Prophecies, Signs, & Events of The End Times VI - Jim Hammond

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and so I'm excited about this this service today this is number six in our in times series we wrap up next week and the first three we did on the signs I wanted to convince you because I heard so much in the 80s that we all thought we're going in the rapture in the 80s but the signs compared to the 80s that were going on in the 80s compared to now are minuscule and we spent three weeks just going over about sixteen signs out of about fifty we could have spent seven weeks on the signs all these signs God called in prophecy God said this is going to happen this is going to happen this is going to happen and when it does it's a sign so that you can know you are in the end and then we spent after three weeks to spend a week on the rapture trying to convince you and to dispel the ridiculous philosophy that we're going to be here during the tribulation and to give you actual Scripture you'll even get more of that today I don't care if a 30 year old is that a vision that we're going to be here during the tribulation it's about what the Word of God says I don't care who's had visions and all that and the Word of God makes it very clear and what you'll hear a little bit more about that today and then last week we went over the tribulation we touched on the tribulation in the events of the tribulation and how it's going to fold out and so today Matthew 24:27 this is Jesus talking about his second coming for as the Lightning cometh out of the east the sunshine a thunder the Wyss west so shall the Son of Man so so also the coming of the Son of Man be he he's talking about his second coming he's not talking about the rapture the rapture is in the twinkling of an eye the rapture is kind of a quiet thing you know and this isn't like his first coming when he was born in a manger in a barn and then put in a manger for his bassinet that's an animal trough that your God came into the world was laid in a manger he's basically saying it's going to be light lightning it's night it's going to be very dramatic where his first coming was loki matthew 24 28 through 30 for whosoever the carcasses there will the eagle's be gathered these are the words of jesus immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened the moon shall not give her light the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken we went over the scripture last week this is the very end of the tribulation right before his second coming and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory the world will see this it'll be over the Middle East that is target but the world it will be big enough deal where the whole world is going to be able to see this and right before this you've got the Antichrist with his armies surrounding Israel you've got somewhere in there we didn't talk about last week the destruction of Babylon I'm talking the complete destruction of Babylon it's it's flattened at some point Iraq that's Iraq some call it commercial some scholars got commercial Babylon and some say just the whole country is just going to be scorched but keep in mind setting that up you've got so many militaries over there right now we've got uh probably 15 to 25 bases they're just known in Iraq the Russians are in Iraq they have basis a lot of people think they're just in Syria they're also in Iraq the Iranians are stationed in Iraq so you can see the set up for this and some scholars uh I was taken in us we were taking eschatology in 2003 my wife and I in Rhema at Singapore Billy bream came over there for a week top four hours a day on the end times that's how much time you could spend on it 16 hours on the end time so what have we done we've done six and she was saying then I think her opinion may have changed but she said we are going to see the destruction of Babylon we were going to see it well if you see the destruction of Iraq you you better start coming to church on a regular basis because the rapture is coming I don't think we're going to see it I think it's going to happen during the tribulation but the Bible's very clear the Bible is also very clear that uh when Armageddon begins Jerusalem's going to fall Zechariah 13:7 and eight awake o sword against my shepherd against the man that is my fellow saith the Lord of Hosts smite the Shepherd and the Sheep shall be scattered I will turn my hand upon the little ones it shall come to pass then in all the land saith the Lord two parts therein shall be cut off and die but the third shall be left that's two thirds 2/3 what's that's talking about right before the second coming many scholars believe that two thirds of Israel is going to be killed there's going to be a second Holocaust right now there's six million people in Israel four million of them are going to die during Armageddon before Jesus comes two thirds of Israelis in Israel perishing and I'm not just pulling out you know one scripture out of Zechariah there are five other depictions of this in the Bible this isn't just one scripture there's five times it talks about two-thirds of all Israel dying so you've got the script these things happening right before the second coming of Jesus towards the end of the tribulation when Jesus does come back he's going to deal with the Antichrist he's going to deal with his armies and then after he deals with them is going to go to the Mount of Olives which is basically the same place he was crucified if you ever visit Israel you will you will be all over the Mount of Olives in different locations and so really we've got Jesus coming back right at the end of Armageddon where the Antichrist believes he's just about