Don't Deny Your Destiny

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[Music] [Music] all right Wow yes I strangest thing since I've been back I have what do there you like always do it seems like every time I go through there I get this presence of a Californian or something I'm not I don't know where it is so where's OJ at I know he's here somewhere there you go Cassie now watch all these videos when I'm gone all right well again good morning it's good to be back home we're gonna share something with you this morning it's been bubbling up for a little bit and I believe it's it is time to deliver it so we're going to talk about don't deny your destiny don't deny your destiny we've talked a little bit about this before but today we're going to kind of hit it head-on so first off if you can't well you can't fulfill your destiny if you don't know your destiny so the first thing is to know your destiny so first off we're going to give you and the first few minutes here your destiny right we're going to show you what God's destiny for you already is and we're going to take you step-by-step there's actually about four levels or layers or what he's going to call it concerning your personal destiny now I will tell you we've a couple of years ago during the Bible School I taught a course called God's master plan and in that course we went through a lot of this in detail and when we took it out of the bottle of what's still in the novel school but whenever we packaged it and released it as we would say for general consumption it was amazing the number of testimonies who started getting in from people that began writing by saying we had no idea what my destiny was what I'm supposed to do with my life what God's calling my life was we have no we had no clue but while we were listening to the God spoke to us and told us exactly what we were doing now that was amazing because I don't I don't go into the detail of exactly you know I'm not gonna point you out and tell you what your street address should be and what job you should hold but while people were just listening to it God told them specifically certain things that they're supposed to be doing so and that's been one of the that is the major testimony we get from people that listen to that series now but this morning I want to address actually these first four things and I just want to want you to think about it as we're talking about it so there first off there are levels of destiny one of the worst things that you can do is be successful at the wrong thing there was a minister named mouths Monroe that actually said that a few years ago and it's important because you if you're successful at the wrong thing you'll probably never move into the right thing because most people not give up success to move into something else and you know a lot of people can be successful at something and they can be very good at it but that's not what they're supposed to be doing and you know you have what in Hollywood they have the people that are called triple threats well if you know what that means that means they can sing dance act they can do it all right and you know it's amazing some of the people that has some amazing talents that they could have been standout successful in any field but they chose one field and it's the same thing a lot in Christianity that God you know we Jesus gave the the parables about the talents and he gave one one and one five and one ten and when we go through the whole thing I mean imagine and we can probably all bring them to mind people who have more than one Talent and so whenever you and then other people's like well you know I don't even have one so I don't know why well that's not true everybody gets something and honestly usually the more you use what God has given you for that the more you get and if you want more you do more and it gives you more it's just what it works let me put this way you give the the people that are busy get more jobs why because they're busy if you're an employer and you have a person that works for you and they're always busy you're going to putting a lot of jobs on them and it's kind of a you know two-edged sword I mean it's almost like a punishment because they're good that they get more jobs but you know they'll do it because they're already busy doing things and so but the good thing is usually there's blessings that come with it so you don't want to avoid that but if you will get busy using what God has given you usually he gives you more and it's just all part of the sowing and reaping now so the first level okay so we're going to give you about four here first level is just your general destiny to general destiny that God has for every person which is what get saved right bottom you know general level first level you might say get saved why because Jesus came to seek and to save those that were lost now this is Luke 19:10 and so your first thing before you do anything else you need to make sure you're saved you need to make sure that you have turned to God turn from sin Jesus didn't come to save you in your sin he came to save you from your sin right and so you need to make sure that you're saved you get saved as well as say you know get clean stay clean amen a second level second level you are predestined okay to be conformed to the image of God's Son this is Romans 8:29 actually he talks about it I'll read you the scripture here but notice you are predestined which is what predestiny okay I know that's not a word but your destiny has been predetermined in that sense now that doesn't mean that God's gonna make you do it that means that this is what he has planned for you now he says in Jeremiah 29:11 because he says you know I know the plans I have for you well his plans is your pre destiny okay for you to move into the things he has for you and he says their plans of good to be blessed right not plans of evil which right there tells you that the things that are evil that God is not planned for your life that's somebody else's plan right call the devil just figure it on the blank if you don't know I'm talking about now in Romans 8:29 it says for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren now you as you have to notice here Jesus came down and became what we were so that he could make us into what he is amen so we are to be conformed to the image of his son so that he could have many brethren now whenever understanding whenever he came and became man in essence he didn't he didn't change his essence he is still holy he's still good he's still right amen so in that process now he came and became like us and was tempted in every way like we're tempted and yet he didn't sin now in the same sense now we are changed to be like him he didn't lower himself to our standard he raised us to his standard amen by the grace of God by the Spirit of God now that's a big thing because there's people that don't believe that there's people that believe that God lowered the standard and that standard being lowered people call grace grace doesn't lower the standard grace raises it I know you know I know that's hard to believe sometimes because of what people say but Jesus said you've heard it said in the law that you should not commit adultery but I say to you that if you even look upon a woman to lust after you've already committed it that's Jesus that ain't the law Jesus raised the bar he didn't lower the bar all right so all right so that's just one one example then he says in verse 30 well first off why did he do that why did he predestinated us to be conformed the image of of his son because Jesus he wanted to have many brethren it says right there that he would be the firstborn among many brethren so he wanted others just like himself right so he says here in verse 30 moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called so if he knew you call it and now you're saved right then you are predestinated predestined to be conformed to the image of his son and if you were predestined then you're also called so there's a way you know I better better you know I don't have a calling yeah you do it says right there if he if you're born again then you're predestined and you have a call and you are called and a watch and whom he called them he also justified so if you're not called you ain't justified right and whom he justified them he also glorified in that amazing once he once he justified you now he glorified you and crowned you with glory and honor right Wow because he made you like Jesus yeah he goes on what shall we say then to these things if God be for us who can be against us now that we could say what he may can be against you but they'd be fools to be against you but secondly we would the actual rendering in the Greek would be more along the lines of who can be against us successfully right so but now notice if you don't know that no one can be successfully against you then the enemy will come in and run through your life and cause all kinds of enemies the Bible says very clearly that every weapon formed against you right shall not prosper it doesn't say there won't be weapons formed against you just says they won't prosper what does that mean that the people that formed those weapons people demons whatever it is right won't be able to be successful in coming against you amen yeah so now notice he said if God be for us who can success for me against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things here that all things have been given unto us right when when you receive Jesus with Jesus came all things right now so that's the second level let's look at the third level third level is this if he's in chapter 2 verse 10 for we are his workmanship you hear that we you and I born again we are his workmanship in other words he formed you he created you he built you right he put all the pieces in you as born again you understand not your human side but I'm talking about in your spirit everything in there is of God old things are passed away all things because new all things are of God right if your new creation and we are his workmanship which means what as I've always heard it said he don't make no junk right not good English but it's good theology right so whatever God when he recreated you he recreated you the way you should be recreated you're not you're not messed up inside now you might be messed up in the head okay and you will be until you renew your mind but you're not messed up inside how you are inside everything you need to be successful at everything God has called you to do is in you right now he doesn't need to add anything to you he doesn't need you don't need a Esther anointing a Ruth and anointing I'm trying to think all the books I saw at the bookstore last week it's amazing you don't need all that stuff right you just need Jesus in that simple that's good news so now notice we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for what unto good works you know that you were created in Christ Jesus unto good works in other words if you are in Christ if you're born again recreated a new creation you were created for good works now notice here he doesn't tell if those good works are but we know that they range all the way from giving a cup of water jesus said in the name of a prophet and it right