Trust God To Back You Up

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[Music] [Music] and in looking at this this when there are people that question themselves constantly second-guessing themselves wondering am i doing the right thing am I not doing the right thing does God woman to do this does he want me to do that and many times they just they don't know the direction God wants them to go and because they don't know they question and at first they question themselves and then usually if they don't feel that they were come to a some type of closure on it they'll start to question God and then they start saying are you even listening do you even know my situation do you even know what I'm going through so they moved from God I don't know what you want me to do God is this right God - God are you even listening so at first they question themselves in they question God well we have to realize is that ever since Jesus came jesus's purpose in coming yes it was to save the Lost absolutely it was also to destroy the works of the devil because that's what it said he came to destroy the work so he was manifested that he might destroy the works of devil so we know there are different reasons he came but they all fit into one kind of category but the whole purpose of his coming to this earth really boils down to this God wanted to be in union with man he wanted a close union he wanted a relationship obviously but he was going to the point where man had been separated from him and there was always questioning and always having to say what is your will but when Jesus came he showed us the will of God he showed us hat by his life number one he showed us by his teachings number two but we also see through the entire New Testament we are told don't be unwise all right that was a King James way of saying don't be stupid right he said don't be unwise but wise knowing the will of the Lord one of the main things that most people question God about is knowing God's will and the one thing that God says we are to note it says having made known unto us his will so his will we know his will it's in you so the problem is not in God the problem often is that we don't know how to access the knowledge of God's will even though his will has been given to us so I mean I've got well let's say whoever may be from somebody or so let's not say a person let's say a business somebody sends you a business sends you a letter and you see the businesses from and you're like yeah yeah okay you know it's they've sent me stuff before and you're in no big hurry to open it right and you just kind of leave it sitting on the table and then one day you walk by and you see it and you're coming oh you know what I got a little time ago no you open up and it was saying you know contact us within seven days and you get a free this and you're like if you ever noticed what day you open that on the eighth day in there right and it's always a straight right after it expires but the answer was in there well the answer to God's will is in you but many people don't seek God's will they don't try to determine God's will as a better way to say it until they're in such a problem that they have to you know somehow try to dig themselves out of it and then all of a sudden they're crying out to God saying God show me your will and he said I showed you a long time ago if you've been listening yeah you would have had rocky ground rocky did things gonna but you would have walked right on through it and you wouldn't have spent nearly as much time in it imagine is the israelites had they they knew God's will God's Will was for them to go into the Promised Land to take the Promised Land but because they didn't understand how that could happen and they looked at the circumstances over what God had told them to do because his will was clear now he told them I want you to go into the Promised Land this is the land I've given you go in and take it he didn't say go in and it's just gonna be handed over he said go in and take it right so they should have known there's going some type of resistance but you had 12 of them go in 10 come out saying we can't do it to say we can do it and they spend the next 40 years wandering around do you realise they would have never had to spend 40 years in the wilderness if they had just moved into the Promised Land so no the bad part was Joshua and Caleb also had to go in 40 years in the wilderness wandering around with them but later when they finally after 40 years Joshua sent or Caleb stands up and says listen I'm 80 years old and I've got more strength - more energy than I had 40 years ago now I want this land that God promised me and I'm gonna go take it I meant why because God's promise is not dependent on your ability or your strength or your power or anything to do with you other than your obedience to step in and take it I mean I'm preaching way better than your Amen and I can tell you okay this is a good news amen so but too often we question God's will well maybe the thing you know often we've had it taught to us differently well God's will is this God's will is that it's this thing and and we or that sickness that's God's will oh this you know this bankruptcy that's God's what no no the the idea is to get God's will not what man says is God's will amen and you find that out and in the morning it's in you but you find it out by going to the Word of God finding what the Word of God says and whenever you see the truth and the word of God it will witness with your spirit what because the one living in use the one that authored it and he's going to say yeah that's that's right and then you start moving in it now so but so just to start now we're gonna go I want to give you a couple of scriptures 1st Samuel chapter 3 is the first we're gonna go to well it's not the first one but it's one of the first then we're go to Matthew 13 then mark 6 right so now but before we go there actually if you want to turn to since first samuel is in the Old Testament and many people don't know where that's at I'll give you time to look for it and while you're looking I'm gonna read to you from Romans chapter 8 all right we're almost chapter 8 it's all amazing chapter as all the Bible is but in verse 29 he says for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the of his son so first off we know right there that's the will of God God's will is that you be conformed to the image of his son right first and fourth and you said but that's not God's will that I need to know I need to know what job does he want me to take what house does a woman to buy or rent what car does a woman to have I need to know details today right and we're going to talk about the will of God I believe some of the rest this year and so hopefully I'll be able to bring some of these things out for you but notice this number one the number one thing that God said was that he wanted you to you were predestinated to be conformed to the image of God or to image of his son right now one that he might be the firstborn among many brethren see notice he didn't say I want you to be conformed to the image of Christ so that you'll be a better person he says you will be conformed to the image of Christ one so that Christ can be the firstborn of many brethren what does that mean that Christ can have greater preeminence you get it until we're conformed to the image of Christ Christ is not able fully to be the firstborn among many brethren and it says that scripture tells us that Jesus is going to lead many sons unto glory so our our purpose our the the will of God for our life is that we be conformed to his image in every area of our character of our nature of our being right now if we're going to be conformed to the image of Christ one of the things you never see Christ questioning God's will except in the garden if you want to call that questioning he would just said at that point look there's any other way let's do it another way but I know and never never less not my will but your will right so even in that he was submitted to it he was just saying look this is this is not something I would choose but I will obey right and it said that through that obedience he was made perfect okay and so now in watching how Jesus ministered he even told us he said pray this your will be done on earth as it is in heaven now many times we just repeat those words Lord your will be done on earth as it is in heaven now while that is a model prayer the rabbis in Jesus's day they would put together a prayer that pretty much summed up their doctrine and that's how they taught their disciples to pray and so you could take each part of a rabbis you know flagship prayer and kind of that and you could take it apart and then you would bring it to life in your life by living out their doctrines so whenever Jesus said pray this way so when you pray pray this thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so you could pray those words but that's so general that's not a faith prayer instead we are to know his will so we are to pray God your will is healing God your will your will is that I'd be blessed so I'm praying right now and I'm saying I'm blessed and I'm praying