"Your Vision Will Determine Your Victory or Defeat" - Rev. Jeff Arnold

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I'm honored to be with you I want to get real quick into what I have to say I'm reading from the Gospel of Mark chapter 5 I think I am chap know Chuck yeah chapter 5 and brother Lehman thank you so much for being so kind to me he's just he's just nice to me he just picked me up and drove me around fit my face and did so many nice things and I have to commend you on your beautiful missionary house I'm shacking up there right now and and I mean it's cool man I had so many rooms I just walked around prayed everywhere and sanctified the whole place and it's just man it's wonderful just not to be in a motel amen so thank you for letting me come I'm just excited I think I think I realize I'm almost dead so I I have to kind of I've kind of have to use my time okay so I can't waste it on a bunch of dumb stuff and I've told you twice before since I was here you're gonna hear me again you need to go to heaven from your last church service now let me let me get past you Methodist sent you Baptists and let me talk to you Holy Roller folks let me try it again you need to go to heaven from your last church service good good and so so if this is the last one you got you got to make it count you can't you can't save your praise and your joy and all that stuff for the next one there may not be a next one and one of these days there ain't gonna be a next one you know I was preaching to a conference that I told my said I think I'm the only guy in Pentecost that knows exactly when the rapture is taking place and everybody went quiet I said never mind the idiot with the 88 reasons I said I got one reason I said I can tell you exactly when the raptures taking place I know it well they're all looking at me like why would says no man knows the day the hour I said I know it so I said you ready said it's happening in a moment I just don't know what moment that's all so if it's gonna happen in a moment I ain't got time to play Church I need to be serious about this okay let me let me read and you're hearing the Gospel of Mark chapter 5 and verse 1 and they came over unto the other side and his light is very good I don't even think I need my lamb over to the other side of the gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs then no man could bind him no not with chains because he'd been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones I'm sure you've heard a hundred sermons on the the madman the cadaver okay I call him the original streaker because he he wore no clothes you know isn't it funny he wore no clothes and Jesus worked with him and never got offended because the guy was naked we get offended when they're naked he didn't get offended he just said put some clothes on that guy that's all he's just I'm trying to help you God can deal with you in any condition you show up in I don't care whether you're a drug addict you're a drunk you're child molester you whacko you're a feet it don't matter it don't matter so so so he turns around and he finds him and he and he says he gets to him and he said this is this is the the one verse I'm trying to get hey Doc you ain't gotta play no more for me thank you babe I thought you wanted me to sing or something it is so nice to see you thank you thank you I don't mean to be offensive but it just I just I'm up here trying to read the script amen you're such a sweetie yes you know when that guy marriage you he's like me he married up amen amen okay it says always night and day and in the mountains and tombs crying cutting himself with stones here's his one I'm trying to get to and when he saw Jesus that's it that's it and when he saw Jesus yes I wanna I want to talk to you and I'm gonna try to tie all this together because I got lots of stuff I want to say I want to talk to you about your vision will determine your victory or your defeat not your doctrine your vision and this one thing the adversary wants to do is to mess up your vision I where I preached when I say something good they say Amen thank you I know it was a little time delay here okay Amen Lord bless the preaching and teaching help me to be a blessing in Jesus name and everybody said amen you may be seated vision the act of seeing or comprehending the ability to perceive or to grasp the reality of something to see clearly to have sight I'd like to make a statement here and and I hope I'm not offensive but there's a big difference between light and sight okay zooming your silence means you're just awed by what I just say okay okay difference between light and sight if you can understand this if you don't I'll save you for years in Bible school they don't know this and they don't let me teach so it's their loss but but you got to hear me it is possible for you and I to have light light is information light is facts and not have sight sight is the comprehension and the experience of the light there are many people I can swear on a stack of Bibles that they are adhering to Paul's doctrine and Paul's concepts in Ephesians and Romans but they have no sight to consider what I'm telling you for three years the Pharisees looked at the light of the world and didn't see nothing because you can have light information facts but not have sight perception comprehension you see sight is the ability to to experience what you know and what you see and it's very easy for us to even and god-fearing people to just enjoy just having light well I know the light I know the doctrine and I found the light the light found me and I walk in the light that's great we need to have that fine we need the facts we need the figures but if the light doesn't become sight we produce artificial saints that was better than nothing is there anybody I could get a witness in the houses anybody besides me ever been explain something and you didn't get it and they told you the facts and they told you the instructions and there and you didn't get it and then all of a sudden one day you went from light to site and you said I got it I got it that's how it is when you get into the kingdom that's how it is when you get the gospel I see it I got it I'm going to experience it I'm holding on to it you got to hear me one of the greatest things that you and I need in our lives is spiritual vision to be able to see the unseen you see if you're not careful you will be very easily satisfied with the facts because Israel was satisfied with the facts the fact was that was Jesus but the problem was the gadarenes said oh well he's just the carpenter he's just he's just nobody and they never saw and never received sight that he was the Messiah that he was the healer that he was the miracle worker that he was the Savior that he was the deliverer I wish I could get a witness here just for a just a minute don't you remember the day in your life when you finally saw it when you got a hold of it and you experienced it and it became real don't you get it facts are just like Elijah's alter that he built on Mount Carmel he built it right he built it correct all the wood was in place the sacrifice was in place but it was lifeless it was cold it didn't persuade anybody but let the fire fall and when the fire fell that which was fact now became truth fact and truth are not the same you can know the facts and not experience the truth who am i preaching good yet you you're the only guy up okay so uh I'll try it again vision I'm talking about vision I'm talking about being able to see that to be able to grasp or hold up because