20/20 Vision

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[Music] [Music] as you know we're moving into the year 2020 so this is probably the most quoted sermon toddler what do you want to call it in the world right now and it's basically having a 20/20 vision so I'm sure everybody's talking about it I mean you know churches have waited for years 2020 actually for this time so they could use this title for a sermon so I want to talk about having a 20/20 vision so first we're going to go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 and it says then from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church and when they were come to him he said unto them you know from the first day that I came into Asia and after what manner I've been with you at all seasons so you've seen how to live do you know all of it serving the Lord with all humility of mind and with many tears and temptations which befell me by the lying and weight of the Jews and look at verse 20 so this would be acts 20:20 and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but I have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house notice that publicly and from house to house testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ and now behold I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem not knowing the things which that shall befall me there except or saved that the Holy Ghost witnesses in every city saying that bonds and afflictions abide me and now notice what he's saying he said in this he said I've gone he said everywhere I've gone he said I'm going to Jerusalem and he said I don't know what's gonna happen all I do know is he said I'm bound in the spirit so he has to go but he said what I do know is this every city I've gone to somebody has a word of the Lord for me that if I keep going to Jerusalem bad things are gonna happen but now notice he kept going and that's something he didn't take that as a warning from God not to go he actually saw that as yep I'm on course why because if you remember whenever his first encounter with Jesus and even whenever he spoke to him that when Jesus spoke to Ananias to go lay hands on him and to set him free and open his eyes and get him saved get him born again and get filled with the spirit one of the things that God told Ananias was and I've shown him the many things that he must suffer for my namesake so for Paul being warned of more suffering wasn't a warning against it it was God's he was taking it as God's Way of saying yep I'm right on course and imagine that all right gives you a little insight into the mind of Paul amen so he says in verse 24 but none of these things move me neither account on my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy and the Ministry which I have received the Lord Jesus to testify and notice he's saying this what his ministry was to testify the gospel of the grace of God and now what just behold I know that you all among whom I've gone preaching the kingdom of God shall see my face no more so he knew this was it but notice he said so first he said you know I've been preaching the gospel the good news of the grace of God but then he says and everywhere I've gone I've also I have preached and shared with you the kingdom of God amen so he was preaching the same message that Jesus preached he preached the gospel of the kingdom but showing forth in emphasizing the grace of God that lets us get into the kingdom amen now he says in verse 26 wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood for I know this that after my departing shall Grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears and now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified notice again what he said here because he said I commend you to God but notice he said I did not cease for three years I did not cease to warn you he said night and day with tears I you can imagine what he was going through because he's talking to people that he was actually had been dealing with this time and he had such a heart for the church who said I'm warning you I'm telling you what's coming so everything was not all good and everything oh it's okay and doesn't matter it's all good it wasn't like that he said I'm warning you wolves will come in I'm warning you that people are even people among yourselves among your own people right here they're going to rise up and they're gonna speak perverse things because they're trying to draw disciples after themselves I don't know if there's ever been a time in history when we have seen that more than today and now it's even easier than ever before because all you gotta do is start a YouTube channel and start gathering followers and followers they're called disciples right whether they call themselves that or not it doesn't matter and then you watch people that put on shows on YouTube and one of the reasons they do it is because they want to draw people to them because YouTube's you get enough followers then you can monetize it they'll start contacting you and saying hey you know can we advertise on your YouTube channel and or followers often means money and so that's what they're trying to pull toward now I want to show you something funny because this morning is so important as many of you know I'm about to have to leave to Europe we'll be there a few weeks and so I'll be actually at a conference on New Year's Eve and will be speaking in Basel Switzerland and it is going to be a gathering people from many many nations and God has already indicated the importance of this meeting as we move into 2020 and then also when we come back he's already showed me some things this year that he wants to see take place some things are going to happen no matter what we do some things we are given the privilege of participating in and some reassurance some of that my fact this evening will be to having meeting at 3 o'clock for church members to make some decisions on how we are going to handle certain things but the key here is this and I want I'm going to try to tie all this together fairly quick but I want to get back to verse 20 how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you right I could say that with Paul out it not held anything back I've poured out everything God has given me I've shared everything we have no secrets we have nothing that I'm holding back so I can you know be the guy you know I'm we just what we're trying to I'm not my desire would be that everybody in this room everybody watching by internet or in any other format would be out doing this every day because I will tell you regardless we have to remember that James tells us that we have to be doers and not just hearers so at some point in your life the things that you've heard either from this pulpit or this message as a whole or whatever it is at some point you have to make a decision because it's real easy to just kind of go through life hear this message get excited about it talk about it fellowship with people here and then get into cruise control especially if you don't do it right at the beginning you'll get into this mode of cruise control and you just come to church and you hear a message and hopefully you know it edifies you to build you up but then you leave and if you don't do it then you get into the mode of just cruise control like I'm saying it just becomes everyday life and it's some and then you don't even realize it and you're not being a doer of the word you're just hearing it that there comes a point where if you don't start doing it at first it's a doctrine it's a teaching and if you don't start doing it then you come to this why this this you know crossroads if you want to say well you have to make a decision whether you're going to do and be a doer of the word or you're going to continue on the path of hearing and the path of hearing always leads to strong delusion because of religiosity and you'll just become religious Christians with a new doctrine a new Creed something new to believe something new to agree with and yet not live it so it's important that you make that decision that what you hear you will begin to put into action and that if you haven't already done that then you need to start that's why I emphasize over and over again get grounded get in the word get solid step-by-step you doesn't have to be huge things but start start by when you leave here today and you go somewhere to eat start by talking to the to the server whoever it is you know look in the eyes ask them how they're doing you know ask them stuff something that you can pray for them with if you see something physical you know just say hey you know let me let me show you something and just take them by the hand if you can and just command their healing in the name of Jesus but bless them and when you leave don't leave them a dollar because I just totally undoes everything I mean bless them amen bless them you say well but but that's supposed to be for good service yeah God's awarded you for not so good service to believe me he's tipped you a lot more than you've tipped them alright so many times what you do at the end actually adds validity to what you were doing during the meal right and sometimes it can totally take away from whatever you been doing and so but as you go start to live this life start to bring it out let it be part of who you are everywhere you go but you've got to know it you got to get in the and fine it's not hard it's very very simple love God love your neighbor as yourself due to them whatsoever you would want done to you if they're sick if you were sick would you want to be someone to pray for you and get you well yeah then pray for them it's just that simple if you were hungry would you want somebody to buy you a meal yeah well then buy somebody a meal it's not hard this is not some God's will everybody's I see all these books at the bookstore how do I know God's will how to find God's will God's secret will all this stuff the you know we make it seem like it's so hard and God revealed his will when he sent Jesus Jesus is God's will amen and so we need to recognize that and start to walk like he did and just love God and love people now so it says I've kept nothing back that was profitable under you but have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house how sales now again today is not going to be just a teaching from the word it is going to be other word and we're showing you this but I want to move you don't you to start to connect because see we can we can talk about this all day long and it can just be a book it can be words and we can quote it and we can hold this book oh it's Chino is that you this book actually I think came from Walmart or something like that yeah it was it did come from Walmart probably for 1497 I don't know something like that 14 or 17 cheap okay what but it's not this that matters it's this it's in it but it's not even this that in it that just matters this has to be here and it has not just here it has to be here it has to be here in your feet has been in your mouth amen I mean you put this it alot of people put it Bible I'm I'm never in the old days Pentecostal days man they'd be casting the devil out so I'd be on the floor flopping