DeVon Franklin | Remove Fear For Glory

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hey everybody welcome and thank you so much for tuning in to the wave World Outreach sermon we really believe this sermon is gonna bless you so stick around and watch what you just did for me was cool but I say this everywhere I go I didn't wake you up this morning why don't you give praise where praise is due come on now don't pray you're praising him like somebody told you who he is not like you know who he is why don't you give him praise like you know that you know that you know what he has done in your life anybody here can testify if it wasn't for His mercy and grace you wouldn't be here right now you better give Him praise here's here's what blows my mind so many people know me because I produce films and and that's my day job and let me tell you people always want to know what celebrity do you know and let me tell you when I'm with certain celebrities people lose their mind just to get in front of them and get a selfie but may I submit for your consideration even if your favorite celebrity walked into this house right now they did not get up on a cross and shed their blood for your sins but Jesus is here and if you can praise a celebrity down here who ain't done nothing for you why don't you give praise to the king of kings and the Lord of look who at the way Church am I talking to you better praise him [Applause] why is this so important because I don't misinterpret your presence here just because you're here it doesn't mean that there's something that's not stressing you out so what happens is whatever we're stressing you out there has been stressing you in here so what happens is the enemy wants you to bring your stress into the pew so the Word of God cannot get through to you because what you're worried about is blocking what God is trying to get to you this is why you have to praise your way out of your feelings praise your way out of your stress out of your anxiety out of your worry I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you've got to get out of how you feel and into the facts the facts are you are blessed the facts are he loves you the facts are he's already gone before you to prepare the way last thing I'm gonna say is this and I want you to take your seat when we come in the house of God it is an opportunity to go to the next level now too often we want to praise on the next level when we get to the next level but that's not faith faith is praising now as if you're already on the level you're praying he's gonna take you to so would you go ahead and praise him one more time like you know the check is on the way like you know the money is already in the banking the scholarship is on the way who am I talking to right now you better praise Him you better thank him high-five your neighbor and say thank Jesus I made it come on somebody yes yes you may have your seat if you can you may have your seat if you can you may have your seat if you can it is truly an honor a pleasure and a privilege to be with you tonight on your 15th anniversary celebration now I want you to know me and your pastor are just getting to know one another but I can tell you as someone who has traveled the world and met a lot of men of God there are very few men with the power and authority and integrity as your pastor give it up give it up and I mean that give it up let them know you love them let them know you love them let them know you appreciate them this is important it's important and when God gave me the invitation through your pastor my good friend Richard who I'll mention in a minute I said cool yeah I can I can do this oh you don't get it off the thing thank you I said I can do this but then I saw the lineup and I said wait wait wait wait wait wait pastor Garcia speaking first then you got Bishop runner who I know and then you got past the kion Henderson and then y'all want me to come oh I see how much you really care and love me I see how it is would you give it up for all the dynamic ministers that you have been blessed with what I can tell you about the first 15 years given that the theme is nothing can stop this that that once something is in motion it's in motion and there's no plan of the enemy that can stop what God has put in motion so I would encourage you if you have been a part of the first 15 you need to tell somebody that don't know that you're a part of the first 15 to make sure they get connected with the next 15 because if you think 350 thousand dollars for this building is something you ain't seen nothing yet God is gonna take care of that in a minute and it's gonna be too small because of what you all are doing so I'm honored to be here but beyond me being here why has God called us here tonight because I believe that too often as people of faith we live beneath our potential we live beneath what is possible for us we live beneath where God would truly have us to be and go why because we live if we're being honest wrapped in fear afraid we're not going to make it afraid we're not good enough afraid we don't have what it takes afraid to go where we really see because we're we're afraid that those around us may not accept us but may I submit for your consideration that the vision God gave you for your life he gave it to you I got to talk to somebody right now mmm I'm gonna get to the word in a minute but you often you are submitting for consideration to somebody who does not have the vision that God gave you so when God tells you it's time for you to do something or he gives you a vision of your life too often you say to your mother or father should I do it you may say to your sister or brother should I do it you may even say to your spouse your boyfriend and your girlfriend should I do it and sometimes in their ignorance because they haven't gone before God to ask his guidance before giving you guidance they said no don't do it you don't have the money you don't have a time you don't have the education so as a result God gave you a vision but you chose not to do it because you allow somebody who did not know what he was doing to have authority over your life instead of him having the final