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i i'm reading it in a couple of parts of the scripture if you'd like to turn there with me ii samuel um chapter 13 i think it is and i'm going to paraphrase because i've got a long way to go and it's sunday and i'm the only thing between you and feeding your face so i'm i'm going to do my best to just get in and out of shoot as fast as i can i'm just going to go down here um verse 37 but absalom fled and went to talmi the son of ammahud king of giza and david mourned for his son every day so absalom fled and went to giza was there for three years continue and the soul of king david longed to go forth unto absalom for he was comforted concerning amnon seeing he was dead so and just one more verse next chapter now joab the son of zariah perceived that the king's heart was towards absalom that's all i want okay so as you're turning to one more portion of scripture matthew chapter 12 matthew chapter 12 just so you understand so i paraphrase all this what's happened is amnon's a dirtbag and he's absalom's brother and and and had a friend remember when i told you last night be careful who your friends are he had a friend named john adab who was a dirt bag and he convinced him because he wanted to have sexual relations with his his sister tamar and and so john the damn put this little scheme into his head well the story says that he forced her and literally he raped her okay and king david didn't do beans about it nothing he didn't do nothing well now absalom has waited all these years to get even so that story that i read there in in second samuel he he gets the guys he said now when i tell you let's go kill islam so they turn around and they say okay and all the king's sons killed him and they took off running well absalom is afraid of judgment so he runs away and goes to another land so you got the picture he he killed this guy because he had raped his sister okay you understand the word is yes okay so maybe you're just from another country or something the word is yes okay so he's run away but i want you to get what it says but david long to go to his son and then the 14-1 it says and joab perceived you've got to get this that the king's heart was towards absalom okay now now let me just go to matthew 12. i know you're standing long but uh it'll be worth it i know me i'm going to be good okay i'm going to be good now i'm reading in matthew chapter 12 and verse 10 and there was a man which had his hand withered and they asked him saying is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days that they might accuse him now you would think he would say they might applaud him they might praise him they might honor him they said oh no we're going to accuse you if you do something good because we're really stupid you didn't get it yet you're missing these good times for amens said they turned around they watched to see whether he would heal on the sabbath now they couldn't heal a headache on a dead frog they can't do beans but they're made in anybody that can do something so so you just get this picture here i'm going as fast as i can but i'm just i'm excited so he said is it lawful to heal on the sabbath that they might accuse him he said unto them what man shall there be among you that shall have one sheep if you fall into a pit on a sabbath day he will not lay hold on it and lift it out how much then is a man better than a sheep wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath and then he said to the man stretch forth thine hand he stretched it forth it was restored like as the other then the pharisees went and he went out and held counsel how they might destroy him for healing somebody for delivering somebody for helping somebody when you read the rest of it he says but when he knew it he withdrew himself and thence and a great multitude follow and he healed them all now what part of all are you struggling with is that too much of a theological term all do you know what the hebrew word for all is all you know what the greek word for oil is oh you know what the brooklyn new york word for all is oh okay now i'm fixing to give you a smoker buddy just buckle your seat belts is gonna be a little turbulence i want to preach to you on this subject god has got an attitude about you no you missed a good chance to just say amen see you you missed it i'm going to have to signal you a little bit better god has got an attitude about you [Applause] and it's a good one it's a good one lord bless the teaching and the preaching help me to be a blessing lose the captives set people free restore people reconcile people convince people lord let the power of god be released in the house in jesus name and everybody said amen you may be seated thank you thank you i hate quiet and um and i think god's got an attitude about it because he said when we get to heaven there's only going to be 30 minutes of silence that's for all you folks that like it quiet once that's over watch out the noise train is on its way [Applause] now i i i got to get you because uh you're looking at me like i'm i'm a drug addict or something you stay with me just for a second god has got an attitude now i am grateful and thankful to the many attributes that god has he's all wise he's all-knowing he's all powerful he's long-suffering he's patient he's good he's gracious he's kind he's faithful i thank god for all those attributes but when the lord began to deal with me about this thing it just fried my little brain he said tell my people i got an attitude now i hear a lot today about people when you when you're not acting good and you're not doing good they'll say you got an attitude you need you need to change your attitude you you got an attitude let me let me just tell you what the dictionary said attitude how one feels or sees things or people a mental outlook an inner disposition an inner opinion about something or someone a direct revelation of how one feels which determines how one acts attitude now i'm going to make a statement and they ought to have me telling the general conference but i'm not welcome because it helped the whole movement you ready here it is this is so powerful oh god i'm in love with my own notes let me try it again this is a true story true story a professor from a university who was the leader of a bioethics class presented a scenario to his students and here's what he said there was a couple that were fixing to have children the father had syphilis the mother suffered with tb her first child was born blind the second child died at birth the third child was born deaf is a true story the fourth child suffered from tb the lady is pregnant once again but this time they have come to you as a counselor asking your counsel because of all the terrible stuff that's happened in the last four pregnancies they're asking your advice and whatever you say they will comply with it if you think it would be wise and smarter to abort the baby instead of coming up with another deaf mabel or tuberculosis baby or or an impaired child tell us what you should do now this is a true story and the whole class debated it and when they finished every person in the class came up with the same conclusion they said looking at the past that what has happened in the fact that you've got diseased bodies it would be best if you aborted the