It's Time To Go Vertical

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it's time to go vertical yo I'm just gonna put it in the hip-hop vernacular we got to go all the way up amen we got to go all the way up let's just go all the way up what am I talking to that's ready to go all the way up all the way up I don't want to go have it away I don't want to go quarter look I gotta go all the way up because when I go up God says now I can work with you now I can pull you up even higher than you thought so even when I may not feel like it I'm looking up cuz I'm going up God wants me to get this in your spirit right now stop start stop start the unit students with me stop start whoo stop start Oh we start something stop start and when people come to you with some craziness used to like this and you go like this but people start talking that foolishness you say and you go when the landlord comes looking for the rent and you ain't got it you just say and you go come on somebody give your neighbor a high-five amen amen amen you may have your seat you may have your seat it is an honor a pleasure and a privilege to be with you on the Sabbath day I'm here to tell you you serve an amazing incredible God I'm so proud of what's happening in this church what's your pastor and your first lady and the elders and all of you all are doing give yourselves a round of applause please come on you can do better than that I can tell you without fear of successful contradiction that we serve a powerful all-mighty God I need you to know and be reminded of who you serve because in order to achieve what he is already destined for your life you must consistently come into the revelation of who he really is I need you to understand that what God has been doing in my life has been so amazing really the only reason why I'm here before you and the only reason why I preach is because I need you to get God the way I've got him I'm here on hunts with you I cannot keep him to myself because what he has done and what he is doing is blowing my mind and I say Lord you're not different to me than you are to other people right or do you just treat me like I'm one of your favorite lurkers you just spoiling me but when I began to think about if God is the same God to me that he is to you that he is to your neighbor why is it that some of us seem to access more of his power when others of us may not be able to get enough hmm if we serve an all-powerful almighty all-knowing God how is it that some people seem like they have God on speed dial and he responds and others feels like God is long you know you know the old phone when you have to pick it up and go and it took forever some people even know we're talking about but over you know I'm talking about but some people feel like that's how it is calling God because it ends my God ever answers so I had to ask myself is God a respecter of person or is it the same God but how we access him is different is there anyone here who legitimately knows that you have a need from God today my for real for real I don't play don't don't pattycake don't play seriously you got a real need not one of those like yeah I got a need no you're like yo I got a need but I got to meet the mother tomorrow I got a need seriously when you have a need the question is how does God meet the need and when I was asking the Lord what he wanted us to talk about he took me to a very interesting text Matthew chapter 9 right around verse 27 and and in these two verses God begins to give us revelation about what happens when we have a need and how we can get that need met now I want to just rewind forward a little bit just for a few verses just to give you some context to the text that we're stepping into so I want to start you know right around verse 20 of Matthew chapter 9 and it says it says just then as Jesus was going to heal the Daughter of Jairus a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years came up behind him touch the edge of his cloak and she said to herself if only I could touch the hem of His garment I know I would be healed she said it to herself right she gets through she touches the hem of His garment and Jesus turns saw her and said take heart daughter your faith has healed you he didn't say my faith in you he didn't say the power that I have has done it he said your belief in what I could do allowed you to withdraw what you needed to make your account whole because you believed that there was enough in my account to reconcile your account you are able to use a spiritual ATM and access what you need it because you had enough belief that I could do it in your life he said your faith turns you never say it's your faith your faith turn here they would say you need a little more thing you know no no you really need a little bit more faith come on now tell the truth you say hey you need a little bit more faith and so we're coming into the text where Jesus has already performed a miracle where he is letting the woman know and anyone that's listening it's your faith that was able to meet your need because you believed in the power of who I am and what I could do so Jesus leaves it says he into the rulers house they were all crying he said the girls not dead but she's asleep they laughed at him he put them outside he went inside he took the girl by the hand she got up and knew spread around the region and now we get into the middle of our text and it says this as Jesus went on from there two blind men called out to him now this is very interesting and I love the word because sometimes we read a text and we just gloss over thinking we understand it but when God was telling me what was going on I realized there's a whole lot more happening in this text than we give credit for Jesus was leaving one location going to another and there were two blind men outside when you think about what's happening here is that they had an ailment the Bible doesn't say they were two great men the Bible doesn't say they were two affluent men the Bible says they were two blind men they identify the men by their pain by their affliction by their deficiency because sometimes we allow ourselves to feel that our deficiency creates a barrier between who we are and who we believe we can be I'm talking to somebody right now you are allowed what you think is the thing that holds you back to be the obstacle and the