Using Gods Power to Love People

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[Music] [Music] if you have your Bibles you can turn first to Matthew 22 that means turn there first that doesn't mean go to first Matthew there's not a second Matthew so realize how that sounded I never want to look at Matthew chapter 22 you know every time it really mentions Jesus praying it said that he looked up to heaven where he looked up it never says that he bowed his head necessarily or that he closed his eyes that's something that we have have done and sometimes it's necessary or at least good to be able to close your eyes and bow your head because you're you're not looking around you're not thinking about other stuff you're focusing and so it's good but the reason I say that is because we need to realize that Christianity is something to be lived not with your eyes closed in your head bowed it's to be lived with your eyes wide open seeing looking knowing but also having your head up that's one of the things that I loved when Iced listen to tell osmond all the time he's and a doctor Summerall said the same thing that God always brings man dignity he doesn't bring man shame and condemnation that and usually when there's shame or condemnation that's when they had drops when there's dignity the head comes up and so that's why the Bible says that he is the lifter of our head one because people are ashamed and he comes and lifts your head says no no no don't look down if you ever noticed in some of the healing videos that we have shown the testimonies usually when a person has a type of situation where the it's hard for them to walk or whatever it is and most of time I will walk with them and when I do invariably first I watch what they do or what is their body demeanor and almost always if they've not walked in a long time maybe they just come out of a wheelchair for the first time in you know eight years or something almost always there their wobbly and there and they're looking down because they're afraid they're gonna fall well if you're afraid then it's kind of hard to be unafraid and in faith at the same time and so that one of the first things I do is I tell no no don't look down here look up here look right up here what because your help is up here your help down there there's nothing down there to fear look up watch me if you need to and let's walk together and I'll start walking with them and whenever I it's amazing when as soon as they start looking up they start walking straighter that's a key if you wanna walk straighter look up don't always be looking down amen yeah I really didn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about today this morning I want to talk to you about using God's power to love people using God's power to love people if there's one thing that I would love to be able to break off of people is this and it is probably the biggest obstacle to true Christianity is this false or yeah false spirituality or what we would sometimes call a super spirituality most people that seem super spiritual aren't even spiritual right a lot of times they're just really religious they have a form of godliness but in many cases they deny the power of God and so we have to realize that Christianity was never meant to be a religion it was meant to be a walk with God it was meant to be a life that you live every day just walking with God and just like anything else if you make a mistake you fall down you get back up you keep walking it's the same thing with spiritual matters it's the same thing whether it's a sin or whether it is a you know you you are trusting God believing his word and for some reason you you you stop trusting you stop believing at that moment and you get over into fear you get into unbelief or you get into something else and so but you get out of faith and so at that point you have to get back up get back on track and keep going now real spirituality your level of spirituality is usually can be determined usually by if you mess up how quick you get back on track right not with the fact that you don't make a mistake but the fact that when you do make a mistake how quick you get back that this is why this was David's secret King David this is what why God said he was a man after his own heart why because he was always quick to repent David made a lot of mistakes but he was quick to repent and so your spirituality is usually determined by how quickly you repent and get back to living the life you know you're supposed to live amen that makes sense okay being super spiritual all this idea this idea of super spirituality has more to do with religion than it does with Kingdom it has more to do with religion than it does with your walk with God and usually it is it's an outward show to make other people think how spiritual you are so it's always something to to always remember how you're coming across to other people right you can well what we're going to get into this right now as a matter of fact two things number one well actually one of them I've already said that probably the biggest obstacle to real Christianity is a false spirituality or this idea of super spirituality the Bible never mentions being super spiritual it never mentions being hyper spiritual or you know it just says you're either spiritual or your carnal or natural and so it's really not degrees now your degree and it would be how much you grow and that kind of thing but here's the other point you might want to write this down just as there's to remember it God never gives you anything that you can't use for others he never gives you anything that you cannot use for others if he gives you power yes it'll help your life but it is to be used for others and if he gives you health guess what you're supposed to use that for others if he gives you blessing you know finances or a financial Buster's life it is to be used for others I mean it's not just for you to stack up I remember that was one of the problems in in the Word of Faith Movement whenever I was coming up in that group that everything was based on here let me show you my faith about how many things I can use my faith to get and it ended up being you know kind of a competition of okay let me show you how much faith I've got and I do that by showing you how much stuff I have and we have to realize that that is not the purpose of faith the purpose of faith is to please God because without faith it's impossible to please God so our faith is to be used to please God now how and again this is not technically what we're looking at today at least to a degree it is I guess but how could you use your faith to please God would you only use your faith on yourself or would you use it for others what truly please God then we know Matthew 22 hopefully you found it by now we're gonna see what this is in just a minute because he tells us right here in starting in verse 36 there was a said it was a lawyer a person well-versed in the law it says master which is the Great Commandment in the law and jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all that mind this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is like unto it and notice the man just said what's the great he didn't say what's number one and number two but Jesus said here's number one and I'm sure the man probably said okay because they were trying to trap Jesus in his words and so I'm sure they got that I know you got that right okay it's probably turned to start to walk off and used to do it but the second is just like the first and that is that you will love your neighbor as yourself right and there's two points there's now then he says in verse 40 there on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets in other words if you want to condense summarize all the law and all the prophets what they said and what they commanded you could do it by knowing these two Commandments if you do these two things you will always be in the will of God always in that simple so we don't have well what's this rule what's that rule what's that law what's it can I do this kind of love God love your neighbor but now notice it doesn't just say love God and love your neighbor it says love God and love your neighbor as yourself okay we all know the word to love our neighbor but most people know also well I fail a lot at loving my neighbor well what we don't realize sometimes is one of the main reasons for failing to love your neighbor is you don't love yourself because jesus said love your neighbor as yourself now in many areas and there is truth to the fact obviously we have to deny self we have to die to self in all these things but Jesus also knowing the heart of men knows that we have to if we can't love ourselves we can't love others and that's usually what you see in people you see a person that can't love others it's usually because they don't love themselves and it you usually they have something there and it doesn't just say love God and love your neighbor it says love your neighbor as yourself and then what that means is we see this actually the next part is in Matthew chapter 7 actually going back Jesus describes how to do this in verse none Matthew 7 verse 9 he says or what man is there of you whom if his son ask bread will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him therefore therefore what because your heavenly Father gives good things to you because of that okay then whatsoever you would that men should do to you do ye even so to them for this is the law and the prophets now notice Jesus said on these two things hang the law and the prophets but here he said on this is the law in the prophet right so we have to be able to put this that whatever you would dementia do to you you do to them