Bishop Wayne Huntley preaching “Humanity’s Most Powerful & Perfect Moment”

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now i am going to dive into this message tonight like i'm 29. how long i'll last will be up to the holy ghost but i shall start like i'm 29 years old will you preach with me tonight james chapter 3 verses 2 through 8. james 3 2-8 for in many things we offend all if any man offend not in word i want you to listen to the reading reading of the word if any man of fear not in word the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body continue behold we put bits in the horse's mouths that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body behold also the ships which though they be so great and are driven of fierce winds yet are they turned about with a very small helm continue with us whoever the governor listeneth even so the tongue is a little member everybody say the tongue is a little member and most of the great things behold how great a matter a little fire kinleth and the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell for every kind of beast and of birds and of serpents and the things in the sea is tamed and have been tamed of mankind but the tongue can no maintain it is unruly evil full of deadly poison i want to preach to us tonight on this subject humanities most powerful and perfect moment humanity's most powerful and perfect moment if you're filled with the holy ghost tonight would you clap your hands and give god praise for it and everybody said amen you may be seated thank you brother story and district board for this high honor tonight what a marvelous monumental spiritual mile marker we are observing this week 75 years of apostolic pentecostal one god jesus name holy ghost tongue talking all running devil defeating blood bought victory and revival i would like for you to be as old as i am and have been in some of those meetings where they carried them out drunk in the holy ghost where there'd be an outburst on this side of the building and someone would be just broken out in hilarity of laughter and could not stop the holy ghost laughters would be upon them there would be such a demonstration of the spirit that it could not be kept inside this building people would leave the auditorium intoxicated on the power of the holy ghost in the end of this 75 years of this celebration the significant question that must be answered here and now is this are we still what we used to do and are we still what we used to be that's the question the holy ghost is going to ask this week is that what we did what we still do and that which we were is that still what we are tonight if it is and that's what you want and that's what you believe and that's who you are i'd like you to clap your hands strongly and shout loudly and let god know there's an apostolic church that is still alive in the spirit in the power in the anointing of the holy ghost paul told timothy that the young man would be a good minister if he would just sometime remind the church my message tonight is not so much to be a reveal but to simply remind turn around somebody say i need to be reminded from time to time i just need to be reminded from time to time we need to be challenged and do you know the difference in a good church and a great church i'm privileged to travel the united pentecostal church and study church growth and study all the strategies but i'm going to boil it down simply for you tonight the difference in a good church and we've got a lot of good churches and we need more great churches but the difference in a good church and a great church is the statistical response in the audience a great church can be challenged a great church will respond a great church says we can do it better a great church says we can do it bigger a great church says we can do what we have never done before and they are never satisfied clap your hands and tell god you want to be in a great church some time back i was just writing down the rolex on the radio and one of the executives of starbucks was talking and as i said i traveled a lot and even today coming over i'm not a coffeeholic i'm not addicted to caffeine i really don't have to have coffee drink it very rarely but anytime you're an airport the starbucks line is ridiculously long if i wanted a cup i wouldn't have the time to get it the line is just forever i never thought that coffee would be such a rage in the united states of america but i listened to this executive of starbucks talk and he told something that lit my fire he said there was a time in the past when they noticed there was a drop there was a decrease there was a low there was a lack of the growth that they had been enjoying the large unprecedented numbers of people coming to get coffee and they began to study and analyze as what is the source for this decrease why are we losing why are we not continuing to gain and these are the words that he said in our research we discovered that we had left the theater of our experience he said we began to look at our past and we were alarmed to realize that we began to decrease and we began to lose the interest of the people when we began to introduce other things besides what we were really all about and what we really are all about is coffee coffee is what we do and coffee is who we are but when they moved away from the theater of their experience they began to see a falling away of people i rise to preach to this camp meeting tonight that it is necessary that the apostolic church one more time be advised and be stirred to realize what is the theater of our experience and we must not let other things other things draw us away from what we are really all about let me tell you what we're about we're about holy ghost talking in tongues we're about baptism in jesus name we're about hero israel the lord our god is one lord we're about aisle running