Godot... But Prettier

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's Mike here at game from scratch and there is an expression out there that beauty is in the eye of the beholder that's meaning that some people find something aesthetically pleasing while other people find it ugly as Sin and that applies to game engines as well thing is when you go back in time with the gdau game engine the very first release which you're see in front of you right now this is gdau 1.1 and um even at the time I got to be honest uh no offense to gdau team but uh it was ugly as Sin this was basically an interface that only a mother could love and even she would secretly admit that her child was kind of ugly so this is where gdau started from and to be honest I've been a big fan of gdau for a very very long time but the Esthetics of the engine itself have never been really high up on my list we moved up a little bit better this is gdau 2 you're seeing it on a high DPI display did not have good high DPI scaling that's why things are looking really kind of tiny but I'll zoom in over a couple of things our menu system they were like these weird chunky buttons over here some of it actually is pretty consistent to this day and and some of it is ugly as hell here are your uh 2D and 3D view toggles that you'll see now uh they're just um not aligned not tabs nothing like that so let's just say even at the stage of gdau 2.x it it was still it was still pretty ugly to be honest then we moved on to the world of gdau 3 now you going see with gdo 3 we're starting to look a whole lot more like modern gdau things definitely got prettier you can see we've at least uh aligned our controls centr really like here um I I got to admit still not the most aesthetically pleasing thing you've ever seen it's not bad it's definitely an improvement I I've also never been a huge fan of the blue that they continue to go with uh but this is gdau three now at this point in time gdau is definitely getting better looking so uh this is more on par with its peers speaking of its peers and again it's all in the eye of the beholder uh we move on now to Unity this is Unity 6 beta uh and I honestly think that Unity is desperately in need of a facelift these days too about five or six years ago I think they were the best looking game engine out there aesthetically in terms of uh UI design font choices layout and so on now I'm just honestly finding this a bit ugly as well especially when we look up here and they don't have proper window theming in a dark mode things like that so let's just say the competition isn't perfect either and now we're going to split uh probably opin here quite a bit now we're into um Unreal Engine this is Unreal Engine 5.3 and honestly I think that they have the best UI at least from an Aesthetics point of view of the engines we're talking about today I think this has the best Clarity of things now at the same time some of this is just overwhelming too many menus too many things there's definitely some flaws with their approach but there's other things that they do especially this one control space to bring up the dock that is just everybody should adopt that it's sort of like how Maya brought out the cirty keys for select move and so on I think everybody should do the same thing here control space brings up your file manager chef's kiss I'm going to show you actually how you could do that in the gdau game engine as well speaking of gdau again here we go back to semi modern so this is gdau 4.2 as of writing this is the current version 4.3 is in beta but it hasn't changed a whole lot from an Aesthetics point of view and uh yeah it looks good it's uh it looks better than it did I still um some of the font choices the contrast here not my favorite I don't find things stand in and once again the blue is there uh that i' never really got this choice of this blue gray coloring scheme uh but I would actually argue at this point in time most part do is definitely looking better than the unity game engine I'm curious your opinion here in terms of Aesthetics what do you like better Unity Gau oh sorry I guess I should do them Unity onreal engine or gdau so anyways the point of this video is you don't have to leave it this way you can make um gdau look quite a bit better in my humble opinion and we're going to use someone's theme today to show you this there's a Creator out there called passive star if you did not follow him on Twitter I highly recommend you do he's an entertaining Soul plus he releases some very handy and useful things now what we're going to do is check out one of those very handy and useful things which is this so this is his gdau minimal theme uh it makes gdau look like this and instead and we're going to go ahead and show you how to go ahead do this I will have the link to this uh down below or a link to the link to this anyways uh so we're going to go ahead and download the version there are two versions out there one for high PPI and high and one for regular Now High ppi is pixels per inch not high resolution so it doesn't matter if you're using 4K or whatever it's just if you have a super dense display so if you got like a 4K display that's like 14 in in size your ppi is going to be off the chart use the high PPI version so when you're dealing with gdau what you can do is you come into edit editor settings like so and you're going to find over here there is an option for themes so right now this is the default theme there are a number of options here so if you want to go darker uh you can do so right here so let's go ahead theme that out so like a little lighter of approach there uh we can go full dark over here so we could just OLED black dark this is hideous in my humble opinion uh but it'd be good for if you're more of a high contrast approach I guess it's not hideous it's just it's a little too Stark in my humble opinion we can go back to that retro G do 2ish color uh I actually think this we still have gdau 2 up by the way so this was Gau 2 so it's the same color scheme and you can see basically just how far gdau has come in some of the Aesthetics terms here but what I'm going to do