God's Calendar and Jesus' Soon Return 2 | Dr. Billye Brim | LW

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uh this book here i'm going to be reading a lot of it today it's called end of days and uh years ago i bought it at a bookstore in the old city just by its titles i didn't know anything about it at all maria bookstore and i had it with me once when i was up at one of our cabins uh prayer mountain in the ozarks we have cabins and sometimes i go up there just to study and so i wrote this in their march 11 2011. in the pickard place and the lord it was a word to me from the lord i caused you to pick up this book and in its pages to take a deep look separating sticks from hay i taught you that way so that you could know what i want you to know for in the end of days you are to see and know and teach others so he has said to me different times in my life once when he first started calling me his friend that it was so that i would know what was going to happen what was going to come what was going to be now this book is by a jewish very recognized man pincus winston and the little phrase in there separating the sticks from the hay brother hagin said when he was growing up they had a cow in the backyard we did too i mean people did that in those days he had a cow back in the barn back behind your house and a milk cow and he said we would throw bales of hay back to that cow and that cow would eat the hay and spit out the sticks there'd be a little little pile of sticks he said have a good sense of a cow eat the hay and leave the sticks out of things so that's what i do and that's what you have to do sometimes when people are preaching even when i'm preaching you say well i'll take that from some hay and then if it's you don't like it we'll spit it out so um bless the lord he said that to me um that he brought me this book and i'm supposed to know and see and know in the last days and help others to see and know things that are that are coming up now the name of this book is the end of days uh that is a phrase that you can readily read if you read hebrew if you read english only you're going to see it in the king james and others as they call it latter days or but it's actually end of days so i want to just show you one place that it's used in daniel by the end if we have time i'm even going to be preaching from the phone but who knows if we'll have time come to the second service so i just want you to turn to daniel chapter 10 and you'll see where this is used daniel remember had a vision from the lord and an angel was sent to answer it he prayed to the lord the angel came and in daniel chapter 10 verse 12 he says then he said unto me fear not daniel for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy god thy words were heard and i am come for thy words but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me one in twenty days but lo michael one of the chief princes came to help me and i remained there with the kings of persia now i am come to make thee understand what shall be fall king james says thy people in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days but the really true phrase is the one pincus winston uses and the one it says in the hebrew the end of days now what does this mean the end of days i'd like you to put up that chart that seven day chart a thousand years being a day that i gave to the graphics there you got it when when moses went up now this is according to the talmud and this is according to the oral tradition when moses went up in my little little sunny school mine he went up on a mountain like a a ice cream cone mountain and there was a little ledge there with sapphire and put his feet on it you know but that's not what it was if jesse duplantis can get caught up to heaven from a motel room i guess if moses is going to be up there in a couple of 40-day years times periods he's going to go up before the lord and that's where he got the pattern for the tabernacle now he was told things that he did not put in the first five books the first five books are the five books of moses and they were dictated to him by god letter by letter and there's lots of things in them one of the things he was told was that adam was given a six-day work week a six-day work week to see what he could do with earth god had worked in six days and then rested on the seventh and adam was given a six day work week with a thousand years being a day and a day being a thousand years we know that from psalm 92 we know that from ii peter that god sees time a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day so these days were divided up uh and this is according to if you want to look in the talmud sanhedrin 97 i think it's b and those days six days are divided into 2000 year periods the first two from adam until the law came recall the day of chaos days of chaos 2000 years then the word came i'm so glad i didn't live before there was the word i mean to tell you before there was a written word it wasn't so easy but god then got his word in the earth you have to remember that satan's fighting god all this time and adam has let him in so then there was the torah the torah came the first five books the word was given and then we have two days of the torah and then at the end of the fourth day the messiah was to come and uh then the end of days or the next two thousand years are the years of messiah at the end if you look in the talmud 97b they have a note at the end messiah did not come because we were not ready we know that he came and he came right on time that's why some of the people knew he was coming anna simeon joseph of arimathea they were the ones waiting for the son of consolation they knew the messiah was coming and they were waiting for him people knew now that was the end of