and I'm speaking and you can see in market early chapter 11 verses 23 and 24 these two are put together one is about saying and one is about speaking how many of you know when you pray you say right you can't say well now I'm saying but now I'm gonna pray here I'm gonna say and I'm gonna speak the end result but when I pray I'm gonna beg in crime see those two don't go together right so it's God doesn't want you begging and crying I mean if your kids come together getting hurt somebody they say the other day be a winner not a winner say I had a son in here somewhere Lord went but it said I don't run a winery whi NER it sometimes anyway so but you have to realize God tends to run a winery because most people want to wind to him and they try to separate saying from praying and you're saying should match your praying well you're praying should match you're saying right now that's if you're praying and saying is good that's good but if you're saying is bad then change it amen say what God said now let's read this he goes on he says verse 30 moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called just in case if you are in Christ if you were born again this is you you give that this isn't about some people 2,000 years ago this is you whom he did foreknow he did predestinate who he just taught us ahead of them whom he did foreknow he did predestinate to be conformed the image of his son so now we have to decide is that me because if I came into Christ then I came into Christ and God foreknew that and because he foreknew that I was going to do that now he made it so that as soon as I did come into Christ in actuality now I've been predestinated to be conformed the image of Christ right so that means he's gonna start working on me to change me now then he said moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called so if you're in Christ you're called you know that people said well you know I'm not called you know I just and they mean called to ministry I was talking with George the other day listen I think was and one of the things that we have to do as the body of Christ we have to fund I mean literally change Christianity or I should say that the idea of Christianity or the the the mindset of Christians because people look at certain things for instance people say well I can't start a life team you know I mean because a life team a person that runs a life team that basically they're a pastor because they're there they're overseeing these people this group of people that are meeting in their home or wherever they meet and well that's that's not me act so I can't do that no you didn't get your mind off of the title and get your mind on to what the Word of God says you're to do you're to be a disciple who makes disciples you think and if you if you make one disciple it's funny if I if I'm a disciple ER meaning I'm a person who makes a disciple and I'm making one disciple I'm a Decipherer but if I have five disciples now I'm a pastor say there's something wrong with that picture there are people who are called to pastor to Shepherd to function in that way and as we said before in life teams many of the life team leaders are functioning as pastors but what we have to realize is that life teams are a team and so even though five team leader if they're functioning as an overseer or director or whatever want to call it of a person's life they are actually helping people grow and it's not about being a pastor you're not going to have cards made and say you're pastoring but you may know that as a life team leader you're called to be a pastor that may be your calling but the bottom line here is when he says whom he did foreknow he did predestinate and whom he fruit destiny those that he also called yes your lies your calling is not your calling as an apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher your calling is to be called into Christ to be conformed to the image of his son that's your calling you got that now for that calling to be fulfilled you're gonna have to do what the Bible says to do or it'll never be fulfilled you know there are people that join the military and never become soldiers right now that they have a hard life because they're constantly fighting against the system and usually they don't last their full enlistment usually they end up getting out after a short period of time or something but if you're going into the military you know if you go if you join the Marines guess what you might have an idea of pretty uniforms but that drill instructor has an idea of conforming you to the image of a Marine and if your ideas pretty uniforms and his ideas as a Marine how many of you know he's gonna win all right and so he's going to conform you to the image of a Marine same thing with any branch of service so I don't know why we think it's different whenever we come into Christ that we think we're gonna come into Christ and just hide out in Christ until God you know zips us out of here or something and he's gonna come for us and we're gonna be exactly the way he was when he or we were when we when he found us his idea is not to leave you how he found you his idea is to change you and to conform you to the image of Christ amen that means you're gonna have some experiences that may not always be pleasant right yeah cuz change isn't pleasant usually and most people don't like change matter of fact one of the ways that they can tell your level of mental health is by how well you adapt to change that's one of the primary indicators of how mentally healthy you are right now he says here and watch this we'll start at verse 30 again moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified so see if you're not called you're not justified so you're called if you're in Christ and you've accepted him and he is your Lord then guess what you're called okay and whom he justified them he also glorified that good news right verse 31 and what no watch this Paul is writing here to the Romans and he says what shall we then say to these things what is our answer to what I just said what I just wrote about of his foreordination of his foreknowledge of his predestinated us all these different things what shall we say how we gonna answer this here's what he said you want the answer that is simple if God be for us who can be against us and that right there isn't enough if you just learned that one verse and realized or the odds should say these three verses here that right there is enough to actually absolutely turn your life around because if you realize God as for you who can be against you well who is who is who well that's anybody that could try to be against you now you might have people that come against you but nobody can successfully come against you right unless you decide that they're coming against you somehow the will of God and therefore you settle for it and basically you just allow it so you have to decide no this you know there's lawsuits things like this legal cases no no that yeah you can bring the charges against me but you're gonna lose and you're gonna waste a whole bunch of money what because who can be against me if God's for me right now it may look bad for a while but that just gives God time to clear out all the people around you that don't trust him right because you start when things started looking bad you'd be amazed how many people leave how many people run off and how many people change their minds about you and start so well you know I thought he was a good guy I thought it was this way but you know I mean you know whether smoke there's fire that's not always true right there can be smoke without fire right and the devil is real good at smoke screens so we need to realize that if God is for you who can be against you and see this is what I want to get to when I start talkin yourself you have to realize because when you start going through rough times or rough things most the time people end up looking at things going well is God really form him and if he was could could these things be happening yeah they could be happening God didn't say there wouldn't happen he said guess what storms are going to come the winds gonna blow the rain is going to fall things are going to happen you're gonna go through storms just like the bad people the difference is your house will stand in other words you are coming out of this right it's not gonna last forever Jobe everybody talks about Joe and job's entire bad times lasted approximately nine months now think about that nine months it would it in last years everybody act like it lasted you know 10 15 20 years it didn't last that way it asked at about nine months and then that whole time God said Jobe never said anything wrong about me think about that so now jobs comforters they said all kinds of things they said okay and God even showed up and talked to him said the things you've said about me is wrong you've spoken wrong about me imagine that you imagine their knees were knocking right I'm probably pretty worried about that when God shows them say you've been talking about me and you've been saying wrong things that's not somebody you want showing up on your doorstep alright when you've been gossiping