Why GODOT 4.3 is going to be wild!

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hi there it's been a while with the release of gdo 4.2 just around the corner I did what I had to do and ducked through every proposal on the gdau 4.3 Milestone on my way through that NeverEnding Rabbit Hole I made a list of the best stuff coming to gdau 4.3 of course this is not a finite list and just because your proposal SLP request does not appear here it's not trash so let's start with number one drag and drop between subview ports and windows have you ever tried to drag can drop something from one subview port into another in your gdau application well you probably were never as disappointed as you were in that moment because currently you cannot however there's light in the dark as gdo 4.3 and sourman fix this number two export storage annotation there's a new export annotation added by DF export storage allows you to export variables that then will not show up in the inspector I don't really get for what this will be useful but apparently it's useful for for serializing data in editor plugins if someone can explain the whole thing to me in the comments you will receive a cookie number three script editor hover hints do you hate it to go to the documentation each time you want to see the parameters of a function well Spartan 322 and thanky Nats have you covered beginning in 4.3 when you hover over a function a small popup will appear that shows the same description as the docs as well as the parameters of the function the whole thing also works for VAR s number four tool button annotation yes finally you can add a custom button in the gdau inspector this is fire and also made by them no more exporting a Boolean with a set get function and you're using it as a button to do this you can use add tool uncore button providing a description text and an icon as well as defining the function that the button should execute when pressed number five VNC editor setting kellu implemented an editor setting to enable and disable Ving independently of your gdo project the pool request says that this can be used to increase editor responsiveness and decrease input leg number six motion draw disabled render mode for spatial shaders when using a quad in front of the camera for postprocessing and having Tia enabled you can see some Jitter in the rendered image this PR by Ember fixes this with the addition of a new render mode for materials called motion draw the labed this will not write motion vectors and thereby does not confuse the TAA and does not produce chitter in the image number seven Search keywords and class reference gdos inbuilt class reference is a really nice thing especially if you work offline a lot of times though has one big issue the search is kind of bad and you have to type in the exact name of the thing you were looking for if you want to find anything apparently I'm not going to try to pronounced this name was so annoyed by this issue that they decided to add keywords to the search that means that if you for example search for rect doll instead of nothing showing up the results will Now display physical bones as these can be used to make R dos number eight better search and create dialogue ever noticed that the search in the create new note dialogue is kind of bad well sting Stig H St H did notice that and made it better thanks I think the old one really sucked now number nine project wi node groups wait buto already has node groups yes but have you ever noticed how these groups are on a perene basis project wide note groups are stored in the gdau project itself and can be changed through the project settings this is thanks to Dark Messiah to assign them go to the note panel then to groups and assign them as normal number 10 the gdo editor remembers Window mode screen and Windows size and position on restart this does exactly what the title says highr screen users can thank spener for this number 11 a patch system now you two can create a cyber Punk game in gdau release it in a bat and broken State and then patch it up to being a mediocre game in 2 years you can now export a pck file for your games as a patch this works by the exporter comparing two pck files and then creating a third new one that only contains the stuff that changed between the first and the second one sadly this PR does not allow you to treat your deaths like but apparently cdpr did need allowance from anyone to do that either so feel free to do so don't number 12 indirect Collision shapes ever raged at gdau and the fact that Collision shapes need to be an immediate child of a physics object well Aon franker is here to make you calm down Collision shapes can now be indirect children of physics objects number 13 vertex shading finally all three of godos renderers have vertex shading vertex shading is a shading technique where instead of for every pixel light is only only calculated per vertex thank you Yia or however that name is pronounced number 14 exported arrays now have property hints arrays now have hints like range and stuff abble toy is a Legend Number 15 secondary light and advanced import settings you know that window that pops up when you double click a certain asset in your gdau file system that's called the advanced import settings let make it short it needs some work like for example a second light now you can view your 3D models in even more more light and detail thanks to Geronimo shrier Let There Be lighted that's probably what he thought probably uh maybe maybe maybe not number 16 render hooks godo's post and mid processing was pretty barebones until Bastian oi stepped in and made what seemed impossible possible you can now hook into G do Vulcan renderer with CD script this works by the renderer providing callbacks for certain rendering steps and the hooks subscribing to those callbacks then your code gets executed and the rendering continues number 17 direct 3d2 rendering driver one of the big things in goddo 4 was the transition from openg GL to Vulcan while that was a good thing this does mean that certain devices like for example Xboxes who cannot use Falcon became even more not supported from gdau the goal is it to have a direct x- renderer that's up to power with the Vulcan one and can act as a drop in replacement currently the direct X rendering driver is slower than the Von one but performance was not the main focus in instead they focused on getting it feature complete and stable wondering who they are well it's random shaper number 18 3D msaa and scaling in gles3 the gles3 compatibility renderer now has 3D msaa and Bia upscaling basan oi is doing some great work here to get the renderer feature complete number 19 warn if a variable is not updated in the setter function the gdau editor will now warn you if you not assign the value parameter from your set function to the variable guess who thought gdo set get system was broken because the variable would not set when using setget hocog could have saved me thousands of hours of debugging well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit just a bit number 20 icons for certain main menu items the sync Ed icons to some options in the scene project and editor main menus let that sync in number 21 modify Global transform when node is not in threee you can now finally set a trans transform of a note 3D when it's not in the scene tree no more adding a newly created note into the tree just to modify its position thank you so much akan Mega number 22 colored margin and inspector for arrays and dictionaries this PR by aik aov arov arov makes the inspector more readable by coloring the margins of arrays and dictionaries in different more contrasty colors number 23 openx rad node editor icon the openx rhead node now has an editor iccon everyone sent a virtual high five to Kelly new for making this number 24 ensure parameter hints are generated for a new function if you have had issues with parameter hints not showing up in gd's code editor then gesia made this for you number 25 fix 3D jiter 3D physics body jiter just got eliminated by gorron I guess you could also just use the jol physics add on forgo tutorial on how to install it in the top right corner by the way but still very cool number 26 bone visualization in advanced import settings jeromino shrier not related to Jason shrier just made sure every bone gets leaked in the advanced import settings number 27 mesh Optimizer update resulting in better lods Z did what Windows users feere updates they updated the version of the mesh Optimizer Library gdau users which results in better and cleaner looking lods number 28 material drag and drop fixed if you didn't know the material of an object was constantly being reset To None when dragging a material over it thanks for fixing this number 29 revert color icon on Color Picker old sample something small for the end kenu added a revert button on the part of the Color Picker that shows the color before changing it this makes it more clear that by clicking on it you can revert to the old color and that was about it of course there's a bunch of bug fixes and other smaller treaks and stuff coming to gdau 4.3 I just wanted to highlight the big stuff I'm also thinking about making videos about gdau updates like what's new in gdau 4.2 beta 5 for example let me know in the comments if that would interest you like And subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Saas
Views: 119,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Godot 4, Godot Video, Godot 4.3, Godot beta, Godot next version, 4.3, SaasGodot, godo, godoh, Godot 4.4, Godot 5, Godot 6, Godot 4.3 features, What's new in Godot 4.3, Godot New Version, Godot 4.3 new features, Godot 3.4, When will Godot 4.3 release?, Godot 4 new Version
Id: R-oJzCGFnak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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