to the point he's taken Jerusalem where I've got this thing at that time the devil the Antichrist is possessed by Satan he's completely possessed Satan as close as he can get to being a human and it is in balance and you know Jesus deals with the 200 million man army of the Antichrist first and to take that in perspective you're into this at all and I just love history I love studying all that stuff and sized armies and how they fought and the Persian Gulf of 91 was a million-man army that pushed Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait think about how long it took the United States was had 500,000 troops over there and the rest of the world committed 500,000 troops to get those air forces to get those navies to get those tanks to get all that artillery everything over there and set up it was months it took six months to get a million-man army ready to go and then they just rolled right over Iraq's forces think about a 200 million man army actually I thought about that I was like that's never even heard of there's never even been anything close to that I don't I was like lord I don't believe that you're going to have to show me how that happens especially after six out of seven died in the tribulation six out of seven people on earth will die in the tribulation and he showed me and we're going to talk about that next week and we're going to talk about even how that how they come together where they travel that path is already being opened and where they're traveling from and so so he takes care of that Zechariah 14 one behold of the day of the Lord cometh you guys think about this all these prophets Joel Daniel Zechariah Ezekiel Isaiah they most of their stuff is on this one third of the Bible is about this stuff and so Zechariah 14 1 the day of the Lord cometh that spoil shall be divided the myths today I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city will be taken the houses rifled the women ravished so this is not going to be a neat little war here half the city shall go forth into captivity verse 3 then the Lord shall go forth and fight against those nations this is the Sun coming of Christ verse 4 and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west so you can see here Jerusalem is going to fall right before Jesus comes and so you had the battle and then you're going to have him coming immediately following the battle to the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14527 you shall flee to the valley of the mountains for the valley of the mountains shall read under Richenda si ya you shall flee like as she fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and the Lord my God shall come and all the saints with thee hmm oh I thought we were here in the tribulation he's coming and he's coming on a white horse and we're coming with them we're not down here and I spent a whole week proving that but did it I know we're kind of like in our own little world but against that is such a doctrine that is just like no we're here for the tribulation and I cannot understand it how they can believe that we are not here for the tribulation and I've so come to pass in that day that the light shall not be clear nor dark but it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord not day nor night it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light so at that day it's not going to be day or night Jesus will be the only light that's why I'm saying the world is going to know what's going on he is the only light when this thing happens you've got everlasting light coming back to a planet that's been ruled by a Dark Angel for 6,000 years and his light is so encompassing they don't know if it's day or night on earth because of the strength of the light radiating off of him you know he's coming down on a horse and we're all on horses I don't know how to ride horse passive apologist said neither do i well you can I'll just get on the back of yours and I'll just hang on okay I don't I mean you know they're not it's in it's not that you know I was just thinking to myself to down to turn didn't but you don't even do that cuz they don't touch the ground you know what caused that to 10 to 10 is them hitting the ground right so I don't I think you're just gonna think and he's going to do what you think it's got to be that way because I don't know I'm doing maybe there'll be like little side cars next to the horses however it is we're going to be there and and so he says it says it says and this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem mmm a little telling thing they're all the people that have fought against Jerusalem what does that tell you there's going to be people that have not fought otherwise he says he's gonna smite everybody and this is for later in the sermon not everybody aligns against Israel in the end not everyone backs the Antichrist he's at war from the very beginning trying to gain control we talked about that but there's tells here you know not everyone fights against Jerusalem because there wouldn't be a judgement as sheep and goat nations they would all be goats do you get what I'm saying and so but what does he do their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouths they melt they melt and as you come to pass in that data that a great Tom wrote from the Lord shall be among them and they shall lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor this is that army now that 200 million army he's got guys melting and then God does his old thing that he's done for centuries he turns them against each other I get in you know all these anytime the Israelites were outnumbered those word the wording would go the Lord sent and Bushman's he called an