he could have called it bell perez but he said in case the devil ever shows back up again the god i serve is not just the god of one breakthrough he's the god of multiple breakthroughs slap your neighbor tell a neighbor don't be ashamed if you need another breakthrough you might have got one five years ago but if you need one tonight i know a man who can i know a god who will give you breakthrough after breakthrough after put somebody shot [Applause] i promise y'all i'm done with this i promise y'all but this is so rich to me this thing is so real the house of breakthrough is so real that hundreds of years after david died the bible said that there was a blind man [Music] sitting on the side of the road becky and his name was bartimaeus and when he found out jesus was passing by he cried out and said son of david have mercy on me whoa did he cry out son of david because he remembered david was born of jesse jesse was born of obed obed came from the house of breakthrough and i've been blind too long i need the lord of the breakthrough to break me through slap your neighbor tell him he's in the room right now was sitting there on the side of the road becky i don't know why we call him blind bartimaeus cause he ain't blind no no [Applause] and tonight john help me tonight on the first week of a new year when our minds have been so impressed upon by bad and negative reports how will i get through this bishop oh how will i get through this one bishop i don't have the strength to come up out of this i'm hungry for god but sometimes i feel resistance i always feel like somebody else is in front of me and i ain't mad about it i just don't don't always feel victorious i came tonight to release a blessing over you to tell you that your house is not a house of defeat [Music] your house is not a house of depression oh your house is not a house of sorrow and despair in the name of jesus house is a house of breakthroughs that's what the word perez means it means the lord has broken through and when those elders slipped those hands up over boaz and ruth and they said may your house be like the house of perez what they were saying is we can't promise you boaz that you're never gonna have a bad season we can't promise you that you're never going to have an enemy we can't promise you that you'll never have a wall or a ceiling that makes you feel like you're being limited i just heard the holy ghost say i'm getting ready to rip the lid off of their life we can't promise you you'll never have a bad day but may your house be like the house of perez so that no matter what shows up on your doorstep to try to take your joy you always break through lord of the breakthrough [Music] lord of the breakthrough you are the lord of the breakthrough we worship you we worship you can you sing next [Music] out of the mouth of two or three let it be established come on here you are the lord of the rings that's your sin of the worship god worship you come on we worship you help me sing [Music] somebody open up your mouth and declare you are the lord of the rings we worship you where's [Music] [Applause] [Music] him as he fills the we sanctuary you we worship you lord on the breakthrough [Music] somebody right is after the supernatural it's breaking tonight you are the lord [Music] you are the lord of the bright crew i worship you i worship you [Music] i need everybody that has faith tonight to believe that every lid that has been on top of you is getting ready to be ripped off i know this is not for everybody but if you're in this building and you have felt a lid that has been pushing on top of you and you can't break through it i want you to run to the altar right now and i want you to lift your hands and begin to worship god i want you to lift your hands i want you to lift your hands because the lid is coming off your life tonight he's the lord he's the lord he's the lord [Music] lord of the breakthroughs your whole house your whole house i bless your house [Music] that's the whole house bless the whole house bless the whole house jesus every child is blessed is i bless the whole house [Music] i rebuke the sicknesses that are trying to come on your house healed and loosed by the powerful looser now the whole house is broke through [Music] the whole house will break through oh sweetheart it's gotten worse when you started praying it got worse [Music] and you're like god what's going on [Music] if you knew what god was about to do in your house you would understand the warfare loose her and break her through i lose you baby right now in the name of jesus lose this woman let her go breakthrough in jesus name yes breakthrough young man throw your hands up throw your hands up as high as you can your whole house is coming through buddy your whole house is coming through jesus hold up my taco you are the lord of the breakthrough [Applause] lord [Music] you're not going back to moab buddy there's a place for you yeah and you're getting ready to be connected to some pretty incredible people [Music] but your future's tied to intimacy with the creator and he's calling you into the bed chamber tonight breakthrough jesus oh yeah every chain you've been worried about is broken and the stuff that used to have you that don't have you no more can't have you ever again in the name of the lord somebody lift your hands in worship the whole house is breaking through breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough jesus jesus sweetheart he's on you yes sir young man lord of the breakthroughs breakthroughs not one but many it's okay he's got you jesus thank you thank you i feel like god is touching your body right now [Music] oh healed that one is touched by god jesus i bless you i bless you sir i bless your house with the house of breakthrough i bless your house with the house of breakthrough it's okay sweetheart take it bless your house with the house of breakthrough this man right here dear brother lift your hands up your whole house is coming up under the power of the breakthrough of god right now in the mighty name of jesus [Music] you're not crazy you just refuse to be refused and they don't understand it but it's okay because you're coming in to break through in jesus name he'll touch by the power of the holy spirit right now make [Music] jesus jesus listen i'm coming back listen every house connected to this house is coming into a grace of breakthrough tonight this this fellowship this company of believers this place has been marked by god as a house of breakthroughs breakthroughs i need you to find a prayer partner in agreement right now if it's your husband or wife great if it's somebody you don't know great it doesn't matter you need to find somebody that believes i need you to pray for the next three or four minutes because there is about to be a release of grace somebody's watching me online right now breakthrough is coming into your house breakthrough is coming into your house the lord of the breakthrough is invading your house the blessing of perez is coming upon you now the blessing of perez is coming upon you now i want you to pray go for it right now go for it right now three minutes just pray in the holy ghost in english in spanish i don't just begin to pray lord of the breakthrough lord of the breakthrough come on agreement is releasing something agreement is releasing something there's a yoke there's a yoke that's getting broke right now you're praying for some children you don't even have yet you're praying for some grandchildren you don't even have yet the whole house the whole house oh look at this youth group keep on praying the youth group is about to get baptized in the blessing of perez breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough in the name of jesus let this whole house come into breakthrough blessing of god come upon them now lord of the breakthrough keep praying keep praying keep praying you've got to understand what it's like to push through and get past the one that