around the devil gene and they're trying to get the devil out and people run up put a Bible on them like you know like that's gonna do it yeah we just get a Bible on them the devil will leave no no devil quotes the Bible all the time you know he quoted it to Jesus all right so we have to realize it's not just the pages in the ink that matter is what we live out of it it's not even how much you know of it is how much of it you live right it how much it comes out in your life so now but I want and we can do this all day long the rest of our lives we could do it for the rest of our lives and just be religious and just be satisfied with hearing Scripture and having our you know our daily dosage you know to placate our conscience that we did something holy and good we people live that way all the time and they go through the ritual of it but that's not life we've been entered into a new and living way a new life - and when you're baptized you're baptized and you come out you're supposed to be walking in newness of life different than your old life totally different but too often we just went in dry and came out wet and that's it right and so we have to realize we have to become doers of the word and not just hear us so what I want to do today God willing and and with the help of the Holy Spirit we're going to show you how how these things come together how the book comes together in real life and how God's will is being worked out and where it's going because you can predict this whole book is is God predicting the rest of eternity and some of it we've already seen fulfilled and so what we're seeing fulfilled and some we will see fulfilled amen but we have to decide that this book is our life or else it's just gonna be like watching a parade and watching God go by and we're just standing on the sidelines and doing nothing you know this whole morning I woke up this morning and I've already promised people I would never do this so I'm not gonna do it because for some reason it seems like everybody ever gets on a pulpit thinks they can sing I'm under no delusions of that all right but the song kept coming over my mind and I just I'd literally could not get it out of my mind that the song and it's an old one you know but it's fine it would be totally rejected today by a lot of people based on the current doctrinal position in the church and it's a real simple song but it is amazing song and again I'm not gonna think it's a I'll just quote some of the words slowly so that you don't think I'm singing just make no no dedication but he just and and and like I said I got out and I'm driving here and I kept hearing that song my house is full but my fields are empty who will go and work for me today see that get work for me today oh no no no works no we don't do those no works are bad we're not supposed to do works you know we're we're against works we're about grace now let me tell you if you have grace you'll want to work you will want to do things for God that's one of the main things that whenever all the people that I knew years ago we all wanted to do something for God but we can't be in told we couldn't you know you got to wait you got to have a prophecy you got to have a you know some kind of anointing you got to have something always something and you don't know enough and wait wait wait that's what we kept hearing we couldn't ever hear ya just go and do it love God and love people and whatever that you know whatever that entire you know entails do it we didn't hit and everybody wanted to do something for God and we couldn't could we talk well we got to wait and then about the time they really the message starts to come out that yes you can step out in faith you can step out and do things for God because you love God and you love people then all of a sudden the devil comes back around with the doctrine it says up no stay away from works works are bad and if you're working is because you're trying to be seen you're trying to work your way to heaven and all of a sudden I mean it's it's just it is it has taken that out to where now again people can't work for God because people look at them in a different way but we have to realize we were created under good works it was foreordained of guys anyway that's trying to stay where I'm at here today because I need to get through this but he says here and and the main point of this this is the last part publicly and from house to house I want to tie these things together I want to show you some things okay please you know Jesus said one time he that has ears to hear let him hear well everybody there had ears to hear but everybody wasn't hearing so I'm asking you today please if you have ears to hear hear listen strain you're gonna do two here but imagine what it must have been like it's easy for us to read the Bible and go through it because we we know it we know what happened we know who Jesus is and we're looking back and we read some of the things we think oh man those foolish people I wouldn't have been like that what you know why you wouldn't have been because you you're living now and not then right if you've been living then it would be different why because back then imagine you got John the Baptist that shows up he's out there in the wilderness and and and and preaching and the blasting people I mean talk about harsh he was pretty harsh right and tell him pip you got to repent you got to turn around and then and everybody's wondering where's is this the Christ cuz everything's waiting for him everybody's waiting this is that him I mean that's you know here he comes and this is that the crisis him and John says no I'm not him I'm not him he's coming after me and I'm not even worthy to undo his shoelaces we would say and he's and but they're awesome was and who is it who is it and then Jesus comes walking through there right and gets baptized in water comes out spirit comes down the form of a dove he goes out into the wilderness tempted of the devil I mean he shows up John the Baptist looks at him and says here comes behold the lamb of God you know here here he comes when it's going to take away the sins of the world he says that and I'll do a who who is that didn't that John's cousin because he they were cousins and then Jesus comes that doesn't even do it he doesn't go back into him but he goes out in the wilderness and he spends all this time out there with God but with the devil imagine both of them right and the Devils tempting him do all the stuff and then he shows back up at the synagogue and he goes in and goes hey I'm here to tell you just scripture today it's fulfilled can you imagine what that must have been like the religious people and because they were pretty hardcore religious you have to remember they didn't have life they were not new creations they didn't have a connection with God they were just trying to be obedient and keep the law and you know check every box and make sure everything's good because you know I want to be counted as faithful so it was just purely a physical you know mental religion for the most part and yet God would speak to prophets and things would happen and they made all these prophecies and all these prophecies and all these people knew they knew a bunch of because they had to memorize a lot of that before they were ever even admitted into the you know Bar Mitzvah and all that kind of stuff so whenever they're there then they see Jesus come in and and they're listening and they said they were all amazed at the gracious words that came out of his mouth and then he had to go and mess it up you know this day these scriptures fulfilled in your hearing and the next thing says they're all fastened their eyes on him and they got angry and they all wanted to grab him and take him out to the edge of a cliff and throw him off a cliff I mean think about it woman Wow isn't that amazing I mean think it's just that quick you know one-week hosanna next week crucifying people can change on a dime right so here I just want you to realize what it must have been like to be there and then and and hear a man because you don't know any different you don't know anything about it matter of fact if you've heard anything about him you've probably heard some rumors about he was born out of wedlock we don't even know who his real father is that's what the Jews told him they came to him and said he said you know he your of your father the devil they said oh no we know who our Father is well what are they saying we've heard about you we've heard about your mother pregnant before she was married Joseph was just being a good guy think about that that's the rumors that wouldn't be round about him yeah and I'm telling you it's a man then this guy just forever before everybody knew he hadn't done any miracles right nothing to say anything he shows up says this and people sit there and have to decide could this be the Messiah I mean is has is come on is there any scripture about him coming out of and out of Nazareth and other than they didn't realize he'd been born in Bethlehem and there's an you know is there any scripture about this and we don't have any prophecy or anything because they didn't know what was going on and so they had to make a decision this is him and some people started listening to him but even then they were saying they were going to try to make him King because it doesn't maybe this is Messiah because they were thinking in terms of a David you know a sauce Solomon or something like that they weren't thinking in terms of what God's plan was because that was all hidden we didn't they didn't even find that out till later till after Paul revealed it so now you got these guys just I just want you to put your self in that position what if what if Jesus had not yet come what if we were still in our sins but trying to do the best we could and trying to live according to the you know quarter of the rules and then somebody just a guy walks in and goes hey I'm the guy you've been waiting for I'm it I'm the one right I mean imagine that and do how much faith would it take for you go yeah because if you believe in this false prophet you're doomed that's it I mean it's you know that's done you've been led astray so I can understand it now think about that the same thing happened with Martin Luther whenever he saw in scripture by faith alone by faith scripture and faith that's it not not all this stuff that had been built up over all this time and he said you know what here's the problems matter of fact I got 95 issues and he wrote him on paper and put him on the door of Wittenberg Castle and and basically started the Reformation as we know it think about that because if if he was wrong because he got excommunicated from the church if he was wrong no no do-overs straight to hell and that's it now think about that think about the guts it had to take for him to stand up and go here I stand scripture says this here I stand against the entire might of the quote/unquote organized Church at the time imagine that imagine the guts it would take to do that but now here's where it comes down to you you've got to realize the time you live in it said that the sons of Issachar knew the times because they were