bad about them so or let's just take it further or you don't want the person had you been gossiping about that is right with God you don't want them showing up on your doorstep saying you've been Gus Mally about me and that's when you know God is for me and if you're not for me then that means you're against God think about that amen see people don't like this kind of talk but the fact is this is all through the Bible and you can see people and you can see all the people that were right with God we're always they want to stand up and go you know what here's what it'll be Paul think about Paul Paul was chained between two guards at the point that he writes this at one point they even talked about how in Roman during that during those times according to Roman military custom the way they did things maybe the Roman military was very specific about how they did things and it said that at the time that Paul wrote his letter the letter I'm gonna refer to here it said that he would have been literally chained on both hands to a Roman guard so every time he moved his arms the guard knew it think about that and he was writing this letter and he said you know I would rather be gone I would rather be out here I'd rather be with Christ because to be absent from the body as president with the Lord I'd rather be there but the church needs me here and you know and I'm really in a fix between the two whether to stay or go as if he's calling the shots here's a prisoner chain between two Roman guards and he said I had made up my mind yet whether I'll stare ago and then later on he goes but you know the church needs me so I'll stay a while so he made the decision and you know those Roman guards they probably saw what he was writing they probably heard and he's like who is this who is this guy writing this that he actually thinks he's calling the shots right and then later he writes and says okay I finished my course I've run my race I'm done I poured myself out and I'm ready to go and then he was executed now I do not know for you know for a fact but it would not surprise usually when they gave him guards like that a lot of times they were with him for the entire period of time or whether they were whether or not it doesn't matter but I almost would think that whenever the Romans that were chained to Paul saw him get released that had to affect him and then later when they heard that he was crucified beheaded according to tradition anyway when he was beheaded they probably thought well I guess I guess he finally figured it was his time to go I cannot only help but think they might have got saved by seeing how Paul lived his life in front of them think about that because none of that stuff is wasted God uses that kind of stuff he used Stephen to get saw Paul saved God doesn't waste anything amen the problems you're going through the things that you think that nobody else knows about or nobody else sees or maybe they see your problem but they don't know the details let me tell you God uses those things and he'll remind people remember how so-and-so was when they were going through there remember how they were diagnosed terminal and they you found out about it but they didn't talk about it they didn't sit around talking about all day and they didn't remember how they didn't get depressed and you thought wow they were diagnosed terminal I'd have never known and then they found out oh well they got completely healed don't think God won't use that kind of stuff he'll bring that to your remembrance and to the people's remembrance so how we live our life throughout says we were to be open epistles open read of every man so our life is an epistle it's a book that's being read by people around us and so we need to live lives that can be examples of people of faith of purity of charity all these things that Paul told Timothy he said you knew me you you know me here should say he said you know what I've taught you know how I live you've seen what I've talked to the public we've been around me you know my manner of life think about that and so that's the kind of lives we're supposed to be living amen so now look at this he says who shall lay anything well I should go back he that's parrot and get this if God be for us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him with him also freely give us all things he said listen if God gave his best for you he's not gonna hold anything back from you as a matter of fact whenever he gave Jesus he gave us everything that he had with Jesus so when we receive Jesus we get everything given to us at that moment in our life and really what we do is spend the rest of our life learning what is ours and our faith in God this we look at me go that's true that's true for me it's mine then you step into your inheritance that's what you do the rest of your life it's given to you at the moment you're born again but you spend the rest of your life finding out what yours and so went now you do that now hopefully have you found First Samuel okay First Samuel Chapter three all right we're gonna start in verse 16 this says then Eli called Samuel and said Samuel my son and he answered hear mine and he said what is the thing that the Lord has said unto you I pray thee hide it not from me and if you remember this story God had just given Samuel a vision about Eli in his house and about the wickedness that it was going on in this house and Eli wouldn't take care of it he wouldn't deal with it and so God told Samuel I'm fixing to in Eli's time as a prophet and I'm fixing it to judge this situation because Eli won't judge it himself that's what Paul said if that judge myself I won't be judged amen so he said what is the thing the Lord said in you I pray that you had it not for me God do so did he and more also if you had anything from me of all the things that he said to you know that's that'll get you to open your mouth right if you don't tell me everything he said is gonna come on you cuz you gotta remember Eli was still a prophet he could still proclaim these things right and Samuel told him every wit and had nothing from him and he said it is the Lord let him do what seems him good and Samuel grew and the Lord knoweth Samuel grew the Lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground think about that now the Bible says that all of these lives of the prophets are given to us as an example for us to learn from so we can learn from Eli's life guess what if their situation going on you got to judge it you got to judge yourself you got to judge your house so to speak and you got to get your house in order or it will be judged right then he ought but now notice what it said about Samuel what do we learn from Samuels life well we learn from saving his life that God can keep any word you speak from falling to the ground in other words what he's saying is God can God made all of Samuels words come to pass that's what that means and God can make all of your words come to pass you get that what because you are the prophet of your own life so the Bible says and throughout the Old Testament even in the new if the spirit came only upon three kinds of people and that was the prophet the priest and the King that's the only three kinds of people that the Spirit of God ever came upon now the fact is you now in Christ having the Spirit of Christ guess what we are made kings and priests under our God right well guess what to be a priest or to be a prophet you had to be a priest so here we can see that we are to be prophets because we remember the only three people that the Spirit came upon those like the Prophet the king and the priest well we I just showed you at a revelation there's two places actually it says that we were made kings and priests and I'm telling you that you're made a prophet also to your own life that you can prophesy the will of God for your own life based on the prophecies that God has already said before Paul told Timothy war a good warfare we talked about this last week war a good warfare with the prophecies that have gone on before you right and he said hands have been laid on you words have been said and he said war a good warfare now look at verse yeah remember this and in God the Lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground right say this with me father I thank you now that you will let none of my words fall to the ground in Jesus name now you know what that means that means you got to make sure what you say you want to come to pass they meant that means you don't talk sickness and disease and death and problems and lack and that you start speaking what you want to kind of pass you speak the end result faith always speaks the end result faith does not speak what it sees you get it let the eyes can see put it that way anybody can do that it doesn't take faith to tell the problem and look at the problem see the problem and talk about the problem everybody does that it takes faith to look past the problem at the answer and speak the answer until the answer is now physically in front of you that's what faith does all right now that's why so few people actually convey the now in Matthew chapter 13 verse 53 it says and it came to pass that