How To Deal With Unbelief

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rise up do what he said [Music] it's time to rise jesus is lord he's so good uh would you turn to me with turn to me turn to me your ears would you turn with me to the book of hebrews hallelujah i really felt led to to read through some of this this particular so the book of hebrews was written obviously to hebrew believers and um it's quite often the writer who we believe is paul is reminding them and showing them and proving to them the excellency of the supremacy of christ over the law and he's reminding them and encouraging them not to forget that christ is the supreme one and it seems as though just like the galatians were the hebrews were being influenced by judaizers and they were they were starting to blend the two the law and grace and you can't it's like oil and water they won't they they won't blend you can't blend the law in grace you can't blend works and the free gift of salvation now once you receive the free gift of salvation it's unto good works and so you manifest good works and so one of the things that was happening i believe here in in the in the time of the hebrews is why paul is addressing him is is is they're starting to go back to that which is familiar they're starting to to slide back into that which is which was normal to them which was the law which is walking in the law and walking by the law and paul over and over is saying hey listen no jesus is the the the uh visible image of the invisible god you know there was only one on whom he called his son he doesn't address the angels as sons he only addressed the son as his son and he has the supremacy amen and we see that in hebrews chapter 1 and it talks about jesus and there's something really cool that i want to show you here and how we have to always position our hearts to be steadfast and not allow any level of unbelief creep in it's the unbelief sometimes we believe unbelief is just not believing well that's not entirely true sometimes unbelief is sometimes believing the wrong things or or choosing not to believe at all so you could you could unbelief could could mean you know here's one uh i'm still a sinner right well wrong as an example i'm still a sinner right so you're believing the wrong thing and that in turn keeps you from the place of actually believing the right thing right so in that it's a form of unbelief because it it's it it stops the promise and the power of god having its full work in your life i mean just that one thing alone is what completely helped to transform my walk is when i realized that i'm not a sinner saved by grace but i'm actually a saint i'm a holy one as the bible tells us this what the that's what saint means it means most holy thing that's who you are that's what god declares you to be and if i believe i'm still a sinner but i'm just somehow positionally saved then guess what exactly i will not act like it i'll act like what i believe i am so you see how that how that works right and so um that's something that i believe the lord is wanting to challenge us on is there's so much that is available to us in the kingdom of god and we have to be very careful not to allow any form of unbelief regardless of what it looks like to have its way in us because you know the bible says all the promises are to the believer like we we think the promises are to the needy you know the bible says the promises are to the believer right you're saved because you believe not because you need escape from hell right you're it says you're saved by grace through faith so no faith no grace no salvation it says how can they believe on how can they call on the one and whom they believe if nobody goes and tells them so belief is a is a huge part gps signal found because we're talking about jesus amen so so we we we we want to be very clear we want to be very sure that we understand and that we believe and that we're dealing with the places of unbelief because it could just be it could be us embracing an ideology that is not kingdom and long enough if we embrace that and follow that long enough we'll veer further and further away from the truth embracing an ideology that is not kingdom long enough can can take you far away from the truth and then you'll turn around and look back and go how did we get here and hopefully that will happen hopefully there will be enough uh sense and you know in a person's mind to stop and go wait how did i get here as opposed to as we look back in history we see crazy things that people have done in the name of the lord and and you wonder like at what point did someone stop and go what are we what are we doing or did they just so was it so ingrained in their belief system that they thought that what they were doing was right and there are times when i read back in in the old testament and i look at the children of israel i wonder if there were times that they really thought what they were doing was right if they really thought like what they're doing like if they had a justification for what they were doing and it seemed right but the bible's very clear there's a way that seems right to man but it ends in what death and destruction so we just really want to be careful starting in verse one hebrews chapter three did i say chapter three no who was that chapter three raise your hand oh we got one prophet in the house oh we got two okay amen all right starting in verse one it says therefore holy brethren somebody say that's me partakers of a heavenly calling consider jesus the apostle and high priest of our faith of our confession excuse me of our confession when when you're going through situations and trials do you consider jesus are we considering jesus there's another place in hebrews it talks about consider him uh and maybe we'll get to that but are you considering jesus through the trial through the tribulation through the through the up through the down are you considering jesus are you fixing your eyes on jesus consider jesus the apostle and high priest of our confession he was faithful to him who appointed him as moses also was in all his house for he has been counted worthy of