God's Calendar and Jesus' Soon Return 3 | Dr. Billye Brim | LW

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i'm going to be talking to you today about jesus coming and when i think he's coming or when he could come i don't know but tonight he'll be fine with me bless the lord but here is a book that i'm going to be reading out of and it's called end of days by pincus winston i bought it at a an orthodox bookstore in the old city of jerusalem many years ago i was at one of our prayer cabins in march of 2011 and the lord spoke to me about having this book and he said i caused you to pick up this book and in its pages to take a deep look separating sticks from hay i taught you that way so that you could know what i want you to know for in the end of days you are to see and know and to teach others so i have a particular call on my life i explained last night i want today of when he called me his friend and it was so that i would know what's in the future and help others to know what's in the future so there's anointing on my life to see and know that different people are anointed for different things and so um the end of days what does that mean you will see it in the king james bible and maybe some of the other translations newer called the latter days but the term in the hebrew is end of days and it's not just named that to show latter days it's named that to show what the hebrews know about the end of days one of the scriptures that you can see it in is daniel chapter 10 and verse verses 12 through 14. daniel was seeking god he saw things come to pass prophetic things and he prayed to god about them and god sent an angel and the angel spoke to daniel verse 12. then he said unto me fear not daniel for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and chasten yourself before your god your words were heard and i am come for your words the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood the one in twenty one in twenty days but lo michael one of the chief princes came to help me and i remained there with the kings of persia now i am come to make you understand what shall befall your people in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days he was given a vision actually about what's not even come yet which will be the great tribulation time and then jesus second coming so the end of days is the hebrew here translated latter days now show that chart that 1000 years is a day chart this is what the bible means when it talks about the end of days moses was caught up to heaven he didn't just sit on a mountaintop for 40 days and 40 nights and then another 40 days and 40 nights he was caught up to heaven where he saw the tabernacle the pattern for it and he was told an oral law or an oral word if he wrote down everything in a book that he was told you couldn't even carry it around they were told not to eat blood but he was told how to uh slaughter animals so that they wouldn't have any blood in them well you don't want to have to read through that on your daily bible readings so there were a lot of things that he was told from the oral law that began with moses and he taught it to joshua and joshua taught it to the next and the next now here is one of the things he was told this is in the talmud uh sanhedrin 97b he was told that god handed to adam a six-day work week because god worked six days and rested on the seven adam's six day work week is to be a thousand years as a day a day is a thousand years he's to see what he can do with earth like what god did now adam was to have dominion he was to have dominion over the powers of the air all dominion but he got tricked to the garden he was supposed to guard the garden you don't guard something that is god said you guard the garden there was something to keep out of that garden but he didn't keep it out so satan came in and satan then got the authority it was handed to him by adam over the powers of the air etc etc for the whole six days that's adam's lease why are these things going on when adam's lease is over it's over for the devil so these are how the years were divided up a thousand years is a day the first two days are the days of chaos every man did according to his own ideas but then god sent the torah he sent the written word at mount sinai so the next two thousand years are the days of torah then moses was told at the end of the fourth day just like the light came on the fourth day of creation at the end of fourth day messiah will come and then you will have two a thousand years of the end of days those are the beginning of days here are the end of days these two thousand years were to be the messiahs we call them we know uh there's a footnote to sanhedrin 97b a footnote that says he did not come because we were not ready but we know that he did come and he did come right in time and people were waiting for him and looking for him anna in the temple simon in the temple joseph of arimathea there there's a group of people recognizing the bible as those waiting for the consolation to come of israel and so they were waiting and he did come and there were people waiting and they received him uh of course we know that the nation rejected it so we went on into the end of days which you could call the church age and that's the time we've been here having the messiah the body of the messiah on the earth at the end of these six days there will come a seventh day and uh that seventh day well first there's a seven year period which is a week of years we call it the great tribulation jesus called it the great tribulation in matthew 24. the great tribulation period that's a one week of years we'll explain that a little bit more later we'll be in heaven at the end of we'll be in heaven bless the lord now okay here we go bless god um peter i'll leave that up that chart up there peter on the day of pentecost he said this is that that was spoken by the prophet joel and he said this is the end of days well he was at the beginning of the end of days peter was we are at the end of