those days now now we come to what is called from the beginning god called them the end of days they are a 2 000 year period when joel prophesied them uh he said in the end of days he was a and and then when peter quoted joel this is that that was spoken by the prophet joel in the end of days peter was at the first of the end of days we're at the last of the end of days and i'm going to try to show you exactly where we are on the chart uh i will tell you then then there's going to come uh the shabbat the seventh day the uh we'll call it the thousand-year reign the millennial reign of jesus christ when when jesus sets up his kingdom here on earth i will tell you right away that according to this man who's a quite a scholar there's a discrepancy in people's counting of years of 167 years i showed this to pastor mack so he could read it and he's stuck in his head down here and i don't have to take the time to show you but i'm telling you folks we're he's at the door and he has told us in tongues and an interpretation recently i'm at the very door so uh jesus is coming and he's coming very soon and that's what we're going to talk about today um he he has a calendar by which he will come god does things by a calendar not the gregorian calendar it's off but god has a calendar that he gave to the jews it's not the jewish calendar but he gave it to them to keep because he knows how they are i mean he gave them the word they wouldn't change the word i mean if they're going to excuse me if the scribe is going to write down yoteva god's name he has to stop and dip in the mikvah and come back and write it and then if it's in the next line you got to go and take another dip in the mikvah and write that and every letter has a as a number at the end of the line that line has to be written exactly the same way and that line has to total a certain amount so they're very watchful with it if they hadn't been watchful with that calendar we wouldn't even know anything about it my my daughter brenda we've had her in sunny school all of her life and she said mother i never had a sunday school teacher that ever equated passover and easter they never did it because largely people have ignored it but thank god you're in a church that doesn't ignore such things bless the lord now um i want to take you to exodus chapter 12 and we're going to look at this calendar exodus chapter 12 verse 1 and the lord spoken to moses and aaron in the land of egypt saying this month shall be unto you the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you they already have a first month of the year they already have a new year's day that is in the autumn called rosh hashanah it has counted time from the creation of adam and creation of the earth now they're getting a new calendar this is going to be the sacred calendar so jews keep two calendar years they actually keep four but that would confuse you mightily so two main ones and this is the sacred one and uh this is the one that is called um the calendar of redemption and so they're going to get out of egypt you know the story the passover lamb you know how they have to kill the little lamb they have to uh they have to put the blood on the doorpost so he tells them all of that and then he tells them this is going to be something called passover pesach in hebrew and you're going to keep this as a memorial forever you're going to keep this date and then uh you shall keep this as an ordinance forever now we're going to go over to leviticus 23 and he's going to uh outline their sacred calendar for us this is the sacred calendar of the history of redemption it foretells and sets forth the great plan of redemption um it is the great calendar of prophecy bless the lord so we'll look just a little bit at it and i'll ask you uh go ahead and put up the feast dates god end giving this calendar gives them certain times that they need to keep and come up before him he gives them seven moads or seven dates that he circled on his calendar that the men uh must come up three times in a year at least to keep these come to jerusalem before him there are spring moeds and there are fall moeds now if you'll go with me to the 23rd chapter these are verse 4 of chapter 23 leviticus these are the moaeds or the appointed times the hebrew word is moaeds it means an appointed date of the lord holy convocations which you shall proclaim in their seasons in the 14th day of the first month that evening is the lord's passover or pesach on the 15th day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the lord seven days you keep verse eight this feast of unleavened bread and then verse 10 speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when you come into the land which i give you and reap the harvest thereof you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest and he shall wave the sheaf before the lord and then verse 15 you shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath the day that you brought the sheaf of the first fruit seven sabbaths shall be complete even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall you number fifty days and they shall offer a new meal offering unto the lord okay please show the feasts now these are this calendar i think i better read now out of david barron no we'll go through them first we have we have the spring moeds and the passover is the first one every one of these foreshadow there will be a fulfillment of them and the first four have been fulfilled jesus is the fulfilling of every one of these the messiah spring moab passover of course jesus is the passover lamb on that same day you begin to have seven days of unleavened bread leaven is a type of sin he dealt with the sin problem the jews have to go through their house and get out all the leaven because it's