we have to be able to find that in the two Commandments that Jesus has already given us because he said that's what they hang on Jesus didn't say over in Matthew 22 love the Lord their God with all the heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself oh and do to others as you would have him do it he didn't say these are the three Commandments he said there's to love God love your neighbor as yourself if you love your neighbor as yourself you're going to do for them what you would want done for you so Matthews seven is actually an explanation of the command that he's going to give as a command later here in Matthew 22 that makes sense it's really pretty simple so again you know we we follow the problem sometimes whenever and we get off on the wrong track when we start analyzing things according to our you know theological position or our doctrinal understanding really all we have to know is love God love your neighbor as yourself and if you love your neighbor as yourself you're gonna do for them what you would want done to you real easy right you can learn that in Sunday school right you don't have to go to seminary to learn that matter of fact I don't even know if that's taught in seminary you know what started what is taught in seminary is a whole bunch of theology and a whole bunch of doctrinal things and language you know exegesis and all these different things so he says you know watch therefore verse 12 what all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you do ye even so to them for this as the law and the prophets then he says enter ye in at the strait gate notice he ties that right into doing to others so they do unto others as you would have done to you actually is a strait gate and I see you have to remember whatever you're reading in the Bible you have to know what was said before and what was said after so all the things that we know see these people didn't know anything about being in Christ they didn't know what it meant for them to receive His Spirit and them to be born again and recreated in spirit and they didn't know any of that that was all foreign to them right all they knew was what Jesus was saying right then see we go back because we know these other things and we say because at this point they didn't even know oh ok make Jesus Lord they didn't even know understand what that meant see to us that's a spiritual thing to them what that meant was pick up his cross follow him live the life he taught that's what it meant it didn't mean say a prayer it meant decide to live the light your life based on the teachings that Jesus taught that you will actually change your life to match those teachings not just agree with them but actually start to live them and so see that's what they knew they didn't have all the theology that we do that takes us on to where oh that just means you know accept Jesus as your Savior nobody there accepted Jesus as their Savior right at least not at that point amen they didn't even know they had to accept him as their Savior at that point they thought he was a prophet just another in a long line of people that came along saying I speak for God and and and I have you know God approves of me and the way he approves of me as he proves that he approves say approve means to approve of someone and the way he does that is that he works miracles through me that's what they saw so many times we put all this theology that we've learned by being in church back into the Bible when it was never meant to be there because Jesus preached the kingdom right he didn't even preach technically salvation they get that he didn't he didn't preach a lot of what you hear today he didn't give altar calls Jesus never gave an altar call and yet you have a service an evangelistic service out an altar call today and you know well man they he almost had him and then he didn't even cast the net so to speak no because it's not about you walking down front it's about you decided to pick up your cross and you can do that right where you're at and walk right out that door and follow Jesus you don't have to come this is not a holy step down here right you have to realize that making Jesus Lord is what counts when you and he said why do you call me Lord when you don't do what I say what I teach so we the church the church world I would say has taken this thing to where it's totally mental it's a thing you're into it's a hobby it is you know like I said what you're into rather than saying well I have found a way to live my life and if I if I decide to live my life the way Jesus said then I will walk inside this area of blessing I will not be outside that area over into the area of curses or you know living under a curse or being cursed or anything else and I'm living here where there's life whether it's healing where there's blessing I'm walking with God where God's pleasure is not over there I meant that make sense now so but now let's move on he says in verse 13 enter ye and it's a strait gate see we would look at that as saying accept Jesus as your Savior what's a strait gate oh that's Jesus yeah but not just Jesus of you saying okay you died for me I'll accept you Jesus being that gate because he said he was the door so he's that gate but the way he is that gate is that you live his teachings that's the way he's acted why cuz he is the Word made flesh amen so again it goes back to a living a lifestyle say you live certain lifestyles there's things you don't have to worry about if you don't live certain lifestyles there are things that come with those lifestyles that you're gonna have to worry about right so he says enter ye and it's a strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in thereat and a look at this because Strait is the gate and narrow is the way now jesus said that so we know the gate is straight and the way is narrow right the way is not wide regardless of what any preacher anybody else says the way is not wide the way and because Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it few but now notice in another place Jesus even said many try to enter therein and can't find it and now we're not even talk about to be or aren't even trying like I said last week we're talking about these are a bunch of people that are trying to find it and many don't find it and only a few actually do so the one thing we have to do is exactly the viola says and says examine yourself whether you be in the faith right then he says in James chapter 4 verse 17 therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it that not to him it is sin that's a pretty easy definition in it now so now think about that too if you know to do good you don't do it then it is sin to you now that goes right back to what Jesus said whatever you would that men should do to you you do to them so if you know to do good to people and you don't do it then to you is sin is that a you know pretty safe thing to say so again we've made this thing really muddied up by adding in theology and stuff and city was going back to what and just seeing what the Word of God actually says and actually believing that now he says well next we're I'm going to take the first John so you can go to 1st John chapter 4 while you're turning there I mentioned a couple of things first off God wants you to love him and to love your neighbor the same way you love yourself then we've talked about this a little bit but I want to go deeper now too often we try to figure out somehow with our theology you know or I would say through our gallery we try to figure out what would my theology want me to do rather than what would God want me to do what would my doctrinal position want me to do in this situation rather than sin what would God do what would he want me to do right now first John chapter 4 verse 8 so let's answer these questions verse 8 says he that loveth not knoweth not God if you love not you know not God right for God is love he doesn't have love he is loving I know you know all this I'm just emphasizing in this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him so we all know John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he what he gave what his love caused him to do something and the thing it caused him to do was the most costly thing to him he could do amen he didn't just give him he didn't say hey where's that angel that I'm not too fond of well you know the one that's always messing up whereas he had send him to go die for the people he didn't say that he said no my son my only begotten Son the one closest to me the one most like me the one there that is my as we say in Texas my spittin image I don't know where that term came from we have to look it up now thinking about because it just really doesn't give you the right visual okay but you get the idea so he says that we might live in him verse 10 herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us so you want to know what real love is real love is loving someone before they love you right anybody can return love Jesus didn't think return love and the Bible doesn't say return love it says give love right and he but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins he sent him knowing what it was going to cost Jesus beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another now all he's doing is repeating the second of the two great Commandments no man has seen God at any time talking about God proper okay we saw God in Jesus manifested right if we love one another God dwells in US and his love is perfected in us here that he his love is perfected in us when we love why because if you have received the love of God and you're not given the love of God out it can't be perfected or brought to fruition are brought to fullness to