Realistic Neon Light Effect in Photoshop

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today I will show how to create this near-light fact in Photoshop so let's start hey guys it's pneumonia and welcome to another fun up his load as you already know today we will have a lot of fun creating those neon lights in Photoshop and of course you can use exactly the same method to create for example light saber or anything that looks like a neon light so without further ado let's the fun begin ring guys today we will use this brick wall background and we will type some text in it and turn that text into neon lights so let's press T on a keyboard to enter text tool right and just click in it and type something I will type the alright I will change the font to white and I'm using as you can see here I'm using a neon neon font here and you can find that font in the link to download that font in the description so check that out right this is smart first word second will be neon lights and let's use the third word tutorial right and I like to change this is something else maybe this one why not and now I will make the tutorial word a little bit bigger and let's select all three words press B on the keyboard or go just a move tool here and go up here to align all three words vertically like this and that's great we can move it to the center maybe right here and maybe make everything even more smaller like this and that's okay I will see if I want to make this tutorial a little bit bigger just pressing ctrl command T and I'm holding shift and Alt key to transform it from a center and constrain the proportions right like this and I will now right click and skew it a little bit and I'm again holding out key to skew both both sides in the same time otherwise it will be something like this I don't want that so I want something more like this that's great and I will press ok when I'm done right guys I will now make two circles around the text to play with that to make a little bit more interesting design of those neon lights and of course you can do any kind of design that you prefer so this is completely optional it's up to you I will just show you the effect and you can apply that effect on anything that you want basically on any kind of font but I like this that I will show today so let's go back into Photoshop right guys I will now use shape tool if you're not familiar with shape - I have a great tutorial about that right here check it out right then I will use this circle shape I will remove the fill color and I like stroke color to be white and now I will just go here press and hold shift and create create this kind of shape and I think this is OK and now I will make the stroke a little bit bigger like this and then I will duplicate this ellipse by pressing ctrl command J on a keyboard and now i'll press control/command T and make everything a little bit smaller like this and maybe a little bigger and now I will go again to my shape - yeah I won't apply it I won't I'll go again to shape tool and make this stroke a little bit smaller thinner like this and that's great now I want to delete those portion of the circles right here because I don't want to overlap with the text so I will create a layer mask on both of these ellipse layers all right and I will use rectangular marquee tool just go around the text here like this and now I will fill it with the black so if the black is foreground color I will press alt or option key and backspace and that's it I'll do the same for another mask this is great as you already see we have something very very interesting right next step is to make the background a little bit darker because now it's too bright for this effect and I will duplicate the background ctrl command J just have this as a backup and of course you can use curves adjustment layer six port for anything did you want to make the background darker and now I will use my favorite tool it's a filter and camera filter and now I will just lower the exposure here make it darker lower the contrast a little bit and the saturation to okay and maybe I can add vignette why not middle point maybe and for now I think I think this is enough and I will press ok as you can see this is already much better because now the our design for near lights it's much more visible right guys the next step is to light up our design to add some lights to our words and to those two circles around them so how to do that well that part is really really easy and really fun to do we will use only layer style dialog box for that so let's check it out really guys let's zoom our design a little bit and I will first go and double click on the first word right double click here and I have a layer style dialog box here and hole effect we will build up right in here there are a few different ways how you can build the similar effect in here few combination of these options here but I will show my favorite one right I will first go to inner door click the inner glow right here ok and choose the color I will use first blending mode normal put it all the way to 100% and choose color for it let's let's use something like bluish or turkey is something like this and I will press ok then I will go from Center to edge because I don't want Center to be blue I want Center to be bright white because that's where the lights are brightest right I will go to the edge and now I will play with those sliders we have joke right we have size and we have range right first let's change the size a little some smaller value like 4 or 3 let's use 4 pixels right and now let me see choke we can play with this something like that maybe and with the range you can basically soft and this effect of course you don't need to use exactly the same numbers I'm doing here you can use anything that you want create your own style and remember guys that those numbers are not universal those numbers depends of the text size so you will have different numbers if you have bigger or smaller text in it okay now let's let me see the inner glow' part it's done right I want to double click here on the color and copy the color number because I want to use it was exactly the same color for other effect here the second effect will be altered glow