Gmod FNAF | The Lost Episode

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oh boy guys all right we're here um so where exactly are you I mean where exactly are we what what come on you know I told you this we got that invitation well I got this invitation to a fancy party well fancy dinner party and I love me some good old food you know cuz I gotta get some weight for hibernation so yeah but isn't it like spring well I don't care I just want some food so that's all I like free food the food is free so yeah okay I still don't see why am we had to UM come along with you well I had to uh show that I had some friends because it said Frank bringing some friends is allowed and I was like hey I gotta bring some friends okay but why it's like way isn't toy Bonnie your friend or something yeah but I don't want to bring him cuz then cuz dude apparently there's a lot of fancy people here and I didn't want to look like a big nerd um by bringing that nerd with me so he's kind of lame to be honest so I just brought y'all because y'all seem cool but like but are you sure about this right here look at this hi yeah yeah and what's wrong with that well she's not wearing clothes like come on if you said this is fancy then they're gonna know you hanging out with weird new naked people or whatever well yeah I'm weird no I mean oh my gosh ooh Thunder ooh oh that's dude me just give me a good ol bit cool I got it pretty scared what oh yeah all right let's go but hold up hold up why did we got why'd you have to bring her though well well why not I brought you maybe I should I brought you what okay finally she's going to okay fine so clearly this is the place you know you know this is what the invitation said so yeah wait so who anybody does oh no somebody by the name of Uncle Jack I don't I don't know boy do it they said there was free food so I like me some good free food okay come on you two okay all right dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa did you all dine area alright appreciate discovery someone over here or something hmm what what the heck what Oh what what's wrong uh there's people oh I have no clue I can't see that far I'm Lee I'm pretty much blind cuz I play video games too much and kills my eyesight what what the hang on what the heck I don't I don't understand wait for me Oh what the heck Oh what freak why is there more freaking female for watch with no clothes on what the heck I don't get it maybe it's a new trend what the Frick is wrong with you oh my gosh what the I'm put the heck oh how to feel about this hello there hmm this isn't buster what the heck was this problem huh so apparently we were invited to food dinner party is that correct I don't know anymore did we we did that we never reach yeah sure yeah well yeah oh yeah yeah it's been a while since we uh in to realize had some company with us so yeah okay um I have a question yeah what's up um why aren't y'all wearing clothes who needs to wear clothes clothes are dumb see that's what I say oh my gosh oh you're like one of us I get it yeah oh my gosh it's just I need to sit down first I guess it's weird this is weird I'm losing my mind I'm definitely losing my mind hmm I'm gonna I'm gonna go off somewhere I'll be I'll be back later okay so Oh Joe welcome to our um our place welcome yeah so wait so you want to so you want to be like us well I guess so yeah cuz yeah because I'm one of cuz I don't like to wear clothes either hmm um here hey hey you to wake up come on oh oh oh so um yeah guys I want you to meet her she wants to wants to just like us a new playmate yeah sure yeah yeah oh well uh uh-huh so wait so you're saying that you don't like to wear clothes either uh-huh well as you can see I don't like to wear clothes either I like to wear my babe though because uh because yes but uh yeah but it will help you and stuff will help me help me with Olay it's a mine just like this well well yeah you're you're already getting the idea and stuff but we can help you become more like us Oh like have us have more like have more features like us more features yeah like like more curves and stuff like that here let's let's I think it would be better if we moved off at the stage yeah what oh okay yeah so what do you say you want to you want to join us and we can help you mate we can help you look as pretty as us uh okay yeah I'd like that I'm definitely losing my mind uh okay all right so um hey King uh you two go and help her like take her to the bathroom or something and go help her in there okay all right come with us go with us let's go uh okay yeah and don't think I didn't see you here what well I mean I just talked to you oh yeah um anyways so wait are you wanting to be like guys - I know impose what no no no no sorry but now are you sure yes I'm sure all right your loss all right I wonder where my puppet from hey hey you to wake up Glenn oh yeah okay we all right come on girls introduce yourselves hi I'm main goal and I'm foxy oh my gosh why y'all aren't wearing clothes this is weird what's wrong with wearing what's wrong with not wearing clothes yeah there's nothing wrong with not wearing clothes it did this is weird this is all just in my head yeah there was an imposter though oh I'm losing my mind again hello there can only be one toy Freddy fazbear and that was I can't what have I seen that was that was clearly another toy Freddy fazbear but there was something wrong with it uh-oh its body its body was weird its body is body its body had features that I've