ambushment and caused the army to start getting paranoid they start killing each other and I was meditating on this on Friday and I just thought I felt like the holy straight there dude there's an angel for that Jim there's a guy that specializes goes in there and does that and so you've got this going on it said also verse 14 all Jews withdrew Judah shall fight at Jerusalem and so all the dudes that didn't die immediately that Jesus doesn't kill with his mouth and we get into this they're going to wind up melted and so Matthew 24:31 but the whole world is not involved he rallies support and gets a two hundred million man army but not everyone is there Matthew 24:37 or 2431 and it shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds gather together his elect from the four winds where from one end of heaven to the other oh I thought we were here you go I'm saying we're up there he pulls us together and brings us with them we're going to see it we're not here and so I love this point Matthew 24:37 but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be this he makes a reference to the days of Noah interesting how Jesus and Peter I believe either Peter or Paul make these comparisons Jesus says it's that like the days of Noah Peter calls it the days of lot let's think about this now it's interesting that the people who think we're going through the tribulation wouldn't pay attention to the fact that the two examples Jesus gives about this tribulation time is like at the days of Noah Peter calls it the days of lot and in those instances Noah and lot escaped think about that but we're not going to escape even though every rapture that's ever happened I mean ik Jesus Christ you know uh Elijah all these guys it was to get out of something bad or out of victory or Enoch just because God loved him so much and said I want you up here I love you so much you come on up here all right every race of rapture is a doctrine you can look at other raptures and see and it points to what what is going to happen in lot was not a great guy but God got him out of there anyways the angel said I can't do this until you're out so he sang with us it can't happen until we're out and so and so Matthew 24 38 through 41 a lot of people preach that this is the rapture but this is not these are the words of Jesus he's talking to Jews the Jews asked him what's going to happen to us and he tells them in Matthew 24 38 through 41 for us in the days there that were before the flood they were eating drinking marrying giving in marriage until the day Noah entered in the ark he knew not until the flood came took them all away so shall also be the coming of the Son of man be then shall two be in the field one be taken the other be left to women shall be grinding at the mill one shall be taken the other left he's talking to Jews and he is not talking about the rapture he's talking about ones dying and ones living in the end that's what it comes down to two are going to be in the field one's going to die one's going to be left and second Thessalonians two one through three white Paul right Thessalonians because the Thessalonians were being killed and persecuted and they thought they were going through the tribulation so like Paul when's he coming we are we in the tribulation Paul's writing the back saying you're not in the tribulation and that's why he's talking about the rapture so much he's explaining to them how this folds out he says verse 2 chapter 2 verse 2 now i beseech our verse 1 i beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ it's not okay i'm telling you about the rapture now the gathering together our gathering together unto him the rapture let's go to verse 3 let no man deceive you for that day is not coming , except there is a falling away first something has to happen first the tribulation is not coming until something happens first then it goes on to say that that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition but first something has to happen falling away in the Greek language that word that word that was actually written means to depart or a removal let no man deceive you that day is not coming except there going to be a removal first and here's the thing about the removal it is the rapture because you know how the Bible you have is the Greek language being translated in English well if you take that Greek word and you translate it into Hebrew it just coincidentally is the same word that they used to wraps for Enoch it's all a coincidence so many coincidences in the Bible he's saying we've got to depart before the Antichrist can come first there's a removal of the church before the Antichrist is revealed and so you know when you're reading the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John he's referring to three different well first of all how do we get to this three different groups there's a guy a lot I've studied a lot in this guy named Clarence Larkin he's brought a book called rightly dividing the word he's one of the most renowned endtime scholars there is we don't agree with everything I don't agree with everything but you know it when you're reading the Gospels in this this is kind of where Billy brimm gets this Matthew Mark Luke John or even the New Testament whose it being written to the Jews the church or the world you don't just take something when Jesus is talking to the Pharisees you know you don't just take Dan said well I'm going to apply that I've done bad things so I'm going to cut my hand off and I can't control my eyes I'm lusting after feels how I'm going to poke my eye out he's not talking to you he's talking to the Pharisees who he never sinned but yet called them snakes don't let the devil get