Gmod FNAF | FNAF In Squid Game! [Part 2]

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all right everyone welcome back to the squid games i um i hope everyone's having a good day you know i'm having a pretty good day so i hope all of you contestants out there are having an excellent day and uh dave don't freaking tell the contestants have a good day cause they're all gonna die what well i mean one of them's gonna live so you know one of them gets to enjoy this day shut up dave uh well anyways guys we are back uh we are here for the second squad game oh man oh i really don't want to play anymore games i'm really tired can we have a nap can it be nap time no it's not nap time okay contestant shut up and listen so guys we're on to the second squid game all right guys so uh yeah so anyways guys let me go over the rules you know what i'm with toy freddy on this i don't want to play any more games well i mean i guess we could like shoot you if you want no you know what that's it that's it i've had enough of this that's it let me speak to your manager i want to figure out who brought us here and why they're making us do this because i don't want to be a part of anymore let me speak to your manager oh oh no we got a karen on the battlefield i think we might need to eliminate the white team don't worry dave i'll handle this i'll go get the boss man what you're going to go speak to the boss but boss man scary i'm terrified of him it's okay dave he respects me the most and yeah if you did go see him he would probably beat you up and break your kneecaps oh man here oh postpone the game i'm gonna go get the boss man i'll be right back don't do anything stupid while i'm gone dave oh okay well i hope you're happy person over there because i guess you are gonna speak to our manager um you know oh oh okay the boss man is coming the bus man is on his way oh is she oh frick okay i actually think he's gonna show oh no i'm scared all right who's been dissing on my games it's just i squint we're tentacles owner of the squidward games you know that's right who's been dissing all my games it means me my name squidward tentacles who's been dissing on my games now speak up uh yeah it was me um listen i don't i don't i don't know why you brought us here but i really don't want to play your stupid game well i'll make it nice and simple for ya you either play my game or you get a bullet straight through your brain i'll let you decide i guess playing a game doesn't sound so bad after all please don't shoot me alright good well now that i'm here and also apologies i was supposed to be here on the first game but squidward had a bit of a cold so um yeah sorry i couldn't i couldn't show up i was i was a little sick um but i'm better now i took my cough drops and i'm feeling better today so while squidward is here and i will introduce the second game so all of you uh uh squidward fans out there you guys have been split up into seven teams all right there's seven teams of you guys you've all been split up into about seven or six people per group um so uh yeah and there's 47 contestants left um so yeah um half the contestants died last round so you know that's pretty nice um but anyways um so as you may have seen you have these giant canvases on your thing you might be wondering oh wait aren't we supposed to do like the cookie thing where we like carve cookies or whatever no squidward says that's lame nobody likes carbon cookies and also uh we were supposed to do this on like a playground or something like that but squidward uh said uh squidward's been banned from the playground you know the um for uh for other reasons i will not mention as to i am i am uh requested by the government to stay away from all playgrounds and if i go anywhere near if i'm uh 100 feet within a playground i could get arrested so we're not going to go on a playground um so yeah squidward has a traumatic event from the playground um but uh so uh we're gonna we're just gonna do it in this knife yeah nice field because squidward said so so there's what we're doing for the second game all right so for the second game we have all these canvases right and you're probably wondering oh what are you gonna make you're just gonna do something stupid no we're creating art today because squidward checks out so let me let me show y'all my latest art piece and y'all will have to try to recreate it so here it is my beautiful art piece it is it is beautiful and it is beautiful all right guys so this is my this is my latest art piece i called it bold and brash more like belongs in the trash uh can i see your sniper rifle for a second oh sure thing boss man um thank you hey wait what did you do with that gun ignited freddy all right there we go that's been shuttled all right so teams listen up listen up because three of your teams are gonna be eliminated so well listen up what you must do during this game is you must try to recreate my beautiful art piece nobody can recreate my beautiful art show whatever uh whatever last three teams that are unable to complete my art will be eliminated so while you better build my art if you want to survive because if you lose you're going to get shot and murdered in cold blood so i'll let the squidward games uh 2 begin oh yes they're just shooting when if you see anything kind of sucks going i almost stand here look pretty oh it's your thing boss man wait what we have to build something oh man yard this will be easy y'all it'd be like playing with them legos all right y'all let's get to work right team y'all let's get to work okay oh guys ignited freddy's dead he's he's he's freaking dead oh no well i suppose we shall get to work if we don't want to be like him all right guys let's let's make