your vision can deliver you or it can defeat you now watch this guy he's the original streaker he wear no clothes but for some reason somehow God's grace and mercy allowed him to see beyond the five foot eight olive colored skin man with dark hair walking around he didn't have no halo on his head that came later and he's just walking around and when he sees him afar off the Bible says he runs towards him that's how you can usually tell whether people have light or sight when you have light you stand when you have sight you worship aren't you glad for the day that the Lord opens your eyes and your and your light became sight and your facts became truth because truth is the life-giving power he said you shall know the truth that doesn't mean believe the truth it means no the word is Godot schoo it means intimately closely you shall know the truth please don't get offended but the truth contrary to what we holy rollers think is not a precept it is not a principle the truth is a person jesus said I am the truth you can quote scripture all day long but it's not until you meet the master that all the sudden the fact becomes the truth and the truth sets you free now please don't walk out of here saying brother Arnold doesn't believe in the doctrine oh yes I do and we need doctrine because doctrine helps deliver because it becomes a living force in our life but the greatest need in our lives right now is for we Pentecostals to experience what Jesus commanded the revelation church Laodicea three seventeen through twenty says and I charge you to buy save of me and anoint your eyes watch that you may see wait a minute they were Saints they were children of God they were the body of Christ he said yeah but you're not seeing well your site is messed up you've got life you've got doctrine you've got information but but you don't have sight you don't have that living surging force alive in you don't you remember Saints when you first got the Holy Ghost it was like a fire shut up in your soul it was like a joy bubble yeah he said to be in your well springing up into everlasting life we don't need the whale to go dry we need the will to just pump up some old water sometimes he just grabbed a hole that I will handle and just keep pumping in time as a pump that's the purpose of singing that's the purpose of praise choruses that's the purpose so that somehow it creates an atmosphere so the water that is in you can start flowing I'm sorry I'm excited comics I might favorite preacher I love to hear this guy preach I just love I just I just love this guy he's so cool and when he saw him I got I wish I could encourage somebody maybe I'll go over here and see if the Living Dead will talk to me for a second are you ready watch this he has no clothes but he's full of Devils watch this when you see the unseen and you have a vision of the supernatural there ain't enough Devils that can hold you back from worshiping who you don't know like I know what he's done for me I said you don't know like I know how he said me free he brought me out of darkness into his marvelous light he set my feet on the rocks he put a song in my mouth he established mica I got to praise Him I got to praise Him cuz I'm not just living by facts I'm living by the truth and the truth is the Emancipator [Applause] please be seated I'm going as fast as I can but I'm really not in a hurry I'm just not said this this this guy sees Jesus afar off the Bible says he runs to Jesus and he worshiped him now he's that funny nude worshippers didn't bother him at all cuz we didn't have our manual yet so we couldn't shut him down so here's this naked guy covered with skin and he's worshiping and and the spirit that's in him that that devil in him didn't worship in that Devils they got thrown out cuz it wouldn't worship that man's spirit let me tell you some a human spirit that wants to be free is more powerful than any devil you can ever find you can override any habit you can override any addiction yes you can you may have to work on it awhile to be totally free but if you want as US kids would say if you wanna bust a move baby you can bust a move and God will help bring you out he said that he that comes to me I will in no wise cast out you just make a move towards him and you'll have his attention [Music] I appreciate all your sweet people that are clapping and standing I'm after the superglued people your little impression of Route mushroom out rush was really neat your little monument impersonations so neat let me help you when I tell the sweet folks in Gainesville hey you people that don't move you better stop moving because the birds are circling ain't gonna pick me up I'm moving but they'll pick up some of you dudes dunya as I told you once before I want to tell you again if he's never done nothing for you keep your mouth shut if he's never answer to prayer keep your mouth shut if he's ever made away keep your mouth shut but if he ever brought you out him he ever turns you around if he ever made a way where there was no way I said you don't know like I know halleluja said and when and when he saw Jesus afar off he ran to him and worshipped him I want to just say as Connie as I can I'm in the promised land of Canada you believe whatever you want to believe it don't matter but I'm gonna tell you something when you ever meet a spirit that says to Jesus leave us alone that's a dirty spirit because he went in the synagogue and there was a man that had an unclean spirit and the first thing that spirit said to him was let us alone anybody they'll ask Jesus to let us alone there's something wrong with your brain there's something wrong there's something wrong with you what you want to do is say come help me please touch me please have mercy on me please do something in me I can't help myself don't you remember when you couldn't help yourself and you didn't know what to do and you made promises and vows and all of a sudden God's hand just reached out and pulled you out and turned you around I'm talking about the power of vision to deliver you or defeat you and here's a guy with now you're that you're the theologian Rev he's got a legion of Devils now I've studied for 30 years one guy sells me a legion his 3001 said it could be six thousand one guy said it might be twelve thousand I'll take the small number three thousand is it an amazing three thousand demons couldn't stop one naked Pete guy for worshiping God I'd like to ask you something what's stopping you [Applause] you can't have enough problems to shut your mouth you can't be fighting enough negative things to shut you mouth he's been too good too hot now I don't think that an adversary Devils sites smart cuz he knew Jesus had just landed on shore when Jesus stepped out of the boat there was a shockwave that went across that whole place and said to every devil in that place he's here he's here now if I'd have been the devil I'd have hit that guy I had hit him on the backside I had to hit him in a cave somewhere I wouldn't let him to get to Jesus but when you have a person that's desperate when you have a person that has a little bit of vision when you see Jesus like he really is when you understand that he's for you and he's not against you when you understand he came to deliver you and to bless you and to make you more than you are you got to run to could I have a witness in the house have you not run to him have you not felt that found him to be kind and receptive and merciful and good and long-suffering whoo I don't I don't mean to be offensive Rev okay I just just just stay with