when Jesus had finished these parables he departed thence and when he was come into his own country notice his own country he taught them in their synagogue now notice it was his own country but it was their synagogue maybe that it would have been his synagogue - because it was his own country but doesn't say that it says in their synagogue now watch in so much that they were astonished and said whence hath this man this wisdom and these mighty works now this is why it was their synagogue and not his synagogue why because their synagogue was full of doubt and unbelief do you get that his synagogue his church is not full of doubt and unbelief do you get that all right is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Semin Judas and his sisters are they not all with us whence then hath this man notice here's their problem they only saw him as a man not if not even as a prophet because even the prophets they knew had power so they only saw him as a man they couldn't get past the familiarity he grew up here we know his mama we know his daddy we know his brothers and sisters we know see they couldn't get past the humanity of him they knew him well enough or enough which also stands out to show that he didn't always when he was growing up there he didn't walk around acting like the Son of God all the time amen so it says and whence then hath this man all these things and they were offended in him now notice offended a minute ago it said they were astonished nasa says they were offended astonishment can quickly turn to offense okay but jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house now look at verse 58 and he did not many mighty works there because of their own right now people have used that say see even Jesus couldn't get people healed in his own hometown and that we'll talk about that in just a minute but I want you to look at this he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief now here's the question remember and that's and I preached it ever meant for condemnation so don't get in condemnation and that kind of stuff I'm just I want you to hear this because the point is for you to grow right see you you can I don't mind you coming under conviction because I preached the Word of God and when you hear the word of God and you hear where here's what the Word of God says and here's where you're walking see when you just say well I should be walking there and you decide to move up to there that's conviction but when you hear then go WOW that's where that is and this is where I am I'll never be there I can never do that you know it's not even worth trying now you're entering into condemnation because you are deciding not to be who God called you to be do you get that so I don't preach condemnation I preach the word you decide if it becomes conviction or condemnation that's on you you got that okay no but here's the question in verse 58 it says and he did not many mighty works there because their unbelief and here's the question when I ask you how many mighty works can God do in your life then if as long as you don't have unbelief because whatever whatever he is not doing listen listen carefully whatever you need God has provided do you agree with that he has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness is that right and it says that he hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places is that right so everything we need he has given so anything we need that we're not seeing in our life we're not seeing it because of unbelief well you're that quiet yeah again no condemnation condition change make a decision alright now what I mean by that I'm not talking whatever is not a faith is sin I get that but I'm not emphasizing you know that the sin part of it I'm saying change you can you can change you can make a decision and go and say okay oh I see that now so if you're not seeing something in your life it's because of unbelief so the key is to find out what is causing my unbelief what am i unbelieving what does the Bible say that I have that I am not believing now here's a here's the key to this you can tell what you believe two main ways so I would even say three but let's say well I'll give you all three but we're going to emphasize two okay the three main ways that you can tell what you're believing where you're at is about what you think that's the third way actually and that's their leader not the least way but it's not the main thing we're talking about but the other two things are what you say and what you do how you act what do you do on a daily basis what do you say on a daily basis because what you say and the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so what you're saying is essentially what you're thinking right so the key is make sure you're thinking right speaking right and acting right doing right now when I say thinking speaking and acting or doing I'm not talking about doing everything just right I'm talking about thinking correctly I'm talking about acting correctly according to the Word of God according to what you believe do you have that say when you believe you're healed you act heal right you don't you don't say you don't believe you're healed and in acts ik right you know it's for arguing one example one give you I could actually give you a couple but if I understand that if you have a disability that it makes life hard I got totally get that okay now if if it were me I don't care whatever happened to me I would never have that blue thing hanging in my car what because that means now I've accepted that and that means identify with that and I'm making my life easier because of it let's see what because I was raised in under a man of God that showed me how to walk in faith and so I've made certain decisions based on that that I would never Cottle sickness or disease in me I would never baby it right now that doesn't mean you know I mean I'm gonna understand if you you do what you got to do I get that but you should never accept a diagnosis or a symptom or anything else as part of who you are because that's not who you are right see if I have a flat tire coming into the office sometime that flight that flat tire does not define me I get out I fix it and I move on right and it's the same thing with sickness or disease and you might be in the process of fixing your flat tire but don't ever think that you're a flat tire amen maybe some of us that need flatter tires but anyway that's a whole nother thing it's a whole another sermon no all right let's go to mark chapter 6 so what was the question what can God do through you because whatever he can't do through you it's because of unbelief so the answer is to find out what is causing your unbelief what are you not believing that God has said and what you're not bleeding then listen carefully like I said those three those what you're not believing is going to be based on what you're thinking what you're saying and how you act you can and according to even john lake and not proving this now in my own life that it as he said is a law of the human mind that I can act myself into believing faster than I can believe myself into acting most people say well I'm not gonna act well until I feel well well then then let the thing run its natural course because that's what you're doing because the natural course is maybe you should get well over a period of time unless it's a terminal illness and then the natural course is you're gonna die of it right let's just be honest I I don't like all the you know had the truth stuff that I see in a lot of churches a lot of sermons and things but if you if you listen carefully what I'm talk about is a natural course but you don't have to live according to the natural course you can live according to the supernatural course will you bring God's Word and his power into bear under that situation and now it changes and it doesn't have to run its natural course that's what healing is is that something does not have to run its natural course right yeah that now so if you're going if you you can act yourself into believing so all you have to do is find out what the Bible says about you and start acting that way and it will change your thought process it will eventually change your mouth and the longer it takes to change your mouth the longer it takes for you to see the supernatural take over your situation so the real key is change your mouth okay which you mainly do by changing your thinking because according to what the Bible says you know out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so change your thinking change your speaking change your actions if you do that you will absolutely you cannot you cannot change those three things without changing your life you cannot do it it is impossible and the Word of God says if you do these things you will change your life now Mark chapter 6 verse 1 it is the same situation of Matthew 13 and he went out from thence and came into his own country and his disciples follow him and when the Sabbath day was coming began to teach in the synagogue and many hearing him were astonished saying from whence hath this man these things and what wisdom is this which is given unto him