more glory than moses but just so much as the builder of the house has more honor than the house for every house is built by someone but the builder of all things is god now moses was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of the thing of those things which were to be spoken later so moses was faithful in all of in god's house not as a son but as a servant for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken so again his moses service is a testimony unto us unto this day unto this time unto the time of christ jesus verse 6 but christ was faithful as a son over his house over god's house amen so so moses was a servant and christ is a son amen it's the difference so he was he was a son over god's house whose house we are all right pause twice we we we see it's written here that moses was faithful over god's house and jesus was faithful as a son over god's house amen is that clear yes and then it goes on to say whose house we are whose house we are isn't that interesting the house that jesus is faithful over is us whose house we are that's very cool to me first corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 it says for we are god's fellow workers and you are god's field and god's building you are not only his field but you are his building first corinthians 3 16 it says do you not know that you are the temple of god and that the spirit of god dwells in you we sang the song about being a house or excuse me we sang the song about a house of miracles right well paul is saying that jesus was faithful over god's house and that house we are we are the house that jesus is faithful over and according to this we are god's house amen and according to this we are god's temple don't let that slip from your understanding because there's great benefit in that there's great blessing in that now if you're mentally assent to that you say okay i hear what you're saying that's cool it's neat i agree it's true but if you don't believe it for yourself then you've just disqualified yourself through unbelief from receiving the benefit of being the house of god the place where he dwells the place where he manifests the place where he supps that's an old english word for eat he prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies he bid you to come dine with him and to come and die to be like him we are his house so when i sing that song this is a house of miracles i'm thinking about myself i'm thinking i am the temple of the the lord i am the temple of the holy spirit i am god's building this is the house of miracles i might be the only one but this is the house of miracles i believe that second corinthians 6 16 it says what agreement has the temple of god with idols none for what for we are the temple of the living god just as god said i will dwell in them and i will walk among them and i will be their god and they shall be my people i will dwell in them and walk among them i will be their god and they shall be my people for we are god's temple so that's a big deal whose house we are everybody say if if we hold fast our confidence so let's look let's look up if we hold fast what does it mean to hold fast what does it mean to hold fast well it means to be firm yeah it means to keep in memory to take in memory it means to possess it means to retain it means to seize or lay hold of it means to withhold or to hold on to hold fast if we hold fast and we see this this concept other places this is this the term that paul and uh even peter paul loved to use more more than peter did but hebrews 10 23 it says let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful so why do we hold fast amen we hold fast because he's faithful we hold fast because if fath we hold fast because if we're faithless he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself he knows this we're still wondering sometimes because of circumstance because of trial because of tribulation you have need of endurance endurance is something you supply endurance is saying i choose to hold fast endurance is saying i choose to stand firm amen it says may i now first corinthians 15 1-2 it says now i make known to you brother in the gospel which i preached to you which you received in which also you stand by which also you are saved if you hold fast the word which i preached to you unless you believed in vain you know it's really interesting that there's these ifs before if you hold fast if you do not waver if you take into account if you remember if you persevere if you seize and you you take hold of you possess all these things are things that you you do because the lord has already done his part he's faithful somebody say hallelujah he is faithful he's already done his part our part is to stand fast it's to take hold because there's an if there we think just because we have need or just because we've prayed then that solves it no we need to believe we need to hold fast we need to stand fast we need to take hold of amen galatians 5 1 talks about this too it says it was for freedom that christ set us free therefore keep standing firm and do not subject again to a yoke of slavery i'm telling you any any bondage that we come under is because we've subjected ourselves at some level and i'm not talking about accidents or something like that or even well i mean i was going to say even sickness but i know that the lord has provided a way for us to live in divine health and it's not for super christians in the sense of like oh i'm just not no it's just it's just for believing it's just believers just you we just need to learn how to believe we just need to learn how to stand fast and how to endure some of these things because the reality is man when you endured some of these trials and this is why and listen i'm not this isn't this isn't a um this isn't me suggesting you should do this this is me saying this is how i learn from my own heart my own self um i uh maybe i rarely once or twice have i asked for prayer for something sickness disease even with two broken toes i didn't say anything my wife didn't even know and you say well why that's foolish well maybe to you but to me it was like if she can pray for me and me