baby to which the professor said congratulations you just killed beethoven you didn't get it yet don't you get it we like beethoven every one of us are pregnant with some music every one of us are pregnant with some praise every one of us can contribute to the life that we live and the church that we're part of so now here comes my statement doc this is the most mind-boggling thing i've ever had in my life tell my people i will never consult your past to determine your future [Music] i don't i don't care how many times you backslid i don't care how many times you were hurt i don't care how many times you made a mess i don't care how many times you've had affairs it doesn't matter god is so great he will never consult your yesterday to determine your tomorrow i don't know about you those of you that are sitting there doing nothing apparently you think your yesterday was fantastic there's none righteous no not one everybody has fallen short of the glory of god we ought to give god some thanks that he's not held us hostage because of our yesterday [Applause] oh my god that's so powerful that's so powerful you sit down i i have failed god lots of times i didn't mean to but i did and the last time i made a big blunder preaching at a national convention and it was devastating and i was so filled with repentance and remorse and i i just couldn't hardly hold my head up when i went to pray i said lord i don't know what happened to me why i said what i said and how i did what i did i i i just so i feel so bad about it i i've always tried to preach good for you here's what i heard from the lord now you don't believe the lord talks to people that's your business but here the lord spoke to me he said son remember this i will never define you by your worst moment or your weakest moment you and i may have a bad yesterday but we could have a fantastic tomorrow i'm not going to let this go i think everybody in the house ought to give god some thanks for the fact that he's not going to consult your yesterday to determine your tomorrow where would we be today if god started doing that in our lives we would never get saved we would never go to the altar our lives would never turn around we could be held hostage by the mistakes that we've made my lord have mercy see i i i i i see i i thought my sermon was going to be over now i did i really did i thought once i said these two things this church will explode with thanks let me try it again if you're that's not spiritual enough for you read psalms 130 3 and 4. he said lord if you were to mock iniquity who can stand but there is forgiveness with you that you might be feared honored served or revealed if god would tally up my yesterdays and your yesterdays we couldn't hold our head up we would be ashamed to come into a church and try to live for god but god who is rich in mercy god who is full of glory and grace god turns around and looks at you irregardless of your mistaken behavior you have so much value you're too valuable to be lost i assisted i'm trying to go i i just want to get everybody everybody involved with this do you understand that that david's son raped that girl tamar and had her live with that shame and that guilt of what had happened and then absalom turns around and kills adam and them and then runs away because he's guilty now you're the theologian among us doc but i can't find any sacrifice offered for murder not one it sacrificed everything i have not you may know it but i haven't found it that there was a sacrifice for murder so he murdered that guy now watch this here's what got me but the king's heart was towards him and david longed to go to his son the only reason he couldn't go was because it'd be politically incorrect he was the king and a daddy and there was conflict i wonder if i have any daddies in the house that sometimes our sons and our daughters have done some dumb things and there's a conflict [Music] now you're not getting it yet boy you're too quiet for me i'm fixing to flip out on you here i am this i thought i thought you even you old fat people i thought you'd be running [Applause] some of your jelly bellies go to give more bounce to the ounce just shake rattle and roll man you know just you put all that tonnage on move it around once in a while don't sit there and make a condo see you're you're acting like i don't know what brother arnold's talking about i have no bed yesterday i do i was a hell-raiser i was a hockey talker i was a whoremonger i packed a gun i robbed places i've been in jail i've been a bad boy i'm not bragging i just been a bad boy but when god got ready to deal with me he didn't consult my yesterday he didn't say i can't use you baby he can use anybody he can deliver anybody he can turn anybody around because he's greater than disgrace you said now please i i don't i don't mean to be offensive but i do mean to be almost abrasive you ready he comes in and there's a man with a withered hand now the jews who are very religious and if you're jewish here don't get ticked off but you're in the book and they watch to see if he will heal not that he couldn't heal but whether he's going to violate their concept let me tell you something concepts can become chains precepts can become prisons that hold you hostage and i'm part of the united pentecostal church i don't plan to go anywhere but i will not let the upc standard and the manual hold me hostage from doing right even if i have to violate some of their tenants to win people and touch people and help people sometimes you got to end up looking bad to do good is there any is the human race here this morning are you hearing me they're standing back saying if he heals that guy we're going to damn him and condemn them and rip them apart not because they didn't want the guy healed they didn't want their tradition violated our concept of the sabbath is you can't do any work you can't do anything and he turns around watch he made an appeal if you're jewish don't get offended but he made an appeal to the highest mindset that they had they placed a great value on money profit and materialism and he said well i can't appeal to their compassion they ain't got any i can't appeal to mercy because they're dummies i'll tell you what i'll do i'll appeal to the thing that means the most to them profit money and he said uh which one of you having a sheep as soon as they said sheep the dollar signs and he fall in the pit would you not lay hold on him in the pit although it's the sabbath and every one of those jewish people says that's different because to us profit is more important than people but god's got an attitude people are more important than profit you're more valuable than the galaxies you're more important than the planets you've got more worth than anything in this whole world [Applause] do you sit down thank you i'm going for the super glued people do you understand what i'm telling you right now have you considered how long the trip was from glory to planet earth have you considered the price that was paid to forgive us and save us doesn't that journey and the incarnation shout to you that's what the incarnation is saying you're too valuable to be lost you've got too much worth to be lost i i don't know how far it is from from god's glory world to the planet i know it's millions of light years but i don't know how far