used that as an excuse to call people snakes out on the freeway Jesus did it okay so you know but what I'm saying is who is he talking to is he talking to the Jews is he talking to the church or is he talking to the world and so you know you have to look at who he's talking to and this is kind of clearance walk Larkins big thing on his book rightly dividing the word and so in Matthew 24 and in the loop chapters where he's talking about the end times he's talking to the Jews and so the scripture that we just read about you know ones milling it the grinds the one woman grinding at the mill and she's taken ones in the field once taken one's left right he's referencing part of the cleansing of the earth before we go into the thousand-year reign of the millennium down here on earth when he starts over in the Millennium he's not starting over with a bunch of evil people do you get what I'm saying he's not starting over with them so when he's saying you know there's two in the field one's taken one's gone it's it's in its the very end and so these two people are part of the cleansing of the end of the of the earth at the end of the tribulation revelation 19:15 through 21 and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that means his mouth is a weapon and with it he should smite the nation's he shall rule them with a rod of iron he treadeth on the winepress and the fierceness of wrath of Almighty God he hath on his vesture on his thigh and name written king of kings lord of lords i saw an angel standing in the Sun he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven come on over here fowls gather yourselves together you're gonna have a huge meal we went over that the first three weeks of the signs they don't know why there's suddenly 172 different types of predatory birds in Israel making their home their new birds suddenly have been attracted to Israel why they're going to need them they're going to need them in the angel has called them in this is a sign what are they going to do they're going to eat verse 18 they can eat the flesh of kings they're gonna flush a captain the flesh of the my team and the flesh of the horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all the men both free bond both great and small keep in mind when John saw this he'd never seen a bicycle he's looking at these tanks and these Jeeps he's like whoa that must be their horses that's what they're riding on they're riding on these vehicles he don't know what a vehicle is do you know what I'm saying and so the only thing he knows the cause how did they get around horses and camels and so but these beat he's calling in the birds they're gonna eat these these the kings and the flesh of the captains and all his flesh and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and there are he's gathered together to make war against him that sat on a horse that's Jesus and his and against his army that's the saint and the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet he's got a little dude that does a bunch of miracles like a religious guy you know and listen to this I had someone write in when I was doing this series in the fifth service and in February in January there's no Maryville camp can't produce miracles yes evil Ken we just read that this guy wrought miracles and with the miracles he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and that worshipped His image he used miracles to deceive the ones with the mark or even to get the mark to get them to get the mark what about it in the Old Testament when the king was sigh the two thought two million Israelites passing through his land and he wanted to curse them so he brings in a whit a warlock by the name of Balaam why did he bring in Balaam because every curse Balaam had ever issued had worked because Balaam got results what about Saul when he was trying to bring up the spirit of samuel and he goes to the witch and what happened bloom samuel shows up and when you know it's debated is really same as at a demonic host power in Samuels likeness whatever she called it up and and so this guy is going to do miracles he's like the the Antichrist right-hand man and and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse Jesus had a sword and we read it's coming out of his mouth and it proceeded out of his mouth and all the files there were filled with their flesh now the best rendition of that second coming of this battle you're ever going to read is the Left Behind series where this guy writes 11 books about somebody that's left behind miss the rapture and he's got Jesus walking through that Valley Megiddo if you ever go to Israel you'll see that Valley from about six different vantage points it's incredible looking huge Napoleon fought in that Valley and said it's the best place in the world for warfare and he walks through that valley and I love how that left behind guys has him doing it because if he's gonna kill with his mouth he's walkin through and he says I'm the root of Jesse kaboom you know million men gone I am he who was and is to come kaboom I am Stephen signs and wonders kaboom I am Peters shadow boom in Genesis I was the seed of the woman boom in Exodus I was the Passover lamb kaboom Leviticus I was the high priest boom numbers I was the pillar of cloud by day the pillar of fire by night boom so you've got armies disintegrating at his word he's saying something he's saying something you've got people melting and and you know it said in Revelation that the blood at the end is up to the horses bridles it's about chest high right here the whole valleys filled with blood so that yeah they need the birds who's going to clean that up it's 200 million men so zechariah 14 