Gmod FNAF | The Fatbear Contest

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all right this is it this is your moment you got to do this [Music] did you just call me show the Freddy on each every our toy Freddy before the way I thought you were purple toy Freddy oh it doesn't matter what if you're now come on go up on stage no I'll do good make sure that he wins okay well are you ready oh you're going get with scrub things whoa mmm all right hmm everybody this it's about to begin so is anybody else put in the joinin contest or something ooh ooh hey mister mister I think the foot bar went sister doing well I don't want to join football Dwayne football you need to be on that stage football yes you are you're a fat quick sidebar your fat freak that's what your wife red ball Oh on the stage testing stage oh so I did wish with you hey oh great football I believe in you uh-huh stop calling me Fred bar my name is Fred bear all right so is everybody ready for the fat bear contest yeah okay oh oh just as over with the wood ween mmm morn G yeah I just want to win this pizza place so that way I could take over the world yeah you know you're to help them it's we're a team but I never say anything about you mean what Thursday we camp teens in thin you were a team yeah man will bloom boyfriend's got no friends look does it matter anyway look boy the other Porsche dude what what is it oh is this thing gonna work oh how do we use the fattest umm way I didn't think this far oh yeah what are we supposed to do down do we just stand here and sew oh I didn't think this through uh okay alright so we'll start off easy if you have a pup if you have a purple hat instead of step up forwards and if you don't purple have step backwards ahead man I knew I stood to copy that fast be afraid take your time Oh JD you have a purple propeller I think that's good enough you go up there okay yeah I got this oh no her Oh alright never a favor it's up to you just sure what up going football you got a purple hat I know I have a purple hat what do you think I'm colorblind gosh alright mmm hey wait what you have a purple stripe on your hat and also you're kind of fat hey that's mean no it's a compliment it's respect oh okay yeah yeah you're a little chubby too right there you should go from the stage one goal on the stage you're chubby well you're an impostor so are you boys you think everybody just needs to calm down [Music] boo this place sucks like that guy over there I ain't sorry how found no blues silly you know what type of Freddie are you free this piece of crap dude oh dear all right everybody calm the Frick down alright alright this place sucked worth them you think I yeah just want to sucks I'm leaving no don't leave any viewers no okay it's like thought yeah screw this place stop breaking my windows yeah I don't care who takes over pretty faster than you Boyd whatever yeah Elmo to you hmm yeah screw this place can y'all stop going through the frickin windows my gosh yeah not the bashing me I'm not leaving till frig boy Freddy Freddy Dodge Neon what's that Fred bored stupid and posture spring bunny thing gosh dang look at what you've done to me but he fled ball I need the buck level you suck yeah I'm leaving too y'all know oh we need a motive we don't have a freakin minute all right all right you people so you all want to take over you all want to be the ruler of Freddy fazbear's right and and we good at something or something oh yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna take him on Freddy feathers school footing factor it deserves once I win this building I'm gonna burn it to the ground so that way old bikini burgers and flies Hey I'm going to take over cuz I'm gonna balloon boy and everybody it'll be balloon boy squeals and everybody will go with you I needed to start the evolution of nightmares okay you're a little creepy oh well that's gonna force on the stage I don't really want to do this all right look all right hmm all right we're gonna play we're gonna play a game all right all right just gonna she's gonna use some magical bear powers you have magical bear powers yeah so I'm just gonna spawn in somebody here so wha look we really hey don't worry about Ella who are you people I'm scared Hey stay there I mean great wrong button stay there mm all right all right all right fat bit fat people it's time for archery so get out your crossbows the crossbow I love crossbow I could just use some name power glitch see what I got hmm all right I got this all right it's good oh damn I didn't get him all right somebody else go hmm I missed oh hey hey hold up this guy didn't go we gotta give it a turn little have anything no no okay oh I missed screw I'm using the hunt rifle - hmm all right um next I'm going next gotta use a stick Daniel thought sticks would work lantern pistol thank you you know what that's not even a pistol this is a pistol dang it come on there's gotta be Sean wait crossbows what your vegetable you didn't die give me that costume hold up hold up I think we gotta no I think we got it I think we got a broken bond all right here okay all right sir I don't think this guy can die oh never mind everyone use a shotgun from now on and instead of Bonnie will get foxy so uh yeah Oh have fun so whoever kills Foxy's gonna get hated heads up so you don't really want to win this round you don't want to kill them but you're kind of have to shoot at him so everyone get a shotgun if you shoot if you kill foxy then you're gonna be hated forever Oh okay okay [ __ ] me I don't want to hurt you oh no it's you so okay I could still live people won't hate me you know I'm gonna do this cuz I can't ignore that splink story Freddie shotguns well I'm gonna go forehead to weaken him gosh do you