One Of The Best Color Matching Technique in Photoshop

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today I want to show you one really easy yet powerful technique how to match colors in Photoshop so let's start hey guys it's pneumonia and welcome to another fun a Passat when you're doing your composites in Photoshop one of the things that you need to match are the colors you need to match colors between your foreground and a background between your subject and the background and I already have tutorial about that how to match colors in Photoshop in a few different ways you can find a link right here but today I want to share with you another great really easy yet powerful technique how to do that in Photoshop so let's the fun begin alright guys that will show this really easy and fun technique on this image right here that I created a while ago and I have basically two layers just for this example layer where the guys are and layer with the background this is the subway from Berlin in Germany right and I shoot these guys in a studio and I everything it's really nice match here except the colors I want the guys to match the colors of the background and if I turn out the guys you can see that the background it's a little bit yellowish and greenish tint it has a little bit yellowish greenish tint in it so we need to change the colors of these guys from this magenta tint to this yellowish greenish tint and this technique it's so easy and really fast so I will show you right away first what we need to do is to create a new layer and to fill that layer with 50% gray you can fill it with a few different ways but I will do my keyboard shortcut it's shift add delete or shift backspace or you can press shift f5 and choose from this drop down menu 50% gray and press ok and that's great now you need to put this layer into luminosity blending mode and you get this strange thing alright and you have some cores hear something like greyish color on those guys and a little bit orange a yellow color and the background strange background color right and we need to enhance that color to make this color more visible so to do that just we can use vibrance or here saturation adjustment layer and just boost the color all the way up and that's really really nice so we now have a color spectrum some crazy color spectrum here like a thermal camera or something like so and the point here it's to match the colors of these guys to blend to that greenish Orange a color of the background so we need to put another layer to effect only the foreground layer the guys layer right here right I so many times it I'll go crazy but that's the name of Blair right so we can use curves we can use selective color we can use few different methods I think the selective color it's the easiest one for this process so put it right about guy's layer right and clip it to affect only that layer okay and now we have few options here we have a lot of colors options we don't want to mess with that we only want to mess with height highlights mid-tones and shadows or whites neutrals and blacks right and first I will go with this order whites and now we need to change this slider and we will change the colors of the highlights here and as you can see if I move this slider you I will see what my highlights are and basically here here here are the brightest part of my layer and those are the highlights and if I turn off this this layer right here I will see that my highlights are basically if I turned off this I will see that my highlights the brightest part of the image are this this frame right here this part on the wall and this part this part here so when I turn on those layers I can see that my highlights are basically greenish color right here and this this is gray because it's completely washed out right and now let's bring back the guys and try to move those sliders to make this a little bit more let me see a little bit more yellowish like so to match this maybe like like so right let me see that's not bad then let's go to the neutrals alright and now we can move the slider to see what the neutral color it it's like this and we need to make this a little bit more orange a greenish tint so let me see something like this it's nice you can because this is so sensitive you can use arrows just put the pointer right here and use arrows to move to move this like so and as you can see here the guys are now really blending with this background of course it's much better than like this it's there now crazy completely different color but now it's much more closer to the background so let's go to the blacks and let's see the blacks let's undo it the blacks on the image here are right here right here and we can just watch this part here because it's really easy and the blacks are like cyan blue tint so I will add cyan here just a little bit let me see something like like this and the blacks on the guys you can see just a second it's all the way down and the pans here so we need to fix that a little bit so we can add a little bit of cyan like so and let's use arrows something like this is good so I will leave it like so let me see maybe more saying maybe less magenta something like so maybe and now when I close those two layers when I hide those two layers that help us to match colors you will see great rate match before and after let's assume it before and after and you can see before it's a little lot of magenta tint in it and after it's perfectly match really background and I want to share one pro tip with you guys when you're looking at too much colors in Photoshop there is your eyes go crazy your brain go crazy with all those colors and maybe you cannot see the colors in right way and to cancel that effect of too much colors I always like to do next thing go here create a new layer black and white and just watch at this black and white version of an image just for a few seconds half of it a minute just to rest my eyes from the colors and when I okay with that I will just hide this layer and now I can see colors better and I can see better this before and after before and after much much better representation of the colors right this is before and it's not good this is after and it's perfectly perfectly good right guys I'll show just another example I will not go to the process because it's completely the same this is before these guides obviously not matching this scene and this is after much much much better and it's again those two layers before the guys crazy blue and red and now he is really nice fitting into the background so without those layers before and after and those guys before and after right guys that's it for today I hope that you liked this episode and that you liked this really easy yet powerful way how to match colors in Photoshop and now it's up to you to practice to have fun with it and to master this method if you have any questions regarding this episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer them see you next week in an x value so bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 111,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color Match, Color Matching, Best Color Match Technique in Photoshop, Best color Match technique, Color Match in Photoshop, Composite, Photo Manipulation, Nemanja Sekulic, Tutorial, Fun, Easy, Fast, Match colors in photoshop, How to match colors, Match Tones, Tone Match, Photoshop, Color, Tone, Photoshop Color Matching
Id: sccyzUSb4IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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