authority so if you came for a message that's gonna make you feel comfortable there are exits on the back exits on the right if you came to be entertained you are in the wrong place God has called me to break fear off of your life turn to your neighbor say you're too scary turns your neighbor say why are you so afraid I work in Hollywood and I know that at the box office Annabelle had another movie that came out this week and made over 30 million dollars and Chucky came out two weeks ago and made a lot of money we watching too much horror that gets into our life you see what I'm saying if you're gonna watch it while you let it be make you scary God called me here tonight because too often we secretly live in fear over what he's called us to do I know you you hear the bio and it's like oh you're a producer and you do this and that but I want you to know that that I'm from Northern California was raised in the church and in the church I had a dream to one day go to Hollywood but the people in the church said you can't go inside um and Gomorrha it's the devil's playground if you go to Hollywood you will lose your faith now what was interesting is that I had a vision in my mind but I actually had no idea how it was going to come to pass mmm and and here is where so many of us we miss it God gives us the vision but because we don't know how we don't do oh I'm talking to somebody right now I'm coming and I'm sitting right next to you right now the how is his business get out of God's business turn to neighbors they get your hands off of God's business but how is his business he gives us the vision and we have to have the faith to do it sometimes before it even manifests so so I had this dream of going to Hollywood no one believed that it was possible but instead of stopping I said to those who were well-meaning I loved my church family back home in Oakland I loved them but even though I loved him I did not love them so much that I would live the life that they wanted me to live at the expense of not living the life that he wanted me to live you know I can't I give you a commercial break we'll come right back to our regular scheduled program whose life are you living right now are you living the life he's called you to live or are you living the life that will please your parents or are you living the life that will please your spouse you can do both at the same time but you must please him first please him first everybody put your ones in the air you got to please him first yes so I had to make a decision I said hmm y'all will have to pray for me because I'm going I'm going I gotta go and see if God has a place for me in an industry that seems hostile to what it is he seems to be about on some level I was blind I could see mentally where I wanted to go but I didn't actually know how it was going to happen and that brings me to our text tonight and I want to use a parallel to help you understand why you are unstoppable how to conquer your fear and motivate you to go after what he is showing you why because it's already yours but if you procrastinate you might miss it I'm gonna stick to my notes Matthew chapter 9 verse 27 as Jesus went on from there and we're picking up the story where Jesus is leaving healing the woman with the issue of blood everybody know the one with the issue of blood she was bleeding for twelve years Jesus was on the way to gyruss his house he was a Jewish ruler at the time and the woman with the issue of blood she snuck up behind him and said if I could just touch the hem of His garment I know I will be made whole now what's so interesting is she did not know when Jesus was going to pass by again she made up in her mind I must go after it right now I must go after my healing right now I don't want to miss calculate how much more time I have to do what God is calling me to do because he may leave and never come back this way so I've got to take a risk why are you playing it safe turning everything why are you playing so say ah hmm okay so to watch this she touches to him of her his garment she is made whole he asks her who touched me he says who touched me the disciple said yo man what you mean who touched you you know all these people around you he said no no this was not an incidental touch this was not by accident this was my intent somebody intentionally touched me who knew who I was and so the woman with the issue of blood she comes forward and says it was me I did it I'm sorry I didn't mean to me I tried not to make you unclean that's why I didn't touch you I touched the hem of your garment because I heard who you were and I thought if you really are who you say you are you have the power that you say you have all I have to do is just the garment that is hanging on your body because there's enough power in the garment for me to be made whole and guess what it was true I touched the garment and I'm healed and I'm sorry if I have to pay a price but I'm so thankful that I took the risk because I got something I would have never gotten had I stayed where I was oh you're trying to get something new and you're staying in the old place you can't get something new in the old place you got to get out of where you used to be and go to where he want you to be to receive what it's all ready yours sing into the text he says daughter go in peace your faith has made you whole watch this verse 27 we're picking up our text as Jesus went on from there two blind men followed him you missed it two blind men followed him okay you miss it two blind men followed him two blind men followed him how do you follow something you cannot see and you can see him and you're still not following him why what's your Excuse hi my siksa my nose my watch this the two blind men we don't know how long they were in position and waiting but what we do know is the moment that Jesus came in their vicinity they began to follow him why what did they want they wanted their healing which means this they could see their sight before they could see their sight they had to have the vision here before they can follow where that vision could ultimately manifest I don't know who I'm talking to right now I got two points I got to bring