know I'd get out of your nightmare fredbear you've murdered you killed the fan-favorite nobody alright so we have one person disqualified so we're just going dude yep and you three are gonna keep keep shooting till there's one standing so only one of y'all is gonna be luck alright next Boyle we got chica that's a good thing everyone once chica to die so you can stay in one and since you two didn't get get the kill chicken you both are out what what what I'm confused yeah meet you I don't want to win this stupid contest anyway Oh JJ you're a failure get out of here wait I would I don't get it but I killed the person I thought we were supposed to kill the person out of the trick you weren't supposed to kill foxy because foxy was the fan favorite but you were supposed to kill chica cuz everyone doesn't really like chica that much I mean compared to foxy so oh okay alright go get back in line alright we're going on to round two hmm if you have something red on you step forward something red Oh guess I have my stripes my key triggers I'm technically red yeah oh yeah we got this you got this kindiy I've this dark red count oh sure yay well why is it red okay look I don't have to go this one that means like to live hey wait a minute hmm let me paint some abilities huh he has red on in me eyes these he has these uh has these red wires you know so good on me weird creep yeah yet - step four - hmm Don the red wires all right so everyone's gonna participate this round alright so what we're gonna do is play an epic game of cards chords what yep from the Thanksgiving video where you were those guys but anyway let me get some cards in oh you should have installed an you know mod or something and too much effort or import all right so I'm gonna sleep all right so these are all the cards so for this game the bus is 10 this thing is this thing is 25 the minus sign and then that's 50 so I mean you also have 23rd so let me do it like this 25:50 all right you guys ready for an epic game of cards all right everybody spread out to your own quarter and also you guys you guys can leave okay yeah I can leave okay but this won't be the last of you teeth to bling bunny Blue Bunny will return we just showed you brick why keep following us all right everybody get it all right all right nightmare go to that corner well okay um toy Freddy you go to that window okay we all know it work hey Freddy oh yeah definitely all right um Cindy you stay at the Sun yeah then it started you oh can you get that window okay phantom balloon boy you get that corner okay a balloon boy you get that poster yeah oh it's a chica yeah and no macGruber is that you think you get that hallway well wait Oh mr. ever cool I uh mr. yes is something wrong oh yeah there's kind of a dead guy in the hallway so uh help her please clean him up you know what maybe we can eat a piece of you hey hey little helper yeah wait hang on guys follow something on Alpert where's where's our guest where's where's Phantom ripping everything from golden Freddy holiday should they would they would they would uh I told him were planning everything they said yeah yeah and everyone else and stuffing that they would meet up right up as to taking show up yeah oh okay all right Oh anyway all right all right so we're gonna play some chords all right let's just oh oh I could only spawned enough faulty card playing at the game of cards and we're gonna play one round and whoever wins is will be for the round all right so get that dad you get that oh you get that get that and then you get you get that all right and then you get that whole energy in this stuff and then you get that and then you get oh you're not playing and you get that you get that and you get that and you get that you get that and you get that and then you already copiers you got here is and it's just nightmare that Balloon Boy get that and that and then mr. Balloon Boy what you could that's that and that's all right so we're gonna start off first we're gonna start off with balloon boy and then in debt nightmare greater statue things so balloon boy do you have a and we're playing a different we're playing at an advanced version of the card game alright balloon boy do you have a bus but oh I have a bus all right got ten points on the board 1000 twenty wait I might have another bus we're my under cargo Oh mister I didn't get in there oh wait yes I did all right it's only twenty all right thirty all right we got 30 points ooh forty okay forty yeah we were fifty uh-huh and then 60 Oh all right 60 points on the board seven all right and a little how the boss all that means all this points go to phantom balloon boy so phantom balloon boy has 70 points yay are we gonna memorize this we have a Minecraft sign anywhere minecraft we do all right wait where to go alright and we'll just put 70 points right there alright so you have 70 points right now phantom boy all right oh we will start with never rivers that you think so what's next a 20 hour place of 20 yeah well here's a 20 alright so we have 20 aha 40 Oh 40 60 80 100 I'll think of our bloom boy that one was a fast round balloon boy got a hundred points because that's how this game works for some reason yours your applause alright now we're gonna go the other way around we're gonna jump to 30 all right oh okay thirty one thirty sixty ninety thing 90 Oh 120 and 150 that's how that works right oh yeah alright so now my gray bear statue think has a hundred and fifty points so as of right now never statue bear can win unless somebody passes him dang oh I got no more cards to play paint will you or do you have any more parts I have one hopefully this will be enough to stock this up so okay alright hmm let's go well we're gonna stop with the X so we're gonna start