Gmod FNAF | The Thicc Contest! [The Contest Episode 2]

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Oh oh boy hue oh oh I'm excited um that they were able to let me do a episode to to my show after what happened at the end of the last show but I think it was good inning but everyone's like no no no you just can't give away Oliver I'm like I don't see what the big deal is but um you know I'll probably give away more money in this video yeah that's what I'll do I'm gonna have to stop you right there sir what the who are you uh hi I'm new here I was hired by the upper employees to help you out here with your little TV show program sure man what Oh oh I wasn't informed about this well yeah basically they wanted me to come here and supervise everything to you know make sure nothing bad happens again like and make to make sure you don't make any more mistakes like you did at the end of the first episode what : I thought it was a good ending in spoilers but like it was perfect because foxy came in he's the best for naff character you can't argue with that hmm well maybe not him he might not be the fate of my favorite finasteride by the community yes but by me individually probably not but you just can't do that you can't have a whole competition and you just have some person come in late if he was there for the competition it would have been fine but not well okay there's an hour issue I much I need to address but before I just that other issue first of all first of all first of all you can't just let you just can't have this random stranger walk in right at the end of the show right after you've now it's just a first second third and fourth all those places and all that stuff you just can't do that and can't have this person who comes in late like sorry I was late there's traffic or something like that and know if someone's late they're disqualified okay and like holy Frick you jet you gave away you gave away this shows earnings to that dude so now all we have left to do for this although all the earnings we have left is the earnings that were made from episode 1 which we're the best so now I'm trying to save this god dang show because now we have no money so the only way for us to continue is if this episode blows up alright well that's a lot of pressure yeah but don't worry I've done I made sure you can't screw this up what really oh are you gonna are you gonna like shoot me yourself if I try to give away there's some money to people well I probably I if you do try to do that I might shoot you but no I've already planned out the show I've already planned out the scripts I've already planned out the props I've planned out the challenges and I've already gotten people here but there is one issue though what's what's the issue well I should I be gay actually you know what mm-hmm you know what this issue you know what no it's fine it's fine it's fine fine but what's wrong well normally we on these shows we'd like to have we like to have ten people but we actually have 12 so it's like you plus two more so yeah but don't worry I have a plan I have a plan of a plane and also oh yeah that's right you haven't even heard the new system and how we're on voting and stuff like that what do you mean voting well no not voting I mean judging so instead I've already talked to all your judges your judges already out there there's already a crowd out there we're actually about to go live in a couple minutes but uh anyways um basically the point system is different instead of like a judge saying like a certain score after each after someone does something instead of them holding up a number so most people like that basically they're gonna write down in their notes what they like and what they don't like and then at the very end then they discuss about everything and then they decide who wins like a proper thing like you can't just have numbers tell you wait wait what what makes you say you're good or not because that's just pretty dumb so um you know so it's a new system with don't worry you don't have to worry about the judge thing the judges already know about that so I'm not going to go into the whole system but um yeah I just want to let you know it's different um let's see and yes I already have props out I have there's props behind the judges so those will be used for the challenges and well let's see here and all will be covering your back I'll whisper you you like hey if you need to do something you better do it and I'll also have a few notes for you to take so take these notes it tells you like basically the whole show rundown in just a short summary okay oh well this is weird you're like my new boss yeah basically I am so I don't don't screw this up so um yeah I'll be watching I'll be watching from over here and I'll run out there just in case you need me or something like that oh okay so all the judges and everyone else is out there yeah the show is uh the show will go live pretty in about a couple minutes so yeah okay also we're also also one more thing one more thing before you um before you go out there you know we're not um laughing aside this yet I don't know you know what you know what screw it you know what screw it no downa nevermind nevermind you just go out there sorry I have my own thoughts I'm a little nervous about this I just don't want us to screw up but don't worry I've made sure we can't screw oh okay wait one more thing what does this color test about the last time it was the same like who who is the best person uh yes yes okay now this is where my research has come into so I've had to do some some research because I want to make sure I want to make sure people actually like this lecture last time but the reason why people the reason why people don't like the first episode okay is because they already know who was the best I know which foxy surprisingly and I'm surprised too because like well I mean I'm not