the end of days we are right at the end of that time bless the lord thank you now where are we that's where we are um the whole thing is six thousand years and some people have a trouble making it all count out but this man says there is a discrepancy in the way westerners count this a discrepancy of years and so this man well i won't tell you that yet but there's a discrepancy and it's all going to come out all right and we're pretty close to the time where he's coming now god does everything by a calendar a hebrew calendar and so if you will no let's let's turn to exodus chapter 12. exodus chapter 12. okay god has trusted the jews with his word he didn't trust the church with his word we came along too late nobody would have had the had the word for a long time but we came along and americans i'm talking americans not christians americans americans would have edited the word there's a new it's not a translation i like it when they're translations when they have a group of people they go back to the original scribblers scriptures and they have like a board or a group that's going to test each other and one will say this and want to say that when you find a paraphrase of the bible or you find one that one man did uh-huh or denomination everything's pure from god but when it comes to the pipe it'll pick up a little bit of the pipe there is a new people are calling it translation and it's really got some good points in it i really like and then i ran over there in the in part and found out the guy believes like oregon that in the book of revelation everything is just a you know it just symbolizes something there's not really white horses yes there are really white horses so i can't even even though i like some parts of that i can't recommend it to anybody so um but if you're smart enough as a cow you could read it an old cow and uh that is what brother hagin taught us that in his childhood days and in my childhood days people had their house in front they had a barn in the back and they had a milk cow i'm talking oklahoma in texas i don't know what they did up here but that's what we did down there and he said you know we would throw a bale of hay out to that old cow and that old cow would eat the good hay and it had some sticks in it and it just spit them out he said just be having the sense of a cow eat the hay and leave the sticks so that's what god was telling me when he brought me this book he said i'll read you again what he said to me how he said to me about it i caused you to pick up this book and in its pages to take a deep look separating sticks from hay i taught you that way so that you could know what i want you to know for in the end of days you are to see and know and to teach others so in reading this i have spit out some sticks you know and then others i'm in the process of deciding whether it's hay or sticks so bless the lord we'll go now to exodus chapter 12. thank you father and here he they're coming out of egypt where they have been slaves and you know the passover you probably saw the ten commandments and even if you didn't read the bible bless the lord so here we have a hi guys so exodus chapter 12 this month the lord spoke to moses and aaron in the land of egypt saying this month shall be the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you speak you unto the congregation of israel saying in the tenth day of this month they shall take a lamb according to a house a lamb for a house verse six keep it till the fourteenth day and then you're gonna strike the blood on the doorposts so this is the first pesach or passover now it says this month shall be the beginning of months to you it's in the spring it's in a month called in the bible the only one called by name in the bible the others are all numbered just known by numbers called aviv or spring if you know a jewish lady named aviva her name is spring so this month has to be in spring and it is the beginning of months god's telling them i'm going to institute institute a new year for you they already have a year they have a civil year that they've kept for centuries and the civil year is beginning with the head of the year rosh which means head shanna rosh hashanah is head of the year and that civil year always began in the fall they do all their business by it and it counts from the day of creation it counts from the time when adam was created now in the spring they're coming out of egypt and he said you're going to keep another new year you're going to have two new years that's not hard we in our ministry have a fiscal year that begins in july and of course then you have the first of the year which is january but here he's giving them another new year's he's instituting a calendar and this calendar is called the sacred calendar this is called and turn with me to leviticus chapter 23 where it's all lined out how to keep it this is uh the calendar of redemption the history of redemption that's called that by david barron uh it is called by the numerical bible the great calendar of prophecy bless the lord god invented time seven is his favorite number he has seven appointed seasons moed's and uh he has seven days in a week he has um seven years go into a a week of years so seven marks time bless the lord now starting with chapter 23 these appointed times are called moeds that means an appointed date and the lord spoken to moses saying verse 2 speaking to the children of israel and say unto them the word concerning is in italics it's not there and the word feasts is not there the word is moed and it means appointed time so he was to speak unto the children of israel and say the moabs of jehovah here they are these shall be proclaimed my moeds my dates i circle on the calendar and the first one he gives to them is the shabbat the week seven days and then they're going to have the sabbath then in verse 4 these are the moeds of jehovah holy convocations which you shall proclaim in their seasons in the 14th day of the first month that evening is the lord's passover or