now is use the new theme so in order to do this basically come on in here go to the editor settings like so once again go to theme scroll on down here so we're going to switch this guy out to uh custom right so scroll on down here go to the downloads and you're going to find the theme so again there are two options there's going to be editor theme Tes or editor theme High PPI if you're using a standard large monitor you're going to just want to use this one right here and then go ahead and do a save and restart this will apply the theme and give you the settings uh that he set up for it and you're going to again look here really quickly in terms of the contrast mostly that's where the big difference is going to be so here we are now loading in with the new theme um okay now we're showing gdau 2 for a second so if you're thinking okay we just got a lot uglier no uh we're just loading so here we go uh loading in our new project with the new theme and now there are a couple of color settings that he recommends to set up and I actually agree with his settings here too so we're going to go ahead and do that they're all here in the theme section as well so his recommendation is to change the base color here uh so this guy right here and change this out to 25 2525 like so and then the accent color right here and change that out to 569 e f like so done and then we got contrast set that down to 0.2 and then icon saturation set it to two and done so this is an updated themed version of gdau using passive Stars theme so he's done uh it's just a little bit of clarification he's changed up the the font spacing the contrast on the icon icons the um bordering and the padding of various different things in the scenes some of the spacings around it nothing too too major but in my humble opinion this actually just looks quite a bit better I would say at this point in time this theme although I would ultimately probably lay things out a little bit different so I would probably you know move everything over to the right hand side let's move this one to the bottom like so so something a bit more like this set up okay my game my uh computer is now getting upset about the number of game engines I have running all right so what I would actually probably do is move this down a little bit more but there's one other change I'm going to show you today that I would make to I think make gdau just that much nicer if you go in here uh to the asset library and you search for IR ironically enough asset uh what you will find is there is a tool in here called the asset drawer I would actually recommend trying this one out as well I actually think this is very nice um I actually have it already in here so well actually yeah this project already has it so go here project settings go to plugins and then you're going to find asset drawer available here if you don't already have it just basically grab it this way and download it and we're going to enable that as well so what you're going to notice is my file system just popped away and it now moved down here I like this a lot better so what I would actually do is move these guys over so move them to the bottom like this and have a split scene inspector view like this give myself a little bit more screen space and then what you're going to notice is now your file system is available down here now you got a bunch of controls over how it's actually shown and I think this split view is the way to go so basically here and you will have a navigation Tree on the left and then your file system on the right now the reason why I like this so much better uh as a setup and I actually honestly think configured this way especially if we go to something that shows uh icons this is just much more aesthetically pleasing in my opinion and it's also a nicer workflow on the whole and the thing that I very much like about this asset drawer is I can hit control space and toggle it in and out again I think this should be the universal Norm this came from the world of Unreal Engine and I think everybody should literally rip it off but uh that is our modified version of gdau I think looking like this themed like this using uh P star theme specifically but any theme you set up on the whole I think you can make gdau look pretty much as good as every engine out there I still honestly think that Unreal Engine is the best looking engine out there right now but I would no longer say well again let's do the evolution gdau one uh again only a mother could love it gdau two it's still pretty ugly gdo 3 we're starting to move obviously very much towards where we are at now and then here you can see see themed version gdau 4 configured how I like it at least I think that this is Pinnacle gdau and that's just my humble opinion unfortunately I can't use themes in my videos because I'm kind of showing you how things work and if I've changed around from the default it's going to be more confusing for people just starting out but if you are using Gau just do be very aware it is very very themeable uh and you can make it look quite a bit nicer but I'm curious what you think of first this compared to stock gdau and the gdau evolution from gdau one through out to four that we're at now and also what do you think between the various different game engines out there do you think gdau is looks as good or better and which one would you rate as the best looking let me know comments down below and also the links to both of these things both passive Stars Doc and this um asset doc plugin will be available down below if you want to go ahead and check that out all right that's it I will talk to you all later have a good weekend goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 77,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Godot Engine, Godotengine, Godot UI, Godot UX, Godot Theme, Godot Passivestar, Godot Asset Dock, Unreal, Unreal Engine, Unreal vs Godot, Unity, Unity Engine, Unity vs Godot, gamedev, game development, gamefromscratch, game engine, godot theming, godot user interface, customize godot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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