surprised but like I am surprised because he wasn't there for the whole thing and then he showed up right at the answer I'm like holy Frick oh that's pretty rigged um but yeah people people yeah people weren't exactly happy with the first one and plus people already knew probably we're already knew like hey I already know who the best is so you know so yeah things like that oh okay well no this time we have a real contest and well it's kind of like I don't know well I mean there's the competition whatever well anyways it's a basically it'll um it'll help you it'll wait where's I going with this you know sorry I forgot how to think for a minute um hmm let's see here what was I thinking stupid endo brain think think think oh yeah um don't know where this hunt is so this contest is about who who is the thickest person wait what yes that's what people that's what I've done my research and that's what people are most interested so we must fulfill what what yeah anyways anyways buddy you're about to go on so you better get ready oh okay Oh already oh I guess it'll go out now we're gonna call me I'll be watching you from the sidelines well okay all right your jump and a little nervous cuz I got pressure put on me because if I screw this up then I can't do my show anymore so it's all right boy alright go on man you're you're cured I go now oh okay oh hey everybody's drunk I tripped and fell on my face oh oh oh still my toe ow my toe a little peek oh hey oh hey welcome back to the contest episode 2 hello hello yes you no need to applause or anything like that it's not like I was hoping you would you don't have to anyways um yep so anyways welcome back we had a we had a great great but we had a great first episode and we're glad we're you're bagging holy foot does actually a bigger crowd today huh oh yeah anyways oh yeah we want to thank everybody for the live audience for coming here and uh yep anyways without further ado let's introduce our judges so again same judges from the first one we have my brother mr. golden toy Freddy oh hello my brother shoutout toy Freddy I'm excited for this one uh-huh next up we have is judge toy Bonnie how oh hi I'm probably like the only official judge here uh-huh and then uh the next up we have is judge uh Bonnie wait hmm wait weren't you supposed to wasn't your a thing only for the UH I know because you had accidents from that one from that one a pilot episode of the con um but wait how are you wait wait wasn't the deal yeah you would be a judge for one episode I have a gun what the Freak uh uh security security this man has a good I'm freaking scared then we don't have security so good dang I thought that person would do something useful oh all freaked God dang it stupid shoe I knew I should have found it I couldn't find a new judge in time so I just let him do it again God dang it's the stupid crazy person oh don't worry I'm the endo Bindo I'll save the day dive mister oh ouch oh there we go but the threats been neutralized phew that could have been a close one something bad could have happened right there um is everyone okay yup this kind of spooked you good there endo ah boys ah I'll be back in a few with the new judge just just just continue on you're coming with me mister uh no for you I want to shoot people this challenge like fine oh okay anyway sorry about that um anyways well my assistant goes tries to find us a new proper judge and uh yeah sorry for sorry about that it's fine oh you didn't even have a gun he was a water gun so it's fine Oh anyways I'll continue enough stupid um anyways continuing on what us um let's introduce the the the child in the contestants that's what they're called was it introduced two contestants All Right contestants um if you don't would just come out like one add time or something I don't really care who or what I just care that you come out at least so yeah come on out someone come someone come on out or me first I need I need the best appearance ouch oh my gosh that's a big baby hi ouch hello hi I am baby and I'm thick and I am special in I have um let's see here what is special about hmm hmm hmm well let's see here I I have a dandy fetish I get stuck indoors a lot and hmmm I think that sums up everything so yeah well very very very interesting no no okay and this time in this time screw everybody else screw you stupid I mean I freaked they're still judging um heck I mean at this time I'm gonna win this contest um even though and always up for the contestant in the last contest I will redeem myself today because I believe I will win this one because I am special well the that's the spirit so yeah I will show you who a true winner is so yeah ouch mm-hmm oh okay then or someone else come out oh if you excuse me I'll be right back I'm gonna go talk to my assistant and try to figure this out okay wait what - freak happened I'll go next we out hi I'm Laura and I'm a ballerina and yeah I always suggested someone suggested that I should do this so I did it that's why I came here so I'm a little nervous but I yeah I'm excited oh very interesting oh thank you for coming something like that uh-huh okay we while we I'll go next hi I'm the I'm the puppet and yeah I was also just pretty much suggested that I should come here so yep that's it that's why I'm here too so yeah very interesting oh oh good next person okay or Oh endo you good yeah hi I took his gun away from him yeah though I lied to the crowd I said everyone I told everyone in the crowd that was just part of the show and that uh that you know that it was just like a squirt gun yeah whew okay good yeah I was gonna cover that's a good cover did you actually have gone yeah you did it was loaded with the Freak man good deal what got into your head mister I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs God dang it you um you think wait you this was a make-a-wish so are you supposed to die soon or something