be healed then i can believe and be healed so it was like i'm going to endure even though i may suffer longer than i need to to learn this to get this so that i can be unstoppable because i'm telling you nobody can take away from you when you get it for yourself i'm telling you man there's something that you learn is something that's grown in that moment that is absolutely amazing you know and and we all can grow to that place we all can get to that position and again i'm not telling you to do that i'm just saying this that's how i learn and i put my i've put myself through things and i've endured through things that i probably didn't need to but for my own growth i wanted to because i needed to learn this i needed to get it i needed to know that the same god that works in you will work in me according to my own faith now if it ever got too bad and sure i'd call there's a few people i'd call but for me it's like i want to get it i need to get it because then i'm unstoppable because then there's nothing that this shield of faith can can't quench amen and every fiery dart that comes at me i got it but how many are thankful and grateful that we live in a body that we're called to bear one another's burdens if you're if you're feeling overwhelmed we got you don't worry we got you we're gonna we're gonna shoulder up we're gonna bear with you in jesus name amen and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery second peter chapter one verse eight through ten we're talking about holding fast standing fast being firm it says for these things are yours excuse me for if these things are yours and abound you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our lord jesus christ for he who lacks these things is short-sighted even the blindness and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins therefore brother and be even more diligent to make your call and election sure for if you do these things you will never stumble never stumble wow sign me up for that well i already have i'm telling you man and well man uh what's available and what's possible it's it's all written here it's all written here we don't have to stumble we don't we don't have to be in bondage we don't jesus christ has made a way for us to be free amen is anybody else happy about that but it's look it's interesting what it says here in in in peter it talks about being short-sighted short-sighted that the the person who who lacks these things the things that he's talking about is is the virtue and all these things that you're to add to your knowledge and faith and love and he says if if if if you're lacking these things it's because you're not seeing like you should see and you've forgotten something you've forgotten something that you were cleansed you've forgotten that jesus said it's finished beloved he said it's finished it's finished the stone is rolled away it's finished amen so that we'll never stumble or fumble a football slip so we're still on verse six whose house we are if we hold fast our confidence now somebody say confidence what is that our confidence somebody said assurance surety or assurance you know this the word here this it's the greek word parasia parasia almost sounds like something like pharisee right but you know this word confidence here when you look it up in the in the in the greek it actually means freedom to speak unreservedness in speech to be open and frank without concealment without any ambiguity or here's a word for you circumlocution circumlocution so come you sir come locution that's a word who knows what that means i'll give you a dollar what does it mean circumlocution huh the use of many words where fewer would do the use of many words where fewer would do circumlocution so it's like getting to the point yeah you get to the point but it's interesting it says if you hold fast your confidence and this word when you look at this word confidence it's talking about free being free or fearless cheerful or courageous or boldness or assured but it has to do with your speech it has to do with your boldness to proclaim holding fast what what you've declared to be true about your salvation and who you are in christ and who christ is in you your confidence holding fast faster confession i guess another way could we could say it the ability to to know and declare what you know to be true to freely speak what you know to be true and i love i love the fact that i mean i don't know all of you but i know most of you in the room and i love the fact that so many of us season with grace and love we do not let lies just go by us like we'll speak up like that's the kind of people we are like we'll speak up i didn't used to be that way i used to let just be just someone just talk about you know all kinds of sacred cows and yeah you know and i'm like now i don't i'm like no that ain't true this is what the bible says or i'll ask him a question i'm like well can you show me that in the word well you know you know brother so-and-so had an experience and sister so and so had an experience and that guy had an experience i'm like but can you show me that in the word like i i don't i'm not really concerned about your experiences because those are a dime a dozen i'm i'm concerned about what what does truth have to say about it and this is what it's talking about it's talking about boldly staying fast and declaring the truth well what does truth have to say about that one of the things that's very interesting is that i will i will constantly have people we'll we'll have people call and listen this isn't any criticism this is just a loving correction we'll have people call uh once and receive um what i'm saying not i'm gonna say advice that's not the right word they receive truth according in their situation and then they'll say can you call back okay call back and or they'll call back and they'll say yeah this is the situation and i'm like well it's the same answer okay and then they'll call back again and go this is the situation it's the same situation i'm like beloved the answer didn't change you know because like it the answer is the same it's it's the same it's written heaven and earth