from all the way from giving a cup of water to a person all the way to raising the dead what because in John 14:12 it says Jesus said verily verily I say unto you he that believes on me the works we were created undo good works you get that same right now if I say this in all places I'll get a lot of pushback what oh wow we don't believe in works well then you don't believe Jesus Jesus said you were created and if you believe in him you will do good works right now we don't believe in good works to earn salvation but we believe because jesus paid it all we can do it all amen alright so we're not against works we're against you trying to work your way to heaven I saw a thing I guess it was on Facebook or something the other day and said it you know all you really need to realize is that what what tells it all is that there's a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven you know why because it's a lot a lot more narrow way hey man all right so he says here the work that I do shall he do also well let me go back in Ephesians 2:10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God notice the good works which God hath before ordained what does that preordained predestined that we should walk in them you hear that there are good works that you were created for that were for ordained that you're supposed to walk in now we're gonna talk a little bit here in just a minute about God providing for you where you're supposed to be on the road right and if you're not where you're supposed to be sometimes you don't see that provision that's one of the reasons why people don't see the provision is because they're not where God knows they're supposed to be at that time so you have to move and keep moving forward with God because he keeps footing the provision out there but if you just sit and do nothing go out it's all handed to me yeah you're probably make it to heaven you know I soon okay don't take my word for it okay but I'm assuming but don't expect to have the provision everything because the provision is where he expects you to be right where you meet him at you might say or where you take him to now we're gonna go on he says here watch this he says barely barely I said to you that he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my father and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do you hear that whatever you ask in his name that will that he will do you got that what does that mean that means you can't take credit for it whenever it happens what because he did it that means you give glory to him for it and then right even Jesus didn't take credit he said that's not me doing these works it's a father in me he does it and if Jesus can't take credit we're to follow his example and not take credit for it either amen no he goes on he says in verse 13 whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do wine he tells us that the father may be glorified in the son then again he says it again if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it and when ever think about this whenever the son of the Living God has to repeat himself twice I mean literally right after each other it's something important and right because just before this he said verily verily in other words what does that mean of a truth without any shadow of a doubt without any you know excuses without any qualifications he said you're supposed to do the same work that I do and greater because I go to the Father and if you ask anything in my name I will do it then he says it again if you ask anything in my name I will do it that he just didn't stutter he was repeating himself amen on purpose now look at this next verse funny how this is tied right in with it verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments if you were in the first service we talked about obedience and about how we were created for obedience and to obey Him and for obedience to the faith now that's the third level is what being preordained or predestined we would say to walk in good works and like I said good works isn't just raising the dead that's awesome right but it's not just that it's everything up to and including that it includes if somebody is hungry feeding them clothing them you know just be sometimes just listening to them right why because they're going through something and sometimes they just need somebody that'll listen and say men where women are better at that then then men are right we we don't listen a lot of times to feel as they would say the pathos the the feeling see we don't listen for that men listen to fix we hear something welcome we listen for the problem as soon as you tell us about okay now we know what fix we got women don't talk for men to fix things women talk to be heard because they feel things and they want us to feel what they feel and we don't always feel the same way at the same time yeah give us time because it usually hits us about 30 minutes later yeah yes that's what she was saying all right and didn't you realize okay so give us a little bit of time all right so now we will go ahead that's the third level preordained talking good work so what's the first one get saved right that's the first level get saved second level predestined me conformed to the image of God of God son what would that include renewal of the mind right then the third level being preordained to walk in good works Amen Jesus so far okay so and you understand this is your destiny this is not a WoW that you know I might try that or you know well I'm sure that's good for somebody know what I'm talking about today listen don't sit there and go well you know I wish so-and-so was here because they really need to hear this no no if they're not here they can get the CD right you're here God knew you're gonna be here he gave me this message for today and so he wanted you to hear it right don't be elbowing anybody when test you that's you he's talking to you yeah no dr. summer I used to say all times people would come to him with a word and that's oh well the Lord wants you to do he could slow the Lord knows how to talk to me and I know how to hear from him so if he told you something it ain't for me it's for you to go do it don't try to put your work off on me you go do what he told you to do because everybody's always willing to tell you what you should be doing right and usuals because they're not doing anything and have time surround think about it and so get busy yourself I mean so this is for every person sitting here today every person in the sound of my voice even in the future listening by CD DVD whatever who knows all the different formats but regardless is for you right say this is for me Naaman Curry's not talking anybody else he's talking to me all right all right now there we go I mean you're talking to me I'm talking to you Turkey if you don't think I'm talking you forget about where'd you go okay no okay okay now fourth level fourth level now we come to more of a specific job in the kingdom right but we can also see well we'll see how these are laid out now watch in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 it says and he gave some not all and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers 1 for the perfecting the maturing of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying or the building up of the body of Christ right so that's the purpose of what we generally call the fivefold ministry now we're gonna have this fivefold ministry verse 13 says do we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge knowing this the knowledge knowing what the Son of God knew the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect mature man right unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that means that we're going to grow up it even says it right here they're going to grow up into him so that's next part now understand that the purpose of the fivefold ministry is to help every believer grow up into him so you can have a specific job a specific function in the body that has to do the fivefold ministry and if you're doing that then your job is not to be a little pope our little boss going around right and you're it's not you're not supposed to be the Holy Spirit for everybody and then you're supposed to be growing people up so they can hear God for themself so if you're part of the fivefold ministry your job is to bring in the DNA of Jesus into that person because we're the first thing we're all supposed to be doing bottom line is making disciples right that's the first I mean that's that's basic Christianity if you're not making disciples you are fundamentally from the beginning disobedient oh you're quiet do you get it if you're not making disciples you are fundamentally disobedient I don't care who you are if you have a child that's you know 10 12 15 somewhere in there that child she was making disciples and if you're raising them right they will be well what does that mean that doesn't mean going here couldn't be my disciple and let me walk with you a bit know making a disciple of Jesus means how you live how you talk what you talk about all God's a person to being more like Jesus and a five-year-old can do that right and once you shape their will okay so if you want to learn about that you can listen to Susanna Wesley she knew what she was doing so yeah that was John Wesley's mother in case you're wondering okay now notice here it says she did pretty good didn't she had to pretty good son sir okay it says here that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ so now is showing us his fivefold ministry the purpose is to grow up the body to be like Jesus into the fullness of the stature of Jesus and so that we grow up into him in all things so if we as the fivefold ministry or if that's the job no maybe that's you maybe it's not but if it's not that just mean that doesn't mean that you're not supposed to be doing these other things it just means that you don't have the responsibility for that area now what it does mean is this in Romans 12 it talks about another area of a specific job in the kingdom you might say Romans 12 verse 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you number one present your bodies a living sacrifice holy your body you get your body should be holy okay acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service that's not even outrageous it's not even extreme that's reasonable that's that's your basic level you present your bodies a living sacrifice to God now he says here and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God notice will singular not wills there's not three wills he doesn't have a good and acceptable in a perfect will he has one will that is good acceptable and perfect he got that now he says here for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith now notice every person he's talking about in the body in in Christ every person has the measure of faith so any person can do anything that any other person can do with faith you got that now if you look at people that God uses and you wish you were like them or you wish that God would use you that way then go back and find out what they're doing because they're doing something it makes it easier for God to use them and a lot of people don't want that one of those things that staying