out of this text right here the first one is we don't know how long they were in position but they were in position and they were patient I got to talk to Millennials in the house all the Millennials wave your hands please so I know who you are no wave them like you you really proud to be a millennial come on now wave both hands Millennials through the millennial wave okay I got a message for you I know we live in this Instagram society we we want everything right now we want everything instantize we want to we want to post and we want to get a hundred likes right away we don't want to put nothing in the oven we want a microwave success I know you want it right now but may I submit for your consideration what you want right now you are not prepared to handle what God is trying to do in you is gonna require your patience you got to slow down you got to commit to the process I'm talking to somebody I want it to be a producer of my own films I want to have my own production company at 18 years old 18 I got an internship working for Will Smith unpaid at 18 sir for four years while I was going to USC getting my degree in business when I graduated USC I did a business plan for my production company because at 22 I wanted somebody to fund it 22 had the business plan for the production company nobody wanted to give me any money God said you're not ready for your producers chair but I do have an assistant chair what was the assistants chair the assistants chair was to be an assistant answering phones doing scheduling running errands for Will Smith's producing partner I said God but I want to be on the set of my own movies God said I heard you the first time either you want this chair or no chair at all Oh hmm to see what happens is God brings us opportunities to prepare us to where he wants to take us but because we're so impatient we overlook what's coming now in favor of what we wanted to be instead of taking what he is giving us understanding it's a step to prepare us to handle what is on the way uh you got to carry a crown before you wear one everybody wants the crown everybody wants to throne but you got to help somebody else carry their crown before you will be crowned with yours 22 I took the assistant job working at this company answering phones doing scheduling getting coffee it wasn't it wasn't glamorous at all people look at Hollywood it wasn't glamorous at all but I still had the vision of what God told me he said you're gonna produce I'm gonna open up your own company so when I was getting the coffee I didn't do it begrudgingly see so often we use God loves a cheerful Giver only looking at that through the lens of finances but that means a lifestyle too often in just because you aren't where you want to be don't treat where you are as if it's not where you want to be treat where you are as it is where you want to be if you work at your boat lay you better get them bones right how do you want your burrito do you want the tofu door so free to us or do you want double to me come on somebody put excellent in your work because that excellence prepares you to handle what is on its way to you but too often this generation won't sit and don't want to work for it in the mighty name of Jesus I pray until you get convicted to work but what he wants you to have I pray he blocks it because if he releases something in your life that you have not worked for you will lose it as fast as it came into your life but how do you how do you make it through a job you can't stand how do you make you through a period of time you're frustrated in you got to keep the vision right here okay how many people have been to the movie theater before all right before the movie starts what happens trailers all right so if you saw the last Avengers before that movie they showed the trailer for the next spider-man now what happens after you see a trailer for a movie you want to see what happens you get excited you pay that you buy the tickets you prepare do you get frustrated or do you worry if the movies gonna come out why don't you worry cuz you just saw the trailer so so when you close your eyes let the vision for your light play on the screen of your mind the more you see the trailer don't get discouraged you gotta be encouraged oh god you keep giving me the same vision over and over that must mean something's getting ready to happen all I gotta do is stay the course two blind men followed him because they were patient in position and they had a vision of having sight before they had sight now as they followed him the question remains how do they know where he was how can you follow something you cannot see they had to follow him by what they heard that implies people around Jesus had to be talking about Jesus so those that who could not see Jesus could still find Jesus so my question for you I know you talk about them in here but what happens when you're out there can the people who are blind to Jesus out there find him because of the way you talk about him I don't know who I'm talking to right now and the people who are blind spiritually find him because the way you talk about it don't be afraid to tell him how good he is don't be afraid to tell others what he's done in your life you got to talk about him so others can locate him now as they followed him they were saying son of David have mercy on us deliver us from our pain deliver us from our affliction now what was so amazing is that calling him son of David publicly came with the risk they were saying to Jesus we know that you're more than just a man we know you are the prophesied Messiah and we aren't afraid to say it publicly no matter what anyone does to us I'm gonna pause here for a minute in that first internship interview people told me Hollywood was a place that was anti faith now I said be that as it may I've got to find out for myself in that first internship interview when they were asking me why I wanted to be an entertainment I told the person at Will Smith's management company I told her I said I want to be an entertainment cuz I want to make change in the world I believe entertainment one of the most powerful mediums in the world and if I can be a part of it I can