barrier from never living the life that you dream that God can bring you what is your deficiency what is your deficiency now growing up is pastor David you know we know he was a younger brother is my younger brother I'm the middle child and growing up you know you know listen middle children we got it hard and and they used to call me Scarface that was my nickname not because I was running some drug ring okay but because I would get into so many fights I had a bad temper and so I were always getting fights and people would mark me up and they called me Scarface now because I didn't know where my place was cuz I was always fighting for my place as I was growing up that identity issue became a crutch that I leaned on I'm talking to somebody right now you've been leaning on an identity that you assumed when you were younger age and instead of breaking that and stepping into who you really are you have carried that into adulthood and you wonder why you can't get past it it's because you still view yourself as the label put on you as a child and you know it's so interesting that as a child when you're the peculiar one when you're the different one when you're the one that doesn't fit in like everybody else people want to talk about you they want to call you names because they don't understand how you can be so unique and different and instead of embracing the difference they want to squash the difference because people don't know how to deal with people who don't fit inside a box I'm here to tell you God did not create you to fit inside anyone's box if you're outside the box that means you're exactly who God needs you to be so we have a need to have identity and to step into who God called us to be but we have this thing this affliction that creates deep pain you want the promise you want the purpose you must acknowledge the pain do not come in here and allow the the veneer of worship to coat your heart so much that you trick yourself into believing that you aren't in pain when you are suffering right now you cannot get heal unless you admit yo I'm hurt see see we have this thing in the church where where we have not created a safe environment so none of us want to admit that we're hurting to the degree that we're hurting I'm talking to somebody right now and so we come into church and we wrap up our heart and we wrap up our wound so that nobody knows that underneath the shirt or underneath the blouse my gauze is bleeding because I'm hurting so bad but if you only knew I was hurting you might talk about me instead of praying for me so I'm gonna treat myself as if I'm not hurt when I know when I get home the pain returns I'm talking to somebody in the house right now if you go to the doctor's office and you don't tell him what's wrong you cannot get mad at him when he did not prescribe the right thing to help you heal have you ever been to doctors office and they say what is wrong and you say I don't know and they're thinking what was you I mean it is but you want me to do about it here's why I articulate this is because it's so important for us not to be so holy that we are in denial about the real pain that we're in we're in denial about the things that make us suffer and if we really had enough time to go through this whole thing I would argue that the majority of us are suffering from some pain whether it's the pain of trying to understand why we aren't further along in life who am I talking to right now the pain of dealing with disappointments for things we thought were going to go one way and they want another some of us are still dealing with the pain of a relationship we thought was going to lead to marriage and it didn't some of us are still dealing with the Oh God just wants me to stay right there for a hot second because there's somebody in here dealing with a broken heart dealing with the broken heart over somebody that you thought was going to be the one and they did something that betrayed your trust and you still have not been able to trust since the relationship ended because they hurt you so bad and there's somebody in here you've been mad at God saying god how could you allow this to happen and God says my job is not to prevent the pain because pain is a part of our human experience but I am a God who can heal you from the pain see in this area relationships I'm going to move on I'm gonna move on but God just wants me to stay on this station for two seconds because this is an area where we lose faith real quick and we and this is an area where we go vertical real quick is horizontal y'all got me I've been on planes you know what I'm saying we go horizontal real quick instead of staying vertical instead of keeping our worship vertical in a relationship we take it horizontal and our whole mood shifts based upon the person we're dating and how they treat us I'm talking to somebody right now I am talking to somebody we don't get back to our text but God just wants me to meddle in your business for a minute alright and instead of treating God like God you treat the person you date as if they are your God because they have the power of what you dress they have the power where you show up they have the power to control how you feel they have the power to make you feel like you're a million dollars or not they have the power to make you feel like you're on top of the world who are underneath the grave they have the power over you that you've given them and some of us didn't even pray before we got in the relationship so we don't even know if we are sleeping with the enemy literally oh don't get all holy on me come on now that's why we wrote the wait amen because some of y'all been sleeping with the enemy way too long and I'm trying to save your life because if you would just stop for a moment and say you know what we're not going to that because I don't even know if first of all you're from God and second of all if you are from God that you away from me because God will put in your spirit a spirit of obedience to honor the obedience I want to keep and if you won't be obedient that means you must not be for me come on now because he here's the thing here's the thing again we're talking about pain when we operate outside of God's will sometimes we endure unnecessary pain and much of that pain that we experience comes from relationships that were never ordained for us to be and to