in the word and keeping the word in you Jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you then you can ask whatever you will and it will be done and they're right so the first thing to do is to start to abide in him and that his words abide in you that means you think about him dwell upon him constantly you can do that even while you work right you can work as a Christian I know that's far stretch but well you don't understand people around me you don't understand what they're like you understand what they do maybe that's why you're there to be a light in their darkness right Oh God put me in a place where it's all Christians now why would he want to put you there and this salt does no good in a salt shaker Amen with all the other salt he's got to come out of the salt shaker outside and be out there amongst where there ain't no salt amen that's your job not to be where all the that's our problem I see all the salt wants to gather up together instead of being spread out have you ever tasted something too salty it ain't good you need the right amount of salt what does that mean sometimes you've got too much salt one spot God has spread it around amen all right just okay let's just think about it right now notice here he says I'm going to go back to verse 4 for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office so we being many are one body in Christ and everyone remembers one of another having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us and see I have gifts that are given to me that differ because of the grace of God what can I make explain it I can live in a motel I travel I can travel all the time I can live out of a suitcase doesn't bother me one bit I enjoy it life is simpler and it's that is the grace that God has given me a lot of people can't do that a lot of people it just goes against everything in them and they cannot and they're you know they're just not fulfilled from me I'm fulfilled when I'm what I'm doing that and because of that what does that mean that means that I can live on the road it means I can go I can go constantly I never have to be in one place matter of fact usually when I'm home too long I started getting antsy why cuz I know I'm not supposed to be I know I'm supposed to be not shut up in one place I know supposed to be all over the world and because of that because God knows I won't sit but I will go he has given me gifts and say he gave me the grace to be able to do what I do live in a hotel live out of a suitcase that's the grace of God that allows me to do that but the gifts he gives me has to do with me being able to go because to live out of a hotel usually you're going and so he gives me gifts that have to do with going right I'm talking like ifs of the Spirit and these kind of things that they flow through me because I will go now if I was just sitting at home guess what I don't need gifts for the most part I don't need especially the gifts that I do have I don't need them when I'm just sitting at home right many people are constantly crying out to God for the gifts of the Spirit they want to be used by God in phenomenal gifts and yet they don't want to have any interaction with people and they don't want to do anything with me but now I'll admit when I go on trips I could just come back from Australia had people around me almost 24/7 had people talking to me 24/7 I'll other things all kinds of people's problems and illnesses and all these kind of things so when I do come home I want peace and quiet and I can stand that for you know about three days and then I got to get back out why because that's what I'm called to do I this is what I was born for and so because of that it is in me it's not a grievous thing it's not hard for me it's not a burden it's a blessing what because I get to go all over the world with Jesus and watch what he does and it doesn't get much better than that it's not just it's good so now notice though so I have gifts that are given me because I will go if you're not going to go there's certain gifts you don't even need if you're not going to interact with people why would God give you a word of knowledge if you're never gonna open your mouth and speak it out well God told me this about that person will go tell them don't tell me tell them amen that makes sense just go tell them whatever it is well what if I'm wrong but so what yeah but I don't want to I don't know if I'm wrong do they know you know but then zoo cares yeah you know that's easy it's easier for you to do it them for me to do it people know me you know if I go saying it's wrong it's on the internet you know at least if they don't know you and you go say it's wrong nobody knows it was there some person that walked up to me and said something wrong and they're gonna say so what you know at least they cared amen that makes sense but if I go up and say something one thing I get 99 things right say one thing groaning he missed it you know and it's all over the Internet false prophet you know so yeah let's keep going he says here he said no watches and we're talking about other specific jobs in the in the body all right he says in verse six having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith and we've talked about this before and you can start with one proportion of faith in prophesying and if you will stretch and keep growing it will get more and more specific and you'll grow in that gift because everything grows very few people start at the top you start and you grow right now then he says or ministry so now we know prophesying that's one cific thing that is in the body of Christ as a job for somebody right he says or ministry serving right that word ministry doesn't relate it well but it means just serve let us wait waiting okay on our ministering or on our serving or he that so now serving isn't another gift given to you that allows you to do it so now we're all to serve but some people are obviously better at it than others amen I mean they're just giving for it I don't care what you're doing they're running around trying to make sure everybody's taken care of trying to make sure oh is you know you needed some refill you know and you're doing your coffee or whatever you go oh how you doing this you are you warm or you cook there that's serving it's in them right now we all have to serve but some people do it better than others right and that's what they call one of the motivational gifts with the that's in the very heart of you of why you want to do it then he says or he that teaches on teaching right and what has he said and he's telling us so if you're called as a teacher now notice this is in the list but it's also in Ephesians 4 but it's a pastor teacher there but here's a teacher this is slightly different but along the same lines or he that exhorteth at exhortation can be a ministry gift right for you to exhort people you these these are people who encourage who build up sometimes it can even be you know even a rebuke or a correction but generally it has to do with building somebody up it has to do with exhorting them to move forward don't quit now don't stop you know it's like the old song if you're going through hell don't stop go on through right get through to the other side okay and so there are people who are called to exhort one of you ever see people they're just yeah man how you doing oh yeah you can oh it's bouncer ruff well you know what Jesus with you can do this you were born as his his spirit they just exhort you they encourage you amen and so this is another other gift now you can't have all of these what you'd be a whole lot more like Jesus right because he did all these things but there are usually these are things that usually people you'll see one or two of them that really stand out let's just keep going he says or he that exhorteth on exhortation he that gives you see that giving can be a motivational gift there are people put in the body that are there and their whole thing is to give and it's amazing because usually it's funny because you look at that and a lot of times they are very successful successful in business different areas one because God has created them in a way so that they can have something to give and whatever they touch it they're just blessed and they prosper and now if they're not taught right then a lot of times they'll think well I'm blessed this is just my blessing but if they are taught right they'll realize I'm blessed to be a blessing because they have a motivational gift of giving and they're the ones that fund mission trips and help build Bible schools by themselves individually by themselves so there is a giving motivational gift all right it says if you have that let him do it with simplicity in other words don't you know sound a horn you know don't blow a trumpet every time you start to give let me write that check you know hope the cameras on me right in this check here it is no no you keep it calm keep it simple right don't make a big deal out of it okay he that rules with diligence in other words if you're put in a position where you rule and that's a motivational gift then do it with diligence be good at it all right in other words don't don't be heavy-handed but rule correctly do what's right and do it with diligence he that shows mercy with cheerfulness man there's nothing worse than having mercy shown to you when the person is not cheerful right like I have to love you so here you know gee thanks you know just take it and get away all right so do what your let love be without dissimulation abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good be kind of the affection one to another with brotherly love in honour preferring one another not slothful in business you hear that this is how this is a level of God's destiny for you is he's telling you how to fulfill your destiny fervent in spirit serving the Lord rejoicing in Hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer distributing to the necessity of the Saints given to hospitality bless them which persecute you bless and curse not had to reiterate that right rejoice with them that do rejoice weep with them that we be of the same mind one toward another mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate be not wise in your own conceits recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men now this is he's just talking about this is how you live your everyday life right so there are levels of fulfilling the destiny of God now watch this now I'm going to shift gears go this is the heart of what I wanted to get to there is a danger in in denying your destiny there's a danger in not fulfilling your destiny right usually now and it's amazing because okay you can go to the bookstore right now and you will find all kinds of books and some of them will be books over here that say if you're having this problem this problem this problem it's because you're under a curse and here's a solution here's the prayer to pray to break the curse which is nothing more than an incantation that's all it is just an incan tation and you're using Christian witchcraft why because you're trying to use a pre-arranged prayer rather words to try to break a curse which the bad part is people don't realize that even Balaam a false prophet knew and he said how