me just for a second this blows my mind I wish all these years I'm getting old now but I wish that I could impregnate Pentecostal people with the faith that Devils have Bible says that when they he worshiped him the spirit in him because he said told him to come out watch this he told me to come out and he didn't come out he went into a debate don't don't get frustrated when you pray for something and ain't working instantly it didn't work for him either Jesus said he command them come out of the man before he came out he went into a little dialogue hey I don't want to come out said so Jesus greater he comes Russ's what's your name he says my name is legion for we are many oh you got many Devils I wonder how big three thousand Devils could be to fit inside a one guy's body I'm going to huff and puff and blow your house down I don't think so jesus said if I with the finger of God cast out Devils then the kingdom of God has come nigh to you now watch this those Devils you read in three three different ones Matthew Luke and Mark three of them they recorded them turn around and they pled with him and they asked him and they were they adored him please watch this if you cast this out they had so much faith in him all he had to do is open his mouth and say you've got to go wish Pentecostals had faith like Devils if I could get God to talk to my situation if I could get Jesus to just step into my family situation if I could get Jesus to just walk in and start throwing his weight around ain't no telling what might happen in my life ain't no telling what might happen with my backslidden children ain't no telling if I could just get a word from the Lord because he's got all power and he's got all knowledge and he's got all wisdom you ready and he's on your side and if God be for me it does not matter who or what is against me greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and no weapon formed against you can prosper so what we need tonight is we need a fresh vision not a vision like some ghostly thing I'm just talking about being able to comprehend and proceed you see you can't receive until you proceed and when those Devils saw who that was they said if you cast this out you know I don't want to be rude or be misquoted you can you can tell all the soup soil you won't do what you want but I'm telling you we got a God that is so good and so powerful he even answers the prayer Devils one rendition says and all the spirits that were in the men watch this prayed him not to cast them out into the deep so now we got three thousand six thousand nine thousand praying to Jesus please do you understand the deep deep really is water it's the oceans that the deep places of the earth you ever wonder why Devils hate baptism they hate water he said don't cast this out into the deep you ready for this so he says okay you want to go into the pigs we watching he says would you let us go into the pigs they are so convinced you see the gadarenes got a vision of Jesus but the Devils have got a vision of Jesus and their vision is working just like it is for the gathering and so he says okay I watch this three thousand six thousand nine thousand twelve thousand Devils watch how much power it took for Jesus to cast them out go you know how easy it is tonight if you can get a vision of the Lord to ask him to help you with something he can speak to that addiction he can speak to that loss he can speak to that bitterness he can speak to that hurt he can speak to that anger and in the moment he gets a go and the Bible said those spirits went into those pigs and guess what they did they went into the deep yeah you know again it's yet I'm talking about let me tell you something our vision of Jesus is the determining factor of the depth and the height of our praise and worship if you're not a good praise or in a good worshiper has nothing to do with your emotion it has everything to do with your vision if you see him high and lifted up and his train is filling the temple and he went to Calvary and shed his blood and he sent back the Holy Ghost at Pentecost and he's building us a city and he's coming back for us in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the sound of the last Trump if you see him can't nothing stop you from worshiping it's it's our lack of vision that defeats us why you hear me am i preaching good yet no I'm sorry I'm I'm getting nervous now I'm getting nervous I thank you for some of you that just went yeah that's fine keep the buzzards away let me get down here sit down Rufus huh watch it you got to hear me how powerful vision is God gave a nation of ex-slaves two and a half to three million ex-slaves he gave them the title deed of Canaan they got the title deed the lands yours I promise to Abraham it's yours you got it you ready the only thing that defeated him was a stupid vision they looked and saw wall cities and they saw people of great stature and they decided from their vision we can't take the land Joshua and Caleb said we can take the land these other morons say we can't take the land you've got to make sure that you don't sit next to some idiot in a church that is talking negative trash you don't want that I didn't say you have to understand I just say you have to try and believe there's lots of things about the kingdom of God I don't understand but I still believe him and I'll let the understanding show up later are you hearing me I don't understand how baptism in jesus name takes away sin but it do I don't understand about the loaf and the fish when we have communion how that sanctify I don't understand that I don't understand why God chose talking in tongues as evidence I'm receiving the baptism the Holy Ghost but I do it all the time and I'm for died there's lots of stuff I don't understand how I can give God 10% of my money and my 90% goes further than if I kept a hundred percent I'm a Tyler I've been tithe and since I got saved I am for tithing that's not bondage that's not legalism that's cause blessing plan that's an act of trust you give to God that which is his and he'll bless that which is yours they are saying this as calm as I can of your pastor and your bishop this is you can listen to him but I'm gonna tell you tithing has never been a financial issue it's not about money tithing is about trust it's a trust issue God gives you a hundred percent and he turns around says can you trust me with ten and trust me to bless the 90 shame on us but we can't trust him he owns the cattle on a thousand Hill he owns the potatoes and all the hill he's got all the power in heaven and earth he created the universe by the word of his power he controls everything he's king of kings and Lord of lords and he's on your side how could you not trust him he went to Calvary for you he took a beating for you he was resurrected from the dead for you he ascended to heaven he's coming back for you how could you not trust it huh I'm sorry I don't mean to cause no trouble didn't sit down I'm talking about vision they gave away the promised land they had the title deed to it and they gave it away over 10 nincompoops Looney Tunes wackos idiots listen everybody's into church ain't always right take it from a guy who knows we got some loonies in our church we need a bit keeps us praying I don't know what I'd do to Pastor a church for everybody did right I'd be out of a job nincompoops give me job security stupid people that take stupid to a new level move me on my knees you stay with me I ain't afraid of nobody I ain't afraid nobody in this building what are you gonna do to me