change people's hearts and minds for the better if you don't know your why you're gonna compromise the how why do you want it so badly why do you want it so badly you've got to ask yourself this question why am I so discouraged over something that has not yet happened why you got to know your why cuz if you don't know your why you'll compromise everything that comes after it so I told her my why but here's the reason why I'm sharing this story at the end of the interview she said is there anything else you want me to know now as a Christian I was raised observing the Sabbath so I told her I do not work on the Sabbath so if this internship would require me to work on the Sabbath I will not take the internship see too often we want opportunities so badly that we will conform and contort ourselves to get it the door of opportunity that God has ordained will not require you or I to compromise faith to fit into it if you are in a situation where you have to become smaller don't go through that door because if you compromise your faith and you leave it on the outside you're gonna need your faith on the inside and what you is already only outside because you compromise you gotta be everything God called you to be if you cannot handle me in my faith then maybe I'm not the right fit for this job but let me tell you something God has an abundance of opportunity just because one job doesn't get it it doesn't mean there's an O over your career it means there's somewhere else that God wants to place you where you can be everything he's called you to be don't compromise to be recognized I got to give you a commercial break mmm Oh see yep i'ma getting your business right now because he's somebody right now you're dating someone and she waving in the band you're dating somebody that you've wanted someone we all want somebody nothing's wrong with that but it's what we do to get somebody or it's what we don't do to get somebody somebody right now you're dating someone that you can't even be your full self with hey hey I'm gonna tell you the truth and then you wonder why you're not really happy because you're trying to find love in your power not his power the love he wants to bring you you won't have to compromise what you believe to have it the love he wants to bring you will accept you but where you are when you are not trying to change you into something that they want you to be instead of who you authentically are the love he wants to bring you will be healing to your life the love he wants to bring you will allow you to be free in a way you've never been stop compromising just to have somebody to hold on to why don't you Netflix and chill by yourself and keep your heart instead of giving it to somebody who doesn't even want your heart all they want is your body who am I talking to right now okay all right back to our regularly scheduled program have mercy on us son of David deliver us from our pain we got to stop acting like just because those of us who may know Jesus that doesn't make us a super hero here's what I mean by that too often we don't acknowledge that yes I love Jesus and I'm still in pain yes I'm trying to do right but I still hurt yes I believe all things are possible through those that love him but I also admit man there's some stuff in my past and I still got to deal with it's okay to admit this you're in pain we all go through things we all hurt we all have been betrayed we all have been deceived we all have had our hearts broken in some way it's so important if you are thinking about becoming a Christian that you not think that being a Christian means oh that means pain goes out the window it's just not true we have a hope to go with the pain amen but we still have to keep asking for deliverance from the pain amen son of David have mercy on us this exchange is happening outside how do I know I want to read you the next text this is very peculiar what happens next it says after they say have mercy on us son of David verse 28 says this when he had gone indoors hmm when he had gone indoors this implies the exchange was happening outside and Jesus kept on walking here's the dilemma are they going to stay on the outside and say well we tried or are they gonna make up in their mind they cannot be stopped it's just a decision you got to decide turns here neighbors say I got to decide you you got to decide your uterus you just got to make a decision this is what I'm going to do this is what's going to happen and I'm gonna stay committed until I see the fulfillment of what God is wanting to do if you don't experience conflict on the way to where he wants you to be you are going in the wrong direction name me one movie that you love that has no conflict why do you love your favorite movie so much because of the conflict if there was no conflict there would be no victory if there was no conflict there'd be no hero you only know how heroic you are when you understand the amount of conflict you've endured the conflict is designed to bring the hero out of you not to try to defeat it the enemy thinks oh I'm going to throw this conflict to defeat them but the enemy is already defeated so you have to understand that conflict that comes your way is only to build you up not to break you down some of you've been complaining about the conflict some of you've been complaining about why is it so hard some of you've been complaining cuz people are standing in your way you need to go ahead and say thank you Jesus thank you Lord for the conflict thank you for the obstacles I must be heading in the right way and my prayers must be working I must be blessed and highly favored I must be on my way because if I wasn't being fought right now I would not be going where I know I'm supposed to go who am I talking to right now you need to start thanking God you're going through what you're going through conflict means you're heading in the right direction why would the enemy stop you when you're going in the wrong direction doesn't happen people don't talk about you when you're going in the wrong direction they say oh yeah hey whoo but no you make a decision that no one else your family has made to turn your life around they want to