it is and he made the trip for stupid people hell raising fools dummies morons idiots he said man i'll move heaven and hell to save jeffrey i'll move heaven i will not let you go to hell without overriding calvary's cross and the shed blood of jesus christ you're going to have to work and go in the cow go into hell because i'm work at getting you to heaven don't you get it he's on your side he thinks you're valuable he thinks you're worth his dying [Applause] got an attitude he said and the king longed to go to his son but he couldn't afford because it was politically incorrect he had to be a king and a dad and the kingship won out i don't know about you i'm so glad that he is holy he is righteous no evil ungodliness the wickedness is going to the city and i complied with all those stupid titles but the lord said yeah but i can make you to become i can change your life i can listen i'll tell you what if you repent and get baptized in jesus name your whole past will be washed away when you come to talk to me about what you did i'm going to say i don't know what you're talking about you don't have any yesterday you don't have any dirty paths you don't have any failures i've given you a brand new slate i'm taking a divine eraser and i'm erasing all you if you've had your past forgiven i want you to stand up and clap your hands and shout and say thank you jesus for not consulting my past to determine my future [Applause] wow wow i said it once i'm going to say it again if you would mark iniquity who could stand the answer is nobody but you're not consulting my past to determine my future you've got so much power you can forgive my past in five seconds you can cleanse my yesterdays in five seconds so i'm not held hostage not condemned by my mistakes if you finish giving god enough thanks for having me yesterday you can sit down every lion devil wants to point to you and i and tell us about our yesterday you ain't got it yesterday if you repented you ain't got it yesterday if you've been baptized in his name you ain't got it yesterday he only points to you because he's got it yesterday [Applause] before you're seated turn around and shout at eight or nine people and say god's got an attitude about me [Applause] now shout again and say see you better get your mouth off me and get your looks off me and shut your trap because god's got an attitude about me i know you don't think i'm worth it but he thinks i'm worth it you don't think i've got value he thinks i've got value [Applause] you didn't sit down i i please forgive me rev i i thought i was so intoxicated with writing this stuff out i thought my god i wouldn't get one-third of this done these holy rollers and canada they'll go ballistic i don't have any past liar liar pants on fire i don't have anything to be embarrassed about i do and i'm glad about that i don't have any skeletons in the closet because god bought the closet don't be held hostage because people's got an opinion or an attitude about mistakes you made you take your mistakes to the throne it's over right you take your yesterday to the throne and now all you've got is a tomorrow let me let me try it again what should we do with the fifth child being that one had blindness and one had deafness that one died at birth and one had this disease and those stupid imbeciles higher education to learn how to live lower turned around and said oh you ought to bought that baby because of the record aren't you glad that god didn't abort us aren't you glad that you weren't a stillborn aren't you glad god didn't write you off but he wrote you in he wrote my name in the lamb's book alive i know i'm not worthy to be in there but he accounted me worthy i have no right to be a preacher but he's made me a preacher i am i have no right to be a saint of god but he's given me the right to be a saint of god because he will not check with my past to determine my future now those of you right now in this service that you're not where you could be with god or maybe you've wandered away or you've got a little cold or indifferent my god this ought to be like a candy stick in your mouth right now that god has turned around and said i won't consult your cursing and your swearing and your immorality and your cheating and your lying and your irs or you don't pay taxes up here okay irs taxes where i live said i won't consult any of that i won't consult any time that you've had a bad attitude i won't check on you yesterday for me to deal with you for today that ain't going to happen and i'm not going to let any [Music] look that when he checked with them and said what about the lamb what about the sheep is that is not a man more precious more worthy more valuable than a dumb sheep that goes into a pit do you not lay hands on it that sheep though it's the sabbath it's almost like the lord said reverend it's like the lord said if an institution can be set aside to show love compassion and mercy on a critter what can be done to save a man what could be done to save a woman what could be done to put a marriage and a family back together therefore i say it's good and right that you can do good on the sabbath because you are more valuable than tradition you are more valuable than a sabbath now is is this normal sunday is this what this is is this the the morning refrigerator class is that how that works sunday yeah so we go over to luke 13 and there's a woman who comes walking into the synagogue and she's bent over and she could no wise lift herself up and they said the bible said they said to watch to see if he would heal on the sabbath now they couldn't heal they didn't fix nobody they couldn't do nothing they just had to protect their traditions and jesus turns around and he says woman come here and he and the poor little old bent woman comes over and he lays hands on and he says woman thou art loose from nine infirmity pow she straightened straight up and the minute she straightened up all the jewish traditionals went crazy and the leader of the synagogue damned and condemned jesus for healing that lady not for the healing but you violated our concept of the sabbath you can't do stuff on the sabbath he said six days are made for men to work and the seventh day they're not supposed to work so they thought that healing was a work and he turned around i loved the boy you're trying to build a church here in canada don't do like jesus jesus is trying to win friends and influence people watch what he does hey you hypocrite if i call anybody a hypocrite you get mad jesus looked at the leader of the synagogue he's got more degrees than the thermometer he knows more bible than there's bible he's got all his traditions and all his eggs and he turns around he says you hypocrite which one of you when your oxen or your cattle needs to go to watering on the sabbath you won't water them and the jewish mind says that's money that's profit that's material that's important he said shall not this girl this lady who's a daughter of abraham whom satan has bound lo these 18 years should she not be loosed on the sabbath if you read the next verse everybody on the sabbath did what you don't do glory hallelujah praise god and he began to worship god give god thanks for what it does yes i'm going to make you do it i don't care you stare a hole in my pot i'm going to make you if god has ever taken