that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands I stop right there notice that they understood that mighty works were wrought because of wisdom given to him yet that they said the reason he can do these mighty works is because he has wisdom now think about that what wisdom that God would work through him that's one of the the wisdoms that Jesus had but the Bible also says that Jesus is made unto us wisdom so guess what we've got we've got the wisdom of God if we have the wisdom of God then we ought to be able to do the same mighty works of Jesus did wow that sounds like a scripture doesn't it but if we believe on him which is what the wisdom of God it's wise if you believe on Jesus you are operating in the wisdom of God because God knows it is the wisest thing you can do is believe on Jesus amen so you believe on him and because of that you have the wisdom of God because you have the wisdom of God you can do these mighty works you got that say to many people sit around waiting for God does zap them dump something on them cause something to happen and he and even Solomon said him in Proverbs he said wisdom get wisdom get understanding wisdom is the principal thing get wisdom what because when you have wisdom you know how things work when you know how things work you can do things do you know why I see the results in healing that I see is because I know how it works what because I the wisdom of God I searched for it I dug it out it wasn't being spread around whenever I started and and you know last week I guess it was there last Saturday I think was was the anniversary or actually it's not anniversary it's actually my daughter's birthday our first starter that passed away when she was 2 and even before she passed away I started searching I went after it and I didn't care what I found I didn't care who had the truth all I wanted was truth and I found it in the Bible I found out that it wasn't out a whole lot and so we started doing it and then they get this I read it I started thinking it I sat around I thought about it putting two and two together with the help of the Holy Spirit didn't know his Holy Spirit many times helped me but it was and so then I would figure certain things out with the help of the Holy Spirit then so what I started doing first I'm reading then I'm thinking then I started to say it I started telling people and guess what happened when you started telling people something never heard before they think you're crazy and they argue with you right well how can you know that I mean I never heard that before and if that was true surely somebody else would have said it well I'm sure something else did say it and everybody said they were crazy so they quit saying it right difference maybe was I'm just so tenacious about it I wouldn't quit I didn't care what anybody else thought and so we just kept on saying it and I got a whole bunch of new friends my that means I got lost a whole bunch of words all right you know and I was good with that what because I would rather hang out with people to breathe the Word of God then people that just want to fit in with a group and so we started I started reading it started thinking it started saying it and then I started doing it you know one of the blessings I had this last week was serendipitous actually I was taking my my wife and I were taking my sister-in-law's car up to a and it was a long ways out it's like an hour drive each way right because she knew these people so we go up there and when we pass back by we were passing by a place where the first person that ever put together our website was and they they put together the website they were friends of ours and I hadn't seen him in like 18 years or it's probably at least 15 years anyway and so my wife said are you gonna stop by us yeah so he's pulled in a wood up knocked on the door and here's a person I haven't seen in 15 years or so and it was a family you know maybe we hugged and just it was so good to see each other and and then one of the first things he said he said man you know because we were talking about physical situations and he said man you know I I'm doing he said I remember this one the first things you taught me he was you might hear me tell the story how he was going to a particular denominational Church and he came and he heard I was talking about healing and so he invited me to go to the hospital with him and so we went to the hospital and while were there praying for a guy that was in a coma the pastor came up behind us and hurt us and kind of got upset that I was there because I wouldn't remember that church and he thought I was a particular type of camp I guess and he didn't like that camp and so he thought I was doing things and saying things that I wouldn't say and he thought I was putting the blame on other people and that kind stuff and while we're staying there to talk to him the guy comes out of the coma right that's always good it's always good when it happens like that you know so but this is a guy he said but I remember one of the first things when things you taught me a long time ago was and so I went to Walmart I started to go around praying for people why he was sewing for his heating right and he was going out and praying for people and so in every money I'm like yeah because I remember in those early days how we started it was just so few people that would actually go with us anywhere and so we got I got to swim again it was a real blessing to see him you know not to mention a fan he's also a gunsmith so that made things good - sorry which we just really reconnected on every level it's really good so but it was really yeah it's good when you see people and you go back and you remember how you started and then and so in that time I was going to go to Walmart and just walk around just find people that were sick and just just minister to him and so and that's how we got started and most of time I had to go alone because most people wouldn't go with me right but we kept going kept going kept going until finally now believe it or not this what we teach on healing is the number one teaching on healing in the world right now the number one of people that are actually doing it they mint and all that all that has changed in 20 years literally with and that's what Sid Roth said he said you're going to change the face of Christianity as we know it and honestly it's happened what because it's truth people want truth they want to walk in truth they don't want to just be told you know and the sweet by and by there's gonna be healing they want to walk in truth they want to walk they want to do things for God and they want to know they can do it now this takes you right back to what I'm talking about man what I said about Samuel it said that God didn't let any of his words fall to the ground so and remember we also talked about how people doubt themselves and they doubt God listen the whole reason I'm speaking this this morning because what God told me to tell the people that are listening whether present or internet or any other way is this trust God to back you up you have to decide so many people are wondering and they think they're on their own I mean if I thought I was on my own in this there's no way I could have kept going 20 years 25 years now like this so you have to decide is God with you it is he with you if he's with you then nothing can successfully stand against you that's why I read Romans well ago you have to decide cuz he talks about famine and peril and tribulation all that stuff and he said and who can be against us if God be for us but that's not question to you is God for you now don't just give it lip service oh yeah God is for me I'm blessed you know blessed and highly favored no come on let's get past the cliches because the cliches don't get you healed the cliches don't get you don't don't cause you to walk in the blessing of God to cook the cliches don't get other people healed through you and you walking in the power of God let's get to reality and let's decide is God for us or not no let's go beyond us cuz I know God's for me my life proves it I'm telling you my life proves it right and times when I wouldn't have been for me God was for me so really the question comes in it is God for you because I know he's for me but and for you to walk in the things that God want you to walk in you've got a know he's for you what that means is now I'm not talking about you walking perfect because remember perfect is not walking without mistakes perfect is when you make a mistake you get right back right with God immediately and keep walking that's perfect see that's not our kind of perfect because if it was our kind of see our kind of perfect says don't make a mistake if you ever make a mistake you could never be perfect but thank god that's not God's kind of perfect because if that were true then God couldn't even use us what because we'd have to be perfect for him to use us in this in our month and we never attain that but we can according the Word of God we are perfect and can attain perfection and maintain perfection in God if we obey Him the battle says the righteous man falls down seven times and gets up eight think