say oh you think you're better than me oh you think you know know what I'm doing in my life ain't got nothing to do with you you just revealed your problem not mine I'm not going to live down to your expectation I'm gonna live up to who ease called me to be whether you can handle it or not okay they had a decision do we stop because it seems like he ignored us he went into the inside of the house we just yelled and said son of David have mercy on us and he kept on walking do we just throw our hands and say I'm done or do we keep going that's why I say you got to decide they made the decision they said um okay we're gonna keep on going it says they follow him in the house now mind you they're blind they have no idea what's in their way think of the people in the situation they tripped over didn't matter we're gonna get what's ours today it don't matter we may even fall so man they'll pick us up we're gonna keep on going why cuz we cannot be stopped when they got on the inside Jesus says do you believe I can do it timeout timeout if he asked them do you believe I can do it it implies he heard their requests on the outside but he wanted to see how bad do you want what you're asking me for will you keep on pushing even though you're depressed will you keep on going even though you're discouraged will you keep on moving through even though you want to quit how bad do you want what you're asking me for so I've got a question to ask you how bad do you want it will you keep on pushing will you keep on going will you keep letting people talk about you in the midst of you pursuing what God has promised for your life do you believe now what's so interesting about this is he didn't say do y'all believe why is this important because too often we try to get by on somebody else's faith too often we try to get some get by on somebody else's belief jesus said do you believe I ain't talking to go I'm talking to you individually you can't get by on your pastor's feet you can't get by on your aunties face your grandma's face don't get me wrong I'm thankful for the praying mothers I've ahead of my life but at the end of the day I gotta learn how to pray come on somebody I gotta exercise the power of prayer watch this and then we're done they said yes yes we believe and then it says he touched their eyes that implies proximity they had to get close to him intimacy relationship how close are you to him right now how strong is your prayer life how strong is your devotional life don't get me wrong I have it listen social media plays a powerful important role but what I've learned is that if I don't manage social media it manages me how do I know I find myself scrolling when I get up scrolling in the bathroom scrolling while I get dressed come on somebody don't leave me out here hanging strolling in the car scrolling on my lunch break scrolling while I'm watching TV I scroll all day long and then I wonder why I can't hear his voice cuz I'm checking everybody else's page instead of checking heaven's page who am I talking to right now [Applause] he asks a question do you believe I can do it throughout my career I had he kept asking me the question do you believe I can do it and my answer was yes Lord I believe and he would say to me if you believe it you have to keep going do you know I started as I mentioned earlier entertaining when I was 18 years old do you know it was 18 years later when I finally was able to walk into the promise and do you know how it happened I used to be a high-powered executive for Sony Pictures making films like The Pursuit of Happyness the Karate Kid jumping the broom and heaviness around so many other movies in between and heaven is for real came out in 2014 it made thirty million dollars in the first five days on a fifteen million dollar budget the chairman of the studio emailed me twice over opening weekend she said congratulations this is amazing this will be one of our biggest hits of the year God said don't just take in the praise set up a meeting so I emailed her back and I said can I come see you she said no problem Tuesday two days after opening weekend I was in her office she said Devon we want to promote you we want to offer you more money heaven is for real we'll be our most profitable film this year I said thank you so much I cannot take it I quit she said why are you quitting I said because I've always wanted to produce my own films I've been making so many movies for you all that are generating so much revenue that I cannot participate in so now is the time for me to step out on faith start my own company and by the way I want you to fund it you have not because you ask not life and death are in the power of the tongue if you can go before the throne boldly why don't you go before a man or woman boldly Who am I talking to Who am I talking to you got to get it out your mouth have more confidence in who he's told you to be it's already set up for you to win and guess what if she said no it just meant that God was not gonna use her it doesn't meant that he said no over my whole career she said yes watch this she said yes we'll fund it but you can't negotiate with anybody else I said that's cool but the deals got to be good stop selling yourself cheap you're valuable you're worth something you deserve the best deal you deserve the right amount of hey stop settle yourself shot we got to go watch this watch this watch this hmm ah watch this six months it took to negotiate the deal almost a month after the deal was closed from my production company all of the Sony computers were hacked by North Korea all this confidential information got out and as a result the Chairman lost her job the two blind men had a decision to make do we let Jesus pass us by or do we keep on pursuing and take care of maximize the window before the window closes too often we miscalculate how long a window will be open for us can you imagine if I was too afraid to go into her to ask her what God told me to ask for I would not be where I am right now do not miss calculate how much time you have to do what he's called you to do you gotta move when God says move turns your neighbors say it's time to move turns your neighbor