can I curse whom God is not cursed now think about that so and if God has cursed you guess what it's all over it's done right but know this you're not under a curse what because you've been redeemed amen so that cursed thing it's not a curse and it's definitely not from God but you have to realize that the enemy wants to somehow if he can't kill you he wants to ruin your life so he's trying to do something to it now understand and it's not just praying a prayer you can pray a prayer every day and your problems will still be there you get it you have to change your actions you have to change how you're living because it was your actions that are actually allowed for the problem to get in there in the first place now an attack can come but you have to understand that whenever it comes and stays it's because now you've made a place for it right and the Bible says that we are to resist the devil and he will flee after we submit ourselves under the mighty hand of God that we were to resist the devil and he will flee from us right so if your problem is still going on that's because you have not submitted under God and because you have not resisted the devil oh yeah I have no you hadn't because the Bible says he'll flee if he hadn't fled you hadn't done that right it's that simple now you have on one side you got people saying you're cursed and then you start thinking you're cursed and now you start perpetuating this cursed mindset and guess what your life is going to go deeper into the rings of hell all right if you want to call it that well because you're now you're agreeing with the devil right and the lie of some preacher they wrote a book that should have never wrote a book right then now you got that side now you got the other side which everything is a spirit everything's a spirit it is a spirit that's the spirit disappeared that's good and everything is a spirit now I believe more than most that there are a lot more spirits than most people think and Jesus didn't cast them all out of the earth so the ones he dealt with are still here right they don't get sent to hell when they get cast out of a person they found another person well first off they try to come back to that person then secondly after that they can't get back in there so try to find somebody else that's why it works so you got the two areas over here one is it's a curse the other is it's all a spirit and it's this thing coming and I will tell you 99% of your problems or flesh it's you and you can't cast out flesh you have to discipline flesh you have to change your life you have to change your mouth you have to change what you do and you have to not allow the devil to have an advantage over you by what you allow into you right because you have to remember now understand because what is in you is what's going to come out of you so if you stop what coming if you stop coming into you the things that defile you when they come out then guess what once you stop that you won't be defiled by the things that come out you'll start being blessing to people around you because you're allowing blessing in and not the things that defile I mean because like Jesus it's not some things that go into the fire you it's what comes out of you but if you cut off the things that are coming in then because what comes in is what you start to think about and talk about and that's what defiles you whenever you take that thought you got that now here's the thing so you have people on both sides you've got the curse thing and then you've got the spirit thing going on but here's the thing if most it was realize you're the number one reason why you have some of the problems in your life is because you are not fulfilling your god-given destiny this is a big deal because if God you know think about this your destiny is something that God has told you to do either straight from Scripture and or confirmation in the spirit to your own spirit the Spirit bearing witness with your spirit we would say and if you are not fulfilling God's will then first and foremost you are disobedient and when you are disobedient then guess what trouble happens what because you're not in a place where you can walk in the blessings of God and instead the enemy is coming in and has an advantage over you because you're not doing and not doing God's will what a lot of times I've heard people say you know if you hadn't heard God speak to you in a while go back to the last thing he told you to do when you do that he'll start speaking to you again that's true to a large degree to a degree right but you have to realize God has called every person in this room for these levels of destiny now I want to give you some examples real quick here you can go with me to Genesis chapter 25 I'm going to show you some of the danger of denying your destiny now the real heart of what we're getting at here is that there are people people I know people I don't know of course but I know people I literally I could name them I'm not okay but I could people that without any shadow of a doubt God has a specific call on their life that they are not fulfilling and because of that now remember what I said in the beginning one of the worst things to do is to be successful at the wrong thing now one of these people there's two particular people on them in my mind right now one of them their their problem is they're not fulfilling God's destiny for their life but they seem to be successful and what they're doing and they could easily mistake that for the blessing of God right but you know that well but the fact is they're they're not fulfilling they're not doing it and yet they are blotting out their unfulfillment by the constant action or activities or other things that is blessing them materially right now on the other hand there's another person that is definitely not fulfilling God's will for their life and their life is exactly the opposite their life is a mess they they're bitter they're hurt they're mad at themselves but it comes out as mad at other people and financially they've almost been destroyed their life and their family has almost been well it has been destroyed and but it's because they refuse to change because they had opportunities to fulfill the will of God in their life and they chose not to and they chose to Harbor hurt and take offenses and their life just went downhill now but notice the two extremes you got one side the person didn't do the will of God and their life went I mean just down the drain so to speak and it got bad the other side was the devil knew that if that person if their life went down they would wake up turn around and fulfill the will of God so the devil didn't do that with them he blessed them he blessed him you understand what I mean he tries to give them he tries to make them comfortable tries to make them complacent do you get it now you see this and matter-of-fact this is by the spirit cuz not mine I don't have any notes I have Scripture so but you remember David said Lord don't ever make me so broke that I might be tempted to steal or so blessed and prosperous that I might be tempted to forget you I just described those two people so don't think this doesn't apply amen this applies today as well as it ever did so and a lot of people use their sin well god bless with this good job yeah I know I haven't been in church in three weeks cuz you know they made me work on Sunday thank God didn't give you that job I don't care what you say I don't care what because he knows given enough time it's the lone banana that gets peeled nobody peels a hole whatever they are a whole bunch yeah yeah there you go yeah he only peels the single banana say yeah so I meant if you give that so the first thing he does is he tries to make you think it's a blessing and then you start missing church and then pretty soon you're not listening even to teaching or anything else pretty soon you you come home tired you don't read your Bible and you get further and further away oh but this is the blessing of God what because you know pants time-and-a-half on Sunday I mean come on ya know that's called the deceitfulness of riches that Jesus said chokes out the word right so you have to realize why you know you have to look at what is going on in your life and analyze it now I need to move on here so have you found Genesis 25 okay I'm gonna read it to you anyway so starting in verse 30 and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am faint therefore was his name called Edom and Jacob said sell me this day your birthright and Esau said Behold I'm at the point to die and what profit shall this birthright do to me and Jay have said swear to me this day and he swore unto Him and he sold his birthright unto Jacob then jacob gave esau bread and pottage of lentils and he did eat and drink and rose up and went his way thus Esau despised his birthright you notice it says notice here okay two things first off don't make a major or permanent decision in the middle of a temporary problem don't make a major or permanent decision in the middle of a temporary problem that's what Esau did he made a major decision and a permanent one in the middle of a temporary problem he was hungry there there was there's something what okay you say well how do you know there's something he could have done because the Bible says that God will not allow you to be tempted above what except that he makes a way of escape so there was a way of escape for Esau other than selling his birthright what because God called Esau selling his birthright it says he despised his birthright and God called that evil do you get this so there are people that in the middle of a problem they will sell their birthright so to speak they will make a major decision a permanent decision now watch because he goes on in Genesis 27 now you don't have to turn there cuz I'm just going to mention it but in Genesis 27 - two chapters later we see Jacob trick Isaac into blessing him remember that Jacob remember the word the name Jacob means deceiver right you know it's funny because of how he how he did things and you know it's even amazing - and we were talking about wife about this you know in the King James version of the Bible okay if you read the book of James says we've always talked about it right and okay if you mentioned in three disciples you got Jesus and who Peter James and John in their right okay there is no James in the Bible there's no James in the Bible his name was Jacob said that was okay you have to go back and look at if you look in the Greek it's the word Jacob it's not James you know why James is there you know why they put James in here King James exactly that's exactly right he wanted his name in the Bible so he changed the name Jacob to James because that's not even an English transliteration the English transliteration of Yacouba is Jacob so it's not an English transliteration it was he wanted his name in there so he put his name in the Bible so so don't don't ever say that again right don't ever say Jesus with Peter James and John it's Jesus with Peter Jacob and John alright now you can say it again I will - you'll catch me you watch you know 60 years of training it's going to take a lot to get that out alright so but it's the fact so anyway notice here though it says that now