about that a righteous man falls down seven times now see we would say if I were to ask you how many times does a righteous man fall or does a righteous man ever fall oh no no righteous man would never fall then no one's righteous what because we've all fallen short of the glory of God amen come on are you with me on you realize all I'm saying scripture right I'm just quoting scripture to you it's awesome to it so it's not the falling down that God focuses on it's the getting back up if you fall down and stay down didn't according the Bible you're not a righteous person but if you fall down and get up you're righteous amen again that's good news okay now notice here he says winds hath this man this wisdom these mighty works so I'm sorry I'm back in Matthew 13 and mark let's go down to verse 4 but jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor but in his own country and among his own kin in his own house and he could there do no mighty work except that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk and healed them now number 1 he laid his hands on a few sick folk and healed them which means every person laid hands on got healed so Jesus did not try and fail to heal anyone everybody he ministered to got healed now notice I was driving and this scripture just it was like it was right in front of me think about this he's here he is in the middle of his own area people that knew him and they were all in unbelief and in the middle of that unbelief Jesus could there do no mighty work except he could heal do you get that the one thing he could do is he could heal and yet if you listen to most preachers talking about healing if the person's an unbelief forget it won't work and yet be an entire city being an unbelief did not stop Jesus from healing now it did stop him maybe from doing others things because I said he did not many mighty work he could there do nobody works except so there was stuff he couldn't do there now think about that and it's hit me so hard today were not today but the other day when I was driving imagine standing before Jesus and you're saying why why did you remember that tongue yeah I was going through this remember that time my friend was going through this and I prayed and nothing happened what what and Jesus said yeah I couldn't cuz you weren't unbelief I could I wanted to help but I could not and I thought wow imagine standing before him and him telling you he couldn't help you because of your unbelief now I'm not talking about healing because even the middle of healing people are in the middle of unbelief people got healed right I'm talking about in your life so all what I'm asking is this what is it they were not letting God do what could you do what what what could God do through you if you could just believe in I mean because believing him is not hard believe but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and when it says hearing by the Word of God literally means hearing and obeying hearing and doing and whenever you hear the word and do the word faith is present to cause what you're doing to come to pass right you know somebody could send you a check in the mail or they could say here your check is at my office come pick it up well it's always good to get a check in the mail but if they say the check is at the office you can't there you have no right to sit around and complain about you not having your check or money whenever they said the check is it's at my office just just come pick it up notice because you didn't act on it to go pick it up so it's not the person's fault and they're right it's not the person's fault it is it is your fault if you don't go pick it up and here he is saying no if you have faith I can do these things so it's on us to have faith in him which means that whatever it takes for us to get there we got to go to do it if that means cutting things up because listen one of the main things a person came to me the other day and they said man you know I've been wanting to meet with you and you know I just got a couple of questions I want to ask you look great okay well you know what what can I help you with and and then they just start talking and they talked and talked and talked and they never asked the question they just talked now listen I don't I don't think more highly of myself than a heart I don't think of myself is higher than any a person or anything else I think we're all brothers and sisters you know and I know your time is valuable my time is able right if I and I remember man I remember going to camp meetings and conventions and I see these speakers and men they just give an amazing word from God and it's it's impactful and it's right there in the scripture Wow and then you watch them walk off and you think man if I if I could just spend five for that guy or that girl whoever he was if I could just spend five minutes with him I know I could ask them two or three questions that would absolutely change the trajectory of my life right and maybe you've never felt that way about a preacher maybe for you with some you know self-help guru or somebody you know somebody around oh you know if I could just spend five minutes with Tony Robbins my life would change if I could spend five minutes with somebody my life a chat okay whoever it is but you realize that for your life to change if you meet somebody and you're gonna talk to them and your life is going to change for that life to change you have to stop talking do you get that you have to stop talking listen now unless of course you're asking a question now it's it's wise to ask questions if you know someone that has what you want when I was with dr. some raw man I had questions why because he had something I wanted and I had the questions and I had asked him questions but guess what as soon as I asked a question I shut up why cuz I was waiting for the answer see if as long as as long as I kept talking he wouldn't answer so I would never get my answer but if I could save the question and shut up the sooner I could shut up the sooner I got my answer because you don't learn anything by talking amen and so I started realizing that the real getting so many people come to me and they want to they you know I have a couple of questions and they really don't have any questions they just want to tell me about their life or they want to tell me something which in you know many cases it's interesting or something but it's the same time in many cases not but anyway you know it but the bottom line is we have to get to a place where if we're going for something we ask for it ask the question whatever it is and then stop talking amen but and if that person stands there and looks at you guess what most of time you'll start talking again because we're trained not to have silence but it's in the silence that the wisdom of God comes out if you ask me a question and I'm quiet for a minute it's not because I'm I'm not going to answer you it's because I'm not going to answer you out of just maybe my understanding I'm gonna I'm waiting to get the right answer for you because the answer I could just give off the top of my head might be biblical but it might not be exactly the answer you need I need the wisdom of God to come out and many times you have to be quiet first for that wisdom to bubble up through all of your thinking so it'll come out instead of what you think now I'm talking about people whose minds are not renewed the Word of God completely right because you can renew your mind the Word of God to the point where you have the mind of Christ so that you can open your mouth and the wisdom of God will come out automatically that's where we're all headed that's when we are conformed the image of Christ amen all right now I don't know you know usually we have these messages on CD or whatever in the bookstore right afterwards I would highly suggest if we do for you to get this one today because there is a lot of scripture a lot of things coming out that you could take pieces and analyze it and talk to God about it and let him show you some things are things that are not in my notes things are coming out that I can guarantee I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get a copy of this and go back through it add to my notes so no I said he laid his hands on a few sick folk and He healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief you know twice it says that he marveled at somebody's faith but and especially with the Roman centurion and then with the syrophoenician woman but here he said he marveled at their unbelief in this in his own hometown now it's a it's a simple question simple answer what do you want Jesus to marvel at your faith or your unbelief I want him to marvel at my faith a mint but that means I have to actually find out what I have to have faith in and how to have faith in him for that now let's go to the last part here here's some notes number 1 jesus healed even in the presence of unbelief number 2 jesus healed everyone he laid hands on now laying on of hands provides the greatest direct transfer of power okay it is also the lowest form of ministry think about that right if you want you could have wireless internet or you can