was trying to steal what god had intended for you to have it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening ormond beach is going to be known as a place of breakthrough calvary christian is gonna be known as a house a breakthrough the blessing of perez is coming on your house tonight don't you ever let the devil get you in a place where you don't believe god is gonna bring you through there will not be one weapon formed against you this year that god won't break you through i'll break it off of you i lose you and i declare he's the lord of the breakthrough god [Music] say hello i need leaders to come down here right now i need the leadership elders and pastors come on god is about to hit the anointing if you're a leader come stand with me see it again let the grace anointing of the holy ghost oh a night down the hole because the art of the praise the oil that breakthrough the grace of breakthrough the grace of our truth in the name in the name of the name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the order of god the anointing that grace from those abundance oh my god the unearthing is here the anointing is come here for your children in the name of christ i declare not only have you broken him through but he is the man of perez [Music] is there's a blessing coming on your house because god just told me you're about to break through for your children and you don't have them but they're on the way yes yes somebody spout he's the lord of the bread crumbs the lord the lord the lord the father god is yes oh in the name of god may your house be a house a perpetual breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough come here because god is gonna show you how powerful this grace is because the precious one you love is committed to breakthrough this night from things you've been worried about god said it's conquered it's over [Music] [Music] your pastor is coming in just a moment but before he comes i'm not releasing this on you because it's already in you dawn come stand by your man i'm not releasing this on you because it's already in you it's why god allowed me to preach this message tonight because you can't preach that this is a house of breakthrough without a shepherd who's anointed with the grace of breakthrough but i want you to understand that the breakthroughs that you've had they are but a small testimony of the breakthroughs that shall be and it's not just breakthroughs for you personally but the lord says that your footprint of influence is increasing and god said that what coveted intended to limit god has reversed it and now the nations are tuning in to see what is being said and the lord said not only will you have something to say but now god says i'm giving you the grace to start something not just to say something but to start something and what is going to start i hear this that in this season of sacredness that you are now in it is releasing this house to declare things over people who are waiting on the word of the lord i hear the lord saying they're waiting on affirmation confirmation and permission to break through and the spirit of god is releasing a grace upon you now to activate that which is already deep within it is the oil of perez and tonight what has been hidden will begin to manifest you are the lord of the breakthrough i worship you i worship you you are lord of the rings [Music] and the sound is within you [Music] and the sound is within you [Music] and the pressure has pushed the sound out of you some people think it's been easy but there's been tremendous pressure seasons that you've walked through and the enemy was trying to push you out but the weight and the pressure pushed a sound from deep within and the lord says you're stepping into a season of fullness where the sound will fill an atmosphere and breakthrough will begin to come oh my god and we always search for some deep word to give us psalmist but let me just say this to you your secret is what you do when nobody's watching your secret is intimacy when nobody else is in the room i felt oil come on you're right then i declare you're coming into a season where you're listen you will work less and see more i don't mean work in terms of i'm talking about on the stage it will feel less like work and more like filling a room with a sound that breaks people through jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm through your pastor's coming would you lift your hands one more time father i stretch my hand your word says by faith jacob leaned on his staff and blessed his children by faith i reach my hand over this house and i declare it and every house connected to it every family in this building tonight release the oil and the anointing and the blessing of breakthrough over them now if you receive it while your pastor comes keep those hands up and worship god for what he's pouring out in this room come on raise your hands and open your mouth come on open your mouth and begin to thank the lord begin to thank the lord for breakthrough come on hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of you are watching my live stream let's join together with people around the world and let's lift our hands and open our mouths and the lid has lifted and breakthrough has come come on breakthrough has come in jesus name in jesus name somebody put your hands together and give the lord praise for his word i need you to come and step right here you two step right here god's released a new hunger over you honey a new desperation the enemy has tried but he failed i released hunger and anointing somebody listen we bout through but i speak breakthrough 2021 is going to be a year of breakthrough sunday it's going to be a year of breakthrough son i'm calling over you fresh oil karama you coming all the way back all the way back somebody give god a shout right now i feel that i need to do this there are literally hundreds of people who have tuned in and i want you to give them a god bless you wherever they watch from how many of you believe that tonight was a divine appointment for so many people you need to sow right now you haven't sown you need to give because i believe that especially those watching online you need to sow into this word and i believe as you do god is going to bring it to pass not because you're buying god but you're giving moves god and i would challenge you to do that so you can do that right now how many of you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you were supposed to be here tonight oh i need the people who know i was supposed to be i was supposed to be here no that's for just a few people who think they ought to have been here if you know you were supposed to be here and you're ready for breakthrough open up your mouth and give god praise here and wherever you're watching [Applause] we have one more night somebody say one more night i believe every night has been powerful but tomorrow night is going to be the culmination who's going to come back tomorrow night hallelujah it's going to be great so step up your hands i bless you in the mighty name of jesus and every word that has been spoken the last two nights and will be delivered tomorrow night will supernaturally manifest in your life i'm declaring that the year 2021 is going to be a year like you've never seen a year of breakthrough we're not waiting to tomorrow to have it we're having it right now we claim that it is done right now and we give you glory for your word god and we give you glory for what it's accomplishing thank you for those that came i can't wait till tomorrow night if you're already ready for what god's gonna do tomorrow night open your mouth and give god a shout join us pastor john god bless you
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 10,088
Rating: 4.834197 out of 5
Id: 2NjloXw0dOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 42sec (5742 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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