a type of sin and for seven days you're going to eat bread without leavening and then the first fruits at the certain date in this week you come before the the priest and you wave the first fruits before him it's a type of resurrection and we see in um first corinthians 15 20 that jesus is the first fruits of our resurrection and also colossians 1 18 and revelation 1 5. he is the first fruits of he's the first one resurrected then you count 50 days and you come gonna come over to it's seven weeks plus one day the jews call this um shavuot weeks we call it pentecost because the first translation of the bible into another language then hebrew was greek and the septuag translates it pentecost which has to do with 5 and 50. so the next of course date after jesus walked after resurrection he walked on the earth 40 days and then he ascended to heaven and he told them don't leave town now till the promise of the spirit comes now they are waiting on a day on god's calendar they were all in one accord and i've heard people preach they were in one accord so god could send the holy ghost that's not right they were in one accord he had them in one accord and don't you forget he'll have the church ready too the holy ghost is getting the church ready and he'll have it so they were ready but they were waiting for the day of pentecost you can see that as you read acts chapter 2 and when the day of pentecost was fully come bless the lord now i'm reading to you from this is david barron oh he's such a resource for me david barron you know him david barron was born in russia um in a very orthodox home went to the very best schools and um rabbinical schools trained to be top scholar knows that language and knows everything so well but then he found that jesus was the messiah so uh i love it because of his the truth that's revealed in the hebrew scriptures now this is his book uh and the book is called types psalms and prophecies we have it in our store if you want to order it online this chapter leviticus 23 may well be styled quote the sacred calendar of the history of redemption for not only are the feasts or special assemblies or appointed seasons of meetings between the lord and his people as the hebrew words jehovah moeds of jehovah may be rendered considered separately but they are full of emblematic and spiritual teaching taken together they form a striking series of symbolic prophecies some fulfilled some yet to be fulfilled and thus foretell as well as set forth the great plan of redemption it is beautifully supposed by some observes dr andrew bonar israel's feasts represent the course of time this earth days from creation to its final end the day of the happy feast of tabernacles is its close while the sabbath rests the rest god rests in himself and his creatures precedes and follows this course of time now i want you to put the feast back up the seven feasts no the feasts the moeds the fulfilled and unfulfilled nope the fulfilled and unfulfilled there you go okay so he said this is the history of earth's time foretold and it's going to begin with the passover and then we have the fulfilled feasts then we have a a space time in there of four months and then we're going to have the fall feasts these have not been fulfilled they are the memorial of trumpets which is rosh hashanah then that's the first day of the civil year then five days later excuse me ten days later the day of atonement yom kippur and five days after that tabernacles or sukkot trumpets that is the memorial of trumpets and uh let's read about it in leviticus 23 verse 23 and the lord spoke unto moses saying speak unto the children of israel in the seventh month in the first day of the month shall you have a shabbat a memorial of blowing of trumpets and holy convocation this memorial never means this is something for god to remember it's something to it's the memorial of what's going to take place you lift it before the lord and on this um on this day rosh hashanah they blow trumpets the blowing of trumpets in israel was a great institution it was used for the calling together of special solemn assemblies a signal for breaking up in journeys of camp a sound of alarm and on new moons and great festivals trumpets were to be blown barron says the feast of trumpets stands at the head and in special relation to the solemn events which were coming on in this seventh or last month of the sacred cycle even as passover stands at the head of the series of fulfilled feasts which begin in the first month and end with pentecost put that back up passover stands at the head jesus death burial and resurrection and the trumpets stands at the head of the unfulfilled feasts in brief prophetically regarded the feast of trumpets may be viewed this is barren as foreshadowing that day when god shall break the long silence of this dispensation the four months between that's the dispensation we're in when god shall break the long silence of this dispensation and by manifest acts of his inner position called the attention of his church in israel as well as of the nations to the most solemn last events of the age which characterized by most terrible judgments shall culminate in the anti-typical feast of tabernacles when god's harvest shall at last have been reaped and gathered and when he as undisputed lord shall be king over the whole earth bless the lord now feast of trumpets we've just had we are in those holy days and these holy days have about them a sense of for one thing the jews believe on rosh hashanah that that's a day of judgment and uh they blow those trumpets you have to be where you can hear the trumpet sound it's not just a long thing like sometimes christians flow has definite sounds and one of them's called the teruah and there's a scripture which said blessed