that I am supposed to be sued holy freak ah um okay yeah don't let anybody see that well yeah okay way if you're in here here's taking over I'll go my golden toy for he's taking over okay wait what are we gonna do he was the third judge we needed a new judge yeah your niche bathroom shucks oh hello there stranger would you like to be a judge for my contest do I get paid oh not exactly that's fine I got nothing better to do okay that solves that problem okay and that is why everyone should drink my milk oh I am kind of scarred now for life okay everybody I'm out I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back oh did everyone go up and introduce themselves oh yeah they did oh okay good all right so now that everybody has met all the contestants um we actually helped our third judge back oh we got a new judge because the other one was cuckoo for cocoa puffs apparently that's that's what he said I just quoted him anyways we have our new judge mister nightmare bollocks man he volunteered he was in the bathroom he got lost in the bathroom and he decided hey he would come join us and help fulfill our dreams y'all are this cherish I'm pretty comfortable much like y'all I won't complain y'all a little squirt how does this whole thing work oh gosh surrounded by idiots they are you better watch it alright um let's see here I gotta I gotta get rid of the body um uh oh I know how to solve my problems there we go problem solved alrighty doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa do I'm gonna watch from over here all right everybody so yeah wait wait wait wait wait what do you want a little boy you're disturbing my show ha I want to enter the contest what know what why not well it's too late it's too late to enter why five please but no oh pretty employees no come on man I used the P word I said please come on you should let me mean come on man let me in please oh no got freaking God dang I hate this place this is this place it's sexist and it's rink and I'ma sue this place yeah that's what I'm do other sue this place oh heck no not on my watch Oh dad that was staged that was staged right there that was staged right there he was an actor Wow i an't know my best friend from scores an actor wow you can't oh yeah and uh by the way speaking of best friends at school yeah he's gonna have to move to a new school so uh say goodbye to him oh hey well we still play pokémon's well that's too late goodbye okay there he goes well anyways uh continuing on without any more interruptions um we're going to start today off with a nice classic we're gonna start off with musical chairs yes musical chairs hmm oh yeah musical chairs all right so everyone in the audience could give us a minute to get things set up that would be appreciated so we'll go to this one yeah this is perfect time to go to Commission food so uh insert advertisement right here I'll probably forget but okay anyways oh yeah we'll be back on in five minutes so yeah oh okay all right we're on we're on a break right now okay good all right I got all day I got I got the chairs right here oh okay dang you actually I did have this plane time uh-huh hopefully we don't have any more interruptions sorry to keep covering up for these situations yeah I know right see I'm telling you running it a TV show is pretty difficult all right let's get these chairs set up all right let's see wait there's 12 there's 12 contestants right oh yeah all right how many checks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay 11 chairs all right there we go wait I just realized something no we're gonna have a big enough floor I'll shoot you're right um okay well just take down the curtain oh okay Oh dupa dupa do you guys don't see anything in the audience y'all could just talk or something this doesn't exist well I'm gonna to we're gonna push to put the curtains over here for now because we're gonna have to use the whole stage on for this part so yep already in its seizure or next video have one cherry no let's get no we'll have five chairs like this okay one chair two three dupa dupa - don't mommies that not these chairs oh I okay I just need five more chairs and then I'll put the other one on the other side so one two three four and wait we need one more chair Frick Oh endo do we have another chair God dang i miscounted the chairs um okay let's see that's oh wait no I found a second I found another chair okay perfect and we'll just put this one right here and we'll take away chair after everything all right um all right Oh contested so y'all come round starts around the chairs and you know okay we oh boy I can't this sounds like a lot of fun I love games I'm gonna beat you all true you I'm gonna win Wow someone is very um is trying is being a over achiever here Oh like you watch it oh boy all right excuse me coming through oh boy ouch oh excuse me coming through there we go oh okay or ohm or endo how much time do we have we have flies it's 30 seconds well okay oh this is my tie look good oh yeah sure whatever oh okay all right there we go just alright everyone come on up and I think we have about everybody up here now and there we go all righty all right and then we can go back in three two one all right welcome back from commercial break did you see some spicy commercials did you make sure to go check them out that'd be good well anyways we're back here and yep so anyways we have ouch I stubbed my toe again Oh anyways we have all of these contestants up here you know they're ready to play some classical musical chairs so yeah do we have wait do we have the music where's the music we have fun a foil music playing in the background stop breaking the fourth wall oh okay you know what we'll switch up the we'll switch up the music and once the music starts on then people just walk around and stuff like that and and we'll eliminate people will take away chair each round and we'll see how