wise because they knew the season and then the times and it says about Daniel it whenever Daniel when they were in bondage it said Daniel understood by the reading of books that the time had been fulfilled and so they'd been in bondage seventy years and so he goes again here's what we're gonna do and he says the time is now imagine it just by reading scripture so what I'm saying is this with all my heart I believe okay 2019 was a when I say an exceptional year I don't mean in the necessary and a good way right at the same time I believe what we were saying from 2018 and even before that but especially something happened in January of 2019 that this entire nation and I'll be honest with you I've been around the rest of the world during 2019 and the entire world has changed fundamentally changed last year I think it was was it last year no it's a little bit a little bit ago now Russia put out 40 million tons of booklets pamphlets magazines propagating the socialist lifestyle and and they put it out into a hundred and twenty five languages all around the world and they're giving them away and they ship them in and then they give them away and they're targeting kids and the books are like comic books and they're given kids what and every story shows how good socialism is and and it's causing a shift why and they said that the printing press was Soviet Russia's primary and most important ideological tool that's what they said and you can see it even here in America you could see it like I said have been all over I've seen it a lot of things now I'm not saying just that I'm saying that's one aspect of it but I'm saying there has been a fundamental shift in thinking around the world and I firmly believe that 2019 has been a transitionary period and there is going to be a parting of the ways or a dividing of the ways we're just like I'm some I well ago that you're either that people now just you but people as a whole are gonna move either toward God or further into religion and there that divide is going to be very easily seen and it's going to become more and more prominent I believe that we're in this year 2019 that we are in a transition period that's making a step and people are having to decide where they're going to go next year and that 2020 I firmly believe it is a year that you know so I just remembered when I was with dr. simmer all he used every year for New Year's Eve he would have a little thing that he would do and it's called I predict for that for that year for the coming year and I realize that's what I'm doing right now is this kind of thing so just it just hit me so I just thought no booklet in my mind but I believe with all my heart that next year we're gonna see some things take place and I'll be talking about right now but what's going to take place is you're going to make a decision literally and and you're either gonna make it or is gonna be made for you because I've already seen some stuff when I was in Australia I saw some things there that are full-on Bible endtime stuff alright I mean it's just that big a deal and so in this now I want to take you here because I want you to realize you if you're here and especially those of you that are members here and you're here regularly and that kind of thing or watching regularly I want you to realize that what is going to happen next year we are going to be making some moves and it's going to be in response to what the Spirit of God wants done but also to combat darkness and to be able to advance the kingdom of God now and some of the things over the last couple of days actually God has been show me you know and you have won those you ever you have one of those Eureka moments where you're going along and you're eating like yep here we are and there's more doing and okay and we can see and God is doing stuff and then all of a sudden he shows you it's like he pulls back a veil and you see the big picture and you're like whoa that's that that this this is that you know and all of a sudden your your you see had how that fits and all of a sudden you're like wow I mean that's that and now that all of a sudden the vision got easier because you can see further down the road Amen what we still got to do some smaller things to figure out certain things you know that's what we're going to do at 3 o'clock this afternoon for anybody that's church members here because you have to say so to a large degree of how we do things now I don't care how we do it I just care what we do so how we do it as long as what how we do it doesn't interfere with what we're doing and helps what we do you got say so right if it goes beyond that then we'll have to drop back and go no we're going this direction so what we do has to help this we don't want to be having our 80% over here and our 20% here where God wants us to go we want a hundred percent here where God wants us to go we don't want to get called you know off on a tangent or something we want to stay specific and true what God wants to do amen so that's that's what part of this is leading up to that now but I want you to realize you if you can get this all right I know you can get it what I mean is if you will not if you can it's if you will you have to decide the other week and I didn't even I do not know what's going to preach us this week all right which it makes sense because of last week and I know why he had me preach that last week is because of this this week and some sin no that's not the aha moment except just right now it just that just happened okay so I understand yet okay now I get it I see why he didn't do that because you have a destiny but if you don't see that you have a destiny if you don't believe you have a destiny then you're just gonna wander along well because without a vision the people perish right the the enemy doesn't destroy you you perish what does that mean that means you just run out of gas you just have no no energy nothing to carry on say people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge but they perish for lack of vision you give that so the if you don't have knowledge the enemy can destroy you but if you don't have vision enemy doesn't even have to mess with you he just leaves you alone let you run out of gas on the side of the road because that's what will happen because you're just parish right you just fade away that's not who you are if you have if you understand that Jesus gave his life for you to have life and your destiny is in him and then not just in you and around you but also bigger than that for the kingdom of God now you have a destiny that you can step into imagine the people well imagine the twelve they were with Jesus they got drug into his destiny and it became their destiny and see because you're here I know I know my destiny I've got a destiny I know God called me from before the time before I was born I knew that right and he gave prophetic word part and since then has encouraged me through those things but I will tell you this the fact that you have as we would say it hooked your wagon to this car or whatever you want to call it to this horse whatever it is guess what now your destiny is connect with my destiny and now you're being drug into the same destiny amen so you have to have a sense of destiny because I don't want to drag you I want you to walk with me amen I don't have to drag you I want you to walk with me as we move into our destiny amen and I will tell you but I started looking at this or last couple days have been boning up and last night I sat down and didn't go to bed to about 1:30 or so something like that just because I just I'm thinking about this when going over it and this and dates and places and times I'm like and there's just no whack asleep you know I'm kind of looking on the clock like wait am i lying right because you know it's some point I'm going to get up I'm gonna get up gotta go preach and got to go back gonna give this to him cuz this is so you know probably shouldn't built it up that big now you're expecting something dude aha and it's not that's it but it it's not that it's hmm okay let's let's dig in let's do this amen so okay so remember remember I gotta give you a hint okay I've taught you publicly and from house to house house to house life teams and watch Acts chapter 2 we were in acts 20 never going to acts 2 acts 2 verse 32 you know they're preaching at this point people are talking to them and they're convincing them what's going on so I'm going to jump in right in the middle of it only for sake of time I encourage you go back and read all of chapter 2 it's good ok action after 2 verse 32 says this Jesus hath God raised up he just owned it that crucified him right where of we all are witnesses talk about the disciples therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the father the promise of the Holy Ghost he hath shed forth this which you now see and hear notice he received the promise of the Father from the father which was the promise of the Holy Ghost now this is an ax - so they just saw this taking place and he said which you now see so he says what you net what you've just heard and seen is that which is the promise of the holy spirit you got that so they were seeing something that was the result of the Holy Spirit which is the promise of the father are you with me right now so that what does that mean that means that when the promise of the father is the baptism of the Holy Spirit right whenever that is happening it is something you can see and here you get that it's not quiet and it's not invisible the Baptist of the Holy Spirit is something you can see and here you got that okay now watch for David is not ascended into the heavens but he saith himself the Lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes that footstool therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made this same Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ Lord and Christ you got that and that's that's huge in and of itself because what they're saying see we're talking about them getting a new vision of what a relationship with God was like and a better vision of who God was right he says ya verse yeah verse 37 now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do what do we do now we're hearing what you're saying what do we need to do then Peter said unto them repent turn turn around right not just change your way of thing and not just change your thoughts or change your opinion see there's different words for repent and some can mean just to change your thinking your opinion but here it has to do with your actions and your thinking you change your thinking and your actions when you repent according to this you got that you don't just change your thought and go okay I'll follow Jesus thank you and keep living the same way your actions have to follow your change of thinking okay he says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and it word for literally here means because of okay now watch he says and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which he was just talking about so you're gonna receive something you can see in here too right now watch verse 39 so because some people say well that was just back then that was just