be brought to fullness it has to be given away you got that so you're you know people who are this is my religion it's personal you know this is no there is no such thing as a personal religion not not in Christ you got that in Christ everything is to be given away whatever God gives you he expects you to use for others right now think about that even in love if God gave you love he expects you to use that love for others amen yeah okay verse 13 hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he has given us of his spirit think about that how do we know that we love God and how do we know that God loves us he says right there because he gave us his spirit and say we think of receiving the spirit two ways one in getting born-again and then secondly usually in the area of what Pentecostals charismatic is called the baptism of the Spirit but we have to realize that us receiving the spirit being born again or baptized in spirit as we know it either one of those are simply proof to us that God loves us and we love him because he loved us and wanted to give us a spirit but he couldn't give it to us until we received him and then many people receive him and in which proof you know that they love him he gives them the spirit but then they don't give that out and it stops right there with them no so and this may sound kind of like I'm all over the place here but really there is a theme here and you're gonna see we're gonna start bringing it down a little bit there so first off the question would be what is God's will for your life obviously we've seen all the way through here love love God love your neighbor love your love your neighbor as yourself so you do have to love yourself you just can't let yourself be loved so much by you that you put it above others right and so you treat others the way you want to be treated now so God wants you and I actually wrote this down I believe the exactly the way he gave it to me God wants you to do God wants you to do B and and for others he want you to do for others okay what you would want done to and for you was that is that right and that's that's the second claim we just did if you were in their situation so in other words God saw you when you were not even thinking about him not even loving him but he saw you ahead of time and he gave his son why because that's what he would want done to him why because he is loved right see here's the thing Jesus lived by the commandments that he gave he didn't have another say he never said he didn't have a set of rules for Christians and a set of rules for himself he had one life principle which was love God and love your neighbor as yourself when he went about healing the sick he wasn't wondering okay God what about what about this one well the God do you how do you want you when he did it wouldn't at all he went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil one for God was with him what is God God is love God was with him so he went about doing good one love gushed out of him if you remember during the announcements that that's what he did he went about doing good he went about doing for others what he would want done for him you know nowadays we look a little bit different now we'd say well now you know just do for them well you would want somebody to do for your child you know how would you want your child treated well then that's how you should treat other people's children right because a lot of times we go well me you know that's different but my child yeah of course I want good for my child what God wants good for his child and he wants you to do good for people because that shows his love in you and it shows his love for them amen so I want to well we'll get there in just second but whatever situation you see a person in as you approach them or as you see them the way you should approach them too often we have print we see a sick person and we approach them I'm going to go heal them that's good that'll work right I mean that's how we have trained people but we we really should be thinking in terms of there's a person see if you're going to look at a sick person and say I'm going to go heal them because they're sick then at some point they're well and you've got nothing for them but if you have the understanding or the idea or whatever is of there's a person I don't know if they're sick because a lot of signatures you can't see right I mean if you can see you know they got a crutch that's one thing you know they're walking with a cane that's one thing they got a bandage they're gonna okay you can see that but there's a lot of stuff that people go through sickness and disease even that's internal that you can't even see you know you you can go you know they here's this guy that you know was running playing football basketball someone and he sprained his ankle or broke his ankle and so he goes a doctor and they put a cast on it now he's walking with a crutch and you see that you go oh I'm gonna go pray for this guy right and yet that's good even if you didn't that's probably gonna heal right and you walk past the person that's at stage four cancer just because you don't see it right because you don't always see stage four cancer and you walk past that person to go to a person with a broken foot just because you can see it so you're welcome by faith or by sight so really when it comes down to is this if you look at people based on their need and you can go if I can see a need then I'll meet I can do a right now everybody's got a need everybody's got something they're going through physically spiritually emotionally financially socially you name it everybody's got something all right so you go to the mall and you walk through there you can't look you can't say well I'm gonna go find a sick person first person you see that would be them why because they're either sick and mind second body sick and spirits sick something that's not right amen and so now that but the key is when you see a person instead of just looking for the sickness or disease or the the situation you see that person instead of thinking healing necessarily physical healing especially instead of thinking that way why not think love there's a person that I can show the love of God to if they need healing I can show the love of God by using God's power to heal them if they need comfort they're going through something just lost a loved one just broke up with a loved one or something whatever it is going on with them there's something gonna okay I can also minister use God's power to show God's love and minister to them amen so now I've just broadened you know my my parish so to speak I've just broadened who I can minister to because before it was just something I could see it defined somebody that had a physical thing going on and to be honest with you many times that simply is an ego thing because there's usually somebody gonna be there with a camera to film it if you're going to go out and minister to people and you want to do something that people can see why because just walking up and praying for people doesn't really make the YouTube you know go through the charts and so many times we don't look at what a person really needs there could be a person who has a physical need you minister to them get them healed and yet they've got a much more serious need going on inside of them and you don't even ask about it so we have to look if instead of looking a person going okay how can I do this how can I do that well you don't understand this is my gift though that's my gift over here that's my giving that's what I do you know the gift of just loving on people that somebody else no that's what we're all called to do that is the Ministry of what we're called to do right now there's different aspects of it but we need to say now let's look on so basically God wants you to do for others what you would do further know what what if you were in their situation he wants you to do for them what you would want done for you simple as that no in Matthew chapter 7 verse 1 it's this and Jesus of course is speaking he says judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged they hear that in other words if you're gonna be strict guess how you're gonna be judged strictly well but if so he says don't judge lest you be judged and then he says for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and what with what measure you meet or you deal with okay it should be measured to you again so in other words however strong or strict then the judgment is that's how you're going to be judged if you're gonna hold people to a certain standard let me tell you first off if it's higher than the standard you're living you're gonna be judged according to the same standard which means you've already failed that standard right and it won't be well people can be used sometimes as a person that judges you but God is the one that's responsible for making sure that this has carried out right so he says with what measure it should be measured to you again and why beholdest thou the mote the splinter in your brother's eye but considerest in your own eye right you know that's like I said the other day we want to be judged by our intentions but we want to judge others by their actions he says or ya or how will you say to your brother let me pull out the mote out of your eye and behold a beam is in your own eye you hypocrite first cast out the beam out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's out in other words what should we working on shall we should we all be working on other people first or ourselves first ourselves and the thing is when you work on yourself people see you working on yourself and that encourages them to work on themselves right and so we need to