I'm retired I told I told brother Lehman I said a little girl walked up to me today she said water are no water BWAA da water water Arnold the church voted you in as the bishop I said that's right she said what do that mean I said well in this church nothing I said I'm like the Queen of England I have a wonderful title I have no clout I have no authority I have no power and I make no money I'm the bishop but my position has not changed my perception of how great he is you see until you get a vision of how great he is anything that your pastor or your leadership asked you to do is gonna rub you it's gonna feel forced it can aggravate you it's like rubbing salt in a wound it's because you're lacking a vision but if you ever see him like he is I asked the Lord Reverend I asked the Lord how come we apostolic Pentecostals in 2018 excuse that band English we ain't nothing like the Apostolic Church of Acts one acts two what what what is the difference we had the same doctrine we baptized in Jesus name we believe in the Holy Ghost talking in tongues we believe in repentance we believe in godliness and separation modesty morality we believe all that or we're supposed to we believe I didn't even get a name in justice we we believe all that so how come they were so much more powerful more miraculous more supernaturally used than us I'm asking God a question I felt like the Lord spoke to me ecause I wrote it on that little piece of paper he said here's why they had a different vision of me than you do they saw me so great and so powerful they saw me defeat death they saw me render the whole Roman Empire - on his face they saw me overcome all the hatred of the Jews they saw me stay faithful when everybody walked away from me they saw me now that I'm alive forevermore and I had the keys of death hell and the grave and I'll give to any man woman born girls a thirst to drink in the waters of the life he said they saw me as the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the ending the first and the last the rows have shared the lily of the valley the bright in the Morning Star the root of the offspring of David he that was and is and shall ever be you ready and I got the Holy Ghost I got him inside me I him inside me right now the Bible said Christ in you the hope of glory well I don't mean to be offensive please be seated I don't mean to be offensive to anybody here visiting church family what-have-you but you've got to hear me in 2018 Jesus Christ is much more and inference to the Christian community than a reality the so-called Christian world he's just a historical figure a guy that got bumped off 2,000 years ago hung on a tree thrown in the hole and got up that's it he's an inference he does not run their lives he does not help make decisions he does not do anything he's just an inference Oh what would happen in this Holy Roller Church if every one of us went from an inference to a reality went from a thought to a vision that we perceived him that we saw him right now saw him walking up and down the aisles of this church ready to lay his hand on the set ready to lay his hand on the hurting whoa look out jack all you really need tonight is a fresh vision of how great Jesus he is you be seated are you hearing me am I making sense oh you're doing so good the first time I came here was the Living Dead you're doing so much better thank you he's doing a good job with you listen they gave away the promised land because they had no vision of how great God was their vision defeated them their vision was of the Giants the walled cities listen to me the adversaries are smart cookie he's not dumb he's a smart cookie here's what he wants you and I to do he wants you and I to study the problem and not to potentate as my black brother told us one time you just missed a good chance for an amen [Applause] that was I was a good that was a good one right there now I I should have got a raise on that one just got hit he wants you to study the problem he wants you to be overwhelmed by your circumstances don't you get it you're feeling okay listen to me rev this is this is I didn't steal this from nobody cuz I don't own a computer I don't do that iPad any Christ's junk I don't do any of that trash okay it's your business you do what you want with it watch this God gave this to me he said tell my people faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God I said well they know that I said yeah but they don't know the rest of it watch faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God watch when they hear my truth what they've heard creates a picture pictures create feelings feelings motivate to action action produces deliverance defeat or destiny you didn't get it yet said the woman with the issue of blood mark 5 crawling through the dirt and the spindle and everything trying to get you know what brainhoney one thing and when she heard of Jesus I want to know what did she hear what did she hear that would move her to go on her hands and knees to crawl through the dirt and trash to try to get to him but whatever she heard it created a picture it created a possibility it created a potential what have you heard about Jesus that ought to create a picture in unison if I can get to him he can make me whole if I if I can touch him I can experience a transformation in my life because doctrine without a demonstration produces frustration but doctrine when the demonstration produces transformation you may seen it I'm not done I'm not done I'm gonna keep trying to raise the dead you just stay with me I'm coming back will you are you ready for this I told brother tell you this one time and when I told to him he said Jeffrey Jeffrey tell me that again I said okay you ready unpracticed truth is no better than false doctrine to say you and I believe something but we never experience it you only possess what you experience to say that you believe in the power of God but you live in a pity party to say that you believe in the supernatural in the miraculous but you never stretch for it you never reach for it you never touch buys for people to turn around say well I believe in the Holy Ghost but they never get the Holy Ghost something's mad something's wrong here unpracticed truth is no better than false doctrine and it's so easy for us holy rollers to just sit back and say well I believe the truth well that's nice what are you talking about are you talking about precept and principle are you talking about doctrine are you talking about the person because the person said I am the truth singular possessive I am the truth I am the way and I am the life no man comes to the Father but by me why do we try to kick trying to reach people with this gospel because outside of Jesus everybody's damned everybody's law and get nothing I don't mean to hurt your feelings but your loved ones if they're not in Jesus they're lost if your friends I don't care what religion they are how their upbringing how they practice how moral how kind okay I thank God for all the kindness that people show you but listen to me he said no man cometh to the Father but by me so if you have friends that will not deal with Jesus and move through him because he said I'm the door no man gets into the sheepfold except by me I'm the way back to God I'm the revelation of God said you've got to deal with me that's why we need a vision your vision needs to be focused on who Jesus is and what Jesus is and what Jesus has done already you know for a fact that you are here not because you're great you're here because he's great and he's merciful