Why You Should Not Use Godot: 5 Reasons

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And it's "Godot" We know many of you guys like Godot, we do too, but: there are legitimate reasons not to use the engine. And we want you to make an informed decision when you go and look into an engine! You know, part one came out…a… while … ago, so we had time to find some good ones. Here are 5 possible reasons for you not to use Godot. And we will finally have a reason to talk about our first little controversy! It’s related to boobies, so you might be interested. Okay, let's start with a big one: Number 1: It does not offer console exports. And this is for a quite strange reason. From how I understand this, console exports would need a lot of interactions for proprietary stuff like the console manufacturers’ SDKs. There are non-disclosure agreements involved etc. So the export templates could not be open-sourced, because Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo would simply not allow this. These would need to be released separately or something. Another problem is that only companies can develop for consoles, and Godot is an open-source project - not a company. So is all hope lost? Generally speaking, looking at the world right now: Maybe. But looking at your Godot game on the Switch: no. There are different publishers offering to fill in that gap. And you likely would need publisher support anyway for a console release! There are different options For Switch, Playstation and Xbox. For the switch, Gotm.io has quite a nice offer without any upfront cost. And we linked two more in the description! Number 2: The asset and plugin ecosystem So like… there isn't really one! Don’t get me wrong, there are ways to get assets when using Godot. First of all, many assets are engine independent, so you can use those. There is also an official Godot asset library, but all of those must be free. Which sounds great at first. But…people tend to offer assets for a reason - and this reason is money. So the amount of assets is not comparable to the unity asset store. There are a few sites like godotmarketplace.com, godotassetstore.org or godotassets.io, but they also don't seem to really be there just yet. I mean, look at that. There are like 2 pages here. – And this one is mostly the free assets from the official library. And there are a few reasons why Godot’s asset ecosystem might stay weak. Compared to unity, Godot's userbase is just …smaller. Which means there is less demand, and this directly means fewer sales for the asset creators. It is just much more profitable to offer unity-specific assets compared to Godot-specific assets. There is also a cultural difference. Godot is free open source software, and many users love it for that. This is why there are many great resources for free, but the downside is a little less acceptance for paid stuff. Just, as a general vibe in the community. I don't think it's a stretch to say the average Godot user is less willing to buy assets than the average unity user. Number 3: It does not have the best 3D performance out there. Some people say you cannot make 3D games in Godot. This is just a gross over-exaggeration. But that’s what people on the internet do, right? Buuut there is a little bit of truth behind that claim. First of all: Yes, there are high hopes behind Godot 4 making 3D rendering much more modern, BUT it is not done yet. Godot 4 is still in alpha right now, and needs quite a few improvements. So who knows when it will be stable and how good it will really be? What we have right now, and what people refer to when they say godots 3D is bad, is version 3. And in these regards, a bunch of cool stuff has been added including occlusion culling. But honestly, have you looked at unreal? Unreal engine 5 looks incredible. It is just astonishing the infinite detail with nanite and all of these things. I do not have experience in unreal at all, but it seems like the choice to make if you want to go with AAA looking realistic rendering. Godot 3 is far away from that, and Godot 4 will be far away from that. You can of course make good looking 3D games in godot, even realistic ones. But it is not the engine’s strength. Luckily, this isn't really a problem for 2D games and stylized 3D games. Number 4: The branding. So, this one is personal. We will get to that. Let us do a little experiment. Let's look at some engine logos and see which one sticks out. This is of course not entirely fair, but there are arguments to be made against the way Godot presents itself, and we will use the logo as an example. The community brings up the branding discussion from time to time, but there does not really seem to be any will to listen to this as I see it. The best thing we got was an April fools joke rebranding the engine to Godette engine. Godette is a Godot mascot character designed by Andrea Calabró. The community then started to produce a number icon suggestions, but nothing really seemed to come out of it. So what is the problem? The logo seems to be quite polarizing, some people love it and others find it too childish. And this seems like an irrelevant detail, but an ugly or uncool logo can turn people away. It's also about the signal it sends. It gives out friendly vibes for sure, but does it seem like something you can develop commercial games with for a living. Maybe a little bit less than the other alternatives. Many complaints center around the logo looking too much like a toy. Still, the logo is not up to discussion at all. Fun fact: Technically, you would need to give attribution to Andrea Calabró every time you show the logo, as it is licenced under CC-by. We tried to be a little playful with the mascot and made a bikini Godette version, because… well, mainly because I thought it would be fun to draw a bikini Godette. We needed an appealing image to pixelate for our pixelation shader tutorial. And we were met with our biggest controversy yet. We got a response from one of Godot's main developers analyzing how much area of her breasts are covered, which quickly was edited to something more reasonable. And it sparked a discussion thread by a now-deleted user. We linked both threads for you in the description! But still, it shows a certain kind of prudeness, that also seems to extend to the discord. It is a difficult question what kind of space the godot community should be. There is such a wide range of games, some almost exclusively enjoyed by children. But there are also adult games, covering adult themes (- like boobies). In the discussion thread, there was an argument about whether bikini artworks belong in a work setting. If the Godot Reddit even is a work setting. And this is difficult, because for people working on NFSW games it totally is, for others it is not. And it seems difficult to build a welcoming space for all of these people and games. What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments. Number 5: The tutorial situation For many developers, video tutorials are the most important way to learn something new. Or the most important way to copypaste code and have a new feature. And within the unity ecosystem, there are 15 videos of people who did exactly what you needed. For Godot on the other hand… there are a few people. And they do amazing work. I mean, we try our best to add tutorials each week. There are many other channels like all of these. But overall the workflow of just typing in what you need and finding it does not work right. We all try our best to make more stuff, but this will need community growth and time. On the bright side, it protects you from tutorial hell, so there is that! So okay guys, what have we learned from all of that? A game engine is a tool, and there are different tools for different jobs. A AAA developer might not need the same engine as a solodev. A 2D dev might not need the same engine as a 3D dev. There is no best engine, find the one that suits you as a gamedev at the current point of time. Apart from that, this whole video is of course just our opinion, do not take it as consensus, we are just to people with a microphone. You are allowed to disagree. Actually, we would encourage you to disagree in the comments. What are problems we have not touched? With which points do you agree? Keep in mind that a lot of progress is being made in all of these things. Also, we love Godot and it is an amazing tool for indiedevs. If you have not seen the video on why we love it: Click on this magic flying box here!
Channel: PlayWithFurcifer
Views: 220,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zHSr9VETfdE
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Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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