okay and I will use exactly the same color for this okay and it's the same thing you can go and change the size of course you can make the size bigger and let's assume it and you can say wow this is already looking nice I'm done with the effect and that's perfectly okay if this is what you're looking for Ray I will show how I like this effect to look so I will make the size a little bit smaller just like there is a light glowing around the neon tube all right and with the range you can soften this effect on or make it harder and spread it or not that's completely personal preference so I like it maybe something like this are a little bit more let me see let's and zoom it yeah this is better and now the next step is to add that bigger glow around around the text so for that I will use the drop shadow effect and as you can see we have sound just regular shadow but I don't want that let's go back to the effect okay I like same color same blue color like this and I don't want at the distance I want distance to be zero pixels like this and I just want size to be bigger right and we can maybe use the spread if we want and make the size bigger I will leave the spread maybe to one or one or two pixels let me see let's assume this a little bit and let me see now this is great this is great one more thing that I like to do it's to change the blending mode from normal to color dodge arrived and it will better affect the background as you can see the background will be more blueish and brighter show here and this is really nice maybe now we can play with a spread and let me see just a little bit and this is how I really like this effect okay for now this is really really good we can use some other combinations here to create a little bit different effect but we will satisfied with this end now I'll press ok and copy this exactly the same effect to all those layers so how to copy the effect just hold alt or option key and move the effect to next layer and next next just hold alt or option key and you will copy it right and here and let me see now we already have really really nice result around this but one thing that I don't like is I don't I don't like all the letters and circles to be in the same color so I would change the color because I'm using the blue color here I will use the second color complementary it's a little bitter of yellowish orange tone or maybe I will use the reddish I don't know we will see that and how to do that well I will group layers with the same color okay I want this inner circle and tutorial text have same color so I will go to tutorial layer and I think this is inner circle let's let's rename this inner circle and this is outer circle right and I will go inner circle and tutorial select both of those layers and press ctrl command G to group them together and I will group the rest of the layers too so this is tutorial alright and this is the rest I will name this neon lights alright and now how to change the color of tutorial and the inner circle again really easy just go and add hue and saturation adjustment layer and clip it to effect only at neon lights sorry but only the tutorial group right here and I will click colorize right and boost the who's the situation a little bit and change well the red is not bad to change to something more like orange II let's and zoom it this is not bad at all I already like the result of course now we can play a little bit more and to add some more details here I will show you what you can do you can create a new layer just above the background right and put a player into color dodge blending mode right and I would allow use the brush regular brush really soft like this and I will make it bigger and I would choose first I will choose this orange color I'm now holding alt or option key and just with a brush sampling this color maybe like this and go inside make it even more saturated and I will press X on a keyboard to swap the colors here and choose another color it will be this blue let's go inside and choose a bit saturated version and that's it now I will just go with the brush maybe with 30% opacity and just paint around here like we have lights on the wall from this neon lights right in here - and I'll now I will show you another trick that you can do it this let's just first finish this part right here okay and let's use let's grab the colors with X on a keyboard and let's use another color for those letters for the text tutorial text right and here I want to make this a little bit brighter too and this is really really nice let me see this already looks really really nice right you can change the effect on the wall by going to for example neon lights alright and go to the first word and double click on the drop shadow right and now I will go to drop shadow and change from color dodge to normal and you will see we have a little bit different effect or you can change to scream again you will have a little bit more subtle effect not so pronounced on the background if you like that more I will now quickly change everything to that screen blending mode just to see what is the difference right screen versus here and this is how it looks with with that effect right this was before and this is after so if you prefer more this more subtle effect that's great just change from color dodge to screen and that's it I will just change to the tutorial for two from color dodge to scream and hear from color dodge to screen and I will have a little bit more subtle effect and I really really like this or it guys that's basically it for this neon light effect now you can add even more details to the image to add a little bit more realism to it for example you can add some wires for electricity because now this neon lights are not well maybe their Wi-Fi their wireless neon lights I don't know or maybe wires are cleverly hidden inside wall that can be option 2 but I will show you how to add some wires if you prefer to do that so let's do it alright guys there are a few ways to add wires let's first create a layer for that let's create a new layer just above the background and let's rename this layer what is it this is below let's name to blow okay those are wires okay and now I will use first method is to use a