care of your past tell them about it if god has ever forgiven you yesterday tell them about it there ought to be an uproar and a praise come out of this building right now such as this building has never heard when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me when he snatched me out of darkness and put me into the kingdom of light i got to give god some praise i don't have it yesterday i just got a tomorrow i don't have my sins they're forgiven i don't have a disgraceful failure written past god has never even consulted with that woo [Applause] oh hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah please be seated do you understand that your behavior even if it's vile or it's wicked cannot change god's opinion about how valuable you are now you may have to suffer consequences for acting stupid but he did not stop loving you i i'm i guess i'm being too spiritual for you folks right now i'll go on your level i'll go pure carnality ready any parents in the house this means yes this means no ready is this yes okay put your hands down do you have any parents in the house that your children have failed or disappointed you put your hands out now don't tell me you're dumb enough to have forgiven them i don't know one parent in this house when your child does something stupid whether it's drugs whether it's immorality whether it's cursing whether it's porno whatever it is that you decide to put your child up for adoption because of their mistakes i got news for you even after you get born again and you do something stupid god does not put you up for adoption and let you be turned over to the devil and lose your soul faithfulness he who has called us who will also do it he is the keeper of my soul am i wait i'm not going to ask him i'm going to ask you am i preaching good yet i wish your level of good response would meet the level of my good preaching [Applause] let me tell you something i told you last night about never getting out of church here's one of the great reasons i can't afford to get out of church i can't afford for him to resurrect my past i don't want him to bring up what went under the blood i don't want him to rub that my face no no no no no i'm not gonna let any devil intimidate me i'm not gonna let any person's opinion hold me hostage i remember when you did that i remember when you had that baby at a wedlock i remember when you got put in jail big deal god says i don't remember none of that that ought to put a praise on your lips that'll put your hand clapping in your hand that ought to put a dancing in your feet the fate that he's not checking my yesterday to determine my tomorrow hey please please please be seated i'm going as fast as i can rev i'm going as fast i can this is this is so powerful to me that god see god was incarnated in the man jesus and and what he did is he touched the nerve in the jewish heart which was right next to his pocketbook okay he said oh i can't get you with compassion and mercy i'll deal with you on your profit you do something for a lamb you wouldn't do for a man why because you can get money out of the lamb that's i'm gonna i'm gonna do like you i'm gonna say how you like it could i help you with this this doing this means nothing we can't hear the nuts and bolts rattling in your head when you turn i go they got little dumb dolls that do that my my grandson's got when you shake him he goes i say you remind me of some people i preach too i'm gonna try it again i'm i'm gonna come right down in your face i'm gonna help you with it you understand what i just said you don't have a pass hell can't bring up your past sins because they've been forgiven don't let your relatives and your neighbors don't let your own emotions keep reminding you well i did this and i did that that may be true but you've been forgiven you've been shown mercy you've been given grace you don't have a past all you have is a presence oh hallelujah please please be seated for just a second you get what i'm telling you now watch jesus turns around and and in in luke 15 1 and 2. now we all know the so-called parable of the prodigal son i don't mean to be uh rude reverend you can straighten out later because you're the baptized brain okay but i'm tell you what the story is not about the prodigal son at all it's not about the prodigal son and probably reason you called the prodigal because some nincompoop put a title somewhere there and he called it the prodigal son no no i don't even think half of you know what the word prodigal means if you look it up in the dictionary you got you got dictionaries in canada don't you has words in it you read words okay if you look up prodigal in in one of your canadian dictionaries here's what prodigal means extravagant lavish overwhelming without limit expenditure the prodigal in the story is not the boy the prodigal in the story is the dead oh we make a big deal about the boy wasted his inheritance and he wasted his stuff wait a minute he didn't waste nothing compared to what the old men did when that boy come walking down the road the old man went blitzkrieg the old man said it's my boy and he runs down there and before he's bathed before he stinks better before he's out of shave before he doesn't smell like a whorehouse or a hockey top he turns around and grabs the boy and hugs him and kisses them don't you get it the prodigal father is a revelation of our father that's how he feels about us that's how he sees us he's so happy when we come back he's so thrilled when we come home please be seated please be seated i'm going as fast as i can i just you understand that if you read luke 15 1-2 you read it you do read you do read okay you did 15 1-2 the bible said then gathered unto him the publicans and the sinners fought to hear him read it that's luke 15 1 watch what 15 and 2 says and the scribes and the pharisees damned him complained about him because of the people that he was fellowshipping with and he was eating with read it 15 1-2 when you read 15-3 i've never heard anybody in the pentecostal movement ever preached 15-3 they probably have but i've never heard it here's what it says then spake he this parable unto them who is the them it's not us it's the critics it's the idiots it's the jerks it's the cynics they're damning and condemning him because he's dealing with republicans and sinners and they said then spake he this parable unto them why because he knew that their concept and their traditions were incorrect when you had the wrong concept you had the wrong conclusion that's the way it works and he says i got to help you see how god sees these people you see him as trash and junk you hope they're damned and go to a devil's hell you could care less about it because they don't meet your criteria for acceptability then spake he this parable unto them the parable is written singular possessive it's not three parables it's one parable with three aspects the lost sheep the lost coin and the lost boy they're all the same parable and god is trying to get their attention and say which of you if you lose a sheep you'll not lead the 99 and go out in the wilderness and find that one sheep and when you find him you put him on your shoulders and you come home watch what he says and he goes to his navy and says come rejoice with me i have found the sheep that i had lost when the woman swept