begin with and we did things with those people in those relationships that we would never was supposed to do and as a result we are still dealing with the pain of something that was dead and gone years ago to get healed you must remember your pain and stop putting on a show for us don't perform for me I am no one to perform for your neighbor is no one to perform for your pastor is no one to perform for the elders are no one to perform for do not get in here and start putting on an act like everything's okay when it's not because you can actually get healed in a service if you would only be honest about your pain be honest about your pain be honest about where you are and what you're going through because in the vulnerability of the acknowledgment of where you really are you then establish an environment for God to step in and do the work that only he can do the blind men were in pain because they did not fit into society they had an ailment that affected how they worked how they lived what was it was available to them so the blind men had an issue of pain they had an affliction but what's so interesting is it says that there were two blind men what this tells us is that they had a friendship and a partnership but they weren't in pain alone they weren't suffering alone they found a community from which they could find confidence support love for the ailment they had and when you talk about two blind men standing outside a house we probably believed that they were begging at some point but see sometimes the enemy wants to trick us into thinking we are all alone in what we go through that's why the enemy has been working overtime to keep you out of this place all year long because there is strength in numbers when you come into this house and you realize that other people are going through what you're going through you begin to get more courage and more confidence to fight what it is you have to fight but when you stay at home and you are isolated and you are in your room and you are crying and you are depressed and you don't want to get about the bed and you don't want to come to church you allow what you're going through to be magnified without a community that can surround you and incubate you and help you out of the thing you think you're going through alone I need you to know you are not a lone in what you're going through now with that being said if you have a place that you want to be how many of you in terms of your career that's something you want to do is some place you want to be Who am I talking to come on are you there yet one yes Amen hallelujah okay if you're not there yet let me hear it no all right that's 99.9% of us now what I love about what's happening is in their partnership they both have the same adjectives to describe their life and so they partner in that and in their it's confidence and teamwork and they're both going the same place they both want the same things if you are not where you want to be in your career it is very important to find a community of people inside your profession that are aligned with where you are going or where you want to be and begin to build relationships with that community because some of us think that we just going God is gonna take us to the top just magically that's not what happened he's going to put us inside of a place as the ability to network with the right people to build the right community of support not because the network will support us nothing because the network will promote us but we need to be around people who have the same like-mindedness you know I've been reading a book in the book when the book said you know you have to surround yourself with people who who are not at your level but our above your level don't take pride in being the smartest one in the room okay please because sometimes we want to feed our ego by saying hey I'm running that meeting do you realize this past week I've been out pitching a television show and I've never done television many of you who know my story I'm a film producer I've been dealing with film for a very long time I've never done a scripted television show and so we are out pitching this show and I sit in the room like I was a PA and in turn okay I don't know I'm just like yeah I'm happy to be here why because I'm in a room with people who know more than me and I feel comfort in my position some of you who are not where you need to be you need to begin to say what is my industry and who are the people working in my industry and how did they find success and let me begin to read about their stories let me begin to help them in what they're doing because that is a key to unlock the door where God wants you to be stop doing it alone I know y'all love The Lone Ranger and arrow you know no no ain't no lone Ranger's and what God wants you to do I need you to know this the higher I go in my life and the more success I see the people that are at the top get the most help so stop acting like you can only do it by yourself you can't it's impossible you need help turn to anybody I need some help I need help now turn your other everything I really need some help I really need some help so there's power in partnership power and partnership now here's a part of the text that we Klaus over it says as Jesus on from there two blind men followed him two blind men followed him are y'all reading the same Bible I'm reading two blind men followed him okay okay all right so I can't see that Jesus has arrived but all of a sudden I'm able to get up and I'm able to follow him okay let me just paint the picture see what must have been happening as Jesus left gyrus his house people must have been talking about who he was now the blind men this could not have been the first time that they heard about Jesus because you have got to get the sense that Jesus had been healing the word had been spreading the blind men before this day had heard about who he was and maybe they had done their own research that he really was who people said he was so so because they had done their research there was a spirit of expectation that one day if we ever get the chance to come across Jesus here's what we're going to do before it happens before you you see it you have to see it before you see it you have to see it I need to talk to somebody right now before you see it you have to see it before you see it you have to see