watch what happened he tricked Isaac into blessing him now notice this this is a strangest thing the blessing could not be reversed you see that the blessing couldn't be once he was blessed he remember cousin Esau comes in and goes hey bless me cousin oh I can't I've already given it all away I've already I've already gave the blessing to your brother he tricked me even though it was tricked once it was spoken and delivered it was done do you realize how solid that is I'm gonna think about this yeah here's God seeing this knowing all this and then he turns around and he still has to bless Jacob what because Isaac busting you would think God would open up no we're just not gonna honor that deal cuz it just wasn't done right no Isaac blessed him it's the way it is what does that mean God's power is mechanical in the blessing when it's given a mint do you see that it is mechanical and it can't be reversed once it's given out and watch this so watch now you you okay Ephesians 1:3 says that you were blessed with all spiritual blessings every spiritual blessing in heavenly places right so now notice this so you're blessed and that can't be reversed say it sounded bad at the beginning but down look out now it's good right I'm blessed and that can't be reversed right what does I mean that means the devil can't reverse the blessing if he can't reverse the blessing it means what I can never be cursed because what's the reverse of a blessing cursed do you get that so if you're in Christ you can't be cursed now I'm not saying the devil can't attack I'm not saying it can't be problems in your life but it's not a curse do you understand that right now watch this because here's a good part or a good part well depends how you look at it I guess you are blessed and people say well then how come I don't see the bless and there's so much problems because he gave you the bless but you have not received the blessing why because you're not where the blessing was deposited for you what is that that your destiny where you're destined not to Sirois ceases it says when he had a different terminology but I understand what he means but back then they used the word anointing all the time he used to say go where your anointing flows and stay there right in other words what he was what was he saying because we understand what the anointing is and and that it was that was a terminology coming up in the 20s 30s 40s and it's still prevalent today but what all he's saying is this find where you are meant to be and the blessing will be there what does that mean just like I use the analogy awhile back that you know if you're going to go from here say to California you don't go out and figure out how many miles it is how many miles per gallon of gasoline your car requires and then you go out and buy a bunch of cans that equals that many gallons and load them all up on your car what because there's gas stations along the way what because gas companies have made provision for you every so many miles so that where if you can get there you can get the blessing of the high prices essence so different think way you get that they get the blessing if you get in there okay now but you get the blessing of getting to the place where the provision is that make sense so for you to realize your destiny so so what could we say the danger of denying your destiny is you don't get to the place you stop somewhere between the last blessing and the next blessing and then for some reason you think because it's so bad you can't there and you never move on and then the rest of time now at that point it's real easy you can start getting bitter these are as well God knows why didn't he help me he did he put the provision right down there where you're supposed to be okay I can give you an example you know when I was in martial arts not so much me but they said well we didn't do it that way but there's different belt ranks and a good instructor will push you he'll teach you and you'll learn it and he knows what you know and he knows what you can do and if he's a good instructor he will put you against people that are equal to you and usually a little bit better one because that'll make you stretch and it'll make you come up to a higher place now but he will not give you a belt test if he knows you're not gonna pass it what because he knows failure can have an adverse effect so he will hold you back and say work on this work on that and when you get good at it why cuz he wants you to pass every test do you get that guess what God is the same way he wants you to pass every test he doesn't want you to fail and fail and fail he wants you to pass but he also will stretch you he will also also cause you to have to give it your 110 percent you understand what because he want but he wants you to pass it but he wants you to grow so that what does that mean that means that he knows where you're supposed to be he knows what's in you he knows that's why he even tells us my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge go back and read that verse it doesn't just say you didn't have the knowledge and you were destroyed it says because you rejected knowledge in other words the knowledge was there you heard it and you rejected it and because of that you're being destroyed what because the answer was given to you for the test ahead of time but you refused to take the answer and now here's the test and you're failing so god knows what sin you need won't allow you to be tested above what you are able to bear except he also makes a way of escape well he gives you the answer do you get that this is how God does he wants you to pass the test he's not going to allow you to be tested above what you can successfully beat so that what does that mean that means wherever you're at right now God knows that what is in you or at least you had access to the knowledge so if you're going through something you can't seem to beat go back don't let this great salvation slip don't let the things you've heard slip and neglect the salvation the deliverance that God has provided for you go back and find out what was some of the tech listen what you're going through now the answer for the test was given to you probably just a short while before what because the enemy comes immediately to steal the word that was sown in your heart how does he steal it through the test God didn't testing you the devil's testing you God's given you the answers he wants you to pass did you hear that do you get it let's just soak in there for a second okay God is for you and he wants you to pass the test and he's given you the knowledge now you may have rejected you may have heard it and reject how do you reject it not just by saying I don't want it I don't believe it sometimes it's just letting these things slip this little thing there said well you know I don't have to watch my words it's not that big a man come on that's it no it is a big deal what because your words will be a snare unto you or they can be life and health to all your flesh it's your choice not God's choice God's giving you the choice he said behold up but before you this day blessing and cursing life and death you choose so when you start going to all the problems God why did you do it no you why'd you do let's see but God I didn't choose to be sick yeah you did every time you said hey just makes me sick I just tell you what I'm you know I tell you what the flu comes around I'll be the first one to catch ya guess what you might not be the first but you enlist up at the top right what because that's what you say you're snared by the words of your mouth it's that simple so say what you want not what you have amen so now I got a hurry here now in the 21st in just 27 we see how the blessing was given but now I understand you carry the blessing with you by walking with God you got that or you leave the blessing behind by denying your destiny there are people are given gifts and they say but that's not that's not what I'm called to do and they let that gift go rather than saying well you know what maybe that's not what you're called to do but it might be the stepping stone to what you're called to do that if you do that I give a giving an example you take a person now not not me and I have no musical talent whatsoever all right I mean I play a 10 string instrument that's it right there that's it you know and I can play a radio I can do that that's about it all right so but I have no musical abilities whatsoever okay so I don't even pretend those things but I know a person that is an amazing voice and yet because they don't believe that they should use that voice for God they have settled for another level of life not really in serving God per se right now but and you know they might say well but you know the Bible doesn't say go into all the world and sing the gospel it says to preach it okay I get that but your singing may get you to a place where you can preach it can open the door amen and regardless if it's a talent that God gave you you were supposed to use it because when Jesus comes back he's gonna be looking for profit he's not looking for that one Talent he's looking for the five did you made off of the one amen there's a whole more whole lot more I could go into this but you know what you get the idea right so whatever god-given talent you have it is connected to your destiny and if you don't use it the talents gifts whatever you want to say that God has has given me you know I'm not a an orator right I share with you what God shows me I believe it is a gift that the gift if there is a gift is that for whatever reason and I can't explain it God allows me to see the Word of God simply and whenever I see it I speak it simply and it makes it simple and easy to understand I believe that's a gift he gave me right now I have another gift I personally believe that is much stronger than my preaching ability much stronger and that's my writing my writing is much stronger than my preaching problem and I'm not sure about what I think it may be because when I'm writing I'm writing pure truth I mean it's just you know and and and I'm not directing it at anybody and there's nobody sitting in front of me because one thing I don't want to hurt anybody I really don't want to ever hurt anybody so I know there have been times especially the past that I've held back saying things because somebody there would think I was talking about them and in some cases maybe I was and I didn't want to hurt them so I pull back a little bit and I held back but when I write I don't hold back I mean it's just out there cuz then whoever picks up the book that's on them and me okay that makes sense so there there is a difference there no but you have to decide if you're going to fulfill the destiny that God has for you now in this room okay in this room easily we could have apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers right here in this room we could have gifts of healings we could have a word of knowledge we could have all these things are and in Romans 12 we could have gifts of mercy gifts of exhortation we could have gifts of root all of this is in every believer all you know to differing degrees and different combinations and it's all in there right now I don't know where you're going and I unless