we're about to talking we're about dancing we must not lose the theater of our experience we must not be pressured we must not be pressured to leave the theater of our experience clap your hands if you want to be in a holy ghost church clap your hands if you're not ashamed of a move of god clap your hands if you're not ashamed of tongue talking clap your hands if you're not ashamed of the message somebody shout yes [Applause] our success and growth will be rooted in a returning restoring and a reconnecting with the theater of our experience it's what we do and it's who we are here a while back i was in one of our churches and the pastor told me about an older gentleman come to visit and he said the older gentleman came up to me after the church said old pastor he said i love your church now what the world calls anointing is energy that's a new word for anointing in their vocabulary but you can have energy and not have anointing just because you're jumping on a platform doesn't mean you're anointed just because you can gyrate doesn't mean you're anointed just because you got beat to the music doesn't mean you're anointed there is a difference in energy and anointing the apostolic church is not a church of energy it is a church of anointing and the difference is energy doesn't break fetters energy doesn't destroy yokes but anointing will break every filler anointing will break every chain and the yoke is destroyed because of the anointing and so he came up after church he's a little pastor he said i just got to tell you he said i go to a small church here outside of town and most everybody there senior citizens and it's just to be honest with you it's really dead he said we don't have any energy he said i love the energy that's in your church he said matter of fact here a while back one of our members fell off the pew with a heart attack and was laying in the floor they called the first responders and when the emergency people got there he said they they picked up three wrong ones before they got to the right one because everybody in there looked like they were having a heart attack everybody in there looked like they were dying in the name of jesus i pray the united pentecostal church never becomes a dead duh boring formal lifeless used to be apostolic church turn around your neighbors say if you like that preaching the only way it's not going to happen is if you worship is if you praise if you quit praising it's over if you quit dancing it's over if you quit worshiping it's over if you want it to stay on fire if you want to stay upper room church if you want to see apostolic revival somebody has got a lead in the worship i want to leave here and tell the world texas is not where they used to shout texas is not where they used to run the isles texas is not where they used to fill the altars texas is not where they used to see signs miracles and wonders texas is not where the holy ghost used to be poured out i want to leave here with a report we have settled the issue that's not what we used to be that's what we are [Applause] you can change what we do but you can't change what we are and we're going to be apostolic we're going to be holy ghost phil somebody shout yes you may be seated see i i'm 71 years old tonight hard to believe in you and i remember preaching texas youth camp one time when the platform was a lot higher than it is believe it or not i mean if you jumped off it you need a parachute and i'll never forget one time i got all juiced up fired i took off running brother shot where i leaped off that platform and in the air i thought this ain't going to be good i mean that's how high it was i had time to think about uh this this this probably ain't going to end well right here matter of fact i was in raleigh a few weeks preaching got a set of monitors kind of like this maybe more like this one a little lower than that one and i got all fired up i took off running and i jumped over that thing and after church one of the ushers came to my wife and said sister huntley i'm gonna have to have you to ask brother huntley don't do that again don't do that again if i were to run around the aisles tonight y'all be eating pizza before i got back if i made it back but just because i can't run around the building doesn't mean i can't run around the pulpit i may not be able to do what i used to could do but i can still praise him and i will praise him i don't want to be a part of a dead church i don't want to give my grandkids a dad life is horrible used to be church don't want to tell him how it used to be i want to tell him how he is that's all right you see there was a day they didn't care whether they finished their messages or not and i don't care either i got some stuff down there to say some of the best is yet to come but there's nothing greater than and while he yet spake these words the holy ghost fell on them that heard the word we need divine interruptions today we need a divine outbreak of the holy ghost we need the holy ghost to take over we're finishing too many sermons let me move a little further the only equal contradiction to not believe in what we preach is to not preach what we believe i want to say that again we need a revival of preaching what we believe maybe the ministry needs to be encouraged tonight i want to know will you encourage preachers would you respond by telling them you ain't tired of hearing acts 2 38 preached would you tell them you're not tired of hearing the oneness of god preached would you tell them you're not tired of hearing the essentiality of the holy ghost preached would you tell them you're not tired of hearing of the second coming of jesus christ you're not tired of hearing them say he inhabits the praises of his people would you let them know you're not tired of it you want to hear it so we need to keep preaching essentiality of baptism in jesus name it's