never seen any other toy Freddy have its it had some very weird features ooh it's it had it it was skinny Oh skinny toy Freddy oh I should get out of here but maybe the free food still here I'm pretty sure that wasn't cool Jack I got to find this Uncle Jack person maybe there's somewhere around in this in this I don't even know if this is a pizzeria anymore oh hello oh are you Uncle Jack well Uncle Jack is that you know oh maybe I can find something Bell uncle jack in the Security office yeah there's got to be something about Uncle Jack on these computers well I got a got to go and look up Uncle Jack and stuff in chief he's in the database of something okay I'm sorry but no I know I'm not going I'm not like y'all I'm sorry but now I only I'm only here because of my friends my friends being here wait your friends I thought you only have one other friend here well no there's also toy Freddy who quickly brought me and her here but yeah he's kind of nice I guess what okay um I think i'ma just go so i'ma just hang out over here away from y'all if that's okay i'ma just wait outside now I have to wait for those to come out gosh dang it Oh what the heck is wrong with those people in there I don't understand it alright alright come in here give you one let's go many you okay Wow okay so alright we're gonna we're gonna um so as you can show alright so you do you understand by what we mean by making you turn it into one of us um not really no well we're gonna give you features like us like like like this stuff right here like like I'm like like that stuff yeah okay so you're down with it uh yeah I guess okay all right so um here okay all right what I'm gonna need you to do is to feel my boob what just feel it what why so that way you know how it feels so that way you know that way you will expect it when you have them have them what are you cutting them off and giving me what no we're gonna do some stuff to you too no doubt where you have your own body kind of thing like that oh okay um just one feeling it's okay this is weird it's gonna be okay but this is this is weird this is weird it's weird okay alright alright anyways alright we're gonna need you to lay down now let lay down what just lay down trust us okay this is weird um like on my background my stomach just lay on your back okay it just got it like down a comeback come out to the middle before okay all right so now we can get to work yeah so wait did she say you he think so in a while since we've had a key here yeah it's been quite the time since we had fun with someone like he yeah mm-hmm oh hey hey go away foxy now I thought you said gee you need me you need me lady you need me now you're up you're an idiot now go away no you don't do it right what what do you mean don't do it right what what you tell him that my gosh no you don't know how to do the stuff right you don't know how to do us right well pretty sure I do no you don't you're an idiot you just you don't you don't go here you go like here for some reason like it's you know you just don't know come on give me another chance please nope just would it be so healthy oh my gosh there's no useful stuff about Jack I gotta hide I gotta hide and think about this I can't stay in this office oh I'm gonna have to hide back here Oh scared oh I don't know what to do this is we're done with the food I'm starting to think there isn't any food here I haven't smelled any chicken or any food like that here yet oh this is weird this is weird what the heck thank you please wait wait okay come on they finally got are you new robots to replace okay please say yes wait please don't make me do bad things please don't hurt me I'm not gonna hurt you and I don't know who you're referring to I'm referring to those there's hmm so okay um I think you're safe well I'm sorry I've just been through a lot in my life um I was forced against my will to do things that I do not want to do oh oh that's not good yeah it's it's really not good um okay so he's bait it was basically these female characters that made me do stuff that I did not want to do oh yeah I think those are the people who are still here stuff they're still here why can't they just leave the hood Ben's back room for almost three years now so we stayed in this room for three years you doing spring-trap can survive longer he did 30 good well oh that seems kind of lonely for 30 years spinning you you wait don't you have any like other friends or anything well um I did I had I had my own crew I had a head Barney yeah she couldn't foxy oh but then everything was perfect here until they came and and messed up everything with their puppet leader it was awful they took us they first of all tightest up it took us captive and then they they I but then they uh they kicked chica out for being a girl and they did not like her for some reason I don't know why but uh yeah yeah so um yeah they uh they kick kick out there's just me Bonnie and foxy and uh and then the puppet thing put a curse on us to make us do this stuff we wouldn't wanna do we're we're we were aware of what we're doing but we can't do anything to stop us and we can't cry out for help when we're under the control oh no that's not good yeah Oh so but then one day something bad happened something really bad Oh what happened well usually every single day they would do things to us and do things with us in stuff we didn't really agree on but uh but then one day they were doing do with Bonnie in Port for body for Bonnie they they did him too