be able to look at people and in our own life first off not go telling them what not to do if we're doing the same or anything different you know in our own life so as we say clean up your own backyard before you start trying to clean up other people's backyard amen yeah so if you think about if you do to others what you would want done to you what is that called sewing and there right if you go do something to somebody you're sewing whatever you do you're sewing it but if you're doing to others what you would want done to you you are sewing number one obedience to the command obedience to several commands but you're also sewing what you're gonna read because you have to remember whatever you so that's your what you're gonna read is that right so whatever you sow you're going to reap so what is your the same listen I want to show you how to always reap good things how to reap what you would want your life to be like how do you do that so it into somebody else's life if you're sowing good you're sowing right into somebody else's life then guess what you're going to reap now God is in charge of your reaping how many of you know you always reap more than you sow amen so now notice reaping comes something usually in two forms in what people may do but it also comes in the form of what God can do for you and through you that's why I want to say wherever you are start where you are yeah well you know I don't have this to give or I don't have this gift or maybe you know my gift didn't very promise not very well developed look guess what start giving it away it'll develop what because you're sowing and you're gonna reap and that's how it grows amen now Romans chapter 8 verse 11 says but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you therefore brethren we are debtors here that we're debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh for if you live after the flesh you shall die and this is in Romans this is a new covenant new Testament principle right but here's the other side if you through the spirit do kill mortify the deeds the body you shall live now how do you mortify the deeds of the body that's called disciplining yourself that's what you do and in Timothy even says purge yourself of these things he says in every house every great house there are vessels unto honor and vessels unto dishonour he said but if you want to be a vessel unto honor purge yourself of these things and he gives you a list we're not talking about those today but that shows that you are in charge of whether you're going to be a vessel of Honor or a vessel of dishonor it's up to you it's not up to God God did not choose you to be a vessel of honor or dishonor he chose to give you the tools and says now you show me what you want to be amen no no we're not talking about salvation there we're talking about being a vessel of honor or dishonor in a great house right so we're not talking about salvation or losing salvation so now notice verse 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the children of God the sons of God for you it now notice the first off if you're a child of God you will be led by the spirit you give that that means that his spirit is in you and he said he's now listen and this is I'm gonna well in church we all say what word you gonna follow the Holy Ghost well we're just going to follow the spirit you know there's really no commands and New Testament to follow the Spirit doesn't say it it says you'll be led actually the the Royal impetus there is that we make sure we were born again make sure we're right with God he'll make sure that he leads amen and we can know we're right because we'll be led which means they were now this is in Romans 8 so it's talking about how are we led we're not talking about being led to heal the sick led to raise the debt we're not something we're doing about led to mortify the deeds of the flesh so the way that you can tell you're born of the Spirit is that God is in you always urging you wooing you so that you kill the deeds of the flesh this is what Paul talked about this is in Romans if you go into Romans 6 and Romans 7 Paul what wretched man am i that you know the things I want to do I don't do in the things I don't want to do I actually do and huh he's going through all of this stuff and and he said this is this is what was going on in him right but now he says but now notice if you're born of God here's one thing you can know if you're born of God God is leading you he is going to lead you to do what to kill the deeds of the flesh so as long as God is urging you to kill the deeds of the flesh okay then let's say you got a whole bunch of deeds of flesh maybe you've only killed one out of 10,000 you got a long way to go all right I get that but the fact that God is still working on you to kill them proves you're his child amen that makes sense so just cuz you only killed one out of 10,000 you shouldn't give up hope you can go so stupid I can't believe I did that I can't believe is it what no you move past that and you go you know what thank you Father you've not given up on me you've not left me I know you're still working on me yes I agree with you I hate that too you know in the spirit right because you don't do the things you hate you do the things you like so your mind is still there it's somehow so there's that balance does this make sense to you we're talking about walking after spirit walking okay now and watch this he says in verse yeah verse 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the children of God for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear your that I know Christian well people that say they're Christians and yet they are still so afraid that they're gonna mess up and they're gonna end up in hell that's not the spirit that God gave you he gave you a spirit of sonship to know you know what I'm right with God yes he's working on me guess what and it's like we always say as long as there's breath there's hope as long as somebody's breathing they can change amen but you have received a spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the spirit and now notice it says itself so many times you know the spirit doesn't always he's not always recognized see this is one of the problems in especially in charismatic circles but in every circle really is Christianity we think we have to know beforehand that the spirit is leading us you don't have to know that and many times the Spirit is leading you and has led you and you didn't know it you go well you see how that worked out that was awesome well how'd it work out the way I don't know some something just told me told me to do this and okay it wasn't something it was him it was the Spirit of God but we don't even say that and this is after the fact amen when we are to be going you know what hey I was led by the spirit oh well I wouldn't want to claim that what come on you know well you know I wouldn't want to say that in a crowd of maybe there's unbelievers or been you know how did you know to get out of that stock okay how did you know it was going to tank like that I mean that's wow that's that was good timing I don't know something just told me pull out you know just get out of the stock put my money somewhere else you said no what no you think you say would the Holy Spirit a to do that yeah he'll tell you to get out of stock that's fixing tank if you're listening if you'll follow that because how many times have you said the other man I knew I should have pulled out I knew it something told me and I didn't do it so what's the S when you're being you're being that gives us you're being led both times but you're only following once you that but you're still being led you rise the Holy Spirit leads you and you don't even follow but you're still being led why because this job is to lead but you don't always follow Amen you think you ever see two people dancing ones leading the other leg following okay and the funny thing is the one that's leading is when it gets hurt he's when he gets his feet stepped on or vice versa what do you know whatever works you want to be sexist right okay so notice verse 16 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also we may be also glorified together for I reckon proof saw Paul was southern I reckon so you go up north you don't hear reckon right it's like yonder you know you're that up north where our fetch our tote right you don't hear all that's definitely you know okay he says for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with with the glory which shall be revealed in us now here's a question sufferings what sufferings yeah I'm not gonna go into a long teaching on suffering at this point but let me just say this cuz I'm trying to keep it really focused here the Bible tells us not to forget our brother our brethren in Chains those are being persecuted for their faith so we'd say they're suffering right and our sufferings are nothing to be compared with their sufferings but what do you think they're thinking about what do you think because I know there's pastors you know right now there's a pastor in Turkey that his name is kind of getting around which is usually a good thing because usually when the name gets out there and people know about it usually they can't be killed or something like that just because it would cause too much of a you know international incident but there's others different pastors being held in prison especially in China I know the other day when I was talking while back I was talking with Dido Kimmage from Portland he was talking about people that we that he knew in his family one one man in his fame I think was his granddad I think it was yeah Miz granddad spent 40 years in prison for preaching the