that goes so yeah already um all right here let's get that music set up well let's have a music should we play uh we'll do this wait no no no no it needs to be intense what is this No oh yeah here we go all right there you go Oh y'all start going okay excuse me coming through I'm walking here I want to chew and you know the whole years ago when the music stops it just does you know you know how to play musical chairs if you don't know how to play if you've never played musical chairs that's that's a sad that's a sad little life so yeah everyone just everyone just walked around then this is a tense game of musical chairs and all right the music makes it more intense Hey all right oh hey stop shoving very very intense game of musical chairs right here ladies and gentlemen ouch oh okay you know what we're gonna stop up that there we go everyone find a seat okay everyone just fine to see as quick as you can there we go it's kind of there's going to be a long process because we can only interact with one person at a time oh and we're up to two chairs oh that's not good oh I think we have to find a new chair oh yeah if you break it you buy it oh wait wait I need chair ouch excuse me yeah I got this jerk freak I need a chair oh there you go I got this one right here oh oh oh-hoh there we go what is what a very intense game I'm you the holy freight that that's play musical chairs with intense music we should do that more often you already um we have two contestants here who did not sit down because two chairs wait there should be three Oh No Oh rats I mean uh I mean uh it doesn't matter you don't see me what well anyways oh you to come up here you to come up here oh well how does it feel to lose at musical chairs actually really sad really really sad good it should feel really sad losing the first round of musical chairs is pretty set I'm also probably the reason why one of y'all kid is still well actually probably both of y'all could have been in the chair if a little little mingle over here Dana break both of them I'm sorry and it means you I tripped and fell and broke them yeah you broke my chair now I had to find a new one yeah that's uh that's very difficult right there so yeah that that's kind of sad well y'all are disqualified y'all can leave what disqualify a nose like that I was like points so something like that nope sadly it's this qualification because we have too many people and uh yeah alright I think we're gonna do like one or two more rounds of musical chairs and then we'll do something different so um yeah this whole game this whole this whole this whole episode won't be about musical chairs we have other things set up so uh yeah oh so what do we do oh no you could just watch from the audience or something like that does support your friends or something like that okay I'll do that I like supporting people oh boy alright alright everybody we're going on to round 2 musical chairs will do three rounds um because we don't want to spend the whole thing and yeah y'all are I'm pretty sure you are you too you too are cheating Shh you don't see us down here under these tables Oh artist game's rigged there should've been four people eliminated shadow Freddy no no the music started so well yeah oh dang it okay we got to find a chair this time so yeah okay we excuse me in okay cut dang you're still fat I'm not fat get off of me oh oh oh violence this round yeah yeah I'm gonna go through here yeah you know what yeah you know I'm gonna make sure you all get eliminated hey get all the way oh gee stop shoving oh actually this very intense I'm kind of scared yeah okay you guys got to get all the way y'all like y'all can't just sit down the whole around well the chance of reaching I'll break all the chairs so that way no one wins yeah that's right get these tears out of yours no wait - that's cheating stop hey no stop shoving I don't make ears whoa oh oh no oh oh no this is not good all right shirt should I stop the music no keep the music on I want to see where this goes yeah all the way there's one chair left are you kidding me I'm a sick nude it's my chair my chair Oh God dang yourself look okay okay we should stuff to me the time time time ooh ouch oh you're crushing me oh well that was a brutal game of musical chairs it looks like both were twins musical chairs get a good job Laura hooray oh it's cuz all the other chairs broke oh oh so wait does anyone else get eliminated oh shoot oh my kiss I guess no I oh let me think about this um all right you know what um you know what you know what you know what no everyone or all the contestants to all the remaining contestants y'all go over to that corner and me and endo Bindo we'll figure something out real quick so everyone go over there everyone except Laura Laura you stay you stay over here okay since you won that round alright everyone else go to the go over there oh I broke the chair my bad well okay fine well Indo Bindo go get the spare chairs out I have an idea okay hell oh my head oh you're [ __ ] you end up back here I don't know or I'm pretty sure all the contestants are over there some contestants might have gone missing during that round I'm not sure where everyone went well Mangal get over there I'm going alright so yeah all right below you don't have to participate in this cuz you win that so you can just stand over here okay all right oh how many people do we have left we have all right everyone stand up so I can see who's still remaining all right so we have baby um we have the stylized to poop it um can you stand up I'm sorry I'm sorry it's dripping on everyone okay we we have we got chica and then we got the Freddy or no that's foxy my bad there's foxy then there's mangle and then on then there's chica again and then there's Freddy and then there's puppets I wait then we have another another chica what happened to the there's another has anyone seen the the regular