hard would they hey wait is this it yeah yeah on top of him and they were like yeah do it know something to sit there and I said I had to sit there and watch you're like yeah I do and then it didn't they went faster dad uh but then something bad happened something really bad would they went a bit uh too hard and then it snapped it broke Bonnie in half body was broken in half and died instantly what yeah they killed my friend they kicked out my other friend and then they possessed me and another friend of mine Oh but luckily on that day they were they were too um they all got frightened that bonnie broke and yeah because she was snapped in half and uh but luckily they were too concerned they were really concerned about him and luckily they didn't pay attention to me and I was able to make my escape I couldn't it's I could I was unfortunately not close to any windows at the time and so I just had to hit feedback period I've been too scared to go out since because I'm scared to I'll be put under that control again so yeah I've just been uh hanging out back here for most of my life whoo-hoo oh that's awful yeah I still don't know what happened to foxy he was still under um controlled by that puppet when I was a snake I don't think he was able to escape I don't know if he's still alive or not anymore oh that's just not good well maybe I just came here today so maybe we could get off this together if we work together together sure it could be risky with what if they get us and then they do to do with us do do i do i highly doubt they'll be able to do that because I'm toy Freddy you know I'm smart and yeah come on it's gonna be okay you sure yes Oh get you out of here if it's the last thing I do look thank you thank you okay Laurie let's go okay as long as we work together we'll be good oh come on let's go outside okay something outside this room oh no I can't do this I'm going back no you must not give up oh you have to remember I'm going to show you okay okay come on we got it Macao D get out here yeah well I think there's like probably if we need to we can break out a window or something yeah is this place where they have weird characters and stuff here two of them skinny like who the freaky like the skinny toy Freddy like what the Frick oh please please don't mean you've returned Freddy from your escape we thought you ran away but no I'm running away now now Lu and I will do your work anymore and I won't be abused by you anymore it's time for me to fight back are you sure you're so positive with my new friend I will face my fears and I will flick back for what is right okay then well join me Freddy look that's a lame excuse to join somebody who would actually join the you just gave a huge speech about oh you're like oh I'm gonna stand up for my rights in there like no I destroy me and didn't even get a good reason why you should join them that's dumb right no it's not what do you mean it's not dumb wait where are you going what the Frick I obey you master good what the Frick oh crap I do not think that would work oh maybe I should try that just get straight to the point oh the hell now we can have two new friends for us to play with oh I don't know about that why don't be scared we just want to have fun oh I don't like the feeling of this it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay we just wanna have fun with you that's all mmm somebody help me Oh she'll be okay we just wanna have some fun you owe me so money help me help me oh don't the dog owe you mr. weed I don't know what that was but oh well time to have fun [Music] [Music] good no no you do first mr. hugs and no you know why does everyone have to risk your life for me no I won't let you die come with me oh no you must go without me you're just gonna drag weight down no but if I don't save you now then you'll be trapped here with done forever which okay just go save yourself no I'm not leaving you Freddie come along I got you my girls please help me help me stop these monsters well help me gather our new playmate friends oh this is weird come on free it's gonna be okay the puppet is calling to us must go yeah oh wow would you be okay wait but oh boy I can be useful please I just want to be useful what's going on I want to be useful there's more these monsters oh we're gonna die you should have just left me it saved herself oh we should go with this do it right over here I don't think so hello [ __ ] you know this one oh well I gotta think of something clever click oh come on girls let's get him miss Qi new playmate and play with him no not again that felt weird the first time not again oh come on stupid hit they think just ding ding so then they move closer I'm surrounded just a it I fell on the ground it takes too long to get us do note again [ __ ] let's not let him get away this is Stephanie's though Oh Oh II fully mr. hugs we're alive you would know what to do mr. hugs mr. ugh his arm yeah just come you okay everything's gonna be okay you're going to really enjoy this stay back demons I'm still in the ground oh wait a minute I bet I'm fit like a bull bull I got a rollaway you know get back here we can know there's a wall in the way yeah me me nobody who you know nothing again who are you to do this with the puppet no okay you don't enjoy this I mean this is weird please stop [Music] baby please you go I guess here you have fun with him oh yeah I'm fine I can be useful I can be useful I can be useful I'm gonna be useful wait hi useful Oh finally I'm useful I