gospel every 10 years they would bring him out they would bring his family because every 10 years he had the opportunity to get out and they would bring him in they would see that his family his hammer to see him everybody's crying everybody's happy and they'd say now all you have to do is sign this paper and swear that you will not preach the gospel when we let you go he blow a kiss to his family and walked back to his cell 40 years yeah but what would we do today oh yeah I'll sign it there okay and I lied to you sorry father forgive me I repent okay see that's the level of Christianity today but that's not the level of real Christianity that says no I'm showing these guards what I do what I believe is true because I'm willing to suffer and you know his guards got saved because of it but see we don't we don't look at things that way why because he had the love of God in his heart but let me ask is what do you think these prisoners are thinking while they're in their cell do you think they're sitting around going now you know the past tense you know first-person participle of this verse would it would obviously prove that I'm not supposed to be suffering you think that's what they're sitting around thinking or do you just think father I thank you that I'm considered worthy to suffer for your son's name do you think see when it's so easy to talk theology and doctrine in a place where we can all gather up and talk it's a whole different thing when it's real life and it's going to cost you something and you're gonna live it out there in in some place where you could die just for saying the name of Jesus and say they're not thinking doctrinal viewpoints when that when you come in if you're in there as a prisoner of faith they don't ask you excuse me what church do you go to oh I can't fellowship with you no you're a fellow prisoner you're suffering for the name of Jesus doesn't matter what the name of the door is it's the name over your heart that counts amen yeah unfortunately most people have to get to that point before they realize that they have to get to the point where they're somewhere locked away like that before they realize the value of unity and fellowship and love one for another even if you don't see eye to eye with one another so in yeah generally they're thinking basics they're thinking I'm forgiving I'm right with God you know I'll see them soon right very possibly some sooner than others maybe they're thinking about freedom you know if it's possible as long as I don't have to you know recant something they're thinking about strength to stand and not waver when the moment comes if they're going to be sacrificed for Christ if they're going to be martyred for him they're thinking about how the Holy Spirit can comfort them up I've read many stories out of the voice of the martyrs and different things how just before they died they were talking to people in the next cell or different things and they're talking about how they are amazed at the comforting ability of the Holy Spirit to give them peace knowing that the guards are fixing to walk down the hallway and take them away that's what they're thinking so they're not thinking wow well I wonder if you know my car is you know it's two years old now so I wonder I wonder if I can use my faith to get a new car that's not that's not what they're thinking so and the Bible says to remember them that are in Chains at Romans 8:14 8:14 tells us that we will be led if we're his children now Romans chapter five verse five says and hope make not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us near that the Holy Ghost is given unto us and now notice how do we have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost is given to us why because he has a spirit of love but he's also the Spirit of God and because of that because God is love his spirit in you coming into your hearts now everything that's in the spirit is in you the love of God is in the spirit it's in you and when I say in the spirit or in the Holy Spirit not talk about it in the spirit realm right so because it's in the Holy Spirit now it's in you amen remember that principle and he says in verse six for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die but God commences love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement now I don't have time to go into all this maybe at some point future but what here's what you have to know God's love is in your heart because the Spirit is in your heart in your spirit you got that so God's love is in the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit's in you so God's love is in you is that a true statement for all those true statements right so now we could say that God's Spirit is in you so in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 now I'm gonna read I'm gonna read all of this but I'm gonna read through it fairly quickly because I want to get a point across 1st Corinthians chapter 2 a verse 1 now concerning spiritual things spirituals brethren says the original Greek I would not have you ignorant don't be ignorant concerning spiritual things you know that you were Gentiles carried away under these dumb idols even as you were led so you had a spirit in you back then that was leading you to follow dumb idols and you didn't have to try to follow him you were led because of the nature that's in you wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed and that no man can say that jesus is lord but by the holy ghost now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit there are differences of administration's but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations but it's the same God which works all in all notice in these three verses 4 5 & 6 it says same spirit same Lord same God all three are included in that area they all work together towards these gifts and look at verse 7 but the manifestation of the Spirit was he talking about the gifts the gifts are the manifestation of the Spirit the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal means to profit yourself but to profit everyone you have manifestations of the spirit remember what I said god never gave you anything that he that you could not that he did not expect you to use for other people if he gave you the spirit and the spirit has gifts he expects number one do you live by blessing not by miracles and he expects you that what now that you have this spirit in you that has all the gifts he expects you to use the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit himself and he expects the Holy Spirit to be manifested in different forms therefore and many people think it says you know to one is given this to another is given that the word another there is simply is word aloes that means another of the exact same type he was not saying I'm giving in a body like just I'm giving you this and you that and you this and no he's saying listen he says he's giving gifts which are the gift of the Holy Spirit and those gifts are manifested different ways through different people you will have certain ways you manifest the gift of the Holy Spirit in other ways that other people don't now anybody can but most people don't and generally people manifest the manifestation of the Spirit that is most closest to their heart to their preference whether it be prophetic a word of prophecy whether it be a word of knowledge whether it be a gift of healing whether it be a gift of faith any of those generally you're drawn in a certain area but Jesus we never see Jesus or any mention of Jesus ministering in any of the gifts one because there was a gift was the Holy Spirit manifest in his life absolutely so but we don't see specific gifts mentioned and yet we see demonstration of specific gifts he knew what was in their heart he perceived their thoughts okay they're all of these different things were manifestations of the spirit but it's different ways that the spirit is manifested no excuse me no I'm not going to go into all of this because it would take too much time here's the point you can read 1st Corinthians 12 where it talks about how the spirit manifest himself then at the end give me at the end of verse of chapter 12 verse 31 he says but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show show I unto you a more excellent wait now in the original letter there wasn't a chapter break there it just keeps reading and he said there's more excellent wait the answer is talking about love so what am I saying you should not be walking toward a person thinking I'm gonna go manifest the spirit with healing I'm gonna go manifest the spirit with this no you should be thinking love and going to that person and thinking whatever they need the Spirit of God in me can manifest himself because he knows things I don't know no see we think it has to be a certain way we think people have to say Oh thus saith the Lord and then they give a word and yet Jesus didn't even do that he didn't even do that right he said you know Nathanael oh there's one in whom there is no guile and he said you know when you were sitting under the tree I saw you right well what do you think that was well that was a gift of the word of knowledge right that was giftings being operating but you just didn't say thus saith the Lord just what it was though he didn't say that at all he didn't even say what just guys I'm gonna show you a gift of the Spirit watch this before you can before you came I saw you sitting under the tree see he didn't even say that he didn't do anything to it what did he do he the Spirit of God testified he saw him and then he sees him because guess what I saw you before he's telling about it what's he saying God knows you and he knew you and he goes get matter