1 3 3 behold the day of the Lord cometh and I spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee I'm going to gather all nations that were against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken the houses rifled though the women ravished the half the city shall go forth into captivity then the Lord shall go forth and fight against those nations as a ax - 1 through 4 the word of that Isaiah the son of ammos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem it should come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations are going to flow unto it this is after he wins and we get into this next week many people are going to go there and say come on let us go see the mountain of the Lord so it's going to be call to the house of the God of Jacob and his going to teach us his ways he will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord shall go to that in other words you know what saying once it gets control there's really like people in Canada let's go see this guy this guy just destroyed 200 million man army it is ruling the world and they say is Jesus Christ you know I mean people are wanting to go see this guy and he's going to judge among the nations and rebuke many people they're going to beat their swords into plowshares spear their spears into pruning hooks nation will no longer lift up sword against nation and they will learn of war anymore there's no more war for a thousand years no more war war is done this is the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth Matthew 25:31 when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory so Matthew 25 32 334 before him shall be gathered this is what happens when he gets organized and gets up there before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate these nations from one another as a shepherd divides his sheep from goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left so he's gonna be doing what he's gonna probably a representative whoever's left the highest-ranking dude from those nations Germany up here on the Left Turkey on the left Iran on the left Syria on the left right the United States on the right right I'm just sayin and and and so he's going to start dividing them up front everybody knows who's on the left and who's on the right then King shall say unto them on his right hand you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you for the foundation of the world there's two takes on this judgment it's kind of split on how this happens and I'm going to I'm going to kind of paraphrase it here Clarence Larkin rightly dividing the word you know I had I tried last night just reading him he's like he's just he's he's an intellectual it just didn't go over reading him okay and so and so I'm just going to paraphrase what he thinks and so it's tasted a lot of reading here and so what what he thinks is well I won't let me give you this one scripture here Joel three one and two for behold in those days in that time when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem and I will gather nations and bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat this is where it happens the judgment of the sheep and goat nations I will plead with them for my people and for my heritage Israel whom they have scattered that's why I think we'll get into that whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land see there's a there's a couple of different sides on this belief on the judgment of sheep and goat nations that a lot of scholars believe no it's how you treated the Jews in the tribulation because they were in jail did you visit them did they were starving did you feed them but the parting of the land I mean George Bush parted the land Clinton tried to part the land then why is he judging nations that parted the land do you get what I'm saying I mean it's going to that much into detail I've just spit all over the front row like three different times so I just want to apologize for that you can even see it in my peripheral vision and so the proc the prophecy clearly states that there's going to be a judgment of nations on earth in the valley of jehoshaphat and this is just this is the deal Clarence Larkin believes because here's what Christ's sentence upon the goat Nations he says depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire remember this now he just like he cursed Capernaum and core Xena in those cities he cursed them prepared for who the devil and his angels and and these shall go away into everlasting punishment he says and I'm quoting him here the goat nations will be destroyed as nations not one of them get into the Millennium and the individuals that compose them will perish and we just don't I mean let's just take let's just take real life here think about think about think about a kid in Syria how many kids had 23 year olds when the rapture comes grew up in Muslim homes so they're not raptured they're young adult right they're they're grown up to hate Christianity they've got a dictator like Assad that hates Israel and you're telling me when you send Syria to hell you're going to send all those guys with it that had no control do you get one saying gets through the tribulation without the mark somehow do you go on saying he's a God of mercy he's not going to send a bunch of people who had note you know and so this is the belief here and when I heard this I was like mom you know the Clarence Larkin believes they're all going to hell and so well well Jim let me call Billy I had to wait like two days Billy calls mom back know what we think is if you think about this you guys is let's take Jesus cursing capernum woe to you Capernaum core zine he did it - core zine are they here now