finally become useful my dreams have come true I finally been used to somebody oh please do to you I got you let's go oh thank you I'm being useful crane no put the pedal to the middle leave oh geez dude oh where the windows right there that's the way to escape pal but I saw something in this room could it be oh my gosh thank you I can't let you leave not again I can't be alone again with just girls again I need some me oh my gosh no it can't be is this really it Bonnie you know Bonnie was my best friend yeah I remember when I've broken but it sure was fun I was having real I was getting really excited time when that happened never never no you did this to him yes I did you know we do it again enough mr. Lee do it to you children come on let's have some fun no no no I'm Sternin that's it I'm gonna have to take control of you it's stupid Freddy taking back I'm taking back my control of you I just went low come here folksy Bodhi get Bonadies Bodhi okay maybe we could fix them maybe we could still save him Muggsy through built the window you're okay oh look see we gotta go we gotta go VIN let's go let's get out of here you're okay Yuri Yuri yeah yeah they're gone no I can't let them escape I can't we skate Bootsy you got the buddy yeah I got the body quick let's get out of here we gotta run take the buddy with us what the heck run will you still kid no I just want love I just want to love you I'm back yes let me love you I think he's wrong with you ruined bulky run you're our and then they were gone they're good and there's no use of getting the pack what just happened she freakin haunts me she hoped me what the Frick oh he said I lost the only men left in this area puppet puppet puppet they cotton when they caught one of them there's still one left wait I mean yeah oh come here come quick okay yeah wait wait look over in the corner please your little bit me still doing this Oh movie this is weird where's mr. ugh that wouldn't they oh yes yes we have a new friend yes oh we will be this is weird oh no there's more of them no no don't worry you'll have fun forever I've ever had it so much fine we're having so much fun oh this is weird [Music] Toto toto and that night was a spooky night for toy Freddy fazbear not only did he find a skinny toy Freddy who's probably dead oh gosh mr. hugs his arm look it got censored yay oh boy but poor toy Freddy was kidnapped that day and in the meanwhile she was being transformed into somebody beautiful and I will now show you the beautifulness kaboom and then we have it then we have to do this boom so now she was transformed and just Schomburg beautiful somebody wonderful and spectacular somebody attractive somebody that everyone would love and here she was she was gonna be beautiful just absolutely beautiful and so she transformed into somebody beautiful could I that heads freaking big I know what I'll do wait stead of having that she will now look like this but boom oh my gosh um I'm like this new yes you're one of us now you're attractive and you got all the right parts and stuff oh my gosh look at me oh I could just hug you thank you thank you oh yes and you are welcome this is it's so fun to have new friends just beautiful just beautiful okay all right well it's time to go see Pitt puppets come on bun and come on new new chica come on let us go oh gosh okay hurry now come along we must go to the pocket Freddie come on get up Oh what oh okay let's go is your new friend all right Oh me this is weird somebody stop this where's the D monetization see but when you need it good I told the other I told our newcomer to stay so that way we could have more fun to ourselves okay so yeah so but we did do the transformation she'll stay in the dining area hey it's my turn I want to do okay for Mama oh this is weird wooden telling me you're not even tied up you're just laying on the ground oh yo [ __ ] it up wait what about me can I have it no you might turn I want him this is weird this is really weird okay Oh sandwich oh that remind me of the good old days when we when we had that every single day how was it was your fun yeah mm-hmm come on let's go around him and just think this will be your new home yes it will oh gosh please don't be you'll be you'll stay here forever Toto toto and from that day forward from at Freddy fazbear's pizza toy Freddy was held kid was held kidnapped but but then Freddy Freddy and Fox he went off to go fix Bonnie at this telephone pole okay we just gotta put his little expect thank you going like this it's gonna be okay Bonnie we're gonna fix you I'm gonna fix you Bonnie Lexi I need some wiring tape okay I can be useful I can be useful I just gotta I gotta get some wires uh it just got it all freak and then got it look there we go oh no that did not work I don't think this is working gosh dang it folks here oh we need some of your idea to fix Bonnie maybe he's just dead oh poor Bonnie oh maybe we'll be right if we don't bring him back and just let him die in peace since um since uh yeah since he's already dead and plus we brought him back here just remember all the past stuff and stuff we had to go through wait what we have to go through you know they had they made us do the stuffs with them the emitters they they reaped us what oh my gosh folks you're gonna actually this needs to be stopped this really needs to be stopped but then a man came down from the heavens a man who had been spying on them all along what the Freak Hey Wow Oh Jewish please don't be another creeper no I don't