for the Apostle just for the Apostolic period how did you know the apostolic period never ended okay there's an Old Covenant there's a new covenant there's not a new New Covenant right there's not a a different dispensation of times it was this is the time we are still living in those same times right no here's how to prove it verse 30 done for the promise what promise the promise of the Holy Spirit right is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call so if God is still calling people to follow him this is still in effect and it's still available do you give that so there is no thing that well that passed away now how many of you know that every healing has ever been done was done by the Holy Spirit right now his power allowed it to happen so if the Holy Spirit is still available to every person then his power is still available to every person right there's nothing no Bible says okay we're changing God's name he's no longer Jehovah Rapha he used to be Jehovah Rapha but not now he doesn't heal anymore we're no longer changing he's no longer Jehovah Jireh he used to provide but no more he were changing his name well people say well he did change his name you know we we know him now as Jesus yeah and Jesus means Jehovah the salvation which means Jehovah God all right actually the Tetragrammaton Yahweh would actually say because of that it would say that Yahweh Jesus's name actually it's Flynn language to yahushua but his name would be to mean literally that God is healing deliverance preservation prosperity all of that is in the word salvation so for anybody to say well healing passed away the salvation still around you you just made a you know a moronic statement okay so what that what because part of it can't pass away unless God passes away because you can't change his name nobody has the right to change his name right or his words so now again I don't have time to go into apologetics today but at least you're getting the idea now notice what he says for the promise is unto you to your children to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call and with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3,000 souls and they continued now look at this part verse 42 watch this and they continued steadfastly they didn't just continue they continued steadfastly okay in what number one the Apostles doctrine number two and fellowship number three in breaking of bread number four in prayers four things they did you got that they continued steadfastly Apostles doctrine fellowship breaking a bread prayers those are for activities every Christian should be doing daily do you hear that daily now I know that's heart see one of the enemy's tactics when I say enemy I'm talking about devil okay because he's your enemy not people but one of the enemy's tactics is to get you so busy that you just don't have time and you don't have time for what's important and and they get you on this you know will that keeps you so busy that you don't get to do what's important and you don't have time to do these four things to where you can't even get in the word you can't even study now listen I've been studying well I've been starting the by I'm 60 years old I've been said in the Bible since I could walk and then my mom taught me how to read reading Bible we've been reading it together all my life read it through I don't know honestly I don't know how many times now old and new Testament gone through it over and over again use the King James learn to read using the King James it comes pretty easy for me I enjoy it there's others that are easier but yet I don't have any problem of the King James met in the middle of all that because that that word is there now I have been studying specifically healing for the last 40 years right I mean every aspect every I'm telling you if it's out their own healing I have studied it I've studied everything hands of light even the New Age stuff I've looked at it what because I want to know if it's truth I don't care where it comes from however I have proven over the 40 years this is truth you understand what is it Reiki you know the okay it is a it's a natural manipulation of spiritual laws it's all it is which is also classified as new-age right it's not Bible it's not from God alright it is man doing certain things okay and manipulating certain laws and things like that I've looked at all I've looked at so so I've looked at their fastest they do not line up with Bible over understand there's aspects of it people say but but you know I got helped in it and it's it's good well there's a lot of things that are good that can help and it's not Bible so won't get you the ultimate help you need right but if you go to the Bible and do it the Bible way you will get the ultimate help and you don't have to worry about getting let off into some weird thing right and you get to walk with God amen see that's one of the things that people I really understand today because people are looking for this newest thing and a new way of doing something like you know what the old way still works if you go back to it if you just do what it says now if you add a bunch of junk into it it doesn't work so that's why I'm Cusco back what my point is this I've been studying healing for 40 years I've been teaching the DHD for over 20 write the divine hearing technician training I've been teaching it for over 20 years guess what I still study it I still go back in what because I'm not gonna pretend that I have mastered it amen but what does that mean that means that every choice you make of what you listen to what you watch or anything else is a choice for that and against studying the Bible you know I'm not telling you turn off your TVs and don't watch anything I'm not telling you that at all I'm not telling not to go on YouTube or that that's your business all I'm telling you is you have to remember whatever you're choosing to put in front of you you're choosing not to put something else in front of you everything is a choice and if you you know if you're like me I'm still in the process of renewing my mind and I don't want to make one step forward and two steps back by reading the Bible for you know 15 minutes in the morning and then watching four hours of television at night or y'all quite okay ask my staff y'all did check them for rocks and stuff they didn't bring any with it right make sure okay I just want to make sure okay but do you understand that so I don't have time to waste on things that are not going to help me move forward I don't have time now I will investigate things and listen to different things to investigate them but I can tell really quick where it's going and if I know where it's going and it's not going in the direction of truth it's oh it's over I don't care to hear you know now I have studied a lot of things I've got over 5,000 books in my library right that I've collected over 30 almost 40 years now I have every book on healing that I've ever found I've bought every pro con for against you know even the different types of healings different types of stuff what because not only do I want to know if it's truth or not if it's not truth I want to know the arguments I need to know from the Bible to prove it wrong what because I'm supposed to have an answer for any person to ask me about the hope that I have within me and I have that hope is part of Jesus being like Jehovah Rapha in the sense that he is the healer amen so I have to know and you can't just know what you know and then say okay well I don't know anything about that no I'm not saying you should go study these things but I'm saying I have I'm study have studied it I'm still studying it I'm going to keep sitting at the edge day I'm gonna dig in there why because I haven't I don't in any way feel like I've mastered even though we get great results in healing I haven't mastered it now I don't know how long you've been studying it but I would say if you're not getting the results that Jesus got you hadn't mastered it either so I'd say dig into it dig into the DHT dig into the new man which is what I'm not saying don't read the Bible read that said I'm saying take your Bible read along with it and prove it prove it to yourself that's how you get it into you to where it works for you see the reason I'm not standing in line having somebody lay hands on me is because I went into the Bible I proved it true and as I was proving it true I'm believing it stronger and because I'm believing it it's working does that make sense so all I'm saying is find the truth and lock into it and dig in because it's right there and it's it's as much as you want to partake of but if you only want to do it every now and then then guess what just you know that's fine just be prepared just being somebody else is eating one for the rest of your life now that may sound real blunt and you know all that but it's a fact you know the reason I'm not in HIDA lines is number one the grace of God but we know that's not the only reason because other people are standing there and everybody's got the same access to grace so there was something that we did different that helped build up an immunity against sickness and disease and that immunity is based on the Word of God amen no that doesn't say we can't get attacked and the enemy tries to attack but we can't become untouchable to where the enemy can't even touch you and his fiery darts hid your shield of faith rather than actually hitting you amen so now let's look at this he says they did four things continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine their teaching and fellowship - breaking bread three prayers for and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all day oh no I should go back to the word when it says by the Apostles there were at least 21 possibly even 27 people who were apostles during the early days of the church okay it wasn't just 12 the 12 are d12 they will always be the twelve and they'll remember anybody be exactly like the twelve in the sense that they were the first ones which it's always a greater good to be the first to jump in these guys had to jump in when nobody else had alright so they are to get some recognition for that but there are other people that were called apostles in the New Testament all the way through actually in the book of Acts are all the way through the New Testament so to say that well there were no apostles if that was just for the twelve and does he know there have been apostles and there's nothing that says if you read Ephesians chapter four it says that we were to have apostles until we all come to the unity of the faith it doesn't say until the last apostle last of the twelfth died it doesn't say that so the Apostleship is an office that's in the church it's not a person it's an office say we've had presidents you know since 1700s right well whenever George Washington died guess what the presidential office didn't die with him they meant we had other people fulfill those offices it's the same thing with apostles it's the same thing with prophets evangelists pastors and teachers all right so just some think about now it says yeah fear came upon every so many wonders and done by the apostles