of fact he says you're a person without guile Wow let's see now that what happened see that would be actually also a word of prophecy Wonka's prophecy is to comfort edify and exhort what did he just do he comforted right he edified he built about you're a person without God Wow Wow Jesus that's that's awesome thank you I appreciate that coming from you right what was he doing he was edifying him so see he was ministering the manifestation because but he wasn't saying what just I've got to go manifest a gift I feel led to do that see we have to get beyond that because when the Holy Spirit jesus said when hoster comes he'll not testify of himself he's going to testify of Jesus he's gonna show the love of God so when we approached someone it shouldn't be to say or watch this let me go show you how I can heal that means you always show you how can we use this gift of faith no it's just a matter of let me show you how much God loves that person they make sure that person how much God loves him so we should use the gift of God the gift of the Holy Spirit and and in that not worry about this gift or that gift he says to desire to covet gifts so yeah we are to what well what are the gifts manifestations what are we to covet what are we to desire not this specific thing but we are to covet the manifestation of the Spirit of God in our life that we can show the love of God because that's what he said I'm showing you a better way I'm showing you a more excellent way that if you can show love all those gifts that'll work if you go after the gifts you're only going to get the gift but if you go after love then these all these gifts will work and you'll be able to minister anybody if you just go after a gift of healing guess what you're only gonna be able to help sick people well not everybody in the world is sick a lot of them yeah but you won't be able to help everybody but if you go after love you can help everybody right now and let me let me give you another example matter of fact it says in verse chapter 14 verse 1 follow after charity love and desire be zealous of spiritual gifts but prefer that you may prophesy so he talks about spiritual gifts manifestations but then he says profits that one he says for he that speaks an unknown tongue speaks not unto men but unto God for no man understands him howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries but he that prophesies speaks unto men to edification exhortation and comfort they did amazing that God was more interested in you helping people than you then he was you talking to him he just said if you speak in tongues you talk to him but if you prophesy you speak to men and he said it's good to speak in tongues you should Paul said I wish that everybody did he said but prefer to profess I prefer prefer to speak to men and edify and help people prefer that even to speaking to God in tongues never said I you know I wrote a book on tongues right I believe in tongues tongues are vital they are a gift they're a tool they're a weapon they are vital God wants everybody speaking tongues he wants you to have it all right so I'm not putting down tongues I'm just saying exactly what Paul said in Timothy you can speak in tongues all day long but if you don't walk in love with it you're gonna be as tingling brassiness symbol it makes noise so there has to be that idea why do we have the spirit to show the love of God that's why he manifests now finally I'm there's a lot more we're gonna do a seminar on the spiritual gifts at some point but I want you to go to verse 12 even so you for as much as you are a zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may Excel to the edifying of the church right and to edify you do what you promised a prophet that doesn't always have to be I'm prophesying to you now hey I'll move this very quickly yeah if you go down to verse 26 it says how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you as a psalm as a doctrine as a tongue as a revelation as an interpretation let all things be done unto edifying he says up there before well go back to verse 17 for you verily give thanks well but the other is not edified I thank my god I speak with tongues more than you all yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding than by my voice that by my voice I might teach others also than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue this is not saying don't speak in tongues he just saying look it's important that people understand so they can grow and be edified and you're helping people he says brethren be not children in understanding how big in malice be children but in understanding be men that words think about what I'm saying and recognize I'm not putting down tongues I'm lifting up love and saying if you're going to speak in tongues let it at least be loving people so that it has more of an effect than just speaking in tongues right then he says yeah in verse 23 verse 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying serves not for them that believe not but for them which believe now we've got that usually twisted in the church if therefore the whole church become together in one place in all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say you're mad notice this is when the church is gathered in one place the church is people the church is not the place right and the church can gather all in one place and it says but if all prophets that so you can all speak in tongues we wouldn't go okay this is crazy what they do all they just spoke in tongues and is there time for everybody speaking in tongues yeah should that be the whole time together should ever a just come in so I speaking in tongues and then say okay well we're done have a good day know what because that would not benefit anybody's understanding in the spirit you'd be built up you'd be edified in the spirit but you would not be edified in your understanding and the purp one of the purposes of gathering together is that you be edified in your understanding amen no he says and that's our the secret I'm sorry let me go back verse 24 but if all prophesied they're coming one that believes not or one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and thus the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth and notice that's if you prophesied so as you prophesy prophesying includes also a word of knowledge word of wisdom discerning of spirits it includes these areas okay and he says here that if you do that if you minister like that then he'll follow it because one if as you prophesied to a person in the form of a word of knowledge then you can say this is what happened this is this and you can tell them what happened and they will fall out on their face why because you have exposed the secrets that only they knew and they'll go WOW God is in you that only God knew that so there is a purpose for that okay but remember that gift is simply one of the manifestations of the spirit it's how he's manifesting himself to show God's love for that person why is he trying to do that not so he can go okay record this get this oh man I can hit it on me I'm nailing it I mean I mean I'm getting so specific I want to tell you where you live I'm going to tell you where what the address and the look of the house you know where you were born I'm going to tell you no it's not that it is why is this manifestation of the Spirit happening so that the person knows God is in you and He loves them that's why amen so all I'm trying to do is get you to move past just the idea of this just a rote mechanical type thing oh there's a sick person we're gonna go heal him no go beyond that you can only heal sick people but you can love everybody right now I will admit the better you get to know some people the harder they are to love they're just saying but you know in a mall you can love everybody because you don't know him amen so just go love everybody okay yeah don't get mad at me just because I'm telling the truth okay okay he says then how is it brethren then when you come together every one of you has a psalm a doctrine a tongue revelation interpretation let all things be done and edifying and he talks about how to regulate this which proves that we have something to do with it it's not just God doing it well God's moving me so I got to do it no he says if you're going to just let it be by Warner about two at the most and then let the others judge so there is a process where you go and he says also but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence so now it's your says let him keep silence so even though God gives them something it doesn't mean you have to speak it you have control of it so if you think oh no God I have to do this that's not God that you want because the spirit of the process is subject to the process it's the Spirit of God we still allow him to work on we or we choose to do things done to be done decently and in order amen there's been I've been in meetings where somebody is preaching and I mean it's having an impact and you can tell it's affecting the people and somebody I'll jump up in the middle and give a tongue right and it completely breaks the meeting at that time right and then people's like oh well I had to do that no Holy Spirit doesn't interrupt himself he's not gonna interrupt himself amen there's writ and the Holy Spirit was moving on the hearts of the people and this person heard something got excited they were moved and because they were too carnally minded they started giving out that tongue or interpreter or whatever it was and there they actually take away from the the effect of the meeting that God was working toward well because they were immature and there had been no standards set in that body to be able