worry I'm not like dumb I'm here to tell you something yeah do you watch him day they're showing chill dinner yeah it's free free free dinner either you like in three years I went to dinner what's happened dinner she's got some chicken you want some chicken dinner Oh would some chicken dinner yeah and it's free so you don't have to pay anything whoo free oh boy yeah you have to go get the dinner go get the dinner go smell the dinner Alan go get it okay I smell the dinner mmm okay Joe can I get you dinner you know you must stay here and uh I will help you I'll help repair your friend with my mechanical bend the arms all right okay let's get to work now Fox smell the chicken smell the chicken I smell chicken I smell chicken I'm hungry I haven't eaten in weeks oh it smells so beautiful oh it smells so beautiful we smell chicken I smell chicken smell tickets books chicken gosh things they've got my friend but no I can't save him I'm not mad anymore because I was able to get Bonnie I think he's getting fixed now I'm actually gonna happy oh but I'm not anymore so what does that curse work tell me you know if I try to save him I'm scared I can't even oh yes this is fine yes yes please we've been doing this stuff for like the best days please make it stop I wouldn't do it oh I gotta remember this happened to me and it happened for so many years I can't believe it happened to me for five years oh five years in a row when it's only been like about five days for him oh I'm not gonna make him suffer I'm not gonna make him suffer get off of my friend new Hicks yeah you're stupid useless fix the kid a little boys space don't mess with my friends mmm I will let the same thing help it again he's going crazy you'll be right don't think I forgot about you come here good boy sides you useless creatures yeah get be going be good all of you and you you you did this to me look at what you did to me you've ruined my whole life you've killed my friends I don't even know where chica is anymore and I don't know she's okay Foxy's been brainwashed and he's a freaking idiot now and it's all your fault and then now I made a new friend and now you're doing the things to him why do you do this why why'd you do it to me why'd you do it to my friends that's all I want to know why did I do it because I love you with those freaking pretty sure don't love me yes I do I do love you it's stupid freaking oh you're a stupid hick that's it I'm taking back control of the pizzerias I ain't running away I own this pizzeria oh we're good you saved me I thought I was gonna be a goner and I thought the only one chance when they left me alone would have to be me sneaking into the kitchen grab me the knife and cutting killing myself thank you you saved my life yeah whatever yeah I did I saved your life I did something good I did something good for once oh I'm taking me now oh I feel violated don't worry that's how I felt - oh we're off after a few days it's okay just just stop - um cry about it for a while and then it goes away so then then later on buh buh buh Bom they were able to repair Bonnie the bunny they fixed they reattached oh they just took off his I'm oh god oh gosh that's not good for Bonnie the pony they were able to reattach his legs back to him and then they dragged him back to the pizzeria since Freddy fazbear had taken control over it yet again so Bonnie so then bonnie was in recovery well they have decided that to try to revive Bonnie instead of just letting him die and then foxy came in and it's like an Fox and then foxy was taking therapy lessons to get him back to normal in the stop thinking that what those um those female characters were doing was a good thing and realized it was bad and not good and then there was this man who also told her to come back inside and say that everything would be okay and she was like okay stuff so then she then she came in weighted stuff and he's like she's gone for some chicken dinner and then and in both Freddy's um recovered like Freddy took his nap and then toy party was cried enough for for one day and so then they all were coming back to the the stage and where's toy Freddy and now with them all gathered together and then toy Freddy finally saw the man oh my gosh is did we you Uncle Jack yes I'm Uncle Jack as you can see I invited you toy Freddy to weigh a chicken dinner he needs for free yes for free so wait we're having the chicken dinner actually yes yes we are chicken dinner I love me some chicken dinner level with some chicken dinner and now you both shall receive the chicken dinner for what you two have been through but what did what did they go through don't worry about it it is now time for the chicken dinner everybody here is your reward and here is your chicken dinner chicken dinner with the fruit Oh get away from me oh whoa freak tada it's your chicken dinners yeah you did what the Frick No Hey oh I'm cannibalism apparently yes this is the thing don't dang it I cut well I thought I through old about the window well yes you did but this one is your friend for Freddie this is your friend the naked one oh no wouldn't what did they do to you he made me beautiful yeah eat me with those fruit I need to have fun now what the Freak yes - wait what the Freak is wrong with you Jack wait a minute hold up whatever oh my gosh I know realize it realize woods oh I'm not gonna be coward and hide back there I'm gonna stand up here and fight wait what you realize I know see it jack you are the creator of those weird