a beautiful art piece we gotta appease the squid gods all right get out my way oh hey no shoving buddy all right we gotta get to work guys we gotta get to work so all we have to do is recreate that thing on our canvas yep that's it i call i call plane uh with these blocks oh i'm gonna build i'ma build me a castle out of these whoopties i'm starting to lose the blocks don't lose the blocks oh no all right team we're gonna have to work together and come up with a plan if we want to do something together um all right i guess i'll i'll build the legs okay let's see uh leg and uh leg and uh ooh i want to build the other leg uh see let go there and then leg go there all right cupcake cupcake cupcake oh yeah toy cupcakes right the dude's hovering up a bit you have to bring raise the blocks up some what oh uh okay i guess okay so i guess raise that up there and then put this one oh my god it's stuck the block is stuck okay there we go put that right there and then uh what do we need um here here take this piece this one goes like that his light kind of goes inside kind of like that okay and then uh and then uh um uh does it does it go like that i i think so or team we can't be less come on other other teams are starting come on we have to start building um i think okay let's start let's start from the bottom or work our way up uh yeah good idea good idea shout out freddie um okay here yeah yeah so that's that leg oh okay oh and then it goes kind of like that and then here let's let's go ahead and work on the body sound okay yeah yeah so the body goes like there i think there's a piece there uh what are we just just be quiet with the brian just sit on the sidelines okay just set out for this one okay i guess what about these blocks we'll worry about it when we get the one and get there all right guys we gotta get to work oh man i really don't want to die guys i really don't want to die yeah i know i don't want to die either that's why we have to work um okay okay that block it was there oh my we need more blocks we need more blocks we need more blocks over here need more blocks we need more blocks come on we gotta get to work get to work get to work all right everybody spreading money is ready to build with some blocks all right team let's go go go let's get to work on this on the squidward face okay let's do it i gotta win the prize i want to get the cranberries i don't think cranberries was the prize but um okay whatever motivates you alright let's go all right i have an idea team okay so what we gotta do is uh i know exactly what to do so first of all we got to stack all these blocks up right okay so this is my idea all right so we take all the blocks we stack them all the way up and then uh we uh we we uh we do this and then uh and then oh and then we do this and then uh here give me these blocks um give me this give me this give me these oh yes all right god what are you doing that doesn't look anything like it trust me trust me i know exactly what i'm doing they're gonna love it all right so we do this and then and then we we do that and then we we do this and then we do this and then this and then boom guys look we got an a we got an a we won guys we did it i don't think that's how it works oh no everybody everyone else everyone else has already started all right we got to get to work um um here i have an idea all right i think to make it easier let's build it out on the ground and then we can push it up against the wall oh and nobundo likes that idea all right good idea good idea all right well we have these blocks right here so we know uh we know this is going to be the i so if we put these blocks together like this then uh boom we have uh we have the squid's eye all right there we go so then we can uh we can work from here um um all right we need we need blocks uh yeah of course we need blocks all right let's uh let's just uh yeah let's build this on the ground i like it i like okay so uh we put these blocks here you know it gets um i get surrounded with uh with these uh with this uh blue these blue blocks um oh gosh okay here here all right boom so that's the um that's the iodine um okay so now we got to do it like this so this part right here this is like the top of his top of the switch head so while we do this and then um then we uh do do that and um i think i'm gonna start working on the legs you know i think i'm gonna start doing the legs like this well wait no we gotta keep all the blocks together guys what you have an idea creepy spring bonnie what's your idea how do you think we should do this that's a great idea you're right they the mr squid man would expect us to start from the bottom so we should start from the top you know and work our way down um interesting approach but we might as well try it come on let's get to work let's get to work all right so what do we need to do first well first we got to do his little uh little bald head so uh first of all we gotta leave a little little gap right there and uh oh okay that's this background ain't um sewed on perfectly okay there we go so we put these blocks right there right okay so we have so it goes so it goes three blocks over all right one two three okay and then we go two down like this so let's say we make the outline first yeah that's a good idea nightmare okay here here here pass these over and help him build all right so yeah so we do it like this so it goes two down and then one over all right so it goes one over like that and then uh it goes and then we do his neck so this part right here that's his that's his neck um so boom his neck is his neck is done um i guess we could here let's look let's focus on the main part okay whoops oh i kind of broke some of our thing okay it's probably