will pass away but his word will by no means pass away it's written it's not going to change the answer will not change the only variable is us what do we believe what are we declaring what are we are we holding fast are we standing true our confidence are we persevering the answer is still the same now we can pray again we can pray again we can believe we can command we can speak the answer is still the same amen and that that should comfort you that should bring you comfort because there's no hidden secret knowledge that we possess that you can't don't have access to and we'll see that in a little bit actually let's look at a few scriptures about this idea of of the word confidence and how where we see it in other places in acts 4 chapter 13 it says now when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men they marveled and they realized that they had been with jesus they were uneducated and untrained but yet they had been with jesus and they marveled at them they looked at the boldness of their speech the matter of factness of how they they spoke their circumlu whatever that word is the sir circumlocution of how they spoke they got right to the point well you tell us whether it's better to to follow god or to follow you deuces you know like we're gonna do what we're called to do period next that's how they were and they're like man these dudes who are they probably reminded them of jesus obviously they knew that they had been with jesus untrained uneducated so what's our excuse i just need that you know i didn't go to seminary well join the club it's not required what's required that you've been with jesus that you've been with jesus and in the same note i can't tell you how many times listen none of what i'm saying is is to disqualify anyone from asking questions or asking for prayer asking for help that is not what i'm saying at all okay do we do we hear that people online do we hear that all right i got some nods um that's not what i'm saying i'm saying be with jesus all the treasures the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him okay anything that we know you can know we only know it because we've been with jesus right i can't tell you how many times i've talked with people i've counseled people and and i said hey you know let me ask a question have you have you have you asked god and they'll be like well no and i'm like what are you doing the father loves you he wants to talk to you he wants to tell you himself he wants you to know that you have access the same way your pastor does or your life team leader does or that very spiritual friend same access the question is have you been with jesus they were bold because they had been with jesus amen hebrews 10 35 it says therefore do not cast away your confidence don't cast away your confidence it has great reward don't cast away your ability to to to declare a thing to be fearless don't cast away your ability from from speaking freely the truth of god i know i did that far too often because i didn't want to offend somebody i mean that that when you're raised in a place like i was raised in california where like you don't like you will get you will get shut down in california for talking about religion for mentioning the name jesus they like people will like i mean get all huffy with you against how many times man i got screamed at yelled at cussed at i remember i remember i was i was driving home and i saw a lady sitting at the bus stop with a cane and so i was like cool jesus time so i went and parked and i walked back down and i said hey ma'am excuse me i said i noticed that you have a cane as well as you know um i'd love to pray for you jesus love you don't you f-bomb yes this that i mean she just went from like zero to like sailor i mean she was livid and then she like kind of got the cane up was like come and i'm like did you i mean i don't know i don't know if you didn't hear me clearly i said i want to heal you in jesus name not steal from you in jesus name you know like i was like what did you hear and so i just began to to just speak peace in jesus name and she was she was i mean it was so bad that the the guy at the little meat market right he came out he's like what in the world is going on and i'm like i'm just trying to pray for a lady and she ain't having it but that's that's that's how that's how it is sometimes i can't tell how many how many times i've encountered stuff like that but guess what i will not cast away my confidence i will not cast away my ability to speak freely because to this i was called do not cast away your confidence it has a great reward because every time you stand and you declare the truth it sinks deeper in you it gets more real in you i recall the time that we i was with a buddy and we were in the mall and i know i think i've shared this testimony before uh and we're having this nice lady with this uh a nice conversation with this nice lady and and we're just talking about nothing and and um she's talking about how much she loves to walk and we noticed that she she was walking very gingerly you know you know it was a nice sweet conversation and and then we we messed up because we mentioned the name of jesus well to her we messed up and we said hey listen you know we'd love to pray for you jesus loves you and we we want to see you healed and she immediately turned around and started walking away and we're like uh what just happened so we i ran her down i was like excuse me i'm like did you like what happened like we were just having conversation and like and she did she wouldn't stop she was just offended at the mention of the name of jesus and you know it dawned on me in that moment you know what got bigger in me in that moment where it was said of jesus that he could do no mighty miracles in his hometown except that he laid his hand on a few sick folk and they were healed why because they wouldn't come to him they were offended at his name they're like mary's boy joseph's boy and i was like in that moment that that that truth sunk deeper in me and i was like wow that is what it was like for you jesus they they they wouldn't receive you they didn't come to you