chica the regular toy chica where's regular toy chica I'm over here I'm sorry I found a chair though I got a chair I got a chair oh my god I got a chair oh okay I guess technically that count sorry you know don't you go over there with Laura okay we hi I'm Laura hi Twiggy yeah well okay oh here get that oh you know what no that's fine all right anyway so how many people do we have over here we have one two three four wait one two three four five six seven eight eight people so I'm gonna spawn in um no we're gonna spawn in six cheer don't I'm gonna spawn in six chairs and um yeah and when I say go y'all are gonna run and uh oh no stop okay you know yeah get the ambience bag on we don't know that the just get that back on there you go there's our nice people nice peaceful because we don't even need music for this so um yeah this would be the last round of musical chairs I guess well this is it musical chairs this is this is rice to the chairs so we have six chairs and two of y'all will be eliminated and when I say go y'all will run to the chairs and whoever doesn't get there whoever's whatever two people don't get a chair or disqualified um so yeah alright all three two one go oh we're starting we okay I got here first oh gosh I didn't realize they were starting you didn't really give us a heads up yeah oh well fair fair race fair race well not really it's up hey I want a chair Oh oh ouch I got a chair I got one I got one yeah all the way uh-huh I got one oh hey get out of the way I want the chair yes I got the chair I got you Hey yeah the way oh oh I want that you know you're getting your get out here I just changed you shoved me huh chair no damn get in it okay there we go there we go there we go we're done with the musical chairs all right no toy she and Freddie y'all have been eliminated Oh rats that wasn't was rigged yeah that one was that one it seemed that one did that round did seem kind of rude well too bad you lost into the crowd you go oh yo you get going good looking what I didn't say anything Oh a list oh there we go that's uh that's the musical chair portion of of this so um yeah Artie so we've hit the halfway mark dang hit that thing and we're only on our first challenge well technically I only have two challenges set up but I have an emergency third one if we need one so yeah okay all right all right so yeah if everyone wants to get out of the chairs and go back to the corner that'd be nice okay so we're all still in yo-yo we're all still in oh this is rigged yeah I know right we I'm going to win Oh actually you know what this is the perfect time for us to go to commercial break commercial break we'll be right back in five minutes okay whoo all right we got to get these chairs out here and set up the next thing what do you have set up what do you have playing Nick from Joe well I didn't really have a bunch of time to finish it because I to do all the financial stuff so um nor wait what are we judge is supposed to be doing actually are mm-hmm actually yeah they're y'all were just to look there and look cool and stuff don't worry about it I'll get these get these chairs out of here we only need the chairs actually we do need the chairs for one thing we just need one chair okay so leave a chair right there you got leave a chair right there in the center okay or oh boy what you y'all go back okay we Wow or eight contestants remain we got eliminate some people this round yeah don't worry I've had uh I have an idea all righty um all right well I can't believe we're both in right now I know right who do you think is gonna win well obviously me okay well good luck with that thing oh just keep falling over on everybody oh there we go what wait this this musical chairs have to do with anything of being thick I don't know oh okay wait what's yeah what was the thing for this one oh okay okay yeah okay I run around okay um all right Oh three two one yeah all right we're back oh thank you for watching our commercials and thank you for sponsorships even wait do we do we do we have any pots oh okay that's well anyways I'm continuing on we'd like to go into the second round with a thing called the chair I'm not gonna tell you anything about it it's just the chair we're gonna have this person come up and sit in the chair and Oh that'll be it so yeah alright someone come up and sit in the chair sit in the chair if you dare it's the chair what the the chair yes you should be very scared of the chair okay um I'll go first I get sit in the chair you know sit in the chair if you dare wait maybe he's a trip maybe we're not supposed to sit in the chair so although it's up to you it's up to you away let's see this is the first contestant on our first contestant okay uh-huh I see what you're supposed to do with drew okay all right all right wait what am I supposed to do with the chair dry break it do I break it or something oh no oh no it's just a chair what are you gonna do you sit your chair are you gonna say what you gonna do uh I don't know I feel like it's sure I'm gonna stand well jumps on you you've been disqualified wait Oh what was I supposed to do this room this first round you were supposed to just sit in the chair well if I said oh this is rigged no it's not ready it's all in this cue card um anyways oh yeah you're disqualified you can leave okay our next contestant sit in the chair if you dare wait all we have to do is just sit in the chat so there you got this girl fighting because they didn't send the chair okay I'll sit in chair you know what yeah I'll sit in chair all right I'll sit in the chair all right there I'm sitting in the chair don't mean it you only gave everyone a good video while I'm up here oh no cuz you're disqualified what what you sat in the chair well you told you said the other person you weight this round oh you know what no I don't have to say anything I don't have to tell you anything those Marika's