the dirty floor trying to find that coin when she finds the coin she goes to her neighbors rejoice with me i found the coin that i had lost when the boy comes back now the father didn't go looking for the boy because the boy was the only one that had a human will that can choose to leave and if you choose to leave you got to choose to come back he waited for he never stopped loving the boy i got a girl right now that's walked away from the church i like to punch her lights out but that's what she's doing but i pray every day for her and i plead the blood every day for and i'm gonna be thrilled when she walks back in and prays back through to the holy ghost but i didn't stop loving her and i'm not turning her over to the devil and i'm not asking god to kill her she's got too much value jesus died for her the blood was shed for her and her behavior has not diminished my love and care for my child say sit down sit down sit down sit down excuse me excuse me yeah yeah you got to hear this i had this stroke about three years ago and i went 90 blind as i told you before 90 percent blind couldn't preach no more six months i couldn't drive a car i couldn't i couldn't read my bible i was just 90 blind i was so devastated by that and i'm an upbeat guy i don't get depressed i just don't get depressed i don't go like pentecostals i don't do any of that crap i'm not doing any of that junk that ain't going to happen with me but i just got so overwhelmed by the fact i couldn't read my bible i couldn't preach i didn't know whether i had lost the church whether i had to resign it i didn't know what to do the doctors couldn't fix me i damaged all these neurons in the back part of my brain and said you're just dead meat and i was sitting at my at my little desk at my house and i got so overwhelmed i started i became almost hysterical in crying i took my glasses off and i started sobbing and i sobbed and i sobbed and the tears were running down my face off my chin my eyes were swollen shut i was just in the office by myself sobbing sobbing how am i going to take care of patty how am i going to pay the bills what am i going to do i can't preach i can't teach i can't write any more books i can't even drive a car i don't they say i'm never going to get any better i don't know what to do god in heaven why have you let this happen to me what's going on and i sobbed and saw and my little daughter backslidden daughter walked into the office said dad dad are you okay what's the matter i said i'm just devastated that i've had this stroke and i don't know what to do and i don't know how to do it and she went and told her mother the next day now my mother where's where's sister uh woodward where's sister with she's you're just like patty arnold you are he's just you're both librarians that's what you are you're both pentecostal librarians and my wife is extremely low keyed but godly just low key i'm boisterous i'm i'm ballistic man i'm rocking and rolling i'm dancing i dance in the publix my wife could be shopping somewhere trying to get tarleton tissue a toothpaste and i'll just get to thinking about gone i go hey look out now whoa i'm walking down to publix the other day and i'm just saying thank you jesus hallelujah and this lady passed me by she said did you say something i said i wasn't talking to you thank [Applause] you when i went off the platform after i resigned i went and sat in the audience with my wife well i sat right next to it that's like like the refrigerator section nothing happens there you know just and every time the preacher's preaching i'm going i like that that's good all right and they say something else somebody sings i'm on my feet i'm just yeah let's go and my wife turns to me says would you be quiet you are embarrassing the fire out of me this is the quiet section i said this ain't the quiet section this is the refrigerator section if you stay here long enough you're gonna die a frost bite you you people need to get out of here and i'm i went back on the platform just to save my soul that's what i did now i know some of you have your own seats and that's where you and the reason you sit there is because nothing happens you want to have a child next time you come to church go sit next to some new converse they'll give you a heart attack they'll jump up and say man i was a whoremonger and now i'm saved i was selling drugs and now my life is her my life was messed up i've been through four marriages 16 kids and god snatched me out some of you people need to start praising god for being snatched out you didn't just come to the church nobody can come except god draws them god snatches people out of darkness now i've said all that to say this sit down sit down sit down i said all that to say this after me snotting and slobbering and crying and bawling and feeling sorry for myself fine now my wife she doesn't quote scripture she doesn't write courses she doesn't have visions and dreams she just pastors jeffrey and i walk out sister sister i walk out into my office the next morning she has a little note sitting on my desk she never tells me how to pass her she tells me when i do lousy she never tells me when i do goods you know so i just have to have me and jesus take care of that and on the desk she has this written changed my life jeffrey i know this past year has been tough and we've had experiences that we wish had not had happen but please listen to me maybe that's why the windshield in your car is bigger and brighter than your mirror because where you're going is greater than where you've been i'm sorry for what happened in your yesterday but your tomorrow has got more promise in it than your mistakes of yesterday and the devil is a liar he can't be forgiven you can be forgiven he can't go to glory you can go to glory he can't have the victory you can have the victory windshield where i'm going is greater than where i've been oh yeah are you hearing me and and the and the prodigal we call the prodigal comes home and the prodigal dad starts come on here you go get the best robe yeah kill the fatted calf here put slippers on his feet here here's a ring on your finger watch what he sit down sit down sit down he says watch what he says now i'm paraphrasing let's boogaloo baby you folks remember the mashed potatoes no you don't remember i just did it can you do the moonwalk i'm ready see some of your people if you would just do this hell would have a heart attack if some of you just one time before you left this world would go thank you jesus everything around you go you say oh brother arnold it's not in the emotion it ain't in the sitting and staring either been so good to me been so good to you has not dealt with us according to our sins has not rewarded us according to iniquity but as a father pitieth his children so the lord pitteth them that fear him can i have a few more minutes a few more minutes i know it's sunday i know you're all your belly's all cry i don't know why some of your bellies are crying you got enough to hold off the foreign legion that i got to go eat i got to go eat you you got to hear me i said your windshield is bigger and brighter than your mirror because where you're going is better than where you've been and when i got that thing it was like my whole attitude changed everything was fine i said okay so those of you that are