they were offended at you and they they walked away they treated your name as common they treated you your person you know who you are as as commonplace and they wouldn't receive do not cast away your confidence because there's great reward amen acts 28 30-31 it says then paul dwelt two whole years in his rented house and received all who came to him preaching the kingdom of god and teaching the things which concern the lord jesus christ with all confidence and no one forbiding him with all confidence this is a good one i have to share this first corinthians 2 1-7 it says and i brother when i came to you did not come with excellence of speech or wisdom declaring to you the testimony of god for i determined not to know anything among you except jesus christ and him crucified i was with you in weakness and fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom be careful of the smooth tongues that want to tell you what you want to hear what you desire to hear that's why sometimes you know so many times when i come up here and i sometimes have an understanding what god wants me to share and like god it just feels like so many every time like i just want to go up and preach a happy message you know like yay butterflies for everyone you know cotton candy you know happy you know but the truth of the matter is the truth it makes me happy even if i'm off and it's like bam it's like cool i'm on sweet because if i stayed there that would have ended bad but bam truth hit me yeah sweet so it's always our perspective and i just i never know where the perspectives are on the room and sometimes i look over this stuff i'm like i just just feels like i'm always just rebuking and correcting and he's like it's a safeguard it's good he says my people should desire to be in the righteous path it should bring them joy to be in the right way i said okay well it brings me joy but i can't expect everybody has the same perspective as i do but he says be careful of the people who who come with persuasive words of human wisdom but he says listen i came in the demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of god however we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet not the wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age so the wisdom that we apply the wisdom that we speak is not the wisdom of this age y'all it's the wisdom that is from above it's not the wisdom of the rulers of this age who by the way are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the ages for our glory and so just just so that you you're not embracing any sacred cow here a few verses down he talks about you know no eye has seen no ear is heard nor is entered into the hearts of man the things that god has prepared for them but god has revealed these things to us by the spirit whom he has given to us so the mystery has been revealed and if you're with jesus then the mystery is constantly being revealed to you by the spirit that is in you the mystery has been revealed it's christ jesus has christ in you the hope of glory to any level of wisdom that is needed or necessary for whatever you have need of it's available to you by the spirit that is in you so if you want finished reading uh first corinthians chapter 2 it talks about that it talks about how we have the mind of christ and how that spirit searches all things yes even the deep things of god and reveals these things to us amen so i'm just what i'm saying here really quickly is if you have a question ask god talk to him ask him just literally ask him he's a he's a person he exists he's real he says jesus says that man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds from whose mouth yeah from his mouth so he he wants to feed you with wisdom and knowledge from his mouth amen that's a big amen because you may not always have access to your friend or your pastor you may not you might not have cell service and you might need an answer right now and the father is there he wants to speak hebrews 3 verse 6. but christ was a faithful was faithful as a son over his house whose house we are if we hold fast our confidence and boast excuse me and the and the boast of our hope firm until the end there's some translations that say are rejoicing unto the end there's something that paul said a few times rejoice in the lord and again i say rejoice rejoice in all things amen rejoicing is a kingdom reality first peter 1 6 says it this way it says in this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while if need be you have been grieved by various trials in this and this one thing you greatly rejoice that you are redeemed i recall when jesus is talking to the disciples and they're like dude jesus the demons they are subject to us in your name and they're like woohoo and jesus is like listen don't rejoice in that i saw satan fall like lightning man he said rejoice that your names are written in the lamb's book of life he says demons being subject to you that's that's just sonship that's just you being who you are that's you being who you are but you got to you you got to believe that you got to believe that and we're going to see what happened to the hebrews and what disqualified them from entering into the very thing that moses had taught them the gospel that jesus even had taught the people of his time that paul had delivered to the hebrews and they're letting these things slip away but we hold we rejoice and we boast in our hope and hold it firm until the end until the very end therefore in light of everything that paul said and i said just as the holy spirit says the holy spirit is talking now today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart as when they provoked me as in the day of trial in the wilderness where your fathers tried me by testing me and saw my works for 40 years you know one of the ways that the bible says that they tested him as they said well can god really do this can god really give us meat i mean i know he can like like rain down fire and like make every make the make you know everything black and he can kill the firstborn and i know he can you know turn rivers into blood and i know he can you know cause flies to come