and all they that believed were together and had all things common they sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men as every man had neat and notice they the idea was when they got born again there they started realizing what I have can help other people and they started sharing that and it wasn't about just putting all in one big pot and everybody living together in a big come you that's not what we're talking about is what they were doing was they were saying and you can see this because they all still had their own houses because he went from house to house right so they also had their own houses they all didn't live in one big coming but what it says is that they had everything in common meaning whatever any one man had is something else needed it their hearts were such that they would freely give whatever the other person needed which showed a change of heart right well these were very carnal and Jesus told him you know cotton covetous greedy idolatrous all of that so we know what their heart was like but it changed them they meant the new birth changing it says and they yeah okay verse 46 and they again continuing daily with one Accord in the temple temple publicly right and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart notice the temple publicly and house to house here it is again house to house like teams life teams are the closest representation to a New Testament church in existence at this time that's a fact right now it says verse 47 praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved now listen carefully because now we're gonna I'm gonna bring you up to date I want you to bring this into now right almost 40 years ago God gave me a vision of what it meant to go to house to house maybe you've probably heard about that go ahead we were in our vans as me and my family as a vision it wasn't it wasn't going on at that time it's me and my family were in this van and we'd go into a city and we'd see a little fire underneath the house and we'd stop open the door if you've heard this story and we would reform a little bucket brigade you know had the bucket and I and I've run out and my kids my wife was there and so we're all past buckets and they pass it to me and I would throw the bucket of liquid onto the fire I thought it was water but as soon as I did that I found it was oil and the fire went right and so what we and then we would jump back in the van and take off and go down the street and go to another house and do the same thing and I saw that and I shared that with everybody at the time I'm like I don't know what all this means but this is what I'm going to be doing and then years later after that we started doing what we're doing now and even working with with what we call life teams and which is house groups you might say people in houses and I started one day it hit me I'm like that's what you're doing you're taking these people that have these little fires and they call you or they connect with you and then you go there and you put oil on their fire and the fires get bigger and we've been doing that now for you know 20 years just about and so but it took several years for I realized that's what we're doing but anyway that was almost 40 years ago that we had that vision right now after that after that time I'm taking him back 40 years after that time got all so well we went down to Pensacola Florida and went to Pensacola because we were going there to experience what was people work on the Pensacola outpouring right or the father's outpouring there was all kinds of different names Father's Day Out pork but it was a Pensacola revival that most people know about evangelist Steve Hill was there John Kilpatrick was there we went there student line for hours finally got inside when we got up there they said are you a minister I said yes they said oh we don't have to wait in line I'm like thank you there have been nice five hours ago you know about anyway so they took his right down front right when they took us down front we got there was two sections there was a kind of a general section and there was a section for ministry for people in ministry and so it was me and my wife and I our three children and then other young people that we took with us and it was a great time and so we're all sitting there and then the worship started Lindell Cooley started we play that music here pretty regular yes Lord we will ride with you I mean all these songs and is amazing and but see when I went down there I was coming out of a background of nightclubs dancing and all kind of stuff and so but I had never received any freedom to really worship God and number one I was raised primarily Southern Baptist which are not known for their exuberant worship experiences and so matter of fact you know when I was in the Air Force says I tell everybody when I was an Air Force I was security police and Air Force we had one you know we have one position we had two position that was it that was everything which also I already knew this position because this is your Baptist Deacon position this is how the Baptist he can stand at the back and they they're kind of and they're watching everything going on so I already had that down but I had that idea my dad was a policeman so I was raised with this not real strict but fairly strict you know law and order and that kind of stuff and you do things right and you don't show emotion you don't do it so it's kind of raised that way so here I am I'm down there I've been in the nightclubs and but I wanted freedom and worship to really worship God freely spirit soul and body and I'd never experienced that the most I had at that time was spirit and soul freedom I had no body freedom in worshiping so everything was you know this was about it I mean it's like okay okay you may see me you know it's kind of good just okay and you know and and in my body worship was you know pretty much like this that was about it that's about all I could do right there you know just because you know I've coming out of what I mean cuz I I came out of the Saturday Night Fever days you know and I'm Scott I was afraid I'm gonna stand there one day and worship yeah Lord you know so I was just like no not moving nothing not going to move another school yes Lord yeah I Love You Lord you know I do but I can't cut loose I'm afraid I won't be able to pull it back you know so we go to Pensacola and the music the lights go down the music starts and Lindell Cooley is amazing and so I took morphine I'll be back in a few minutes so I went to the back of the room and the place is packed right so I thought nah you know I want to get free but not in front of all these people right so I ended up going across to the next building which is their annex which is where all the kids work it was youth group so I go over there and they're playing the the same music on the big screens over there so I go over there and they have these balconies out and the kids I mean they're they're going it was and you hear the kids up on the balcony you think the balconies gonna fall because they're all moving everything and the music's loud and so I get up underneath that balcony where it's kind of you think it's dark and nobody can see you because I want to get free but I want to do it in private which doesn't work right you can't get free and profit so I get back underneath this thing and I'm like okay god Smith Wigglesworth said he started in the flesh and he ends up in the spirit so I'm just gonna start and at some point you just kick in you know I'm just I just want to be free so I'm kind of like okay you know you gotta get ready okay ready to do this so I'm back you're like okay Lord here we go alright hang on this and I mean I just get going and like ten minutes in I'm like I mean I'm crying I'm in tears not and I'm jumping all over the place and I opened my eyes I didn't know they had cameras and there's a camera and I'm on this big screen on like you know so then you know I go background I'm like okay I'm out of here so I'll go back over the other and get you know start to sit down by my wife and you know throw house just go see we know where you were II was on the picture you know but I got free right cuz you had to break that flesh thing that doesn't let you worship God or doesn't let you speak out it doesn't let you see you can have bonus in speech you can have bonus in action but you're gonna have bonus in worship amen I mean you got an I mean come on there's churches that well you know we're gonna have life amen amen amen oh by the way come here real quick yeah you [Laughter] sorry no this is Aaron I'm doing this because people asked us all time who is that guy with the last oh there he is there's the voice of Dominion life now so then we come back from Pensacola and we're going to a blitz an assembly God Church up in North Texas and the pastor really had some guts and you've heard me talk about before and so we he allowed me to start teaching a Bible class and in that Bible class a lot of things started happening I was getting actually I was actually getting ready to go to Africa for the first time during that time but I was teaching a basic Bible doctrines class and in the basic Bible doctrines class and it starts with the authority of Scripture and then it goes to whether there were several different things but what I did was I put this I told the pastor I said I want to do something he said well brother Kurt what do you want to do you know he's got a southern boy just and hey I said I don't know that's one teach a class and he said why do you want to teach I said I don't know I don't care just don't want to get busy doing something I said I teach basic Bible doctrines he goes all right so they announced it and we had like 20 people in there the first night and they were all sitting down and so I started teaching on the authority of the word of God but I had never preached much before so my boys kept going out longer and by about 45 minutes in I'm like all right so so now what I mean it was really really bad and so I made it through came back to second week and did it again and same thing I go in and at the end of that class now the third week we're going say the next week I was teaching on the baptism the Holy Spirit but then the third week I was teaching on the initial evidence of the batch of the Holy Spirit which is speaking in other tongues and so before I started this friend of mine came up and said brother Corel if you know not but you know there's this old preacher strict I said he said they taught us in Bible School I said I don't know what you talked about he said well your voice going out he said they taught us how to that we could actually take sudafed and if you take sudafed then it keeps your voice working in a your voice warning I'm like I've never heard anything like that in my life I don't know anything about medicine I've never really taken medicine so I didn't know he said well I brought you something he said if you want to try it and see if it works I'm like okay cuz you have to mirror we've been down to Pensacola it was wild right Danny it was amazing it was good it was godly but it was wild in there and all kind and so we came back