not happy that god has taken care of you yesterday that you're not thrilled that god let you come i know i have no right to be a christian i have no right to be a pastor a bishop a traveling evangelist i have no right my whole previous life this life disqualified me from ever being a part of the kingdom but god who is greater than my disgrace who is more wonderful than my mistakes don't you get it you got to let grace overcome your disgrace you just got to do it i'm not saying you don't have consequences when you make mistakes but you got to understand they're having a party he said watch this guy he must not been all jewish he must have been part gentile because he said give everybody a half a day off he said bring all the workers in from the field shut her down we're fixing to have a party see to me church's party to you it's just to me it's party and i'm going to a party i'm going to see him in his glory i'm going to walk the streets i'm going to have a new body i'm going to have the crown of life i ain't never going to get sick again i'll never have a stroke again i'm never going to die again i'm never going to be tempted and make mistakes i'm going to the city where the lamb is the lot and i'm telling you baby that's a party the reason why i provoke people to worship and praise god this is the vestibule for eternity you need to start practicing so you get with the team i heard him say make a joyful noise unto the lord serve the lord with gladness enter his gates with thanksgiving and into his course with praise be thankful and bless his name why because he's been so good to you because he's been so kind to you because he's not checking your past to determine your tomorrow can i have about five or eight more minutes i know it's sunny morning and we enjoy playing the living dead i understand that you got to hear me you ready this is what's scary now when i made my big blunder at our conference and i went home and i was so ashamed of myself and poured my heart out to god i couldn't figure out why i said what i said and how i did what i did i was just i was so blown away by it and the lord just dealt with me and said i know but i will not define you by your worst moment he said i will let your people do that for they specialize in that if i ever heard the voice of god and i'll greet this statement when i go to glory i heard it that day he said son beware be careful your movement is full of preachers and leaders that are full of the elder brother spirit boy it made my hair stand up because you see this party's going on right now and they're dancing and they're having and the dad is just so happy and the only nincompoop that doesn't go to the party is the elder brother yes sir because he thinks it's great to just stay on the back porch and protest and the dad loves the boy even though he's a jerk and comes out and says what are you doing out here stupid the party's inside you can have onion dip and you can have diet seven up what what are you doing man we got guacamole you know what are you doing and he goes hmm said i've been living for you all these years never transgressed your command what a liar never transgressed your commandment he said and this thy son notice he never called him this my brother because you're only my brother when you do what i think is right he said this thy son who has wasted his inheritance with harlots of how did he know that did he go to the whorehouse how did he know that he said wasted with harlots and drinking and wine women and song and now he's come back and what do you do you kill a fatted calf and you give everybody a day off and you throw a party for that ninja poo what's the matter with you he said it's meat that we should rejoice this my son was dead and is now alive this my boy was was lost and he's now found and the jerk still wouldn't go in beware you sweet pentecostals do not pride yourself on finding fault when people have done stupid things we all do stupid things we all do dumb things but this is a house of grace this is a house of refuge this is a house of forgiveness this is a house of mercy we can start over i'm not making little bad things but i'm trying to tell you that you can't hold people hostage and say i know when you used to do that sit down here sit down i'm almost done now you got to get me i'm i i'm not doing good this is a great sermon i haven't preached it yet because i'm out here in the cheap seats and i can't get to my notes but you got to get this my daughter my daughter dina leanne when she was a little girl now my daughter you can call the house and find out i used to call my daughter the michelin tire baby do you have michelin tires up here no okay if you look at the the posters mitchlin tires has that guy who's a figure made out of tires which is every little bit you got these tires my daughter was a little fatty she was fat enough to be two people and coming down her legs she had all these little fat ripples and down her arms she was just i used to call it a michelin tire baby that's what she was because her favorite word was food now watch she gets to be about five or six years old my nephews come down from new york and they want to go to disney world and they come to uncle jeff and they say uncle jeff we want to go down on main street has anybody here been to this no you're against disney world okay disney world is a place where mickey mouse lives and donald duck and pluto and captain hook and pinocchio they all live there you go see them they're really nice people let them go let them go let them go so you know it's funny we live on i-75 which is two hours from mickey mouse and many times on a sunday night we'll have wonderful visiting pentecostal families coming down to florida and you talk about funny i'll announce the visitors that are here so glad you're here here from ohio pennsylvania and i'll say are you on your way to see mickey and you should see the hypocrisy who i said you're on the way to see captain hook you're going to disney world and they don't know they don't know whether to spit or go blind they don't know what to do and they finally go uh yeah i said we're not against it it's okay you can go we're not against it it's okay well my nephews and nieces are with me and and we're on main street now main street when i was there had about 25 000 people down main street it was about 12 broad i mean it was just bumping the bumper and they said we want to go down to the penny arcade uncle jeff and and play so i'm giving the kids money here's money here his money i give my daughter all these pennies dimes and nickels and i tell my niece now look stupid you make sure that you don't lose her if you lose her i will be forced to kill you and then and then i will repent of it later but you'll be dead so i said you make sure you you take care of my little girl don't lose her oh uncle jeff we'll make sure well they go well mom and i are kind of tired you know we're on geritol we're getting worn out so we just sit on the bench about an hour and 10 minutes later here comes my two nephews and my niece running back and they got these little teddy bears they won and things you know and they're laughing and i go where's dina now the worst thing any parent could ever hear is didn't she come back and i went what i told you not to let go of her well we got busy playing the bowling