pesach on the 15th day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the lord seven days you must eat unleavened bread verse um 10 speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when you come into the land which i give you you shall reap the harvest thereof and you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest and he shall wave the sheaf before the lord to be accepted for you so would you put up the charts no no let's go on down and do another one verse 15 and you shall count unto you from the moral after the sabbath that's during the sabbath during the passover week you shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath from the day that you brought the sheep of the firstfruits seven sabbaths the seven weeks even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath that's going to be seven times seven weeks is 49 you add one more and you're going to get 50 and you shall offer a new meat offering unto the lord uh now show that feasts these are the feasts which are the calendar of redemption hallelujah bless the lord no take them down a minute you see that i i waver around all the time bless the lord this is from david baron and david baron is a man who was born in 1855 in russia trained in the best rabbinical schools and um oh trained so well he knows the scriptures and the language but then he found jesus to be the messiah and what a man and what things he writes this book is types psalms and prophecies which he goes into scriptures and explains them now this calendar the sacred calendar of the history of redemption put it up again this is god's sacred calendar of the history of redemption uh israel's feasts represent the course of time this earth's time from creation to the final end the lamb slain passover commences it and the eighth day of the happy feast of tabernacles is its close so here you're going to see earth's time and how god is going to redeem us and he's got a calendar by which he does it anything he's ever done to redeem you he did on a date on the calendar so we have the spring moeds these are fulfilled the autumn moeds are not fulfilled he fulfilled the first four at his first coming he will fulfill the last three at his second coming spring moads passover of course you know jesus is the passover lamb then they were to be eating unleavened bread for seven days leaven is a type of sin where you get spring cleaning is from the jewish housewives they had to go throughout their house and they had to get all of the yeast out of their house you have to get all the crumbs of everything out of there so that is spring house cleaning passover feast of unleavened bread then first fruits that's when it told you the day after the sabbath during that week these are all the first three are in one week then you take the barley harvest somebody's gone out the rabbis have gone out they've marked off a little part of the barley every one of these is a harvest feast oh that's filled with symbolism we're a harvest the jews or a harvest the nations are a harvest so they have to go out and they have to feel and see that the barley's just ripe and they they cut out a sheath of it and then they take it up and they offer it before the priest now that's the first fruits in the new testament that is a type of resurrection and of course jesus was resurrected during that passover week and we are told in the new testament that he is the first fruits of resurrection colossians 1 18 revelation 1 5. first corinthians 15 20 and in many places he is the first to be resurrected so then after those first three from passover you're going to count 50 you're going to count 7 times 7 that's 49 days then you're going to go on over and you're going to have pentecost now i want you to turn with me to acts chapter 2. i want you to see this with your own eyes and make it real to you that god does everything on his circle dates you remember jesus walked 40 days we know he walked 40 days on the earth then he was ascended and he told the apostles don't leave town until the promise of the spirit come all his disciples apostles and disciples and so they went to the upper room the same upper room where they'd had the last supper and there they are waiting in john mark's mother's house and they're in this big upper room and they're they've been there for 10 days now they're all in one accord but it wasn't they're getting into one accord that allowed god to send the holy ghost he's waiting for the next date on the calendar he moves by the calendar they were in one accord because he got them in one accord and believe you me the holy ghost is going to get the church glorious how he's going to do it moses built the tabernacle and got the glory solomon built the temple and the glory moved in and the holy ghost is building us and he is not going to be the first one to fail so bless the lord he will have us ready and you might expect a lot of changes coming up pretty quick in you you're probably real surprised when you look at your husband and oh i don't know the man is glorious bless the lord but here we come to uh acts chapter 2 verse 1 when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place they're waiting for the day on the calendar the waiting for that fourth feast date to be fulfilled when they got so filled with the holy ghost that upper room couldn't hold them they went out on the southern steps of the temple and there they were speaking with tongues and glorifying god we know where it was because three thousand people got saved and baptized the only place there's that much water is the mikvahs at the temple mount where people would dip so they could go up into the mouth so we know that happened we've preached there and mac and lynn and all of us have been there and talked about what a glorious day when peter said as he said in the last days end of days the spirit will be poured out and the spirit was poured out now um bless the lord hallelujah i want to just make a tiny little thing here they heard them speaking in other tongues and