not just a company it's not just a membership it is absolutely essential to get your sins remitted there's only one name that has the blood that can wash away your sin anybody tired of that message let's go back to the theater of our experience you said i want something deep there ain't nothing deeper than something that can reach into hell and bring you out we need to preach essentiality of the baptism of the holy ghost speaking in tongues can i metal just a minute it's all right to set aside a special day so i'm gonna preach on baptism we're gonna baptize a bunch of people but there ain't no bible for waiting months to have a baptismal service there ain't no bible for having spring baptisms fall baptisms no in the bible they were immediately baptized when they heard the word of god we need our church you don't have to go to a back room if you want to speak in tongues you don't have to go off campus if you want to shout we need to go back to the theater of our experience a world that's getting wild does not need a church that is mild yeah i said they don't need a church that's we need to match them with intensity we need to match them with pharmacy we need to match them with excitement we need to match them with enthusiasm we need to match them by giving everything we've got to it [Applause] some of our most spiritual experiences and privileges are being minimized marginalized and trivialized both from out without the church and from within the church i'm going to spend a little time here preaching on speaking in other tongues i'm getting ahead of myself but you seem to be already ahead of me so let me go ahead and tell you the only way to overcome doubt that you got during the pandemic the only way to get rid of that lack of trust you picked up during the pandemic the only way to get that faith back that you lost during the pandemic is this building up your most whole if hey building up your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost you want a miracle do some tongue talking you want a deliverance do some tongue talking you want a revival do some tongue talking you want to break through do some tongue talking turn around your neighbors and how long's it been since you spoke in tough if they say i never have touch them right now and say in the name of jesus receive ye the holy ghost [Music] i got to tell you tonight if you get the holy ghost in carthage texas you're going to talk in tongues if you get the holy ghost in lufkin you're going to talk in tongues if you get the holy ghost in houston you're going to talk in tongues if you get the holy ghost and die ball you're going to talk in tongues if you get in america you're going to talk in tongues if you get into russia you're going to talk in tongues if you get in china you're going to talk in tongues if you get in england you're going to talk in tongues i'm preaching to you the sign of the infinite of the holy ghost is still speaking in tongues [Music] my little granddaughter who just graduated from ibc when she was about six years old she got to holios and in her classroom that day they said anna what's the holy ghost like is it hard to get it she said no ain't nothing to it she says you just say stuff don't mean they said and how did you feel when you said stuff didn't mean nothing she said i felt like i swallowed an angel [Music] i'm blowing this message all the pieces tonight but i got a word for you you're not depressed when you're talking in tongues [Music] you're not on the verge of a nervous breakdown when you're talking in terms you're not about to leave the church when you're talking in tongues you ain't mad at the preacher when you're talking in tongues you're not about to desire a beard or a wine or a wine or nothing or a wine or a wine or a wine i've been hearing junk not in some places in our movement they're socially drinking the reason they're socially drinking is because they're not spiritually drinking if you'll get in this acts 2 we need a baptism of the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] lay your hands on somebody tell them let the holy ghost move on you right now [Music] keep praying for them until they talk in tongues and if you say you got it it shouldn't be very long from now it shouldn't be very long from there [Applause] that's our theater of experience we are tongue talking we are tongue talkers we speak in tongues [Music] you need a healing start talking in tongues you need a deliverance start talking in tongues you need to overcome some depression talk in tongues you need to defeat the devil talk in [Music] town [Music] stay where you are preachers a little bit more but not much longer you see we have not even properly perceived the power that isn't speaking in time what i'm driving at is humanity's most powerful and perfect moment is when you speak in tongues [Music] that is humanity's most powerful and perfect moment when you speak in tongues and this is why according to the bible the uncontrollable is controlled the unruly is ruled the untamable is tamed and the little red devil that lives behind the pearly white gate is defeated and the bible said if you can control that tongue you're in perfection when that moment happens and you start speaking in tongues you're in your most powerful perfected moment because the devil don't know what you're saying and he hates it and he hates it it's time to quit talking negative it's time to quit talking down and hey the pandemic is over i hereby declare the pandemic is over quit celebrating it quit talking about it quit living like it's still on and i'll tell you how to do that talking tongues talking tongues talking tongues talking tongues the bible said when you're talking tongues you speak mysteries bible said when you speak in tongues no man calls jesus a curse when you're speaking in tongues you ain't cussing kingdom of god's not mean and drink