say stop procrastinating and then we're done he said according to your faith be it unto you as he touches their eyes now some of us our faith is so inconsistent if it was us only one eye would have opened oh [Applause] jesus if you were to ask me right after church both eyes would have opened but you asked me on a Tuesday and my faith was a little low thank you thank you thank you thank you appreciate it amen amen but he said according to your faith be it unto you BAM both eyes open what they saw in their mind now they could see with their eyes you don't even realize the very thing you're angry about you're frustrated about God is saying if you only knew what's getting ready to happen in the next scene of your movie you would not be as mad as you are right now oh if you only knew what was getting ready to go down in your story you would not be complaining you would be praising if you only knew in every story guess what the hero ways wins you are not here to lose you're here because you're about to win who am I talking to right now I gotta say this and I'm over my time but it's so important I'm gonna try to say without crying because I don't do this because it's what God is because it's for me it's why other people if I was not in position in the industry there are certain stories that can never get to the world right here this man right here Richard Martinez sitting on the front row two years ago I got a text from a friend who said I have your next movie I said okay I said tell me what it is and he gave me the one-liner and to be honest I said I'm not sure I text Richard Richard and Judy come in to meet me and I asked and I said tell me your story and by the time of the end the meeting I said I have to help you tell your story now mind you many people come to them before but there was something about what God was doing through our connection and I said listen you got to trust me I don't know how am I get it set up but we're gonna work on it I put a writer on the project we developed the pitch my home studio Fox did not want it too often we say oh well Fox don't want it that means God don't wanna are you crazy watch this you've got to see God's hand in a minute Fox so at Fox there's big Fox and then there's Fox Searchlight right so Fox Searchlight is the independent division of Fox this is very important to the story we went out we pitched it Netflix wanted it CBS wanted it in fact searchlight wanted him so we talked and I said okay we'll set up an Fox Searchlight do you know that had we set it up in Fox one of the divisions I wanted to set it up with God shut down because Disney just bought Fox the other division no longer is making movies like this do you realize if I set it up with the main division we would have been locked up in a way where the movie had never happened do you realize because we set it up in five Searchlight Disney has given Fox Searchlight the authority to make whatever they want do you know on Friday less than 48 hours ago I got a call from the studio we are hiring a director and about to make richer's movie why because the hero Oh Waze wins I don't know who I'm talking to right now and Lucas said nothing is impossible with God here is a man who dedicated his life to seeing what others couldn't I see and now we're about to take the story to bring hope to the world I don't know who I'm talking to right now but if you need your faith to go to another level I need you down at this altar right now if you came in here feeling low if you came in here almost on E it's time to get a holy fill up of faith right now come on get uncomfortable get uncomfortable if you are going for what God has called you to go for if you can see the vision for your life get down to this altar right now make room make room make room make room make room make room come on make room make room oh you got to get out of where you are and move to where he wants you to be come on come on make room make room make room make room make room [Music] I want to speak this word than we bring the pastor up for you to prefer to pray over you here's what I want you to know you are not here for an anniversary celebration you're here because God want to have a business meeting with you he brought you here tonight because he needs you to know now is not the time to give up he brought you here tonight because he needs you to know the vision you see for your life is still good he brought you here tonight because he wants you to know you're in the right place he brought you here tonight because he wants you to know you are not forgotten he brought you here tonight because he wants you to know if you only knew what's getting ready to happen you would be praising him right now he wants you to know all things work together for the good of those that love him he wants you to know it's closer than you think last thing I'm gonna say is this he's gonna do something unique through you so that others will know who he is through you the same way me making movies isn't just about me it's about what God wants to do through me it's not even just about you it's what he wants to do through you you better get ready you better get ready every time you get frustrated I want you to turn your frustration into a prayer every time you get worried I want you to turn your worry into an affirmation uh-uh no no because you are going to win thank you so much for tuning in to today's message now join me for a word of Prayer God thank you so much for today's word we pray that it would touch our heart and we would learn how to apply it this week continue to go with this this week and encourage us strengthen us and help us to walk with you we love you Lord in Jesus name Amen thank you so much again and if you'd like to partner with us by supporting the ministry simply click the link in the bio or the description thanks again and we'll see you on the next sermon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 63,020
Rating: 4.9021635 out of 5
Keywords: DeVon Franklin, Jesus Christ, Christian Church, The Way World Outreach, WAYfam, Meagan Goode
Id: 4rsiw4LdxZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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