and he's kind and he's patient I'm gonna make you respond to me has he ever done anything for you has he ever blessed you has he ever showed mercy to you has he ever forgiven you has you ever raised you up have you ever turned you around did he ever make a way where there was no way at least you can say thank you contrary to what we're being taught we don't have a faith problem we have a vision problem that's why he said 4522 of Isaiah look come to me all your hands on earth and be you saved why because there's life in that look there's victory in that vision yeah you know here we are you preaching with me girl are you are you preaching with me okay yes okay good you ready yeah this this blows my mind this this behemoth of a man about nine and a half foot name is Goliath now they say he was the champion he comes out every day in the Valley of Elah 40 days hohoho give me a man give me a man isn't it funny Israel's vision is so bad they only got a boy a 17-year old freckleface boy and every time that big slob comes up Goomer oh ho ho it's fine give me a man everybody runs away now they're serving the God that wiped out the greatest empire on planet Earth Egypt he wiped out that whole empire with a man that stuttered and had a stick because bauble saving slow of speech one writer said he stuttered hi my name they may name is my mo mo mo mo mo mo Moses let let let let let my baby bat pppp people go can you imagine how Pharaoh much the thought when this sunburned guy come in there with sheep dung in between his toes and he says where you been I've been taught talk talk talking to this buh-buh-buh-buh-buh SH you've been talking to a talking bush what did the Bush say tell him I am that I am said let my kids go or I'll kill yours and see if you can stop me and he walks in against the greatest empire known with a message from a burning bush and a little stick to does tricks turned a serpent turn to a stick turned the leprosy turn back and he's attacking the greatest empire the known day with a vision you see sometimes when you have a vision from God it doesn't make any sense to your reason you got to go past your reason because reason deals with facts vision deals with the supernatural has anybody ever had I could I ask I'm having a hard time is anybody in this church ever had or you felt like God ever gave you a plan or a dream or something and it didn't make no kind of sense come on put your hand up you got it from God you see God God gives you stuff that almost I seem absurd and stupid and crazy and mind-boggling and you can't make it work if you can't make it work you got it from him if you can make it work you got it from your own brain here's a guy who's an ex murderer whose pictures on all the walls at the post office in downtown Egypt and he sends him back into the trouble he says let's have the biggest jailbreak recorded in human history one night two and a half million people with the guy who goes there then my baby P P P P people go I've asked God so many times I said Lord you know the world empires and all the diplomats and all the representatives and the ambassadors they all wear 200 all the shirts and they got nice haircuts and they just shine look good how come you bring this guy in it's got a bowling ball shirt which says eat it Jose what in the world are you doing with this guy representing your kingdom oh well I have to go out of my way to make sure he don't pose for his picture just missed it that was a good place that's giving amen you just missed another one other words God sometimes takes the dumbest things that don't make no sense and turn around said I'll use him and I'll use her and I'll bless them but what I need to give them is a vision of me you understand the only reason Saul was a persecutor of the early church was because he had a bad vision his vision of Jesus was he was a rebel he was no good he was a hypocrite he was a charlatan and that vision moved him to be a persecutor and he persecuted the church when God meets him in acts 9 he gives him another vision and all of a sudden now he's got a vision and he becomes a promoter he becomes an apostle he becomes an ambassador what the whole thing is the same guy but his vision has changed now you might as well just tell yourself right now what you really really want is that God would touch your spiritual eyes and let you see things like they really are huh am i preaching good or is the church weak is are you just tired on Saturday night okay I understand do you get it when when Ananias comes in to pray for Paul he said the Lord sent me to pray for you what's this this is so neat that you might receive your sight he saw the light but he was going to get his sight and his sight wasn't just natural sight he was going to get spiritual sight he was going to see who Jesus really was other words the facts were going to be transformed into truth and the truth was going to liberate him and use him that's what's happening some of you sweet people if you ever repented got baptized in Jesus they receive the Holy Ghost you went for light to sight you weren't from facts to truth you went from cold to life-giving can I preach a few more minutes yeah I'm trying to help I don't I don't mean to wear you down and I kind of feel like you're not getting what I'm saying because I thought you'd be running by now watch this the Bible says that Elijah is that Dothan he's he's messed them up two or three times every time the King goes to come he turns around said the Lord gives him a word of knowledge or insight and said don't go there your enemies going to come there and two or three times he did it so now the Bible says that they they try to capture him I always thought that's the dumbest thing you know I don't mean to be disrespectful to the Word of God but some of the stories he's gotten there is really bizarre this guy has been thwarted two or three times and now he's going to sneak up on a life that's deaf or dumb I'm going to sneak up on it you're gonna sneak up on somebody that has clear vision with another world and you plan to doing him harm do you people read the Bible you're looking at me like where'd that come from you need to turn off your computer for a minute and just go read the book read the story doc if this if this don't turn your motor on I am preaching to you no more you ready the Bible says second Kings 6 said and he came with a great host Weymouth there's only one unemployed preacher in the city he comes with a great host sword Speirs chariots a great multitude wait a minute after one guy let me ask you something sweetie pie who's afraid of who don't you get it every time the adversary tries to bowl you over with numbers it's a vote of confidence he is saying that he is more afraid of you than you realize he is and he wants to intimidate your faith the next time you get a vision of things piling up against you you say wow that's flattery from my enemy that's flattery from my enemy [Applause] [Music] thousands of people one preacher whoa wait a minute one preacher who's very dangerous because he has vision and say sit down a second I'm almost there the servant gets up and he looks outside i watch the servant does not have sight the servant has light light is facts sight is truth watch and he looks out and the whole place is covered with the enemy and being the spiritual man that he is he says ungawa which being interpreted is what we gonna do and so he lies it says where about he said they their be with us her more than they did against us and that little servant God lovers heart he goes where are