the bible says it brother hagin once said to me privately it doesn't say they spoke with other tongues and everybody heard them from all the countries of the known world it says they heard them they heard them in their own language bless the lord now i'm going to go back to let's read genesis 12 3 12 1 and go down to 12 3. now the lord said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house and to a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and i will bless them that curse thee i will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed in the nation of israel all the other nations of the world are going to be blessed they're only going to be blessed during the millennium when israel comes into its blessings if you bless israel you'll be blessed if you curse israel you'll be cursed now actually this last line in the hebrew it says and in thee shall all families of the earth bless themselves so it's up to the nation if the nation wants to bless israel they can be blessed if they want to curse israel they'll be cursed and right now you're seeing a real dividing line everything coming from that i'm going to read to you a statement at the bottom of this page four when god bound up the future of all nations in the history of abraham and his seed he made that history prophetic and each event and everything became a bug that would ripen into a fruit hallelujah jewish history is supernatural jewish history supernatural the jews scattering the jews coming home second world war supernatural the future of all nations is bound up in the history of abraham and his seed bless the lord now i want to look at another division that god sees of years and turn to leviticus chapter 25 he divided time in sevens not only do we have seven days in a week he takes the years themselves and puts them into seven year uh packages seven years measure and it's called a week of years you've heard people talk about daniel's 70th week you can go online three bi billy brim bible institute and hear me teach on the book of daniel that 70th week hasn't come but it's coming in the future it's a week of years seven years prophetic future so at on leviticus 25 verse 8 thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee seven times seven years and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be under the 49 years and then you'll have the trumpet of jubilee and then you'll add a 50th year so the jews had these increments of seven years and they're a cycle of seven years they are a week of seven years the seventh year is a shmitah year it's a year of sabbath you let the land rest you don't plant you don't sow on that seventh year you let the land have a sabbath to god so it's six years plus one which is called a shmitah year so i want to show you the cycles of the shmitah years that are now in effect if you'll show that we're in the bottom one here show you right where you are in a shmitah cycle you had the first second third fourth fifth and sixth years when i gave that uh prophecy and well i haven't read it yet but two years ago god made me a prophecy i'll read to you in a minute but we are here september 6th and 7th 2021 we entered into the seventh year the shemitah year it will be over september 26 2022. now i'm going to read you a prophecy that i got uh if i found it i'm sure i do have it here yep 9 19 19 i was at walk on the water faith church osage beach missouri i was preaching at brother allison's that night it was a series of meetings he had with different speakers and it was my night and that day when i was getting ready for it the lord said the crowd is going to be sparse tonight and that's the way i want it i thought oh goody we're going to get something like brother hagin got in rockwall texas and he told me what to preach he said don't preach long but preach on how working with god is fellowship when it speaks of fellowship in first john it speaks of uh that word fellowship koianiya means uh partners and partakers we are partners and partakers with god in his business we do business with him and that's prayer and he said uh john said we touched him we we we handled him we heard him we saw him and he left us a message so that we could have fellowship with him and the message so that you can have fellowship with god is this god is light and in him is no darkness at all you can't fellowship with god and work with god and pray for anybody to get well if you think god gave them the cancer but cancer is dark so it can't be from god for you to work with god you have god to know he's light and in him is no darkness at all bless the lord so he said don't preach long preach that then when you get there uh pray so i obeyed him uh len mink had a wonderful song in the spirit and then this is the word that came through me now this came 9 19 21 22 and and while i start to get it when you're given a word you hear this a little part of it and you get that and then by faith you go on and i saw that it began in 2020 but the lord said to me i'm only saying that because that's how they look at it this is going to begin when i see the new year and he actually changed it over and gave it like that 2020 will be a year of transition it will begin with the beginning of the year as i see it on rosh hashanah that year will be a year that's transition on to 2021. in 2021 all things will have begun begun to end begun to change to move to rearrange now this year i must have you i must have my body in fellowship unbroken fellowship so prepare for it to begin the transition year in 2020 i'll provide all you need to fulfill my will 2020 was the best year financially we have ever had by exponential amounts it's happening all across the body of christ brother i'll provide work with me yeah thank god i'll provide all you need to fulfill my will work with me in fellowship in prayer for yourself yes but beyond yourself and know that it will start the transition year on rosh hashanah 2020. and 2021 rosh hashanah is a big change now put that chart back up here i received that