God specifically told me something about you I don't know what your destiny is other than the four general destinies that we've talked about but I know that what God has given me is not just for people sitting in a building that that's one of the reason why we use the internet is because what the message you got is giving me is for the world and it is to help the body of Christ reach the world and so there are people sitting here that are supposed to be eventually at some point it could be tomorrow could be five years I don't know but at some point they're supposed to be planting a church in East Europe or in you know South Africa or who knows where or starting a rescue mission here in downtown Dallas right it could be a wide range of things and I don't know that specifics and thus God gave me that and I'm you know and gave me a word for you specifically for that but in you I can tell you there is a destiny in you that's bigger than just a nine-to-five job and go to church on Sunday I can tell you that and that's for every person sitting here Jesus did not create anybody to be a normal human if he wanted you to be a normal human he would have kept his spirit out of you because the minute he put his spirit in you you're no longer a normal human all right you got that so whatever it is in you right and I'm not talking to I'm talking about a god-given destiny okay so very quickly Matthew 19 go with me to Matthew 19 I know I'm taking I knew I was gonna take a little longer today then I would even normally do but this is so important that this deals with your eternal destiny it has to do with your the rest of your life here and Hereafter Matthew chapter 19 verse 16 says and behold one came and said unto Him good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life and he said unto him why callest thou me good there's nothing good but one that is God but if you will enter into life keep the commandments bottom level right just right from the beginning he said unto Him which Jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shall not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness now you'll notice the way here he's quoting the ten commandments as we know and he didn't say thou shalt not kill why cuz the Dinka Menace doesn't say thou shalt not kill it's way it reads in the King James but it actually says in Hebrew thou shalt not commit murder which is different than killing I know it's you know thinline but still and he says thou shalt not bear false witness honor your father and your mother and you and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself the young man saith in him all these things have I kept from my youth up what lack I yet now this is the the rich guy right Jesus say it said unto him if you will be perfect go and sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and as he didn't stop there and come and follow me he was calling this young man to Apostleship right now I don't know you know here it would he would have been just a disciple not one of the twelve yet but who knows this could have been the replacement for Judas wouldn't have been a an ironic thing to replace a thief with a wealthy person amen just saying could he could have been right but now watch he says but when the young man heard the that saying he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions he missed his divine destiny because he had great possessions then said Jesus unto his disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly or it'll be hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven and again I send to you it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God now when he mentioned the eye of the needle he was talking specifically about a certain gate going into Jerusalem call it was called the eye of the needle and it was a short a small short little gate that for camels to get in they actually had to drop down on their knees and then crawl through and that that's how they got them in they actually had to crawl through and what Jesus is referring to is a rich man the reason it's hard for rich man to enter in just like it's hard for a camel to go through the eye of a needle is because the rich man wouldn't humble himself and get down low enough to enter in so that's the reference there now he wasn't talking about a camel trying to go through okay yeah so he said and watches yeah when hitting their watches when his disciples heard it they were exceedingly amazed exceedingly this is a big deal saying who then can be saved Edwards what who can be saved if that's the truth this was a big deal for them in other words you're telling us that we can have nothing that we have to lose everything who can be saved we we've left all know what even says it but and he says but Jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible then answered Peter and said it and behold we have forsaken all and followed you what shall we have therefore and jesus said unto them verily I say unto you that you which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory you also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel and every one so now he said here's what the twelve has right but now will notice this and every one that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands from my name's sake shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life so he said what have you've given up you'll get a hundredfold back now in this life and you're gonna get eternal life - right but he said but many that are first shall be last and the last shall be first now that he was referring specifically to the Jews in this case but but not only to the Jews right but it would have been the first reference so but understand you ever he said one time this man came to him and said listen I want to follow you but let me go you know I've got this thing and there was several people but one man said I gotta go you know bury him and my dad and he said let the dead bury the dead you go and preach the gospel remember that why because that's how important this is see we still most people still don't have that they still don't understand how important this is what we we glossed it over with religion but you have to realize this is life or death this is eternity and and your life is only you know okay there's a lot of people talk about living to be a hundred and twenty great live to be 120 and still see how short that is compared to Eternity and yet we trade our birthright every day for pottage every day we turn around and go well this is worth that well you know I don't take a chance I'm building up a nest egg someday when I retire then I'll go because that boy had in my heart to be a missionary what makes you even think that country is gonna be open for you then it might be closed countries closed every day to the gospel if God's giving you a heart for a country move on it amen start preparing mood do what you got to do but don't say some day when I retire no you're trading your birthright and I understand well I but I have a career you know I mean I got a degree and to do what you're saying I'd have to take a cut in pay well yeah if you're gonna rely on their job they'll rely on your job rely on God faith requires God is your only source not that you can't work a job and they'll say that I'm saying that you have to consider God your source not your job amen very quickly here in acts 26 because what we're talking we're talking about people that either did or almost lost their destiny in acts 26 verse 28 then Agrippa said unto Paul almost you persuade us me to be a Christian Paul said I would to God that not only you but also all that hear me this day were both almost and altogether such as I am except for these bonds in other words he had two chains on him he said but now notice Agrippa says almost said John Wesley preached a sermon called the almost Christian and you know and do you think about it that's a sad place to be almost almost a Christian because almost a Christian is absolutely 100% in hell you get that you don't get to live forever with God by being almost a Christian so what does it mean to be almost a Christian what it means to be lukewarm it means to be okay with being complacent it means to not fulfill your destiny because God has a destiny for you in acts 15 verse 36 some days after Paul said unto Barnabas let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we had preached the word of the Lord and see how they do and Barnabas determined to take with them John whose surname was mark but Paul thought not good to take him with him who departed from them from Pamphylia John Mark left them in Pamphylia and went not with him to the work so he as we'd say he deserted he left his position left his post you might say and the contention was so sharp between Paul and Barnabas that they departed asunder one from other and so Barnabas took mark and sailed into Cyprus and Paul chose Silas and departed being recommended by the Brethren unto the grace of God and he went to Syria and Cilicia confirming the churches now notice this young man almost denied his destiny he almost he he left them in Pamphylia and as far as he was concerned that he was not going to travel with him again and as far as Paul was concerned he wasn't going to travel with them again either what because you have to have a team you can depend on not one that's going to desert in the middle of the trouble or when things get rough and so this young man almost missed his destiny but now look at this in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 9 in well verse 11 we'll go to verse 11 first he says Paul writing to Timothy says only Luke is with me take mark that's John mark and bring him with you for he is profitable to me for the ministry say he almost missed his destiny but he ended up back with Paul which is where he should have been the whole time but look at the period of time that he was not with Paul but was rather with Barnabas so he was not receiving instruction from the Apostle Paul that he should have had so his his growth was was stunted during that time period because God had put mark with Paul but mark decided to not go on not God mark and Mark almost lost his destiny but eventually it came around amen now just before that I'm gonna read verse 9 he says do that diligence to come shortly unto me and watch this listen verse 10 talking exactly I'm talking about for demas hath forsaken me that word there's also the word deserted having loved this present world and is departed unto Thessalonica crescens to Galatia and Titus unto Dalmatia notice he said demas has forsaken me having loved this present world think about that you want to make sure you're not Dimas having loved the present world and forgetting your divine destiny he said this man left me deserted me I mean imagine what would you do if the Apostle Paul could walk in that door today and say hey I want you to go on a mission trip with me come on I mean there's no I'd probably anybody I'm good let's go you know for the most part yeah I would say can we fly instead of instead of taking a ship cuz you had a lot of bad luck with ships you know so alright but then again you want to be on a plane with him maybe that might not be good be kind a plane with him either that's more