you smoking something are you hallucinating the whole valley is filled with tens of thousands of soldiers watch what he says this is so powerful I've never heard anybody used this terminology he said Lord open his eyes that he may see I said I stopped I prayed his hair thinner to say Lord the guy can see real good his eyes were open he saw three thousand four thousand enemies he could see real good he said yeah but he's not seeing the unseen he's not seeing what is greater than us against him he said open his eyes that he may see and the Bible said the Lord opened his eyes that he had sight and he saw the mountains full of the fiery cherries and the husband of the Lord I don't care what is surrounding you it's God to let you see what is surrounding what is surrounding you you're not in this fight by yourself there's angels standing with you this spiritual power is standing with you your enemy is not as great as he's trying to tell you Lord open my eyes that I can see what's for me well is that good that was good gimme you too man baby you know man sit down you know man you ready is that powerful boy it's cold over here man you better have a coat to sit over here is the pentecostal Frigidaire say ah brother Highline you're just trying to work everybody up no I'm trying to wake you up and I'm trying to wake myself up I was praying last night praying again today Lord I need vision I don't need some hocus pocus vision or some special kind of dream and that's not what I'm talking about lord help me to do what you said a lady to see you and anoint your eyes that you may see because if you don't get the vision you need then the vision you have is always about your problems your vision will always be taken up with your circumstances your vision will always be about while I prayed about this and it didn't work well I lost my job well my kids going crazy what's a devil is a liar you got a Terrence a I'm not saying that's not there I'm just saying what you need is another vision you need to be able to see beyond the obvious you need to be able to see beyond what is laughing at you are you listening to me baby are you ready okay we're gonna don't get to shouting too much now hold on you ready watch this is so powerful that big guy I didn't lose my thought I know what I'm doing nine and a half foot gigantic buffoon hear me man give me a man let him come down and fight with me I always read it first Samuel 17 it's the craziest thing I ever seen he tells what I said if he kills me we will be your servants what do you mean we you'll be dead that's as dumb as that crazy lady Jezebel the gods do to me and more if I don't make you just like one of them what gods the ones that couldn't answer he's safe said come on give me a man everybody's afraid David turns around says I'll go take that big bum out I'll take him out I'll team right got like a bad headache I'll take him out right now and Saul who's a backslider don't ever ask backsliders for advice Saul turns around says you can't go against him you know why because what's alive and him is talking he couldn't go against him he used to have the anointing but he don't have it no more all he's got is good advice say you can't go against him David turns around he says wait a minute he said my took care of my dad sheep and I took care of them and a lion come out and a bear come out and I put them down like a clown man I ripped that that she brought out of him and he said in this uncircumcised listen to what he said I've never heard him buy in pen takács preacher David never called Goliath the champion they called him a champion he said you ain't a champion folks that live for God they're champions folks that live for the ways of God they're the champions even if the world makes fun of us you wait a week get to the city where the lamb is the line you'll see who the new will you get that crown of glory you will you see him high and lift it up you will you get your new body we'll see who the champion I don't want to be offensive or ever I'm preaching to you guys too much let me get over here in the cheap seats here you ready watch this this this blows my mind you just forgive me okay you're gonna pay me I'm a multimillionaire I just can't find the money but I'm watch this this is so powerful David goes up and he asked the guy here comes this big nine to half foot jerk oh oh oh the Jolly Green Giant give me a man give me a man and everybody runs away and David said what's the deal with the clown he said well this blows my mind because they had to have a twinge of Pentecost in him because that's the way Pentecostal people all right now watch said did you hear what the Kings gonna do whoever takes the clown out he said no what's he gonna do he said he's going to give him lots of riches and make him wealthy watch he's going to make his dad's house tax-free that's tax relief and he said you see the good-looking Fox in the corner she gets to be the booby prize you get to marry her so he's got three phenomenal things that are being offered now here's what bothers me Reverend how come the Kings offer wasn't great enough to get anybody to try shame on us that the King has offered us total forgiveness eternal life never bring up your past again make you more than a conqueror through him who loved you and gave himself for promise never to leave you never to forsake you never put on you more than you can bear how could you not respond to the Kings offer [Applause] I'm almost done Reverend I'm sorry to keep bothering you because you're the only guy that's talking to me I wonder if David I wonder if David was saying if you read it I'm not lying you read it he asked it three times yes sir he said this is too good to be true tax free lots of well and the fine looking Fox over here she's gonna be mine baby watch what David said where's the line you you missed it you would see fine you missed it where's the line what line they must have a line a mile long they take care of what the Kings offering where's the line he said ain't no line now you laugh all you want to but I wonder about in the Pentecostal realm total forgiveness your past is gone you have no shame you have no guilt he'll never bring up your yesterday he promised never to leave you never to forsake you never to put on you more than you can bear with every test at every trial he's going to make a way of escape where's the line Oh hallelujah it almost seems too good to be true that you would offer whole lot to us just for faith just for repentance just for believing him can I preach a few more minutes is that okay just a few more minutes I got to get back up to my notes cuz that's all I remember Arnie you're doing good baby you're doing good let me try it again the gadarene when he saw Jesus ran to him worshipped him and became the first missionary the streaker became a saint so go tell your friends and he filled all away in about what Jesus had done watch the gadarenes the people who inhabit the city they come out and they tell the story to him what just happened and they find the man sitting at Jesus feet clothed and in his right mind I don't think being a Christian makes you crazy I think being a Christian makes you think right he was out of his head before now his head is working good he was nude before now he's clothed he was in turmoil before now he's got peace like a river I don't want to hurt your feelings children but I'm a little ticked off with Pentecostals across this whole movement they act like going to church and being in the body of Christ and being in church is like being in prison