fine um okay so that goes like that oh my gosh this giant a isn't going to get us the one okay here take all these pieces down we got to scrap this we got to scrap this all right this is not going to get us the win okay or oh i'm here okay take all these pieces down and oh my gosh now our board's a giant mess um oh no what are we going to do that's it i challenge you what you challenged me challenge me to watch i challenge you to a castle building contest let's build a castle oh spring money wants to build a castle all right let's build a castle all right my castle is gonna be so much better than your castle yeah spring money spring money knows how to build unlike you you stupid ignited chicken oh oh oh i'm gonna have the best castle ever that anyone has ever seen and you suck you smell and nobody nobody nobody likes you mr uh mr spring bunny dude oh how dare you say that i'm highly offended my building skills are so much better than yours you're just a dumb chicken and and i'm gonna make fried chicken nothing but yeah this is my um this is my castle look at my look at my spooky castle it has mickey mouse ears on it uh-huh what are you gonna do now against spring bunny okay guys we got to do the body now um and uh oh wait oh we did the legs wrong move the legs over what do you mean look it has to there needs to be a block fit right there and then here move the legs over oh okay whatever okay and then uh we uh we uh we make it we make a uh we make a square okay so we put a square on top of this block so it goes like like that and then we put a square right there and then we put this right there and then give me these blocks and then okay that goes there oh this one that goes there these are the that's the dudes uh that's his arms so then we do we do that then we do do this oh man i'm so tired from working oh i'm going to sit down and take a rest yar we barely even started you are come on y'all we got to work okay uh let go there um yeah and uh y'all okay you are that yard that go there yo it'd be hard working with only a hook you are telling me about it all right i don't want to interrupt you guys but other people are getting further ahead y'all are we got to build faster guard build faster all right y'all let go there uh that go there uh y'all we need more blocks yard that go there and then uh yard that that go there y'all y'all keep going y'all that go there and then y'all let's get the eye in y'all let's do the eye let's do the eye yo yo give me the eye pieces yo are you sure i go there i i do go there i i i see eyeball all right y'all i go i go there i i and uh i i see with me i all right there we go and i let's do uh let's do e arm uh i i and the uh an i i i i i okay so if you look at the example piece over there this is what we have so far so uh we could here here give me give me some blocks okay so this this goes down by one right there and let's go ahead and fit the eye in because uh you know let's take this opportunity you know we got to make sure all these blocks fit inside because if any of the blocks don't fit we're gonna have to reconstruct everything and that's gonna take forever so let's put that okay boom the eye fits in perfectly okay we need the other we need the other piece and actually give me a blue give me blue okay here's a blue alright so if you uh oh no we gotta okay move this move it over get in there okay boom blue piece goes there uh this piece goes there and then uh where's the other where's the other white wall uh here it is all right good work good work okay so that goes there and then we can kind of push these blocks up together so that way everything kind of stays in place a bit better you know um there we go and then i need uh three more blue blocks here you go all right so uh all right oh gosh okay come on squeeze in there squeeze get in there you stupid blocks okay we gotta push it back and then put that right there okay that goes there perfect perfect give me give me two blocks all right um uh oh fit in there you stupid blokes okay there we go that's there i need one more block and then boom all right so basically oh okay if this block will fit boom it fits perfectly and push these together alright we've done the face now we got to do the nose um okay uh the nose piece um all right so it goes kind of down by one block and then it goes down by another block and then it goes oh wait how does this work oh oh oh oh oh oh okay it goes like this so that's like there and then goes up by one okay okay okay okay it's time for my smelly fingers to get to work don't worry guys i can build it all by myself are you sure don't you want help don't worry guys trust me i know exactly what i'm doing okay so this goes there and and that piece goes there okay uh quick uh speed build dude all right that goes there that goes there and then this goes there holy freak is building so fast all right so this piece goes there all right so you might be thinking it's like okay so now we got to do the body so we get this little body in uh okay so this goes up right that one goes up and then we go up again and then we gotta do uh the two arms on the side okay so there you go that's one arm and that's the other arm okay so now we gotta then we're gonna do the hands so this piece goes there this piece goes there and then uh quickly this piece goes there and then this this one goes there this one this one also goes right there and then um this one uh oh freeze oh wait don't freeze that uh wait freeze uh that goes there this piece goes oh gosh uh there i think and then uh this piece uh goes goes right there i don't know why that background keeps moving it shouldn't uh this piece it needs to go over here guys get the smelly fingers to work where are the