it you need to get yourself in your prayer closet and start seeing the movie of your life play on the screen of your mind before it happens you have to see it you need to say you know what here's what I'm gonna do when I get that meeting here's what I'm gonna do in that interview here's what I'm gonna wear here's how I'm gonna look here's what I'm gonna say here's my resume sense before it even manifests you have to see it here's the office space that I'm about to open here's what the business is going to be named here's much money I'm going to make here's what my family is going to look like here's what my my wife is going to look like here is what my husband is going to look like you have to see it before you see it some of y'all have not been able to see it because you cannot see it and you have to get your mind clear today I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you got to get the vision of your mind clear today you got to start seeing it here before you see it here this is why it's so important to break our scrolling addiction oh yeah I said it we are addicted to scrolling we scroll on Facebook we scroll on Twitter we scroll on Instagram we scroll to our text we go scroll to our emails we scroll to our snapchats and we do this all day long you don't even take time to identify what's going on in your own mind because you're so fixated on what's going on in the mind of others and if you aren't doing that you don't even know what to do it yourself you got a break you're scrolling addiction put the phone down and say God show me the movie of my life give me this vision before I see it you got to get your mind right for real I'm serious miracle City I ain't playing with y'all I didn't come to play because if you can't see it you'll never see it and in order to see it you must clear your mind clear it clear it and when you clear your mind you can begin to put in it what God is trying to tell you because how do i articulate this anybody ever seen the movie Jason Bourne or Bourne Identity ever I seen those movies I come don't get a holy on me just I I'm just asking you seen the movie it's insane a god is cool here you know it's all good your salvation is secure all right I listen I grew up in his church I understand I know how it used to be I would have never got any hand raises 10 years ago on that question and then but see with Jason Bourne all the sudden one day he wakes up he has amnesia he doesn't remember who he is but he's put in a situation where someone is trying to attack him and take his life and all of a sudden he has these skills and he doesn't know where they came from so while he's trying to defend himself he's also on a hunt to figure out who he is that's like an analogy for who we are we showed up in this world not knowing what God put on the inside of us trying to figure out who he wants us to be while we're trying to defend ourselves from the attack of the enemy and when the enemy attacks sometimes we do moves we even know we had the power to do we even know we had the strength to do because there's something on the inside of you that you may never understand what it is until you clear your mind and you ask God give me the vision to see before I see so the blind men in my holy sanctified imagination must have rehearsed if we get a chance to come across Jesus here's what we're gonna do okay so says they followed him so they had to people had to be talking about Jesus because currently could they could not see him they couldn't follow him with their eyes they had to follow him with what they heard now here's the risk if I'm blind and I stand up and I try to pursue what I believe will be my healing I'm taking a risk because I don't know what's in front of me I don't know if I might fall I don't know if I might be embarrassed but but my desire to receive the answer to my prayer my desire to receive that the need to be met my desire to be alleviated from the pain I've been going through is greater than my desire to not be embarrassed that my desire to not be made a fool of because he's a problem is some of us we are too worried about how we look on the pursuit to where we're going I don't care what you think I don't care if I got two left shoes if I need to put on two left shoes to get where God wants me to be then you can talk about me but let me tell you one thing you gonna talk about me on the way up and you won't talk about me when I'm there so why not give you something good to talk about turn to your neighbor and say give them something good to talk about you did it honey our other neighbors say oh you talking about me you think that I will be embarrassed won't you go ahead and pop yourself some popcorn get yourself a diet coke kick back cuz the show is about to get real good up in here I don't care I don't care what people think I don't care because if I am worrying about how I look I'm gonna miss what he's called me to do it's not being so concerned about how you look oh well I don't want people to know that I'm in need well I don't want people to know I don't have as much money as I think they think I might have who cares so what apply for the financial aid so what so what you need help so what I'm like millions of other Americans who need help with their finances okay great great stop being so concerned about how you might look on your pursuit that you don't move when God is passing you by so it says they followed him they had to take a risk get up from where they were to follow him and as they're following him what I love is that that's where that partnership comes into play you get what I'm saying present Ava come here for a second come here come here come here okay so just just link arms with me legally right here right here so so what happens is if I'm blind and we're both lying now close your eyes we go back we go back so so I'm blind I'm blind we're both lying and if I stumble he helped me up and if he stumbles I help him up but we keep on moving what God called us to move this is why it's so important to have somebody with you and you don't need a lot of people all you need is one person that believes in you that trust you that is on the same page that's your cheerleader that's your coach all you need is one person Oh years one person it might be your mama it might be your brother and I be your sister it might be a friend it might be your