that's a bunch of trash it's the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life I used to be in bars and honky tonks in jails I used to be a Hellraiser but God snatched me out God turned me around God put me in the kingdom this is the greatest thing this side of glory uh-oh I'm almost done I'm almost done let me see what about preaching here twenty five minutes okay you got to sit just you got to see clearly you got to see clearly watch this is so powerful your vision of Jesus will either deliver you or defeat you the Bible said when the gadarenes came out and they saw their pigs drowned in there in the water here's what they said leave us alone leave us go away from us their vision of him was simply what some people say you're too costly to be hanging around with you'll cause me to stop doing some things you'll cause me to lose some other things leave us this is what's terrifying Jesus turning around said okay I'm the regular I'm the original Burger King I'll let you have it your way probably no problem and he left them he got back in the boat went back to the other side of the lake said where your Minister will they ask me to leave you only asked Jesus to leave when you're not seeing correctly when you're not perceiving correctly you only ask Jesus to leave you alone when you're not seeing like you ought to see you got me so they asked him to leave and he left the gathering didn't ask him to leave the gathering said I'd like to be with you I'd like to serve you I'd like to do whatever I'm supposed to do do you get it that Israel their vision of Jesus defeated them when when you go over into Nazareth in mark 6 the Bible said Jesus comes into Nazareth his hometown and could not do many mighty works there because of their vision what vision they said is not this the carpenter's son is not his family here isn't his mother here and he could not do any mighty works there because their vision handcuffed him the only thing you did even handcuffed he laid his hands on a few sick folks and healed them just as a witness that I've been here now watch so your vision can steal from you the supernatural the miraculous the delivering power of God the forgiveness of the Lord or your vision can bring that mercy and that grace and that long-suffering and the goodness and the kindness to you it's not about your faith it's about your vision how you see Jesus like I'm sorry Rev I thought I was preaching really good Israel missed the greatest miracle ministry ever recorded because their vision of Jesus was he's a Sabbath breaker he's a tradition violator he runs with dirty filthy people publicans and sinners and harlots he's he's he's illegitimate born and their vision of him stole from them his miracle ministry he would have healed them all he would have forgiven of all but their vision said no we see you in the wrong light so we're not gonna let you work in our life Wow here we are 2018 we got a few minutes left what's your vision of Jesus I'm serious I'm serious the heart attack how do you see him is he on your side is he for you does he love you do you perceive and grasp that he doesn't want to hold you hostage about any mistakes you might have made what is your vision because your vision will be your victory or it will be your vanquishing what what are you seeing him as do you see him high and lifted up and his train fills the temple do you see him as king of kings and Lord of lords do you see him as a cop trying to give you tickets when you misbehave and you do some things wrong do you seem as some vindictive monarch that every time you say something bad I have an impure thought that he gives you another ticket he's ever wonder why children love being around Jesus and religious people didn't you can't fool kids you can't fool them I guarantee you when Jesus went walking by and one of the little children was throwing ball with his friend and the ball ran over and hit Jesus in the foot Jesus didn't say don't you know who I am he turned around said hey y'all butch ready come on catch here you come and then he picked him up and put him on his lap and he said if you become like these little children you can get into the kingdom but all the people that knew Scripture and new tradition and knew the ceremonies they didn't like him why because his his vision their vision of him made them uncomfortable why because because oh I got to come down again I was I was trying to finish do you understand I'm talking to you flash when when the rich young ruler came up to Jesus and he said what do I have to do to have eternal life you know you got to be a dummy to ask the truth the truth and then not want the truth and he's turning around said well keep the commandments and so all these I've done since a child they said well good and the Bible says and Jesus loved him watch this next verse and jesus beholding him that's an interesting word it literally means look through him and when he looked through him he saw all his faults all his shortcomings all his failures all his mistakes all his fears watch yet he loved them aren't you glad when he beheld us and he looked and saw all our failures and all our faults and our mistakes he loved us anyone in spite of it what because our sin is not as great as his love our mistakes is not as great as his mercy and so he beheld them in it and and watch the rich young ruler is vision of Jesus caused him to walk away now you would think that if he had been a modern Pentecostal pastor he didn't run after him what well that guy's making money he's successful he could be the treasurer of our church we need his clout Jesus just let him walk I don't hurt your feelings sweetie he'll let you walk away - he don't want you to walk away but he'll let you I told someone the other day when I was preaching I said do you know what the lake of fire is you know what going to hell is because someone was talking to me he said preacher do you really believe God had sent me by the hell I said no he ain't sending nobody to hell he's honoring their choice they choose to go to hell they choose to be rebels they choose to be stupid and he just steps back and said I'll just let you have it your way that's what you want to do I'm doing everything I can to stop you from being lost but but if you just want to go to hell have at it jack and nothing's and we won't miss you either when we have the party you ain't gonna remember nobody that ain't damn the former things are passed away you think oh my Uncle Joe and and Susie no no that's that stuff's all gone and and and they ain't gonna be missed and I feel bad for folks that want to go to a devil's hell I don't know why you want to go to a devil's hell to begin with why when God's doing everything he can to stop us from going why would we persist on going it's your vision if you see Jesus worth living for nothing will stop you if your vision of Jesus is you're not persuaded you'll always be flip-flopping flip-flopping flip-flopping now I know I look 40 - but I'm 74 okay I know I'm the olympian ideal I understand that but but you got to get me I've been living for this thing 45 years I've been preaching this gospel there hasn't been a day in my life that I ever said I don't want to be in a church no more now there's been people I said I wish to God I don't have been around then no more but fine and there's been times when I've shot myself in the foot and done things I wish I hadn't done but God was merciful and kind to me fine I've never one time one to get out of the church oh you just missed another good chance to have a good amen right