and came back with the music we put the music on so here I am I'm teaching this last you know the third class and I'm teacher initial evidence of everything but before I started teaching I took that sudafed and drank with the water so okay so I start teaching you know and I'm I'm going on in about 20 minutes in 30 minutes and I'm teaching back to husband and all of a sudden it's like glory that God he's here he's I can't feel my fingers can't put my legs from my knees down oh it's the Holy Spirit has said look he's here get up everybody get out get it around the wall get around the wall let's pray that's why I'm gonna present and so I said turn on the music so they turned on the pentacle of music I mean it was going turn the last step I'm going around the wall and I can't feel anything I'm just like what and when I'm through out my hindrance again you know just but I couldn't feel it you know so I'm just going up to him and I always were lying around they're all worshiping God and I'm like and name of Jesus just fire fire and people are falling down I mean it's amazing on and I'm walking through doing like Florida I felt like Robert Duvall and Apocalypse Now glory to God you know black who put somebody out of my hands I got a touch somebody quick you know and so I go home and by time I get home you know he's lifted I'm like wow that's amazing so then we do it again do it again and so finally one of these times oh I'd go in and then my friend can left me and he says brother Craig you know I noticed you've been able to preach longer I said yeah yeah he said well have you noticed any side effects he said it from the sudafed I said no here's west good he said because some people can't take it because somebody when they take it they can't feel their fingers I think you know it starts and I'm looking at my do tale really this whom yes that's that's amazing you know and so that night I taught a really short message because I'm thinking was all that real you know and I mean people got but and so I'm like I go to the lesson alright alright there's a lesson god bless y'all good night have a good night gotta go thank you and I'm I had to go talk to God and so I go I get my car and I start to go home and I'm talking about so god what was that was that was it really the anointing because that's what I understood in order him to be at that time was it the anointing was or you know is it just psychosomatic I mean or what's what's going on you know was it the sudafed you know is it was it real or is it Memorex I mean you know it's people my generation you know what that means so but but and God but God spoke to me he said you know he said the thing was he said you were waiting on a feeling and when you had a feeling you thought you were anointed you were an only the whole time and if it was just acted anointed it would have worked but when you had a feeling you felt it and he started acting anointing and it worked but the feeling was from Sunnah fed but you just acted like it did you that and so that was one of the key things in my life where I realized all right I can actually like John like said I can actually act myself into believing faster than I can actually believe myself in acting because we can see that in the church and so I changed everything about it and then we moved from one thing to another from that but so but it was an amazing thing and so many people went through there I don't know if you knew that but I'd mentioned Daniel kolenda that's watch one of his videos that they talking about Reinhard Bonnke and on it he mentioned how he was at the Pensacola revival and went there and stayed and all set so there's so many things that came through there Steve Hill we had a connection with him he actually Steve Hill moved here to Dallas afterwards why did he move here he wasn't from here he was from East Texas or was around East Texas but he was done in lyndale but he was actually had a home down in Foley Alabama but he moved here one because of the the Pensacola revival starting in 95 when about four and a half five years Paul or David Young each Oh pastor Cho from South Korea world's largest largest Church he give a prophecy at Pensacola he said this revival is a salvation revival the repentance and salvation revival he said and it's like a gun he said and this is the hammer on the gun the yeah the hammer the trigger I think he said the trigger on the gun and he said but the barrel is we're going to make more noise and he said and he laid it over the map and he said the hammer the trigger is Pensacola but the barrel where the noise is going to be heard the most is Dallas Texas he said this is was a prophecy he gave concerning and he said but that revival while it will have salvation and repentance it will be marked by healing and he prophesied that believe it was in 97 I believe it I have actually have to look at the dates so now so everything shifted and if you'll notice look at Dallas now I'm going to give you some history here in just a minute but notice some of the things that happened well there's a lot of people that's moved here all right people well-known Benny Hinn actually started a church here called world healing Church I think it was someone said he had that here he moved here to do that as a matter of fact for a time Cindy Jacobs moved her generals intercession here okay we can go through and through Todd white moved here okay all these people moved in what because they heard a prophecy and they moved here to help take part in it right now the thing is here now watch this this is what I'm talking about Dallas because watch next year because we talk about 2020 vision acts 2020 but what is 2020 vision 2020 vision is when everybody sees perfectly when they see ok listen it says now I see through a glass darkly but then I'll know as I'm know what are we learning we know that say here's a here's what we do that is different from most ok we teach people how to administer healing because of their relationship with God because of the new man we don't teach healing based on a gift on anointing which I'm not saying those don't exist I'm saying we don't focus on that we focus on what Jesus told Paul to preach and because of who we are connected to God we get to share his life right now that is different there's a difference between that and people that are just doing healing which there's a lot of people out there doing it right all these people P Cabrera Todd white all these guys they every one of these that are here doing healing now Pete doesn't live here but he comes in but all these would they all got it through the DHD every one of them got it to the DHD right Torben got it to the DHD right now he was art no listen these people they were already praying for people I'm not saying they started praying for big life they heard the DHD I'm saying that they were many of them were moving in here in the ministry to people but once they got a hold of DHD they started getting results and I started getting some massive results and it was after that that you started hearing about him what because of the results why because this is Bible truth amen is that simple you realize it okay now watch FF Bosworth was with John Alexander Dowie and zan Illinois's now he brought healing back into the church for the most part popularized it made it well known Dow Bosworth left sign and moved to Dallas Texas he moved here 1910 started a little church right down by Fair Park the building is actually still there but what he started was the first full gospel church in Dallas it eventually became the first assembly God of Dallas which was the last Church that I actually had membership in because I went there and joined it on purpose because I knew they had archives no way I could get in the archives that would become a member so I became a member and never removed my membership from there so technically I'm still a member there so but that was and then he moved off later but whenever he was here when boswer started his church here in 1913 he brought in this a woman named Mariah Woodworth ed her they called her mother at her she had one of the greatest healing revivals here okay one of her greatest healing revivals it was known all over the world even to the point where there was a dead man brought in that was coming and they put him under the platform because that's where they keep him cool and while she was preaching he came back alive nobody prayed for him and came crawling out from underneath the platform all right some amazing signs and wonders and these things are documented right documented by doctors documented by the time it was even carried in the Dallas Morning News or things called morning news in but it was a Dallas newspaper no that was at Fair Park that's right down by Fair Park it's one block off of Fair Park okay yeah that was in 1910 in 1913 now from 1947 to 1958 we had the voice of healing we had some great voice of healing conferences there were four major voice of healing conferences the first one was here in Dallas okay then one went to Kansas City the next one was in Tulsa Oklahoma and the fourth one was here back here in Dallas what because Gordon Lindsey had been saved he was in Portland Oregon he was saved under John Lakes ministry in John Lakes Church in Portland when Charles Parham went there Charles Parham preached Gordon Lindsay got saved then he started traveling with John Lake now notice these names because I want to show you how we are tied to them all right now whenever Gordon Lindsey he also got healed in her John Lakes ministry started traveling with him when lake came to Houston to start a church Gordon Lindsay was with him the lake had to go back to Spokane Washington he left Gordon Lindsey he was about 18 or 19 years old I'm leading a church or almost a thousand people right and then eventually he went back up to Ashland and started pastoring there that's where he met his wife Rita now eventually they made good friends with a man named Jack Moore down in Shreveport Louisiana whenever they moved there Gordon actually moved there too Jack Moore knew of a man named William Branham and introduced Gordon immensity William Brenner then and all this again ties back to here in Dallas because what you'll see is that Gordon Lindsey had the voice of healing headquarters in Shreveport then in summer of 1952 he moved it from Shreveport here to Dallas so the voice of healing was centered here in Dallas matter of fact the building that they had then it's over on bonny view street here in Dallas I've been there the building is still there and Gordon Lindsey lived across the street and they had their offices there so that's all still here now all of that started and watch this because of the voice of healing as many of you know Kenneth Hagin was right up here in McKinney raised off of a death bed at that point but he actually I actually have his address of where he lived in Garland when he lived here during the voice of healing revival 1947 1958 over a hundred voice of healing ministers lived here in Dallas all of them lived here and the reason Gordon moved Shreveport the voice of the headquarters from Shreveport to here is number one printing would be cheaper