out and cover the egyptians with with boils and i know he can create a fire by night in a cloud by day and i know he can part the red sea but can he give us hamburgers i think how foolish that train of thinking is i i want it to sound foolish because it totally is and it's these little things that get us moved away from the truth it's that short-sightedness even the blindness sometimes and all the things i know he brought us out of egypt loaded with spoils i mean they looted the egyptians before they came out but man but but can he give us meat i mean it's it's that constant back and forth and so he tested him he tempted they tempted him and not only that but in the midst of the 40 years they saw the works of god so therefore i was angry with this generation and instead they always go astray in their heart and they did not know my ways as i swore in my wrath they shall not enter my rest now again this is where he's tying the two examples together in verse 12. take care take heed pay attention brother that there not be in any of you an evil unbelieving heart that falls away from the living god be careful that we do not follow in that same pattern and it it's scary that sometimes we can look back on all the testimonies and all the things that god even up here that that that jenny can share a testimony of god's amazing power and in some people's minds they'll go well that that that's cool for them but what about me and you're you're you're you're you're in danger of being where they were well that's cool for them but what about me well it's cool that god did all those things in the bible but but what about me we have to be careful because the bible calls that an evil heart of unbelief or an unbelieving heart an evil unbelieving heart and and if you persist in that position it says that it will cause you to fall away from the living god and it's interesting because the children of israel israel never said well god doesn't exist they just said could he do that for us think about that like they didn't go around like outwardly saying well you know god's not real but inversely it was almost like they were but you'll never find the passage where they say well god doesn't exist or god's not real they knew enough to know he was real but they said well what can he do for me and it's that that and when you look at psalm i think it's 78 or 76 it talks about how they limited the holy one they limited him because he was like okay i'll beat to you what you say of me and if and if you're double-minded then you you can't get anything and and paul is saying here listen take care take heed don't cast away your confidence rejoice in the truth you're the house you're the building built by the lord you're the house you're the temple of god hold fast don't waver verse 13 but encourage one another day after day let me encourage you right now because it's today is today is it called today yeah i think it is it's called today let me encourage you god is for you i got two people that are happy about that [Music] come on engage god is for you he loves you he's with you he's in you he has sent forth his word to heal you he is your provider he is your peace whatever the problem is whatever the circumstance whatever the situation he will do abundantly above all that you can ask or imagine according to the power that is at work inside of you be encouraged today you are not forgotten you are not alone they are saints there are saints that are praying for you there's a cloud of witnesses that are cheering us on i don't want you to be hardened as it says here in verse 13. encourage one and one another day after day as long it is called today so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin an evil heart of unbelief is sin and it's deceitful somebody say but i've been given a new heart that's another sacred cow that we need to destroy because we know it's written in the old testament it talks about how the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things who can know it uh yeah it makes sense to an uncreated one or uh a non-born-again one that's what i meant to say one that's not a new creation it's made sense in my head but it didn't come out right and that makes the sense of someone that's not a new creation that hasn't been created according to the knowledge of him which actually even in the old testament he says i will put a new heart in you i will remove the heart of stone and i will give you a heart of flesh and not only that i will put the desires of my heart in your heart and i will write my word on your heart and in your minds and i'm going to put a new spirit in you somebody say i got a new heart somebody said i got a new spirit be encouraged because it's called today you can do all things through christ who gives you the strength to do so there is a power that god intends and desires to be at work in you that which he will do abundantly and exceedingly beyond do not let your confidence slip away watch what you say watch what you say watch what comes out of your mouth don't speak against the truth don't boast against the truth declare the truth live in the truth abide in the truth because the truth is christ he is the way the truth and the life don't speak against him agree with him believe his report listen i'm i i do not i'm not i don't i'm not minimizing what you've been through if you've been through something and we've all been through stuff we've all been through stuff let me let me tell you something you're you're just you're going through you're not living there that's not your dwelling place it's not your abode you're going through you're going to get through you're going to get to the other side you're going to be free you're going to be whole you're going to be healed you're going to be provided for you're just going through so be encouraged today hold fast your confidence and rejoice in the hope and stand firm unto the end amen
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 4,190
Rating: 4.8759689 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: I8B2oujU1NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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