have fiber optics right and to be wired in is better than Wireless right why because it's a direct transfer right there it's faster it's stronger right then Wireless now but now think about this so it has the greatest direct transfer of power laying on of hands is the method that has the greatest direct transfer of power but it is the lowest form of ministry because to do it you have to be present with the person that needs it which severely limits because even right now here we are in the same room and yet I'm not touching anybody right so it we're even limit even though we're in the same room laying on of hands is limited to the proximity of the person transmitting the power of God this makes sense to you and so so it's the lowest form because of the requirements but now the highest form is for me to simply believe and the minute and if you're on my mind when I believe you get healed that's the that's the biblical way it works and that's the greatest form not even praying not even speaking right which praying and speaking and all these things they all work but they're all differing levels but the greatest is to simply believe and then expect the results that's the greatest form of faith right and because it can be done anywhere for anybody anywhere regardless of their proximity to where you are right even even praying over the phone to someone in Australia or someone in Europe that's an amazing miracle to be able to do that but at the same time there's still that connection right so it's even greater to hear the need and be able to believe and then that person says well you must have prayed because I got healed at this time that's exactly what happened John Lakes wife we Dowe it that they said would you pray for her she had gotten shot and they said would you pray for and he said they said yeah and they knew that every morning at 9:30 they he prayed for all the prayer requests that came in so at 9:30 she looked up at the said well it's 9:30 now he must have praised must have prayed so I must be healed and she got up out of bed was instantly healed think about it so yeah yeah oh nothing so number three in the case of the one with the issue of blood she was the only one healed y'all mood this even though many were touching him and thing with it everybody was touching she's the only one that got something right what only later did others get healed when they touched him because of her testimony what did Jesus turn when he found he turned around found out who it was she told him all the truth and he said daughter your faith you that your faith made you whole say her faith his power what went out of him virtue power so when faith and power come together there's a miracle yet now here's the beauty of our situation we are now in Christ after the resurrection so now Christ lives in us it is Christ in us the hope of glory is that right so the power that was in Christ is now in US and according to the power that works in you God can do exceedingly abundantly above all you can think her ask so now Christ is living in us the power is living in us and we have faith so there's never a reason to say well I have faith I got to go find somebody with power know I have faith and I have power and I can cause a divine chemical reaction of whatever I need to take place anywhere I need it amen amen all right now okay number four Jesus and you and I that believe on him can heal the sick right but there are greater miracles that we can't do unless the person actually has faith the new birth the new birth is a greater miracle than healing amen it's the greatest miracle there can be and we can't do that without the person that needs to get born again without them having faith in Christ see I can get you healed because I can give you the power to get you healed to change the body but I can't get you saved unless you decide to cooperate you give that see this is where certain camps have made mistakes in pass between healing because they thought that the person had to have faith for healing - so no number yeah such as getting born again and there's two things here now we can change their life right we can bless them we can we can change we can change their their their circumstances right then but we cannot guarantee continued change unless the person now decides to agree right now mark 11 we know this and already verse 12 and on the morrow when they were come from Bethany he was hungry and seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if haply he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet so apparently Jesus was a great prophet but not a good farmer because because he didn't know what season it was he didn't know it wasn't time for figs okay no and Jesus know it just and jesus answered and said unto him and said unto it no man eat fruit of the year hereafter forever and his disciples heard it now notice first off what did he do he did not pray he made a decree he gave a command notice what it was he passed judgment on that tree and the sentence was that the tree could never again fulfill his divine ordained purpose he said no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever what that's the that's the trees only purpose is to produce fruit for man to eat that's the only purpose for a tree to be here eat it and so when it did not do it when it was expected Jesus now notice he gave a decree he just said no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever and watch this and his disciples heard it so he made a decree and he and the thing remember is this he said it loud enough for all of his disciples to hear it he didn't whisper it what does that mean that means he was sure yeah that he wouldn't he would well I'm gonna go try this I'm gonna whisper it in case it doesn't work that way I don't look stupid right no he said it loud enough he just said it right now after this Jesus went on into Jerusalem now watch in verse 19 it says and when evening was come he went out of the city and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots notice it didn't start dying in the leaves and go down it life was cut off at the root and everything else died when we speak to sickness or disease we speak to it not the symptoms but the actual disease itself and because of that we cut off its life and then the symptoms start to die okay now and Peter calling to remembrance saith unto Him master behold the fig tree which you cursed is withered away now notice Jesus gave a decree Peter called it a curse what because it was negative speaking but notice what it said it said it could not fulfill this divine purpose any time you speak to a person and say you're stupid you're an idiot you're you know you'll never learn this you'll never amount to anything what are you doing you are cursing them what because you're saying you will never accomplish your divine purpose because God's divine purpose for every human is not that they be stupid not that they be ignorant not that they never amount to anything God has plans for each and every person on this earth amen and his plans are good right I know better still be by me okay his plans are good right yeah now watch this verse 22 and you get this he he spoke to the fig tree it died they bring it to his attention what does Jesus's next words he didn't go yeah ain't s something well you know you know who you're dealing with yeah I speak two things and they die don't make me mad okay no Jesus didn't say that he did not say that all right now watch watch what he does and Jesus answering saith unto them have faith in God guys why are you surprised have faith in God all things are possible you can do this right that's why whenever you remember Jesus in the boat storms come up Peter comes back says Jesus don't you master don't you don't you care that we die we're gonna drown here and Jesus got up spoke to the wind and sea and says where's your faith you know right he said peace be still and then he told his underside where's your faith where's your faith did I tell you to go to the middle of the lake and drowned no I told you go to the other side Peter you should have got up walk to the edge of the boat and said listen wind waves I got the Son of the Living God right here in this boat we ain't drowning you're gonna stop because we're going to the other side so peace be still and then Jesus would have got up next well ha oh that was a good sleep good nap floating along there I heard a little commotion last night Peter I I heard you good job good job what because he would been in faith instead of getting rebuked we want to be in faith amen we want to hear what well done not depart from me Amen all right he says here have faith in God now here's the question did Jesus have faith in God when he cursed the fig tree wait before you answer okay let's say yes okay but what did Jesus have faith in God for was it that the fig tree would die or that God would uphold whatever Jesus said and think about that did he say no man because he didn't say fig tree died there are fig trees that don't produce figs and they still live they're useless but they live right so Jesus didn't say died Jesus had faith in God that God would uphold his words not that the fig