but when you speak in tongues it's righteousness it's peace and it's joy in that moment when you break off into that heavenly language you get righteousness you get peace you get joy in the moment that you speak in tongues there's no hatred in the moment you speak in tongues there's no craving for tobacco there's no craving for alcohol there's no craving for it listen drugs there's no envy there's no greed there's no jealousy there's no power of the flesh to overtake you because greater see we believe in speaking in tongues we just don't preach it i i condemn anybody i'm talking about me as well how long has it been since you heard a sermon on speaking in tongues no you've heard somebody get upset when you get the holy ghost you will speak in tongues but i'm going to chase him the bible said the apostles went everywhere preaching the word the lord working with him confirming confirming the word if you will preach it he will perform it you preach talking in tongues they'll talk in tongues you preach baptism in jesus name they'll be baptized in jesus is that right because the lord ain't gonna occur confirm some illustration you got from some charismatic preacher he's going to confirm some series that was born in the heart of a man that don't even know who god is what we need in our pulpits is a preacher that preaches and talks in tongues while he's preaching with the anointing of the holy ghost and sets that church owned i tell you what i like to see and i like to be the one to do it i like this it's time for our camp he managed to come and i got up after a glowing introduction and stepped up there until the holy ghost had completely taken over brother faust we don't need any more good church we need some great church word ain't just the first three rows that shout most places i preach the punishment for being late is you have to sit on the front row cause all the back rolls were taken you three walk up here please come over here pastor i'll make quick illustration we'll move right on i'll quit just man years ago i took my grandkids to disney world and we got down there where that had that electronic parade i need a loose chair there's a loose chair bring me a loose chair so here we are put the chair right back there thank you brother we get there one hour before the parade is to start me brother sterile my daughter christy and my grandkids got there one hour so we'd have a good spot when the parade started this big old guy come up behind us i'm like hey he was bigger than me so i thought some stuff but i didn't say some stuff i wanted to say never mind us bub don't let us get in your way i mean we just been here one hour waiting so we could have the front row but you know he didn't care if we'd have waited three hours because he just wanted the best place the next time you go to church i want to see some folks say there's enough room here for one more [Applause] [Music] if there ain't enough for one more i can see it right here this works real good for me i'd like to see a church hungry for revival that you would storm the front of the building [Applause] and before church starts you'd have your pup tent out on the sidewalk waiting on the doors to open that's the way it was that's the way we need it to be right now [Applause] turn radio neighbors say i ain't giving my grandkids away it used to be church so every once in a while i i'm going to teach them how to hunt teach them how to shoot a gun teach them how to throw a ball teach them how to drive a four-wheeler but i'm also going to teach them because i don't want them growing up saying that's the way it was but it ain't anymore lay your hands on somebody say i rebuke the attitude of celebrating the way it was without having it right now [Applause] lay your hands on by somebody say speak in tongues worship leaders worship leaders all over this auditorium ain't nothing going to help you like speaking in tongues you don't need a vacation you need to speak in tongues because it is humanity's most powerful and perfect moment back in the back lay your hands on somebody speak in tongues come on pentecostals that's what we do that's who we are they all began to speak in tongues they were all filled with the holy ghost here's one just received the holy ghost somebody else is going to receive it right now throw your hands up and talk in tongues that's who we are that's what we do there's nothing like talking in tongues [Music] you don't need a vacation you need to talk in toads [Music] you can get strength if you talk in tongues you can be encouraged if you talk in tongues you can get victory if you talk in tongues you can overcome the devil if you talk in touch [Applause] go find somebody's discourage lay your hand on him and say i'm going to pray for you i'll tell you talk in tongues cause you won't be discouraged anymore if you'd like to receive the holy ghost lift your hands right now lift your hands right now holy ghost it's gonna [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes it is review reconnected [Music] just [Music] is [Applause] i want every young preacher in this room go find another young preacher lay your hands on each other and pray until you talk in tongues i'd like for every pastor to find another pastor lay your hands on each other pray until your talking tongue i like for every pastor's wife to find another pastor's wife lay your hand on each other pray until you're talking tough power power [Music] power [Music] [Applause] let's everybody give him a pray the holy ghost is falling right now let's everybody give him a praise from the right to the left front to the back [Music] [Applause] is you watch
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 2,876
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Id: wUgNq8af2Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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