are those who hear the teruah now what are we going to hear when jesus comes for us in the rapture first thessalonians chapter 4 first we're going to hear the voice of the lord then we're going to hear the voice of the the lord is going to shout it's a commanding shout and i believe it means he's going to say come up hither and then we're going to hear the voice of the archangel and then we're going to hear the teruah we're going to hear a trump call us up so i believe and many bible scholars believe that the rapture of the church and don't let anybody talk you out of it either some people are saying forget about the rapture voices that people are listening to names i could name people are listening to young people are listening to and they say forget about the rapture what i am not forgetting about that marvelous wonderful day and what it ushers in hallelujah [Applause] if i had time i'd teach on that but uh we might as well look at a little bit okay just a little bit first thessalonians chapter god doesn't want you ignorant so there's a lot of ignorance i'm ignorant of many things chemistry my son is a ah he's a chemist and he's a way out there physical stuff and if you start terry on it you're going out beyond the stars before you know it i just let him ramble on it's great but i am ignorant of the subject so uh but there's people that are so ignorant of end time things i try not to be judgmental i'm nice but i love the truth and the lord said this first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 i would not have you ignorant brethren he does not want you ignorant concerning this concerning them which are asleep actually the hebrew greek says falling asleep that you sorrow not even as those which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto him by the you don't have know that i'm gonna have to hold myself in to keep from going off on every one of these for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not precede them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout that's the first thing you're going to hear and this is a shout of command with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump the teruah of god you're going to hear that shofar and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in clouds to meet the lord in the air he doesn't put his feet down so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words these are comforting words it's not very comforting when you hear somebody teach that you're going to have to go through the tribulation it's not very comforting when you hear some of the things well we've got to be here another thousand years that is not comforting to me bless the lord if it if if they're right this place is going to blow up but it'll never make it and it won't last another thousand years i could tell you that now so the word rapture is not in the bible but the word uh harpazo harpazo is and that's the one translated caught up it's the same one it's used three other times in the bible acts 8 39 second corinthians 12 2 and 4 revelation 12 5. it's used up when pete when philip goes down to minister to that ethiopian eunuch and then when he's finished he's caught up he's caught away and he's found somewhere else he's translated it's the same word our pazzo and then when paul tells that he met him he there was a man in christ he doesn't know in the body or out of the body but he was caught up to the third heaven it's this word harpazo and then in revelation 12 5 it speaks of a people caught up to the throne so that's what it is and we're going to be caught up bless the lord and i'm telling here to tell you it's not very far away hallelujah bless the lord i might even tell you when i think it is but i'm not sure i want to be invited back now now we're going to come back to leviticus 23 so don't lose your place but i want you to go to genesis 12. and you're very familiar with this being in this church genesis 12 1-3 everything of our faith started with abraham he's he's one i want if there's anybody at the gate it's not saint peter it's abraham now 12 chapter 12 verse 1 now the lord said unto abram get thee out of the thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house and to a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and i will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed all families all nations shall be blessed according to israel now i'm going to read you another statement from the bottom of page 4 in this book when god bound up the future of all nations in the history of abraham and his seed he made that history prophetic and each event and every right became as it were a bud destined to open to blossom and ripen into fruit on that tree under the shadow of which all nations were to be gathered jewish history is supernatural the future of all nations is bound up in the history of abraham and his seed when they asked jesus what is the sign the sign he said watch the fig tree so you will not know anything about what happening in the last days if you don't have to learn how to watch jewish history god's prophecies concerning the jews and god's fulfillment of those prophecies bless the lord so you need to know a little bit too about that calendar bless the lord that we've just taken a look at now i want you to go to leviticus 25 hallelujah bless the lord and here we're going to look at another division of time god made verse 8 and you shall number seven sabbath of years unto thee seven times seven years and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years then you shall cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month in this day of atonement and number ten verse 10 you shall hallow the 50th year god took the years themselves and put them into seven day divisions weeks of years