animatronics you frit yes now you know now you know oh god you are a monster with the hood so is good or did all that stuff to us yes and I programmed them all to be like that he ain't just that made college tougher because I knew you splink swear alive and I don't like slink so I wanted to make y'all supper so that is what I did yeah you know you always suffer again by having to eat this he he asked you all eat it come here oh you you mmm boom tasty I'm gonna eat you know what that wasn't supposed to happen oh my god looks cannibalism okay I doubt which not supposed to happen uh uh yeah so you're telling me you did all that stuff to me my friends it's all your fault don't lie to me you freak you you made those characters do those things gosh dang it you idiot that's it that's it I know what must be done come here no please don't touch me I'm charged I don't care you know what screw it I know Bonnie doesn't want to have to suffer through all this get in the suit what yeah I'm putting you inside the bunny suit and you're gonna die no please I knew I knew you know you some trying to bring Bonnie back I know he's dead cuz you've ruined my friendship with everyone now get out of here dang monster ding weirdo what a weirdo I know right with the hook they are oh that happened my ghost of doing stupid things what the heck are you doing mmm this is pretty tasty should you should try it on this feels good what the actual fridge so then a few days passed and so and Freddie offered for toy Freddy and these two to stay here for a little while just for things to calm down and and help him refix everything and bollocks he made a recovery and was now aware of what had all happened now and so yeah but then something had happened and so yeah it's a toy so then tor chica now only took a few bites off of this naked chica everyday from now on from different parts of her so yeah but then something happened something suspecting it was these models it was something something something something something had happened and now and something was coming closer while something was being a something something something there's something something oh and then this man's just dead that's Jack in that suit because he died because he's weird freaking window and then there was more and then there was and then all these all of these girls came back and returned gosh think to take forever to pose gosh dangit weird models yeah yeah just think how many more of the these people are there okay and then it was her wait then there was just Fox Allah so then all of these all of these girls came back to the place all of them came back so they all were here all of them had returned for one thing one thing only to do but what the heck Oh freak they're back oh well I guess I know what this means time for them to get thrown out the window again wouldn't tell your kids I'm gonna throw you outside the window again I ain't afraid of you no more yeah yeah oh wait would ya we since yeah we're sorry what what what yeah yeah so um jack was programming us to do that and now that he's gone we're now all aware of now more aware and realize you did not want us to do that stuff to you so and I'm so sorry yet I feel I feel bad that's it that's all what yeah and then yeah so we wanted to come back and say we're sorry are we sorry yeah I'm sorry for for doing stuff for doing stuff to you yeah I'm sorry for making you touched me yeah we're sorry for raping you and yeah what the fruit yeah we're we're really sorry yeah what what well but don't worry we don't play and stay here it's time for us to go it's time for us to live on the road right girls yeah all right let us go see you later we wish you the best of luck and we hope that you forgive us one day wait okay okay fine I forgive you I forgive you thank you that just makes things slightly more easier our girls come on let's go we must go find us a new home a new home yeah a new home since uh since this is technically your place and since you all are built for this place so yeah we don't belong here so yeah leave yo yo y'all were also built for this place hmm Jack made us and he made y'all too so you built y'all pacifically just for this place so this is technically y'all's home still and to be honest I don't think I could even make a living off this place anymore because it would just be me and foxy performing and although they like us more than they like me and foxy more than Bonnie and chica but we probably could have make any sales or anything like that and plus you already have this whole weird love sexual crap good stuff going on stuff so you know oh yeah I'm pretty sure if it was just me in Pocky we would end up losing the building and stuff like that so this is you also not August what so we want y'all you I want you to have two stage back and yeah okay all right oh yeah yeah how about this we'll take the stage back but y'all can still stay here y'all can stay in the back rooms or something and we won't do anything weird with y'all on kin oh okay all right deal we could probably play checkers or something all right foxy new change of plans instead of performing because those days are way past gone and I don't think I could even I don't I don't know if how I would feel about having to do that again so you know but uh anyways yeah yeah okay oh oh i'ma go home oh it was nice seeing y'all start by laters I'm sayin I ever invite you to some fancy party over it whatever All Right see you later yep all right come on let's go mm-hmm what the Frick