eyes oh here's the eye okay so uh that piece goes there and then uh this eye goes there and then um and then uh give me give me give me give me this all right so now we got to make the nose and uh look guys it's it's um the squid game mascot man um look it's the squid game we did it we i did it with my smelly fingers it's beautiful it's an artist piece wait a minute that looks oval oh my gosh we're gonna lose we're gonna die you stupid okay i'll put this dude in timeout corner what but i helped i did it no we have to tear it down what don't tear my down my beautiful masterpiece it's beautiful no i'm gonna have to do this by myself get out my way all right that's it um okay well let's see uh okay this leg oh gosh okay this needs oh no this is oh this is so bad okay um okay oh raise that there raise that there and then okay there's one leg uh we have the two pieces come together there okay oh oh gosh oh my god this is such a mess what did you do you stupid oh my gosh okay all right so uh then we have these blocks right there okay we can work with it we can work with it oh no okay so that goes like there and i need four more blocks right on top of it so that goes that goes there okay okay we can recover from this all right so that goes there and then oh we need a uh we need a block right there and then let's straighten that leg up okay there we go okay you know this ain't that bad okay and then okay that goes there this goes there and i think that's where the eye goes yeah that's where that where's the eye give me the eye oh put that i want to put the eye in no i don't you guys are gonna mess this all up i have to do all this by myself oh it's taking forever all right well now that we've done the body we need to do the head and oh wait we haven't done the neck give me two blocks we gotta do the neck okay that block goes there this block goes right there we gotta appease the squid gods um okay so a block goes there um let's see and then uh that goes there yeah it does okay good um our squid it's it's kind of sideways but i think we should be fine um so that piece goes there um and then we need a piece to go right there and then we need a block on top of that and then oh no oh why is there a background falling apart okay that goes there and then uh give me give me uh this block okay this piece goes there and this one goes up there okay and then where's the uh where's the eyepieces we can start putting in the eye oh okay so that goes there and then this goes right uh there okay there we go and then this goes this goes here and then uh give me give me some blue give me some blue okay here's some blue or or listen to me okay so the blue pieces go there um oh okay it's a little it's a little lopsided but i think we should be fine um oh okay um oh oh no oh wait wait wait that piece doesn't go there where's the white all right here's the white oh uh are you guys okay it looks kind of crooked are you sure it's gonna be okay it's probably fine all right we gotta get to work though okay so that goes there where's the other last white piece here at ash all right thank you michael um okay so that goes there and now we gotta build um okay so we got the dude we just need his freaking huge ass nose you can't defeat me spring money my cashless better than yours well shut up i have mickey mouse on my side oh that's it what are you guys doing with the blogs we need to build this or else we're all gonna die what are you guys doing uh we're having a battle you should join us and uh yeah what join y'all well why why why should we join you well you see see that stupid bunny dude over there hey bunnies aren't stupid well anyways he hates chickens we gotta defeat him what he hates chickens well i'm a chicken so i guess i'm offended yeah we gotta fight i want there's a battle against somebody who hates chickens all right let's fight i hate people who hate chickens chickens are awesome all right you wanna fight you wanna fight um uh but i'm kinda with golden freddy on this we kind of need to build this realtor we're all gonna die um okay that p oh oh and it all fell down okay um whoopsies i shouldn't touch anything oh okay tortuga i guess it'll just mean you okay come on we have to we have to build this um thing oh god oh no this is a mess oh no oh no okay here try to get the get the blocks out get the oh oh no oh okay i think we just lost some blocks but hey it's probably fine okay come on we got we gotta get to work we gotta get to work all right my indo window powers are tingling so this goes there all right let's make that big that big nose um okay so what that piece goes there and then we have this piece that goes down and then this piece goes oh wait does it go it goes only one over so that goes there and then um this piece goes right right there i think oh my gosh this is this hurts my brain looking at like this um okay so white that goes up by two okay so this block goes there um maybe maybe we should have built it on the thing it's it's already too late just keep working just keep building um um um um um my indobindo brain's not working and no oh wait wait wait one two oh wait why did i go up a block wait where where's this block from okay that block goes here this one wait it only needs to go it only needs to go three cars okay all right so that goes there uh out of my way um okay that okay here pass over some blocks passing over some blocks all right um um um oh gosh our our squid ain't looking too good um okay but it looks kind of like it's going okay i think that's the head done all right that's that's the head done that's the head down okay we need uh we need to do the body so this right here this is uh this is the dude's neck and then we gotta do his uh his his tummy his