it would cut mailing cost by 50% because they sent out a magazine and it put them near to an International Airport which was not obviously gift Debbie at that time it was a Love Field and so he they actually moved closer for that reason and all the ministers now came here every one of the voice of healing ministers had something to do a Dallas Jack co-founded had a to church locations here in Dallas one over on corn Street in South Dallas Gordon Lindsey by that time had joined up with the Oak Cliff assembly of God which is right near where CFI stiff and is now across the nations where they're at now and actually a Jack ko and Juanita Coe along with Gordon and Freda Lindsey are buried right across the highway from Siena and many others are also buried out there too well-known voice of healing people as a matter of fact but Jack Coe actually did his orphanage just south of Dallas near red oak and that area Waxahachie in that area and then Jack Coe jr. who I was a personal friend with was action in that area Steve Coe which was Jack COEs other son was my pastor for a time so that's where I got a lot of Jack Coe sermons and cassette tapes and all these different things that we were listening to that helped me grow in the healing message so all of these connections came in now and but they started moving here a Allen was here right and he actually came out of Clifton I've actually preached in his church heard me talk about story of my daughter went into labor and they called me and said I need to come home and I said I can't that was it we're at AAA Allen started preaching was it used to be an assembly of God Church and it was in that church Semyon Stewart who if you seen in the back of the manual all of our manuals there's a prophecy in there given by him he was ordained under a alan and i had close relationships with him so God has allowed me to to cross paths with all these people even with FF Bosworth we met his family in South Africa and talked with them there of course so that's whittles worth granddaughters we met them there to sever their there was all of this taking place but God has strategically placed us here in Dallas with all of this spiritual connections that we have this great cloud of witnesses that have been watching and waiting for something to happen here in Dallas that they poured their lives into or Roberts was here I mean simple McPherson came here I mean we could go on and on and on Raymond T Richie was here who had a great healing ministry in the 20s and actually planted a great church down in Houston but he was out of here first all of these came here now I want to get to it real quick yeah every move of God here will move forward every move of God that has happened here this is why I couldn't sleep last night okay because God was showing me all these things and how they are connected we have a connection to everything that's happened here over the last 120 years almost now we have had a connection with now this coming year is going to listen carefully it's going to be a year of fulfilled prophecy that's what the next year is gonna be about God is going to be tying all the loose ends everything is going to be coming together and all the prophetic words that you have received are gonna start coming to pass right now if you have a part to play in it that's great sometimes God says if you do this I will do this other times he says this is what's going to happen so if there is an if in his prophetic work to you you need to do the if part so he can do the the say at the Lord Park right and if you want to know how to do that we have actually teaching that they're called fulfilling your prophecy or something like that so no matter of fact over at see if and I have taught there many times I was at the first voice of healing conference that they did a few years ago we taught there then well it will admit we met with some resistance okay because they're big on the anointing they're big on the presence they're big on the worship causing things to happen and so obviously what we brought in didn't play into that okay but a lot of the kids there know us right put it that way because we give stuff to them all the time over there we go there I met Pauline Parham there which was Charles Forum's daughter-in-law we sat down we talked over about years and years of history and these things are going on and started learning these things and she was there I interviewed her as I said before but every this coming year is going to a year fulfill prophecy both in acts 20:20 and the 20/20 vision prophecy now if you go and look at any of our manuals you'll see in the back there's about how many pages there are pathetic words that were given by Bishop bill Hammond Simeon Stewart John Lake and several others in the Christian international community that have given us prophetic words and those things we've been seeing them come to pass next year you watch all of this is going to come to pass and not at one time but over a process of time and it's going to be building to a particular thing all right now Dallas and just give you some basics is centrally located with good weather year-round okay it's December here right and we were going home last night not for and there's you know a guy out jogging in shorts in December right so we got pretty good weather year-round night and summer it gets a little warm right but that just helps you know all the unsaved people realize there's a help so and you don't want to go there no you know I can also say the good thing I didn't turn to God at the threat of hell I turned to God based on his goodness and I saw what he had done I saw how he had given Jesus and that Jesus gave his life and so it held has never been a thing in my mind as far as I'm trying to avoid it right I don't even really think about it it really does not cross my mind so yeah I know some people make that a big deal and I get it maybe some people need to be pushed in that direction but usually people that are won by fear when the fear wears off they wear off and so I would rather show people the goodness of God because that draws people to real repentance right so anyway no so the next notice here in Dallas weather is good year-round economy is good constructions everywhere things it's amazing it's why everybody wants to move here right that and the fact that our laws make sense anyway so and we have a history of good good governors okay now has a lot of other stuff I don't know if you know or not but like a gateway Church here they have several other locations amongst other locations they serve approximately a little over a hundred thousand people a week in all their different locations different things and there's some things haven't matter of fact you know we've even been talking about being able to do some of the DHT training there we have other situations going on other churches around us up in McKinney it's a church there that we're talking to about bringing the DHT and they're a mainline denominations not a charismatic church as generally as you would think so but it just shows what God is doing all around the area and he's preparing just like a bird makes a nest and things are having and now here's the thing what we have to realize is this if you know people can pray for revival and they can pray for different things but if God answered your prayers for revival I'm saying right now right here it would be wasted because we couldn't handle it our the people here are not trained to handle the number I've been in Pensacola I know what that kind of rival looks like I know that it can go all day deep into the night that means shifts of people workers volunteers help people at the altar praying with people getting people saved getting people bouncing that takes training our people here aren't trained yet in that era many of you know having Minister healing you know how to different things but you've not been trained on how to lead someone through to the baptism spirit how to do certain things and so these are things we've got to do in order to be doing this coming year because we have to be trained up to be ready for the influx God does not give a harvest if you don't have your barns prepared to hold the wheat that makes sense now I'm not saying we're gonna build some big thing to hold the wheat that's not what I'm thinking I'm thinking about training equipping okay we gather to train to send yeah that's the point it's not about keeping people here you know if you've been here honestly more than you know two three four years and what that what's wrong with you you know okay what that means is you're supposed to be trained and going out now we wants us to be a hub we want people to go out come back in go out and come back in and we're seeing that now but at the same time there is a particular vision a particular direction that many people come here don't they don't have it and they come here thinking one thing and then they want a position or something and they get disillusioned and then they leave and usually when they leave they leave Matt that's just what happens but I'm telling you I'm busy about my father's business I'm doing supposed to be doing and if you want to jump on board great but you're gonna have to jump and be ready to run right because honestly I'll have people that will help you grow but I don't have time to stop and help every person who comes on board so we have to hit this thing running amen that means training it means willingness to give up some Saturdays and come in and be trained and be willing to volunteer and do what needs to be done right but know this I remember there's a line in the movie Patton where he says you know whenever your grandkid when you're you and you're old and your grandkids sitting on your lap that's what Dad would your granddad what did you do in the Great War well I won't say what he said but I'll just say that the response is that you won't have to say that you were you know shoveling garbage okay and he said in Louisiana but I'll just say this if you're hooked to this wagon okay I'll tell you this in the future when they write about the revival and the situation that took place here in Dallas in 2020 you won't have to say I didn't have a part in it because if you want a part in it you'll have a part in it and we're gonna because we're going to be a catalyst for what God wants to do here amen that's a fact that's what I was born for it's where I'm at I'm going all over the world doing this but there's a reason why we are connected here to Dallas Texas especially at this time we have moved away several times we keep moving back just can't get rid of us now so finally I'll finish up here so the next move of God is waiting on God's people to make it happen okay it's it's generally been called the Saints movement our piece of it is the Dominion life movement you can find it online it's we've already been talking about it the Dominion life movement in and of itself is Saints going house to house healing the sick just like the 70s that Jesus sent out just like the 70s that Dowie sent out and matter of fact we're going to have all these books in the in the bookstore for you to start looking at and realizing because