boyfriend a girl from your husband's mouth only is one person that you can walk this life out with to get where God called you to be okay but here's what's so fascinating it says they followed him and they said son of David have mercy on us have mercy when you look at in the Greek means heal us from our suffering alleviate our pain he they yelled us to Jesus on the outside and Jesus did not respond read your Bible it says as Jesus went on from there two blind men followed him calling out have mercy on us son of David when he had gone indoors whoo I love Jesus because he what happens is that many of us would have stopped right there well we're outside we call to you Jesus I know you heard me Jesus you heard us yelling to you and Jesus follows past student passes and by and goes inside the next house and they're left standing outside many of us would have stopped we would have complained like she said we would have got indignant Oh what what you mean geez he's gonna pass us by don't you see how we are don't you see that we're suffering you gonna act like you can't hear no more Jesus come on you y'all know how we can be we're quick to get indignant we're quick to get mad but might I submit for your consideration that maybe your quickness to get anger is is an obstacle to the pursuit he's called you to mate I need to get this in your spirit and you can seems very really quick please monitor what makes you angry please because a lot of times we like to justify our actions due to our anger and when we feel like people have not treated us justly we want our anger to be the thing that says I'm going to get even but I'm here to tell you the Bible says be angry but sin not pleased monitor your anger because if you use your anger as an excuse not to be all he called you to be then I submit for your consideration your anger has been in vain the two blind men aren't like us they didn't get mad Jesus passed them by when inside and what they do they followed him wherever they needed to go they follow him they pursued him they pursued their blessing before it got out of their grasp I could just go ahead and just do the benediction on that one and see you next time some of you some of us are about to miss our blessing because we have lost the power perseverance we've lost the power of persistence you got to be persistent about this thing you got to be perseverance about this thing you got to get deep down in your spirit a commitment to where he's called you to be and receive the blessing over your life no matter what happens no matter how far you got a walk no matter how far you got a run no matter how much money you got to spend some of us got to get convicted that we are not going to leave this slide until God has done his intended purpose and it's manifest do you some of y'all are just not serious enough about where you want to be and what God wants you to do someone who's not serious enough you got a look in the mirror and say I'm getting serious right now no no no no I'm real serious you got to make a conviction in your spirit I'm getting serious and I'm going to stop allowing these excuses that play in my head to keep me from receiving the blessing that's over my life I people come across I come across people all over the country as I'm traveling and sewing if you want to know how they can get to the next level their life and what they have to do to you know move forward in their careers and get all I said I said listen you got to get all the excuses out of here at the end of your life when God says what did you do with the life I gave you or you're going or your Excuse is going to be more than what you actually did are your excuses at the end of your life going to amount to more than what you actually did oh yeah I'm coming and sitting right next to you today yes I am yes I'm not going to let you leave here the same no I'm not this is real life and real talk the blind men didn't allow excuses to stop them from following the blessing which was Jesus please right now would you do me a favor and say I excused myself from any more excuses that are on assignment to make me miss my blessing no more excuses no more excuses seriously so here we go that the blind men didn't allow their their condition or the perceived um disregard of Jesus to stop them from pursuing what they believed they had a divine right to pursue you have a divine right to pursue the vision he put in your heart in your spirit you have a divine right a divine right so don't feel guilty about pursuing what he told you to pursue and there will be some people who don't see it the way you do invite him to the premiere of your movie get what I'm saying just because they don't see it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it because God didn't give the vision for your life to other people necessarily do you hear what I'm saying because so many times in our community believers we want to outsource what we're supposed to do and subject it to whether or not other people next to a saw to and God says they're going to be some things I'm not going to give anybody else but you so are you going to stop because your buddy says oh I don't see it but every day you can open you think about it and every night you go to bed you think about it and when you're at work something in your spirit says there's more than this I'm talking to somebody right now you're sitting there in your cubicle doing your emails there's something in your spirit and you're just not happy and you're aggravated and you're frustrated because if something says there's more than this but in order to get it I would have to do something radical I would have to get up from where I am and go to a place I've never been and what if I stumble and what if I fall and what if I fail and what if do you want your life to live in the what if or the what is what do you want to be on your tombstone what if they actually lived there calling what if they have done everything God called them to do what if they never had excuses is that what you want your tombstone to say because I need to put it in a context of life or death because we are fighting for our life our full life in the blindman believed that there was a better way to live and so they said we are going to get our breakthrough today we're going to get our blessing so they follow Jesus inside the house when they had gone