daniel prophesies about a certain week daniel's 70th week that week of years is seven years long it is going to be on earth what we call the great tribulation the time of jacob's trouble and it will be when the uh the body of christ is in heaven at the marriage supper of the lamb it's a seven year one year week waiting to be fulfilled but god divided time into shmitas they called them well seven year increments and the last year of that seven years is a year you let the land rest you don't plant you don't sow it's a sabbatical year unto the lord when the jews went into the babylonian captivity they had to stay 70 years for the number of years they did not keep the sabbaticals it's very important these seven year increments now show me the chart of the shmitah years i want you to know when you live on the shemitah chart all right this is you see there are six years and then there is the seventh year down at the bottom here you're going to see september 6th and 7th 2021 was the beginning of a shemitah year it will end september 26 2022 then after that you've got other years coming on but i want you to know you live at the beginning of a seventh year i had a a prophecy that came through me 9 19 19. i was at dr larry ollison's church it was a short prophecy and when i began to give it i knew he said to me i'm saying 20 20 because that's how they think but i mean according to the way i see years and here was the prophecy 2020 will be a year of transition it will begin with the beginning of the year as i see it on rosh hashanah now this was 9 19 19 rosh hashanah head of the new year was going to be the 29th 10 days hence that year will be a year that's transition on to 2021. in 2021 all things will have begun begun to end begun to change to move to rearrange now this year i must have you i must have my body the church in that fellowship i just sang about unbroken fellowship so prepare for it to begin the transition year in 2020 i'll provide you all you need to fulfill my will work with me in fellowship and in prayer for yourself yes but beyond yourself and know that it will start the transition year on rosh hashanah 20 on rosh hashanah and 2020 and 2021 rosh hashanah is a big change so that was 2019. two years hence he says we're going to have change and folks we had changed like we have never seen in our lives he spoke to a transition you can take that chart down uh he spoke of transition we and and i thought in my mind when i'm going back and praying about it the last stage of labor is transition and that's the stage when everything like lynn i've heard her preach this before at the first you can start you have a contraction you can wash your dishes finish packing your bag call your mother call your husband whatever but when you get to transition you are doing nothing but having the baby and the last stage of transition is is it it's used of the hebrews of the birth canal and it is also used it's a word t-s-a-r of um a narrow place caused from outside pressure it's the same word used of tribulation in the old testament affliction the time of jacob's trouble the tsar the sarah a narrow place but you're going to get a baby and you're coming out to a wide place hallelujah bless the lord the lord talks in the new testament about his coming and he said he calls it the birth pangs there are times of birth pangs and i i think those have actually really started and we saw a great change i don't think god was the one but he knew he knew he knew he knew that um satan was gonna he's fighting it now i want to i want to talk to you a little bit about what this man told us about uh sees as we should see as jesus saw that the return of the jews in answer to god's prophecy you know they were scattered for years and years is key to the end days and of course we've seen that we've seen them come home they're not all home yet but they have come and um jesus saw it he said you watch the fig tree now i'm going to read you some things hallelujah one of the statements that i got from this man is this there is a shmitah cycle at the end of which messiah must come so put those back up again there and and he's talking about messiah coming putting his feet down zechariah says the one zechariah talks about where the messiah comes and puts his feet down and he and he and he's coming on a white horse and he's got armies behind him and he defeats the antichrist and then on the earth he sets up a kingdom now he says there is a shemitah cycle they all believe this but everything happens in shemitah cycles there is a shemitah cycle at the end of which the messiah has to come so for them that would be september 26 2022 that's the end of the shemitah cycle or it could be uh 2028 september 20 no no that's the beginning september 9th 2029 2029 that could be the end pastor mack dared me so i'll do it this is not for sure for for goodness sakes don't go out and say plaster this everywhere but according to him he's very studious there is a discrepancy in the years and according to him i showed it in pastor maxwell with his very own eyes this man believes that the messiah will set up his kingdom in 2030 on the earth so that would mean according to what he thinks put that chart back up according to what he thinks then over here at the end of september 9th 2029 and then you've got a year in there for a jubilee he thinks that's when it's going to happen if he's right then for us the rapture could very well occur september 26 2022. oh let it be but i'm not preaching that now i'm not preaching that people get real mad at you if you preach and set dates even the jews are against that but i'm going to read you and i'll let pastor mack read these noted rabbis and of course he in his book here he's saying we should consider these things so he quotes some rabbis