little stomach um okay so uh he oh gosh okay you know what that's fine that block can that block can go there um this piece goes there and then we got to build these little little stubby arms on the side okay so we have one arm right there boom and then oh wait we need uh we need more more pieces okay so that goes right there and then uh and then yeah this is where this is where his leg would be so you have one uh is it one or two oh no this is the one weird like the leg that sticks out some okay so that goes there this light goes right there and then this one goes right or that where the okay well i guess that piece is gone all right oh there we go oh give me three more pieces all right guys we're about to do it all right so we have one two three we did it guys we built the squid well now we got to build it on the canvas well frank or guys so if i'm correct we can just take these pieces right here so uh this piece uh oh wait wait wait wait wait we gotta fit these pieces in together oh okay so we'll put a piece in right there that piece goes there give me where's the art okay here's some wool okay so we do uh we put a piece right there and then we need two more pieces and then we'll be done with the face all right so that piece goes there and then give me another piece and then boom there we go all right so uh now we need to do the body rubber yeah we gotta do the body now okay so uh that goes there um that goes there um this piece goes it goes there this one goes uh this one goes there and this one goes there as well and then this one also goes there all right so that's the main part of the body and then we gotta do the arms so there's one arm right there so that's an arm piece and you have the other arm okay so then you have this other arm over here so that arm goes there then you have this arm okay that goes there and then um for some reason his little arm thing goes out by one and then it goes down by three so um one uh come on uh two [Music] three okay and then we need his other leg oh here you go here you go uh okay we got this piece and then it goes right there and then we need one more piece and here it is here's the final piece we did it we did it oh my gosh we actually did it let's go team let's go we did it um get good get the george get the judge mr judge mr judge come over here come over here oh sure i think the uh one team is finished i'll be the judge of that let me say let me see what you have created let me see what you guys have created all right let me see okay all right so you got the legs yeah you got the similar body shape you got the one little flappy arm you got that big old nose and uh it's a little the pieces are a little wonky but oh i'll allow it and it looks like true right you know you get no you can't become a true artist overnight so i'll allow it all right everyone um the black team is the first team to finish uh congratulations you guys got first let's go yay we did it we survived we're not going to get killed oh man oh phew oh i'm so so relieved oh man oh man i need a oh i'm going to lay down i was scared and there all right this little block represents that you have finished and you are done show well congratulations yay we did it oh you're you are this looks awful you are guys guys the team just finished oh watch all right we got to get to work all right y'all surround the ier we all know the i has to have wool be surrounding it so our put some uh put wool right there uh um all right y'all that goes there you are all right you are all and then you are give me another piece here that goes there all right you are so uh you know there needs to be some uh yard there needs to be blocks there you are to go on top all right you are um uh you are okay you are and uh uh uh you are okay you are that pcr that go there i and then oh i i there need to be i three i i i i r r um what about what about the back of that all right i'd be working on it um all right you are that go there all right you're that good there all right y'all that be yo that'd be the back of its head oh this looks this this this does not look good yeah we gotta roll with it um wait we have so many more pieces ours because we didn't do that arm okay you are all right all right all right all right let go there all right and then we need uh this i this this i r that go there r and then i or just go just be here you are this piece go right there and then i this piece go all right this piece go there all right all right we're done we're done we don't you are we beat it we be done we've been done are you sure yeah that looks a little little oh god oh no y'all let's see what the judges think you are all right so you guys think you guys have finished well i'll be the judge of that let me see and uh um okay that's a little it's a little little tipsy it looks a little tipsy all right um fine i suppose this could be considered an art piece i suppose yo so did we do it i suppose so yo we did it all right congratulations to the red team the red team has come in second there are currently one two wait three four five there's currently five teams left but only two more teams can win and then the remaining teams will be eliminated shall walk build build build teams oh did you hear that oh no no no okay go to build build build okay oh oh oh my gosh okay this is all messed up okay give me the give me the pieces give me the pieces oh here you go um where's the other where's the other okay there we go boom okay i go there um let's go here oh oh i'm gonna have to carry our team um okay that go there that go there oh oh oh oh oh oh this piece goes there that piece goes there oh wait this piece needs to go in here put that piece there um okay this goes there oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no raise this up fit this piece there okay give me give me give me give me oh here you go oh my gosh uh uh what are you freaking out dude because we don't build him if we don't win we're gonna die oh yeah i forgot about that oh get some blocks get some blocks get some blocks um okay that piece goes there right oh i think so oh my gosh all of our blocks are behind our board why are they all behind it okay um that goes there this piece goes there and then oh oh okay that's that we didn't need that um okay and then this piece goes there um oh is that is that how he's supposed to look oh no this piece goes over one okay that piece goes there um um um okay that goes there oh give me give me some more give me some more blocks okay that piece goes there this piece goes here um um okay and then wait is that how it looks no we need more blocks oh oh okay this piece goes this one goes right there and then where are blocks i think this is one of our blocks um we're we're missing the block wait oh no guys we're missing avoiding one more block we need one more block what happened to our blog oh dad it's over here give it to me oh we finished we did it we built the squid man oh my god all right green team you think you guys did it uh yes mr squidward man oh we we built the squid well i'll be the judge of that let me see um yeah um all right it does count congratulations green team you survived phew we did it oh my gosh i had to do that all by myself you guys did nothing uh what are we doing oh my gosh well hey we did it we won oh man yeah even though you broke a chip to my canvas but all right whatever oh hey mr squid dude watch since we win does uh does that dude get to come back what no i shot him he's dead he called my art trash so he deserves to die oh okay all right i'm gonna go look at the other teams oh no guys we gotta hurry up we gotta hurry up okay we're almost done with ours all right so uh we gotta put this there um put this right there uh where's the um okay here um all right here here i can i can work on this page all right yeah yeah yeah so that goes there this goes here where's the uh where's the wall okay this goes uh um oh okay oh oh i dropped the block just put it do it fix it up i'm trying i'm trying okay um oh man oh man oh man uh what about what about that yeah i know i'm working on it okay um all right here put that out that goes there this goes there that goes there this goes there uh uh okay this one goes here um here we need more wool okay that goes there and this one goes goes there this one goes here okay there we go and then um boom okay there we go and then uh i think we need one piece on the top yeah it's three blocks on the top okay and then we need to do is do the nose okay all right so that goes there oh and then it goes down by one and then it goes like that and then uh i mean is that it no the nose needs to be bigger um okay all right so that goes there then we just put one block on top and then uh i think that's it i think that's it all right we did it we did it we did it all right squidward squidward will be the josh let me see this beautiful masturbation oh dear god this is awful look at it it doesn't even look like a squid what do you mean it does look like it's good see look you got the legs you got the arms you got the head and the big nose oh my gosh no it's all wrong no this ain't no squid oh no this is awful redo it all but but uh okay well we don't have to we don't have to redo all of it we can just remove some pieces no redo all of it is trash it's awful i'm tearing this whole thing down look i revealed oh it's awful you guys are an artist you guys suck i hope you die i never come back to my art school again you idiots or art piece you know that's right now squidward's out of here now rebuild it i'm out what there's no way we're gonna have enough time to rebuild it um oh no we might as well try you called our are awful what do we do wrong i think we're supposed to make it look like the canvas one over there but we did i think what i think what nightmare bonnie means is we have to make it accurate make it look 100 like the same thing oh man i thought we just had to make it look similar and like give it our own personality and style oh no okay um um um okay all right i guess we can i guess we can try it again um okay oh no oh no oh we're not gonna have enough time no okay tortuga we don't have a lot of time oh we gotta keep working okay here you go here's this block okay so uh this block uh that goes there um um oh okay that goes there uh okay boom okay there's the eye done um okay so now that the eye is done we put we put these blocks right here this goes there this goes right here this one goes there and whoops oh our canvas is kind of breaking um pass me the next block okay here you go all right good all right give me the next one and uh wait we're out of blocks who are we on the block we should have enough blocks to finish this oh gosh this looks awful enough hey what are you god damn guys guys give us the blocks we need to go we need to go okay here this block goes there and hey are you destroying spring bunnies castle we need to build just to live well i needed to live listen i need to live in this castle and you keep stop telling down to money's you idiot you're a monster give me the blocks give me the blocks oh you're breaking my dreams i'm gonna cry bye bye help me he's destroying my snow okay and then we can use these blocks for the office freaking spring money's blocked okay there you go okay that's done that's done that's done and then boom and then okay we gotta go get the blocks from here oh i'm getting i'm taking your blocks what why are you taking our box we gotta win i don't wanna