and playing games and i guess she just wandered away now my daughter is terrified she's like five or six years old lost in 25 000 people her daddy is gone out of his mind because i know about kidnappers i know about child molesters i know about wicked and evil people my daughter just knows she's lost now i got to try to find her 25 000 people please forgive me for being so rude that day i was not acting pentecostal if anybody bumped into me my name's raymond woodward that's what my name is [Applause] and i start running down the runway thousands of people i'm i'm saying this get out of the way fat so get out of the way stupid i'll knock your brains out look out and i'm running down there trying to find my daughter she's lost in 25 000 people i get down to the penny arcade i'm frantic i'm already crying i'm looking i get down and my daughter's got fire engine red hair like like sister arnold she's got fire engine red hair so i looked out and i'm screaming i'm jumping over to people dana dana i'm jumping up and down tina come on dina and way down on the end of the road from the okay i see this little fat butterball with the fire engine red hair daddy daddy man i bust i could have run the 440 in six seconds i run down there i'm busting through all these dumb people get out of the way fool get out of the way you idiot get out of the way and i get down to my little girl my little red-headed girl whose face is all black with tears from crying and snot running down her nose and i grab a hold of my daughter okay i grabbed her so tight i almost cracked ribs i mean i picked her up and hugged her my face is all wet with tears i'm all over the side of her face i start jumping around i said come here baby are you okay yeah grab daddy's hands she grabs my hand and i threw her up it's like throwing 150 pounds of lard on the top of your shoulders [Applause] and i put their little fat legs just like ripple ripple ripple ripple down around my like this and i said hold on to your daddy i said grab your daddy's chin this is the god's truth and i said doc you talk about a man that can throw down i can i can put some moves on you baby i don't need no pentecostal protocol i can i can move and groove baby i i i grabbed that little fat tubular and put her on top of my shoulder and i just started dancing and my my fat little girl's on top of my shoulders and she's going like this says dad i said shut up fatso i said hold it on i danced all the way back to where my wife was i was so ecstatic and god dealt with me and spoke to me and he said yes and when you found your daughter were you dumb enough to pick up her and mention her mistake i said i never mentioned it he said tell my people if they'll come back to me i won't mention theirs either i won't bring up their mistakes i will show their failures and rub them in their face because i'm so happy that you've come home i'm so glad that i've found you don't you get it don't you understand god's got an attitude about you he wants you saved he wants you delivered he wants you reconciled he wants you forgiven he wants you to start over i'm i'm going to close i haven't i haven't helped you a bit i'm so sorry i thought you said i thought i'd help you god's god's got an attitude he said if you were the only guy on the planet i'll come die for you if you were the only couple in the whole world i'll come help you and i'll touch you because you've got too much value you're worth too much how much better is a man than a sheep how much more precious is a person than tradition or a sabbath or a concept said i'll move heaven and hell to get you back and when i get you back i will not question you like stupid church people do i will not bring up your yesterday i will not rub it in your face and say hey i remember when you watched this i remember when you did this i remember when you said hey don't do it no more that i did and i'm just a shmo when i had that little fat butterball on the top of my shoulders i never one time said to her didn't i tell you not to leave your brother your nieces and your cousins didn't i tell you that i hate that when that spirit comes in a pentecostal church and a girl has made a mistake and a guy's made a mistake and unknowingly we go we just had some girls come to our church and i'm not putting a premium on it both of them are pregnant both of them have no husbands they just got big bellies fine now some of the good elder brothers that girl used to be in our church she walks in she's five six months pregnant i make a big deal out of it man so good to see you gloria glad you're here glad you're home she just breaks hits the alt and starts talking in tongues you think you're doing something great because you have the elder brother spirit that you won't go to the party that you have to say well she got herself pregnant well so what she's not diverse she won't be the last no it's not right and she's going to have consequences for the mistake that she made but god help us that our people that make mistakes would rather go back to a world that accepts them then come back to a church that receives them we ought to have a giant welcome mat outside here come unto me all you that labor in the heavy laden take my yoke upon you for i'm beaking lowly of heart you shall find rest unto your souls for my yokes easy my birth i'm closing right now you sit down i want to ask you a question i gave up preaching the sermon 15 minutes ago when you came to god did god put you through 21 questions did god show pictures of what you did that was wrong did god turn around and say i can't use you because you're such a dirtbag you must be kidding you must be kidding god's got an attitude about you here's what he is like uncle sam used to say in the usa i want you we used to have those signs i want you right now you need to hear what i'm telling you god wants you not to ruin your life but to make your life better to bless you to encourage you to strengthen you he's not going to bring up your mistakes only people with the elder brother spirit brings up your mistakes god's not going to do that so i asked the lord praying last night this morning how can i help this wonderful church he said do your best to convince them if you can convince them i promise i will confirm my word whether it's in healing whether it's in forgiveness whether it's in restoration whether it's a new chance at life so wherever you are right i'm i'm going to accept the fact that you're unbelievable quiet is not a sign that i'm not preaching well it's a sign that you are listening well and you're trying to take this to heart if anybody in this house you got a past that you'd like for god to take care of you've wandered away like my daughter and you got lost in the house like the coin or you've fallen into a ditch like the sheep the word of the lord is being sent to you right now god has got an attitude about you could i tell you this is as kindly as i can i'm i'm just not used to this okay this is just wait you're fine i'm just not used to it i'm not trying to berate anybody i'm just not used to it simon simon satan has desired to have you that he might sift you as wheat but i pray for you you know what he just said simon you're going to lie you're going to curse you're going to deny me watch this but two worlds want you right now you're sitting here two worlds want you