they all know ramban ramban zohar says it is not god's will and this was written in 1380. it is not god's will that the date of meshia's arrival be revealed to man but when the date draws near even children will be able to make the calculation i'm telling you folks when it gets near you are going to know when the church starts going from glory to glory when we start walking like like was in the tommy hicks vision you're going to be a dodo if you say i don't think it's going to be another thousand years you're going to be able to tell you're going to be able to see signs if you don't know it signs are happening all around us right now the jews are watching a sign i don't know if it's true or not but you can go on youtube and see it on uh yom kippur the red sea i mean excuse me the dead sea a pool of the dead sea turned blood bread so you can go and watch it if you want to but i don't know if it means anything but it's very interesting the date that it happened bless the lord now arbanel he said in 1437 uh it is permissible to calculate a date based upon the tanakh mal beam said with the time clearly approaching we cannot help but notice and interpret the signs all around us as the time grows near bless the lord even daniel said that knowledge would increase and they liken that to knowledge of god's will in god's word and god's way and his coming so bless the lord don't throw stones at me for saying oh my goodness he points out russia coming and the jews getting out of russia and all kinds of things that you and i have watched signs that people might be ignorant of but the history of israel is prophetic and it's going on all around us and jesus said the the generation that sees these things will not pass away that's us hallelujah now hallelujah there is there will be a seven year cycle after which most machia must come in the sixth year i'm going to read you this there will be voices i submit to you that could be the two witnesses and the 144 thousand people will speak of machias imminent return this is from the talmud um on this or the shofar announcing the rival will be heard in the seventh year there will be a war well we know from the bible there will be a war jesus will come back and do it so that they're looking for it we're looking for it now he recognizes they call the devil citra across s-i-t-r-a a-c-h-r-a and it means the other side he's definitely the other side from god whose side are you on so they call him the sitra accra the satan which means avatar siri the satan who destroys uh has his main power when the lands and gates of jerusalem are desolate he's had power over there all the time it's desolate this delays the connection between jerusalem below and jerusalem above they know there's a connection they know there's going to be a coming down like we know and uh so by the situ accra the big battle right now is against and he's fighting for his survival and the battle is for jerusalem the battle is everything about iran and they're developing nuclear in another month do you think israel is going to stand by and let that happen so all these kind of things that are going on right now israel is at the center of them the history of israel is is the crux of the matter um when it comes to regaining and settling eretz israel the land of israel it is going to be a battle a spiritual battle that's what's happening now a physical battle an actual battle eretz israel represents the key to the final redemption and as such it spells the end of the sitra across existence and therefore he will invoke whatever abilities he has to prevent the return of the entire jewish nation to the borders of the land of our fathers however return to her borders we must and by a certain fixed date it was built into the master plan for creation long before there was even a jewish people the sitra accra is in a fight for his survival bless the lord um cetra across very existence depends upon holding off the final redemption he's doing everything he can to foil the plan of god uh for thousands of years he's had eric's israel in his possession the spirit of amalek the general one the zatan who destroys uh the world as and and and listen to this the world as we know it and this is from one of the ancient rabbis is destined to undergo serious physical and spiritual transformation at least 210 years in advance of the year 6000 and he says when that began and all this change hallelujah happening bless the lord before our very eyes glory be to god now uh time is up if you want to hear me preach from the phone you're going to have to stay over but i just want to tell you jesus is coming he's preparing you right now i'm reading a book right now that i really like it's called imagining heaven it's written by a man who is the gateway pastor in austin texas glenn's going to austin and he puts together a lot of the stories some of the people you know gary wood others of jesus coming and he says love is everything in heaven they're going to ask you did you love your wife did you love your family did you love god gave you love so you've got some time now to have the love of god dominate you in preparation for the coming of jesus he's coming soon hallelujah thank you billy
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
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Keywords: LWCC, living word christian center, living word church, mac hammond living word, jim hammond living word, lynne hammond living word, living word brooklyn park, living word christian center minnesota, christian church minnesota, mac hammond, jim hammond, lynne hammond, LW, living word
Id: sdRiLpzeVzg
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Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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