what they did back then we can do better now we are better equipped to do it but and those were not the end of it those were supposed to be given us ideas and stretching us to say we can do that and God can do it through us right so know we're supposed to be a healing army okay we would even commented a Dominion Army because what you're learning here is how to take dominion over every aspect of your life and to also exercise the Dominion of Jesus Christ over the demonic aspects of other people's lives amen so we are to gather to train and to send out one of the things I've noticed okay and looking because we've been praying about what to do next year next December but I have to decide what for then where the church is going to be if it's gonna be staying here local cross down whatever we have to decide all that here's what I've noticed if you drive about five minutes that way right on George Bush there's a huge sign that says Dominion seriously it is it is a you know it's an area you know residential area out there where they're building houses and that kind of stuff but it's called Dominion right now just I say on a lark but I do know that God leads me and as many as we're constantly led they are the sons of God it's constantly about three to god there's sons of God according to Romans 8:14 and so knowing that I am led then there's things I do sometimes that I don't know why I do them but then I'll go back go okay I was being led so I don't always know him I know I'm always being led I just don't always know it when I'm being led that makes sense you don't always feel like you're being led sometimes you're just doing things and you realize oh I was being led that's what it works so if it wasn't that way it always felt like it there would be no faith involved so there has to be no feeling for there to be faith faith right so but the other day I just pulled up a couple of things I don't feel I'll know it or not there is actually a location here in well it's Arlington Irving somewhere over there I have to go look again but anyway there is a street sign like just a cross street there's curry road and Blake Street and it literally says curry Blake right so me and George went over there we took a picture right of me standing underneath that I mean come on I mean that's unusual right I mean that's okay so we went in like and of course from there I'm looking I'm like are there any empty houses here maybe I'm supposed to live here I mean I'd like to have that on my driver's license you know that'd be kind of cool nothing but I didn't see any open houses so but so there's tents well I just typed in on the maps thing I typed in miracle Lane miracle Street I think it was and guess what there is one it's not too close to here it's actually out in Flower Mound so it's but it's directly straight across then right about two blocks from there is a place called Dominion estates which again is housing and that area but I'm just saying there are things all over the area that's why I said here ever every everywhere around us there are signs okay literally sighs okay but there are places called Dominion estates now one of the things I do notice and you know I don't care where we end up it makes me no difference I just want to be where God wants us if he has a particular place for us that's where I want to be now we'll talk about more about this this afternoon but one of the things I have noticed is that right over here on George Bush for some reason there has been a massive influx of hotels which usually means peoples come in so I'm not too sure I want to move too far from here right because that's one of the big things that's when you're trying to do meetings and when things are going 24 hours a day which what this thing will be going on you're going to need places people to stay and that kind of stuff and so we're looking at all these things amen now bottom line this is what I want to get you to today you have a part of history okay this is that time where you have to decide what your destiny is war where are you you can spend the rest of your life praying for a revival you can spend the rest of your life praying that God will use you right I know a guy right now that is still in the church we were in 40 years ago well I don't know if he's here right now he may have died by now I'm not sure he was not really young at the time but every time I saw him even years after I had launched out and started going around the world I'd go see him and I asked man I was doing he said I'll still pray him for an open door because he knew he was supposed to pass her somewhere but to my knowledge he never did what because he would never step out and he was looking for an open door when maybe God wanted him to go somewhere and build something you know quit looking for an open door and step out into what the Word of God says and watch what God builds around you you don't always need to build on another man's foundation right sometimes I want you to go and start something and there's times especially stepping out listen one of the things we'll be looking at we've got things already in the works working with sex trafficking rescuing victims you know pro-life services going on just you know outreaches and we were doing these a couple years ago but it just kind of fell away over time well we were doing outreaches to feeding the hungry we call it feeding Jesus because he said if you do it to the least of these you do it to me and so we had people going out and regular basically went down to Parkland Hospital pray for people at the emergency rooms all the time but it's been amazing but a lot of that has fallen by the wayside because we don't have people here to lead those things I can't do it all right I'm doing what God has called me to do I do like going out but at the same time I can't do it to where people just gonna go and watch me that's not the point and that's what happens a lot of times so we have to have people you decide what you want to see happen and then step into your destiny because God's just waiting for some type of response right and we want to say responsibility is your response to his ability and so whenever you respond to his ability it's amazing what happens so you have to be a doer of the word and you'll either move into religion or being a doer of the word right we've already talked about Dominion ranch and we're looking at that I know what God told me it's been almost a year now that he is and I really believe okay back in the day if you talked about Chicago you talked about Dowie why because he was the move of God at the time if back in the day if you talk about Tulsa you talk about Oral Roberts right because he was a move of God in that place at the time here in Dallas it was F F Bosworth at that time then later it was the voice of healing this city has had more moves of God in any other city I've been able to find and there's Los Angeles had some amazing things Tulsa has had some amazing things the thing with Tulsa they've not had moves they've had teaching they've had ministries Dallas has had moves of God and the thing is I no God wants this place wherever it's at here in Dallas to be the divine healing capital of the world that when people think I'm dying I need help if I can get to Dallas I can get healed that's what we want what because I believe with all my heart that is the will of God it's it's not just my destiny it's Dallas's destiny and it's your destiny if you're hooked up to this thing but it's something to think about because you have to start seeing yourself as somebody more than just a face in the crowd are something more than just whatever you have been seeing yourself as you have to realize that God has a purpose for you that is phenomenal if you won't settle for Less that's the key amen amen all right we're gonna stop I'm already running way late so if you need ministry we will be glad to minister to you but I will tell you we do have an important we got to get back here at 3:00 and we gotta let everybody get out to go eat to grab a lunch order they need to do but if you do need ministry I'll be glad to minister to you I'll get my staff to coordinate that put it together and then but now listen it's the Spirit of God that that heals you right it's not even my touch but I will tell you this when I touch you I release my faith and my faith is enough to get you well regardless of where you are right what because my faith is in God as the healer and it's in Jesus in the sense that by His stripes you were healed so this is a matter of it's done all we're doing is making it legal you might say in the sense of declaring God's victory over your sickness or disease Amen so whenever I'm going to go back stuff up they'll organize this when I come back out it's going to probably be just a touch but no when that happens I'm releasing my faith then you're gonna do whatever you couldn't do before and then you will end up with you on these videos and like that lady that came out of the chair and the man that jumped up and ran ran back and forth he was running back and forth so many times finally he turn around and ran back and just did I mean what nose-first didn't know that you didn't see that part and then jump something goes I'm okay that's why one Amen but we are you watch the divine healing capital of the world what because it would be healing like Jesus and it ain't gonna be me right not just me you understand that this ain't about that this is about people that nobody's going to know their names of who got them healed all they're gonna be able to say is all I know is I got there and jesus healed me that's what they're gonna say amen amen and then we're gonna keep records of it and make him famous everywhere he hadn't been famous already amen alright so god bless yes ma'am come hey guys Ashwin - welcome here I'm curry Blake general it was here Johns Lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taken the responsibility to enter into the life that Jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're going to go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified DHD how to start a life team but you know and maybe some of you are already within JJM and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do i have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within JG Liam we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen I really appreciate this Jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so I look forward to working with we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at JG LM o RG [Music] my god nice and sweet [Music] if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit JG LM da o RG forward slash partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcast and our mission work around the world [Music] if you enjoyed the teaching this series 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Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 23,613
Rating: 4.8913412 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 6RxeARCp7pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 48sec (5868 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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