he cursed them they're not here anymore alright that doesn't mean everyone was burned in fire and judged they're just gone like the Roman Empire is gone like the people that scattered the Jews the Babylonians gone and in the same way these words eternal punishment means you would not fulfill your purpose that God had for you and your nation and the millennial reign he's got a plan for all the nations you would not receive an inheritance and you would probably not even have a country you'd be swallowed up by the sheep nations and so do you get what I'm saying this is the judgment Germany you know been around forever all these countries you're not a country anymore you lose your land you're going to lose your land to a sheep nation and they're just there they're no more like a Poorna like cuisine he cursed them Matthew so do you see the different takes on this judgment are you guys get me because that was always a question I would ask mom even as a young is a teenager how she just going to kill a bunch of people that had no control that was doing just what their governments and if you read it like that when he's with the conversation he's going on the people are saying uh wait wait a minute we didn't know that we visited you in prison we didn't know we you were thirsty we gave you water we didn't know when you were starving we gave you food we didn't know what he's talking about they didn't know why because their government was acting do you hear what I'm saying so they're getting judged oh you're on you're on the sheep side you know more like what we did it we didn't even know what was going on with you okay and so are you guys getting into two different takes right I just want you to understand both sides of the argument and so um thank you lord and so I'm not even I don't even where am I in my notes oh okay listen to this now and this is why things like see you fi Christians United for Israel a big deal there big deal what about future the future of the United States going into the thousand-year reign of Christ and you know you know the whole thing about being judged the average person today would tell you Israel took the land from the Palestinians if you just watch the news and even just go to certain churches a lot of churches actually they just took it Palestinians you know that word Palestine a Roman general gave that that name Palestine to Israel after they conquered Israel to humiliate the Jews that's where that word comes from then a racial British general did it again after World War one let's call it Palestine because he was anti Jewish and and Israel was given the land by proclamation nah not 1948 1920 something called the Balfour Declaration and why how did that come about a man named Shane Weisman invented these incredible weapons having to do with TNT that really won the war for the West that was all about big-time artillery it just came on the scene and he's unbelievable machine guns and and he had a big part of winning that war and so they they were so happy because of his inventions they said what can we give you a chain and he said I want homeland for my people and so they came out with something called the bell for declaration like 1920 they were the world was saying all right you deserve it and then they turned around and reneged on that Proclamation don't you know you ever see the movie Lawrence of Arabia famous movie I read the book Lawrence of Arabia he's not a hero he hurt the Jews because he rallied the Arabs promised them a bunch of land if they would fight with him and I read that book Lawrence of Arabia because I was interested in this guy he was a British guy and he was it was a serious fighter you know he knew what he was doing but he was he was he hurt the Jews and eventually because of all that he promised the Arabs they reneged on that declaration and so we can't give you that land and so and then in 1948 the United Nations with help of major help from President Harry Truman the very first vote of the United Nations said Israel has a right to the land this country is yours they've been here a thousands of years so I don't believe CNN and MSNBC and these media outlets that are committed it Israel are occupiers and stole that land because that's how it's portrayed because we're talking about judgment of nations here in the end and so we're going to get get to the Millennium next week there will still be evangelizing going on during this thousand years where Jesus reigns and you're going to see in the Bible that even though Satan's locked up in hell people still have a free will and you're going to see that there are still people that do not accept him in the morning and so do you you you guys just do not understand how much credit how bless you are going to be because you don't have to go through all that you are here you already believe you didn't see you did even see what the disciples saw they saw you do go on said you're here you already believe and I just don't think you even understand how much credit you're going to get for that because you believe now in Revelation 19 11 through 15 I saw heaven open behold a white horse he sat upon him was called faithful and true in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were a flame of fire his head had many crowns he had a name written that no man knew but he himself he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name called the Word of God and the armies which we're in heaven followed him upon the white horses as Jim and pastor Paul clothed in fine linen white and clean out as mark mouth goes a sharp sword and so I want to just take you here I want to close here you know I never realized this before though I started studying it