pen tool so press B on the keyboard or just go here to pen tool and create a shape for wires like maybe it will go like this here some wires why not if you're not familiar with the pen tool you can watch my tutorial about that right here right and now when I created this shape or virus I will use a brush okay and use hardness all the way to 100% and now I will zoom this and choose the brush size to be a little bit smaller I will choose the black color okay and opacity to 100% and now this will be my wire okay let's maybe make the wire a little bit smaller like this and now when I prepared my brush for that I will go again to pen tool right click and choose the stroke pad okay and just press ok and that's it now I'll press Delete twice to delete the pad and I have first wire now we need to play with some settings to make this wire more realistic so how to do that well just double click on the wire and go here to layer style again options and we will add for some shadow okay I like black shadow like this and size really small distance let me see the distance mode to normal blending mode to normal this is the distance as you can see and I don't want just be spread it maybe maybe just like 9 or let me see here maybe 7 or 8 let's leave it 8 and now I want to add some specular stir to this wire so I will go and choose maybe inner shadow or you know glow maybe I like inner glow better and I will go from edge to center ok and I will use white color like this and now I need to play with some size to make it smaller because now it's too big and maybe choke a little bit let me see this is too much maybe range maybe not range is too much and we can lower the opacity of that ok let's assume it this is now already better maybe this is too I still take let me see like this of course guys you can play with with those settings however you want let me see like like this maybe is good and I will press ok as you can see now I have really really nice effect of this wire going to behind the lights maybe maybe I want to make the shadow more visible just for this effect let's go to shadow and let me see like this and smaller-sized maybe this is better and this is one way another ways to again create a new layer and just use that same brush and just create the wire maybe maybe I want two wires to be here like okay like this like this and I will copy the same effect here and this is we have two wires for this maybe we want more we want wire four for this why not or for the tutorial here why not well I don't want to overlap because we have the same same brush strokes with the same effect and if you overlap it you will create this crazy fact I don't like that if you want to overlap something like this for example this one alright I will just create an a new layer copy the same effect here and now I can overlap it with does not matter and this is really really nice of course I can add more for this if I want or I can go and create a new layer copy the effect and just create this and this is how you can add some wires to your design and of course if you prefer more wirelessly system then just skip this step and don't bother with this but if you want to add some wires this is one way how you can do it of course you can go even further and add some holders for the wires and for the neon lights to make this even more believable to do that you can find the image of those holders online or take a photo of some neon lights folders and wires holders and just implement to your design right now I will merge everything together into one layer and do a final color correction and finish with this tutorial so let's do it right guys now I will go to most top player right here and press the famous keyboard shortcut shift ctrl alt e' or shift command option E on a Mac to merge all layers into one and now I will go and use camera filter to do a final color correction so here you have plenty of options you can go right here to cure cell and actually HSL to hue saturation lightness and change the hue maybe of some color maybe you want this to be red or more to yellow etc etc or you can go just here and change the temperature to make everything more blue and magenta like this to add more saturation to to this fact like that and maybe to lower the blacks and go to post crop vignetting had more vignetting to this a little bit more haze I like to add case the dis effect and to sharpen it a little bit or you can sharpen it later in the next step to sharpen really the center part and the letters but I will do everything right here just for the sake of this tutorial and let me see we can add maybe even more bluish tinge to the shadows like this and we can have fun and add some yellowish to highlights to create something like like this why not this is really cool too we can add some clarity if we want or don't depends of taste maybe some contrast and that's it let's press ok let me show you before and after before and after I really really like this effect alright guys that's it for today I really hope that you liked this tutorial and it to learn something new out of it of course you don't need to use only text for this effect you can use any kind of shape in Photoshop for example you can use dog heart arrows anything that you want to create this neon light effect out of it just experiment have fun practice and you will master it if you have any questions regarding to this episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer them if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do it by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description and of course you will get some things in return subscribe if you're not already and ring that bell to get notified about all the future episodes and see you guys in the next one bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 741,578
Rating: 4.9567184 out of 5
Keywords: Neon light, Realistic, Realistic Neon Light Effect in Photoshop, Photoshop, Tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Text, Effect, Neon lihgt effect, Light effect, Fun, Creative, Glowing, Light, Neon lights, Shape, Lightsaber, How to, の仕方, Howto
Id: l9S_4swRM1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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