is wrong with you I kind of like this now what the Frick I'm leaving out the window ooh come on Oh eat you all up cannibalism so wait you're you're sure that way you cannot stage back nope oh come on foxy let's go oh okay oh we can hang out in the game area foxy look there's lots of video games that we can play your video games yeah I like me some pirates video games y'all her well so then so then these models took back stage I in continuing to do their performances for those people that want those performances so yes but then they did stop doing stuff with stop doing stuff that Freddy and foxy did not want them to do to them so they did stop doing that and it was all a happy ending so yeah and then it was beautifully the end of this weird ever the end well doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa so then so then Freddy and foxy hanged out in this area for for for pretty much ever they play video games they play tag and they messed around all place we oh my hip my head whoops oh it was fun yeah well yeah so it's been a it's been a month now it's been a whole month about a whole month has gone by dupa dupa dupa playing some video games i doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa do you do and then kaboom Wow and then just kind of get this boom hey y'all are about I'm gonna go you're faster look is your cookie Wow dupa dupa dupa good hey all right here's some pizza yeah well I got you oh thank you I appreciate it mm-hmm that's a good food Pizza thank you yeah you're welcome good yeah you sure you're good you don't seem good you do good well I mean okay so the past month everything's been normal and stuff like that yo has been pretty normal nothing weird has happened anymore and stuff like that so and so yeah and stop and I had to do anything forced to get to my will so let's say this past month this past month has been pretty good pretty good um well this well yeah also um I think I've actually started to actually love you you know whoop-whoop yeah yeah like actually like actually caring about you like I'm not gonna force you to do anything or anything but I just want to let you know that that okay so you wanna have fun yeah well boom there the end are you having kids okay oh god um yeah so that happened all of that happened um oh God oh it's this one y'all wanted is this what y'all wanted right here look at this it's this what y'all wanted Oh God see this is pretty sure this is what you all wanted see um oh god oh god oh god just this what y'all this is oh yeah just just just like just just just definitely what y'all won okay you guys happy now you guys happy you guys got what y'all wanted look look look look look Oh Frick there kaboom kaboom y'all happy there there there chief see you this is weird so with the swings model this is definitely d monetize okay anyways um yeah so there we go I can't believe I did this for an hour my god do I have regrets probably yes I do um yep oh gosh all right I'm gonna put them all back here see that way y'all can have one last good look at them because I know that's probably what y'all want so yeah you're here oh gosh Oh what am i doing alright let's go over everybody in all their looks cuz that's what y'all want show there is Freddie there there's that right there right there then you got that that right there then in that that right there just that right there that right there and then just pause because y'all are freaking weird freakin weirdos so then you got chica you can't take the bib off or such that cuz that's what she wants then you got that and then that and that and then you got that isn't isn't that just beautiful and then that that's that's that's beautiful definitely yeah and then you know that that that that it's just that then you got that and then then that that stuff and then you have this that stuff and you have that right there and then that just good all that and then and then you have this yeah and then that and and then and then lastly you have got this right there it's probably a better angle for her hang on yeah that's really good okay [ __ ] damn got you got her right there and then got you got that right there flashlight does not do anything and then this is what look just this is batting okay this models weird look look look think then you got that right there that's oh gosh see there you go there you go and that right there is probably advertiser friendly I mean non advertiser friendly what why did I say advertiser friendly Oh God but then you got that beautifulness in that is that's what is this what y'all wanted is are you all happy now is this what y'all wanted I spent an hour doing this you better be happy okay um Oh God I have a bad feeling now I'm gonna have to do a freaking part to do this I have or a different scenario I already have to do this with freaking Jack probably a different way though probably not like this like holy crap I have no words y'all made me do this it all made me do all this stuff and this right here and again that's that right there again that okay that's the end of the video
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 172,849
Rating: 4.7565341 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Sexy, FNIA, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Puppet, Toy Freddy, Anime, Toy Chica, Roleplay, RP
Id: Q4_zX6Vcl38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 52sec (4432 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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