you're disqualified don't go into the audience this is you know yeah this is rigged this is rigged I'm sorry but um it's just how the chair works what okay fine okay yeah this one this is this is definitely rigged all right somebody else come sit in the chair if you dare hmm what will you do I guess nothing cuz apparently I'll just get disqualified that is correct you've been disqualified well then why I don't see the point of this what is the point of this it doesn't matter because you've been disqualified that's just how this chair works go sit down oh yeah I swear someone the hell viewer figures it out I want to see what I want to see what you supposed to do with the chair somebody else come to the chair I guess I'll do it I don't know what okay so standings it works it doesn't work oh no it all sit down and kiss but there hang on any time to think yeah oh my god I can't freaking want to sit down they're sitting in chair you know let me think congratulations you've passed the chair test wait why yep you did setting - wait hold up i sat in the chair shut up it's different each time it's time there's the church once something from from each person and each person has their own different thing so um you know wait so I'm still in yo your stolen okay yeah yeah alright somebody else come sit in the chair I'll sit in the chair I'll sit in the chair I'll sit in the chair mmm I want to do that if I were you oh wait oh wait oh free okay I actually know what you're still in okay good for you oh really oh well this is easy yes see all you have to do signature shut up shut up you'll see in a minute you'll see in a minute oh hush down audience push down somebody else come sit in the chair um I guess all sitting all sit in the chair I'll sit in the chair hmm no I'm gonna be honest with you I'll be honest with you and be honest with you you're really close but you're still in oh I'm so nervous Oh mmm something seems fishy about this one yeah something does all right you know what I'm going up next all right sit in the chair if you dare you know what no I'm not going to sit in the chair mmm holy Frick audience I think they finally figured out that is correct you're still in uh-huh see I knew something myself wait why yep there we go wait how does this one work basically is this randomization so basically I had this card here and for like it just has to place it like whenever somebody goes your said it's like sitting your standard or something like that or was this the final final contestant oh let's see here Oh Oh all right who is it who's up who's up last I'm up last well why are you laughing but with note then you're just gonna get thus qualified wait why so wait no matter what I do know if you do one thing then you'll win I mean you'll pass on but this this is different so it's not so yep you know I'm gonna show up I'm not gonna say anything else silence wait so hmm okay that means I can't stand and that means I can't sit in the chair what does that mean um okay I'm not standing let me think about this one for a minute you have five seconds what if I say this is great this is a rig this is a rig all dang I broke that you know what yeah it's screw the chair I broke the chair yeah screw you guys I'm out of here congratulations you're still in wait what you were supposed to sit and break the chair good job yeah so I'm still in Europe you know okay well I don't know I still don't understand sure it doesn't matter oh well actually it does matter well visit again like I said before it's random ization the last was the last contestant to go has to break the chair it's just how it goes you just got to know the chair you got to know what the chair wants if the chair once died killed the chair okay that's how it works you understand brother right yep I understand perfectly all righty well that can dates that round on round three yeah it's time for round three ding wolf that was a quick round - all right so well let's see we have how many people who we actually have five people up we have five contestants left and Dubbs time for round three the spiciest round of them all at the final round in fact unless there's a tie if there's a tie then we'll have a tiebreaker but oh no already Oh commercial break while we discuss all the while those guys discuss well girls in this case the discus and while we set up the third one so yeah all right let's go commercial break good luck well see I knew it I knew it would be real easy - I'm gonna win this I'm gonna win this I'm in the top five yeah yeah well honestly I'm surprised you're in the top five what you're surprised that I am oh yeah I thought you would go now a while ago what that's me yeah that is kind of mean wow I can't believe final top finals five wowie already Indo what's the wait you never informed me what's this final one all right for this final one this final one actually determines like who the thickest is and manages one test really so we just you know wait that just occurred to me how does musical chairs and sit in a chair and play in the chair game determine if you're--if of who's the thickest it doesn't it's just uh it's just watch time basically we just want people to to watch something so yeah but this this last one will actually determine who's the thickest so yeah okay what is it all right it's a it's a door frame hmmm a door frame okay all righty all right here I'm gonna set it up and the thing and I gotta actually set something else up but I need to spawn something so hang on we're gonna have a doorframe and all righty and then um here before we continue before we continue I'll need um I'll need some chairs actually no way where what is that that is something don't alright um yeah this will be perfect this will be this is actually be perfect all right so we're gonna have like two rounds of the door the door okay this one's filled the door yeah the door so and now I'm the final round