likely the survivorship right than a plane right anywhere so so but do you understand that what are you trading your birthright for do you realize what your birthright is your birthright is to be like Jesus your birthright is to be able to speak to a fig tree and watch it wither your birthright is to be able to tell the wind peace be still tell the waves to calm down your birthright is be able to look at the cancer and go go and it goes your birthright is there to tell someone with skin problems be cleansed and touch them and watch that leave we're in that you've heard me tell about this before where the man had a blue arm I mean his entire arm was blue it looked like it's stuck it into a vat of dye literally and it was a disease a blood disease and we were in a church North Carolina and I'm everybody's gather around I'm praying for him and as we prayed for him everybody had their eyes open and I was everybody had their eyes closed in the beginning and I had to elbow God to get him to look at it because the Blues started disappearing right up his arm as we stood there amen and then finally everybody's looking at me you know and then the man freaked out mainly because he said I'm a Baptist I don't understand this that's oh there you go so yeah Matthew 16 verse 15 he saith unto them but whom say ye that I am Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and jesus answered and said him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven in other words what's he saying you're getting revelation straight from God and I say unto thee you are Peter and upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and I will I will future tense give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven yea now you just drop down or actually a couple of chapters chapter 26 verse 69 now Peter sat without in the palace this is after the arrest of Jesus and a damsel came unto him saying thou also was with Jesus of Galilee but he denied before them all saying I know not what you say and when he was gone out into the porch another maid saw him and said unto him them that were there this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth and again he denied with an oath I do not know the man and after a while came unto Him they that stood by and said to Peter surely thou also are one of them for your speech betrays you then began he to curse and to swear saying I know not the man and immediately the crew and Peter remembered the word of Jesus which said unto Him before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice and he went out and wept bitterly he almost missed his destiny he denied Christ three different times and recognizing this is the same guy that said you're the Christ the Son of the Living God divine revelation straight from God he's hearing from God how could he fall from that to this fear of men whatever it is you know it doesn't say why necessarily but notice he lost at this point cuz even totally said when you're converted was that mean means you ain't saved when you get saved go strengthen your brethren remember that when he said feed my sheep your watch he almost missed it but then he repented and came back in there right okay just give you a quick example modern days Marilyn Hickey you may know Marilyn Hickey okay been around a long time 88 years as a matter of fact she's 88 years old born in 1931 right she was born before John Lake died think about that that's 88 years old matter of fact she was born in Dalhart Texas don't know if you knew that or not she's a another good Texan they made it good preaching the gospel named him lot of Texans just saying okay she's 88 years old she has preached in over a hundred and thirty countries she has preached to crowds of over a hundred thousand people she had the largest Christian gathering in Pakistan's history Pakistan she's a woman with the largest Christian meeting in Pakistan right they've had people come in with bombs on them and she prays protection and they catch them every time they come in I mean amazing miracles amazing things that are taking place and here this woman is going on and I'm not I'm not gonna say it's about her but it's probably true but Katherine Kuhlman said and you know Katherine Kuhlman okay she said that she had to go and preach because God told her that the men that he had asked said no so somebody missed their destiny but she caught hers amen now I don't know if that happened with because you know with Marilyn Hickey or not I don't know but then there was another one mother at her amazing little woman right a little bitty woman a little bitty thing powerful would pray and for a 5-mile radius people would fall out in their homes not even in the meetings they'd be stand there washing the dishes and just fall over when she would pray it was they said it was like been at Ground Zero of an explosion that in the spirit realm anybody in tune with the Spirit of God just got knocked down this is a an amazing woman of God she let me tell you that little one was tough she stood up to John Alexander Dowie which took some guts because the man was strong right but she was accurate because he blasted her and he made some mistakes and things he said and she said well I'll tell you this when he's dead and gone I'll still be here she was right he died in 1907 six seven yeah seven and she died in 1944 believe it was so and she was a forerunner of the Pentecostal movement now one last one Aimee Semple McPherson I heard our brother mention it mention her last week right first woman to get a radio station line license in America a preacher a woman okay her church fed more people in Los Angeles during the Great Depression then the United States government did her church amen just like you heard there was a they would they would bring ambulances would bring sick people to her church before they would take him to the hospital right we've been out there to her house I've been to Angeles temple I met Roth McPherson years back me and my daughter Rebecca were out there and we got to meet him and talk with him which was a me simple Macpherson's son and he took over for the 4-square Church there what a lot of people don't realize but my wife and I were mission coordinators for the Foursquare Church years back so we have a history there tremendous tremendous ministry and so what she did was phenomenal with her travel medicine I got a picture over here of somewhere over there there she is yeah see the big one with all the metal in it the one right to the left of it I think that's her standing there yeah and then the one right to the left diagonal downward is her on stretcher day in Denver at the Denver Coliseum in Denver Colorado and you can see all the stretchers that are phenomenal ministry matter of fact Kathryn Kuhlman went through her Bible school whenever she was out there and they were all so Amy some of my person had also known mother etter which mother etter wasn't a big fan of sister as they used to call her but you know who knows well but anyway in I'll finish up here now because actually had a note with her brother think I got this right off Neil joash Zephaniah hangsen you know if we just add a few more words I think we could have a Church of God in Christ Church we just need to add what earth you know joash Zephaniah Hinks and fire baptized Holy Ghost so and now last last verse Exodus chapter 14 you've heard me talk about this before X is 40 verse 12 and thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and wash them with water thou shall put upon Aaron the holy garments and anoint him and sanctify him that he may minister unto me in the priest's office and thou shalt bring his sons and clothed them with coats and thou shalt anoint them as thou didst anoint their father notice that anoint them as thou didst their father that they may minister unto me in the priest's office and watch us for their anointing their positioning their appointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations here that generational priesthood generational blessing right first Peter to verse 9 it says but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people some fit that last one more than others but move on that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in times past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul notice generational Aaron and his sons after him and their sons and their sons this and this is something the church has to get a hold of dr. Summerall had three sons they were all in ministry but none of them were able to pick up and carry on and now his entire work in South Bend is almost gone right and they put different people in there but his three sons scattered three different directions nothing against them I understand that would be some big shoes to fill I get that but God's big enough to help you fill them and so I could tell you stories about each one of them now of what happened to their life after they left their understand they're still with God right that I know of one passed away but anyway other things but now so here's the thing last thing what or who is influencing you because who you allow to influence you will help determine your destiny of whether you fulfill it or not you have to decide but first off one of the things that you have to remember is that the people that talk to you or listen to you or you talk to they they may not see or know their destiny and if they don't know their destiny they really can't talk to you about yours because they'll always tell you that yours isn't what you think it is because they don't know what theirs is and so but whenever if you look at these people that have done things in the kingdom every one of them have done it because they understood that God in them gave them a destiny that only a God in them could fulfill that they could not fulfill it on their own and that's the thing just like we saw when he was small in his own sight and listen you can be small on your own site and still know that you have a great job not not great as in ooh no no no a one that will have an impact and will accomplish what God has designed you to do you are you are specifically designed to do what you can do but you have to give God leeway in you and you won't do that okay you'll never be an eagle if you surround yourself with chickens but just the way it is why because chickens can't fly they can just jump real high right and a lot of Christians like that you know they don't they don't ever soar they don't ever fly they just jump real high every Sunday and so we need to realize that if you know what you're called to do you can't let anybody talk you out of your destiny you can't listen to anybody else with it and you'll find out your circle of people that you can talk to about your destiny sometimes gets really small because you have to talk to people that understand and that will help you accomplish your destiny and God surround you with people to help bring your destiny to pass amen God called Moses God positioned Moses but he also said here comes your brother who will help you and so he has to bring people to him now if you may know okay there's a story about Leonardo da Vinci when he began to paint what is called the Last Supper and if you look at if you go through the story it's really amazing