tree would die okay do you see where I'm going with that Jesus trusted God to back him up whatever he said see we think God is waiting for us to say something and he's going to say yeah I can agree with that or yes I agree with that yet oh that's not my plan that's not my will so no I'm not gonna uphold that word no no you got to realize learn the word of God think the word of God speak the word of God you never have to worry about God backing you up as long as you're speaking God's Word he will always uphold his word when he upholds his word and he's your mouth he's upholding your words do you get it if he can do that for an Old Testament prophet he can do it for a New Testament King and priest amen No so then he finally says for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast and see and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says should I couldn't pass he shall have whatsoever he saith verse 23 is about speaking verse 24 therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them verse 23 is about speaking verse 24 is about praying right get them both right so why last thing why did Jesus have faith in God that God would uphold Jesus's words I give you two scriptures Genesis 1:26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea fowl of the air over the cattle over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion you get it Jesus was simply obeying and walking in what God provided for Adam why cuz he was the last Adam he was doing everything the way the first Adam should have done it but didn't right so he wasn't going by specific word he was going by the fact that he was walking as God's man on this earth in right relationship with God so if you are in right relationship with God how do you know if you are you made Jesus Lord of your life are you in Christ you're in right relationship amen you may not be doing everything right but if anything is not working in your life it's not God's fault it's because you're not working it the way it was meant to be worked right you're believing something that does not allow God to do mighty works through you right now we could go in all kinds of examples the last verse Psalm 8 verse 3 when I consider the heavens thy heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him you notice he didn't say what is the profit why is it impossible well he didn't say that he said what does man just man man has this ability not apostles not prophets that that just gives you more responsibility it does not give you more power your faith in this and faith in God with faith in God all things are possible so why do you it's not a matter of more power it's more faith amen thou has made him a little lower than the Angels crowned him with glory and honor you made him to have dominion over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet man and now we're in Christ we are in the position God wanted Adam to walk in because of that well he has put us in Christ over all the works of his hands the works of his hands for Jesus here was a fig tree but guess why it was also the blind it was also the maimed it was also the sick and whatever he put his hands to was blessed have faith in God let trust God to back you up you know my dad was a policeman all my you know all my life until he passed away actually back in 2011 and one of the main things that we used to talk about cuz we talk about the legalities of Scripture and how the legal system works and and one of the things I asked my said we were talking about Authority and walking Authority and I said but what if I'm an authority but I make a mistake how does that work and my dad said well he said actually there's a law he said that the system is that if you if a policeman for instance that policeman makes a wrongful arrest he arrests the wrong guy right and and when he goes to court the policeman what that's proven the policemen can't get sued I said he can't get sued I said yeah even for wrongful arrest the policeman can't get sued the police department can get sued the city then municipality they can get sued one because he was operating as a as a an official of that department he was not operating under his own volition he was operating in alignment with the position he had been put in in that sort so there's actually the police department the city that would be wrong and I said even if it's even if it's a wrong arrest he said as long as he can show good faith I thought good faith he said yeah as long as you in other words if he did if he thought this person was the person that did the crime based on the description of whatever was and if he did if he arrested them and if he could prove that any other person any other policeman or anybody else would have made the same mistake nothing can be done to him personally now think about that all you have to do with God you are you are a son or daughter of the Living God you are in him you are in Christ the the power of the kingdom of God is behind you 100% to back you up and even if you make a mistake think about that even if you do it wrong let's say you just somehow heal the wrong person right if that were possible but you make a mistake then if it's a reasonable mistake and if it's a mistake made in good faith you were trying to do the right thing nowadays even have what's called the Good Samaritan law because they would stop and try to help somebody at an accident and the person sometimes what they would do would be bad and hurt him more and people were getting sued so they put a law in effect called the Good Samaritan law that says if you stop to help somebody and your intent is to truly help and if you make a mistake then you can't be sued because of it think about that and it meant funny they had to go back to the Bible to get a term for that law what because the Mosaic law and the biblical law is the basis of all law in the United States which is one of the main things that sets the United States against you know sets them apart of most other nations now I'm not saying how well it's always acted out but I'm saying the way it was designed so even if you make a mistake God is for you what can separate you from him from his love from his desire to see you fulfill and become conformed to the image of Christ so even the key is the biggest mistake you'll make is do not try to help somebody amen even if you make a mistake I'm I know there are mistakes Paul made and Peter that they did things that was not the will of God and yet you can see that God backed them up even in their mistakes trust God to back you up trust God to keep your words from falling to the ground when you say when you pray trust God to bring it to pass he is behind you he wants you they want he wants you to fulfill your divine destiny what because when you do it glorifies Jesus amen jesus said if you pray in my name whatever you ask in my name I will do it why so that the father may be glorified in the son you get it it ain't about you it's about God being glorified through Jesus living in you and me and you we need being able to do what he did it brings glory to the Father amen Chuck anything else this morning amen amen amen I can tell you I had a good time preaching it I enjoyed it I want to get a copy and listen to it myself right father we thank you your word is true we thank you Father that all that you have for us is ours and that now father we know to look to your word find out all that is in your will for us and let us so that we can walk in the fullness of our inheritance that was provided to the death the burial and resurrection of Jesus it's a father in Jesus name we bless these people we bless those listening to us we say in the name of Jesus right now sickness and disease you have to go you will leave them and never return all pain sickness ailments addictions right now go in Jesus name we set them free in Jesus name right now just check that out begin to move whatever was you couldn't do before if you can breathe breathe whatever was begin to do what you couldn't do before now if Jesus if you have not made Jesus the Lord of your life now's the time to do it right now don't wait right now jump in make him Lord of your life you say how do I do that just say Jesus you are the Lord and right now I make you my lord I will find out your will I will obey your will and I thank you now that I receive forgiveness of my sins cleansing and I am now a new creation all you have to do is anything along those lines it's not the words it's the intent of your heart that you are submitting yourself to God through Jesus Christ and at that moment you become born-again and everything I've been talking about instantly becomes your inheritance matter of fact that and even more that we hadn't even had time to talk about today so do it now if you made Jesus Lord of your life Radice call us let us know we want to rejoice with you and we got some material we want to be able to send to you also so until next time god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 49,472
Rating: 4.8521738 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 4Ik9T216Dd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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