when he had gone indoors the blind men came to him and he asked them do you believe that I can do now if he is asking them do you believe I can do this it implies that he heard their question on the outside here's here's the thing we don't serve a god that that that is like punitive right and so sometimes we wonder why is it so hard who am i talking you might ever wonder like why is it so hard like why is it so hard why does everything just seem to be hard and difficult who am I talking to anybody going through some difficult and have you ever asked yourself why has to be so hard because see the anointing on your life and the position that God has already ordained for you if you don't get prepared now through the perseverance that you're going through you will not be able to manage where he's destined for you to be do you understand that it's almost like a child getting something they have to work for they're not going to value it so but we work for we don't take for granted what we had to work for so what happens is that let's just say in the tower of our life our destiny is on the penthouse floor let's just say that all right it's on the penthouse floor of a building that has 150 floors and the elevator is out of order and the escalator don't work and all we can do is take the steps we get up one flight and say hey this is good well you know the second flying said it's not so hard we get on the third fly say oh this is good the fourth flight and then we look up you know you see like that spiral staircase where you can see all this day and you look up and say wait a minute I haven't even scratched the surface yet and in that moment sometimes we get depressed we get down we want to stop if you on the fifth floor and you already winded how you gonna make it 250th floor do you understand this do you understand this is that we want to live on the penthouse floor but if you don't have the right lung capacity the oxygen is different up there you think that you gotta just get the oxygen you have on the fifth floor no I'm sorry you gotta get your lung capacity up for your destiny you gotta be able to breathe on it forward there's a different altitude that's why you have to go from step to step to get your conditioning up turn to your neighbors how you ought to get your conditioning up you got to get ready to do this thing you got to get ready to receive this thing because see sometimes we get worn out over one thing and God says uh-uh no no no I am NOT trying to depress you I'm trying to prepare you for what you can ready to do I'm trying to prepare you for what you get ready to do prepare preparation get your capacity up cuz I'm here to tell you and somebody else running my own company and I've been dreaming about since I was a kid there were so many times listen y'all I've been in Hollywood for 20 years and just now getting to a place where I'm running my own place and there were times at year 8 I said God when's it going to happen why aren't you doing it now I've been doing this a long time he said my son there are more floors you have to take at year 10 I said God what about now he said you're not ready I said what do you mean I'm not ready I'm 10 years in this thing I know everything I need to know he said the steps of a good man are ordered by me and you have to keep on stepping I'm talking to somebody right now I'm talking to somebody right now you're getting mad at God because he's saying I have it for you but you have to keep going you have to keep pursuing it and you want to stop God says don't stop on my behalf I need you to keep going Jesus had not take it easy on these blind men he did not have pity on their condition he said if you want it you got to go get it I'm trying to talk to somebody right now you got to go get it and this is the thing that separates the wheat from the tares those who have it and those that don't have you fixed in your spirit I'm gonna go get it turn to your neighbor with the real ugly faces I'm gonna go get it I'm gonna go get it come on y'all seriously y'all laughing but seriously you got to get that ugly face I'm gonna go get it because you know what happens is when you get that ugly face you get that possession in your eyes people leave you alone they get out your way seriously come on y'all when they see that you are completely committed and obsessed they get out of your way oh we ain't messing with you you must be on assignment that just seems like there's something a little off about you go ahead and get through go ahead and go why because you have determined that you're going to be everything God called you to be without any excuse and you're not going to stop until the manifestation happens I need to talk to somebody right now I'm gonna go get it the blind men made a determination in their spirit I'm gonna go get it but now here's a real nuance in the text the question they asked they said son of David have mercy on us implying both of us now watch this Jesus did not say do y'all believe I can do it he said do you believe I can do it because even though they came together they individually had to be accountable for how much they believed in him to do what they were asking him to do because he sometimes you want to get by on our mama's prayers our granddaddy's prayers are pastors prayers we want to get by on the association's as we have the networks that were in and god says listen you can use that for community and support but at the end of the day have to have a belief system on your own because if you don't believe it on your own I'm not going to do it and this is why it's so important for you to make sure that you believe what is in the word for yourself and you're not relying on your Sabbath school group come on y'all you need to come into Sabbath school already having studied so you can test out some of your ideas you can get engaged an idea but the problem is when you outsource your belief to a group you also outsource the result individually that God wants to produce he didn't say do y'all believe he said do you believe it do you believe that he can do it no seriously seriously whatever the it is in your life do you believe that he can do it do you believe it do you believe it no seriously do you believe it do you really believe it then if you believe it you have to begin to position your whole life to receive it now what I love is