with never give it up I got new chords alright a phantom limb boy Oh 50 hundred a hundred and fifty let's go boys holidaying so nightmare has 150 points as well just for you so there's a tie right now for a first all right and then all of our cards as well 230 it's not mine oh alright and then all that's left is to - which that's 25 points so I'll start with Balloon Boy no no no no you have 25 Cindy's the only one with so Cindy got 25 points yeah I got 25 points we're gonna get any points in Game three all right mm all right let's see here all right candy toy fruity you you guys are out girl but yo you're not gonna show me outside so if you're gonna just keep good Mimi back around back okay mm-hmm day notes go all the way around back all right um hmm let's see all right and then if you're in the hundreds you can stay if you're not you have to get as well okay everything's rigged mmm send me your Oh No Cindy you're a failure and fainting Balloon Boy you're out as well gosh dang it whoa all right so that just leaves our final three nightmare you're a nightmare a bear statue thing oh and then Balloon Boy oh yeah I get to be in the middle cuz I'm the baddest actually no you're in the middle and can you back up some bloom with play yeah you only got a hundred points bloom when they had 100 or 50 so um your chances of winning aren't really about - boy oh come on man all right mmm this is technically the final round since we have like two people well what about me good all right we're gonna play a hot potato with this teen t-ball well potato oh no all right all right balloon boy you're in the middle a nightmare never ever such a thing you guys are on the sides all right ready Oh potato well well I guess nightmares dead well then that went way too fast man mmm yeah I guessed it was I well I guess is you to love since I kind of made nightmare go death so you know let's see [Music] mmm-hmm no not at the rocket maybe next time whoa whoa all right alright you know we're just gonna spawn in some NPCs to fight for y'all so we'll have a disabled thinking alright we'll have a you alright there's your person well why is he so ugly and then uh what the fur was enabling boy let's see a friendly oh just blinks I'm just gonna she's gonna fix him up just a little bit yeah make those teeth now you don't need teeth and we'll just uh and that's good all right so whoever's personal gets killed Oh losses so uh let the battle begin Oh wrong button my bad boy wake up my money oh oh I'm good shot myself no wait wait hold up hold up that was not fair time out time out that didn't count what sorry I forgot to disable ignore players my bad boy all right so let go again hey now run in a lie that's a penalty nightmare Oh Mike hold up there we go hold oh hang on I think this is rigged about five shotgun bullets survived so I win right yeah I want I won't know and I got shot a few times but I'm okay cuz I wanna take a look pretty fazbear feature nope you're disqualified what why for cheap well how did she I can't kill this JG with my shotgun that's why what what give me that shotgun it was qualify for cheese get out of here what you need to make sure this thing dies so goodbye oh gosh the pizzerias on fire alright congratulations you've won the pizza place oh thanks uh well at least I don't like to sleep in a dumpster anymore yeah oh gods everything applies in this place gonna burn down to the ground and don't worried the fire will go away soon hopefully what do you got the pizza place here is just don't go in to the back rooms but that's it you can go into the bathroom but not the back room alright so um yeah you have fun alright umm assistant I need your help okay alright so uh yeah have fun and stay here for a good bit oh I'll be uh I'll be back soon I like in about a few minutes we just stay there oh okay here you go my own beads play so dance on the stage but it's kind of on fire so uh yeah useful for once Oh with this new place I could start working on the script for a nightmare a better staff you thank you oh boy got work to do okay so one of they're supposed to be here that they should be here any minute good all right let's get golden Freddy back building toy Freddy back in we good get that paint off of you stop me an imposter hey let me get this let me get some more paint all right whoa there we go oh so much play with that often you know yeah yeah whatever all right so what I have to be toy Freddy yeah because people went by it reel of toy Freddy wasn't there so that's why your tour Freddy oh yeah I guess so all right so right now we have the hopefully the Phantom red beer and phantom Freddy and everyone else should be here soon and then then we just wait for the invasion um cuz then pros will probably all right you I um you start make make a poster something online on Twitter or Facebook or something that uh he won or something who could without what the word can be spread fast in that way they will come to you adult nightmare great website you thing and then we could sneak along with him to see where they have taken toy fair well okay I mean everyone else is coming as backup right yep okay I need posted all right wait Jimmy waited to post it until the Phantom powder people got here oh it doesn't matter we take them too it will take them a little bit of planning to decide how they're gonna capture them anyways oh okay so we just wait you know yep you just wait tell the next episode we wait her right
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 222,533
Rating: 4.8167362 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Garry's Mod, Roleplay, Toy Freddy, Shadow, Golden
Id: BlIeHhUeGwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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