to say here's how we do things why because they're all gonna be done decently and in order Amen I'm not talking about quenching the spirit I'm talking about the spirit working systematically in the body and accomplishing what he wants to get done the spirit is very well-organized right not to the point that he doesn't do anything but he was working it so finally he says here verse 39 wherefore brethren covet that's strong that's even beyond desire covet it means crave like an addiction that's literally what the word means covet to prophesy what does the prophesy to exhort comfort and edify covet to comfort covet to exhort covet to edify you hear that not just covered a spiritual gift so you can be spiritual covet these things so that the body can be blessed he says and forbid not to speak with tongues let all things be done decently and in order the gifts are manifestation of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit's in you the gifts are in him so they're in you right it's just remember get away from the idea of a thing and move toward how he manifests himself how he shows himself say if I'm if I'm a generous person I can manifest my generosity by giving you money by taking you out to eat by buying you a new car or you know whatever it is any one of those things they're not different things right now to you the car might be different to that person going out to eat might be a big deal you see what I'm saying it might it's how they need to be ministered to but all of them are simply a manifestation of my generosity right working of miracles gifts of healings all these things should go okay there is no such thing as a miracle to God when you can do anything nothing's a miracle right so these things this is human language that God has used to show us the distinction in us so this miracle is only a mess it's how the spirit manifests to another person maybe in your life because you can use the gift for your own life you can and you should actually but you also ought to be using it for others life but to God it's not a miracle to God is just him manifesting to meet that person's need if that person's need requires a miracle that's how he's going to manifest themselves if you will let him but the way you let him Paul is saying first in first Corinthians 12 13 and 14 is there's power but you got a minister power in love right and if you love people then the Holy Spirit can manifest himself in any form he wants now finally lastly okay when you approach people approach them to manifest God love right manifest love and approach them to love them the way God would love them right get you out of your your head don't be thinking about you oh this is how I operate no just love right let God be God to them through you if they're sick heal them if they're hurt comfortable right if they're hungry feed them and we have to remember that feeding them is just as spiritual as prophesying to them amen why cuz it's still a manifestation of the love of God whatever is done out of a manifestation of love is as spiritual and even more spiritual in many cases than something right so prophecy is to comfort exhort and edify it is to bring out the best in them see when you prophesy see it doesn't have to be some super spiritual thing we're gonna be sharing on how to move in these things and show you how to do it but it is to comfort them with words of encouragement what would God say to them now here's the thing okay what did Jesus say to people right he never said the Santhal or like we said now here's the key and I'll give you an example in my own life and then we're done you you Minister the the manifestation of the Spirit to the degree that your faith will allow you every gift I'm really trying I'm going to try to get away from using the term gift and only use the word manifestation right so if I say gift excuse me remember manifestation thank but if I'm going to minister a manifestation of the Spirit I will only do it to the degree that my faith will allow me right in Romans 12 he tells us if you're going to prophesy let him profs that according to what the measure of faith his measure of faith write to the proportion of his faith so I could practice on I could say okay I could say there's somebody here right now that's had you know pain in their lower back right and honestly that wouldn't be a far stretch there's gonna be somebody here right didn't take a whole lot of faith to put a word like that out there right but if I'm gonna say excuse me sir your name is Bill you live at 435 West fifth Street and you've got a pain in your lower back that's the exact same gift exact same manifestation just more highly developed now it is not the Holy Spirit determining how much information I have my faith determines how much the Holy Spirit can reveal to me how far will I step out you say you stretch yourself and you can exercise the gift and it'll get stronger and stronger and more and more specific most people never go that part at some point they stop they go that's good enough and I don't want to take any more chances because I could be wrong and so they stop stretching themselves the more you stretch yourself the more specific the gifting will be I mean it's the same thing with the gifts of healings it's the same thing with the working of miracles they'll get stronger and stronger if you notice Jesus started pretty good with the working of miracles about changing water to one that's a good start right but if you watch when it came to healings his healings if you look at his life chronologically his healings got stronger and stronger and stronger they didn't start big they grew Jesus it says had to grow in grace also amen so he had to learn how to release the spirits so to speak and how to minister these things now finally yeah what would God say to them you walk up to a person you're gonna go love on them you're gonna go you see a person Amal you go okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna go them all and I was gonna love people and you're gonna go out there and say okay now how would God like you walk up to a person what would God say to them well here's the key most he'll go man I have no idea you know I'm trying to get a specific word I'm trying to you know I'm gonna try to tell him you know what what the name of their dog was when they were in third grade I mean come on that's you know is that what I'm shooting for cuz that's it they know you've already made the standard so high you won't you won't achieve that but if you go to them and say you know what here's what I do know I can walk her to them and say you know what God loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son guess what I'm prophesying what because I'm speaking forth to edify exhort comfort right that's the purpose that's why I'm good now it's not too dramatic right but at the same time let me tell you there have been people that have come to me people that are in seminars different places and have come to me and they said I don't know why I know you know this and I know don't know why God wants me to tell you this but I feel like I need to tell you and he just want you to know you're pleasing him I'll start crying what do I know that yeah but it's real good sometimes to hear it especially from somebody else that God has told that to amen I mean okay come on if you've been married you know for any length of time you know you say okay what was the last time you told your wife your husband you loved him well bless God told him 27 years ago when I married him I mean that should be enough no no no isn't they need to hear it every now and then you know I'm saying and and when you do hear it does something and it's the same thing there's a lot of stuff people know but they need to hear it and they need somebody a stranger to walk up and go you know what man God loves you so much and and the stuff you're going through you know you're gonna come out of that and you're gonna come out and God's with you you're not going through this alone and now you're not saying what it is because maybe God hadn't shown it maybe it's none of your business maybe God just wants to tell you and they've been praying god god am I gonna make it through this and you walk up and go guess what God's gonna gods with you you're gonna make it through this and you think man that is such low-level prophetic word and they're just bursting I mean they're like Oh God thank you see why because it doesn't mean the same thing to us as it does to them but what were you doing I'm loving on them I'm just loving them I can say anything in the Bible that is God's month for people and that's that's prophesizing one because it's a Spirit of God in you you have to rely on the Holy Spirit to know when you walk up somebody he's going to talk three he's those words he said don't worry when you stand in front of people I won't put the words in your mouth but see we don't rely on that to everyone well I've got I want to know ahead of time I want to know the name when I was another plate of it no that's not faith walk up open it I did this and one when I first started it when the first things I did I saw this woman and he probably heard me tell her story and I I saw him there was something that stood out like I need to go talk to her and I hesitated then she disappeared and I'm like oh now it's bad because now just obey God now she's gone I didn't get to say and I didn't even know what I was gonna say and I told God God you tell me when I'll go and he said no you go and then I'll tell you and I'm like I know now that ain't how this works you know I need to know ahead of time anything but so then I finally I'm you know checking out and I'm praying God said I've missed it I'm sorry