just remove that thing oh okay or Oh or contestants y'all ready for the third and final round yeah okay alright everybody we are back and yup so we're back with the final challenge it's called the door now you were scared of the chair but now oh and you shouldn't be that scared at the door you should be more scared of the chair but now the chairs dead you broke the chair about there anyways oh so we had to find the thing the door just basically just walked through the door no it's not tricking you just near walk through the doors so you'll see why all right someone come up and uh walk through the door and yeah you'll see in a second okay I'll go first so just walk through the door you walk through the door that doesn't have the like more just portrait okay uh yeah there you go it's tight fit but I've got through hmm all right you're disqualified no sorry you've got through the door wait hmm what if what if we just don't go through the door then that's also the skull part you actually have to go through the door this time uh-hmm all right let me try to go yeah there I'm through the door great you're disqualified - why I don't understand you'll you'll see in a minute you'll see in a minute go sit down this is sad oh dang not even top three God dang it I thought I'd done better or somebody else come up to the door huh I'll go to the door I'll go try to go through the door okay oh I'm stuck and congratulations you've passed what really yup it's basically see like who can get through the door and who can't and if you can't then you're thick so that means you stay oh wow so having a thick but is a good thing oh sure yay okay all right somebody else come up okay I'll go I'll go all right yeah oh okay oh I'm stuck I'm stuck great you get your staying in ouch okay Wow all right next contestant come on up oh wow okay um yeah okay yeah that's not even gonna work all right you're still in alright great perfect we have the final top three we have circus baby we have Bloor and we have the puppet so yep some pretty thick gals if you if I have to say all right anyways the final round this will determine who is the thickest so now the doorway is lighter so it's the same concept if you can get through the door then you're disqualified if you can't they know you're eliminated okay I'll go first I'll go first right here hang on ham I got it got it oh don't lock over the door alright um yeah I got it oh oh oh you're disqualified yeah here Oh but yeah no sorry that's how it works leave oh you're all King already someone else come up to the door I'll go up to the door I'm Dana hi that is get all this qualified get out of here oh well let's see if baby can get through the door if she can't then she wins if you can then um then um then uh we'll have to figure something else out all right try to get through the door huh okay yeah I know I can't get through the door and we have a winner this is our winner see this see see this right here that's the thickest of thick's right there there we go there is our winner that's I Wayne yup you win congratulations for being obese congratulations so yep there we go that's that's a winner fair fair game Wow she think y'all are I was thinking the same thing here all right there we go uh-huh yep mm-hmm mm-hmm I think stats are good I think stats are good wait what do I win again oh we normally would give out money but since due to a little budget least recently we will just give you the title of the thickest character ever okay I'll take it I'll take you yep so that means you choose something yeah I choose something in life yay so yep there you go everybody there was the thickest of six out there so um yeah I'm stuck in the door well not my problem Oh anyways thank you and yeah you know all right everything looks good whew at least this time some characters ain't coming in at least some random character didn't come in last mini and just win everything Oh mr. hugs I can fly [Music] mmm mmm good this isn't the oak this isn't the girls bathroom what the heck what though oh we have a what I'm kidding no what no I'm sorry but no well come on man has anyone seen mr. hugs oh my shoelaces are tied to the roof no mr. hugs is not in here oh okay what is this what's going on in here but we're having a contest and we're in it out you're kind of interrupting to Indian education you can go away oh but but Mr Holmes nobody just get out here oh look guys why don't you guys hang out with me anymore because because you're freakin weird oh yeah I got rid of them I'm back boys oh my god okay I'll just stand right here ignoring what wait what does anyone see mr. hooks okay just continue with the thing Oh okay anyways that's the end of this young I mean the end of the show oh no it's the end of the show oh no well anyways it doesn't matter anyways hoped you enjoyed and oh yeah all right thank you for coming all right okay or what all I did was [ __ ] here yeah we didn't even judge are we even getting paid oh no because budgets are low wait you're saying we could just left pretty much yeah why'd you say you needed me if you really didn't we just needed someone to sit there and like look like we're actually properly judging y'all she I knew I called it I knew this whole thing was rigged well it's a joke so it doesn't matter your your y'all you know what y'all know I gotta fight to put up with could someone untie my shoelaces please ah you know what screw this I'm going home for the night see you guys later oh yeah could someone untie me oh no all right I'm gonna actually head home too so see you guys later well I will say you know I felt like this one was a rough one rough episode well don't worry because people but it'll be old I don't know it should boost up our currency or something I don't freakin you sure I am positive or oh let's run out of here though oh okay thank you everybody for coming and stuff like that okay all of y'all can