now I need a witness in the house you too you've never wanted to get out of the church you didn't want to go back to drinking and honky-tonkin and been a moral living like a bunch of fools because your vision of not only Jesus but your vision of what's coming soon he's coming back soon we're fixing to leave here and we're gonna see him like he really is and we're gonna have a glorious body like unto his body you need to have that vision alive in you why don't we staying I preached long enough I'm sorry brother brother what's your name again Woodward this I'm just having one of those those days just heaven I heard the book say where there is no vision the people perish and one the Hebrew writers that I was reading are your greatest student than I am but one of the Hebrew writers that I was reading after he said one of the connotations of the word perish literally means to come apart to come apart and watch this scripture says and Jesus was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil that Greek word destroy is Luo Lu oh it means to take apart so what it what it says Jesus comes to disassemble his playthings yes and to reassemble us so that we are made in the image and remade in the image of Jesus Christ now I thank you for listening and please accept my sincere apologies I heard myself preach better I don't remember when but I've heard myself preached better but you are a wonderful audience and I've tried to help you I've tried to impregnate you with what I felt the Lord gave to me said challenge the people about their vision they're straight on the doctrine they know the doctrine they love the doctrine they're straight on the lifestyle they've got that but he says sometimes the adversary can blur their vision can diminish their vision of me and when they lose focus of me they can start making wrong decisions so so please forgive me if this is embarrassing you what we got to do for the next 60 seconds we're gonna do this ready go I need I need my vision he said anoint your eyes would sail that you might be able to see clearly hi I need I need to see better cuz when you see better you feel better when you feel better you act better when you act better you become better that's the way it works that's why you got to get picture Lord give me a picture get a picture of this service tonight he's on your side he is on your side he's not gonna let anything destroy you he's not killing anything to feed you he's not gonna turn his back on you you need to get a vision that he's on your side whoo hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah whoo hallelujah hallelujah ha I've brother brother brother Woodward please forgive me you know you don't have to pay me I'm I'm worth millions just just listen to this this is so powerful God gave this to me I didn't steal it I didn't steal it God gave it to me I put it right in the notes when you read first Kings and you go to first Kings 19 after after he killed all those false prophets 850 prophets 450 this 400 the Grove a ton fifty problem he slew him boy that's a rough preacher okay that old bag Jezebel she turns around sense of a note boy I wish I had time have you read your mail lately you need to know who's sending you stuff that old bag turns around and says I heard you made my old man look I'm paraphrasing you made my old man look stupid and you killed all our preachers and all our prophets and you did one of your little dumb magic tricks and you call fire down from heaven and and now you've even ended a three and a half year drought with that little prayer meeting yeah I don't know how you did it some kind of Houdini hocus-pocus or something watch what she says now about this time tomorrow the gods do to me and more so if I do not make one your life as one of them now that's a threat from a loudmouth woman now I'm not talking to you girls have no model allowed woman now watch this is what this is what God gave me said about vision you read these these very scriptures here's what it says and when Elijah saw that not heard that words produce pictures pixors produce feelings feelings produce action action produced destiny and when he saw that he took off running that's how powerful vision is your adversary can give you a vision the cancer is not going to stop the kids are not going to get back to God you're not going to get this fixed this isn't going to work he's a liar there's no truth in him when he speaks he speaks himself because he's a liar and the father of it what you need to do is when he turns around come on excuse me Ram I gotta do this one more time please forgive me I don't know what I told this to you before but it's worth repeating opposition is simply flattery from your enemy when your enemy tries to drive you crazy when your enemy tries to steal your faith when your enemy says that ain't worth living for God you got I Got News for you you're closer to your miracle than you realize you're dearer to your answer that you realize you're near the goal line then you realize that's why he's coming against you because he fears if you ever go one more step two more blocks you ever get there you'll be such a threat to him he will not be able to handle you come on let's praise God just a few minutes opposition is flattering from your enemy opposition is flattery from your enemy nobody fights bag ladies nobody tries to hold up bag ladies they got nothing they want they hold up people in Scott stop if you've got the Holy Ghost you got stop if you've been baptized in Jesus name you got stop you're pregnant with potential you're pregnant with possibility one more time let's praise God one more time lord give me vision clear my vision help me to see things like they really are help me to look and see the unseen help me to look past the obvious problems and the obvious situations and realize there's angels all around me this mercy of God all around me I am coming out of this I don't know how I don't know when but I will come out of this well you want your woman you want me to ask them to come up and pray come on up let's pray let's stand around the altar for a minute let's pray and all I want you to do is pray that God will give you a better vision that's all I want that's you know there nothing else lord help me to see like I need to see because if you don't see like your ought to see you're not going to receive if you don't perceive correctly you're not going to receive abundantly you've got to ask God to touch your spiritual eyes that you can see correctly I'm not talking about some mystic Huli Huli Huli I'm not talking I'm just talking about lord help me I see the problem I see the foe I see the adversary now Lord help me to see my why help me to see the answer help me to see that you're on my side help me to see that I'm gonna win at this battle don't let me perceive that I'm gonna lose don't do help me I need to anoint my eyes to see give me the vision that I need to have show me Lord what I need to do huh oh yeah go ahead go ahead and save you go you're fine hey you whoa
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 110,253
Rating: 4.8008566 out of 5
Keywords: jeff, arnold, bishop, rev, reverend, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, chirch, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, pentecost, church, international, apostolic, gainesville, your, vision, will, determine, victory, or, defeat
Id: u4-QQslE3TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 43sec (4783 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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