satan wants to take you to hell jesus wants to take you to heaven [Music] simon simon satan's desired you why because he's afraid of what you might become if i get to work with you see you're destined to become pentecost first preacher he wants to shut you down before you get there how many of you your children you told me 40 minutes ago they made mistakes you didn't throw them out of the house you didn't put them up for adoption you didn't put their mistakes on the internet like some jerks do on facebook and all that foolishness give me a break this this place this thing called the holy role of church this this ought to be a place of safety this ought to be a place where anybody and everybody can start over i i'm sorry this takes so long doc i'm trying to help you i'm not trying to impress you i was a great preacher before i got here you ain't nothing to me god's blessed me everywhere i go i got one more thing to tell you john chapter 8 they catch this woman this this is the most mind-boggling thing i've ever read in the scriptures bar none says they caught this woman in the very act of adultery now she's not watching a porno show and she's not playing little games she's having sexual relations with a guy now you got to have the nose of a pinocchio to get your nose in that tent and and watch this lady having a sexual affair but he says they caught her in the very act now and this is what's so cool please would you just when i say this would you just jump up like you really believe it okay would you just do it say watch and they made the biggest mistake anybody can ever make they took the guilty to the feet of the god of grace [Music] when you got somebody guilty you don't want to take them to jesus you want to take them to the honky tonk you want to take them to the movies you want to take them to a bar and grill you want to throw somebody guilty at the feet of the god of grace please be seated i'm closing and and they they throw said we caught this woman in the very act of adultery watch this this is so powerful i talked to a friend of mine about this he told this to me he told me he said god's told it to him showed it to him he said lord how did how did those people catch her in the very act of adultery here's what he told me the lord said i sent him i said he said what he said the lord said i sent him said you sent those men to catch that woman in the act of adultery why because she was lost in herself and there was no room in her religion and her economy for adultery so she's doomed to be stoned to death so i thought she had so much value although she's making a mistake i sent these religious bigots to catch her because i knew they would bring her to me and they throw can you imagine i don't mean to be crude or rated x but you can imagine when they yank that girl out of the tent she's trying to cover herself whether she's got a band-aid or a part of a garment she's humiliated she's embarrassed and they're dragging her down the street like a piece of meat where's the guy was he a preacher had to go to work was he a priest that had to do ceremony how they let the guy go they caught them both but they grabbed the woman and dragging him down the street and that poor lady is so embarrassed and humiliated and he just trolled like a piece of meat at his feet so we caught her in the very act of adultery moses said you're supposed to stone her what do you say you know the story writes in the sand he says i said what do you say he gets up and says okay anybody ain't got no sin right chuck them out throw the stones at her go ahead i wish i could have been there it would have been the best home video ever made because all they heard when he said that was third third third third third third third third third third third as all those guys started dropping the stones because they had skeletons in their own closet and he finally stands up he says woman where are thine accusers has nobody condemned you no sir well then neither do i go that way and sin no more what because god will never consult your past to determine your future we we need to stand right now okay you've been a very kind audience but but i i would feel very defeated if we didn't have a good altar call right now if anybody in this building needs their past to be done away with or you've had your past done away with that you would come and give god some praise and thanks that you have no past some of you you got to get away from your mirror and start looking in that windshield he is not against you he is for you i wish i had done a better job with this but i just did the best i could god has got an attitude about you he wants you forgiven he wants you helped he wants you saved he wants you to be free of guilt he wants you to be free of shame if you would if you would come on to the altar right now and let's pray you don't have to kneel down you can just stand up here just for a minute let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray god's got an attitude about you he ain't going to let hell take you to a devil's hell without a fight the blood is talking for you the holy ghost is talking for you angels are doing battle for you right now god's got an attitude about you you're too valuable to be lost you've got too much worth to just go wandering away somewhere maybe some of you got some children that have wandered away let me tell you what it's not over yet it's not over yet god is the god of restoration the god of deliverance the god of forgiveness listen to me god would rather pardon you than punish you god would rather forgive you than forsake you god would rather reconcile you than reject you that's the kind of god we got come on he's on your side if you don't have any past you need to get rid of then give him thanks for the past that you did get rid of come on let's pray let's pray oh hallelujah let's pray let's pray oh jesus glory to god should we kill the child no no i'm not going to kill because the next child was beethoven you've got music in your life that hasn't been played yet you got songs in your life that haven't been sung yet you can do something you can do something for the kingdom don't let no devil tell you you're not worth it yes you are that's why he's fighting you that's why two worlds are wanting you because you can do something for god oh give me give me some music lucille give me some music i'm scared hip to death with all this silence hallelujah [Music] that you can make worthy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have never met a person i haven't traveled as much as your wonderful bishop has but i've got a few million miles on my carcass i have not met one person 46 years of preaching that satan would not take back not one person that decided to leave the church and go back in the world that hell said i don't want you if satan will take anybody that comes back to him he is not greater than god god will take back anybody that will come to him in honesty now we can play [Music]
Channel: IT IS TIME Revived
Views: 2,978
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic Church, UPCI, Church of God, Apostolic Pentecostal, Pentecostals of Alexandria Preaching
Id: i0UM8tFP7IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 22sec (4522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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