die give me the block oh let's bring money sand you stop spring bunnies blocks you want to steal spring bunnies blocks then fine spring money will steal your blocks all right that's it what are you doing swing money is going to steal your blocks these are my swing money blocks now spring bunnies taking these blocks and hey you can't do that these are spring bunnies blocks and oh no you destroyed our canvas spring bunnies blocks this is spring bunnies spring money oh my god you're destroying our whole thing spring money stop spring money wants to live in a castle i need the blocks spring money let's bring that awesome buddies truth all right we're almost done we're almost done just get some more blocks okay okay and okay so this goes right there and uh hey keep your stupid gold blocks out of here we don't want gold we want we want the blue stuff yeah keep your stupid blocks out of here okay so this goes there and does the knee go down one more uh yeah yeah it does need to go down one more and uh bring it over by one okay or or and then um um i think we just need to add a layer on top yeah just add one more block we need one more block okay it's done it's done it's done wait wait no it's not no it's not we need one more block in the corner for the arm oh snap good call good card all right now it's done now it's done all right judge judge mr squidward man come judge ours all right let me see you think you think you're so cool and uh oh it's beautiful i mean the nose is a little crooked but you could just oh now it's beautiful oh bow down before the squillium oh it's beautiful it's beautiful all right you guys you guys won congratulations yeah you hear that guys we did it we won phew i think we barely won as well all right that's it for the squidward games put down your blocks put down the blocks the squidward game squigger game number two is now over alright our winners for the second round is the black team the red team the green team and the dark blue team congratulations you all get to survive and move on to the next squidward game and uh however the losers is light blue and this is how far they got they only got the body done theirs was pretty trash i'm not gonna lie um once she who else lost um oh yeah the the white team lost and uh you guys didn't even put anything under you only have one block on your canvas uh no we built us off to the side look we did ours we did ours look we finished um i'll be the judge of that let me see it's just uh right squid and uh i guess i could give you some bonus points i mean you did build the squid wait a minute you're missing an arm fire you're all dead kill them now kill them now guards oh yeah sure mr squidward sir wait what no no please don't shoot us please don't shoot us it wasn't our fault are they all dead and uh yeah yeah they're all dead all right good all right and finally our other losing team is the yellow team and holy freak was y'all y'all destroyed my old canvas my cameras my beautiful golden blocks you you scratched them how dare you these were rental blocks i will i had to return them after this game god dang it you scratched my windshield what are y'all doing uh we're playing uh we're playing castle you want to play with us mr squidward man i don't want to play with you guys that's it that's it where's the tnt latch it where is it where is it where is it all right boom all right that's it you guys want to play you guys want to play all right yeah yeah we'll play we'll play what is that oh my god yeah you think you're so cool yeah i'm blowing it up yes oh my god bye bye yellow team you guys shuck i don't want to see you my squidward games ever again all right and oh yeah i kind of forgot to kill the light blue team so you guys are gonna die and uh click everybody run they're gonna kill us oh we gotta go we i'm getting the tnt you guys want to escape well too bad tnt tnt oh my god what is this it's explosives we gotta get out of here quick oh all right there we go all the losers have been disqualified so all the remaining contestants you guys get to go back to bed and you guys get to go rush for a while and uh i will be i'll prepare you guys or i will get prepared for the third goodwill game so uh rest easy tonight campers and i'll see y'all tomorrow all right guys you know get these stupid dead contestants out of here and clean up this mess i gotta go work on my next art piece squidward man um whoop all right gotta get the cleaner oh wait we gotta take the contestants back to bed all right you're dave you take him back to bed i guess actually you know screw you dave dave you get to clean up this mess hey other split guard oh yeah alright come with me we'll we'll take the contestants back to bed um okay yeah yeah let's go take the conditions to bed wait wait wait wait guys wait for me no dave you sit here and you clean up this giant mess but but okay well after you guys put the contestants to sleep are you guys gonna come back and help me no oh man i have to clean this up all by myself oh man well the only thing that would make dave happy right now if if the viewers watching this video would leave a like you know so that way i know you guys want a part three you know that would really cheer dave up right now you know if you guys just happen to leave a like on the video for little dave you know really really appreciate that so you know just just leave a good like on the video thank you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 524,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Funny, Squid Game, Freddy, Spring Bunny, Ignited Bonnie, RP, Roleplay, Story, Part 2, honeycomb
Id: 912q61GEPkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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