word at the end of the fourth year beginning in the fifth year 29 9 29 19 it would be 10 days then we got 20 20. now we're over here to the second time when he said there'd be a big change 2021 i don't have time to go into detail about this but brother olison invited me to come to his church you can see it it's online walk on the water faith church i mean you got to have faith to name your church that walk on the water faith church osage beach dr olison's a wonderful man of god trained up in baptist seminaries baptist colleges but full of the holy ghost and he's like one of those i can go to his church and go away out there so he said i can't do that every place but you'd be surprised how nice i am some places but hey uh when we came to 2021 because he'd had that prophecy at his church he said you've got to come back we've got to seek the lord and see what he means and so i went back and saturday night here i had max up here i don't have time to explain who all he is who he is and what's happening with him but max came to he drove all the way and we sought the lord what did you mean big gonna happen and so through a marvelous gift that's been operating since november 2020 after the elections it started just after the elections max is doing like they heard on acts chapter two he hears me speak in arabic and then the lord gives us phrases and then he gives us uh scriptures and we look them up and it matches what he just said so i can only tell you this what we've heard in tongues and interpretation since that time we started seeking him we heard that it means he's coming soon we heard that it means he's preparing us we heard that it means uh the tribulation period is not far away but we will be safe and we will not be here we heard that and then last wednesday he spoke to us of a soon coming war ezekiel 38 and 39 and he named who would be taking parts in that war and he spelled out a word he named um now this is coming tongues and interpretation he named russia persia of course we know that from the bible and then he named he spelled out a word uh i don't know if i brought that but do you remember how it was spelled i don't know let's guess at it k h o o n or k h o n g g u a he named it as being in on the war and hannah was sitting on the front row and hannah looked it up like what actually doing right now she got her you know that young group they just outcomes and they they know anything in an instant so uh she's oh her eyes got big she got big blue eyes anyway her eyes got like that and she uh i had her come up and tell me what it said she said it's china it's the name the chinese call china we call it china but they call it that and uh oh yeah no that's coruson before he had spoken to us of course on being headquarters for the isis that was another day he gave us another word chorus on oh my goodness i could tell you so many super bowl things not natural if we're ever going to have the supernatural folks that's got to be it don't you be one of those brother hagin prophesied are going to be standing on the outside and criticizing you be one of those that's right on the inside saying hey if god did this once he'll do it again brother hagin in the beginning of his book plans purpose of pursuit he says things that happen only rarely will begin to happen almost commonplace so in acts chapter 2 they heard speak in tongues now we're hearing it often bless the lord hallelujah so that's what he has said to us that is coming about he has said to us what to look for and uh hallelujah his return now i want to uh talk to you a little bit more about the shemitah cycles and what this man sees hallelujah first he's going to break a jewish kind of an unspoken law you can't talk about when the messiah comes but then he quotes a bunch of rabbis from way way back they're sages and here's what the zohar said in 1380 it's not god's will that the date of messiah messiah's arrival be revealed to man but when the date draws near even children will be able to make the calculation hallelujah and another one mal beam said now in 1809 now that the time is clearly approaching we cannot help but notice and interpret the signs all around us so there are signs all around us of his soon return there is excuse me there is a shemitah cycle he says in this book and i know that's what they believe there is a shemitah cycle at the end of which the messiah will come so put those the smuta years back up there all right so at the end of some shmitah cycle they see that he's going to come his second coming is in two parts the first of the seven years we're going to be caught up in the rapture of the church the last and don't you let anybody talk you out of it come in here pastor matt preach on it i command you to now at the end of the seven years he's going to come put his feet down according to zechariah on the mount of olives and that's what the jews read they don't read the new testament but they read zechariah and they say that when he puts his feet down in um it will be in zechariah chapter 12 and 14 it will be at the end of a shmitah cycle we will have left at the beginning of a shmitah no at the end of a shmitah cycle let me go right back we will be leaving at the beginning of the seventh year and they will be having him come and we'll be on white horses returning with him at the end of the seventh year so now hallelujah according to his calculation for the jews this is not what i'm preaching this is not what i believe but this is what i showed pastor back i wasn't going to tell you this and he dared me to you have to do a dare i mean you cannot let that go by he he believes that um they will have the messiah come and their kingdom to be the earthly kingdom he's going to build an earthly kingdom in 2030 that he will be and that will be during the feast of tabernacles that's the happy feast that will be fulfilled when jesus puts his feet on the ground and then you know uh several things have to take place but then he will set up his earthly kingdom there will be great joy the