Why I Switched To The Godot Engine

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this comes from Richard E I noticed you had some unreal videos on your channel why did you switch to the Gotto engine I I do have unreal videos uh very early on and I I I was working on unreal and I love unreal unreal is an amazing engine an amazing tool I had some frustrations With It ultimately the you know documentation learning how to use every part of the engine it was a little frustrating the the documentation and maybe it's changed at least for me the you you'd look something up and either nothing would pop up or youd get a page where there was just like one line um on that page and it it basically said this is so and so node like you have no clue what it does or how to use it that was that was pretty frustrating to to try to understand certain aspects of of the engine especially because they're adding stuff all the time like I don't know if that documentation is improved I hope so the other thing is I have very minimal time uh stay-at-home Dad I've got other jobs that I do I'm not just making videos all the time the the time that I have to to sit down and be creative in the the realm of game development is pretty small and so I didn't want to just sit and watch things load all the time and just even switching between projects I got a great idea I'm going to work on this thing and you close that out you open something up and unreal that takes time it takes time to to load everything that the shaders and that might have improved since then but at least at the time it was frustrating and I I began to see the GTO engine the little blue robot thing popping up everywhere there was a video and I can't remember what video it was I'll have to find that popped up I watched it I was like hey that looks that looks pretty interesting let's try this out so I went to the site I downloaded it I was amazed that it was one file one executable and I opened it up I was a little underwhelmed to be to be frank it it's not the most beautiful UI uh it's not super clear about where everything is it doesn't just wow you right with like unreal does my initial impression was very like well this is interesting but it's not it's not unreal but I tried it out I made a video about it I tried it out I began to really get used to the the workflow of the engine itself and like there were things that I did not like about unreal they were sort of answered with the Gotto engine so I I I think I kind of like categorize it into three um separate things the first thing is speed like it is it is quite a difference to go from sitting there waiting for things to load and then you can just open up uh the G engine and it's just it's just there right and not only just there but you can open up multiple instances of the engine multiple projects and it's like no big sweat that's pretty cool that increase in in work speed and being able to sit down and just work on something instead of I got to have everything closed I got to restart my computer I got to free all the memory I've got to you know do all these things to just have it run properly I didn't have to worry about that anymore I could just open it up and it was it was there it worked so the speed was a huge thing the the other aspect is um I I love GD script I think it's incredibly easy to get into I did really enjoy blueprints with unreal and I'm very visual I know a lot of people say that but I really do feel I'm pretty visual in how I can can see things and remember things being able to just code and write everything out and see it in front of and not have it be every which way on the screen it was a breath of fresh air you know I was a web developer for a very very long time and it kind of felt like taking the best part of of that job that I I did and incorporating it back into something else that I like to do and so G script for me at least was a was a very big plus you know learning also uh my third point that it's open source and there's so so many things that are positive that come with that I just philosophically I I feel better about that I I like that it's a Community Driven piece of of software that someone doesn't just own it and can control it and change it I'm not saying that the the act of of Commerce is is the is the end of the world it's not always great but everyone has a right to do that right and you have a a game engine like Unity which again is an amazing tool lots of people that love what they do and are great at what they do have put Blood Sweat and Tears into that engine but then someone else from the outside can come on in and make a decision that can crumble it right that sucks you don't want that the the nature of the open source the fact that it's it's more stable in that way like there's not going to be somebody coming in to drastically change how licensing works or you know what part of it that you do or do not own or what you can do with it it doesn't matter like it's open source download the engine rename it Billy joob Bob's game engine plus and sell it and you're legally okay to do that not that that would work but you could do it if you wanted to the open source thing is great so I love that in fact uh you know tying that in fourth point the community around the GTO engine I is a huge plus I I believe there seems to be so little negativity in the community I I know that there is some negativity but overall I I I've had a a very positive experience with anyone who's directly affiliated with uh the GTO engine and just the community as a whole is is very open to the learning process open to sharing what they're working on open to making the engine better or or talking about it and that's a huge Plus for me yeah I I feel like all those things really drew me to the engine and ultimately that's why I switched you can use whatever tool that you want it doesn't if if you're serious about game development it doesn't matter it doesn't so at least that's what it was for me
Channel: StayAtHomeDev
Views: 20,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot Engine, Unreal Engine, Game Development, Game Engine Comparison, Switching Game Engines, Godot vs Unreal, Indie Game Development, Godot Advantages, Unreal Engine Alternatives, Game Development Tips, Open Source Game Engine, Godot Features, Unreal Engine Drawbacks, Game Design, Why Use Godot, Godot Tutorial, Game Dev Journey, Godot Community, Godot Performance, Game Development Tools
Id: xsZCYR8Q2Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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