that after he asked the question do you believe that I am able to do this they replied yes Lord then he touched their eyes my arm length is maybe a few feet that means for me to touch somebody they have to be in the vicinity of where I am they got to get close to experience the touch if somebody is on the other side of the building and I put out my arm I cannot touch them because I'm not close enough some of you have not been able to get the blessing that is planned for you because you have not gotten close enough to God to your Savior Jesus so he can touch you you got to open up your whole life you got to get in the word you got to get in prayer you got to get close to God clothes I'm here to tell you as God has opened up new levels for my career as he has put me in really difficult situations that had helped produce his desired outcome the only thing that I've been able to rely upon is getting close to him some of you are too far away from him right now you've allowed your doubt you've allowed your depression you've allowed your anger to push you away and God is saying you got to come back to me and get close cuz I want to touch you I wanted I want I want to let you know that that haven't forgot about you I want to let you know that I'm right here you got to get close to God again you got to get close enough so that you're just an arm's length away so you can really see what his plan is and as they got close to him it says a he touched him and he said according to your faith be it unto you now here's a trip some of us in this situation if we were actually the Blom one of the blind men here the moment he touched us and said according to your faith be it unto you some of us only one I would have opened I'm talking to somebody right now because that's how our faith is we believe him a little bit of what he wants to do but we didn't believe he could return the full eyesight so some of us because our faith is kind of schizophrenic and it's all over the place and it's not consistent he would have said according to your faith and only one eye would have opened because you didn't have enough faith to believe him for the full restoration of your sight you gotta get your faith up today and start believing God for the fullness of what he has planned the fullness the fullness all of it all of it and you know I got to talk real quick because I know we're wrapping up to the to the older Saints see some of y'all think you've already run the lap you know are you trying to downturn you know you're like hey I'm downshifted I'm just coasting I'm in retirement listen you better you better say God if you have me on this earth that means you must have something more that you want to do now that you've been able to do in the 60 or 70 years I've been here please don't downshift now you should be more active than you've ever been come on now come on now and let me just talk to some of the Millennials in the group you know some of the young folks see what I see sometimes in this generation is the spirit of laziness uh-huh uh-huh I mean seriously I mean a spirit of laziness and this thing that just wants to keep you in your seat and do you think you can do everything from your phone and everything you can accessing dinner let me tell you it's not true it's just not true you got to get up you got to start cleaning up that room you got to start putting in them applications you got to start making sure you're doing your studies you got to start living with integrity because it works and it matters and it will actually help produce success and when you ditch your faith all the way up and you live a life that lives in expectation you won't see God show up in your life like never before you need to understand that the blind man had been blind we don't know how long maybe they were born into blindness maybe they achieve - we don't know but what we do know is their life was suffering but when they had enough power and enough persistence to pursue Jesus their blessing all of a sudden in a touch because they had enough faith to believe that he could do it in a moment BAM they said it works it works I can see it works yo hey man Hey look what you're wearing well look what I'm wearing - I can see so you don't even understand that some of you think that you're operating with full sight but you have not seen yet what God wants to do you gotta start getting crazy and radical with your praise and believing God on a new level because you're going to see him like you've never seen him and some of you guys are sitting there saying oh my goodness he's so excited you better believe I'm excited because I've seen Jesus and I will never be the same when you have seen come into your life see okay I'm saying son close cuz we got to go the last thing I must say is what you had an experience with God that radically has changed your life your your whole environment yes your whole perspective shifts I cannot just stay in my seat and and say oh thank God and just think it Jesus no I gotta get up and say I know who he is I know what I've come through I know where I'm going I've seen Jesus like never before because when I had no sight and I only had visions of what my life was now I can actually see it manifest and they were healed according to your faith be it unto you stand up in the house of God right now stand up right now stand up how much faith do you have right now seriously how much faith do you have right now you have to get your faith to a level that it scares you how much you're believing God to do anybody get that I want your faith to be so high and what you're believing God to do is so big that you say Oh Lord I'm getting a little uncomfortable but that's where we have to live because if we can do it we don't need faith to do it you're saying that faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen if I can do it I don't need faith for it I need faith for the things I can't do that only he can do and I have to believe he is who he says he is and he has a power he said he has God sent me here today to remind you of his power to let you know that even in your pain he can do it please do not put down your dream because you've been investing for 20 years you haven't seen a manifestation yet don't give it up don't give it up because there are some things that might take 30 years and if you give up on year 20 like the tower