story as he was painting and when he started he started with Jesus because Jesus was the center point and so he went all around looking for the perfect person that he could portray as Jesus so if you if you look at the painting I wish I had a picture of it I could show you but if you look at the painting the person he portrayed is Jesus amazing skin everything so he went all around and found this young boy and he painted him for Jesus and a boy set there and he painted him up and then it took him years and years to finish that painting and he had to go through each one of the Twelve Apostles and he saved Judas for last which would make sense and when he got to Judas he said man 2 to really present Judas he said I got to find the worst criminal I mean the person has gone so deep into sin that it shows and their very being so he went to a prison and he went through and he found this person in there this man and he went to and he said I want to use you in my painting and he said ok and he set him down and he set there the whole time and whenever finally DaVinci said ok we're done the man broke down crying and says you don't recognize me he said no I don't he said who are you he said years ago you painted me as Jesus but I went into sin and now you see the effects and he was in prison on death row the same person it shows the effects of sin on you physically on your countenance that he went from looking like Jesus to lookin like Judas why because he did not fulfill his divine destiny because God had great things for him and now he's an object lesson so who is influencing take a look at yourself you are different than you were five years ago for better or for worse you're different the question is are you closer to God and your God ordained destiny or are you further away the other question would be have you sold your divine birthright have you settled for what somebody has told you that that's all you could ever have maybe you sold your birthright for some instant gratification some well to make life easier to make it better well guess what if that's so you have an opportunity to turn it around you're still breathing so you have the opportunity but like I said before the worst thing to do is to be successful at the wrong thing so the question is are you more obedient or more disobedient do you tolerate things in your life that you didn't tolerate in times past you just put up with some things just because you're tired of fighting fighting against it pushing against it have you become complacent are you just living on cruise control spiritually yes you know I go to church I read my Bible you know I'm doing better than so-and-so well guess what if you're just living on cruise control you're lukewarm Jesus said that he would rather you be hot or cold because if you lukewarm he'll spew you out of his mouth that's what Jesus said so this would be the time you know if this was a fire drill what do you do you stop drop and roll right well here's when you stop drop and repent and you turn around what because you're getting really close to those fires so if that is you if this has been you right whether you're watching by internet whether you're here even if you need healing do you realize when you get saved you're instantly healed in the spirit the healing is granted automatically and because of your connection with God technically you don't even need a person's hands the minute that you repent and you turn instantly Healing comes now you still have to receive it you and that means usually walking it out in other words that means actually acting like it's true and B in doing it doing what if you couldn't do before but now I know God gave me this message because this is not where I wanted to go today I was gonna show testimonies and you know have a good time and all that kind of stuff but he specifically gave me this and so I know it's for people watching and it was for whoever is here and you've already agreed this is for you right it's truth and so the real key comes out of this where you go from here what do you do do you just walk out and go huh what you know that was different you know that was good that was bad that was you know wasting my time or do you take it to heart and say okay I want my destiny fulfilled I want to be everything that God has made me to be I want to experience everything that he has foreordained that I'm supposed to walk in if that's you and you've never seen me do this before but if that you come up here right now come up here if that's you if you want to be you know in the words of the army if you want to be all that you can be if this is if you want to fulfill your divine destiny because this is a solemn moment this is a this is a time when when you have to decide whether you're going to go forward you're going to go backward if you're going to turn to the right to the left you know in the Hebrew tradition what the Bible says is that God told Moses to take the blood of the lamb and put it on the doorpost and over the top what because number one you have to be covered by the blood but the blood should also keep you from turning to the right or to the left it should keep you moving forward and it's a narrow door and no man comes to the Father but about Jesus so this morning since you're here and since you're up here then you've already made the commitment when you stood up and walked forward that was you making the commitment so that part's already done you've decided we want to do all that that that God has for us want to experience it so I'm gonna pray this isn't this includes healing whatever it is I'm telling you let God give you all he's got for you amen because for you to give it away you got to be able to receive it because a man can only give what he's received so there's a lot more we could go into but I cannot emphasize how important it is that you fulfill your divine destiny people's lives depend on you fulfilling your destiny because they're waiting for you to walk in those good works that were for ordained so that you can bring healing to them can bring freedom to them so we're gonna pray father yes you know what I'll pray for you and then we'll all pray together all right let's do that father I thank you your word is absolutely true now thank you Father they by your Holy Spirit you're working in the hearts and the minds of these people here today those watching so father we say in the name of Jesus right now we thank you we thank you Holy Spirit for working in and through these people for accomplishing your will in their life father we thank you that even now is they have showing that they are surrendering their life to you their father these are these are Christians they're born again they have your spirit but they've decided this one and to actually also either renew that step or take that step to make you Lord not just Savior Lord of their lives so that they can accomplish your will for their life and achieve their divine destiny so father I thank you that even now you knew this day you already knew what was going to take place and I thank you for it that you know what's going to come out of this what's going to come out of these lives there right now by these people coming forward that they are actually turning on their destiny they've actually flipped a switch that allows their destiny to come into fulfillment in fullness it's a father I thank you for it right now in the name of Jesus I pray for each and every one of them every person that's also watching and agreeing that we pray right now that by your spirit you fill them to overflowing that you bring the fullness of the baptism of the holy spirit into their lives with power to be witnesses for you that in the name of Jesus father that from this day forward they will know and walk in not just healing but divine health that their lives will be made strong and that they will give out of their overflow of their walk with you that in the name of Jesus that the destinies that you have designed that will impact this world begin today begin to date father we thank you for dreams visions words of knowledge direction we thank your father for all that we see in the book of Acts of how you dealt with your people we thank you for it today that this is the day of salvation this is the day of deliverance of freedom this is the day of vision this is the day for that they receive from you a divine mandate of what they are called to do reveal it by your spirit to them let them know they're calling their direction their job their function in your body so father we thank you in Jesus name Amen yeah say this with me for heavenly father your word is true I believe the word I've heard today I believe I have a divine destiny they can only be measured by you Father and I fully intend to live out and accomplish that destiny that your will will be fulfilled through my life I give myself to you 104 completely and totally you are Lord and I'm here do with me as you will in the name of Jesus father I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit I thank you for the gift of salvation I thank you for the giftings of the Holy Spirit that everything that needs to come through me I freely release to come through me to impact others so father by your Holy Spirit I thank you for teaching me leading me showing me things to come I receive my divine destiny and in the name of Jesus we pour down every stronghold every offense everything the enemy tries every weapon formed against me we pull them down they will not hinder and in the name of Jesus I bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ I present my body a living sacrifice to do your will in Jesus name fill me to overflowing reduce me to love and show me what you would have me do for according to your word be it unto me in Jesus name so be it I'm in I'm in alright amen all right god bless god bless you amen all right well I'll expect the Holy Spirit to obviously to follow up with you and to follow up with me to where we're going to go with this next and see what he brings out but other than that if you do need ministry will be glad to minister to you individually through the laying on of hands but other than that we will dismiss you but please as you go go recognizing what took place here today and expect what we just said to come to pass expect bigger newer different things things can't stay the same or nothing has changed so be ready for things to change amen amen watch for the opportunities they'll present themselves step into it amen all right all right god bless you we'll see y'all again soon [Music] we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at jg LM o RG [Music] my god angel armies on speed [Music] if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit JG LM o RG forward slash partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcast and our mission work around the world [Music] if you enjoyed the teaching this series 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Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 27,678
Rating: 4.8877401 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: cbwgt3OFX7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 12sec (6312 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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