and got this from I got to get a lot of this comes from a guy that I heard years ago I specialize in the gifts of the Spirit at the time came into Rhema did a whole week his name's Joe Morris but he's also specialty is end times so I heard 10 messages and I heard him preach this and it just oh it just hit me but James 5 is an endtime chapter it is he says be patient James 5 7 and 8 be patient brethren Christians to the coming of the Lord the husbandman God waits for the precious fruit of the earth us he has patience for it until he received the early and latter rain be patience stable your hearts because his coming is near James 5 10 and 11 earlier in that chapter there's a reference to the last days now he's talking about the rapture then James 5:10 take my brethren the prophets who is spoken in the name of the Lord for example of suffering affliction and pain behold we count them happy which endure you can be happy listen way Sandia in the end times we know we're there you're going to be happy if you endure have you not heard of the patience of Job I read then I think what Jo blind the whole time you complain felt sorry for himself woe is me I was just kind of venting the Lord about job and he's like yeah you know what Jim he didn't quit he never quit was he tempted to quit yeah his wife said curse God and die his body was full of boils he never quit and God didn't even acknowledge that he was complaining he said look at the patience of joe well why would he bring that out it's it at the end of that verse 11 I have seen the end of the Lord the Lord is full of pity and tender mercy look at the patience of Job what did Jobe wind up with double he complained the whole time but because he didn't quit he got double and wound up the richest man in the Middle East we're talking about it in time chapter starts with the last days then the coming of the Lord be patient now he's saying check Jobe out be patient like Jobe look at what happened to job God is full of mercy he's given you a hint to what looked what to look forward to we've seen the signs we're nowhere in the last days and James is saying if you can be patient and you can be stable look what Jobe got he's trying to get us to be patient stable toward so we remain in position to finish off the church age like we're supposed to how many people do we know in the last 10 to 20 years that we never thought would not be in church that are not in church I could just do you go I'm saying that just get tired and it's almost like James is saying just like Peter did just like Paul didn't that's one be patient be stable Peter was like you got to be thinking about this stuff or you're going to fall you have to understand you're at the end you got to be talking to each other about this stuff it's got to be being preached we have not come this far to get to the end to back away to the point where we're getting our tails kicked by darkness right up until the rapture so look in context last day's coming of Christ these are in this James 5 coming of the Lord be patient be stable I'm going to do with you what I did with Joel then verses 16 through 20 s goes on to say confess your faults one to another pray for one another you should be praying for one another that you may be healed because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man and that word means cleared from all guilt that does not mean how great you are if you were really that righteous you wouldn't be doing 57 and a 55 all day every day it doesn't mean righteous it means cleared from all guilts and think about that it's gonna your prayer is gonna avail much now why would he put this part in verse 17 Elias was a man subject to like passions you know what that's saying study Elijah some time the Jews have a lot of information on him he was kind of an angry man he had a temper and James is saying look this guy was not perfect and he had problems just like we do regardless he prayed for rape for it not to rain and it didn't rain for three and a half years in time chapter what's he telling us and he prayed again in the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit we should be going for it as anyone tried to control the weather out lately but outside of myself this morning that's why it's overcast it's overcast and cool so more people come to church any time on a Saturday night or Sunday and Jim's preach it and it's not sunny you know you know he send you that's it what is that you know that is the gift of the working of miracles that is a gift of the Holy Spirit control of the weather and he's like you guys not to be controlling the weather earlier in the chapter he says any sick among you let the Deacons of the church anoint him with oil and heal him he said twice you should be laying hands on people he said white you should be calling you should be trying to cut down to the point where you're trying to control the weather and then it says in verse 19 brethren if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death you should be saving people this is an endtime chapter and was he saying be stable you got to be patient don't give up he talked about the latter rain a rain that's coming don't give up and then he could Joe just unbelievable credit you know because he did not quit he made mistakes but he didn't quit and what happened to me references god is full of mercy twice he say pray over the sick I mean all these ended he ends it save souls from death [Music]
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 39,924
Rating: 4.7790475 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus
Id: MuiP_3LJgLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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