of your your life you may never get to the penthouse floor because you gave up on the wrong floor God sent me here today because in addition to the miracles that you are working in the city God wants you to remember that he's still working miracles in your life and that you are the miracle because when you're out there ministering to somebody if you're not ministering from a place of like hey look what he did for me your ministry not to have as much power as it could people don't want to intellectual God they want a real God amen amen so here's what I want you to do I want you to grab your neighbors hand grab your neighbors hand right now go across the aisle grab your neighbors hand right now we are like those blind men and we have joined forces to pursue the blessing on our life and I want you to feel the strength in the unity in this place right now do you feel the confidence do you feel the strength do you feel the power that's in this room right now I need you to know the person that you're holding who if you could only see what God is getting ready to do if you can only see what God is getting ready to do in the person's life that you're holding right now you would go ahead and get excited for them and if you could only see what God is getting ready to do in your life you wouldn't be able to hold their hand any longer you'd be so excited I need you to know God did not send you here on accident he's sent you here to get yourself recalibrated to be able to run this race because you may be blind in the physical but in the spiritual you can see you must use your spiritual sight until your physical sight catches up with it alright you get that use your spiritual sight until your physical sight catches up with it so as you are holding hands feel the strength feel the power feel the presence feel the purpose feel the blessing he is not forgotten about you I know you've been crying out you've been petitioning and like the blind man you think that he's ignoring you he's not ignoring you he hears you but because he needs to prepare you for where you're gonna go he sometimes will withdraw the answer to see how badly you will pursue it and how badly you want it it's not about a game it's about preparation so God had brought you here to have a team meeting he brought you here because he said ah uh halftime the year is almost over and my people are not where they need to be call a team meeting give them the new play so that when this last quarter of this year starts they go hit the last this last quarter like it was the beginning of the year it meant your heavenly Father as your children are here joining hands you said where two or three are gathered that you would be there so thank you for being here right now and I am praying dear Lord that right now you would hit every doubt in the house your Lord you've given some of your children such incredible visions that not only do does it scare them but they begin to doubt if it can happen so right now in the mighty name of Jesus I pray there more that you would touch their doubt right now touch it and let them know don't don't doubt my power let them know that you're right in your power it cannot be done but let them know in my power it can be done because I can do all things let them know that they serve in all things kind of God not a partial God not a half God but in all things kind of God and I'm praying to Heavenly Father that for all the dreams that are in the house for the purposes in the house I am praying to Lord that she would release new vision to them that she would give them new strength that you would give them a new anointing and I would also pray to your Lord that you would release promotion in the house there but some people have been working the same job and I think it's a dead-end job dear Lord and right when they get ready to quit I pray you just drop a promotion on them and let them know you have not forgotten about them I am praying for the new businesses that are getting ready to start in this house I am praying for the businesses that are on the verge of bankruptcy right now I pray that you would not allow the proceedings to go through I am praying to Lord right now for those that are believing for a husband or a wife their God and they're getting ready to give up do not allow their physical sight to disrupt their spiritual sight show them in their mind who their spouse is going to be and give them the ability to believe for it even when they don't see it and I am praying right now for restoration of every spirit in the house here because as we run this race we get tired we get beat down and we get depressed but thank you for bringing us here dear Lord to fill us back up help us dear God to stay vertical in not horizontal I pray dear Lord as we leave this place that she would allow us to walk out full excited and ready and hungry and determined and confident and courageous to go and do everything you called us to go and do I pray this prayer in the mighty powerful life-changing name of our Savior Jesus Christ if you receive it let him know let him know according to your faith be it unto you and if your applause is an indicator of your faith would you let him know how much faith you have in him today come on come on is that all you got is that all the fake you got is that it is that it is that all you got is that all you got that's it that's all you believe don't let the microphone make y'all cute up in here come on now is that all you got according to your faith be it unto you but I'm gonna take my own medicine I'm believing that I'm believing God to do something so crazy that according to my faith be it unto me so if I got a clap if I got a run if I got a job let God know I have that kind of faith today if you want to do what you said you're gonna do and I don't care if I look crazy and I don't care if I look out my mind you go get out my mind results cuz I got that kind of out my mind me do not hold yourself hostage to your limit I believe we taking the limits off today how many feel freer than you did when you walk in this building how many feel freer than you did when you walk in this building Wow all the way up all the way up
Channel: Miracle City Church
Views: 68,442
Rating: 4.9235363 out of 5
Id: S4DkvYNtkTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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