devil will be locked away for a thousand years the false prophet will have gone to the and the antichrist they will have gone to the pit oh my exciting times are just ahead we're already praying in them when we pray and it gets interpreted we see that we're praying in those times god needs you praying bless the lord hallelujah now he is going to talk here about uh what's happening at the end of days the the jews call the devil citra accra s-i-t-r-a that's one word accra a-c-h-r-a it means the other side you know how moses drew a line in the sand he said who's on the lord's side come over here so the other side you don't want to be on that's the other side is the secret across now remember what the man said jewish history is prophetic so jesus has said they're all coming home and they will know a final redemption and they will know a restoration so they are looking always to this final redemption and restoration okay page 107. it you remember brother halverson how many of you remember him one night god took him out of his body and over the earth and the first thing he saw was a group of people marching into god and he wanted to stay with them he said it was the first time my body didn't hold me back from worship i just wanted to go with them but i heard the sound of war and i looked to the side and there were warring angels and the lord said go with them he said i didn't want to go with them i want to stay with the ones marching into god you know his little norwegian accent but he went over with the warring angels and he took him all over the earth where the greatest battles were taking place i know he went over indonesia he named some of the places he went over but the greatest battle in all the earth was over jerusalem and he went there and then that's what this man is talking about the satan who destroys the adversary of israel his main power is in the gates of jerusalem and when the land lies desolate it was like that for thousands of years but the times of the gentiles began to be over and god started bringing the jews home just like he said he would but when it's in the hands of the devil this man writes it delays the connection between jerusalem below and jerusalem above i found when i first started going to israel they know a whole lot more about the jerusalem above than we do even though it's our home they recognize it all the time jerusalem allah the jerusalem that's above and then the jerusalem that's below what he is trying to do this man says is stop the connection and to keep the shekinah from coming as it should on which the entire redemption depends when it comes to regaining and settling eretz israel the land it's going to be a battle a spiritual battle a physical battle an actual battle eretz israel the land and jerusalem represents the key to the final redemption and as such it spells the end of the citra across existence therefore he will invoke whatever abilities he has to prevent the return of the entire jewish nation to the borders of the land of our fathers think about the holocaust god i mean the devil he just thinks if i kill him all that'll stop god's word from coming to pass god's word has said they're coming home he just thinks he's he's always going after them to kill him the spanish inquisition the crusades all kinds of things because he's fighting for his existence and he's doing it today when they line up for that ezekiel 38 and 39 war where are they coming down to israel but they're going to be surprised hailstones are going to hit them right in the head bless the lord hallelujah but the war is going to come it's not going to be long i could prove to you from isaiah 17 it'll be about 24 hours that's it it doesn't take god long so again i will say now brother hagin one day he called me in 1988 he wanted me to preach a camp meeting and uh he said i know the things you're preaching are too true i'm not annoying to teach them but i want you to teach a camp meeting and then he got up on his desk and he looked me straight in the eyes like fire he said jesus is coming and satan is going to do everything in his power to stop him so that's what's going on right now you think the world's crazy it's satan you don't need to blame the democrats you don't need to blame this in that one it's satan and he's working down through people even probably a few republicans now just don't let it be you don't be fear-mongering don't be fear-mongering don't be putting out fear via the internet social media brother hagin said i'd rather be a dope peddler than a doubt peddler dear god every time he talks to us he says fear not trust in me hallelujah glory be to god oh but you don't know no praise god so he says here it spells the end of the seater across existence and therefore he will invoke whatever abilities he has to prevent the return of the entire jewish nation to the borders of the land of our fathers however return to her borders we must and by a certain fixed date it was built into the master plan for creation long before there was even a jewish people but what of the secret crop and his fight for existence hallelujah bless the lord uh he'll do everything he can to foil the plan the cetra cross very existence depends upon his holding off the final redemption hallelujah the world as we know it already destined to undergo serious physical and spiritual transformation the last two hundred and ten years in advances the year six thousand so i think that you probably could figure it out you'd see that the church has undergone a lot of change in the last 210 years and he stepped up the change that's what that word was all about he has stepped up the change now we're looking not far away if you put that chart back up again we didn't go on september 6th and 7th i don't know but maybe we'll go on september 21st and 28th maybe we'll go here here's why here's why i never thought we would go on sixth and seventh because we're not going to go at the beginning of us of a seven year cycle we're going to go at the end of a seven year cycle