leave now hmm there wasn't enough action in this what there was sure it was too thick like this and I get it everything at the end it did show off everyone's thickness but like that you couldn't shut off it could have showed them off a bit more you know well no I'm sorry that's all the time we have for today we only run these things for an hour so yeah no looking no I can leave now so yeah pack this is rich Dave Miller is out of here I'm gonna evolve into a pokemons now oh yeah I will agree would it be nice today you know if it was we get to see a little bit more some people you know nope nope no no my show no no my show no I'm leaving I'm out of here I'm still so I'm still stuck well this thing with this whole thing I think this whole thing was rigged yeah I think it was well it doesn't matter I'm going I'm out of here I'm leaving yeah I think this whole thing was kind of rigged uh-huh yard this whole thing was dumb I expected better from this I expected better from this competition just Alexi contingent know you're I'm on you guys you decide on this one y'all are we should have gotten some so so more thick accent your who's with me who's with me who thinks we should have gotten more in this thing oh yeah yeah yeah okay this is we I'm out of here I owe you - oh ouch I just actually it's late I gotta go back work my clashes at oh I need reading glasses - oh no I'm gonna I'm gonna dip for the night oh yeah I'm out huh anyone see my friend from school my friend from school is he did he really move schools I think he's dead child what but he said it was acted did your friend ever tell you beforehand like hey he's gonna get shot here know if she really was a joke oh who I'm mad at you Phil we'll see you later in your basement I mean I didn't say anything a purple polka marble man is dipping for the night hmm y'all right y'all come on y'all come on y'all couch with me who is anyone with me Oh I'm with you I'm with you y'all that's right I like this fella I like to spell over here door all right I'm out of here ouch all right okay excuse me I'm trying to get through this window well you did a baby 3-1 are you proud of yourself yes because I'm a winner in you're a loser that's not very nice I don't care you're a loser and you must accept it like that Wow okay you know what that fine I'm not gonna help you I'm leaving goodbye wait no you can't help me down this door I'm still stuck in this door creaking all right well I'm out of here I'm from uh I'll see ya yeah me too all right I guess we're out here I guess we're dip we're leaving too so yep all right huh yeah all right I'm go ha I'm telling you this whole thing was rigged yeah you know I will say it was rigged it was pretty rich it was pretty rigged all right i'ma go though so see you later oh okay goodbye oh I love out here look tired yeah I'm kind of tired to you I'm gonna I'm gonna head out of here - yeah me too see you guys see you guys later our guests place is dead okay I guess I should go then all my friend is dead I'm so sad it's someone in tie my shoes please ah fine I'll help you out look Thank You stranger danger I love it when strangers help me oops so much my news okay yeah there we go hmm yaryi okay there I'm fine I'm fine you're if I have to be honest with you I think you be looking pretty fine oh well thank you that's nice oh well I guess I'm out of here yeah I'm out see you later all right I guess I should I'm gonna go alright see you see you around and thank you for the compliment alright goodbye door ouch or or well I was expecting God when I heard about this dick contest I was expecting better from it I was expecting more thickness oh I mean that's um that's um that's um go some good thickness right there or uh oh yeah you see aren't I think y'all are yes yes you are very very very very thing yeah alright can you help me get unstuck from this door ah I can do your I can do more than help you get unstuck from this door oh wait what are you what are you doing you're just taking just taking the good opportunity just you know taking an opportunity you know it's always good to take good not at least now or never y'all know I knew it was worth coming to this right in the door cheering I'll be stopping you please stop please stop oh my god wait why why why why y'all walks you will never stop I will never stop oh oh oh you're so thick yeah I know I think why oh yeah you're hahaha you like it don't you that's not exactly oh there are well it looks like you'll be stuck in this door for quite a while so I might as well occupy you for a bit oh no you're still going your art of course I am yard yeah so good Oh y'all ouch y'all bro I'm stuck y'all are whew well let's go away you weirdo you're you're not the nicest of fellas I've ever I've ever met you're out my legs are stuck channel right hand oh wow stupid door oh I'm still stuck in this door what did you do the liquid y'all don't worry about that all right come here wait what do you draw don't worry about that you're okay you know we're just gonna end this here yeah okay yeah I know I'm cursed goodbye yeah okay I don't know I felt like this whole thing was overhyped what whatever whatever you know you know what at the end of the day there there's your thickness you got some nice thickness so nice some nice stick okay I'll just I'll stop I'll stop I'll be I'll be like Balloon Boy and I'll go Don all right so yeah okay I don't know I don't know there is this so hoped you enjoyed it I guess yeah Balloon Boy I'm scared too all right yeah all right goodbye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 179,847
Rating: 4.7997069 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, RP, Roleplay, Thicc, Sexy, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Puppet, Baby, Ballora, Contest, Hot, Anime, Funny, Love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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