I don't know where and I said God if you give me one more chance if I see her again I will tell guess who walked up in my checkout lane she walks right up right and I look at him look up here we go you know before it would have been over you know between the you know the clothing racks nasca way right here in front of the cashier and everybody else so you know there's there's a benefit of for obeying God early knows then and so and I'm like I gotta go so I walk over to her and she had a child in her in the cart there and so I walk and I said you know I I don't know I just God warned me to tell you this and I had no thoughts in my mind what I was gonna say and I could have went God want you to know you know and I could look really stupid but instead if God is merciful right he's merciful and so I were I said God just wants you to know that he sent me here for you today and that's see I was filling in waiting for him to kick in right because you can you can add Siller as you need to okay while you're waiting for him to show up and so I'm like and you want you to know and then I look at that little girl and I said and and he knows everything you've been going through he know he knows all of this and he said all you need is more of this and I pointed her a little girl and I'm thinking you know for some people more kids may not be the blessing you might think it is right I mean she could have been having a hard time raising that child and I said and and he just want you know you need more of this and and I said this is your daughter she said yes her name is faith yeah yeah all right yeah all right yeah you know you know because in that you're starting to hit it right and so and I said and God knows what you've been through and he says and this girl said you know well I've gone to church and I tried to find sit no I didn't say good shirt I said you need to get with God you gonna get in your living room on your face before God and you need to commune with him and I'm going through all this stuff and by now she's crying I'm crying her friend walks up to see why this guy's making her friend cry you know and I'm just and I'm amazed I mean it's tough I'm Ted I didn't think one thing of what I was going to say ahead of time and everything just started pouring out and I'm like that's and and now even whenever I'm in a sense I don't make a big audience or world upset the Lord there's no didn't do that okay let me tell you one reason is good not to say that it's because if and when you do miss it you don't want to blame it on God right you can just and that's why I loved about Bishop Hammond the way he taught the prophetic was he just did you step out there and you just share almost well it's super naturally and so when we have a heat like almost always I'll start by ministry to that person and I'll start praying or officers speaking to them and I'll command healing or whatever it is but many times as especially if I've been around someone prophetic then that is that tuning fork like that lesson is kind of you know geared up and so I'm saying and I'll start talking and I'll say now and this and theirs and I'll start saying what I know and when I get to the end of what I know I just keep talking and what I don't know comes out and now what am i doing I'm giving a word of knowledge or I'm giving a word of wizard so and this is coming out and why is this right as this right is this am i helping you hear it and they're like yeah yeah yeah and so I've been when I was in Portland one of the last times I was up there I was speaking to a youth group on a Sunday night and they were about a hundred and fifty kids there they robbed teenagers and they were pretty lit up already and I began ministering to them and just praying for him blessing and man word started coming out and it started getting specific and I'm like you need to write that book guys been talking about writing a book you need to write that book and these are these are kids not people you would think be writing a book necessarily and I start going to and then that girl ran off and told her friend man he hit it I mean on the head and so they come back would you pray and I started and oh she she would like to hear from God so I and and by the time we got done I had given a specific I'm talking specific word of God for all hundred and fifty kids and and they were standing and then when we were in 12 to saan Tucson Phoenix Phoenix yeah we went to a Healing Room there and I began ministering to people and the leaders were standing next to and they came up and then I just started ministering prophetically to them and the people stand there and the leaders they were laughing because I'm it's we were nailing it and they had been encouraging these people to do this thing and then I come out and I don't know a thing but God knows and God says do this and this and they're laughing like yeah that's it and I said you know this you overanalyze and you do this thing and and God likes the fact that you want to be sure but sometimes you just need to step out and fit and laughing car they're like yeah them and they analyze everything and you know everything we're going to do they analyze it you know to pieces and so I mean God is doing this thing so but what how did I how did I do that it's not some super spiritual type thing that just comes on me it's the fact that I want to love them and I just step out into it and take a chance and I start praying what I know and I start blessing them and I started talking about the characteristics of Jesus coming out in their life and pretty soon the Holy Spirit is speaking specifically what but you can do this anywhere see everybody thinks me okay he's a healing guy we ministered by healing by and and I don't have to get into the perfect to get people healed so we don't minister that way a lot but we have to realize we're talking about the Holy Spirit we're not talking about a thing or a way we're talking about him in our life and we're just trying to reach and love people and as you do that he manifests himself why because he loves to love people amen and if you're just going to show off here go you're on your own you know have faith believe yep it'll work you'll bless them but if you'll if you'll go and you actually want to love people and you want to open up to it then he will speak through you and and he will start to manifest these other things but they all work the same way they all work by faith and they all work by you stepping out first before you know anything amen and remember he's the Holy Spirit he's not as something or in it Amen just rely on him to manifest himself he will do it if you want to love people amen chugging anything out of this this morning all right we're gonna pray father we thank you right now your word is true and father we know that the only purpose that we're still here on this earth once you saved us is so that we might manifest your spirit to the people that are still here so that we can advance your kingdom by bringing them into the kingdom so father really it all just comes back down to we want to love people using your power to do so we thank you that you have given us your power your name your spirit so that we can love people so that we can bring them to you so father we we we thank you right now and father right now I speak to all those that are listening by internet that in the name of Jesus right now your sickness and disease has to go it cannot remain it cannot remain it must bow its knee so in the name of Jesus right now I set you free in Jesus name be healed because by His stripes you were healed and now we declare by the name of Jesus that you are free in Jesus name right now now just check it out begin to do what you couldn't do before and if you've not made Jesus the Lord of your life do so do it now it's the right thing you are to love God with all your heart mind soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself and that means you got to love yourself and if you really truly love yourself you're gonna want to make sure that you're gonna spend eternity with God it's because that's the best loving of yourself you can do it so father we thank you right now right now for setting these people free and if you don't know how to do this it's very simple just say Jesus I make you the Lord of my life I will do what you have talked with the help of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen it's real simple when that happens your sins are washed away they've already been paid for now they're taken from you and you are cleansed made whole recreated made righteous and right now there is nothing between you and God so you can just be free right now in Jesus name Amen amen amen all right those of you that are here and you need ministry we're going to organize you up here in a line and I'm going to put my stuff up and I'll come right back out and minister to you feel free also two things we have things out in the foyer there one is what we believe if you want to know what we believe there's a brochure there but also if you want information on how to become a member of this local body then please there is an application out there that's a little thing that you can fill out and turn in we would love to work with you and we'd be glad to help train and equip you so other than that if you're going to be around I'll see you get in just a moment if you're not god bless you we'll see you again next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 29,569
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: f3J-9s50oF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 30sec (5130 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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