so this could be i'm not saying this is do not throw tomatoes what if just what if this were the year to get you finally ready and we'd go the next rosh hashanah if we don't it'll be seven more years because for sure for sure he's not going to do anything apart from those dates and from that seven-year cycle now we're looking for and i'm going to close with this phone message right here that i just got today from pastor tim henderson now i want to tell you about tim henderson uh okay got it lynn can you grab a microphone real quick we got about five minutes here tell what happened what you did down at prayer mountain was it last year it's last year you don't know how you called out mr henderson and you didn't know mr henderson you remember that don't you lynn barely she remembers all filled in what part because she can't tell me what he did she was way off in the spirit i mean caught away okay so billy has a meeting every year in branson missouri okay so it was my turn to preach i was up i don't think i was preaching yet no no you were in the holy ghost okay and so i i started praying for in this meeting for this mr henderson and finally i'm like mr henderson i said is mr henderson here i've never heard of mr henderson didn't know mr henderson and he so i said that's tim henderson tim henderson is a man he's a pro so he's in the meeting yeah he's sitting right there sitting in the meeting i don't know what he thought when i was praying for him yeah he's sitting right behind me behind you no no no he's not here right now no no he isn't i mean maybe he is i don't know who knows who knows because god might be i'm telling you what god does with him he translates him tim henderson is a man that lives in the spirit tim henderson was a man who was the ceo of huge corporations if i told you one of them you'd know it for sure and then god called him to preach had a wonderful wife god he's he's always at every he's a graduate of yale but he comes to every one of our three bi in classes he's always sitting there because he said that's the best school i ever was in and he advertises it for everyone we have the three bi schools billy berm bible institute tim has lots of experiences of visions and he has lots of experiences of visions of the rapture i have him come up when we're teaching on it and tell about what he saw so tim is sitting there i know who tim is i know what and and and lynn calls him i could have get him up there then she has a word for him he did not know it but his dearly beloved wife not long after that she started talking about changes in his life and things that were going to happen changes and his dearly beloved wife they went to bed he kissed her good night and the next morning she was in heaven dr larry allison and his wife their son on new year's eve he went to sleep they had handed the church over to him he was the pastor on new year's day he was in heaven so it's happening that a lot of people are going home uh brother halverson when he passed away just before brother hagin gave a prophecy about this how when god calls them home it's for promotion it's for them to work on that side of the veil all kinds of things so that's tim henderson now tim oh my goodness i love that man he goes winning the lost he is something else after the lost and um just a happy joyful face i wish i had his little face to show you but um he has this lady and what's her name i gotta get this big enough to read okay got it her name is vanda allen and vonda is in the nursing home and she and her husband uh pastored for 55 years and when it came coved and she he has a sunday night service which is always holy ghost service and he goes and get vonda from the nursing home and brings her and she's a prophetess well they told him you're not getting her out of here because kovid you know what he did he marched into that nursing home he told those people we have a sunny night service she's prophetess and we can't go without her and i'm going to find her in here and i'm going to take her out and he has done it every sunday night now she gave this prophecy on the 20 on september 12. in his service sunday night you think i have been quiet and not doing it but i am the lord god almighty and i have a schedule and i will come forth with power and anointing and you will be surprised in the presence of men how they are going to see my presence and my glory in the earth today for i the lord god can change anything in the twinkling of an eye and i can turn the things that are halting your government from being fruitful i can change that i can cause men's hearts to melt and i am a doer i am a doer of my word remember i am a doer of my word and know my word and trust in my word for i change not and i am the god of power and might and i am coming soon be prepared because i am coming soon i love my bride i will push strength and boldness and the glory of the lord will be seen upon my bride as she moves in boldness you can be bold and genuine be bold be bold and talk about me for i the lord god love you truly changes are here know that i have everything under control and when you see these changes you are called to prayer for as you pray i will root out and i will move mightily you shall start seeing miracles that you hoped for and you will see me declare my lordship over the lordship of satan the united states still belongs to me i am calling you to pray seek my face and learn to be bold for that's how the glory flows when you learn to be bold i leave you with that you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 918
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: LWCC, living word christian center, living word church, mac hammond living word, jim hammond living word, lynne hammond living word, living word brooklyn park, living word christian center minnesota, christian church minnesota, mac hammond, jim hammond, lynne hammond, LW, living word
Id: Xh7I_IoxoyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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