Gmod FNAF | The Neon City [Part 5]

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yes it is complete it is complete our newfound friend is finally here Oh taking a nap what happened oh my goodness okay all right so does everyone know the plan oh no you have not pulled up the plan okay fine all right look all right look I just got through and hey you wake up from our or your how may I serve you I have brainwashed this um foolish animatronic into thinking they work with us or what am I not supposed to be working with you I mean yeah you work with us you just don't listen here just close uh put your hands over your ears and count to 20 y'all okay la la la la la I can't hear ye okay whatever all right so anyways I've brainwashed this animatronic into thinking they work for us so what we're gonna do is we're gonna send the same I'm trying back to back to its friends and we're gonna get it to capture all those friend all of its friends just for us so we don't have to do any of the work okay so it sounds more mr. cupcake mr. cupcake whites what about what about those shadows um those people who came and fathers I'm pretty sure some of them got out alive well that's where we come in handy we're gonna go kill them or actually no not we y'all are gonna go kill them I'm gonna stay here or so yep that includes yep you green chica you pink spring Bonnie and you cupcake and yeah all right yeah I can pint finally put this gun to use oh yay at my new blaster - stirrer - stole mr. cupcake mr. cupcake what else do you want or can I be later fine you can be a leader of that little group you okay fine you're in charge yeah mr. cupcake well what does the cupcake get to be in till actually I don't want the chicken to be annoyed okay or I'm ready all right here first of all let me see let me go give my friend our new friend the mission Hey okay come out of the Cornell you're okay look I need a favor of you I need you to go back to your friends and uh how do I work um basically tie them up and but don't don't let it be suspicious and don't tell them where you came from or okay you're lalalala time to go see my friends and tie them up you're uh you're uh you're good thing I got each hook oh you're no it's close one y'all are gonna be careful about my surroundings yo yo yo yo I tripped and fell or my nose what was I doing there are friends friends I need my friends y'all are going or your yo yo yo yo where are my friends my friends my friends yo yo yo yo where are they they're over here yo oh you're early oh hey your friends where are my friends yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo Oh friends I have no idea what we're gonna do I have no idea what we're gonna do well it's it's okay your your drawer what the foxy your I back my friends your how are my friends doing my friends oh oh you're back wait what happens then you Kate I thought yeah I thought you were dead foxy y'all are I am life I big and strong I ate my beans my beans kept me alive you're okay you're acting kind of strange but uh whatever are foxy what happened to you where have you been are [Music] that doesn't matter what what do you mean it doesn't matter it doesn't matter yo just get y'all uh y'all tell me what you've lat you've you've people's been up to yourself and uh you're where our resto Foxy's for I mean my friends where all the rest of my friends pretty sure they're all dead oh are you guys my only friends then I I guess I guess so oh you are well this is easier than I thought your time to bleed yard and wolf yah ha ha ha ha ha ha you're far far for her oh yeah look at us we're the coolest kids in school I don't know about the mr. cupcake come on we got to go guys come on there's no time to waste mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake lost so stupid cupcake so boss right I don't really care Oh does need a place to stay and I love to have fun so come on yeah okay whatever you're right we need to get a move on cuz and you have a chance to use my awesome cool ray gun oh yeah I um let's see okay wait wait wait wait wait up for me guys mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. mr. mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake Williams Oh mr. cupcake mr. cupcake yeah cut Thanks okay okay I know we're on our way just give us a minute I gotta walk up these stupid stairs and what god of water Oz is stupid thing hey where's the freakish that pink dude at it oh well so much walking well I'm already tired oh oh no I can't go up the stairs oh oh I don't know we have to be walking this bar okay Oh whoo come on hurry up man oh I'm sorry the stairs so tired oh okay [Music] oh my god are you freaking kidding me all right fine come here give me your hand ooh just give me your hand mmm just come here come here let go of that you got me you won't let go pull this yes I won't let go oh whoops I let go mom I had one boy do you let go I was hoping you would die I mean I didn't mean to let go well okay so I guess mr. cupcake mr. cupcake oh yeah he okayed the cupcakes right we got to go come on we're wasting time well okay where we going again what we're gonna go kill those people oh that's why oh ah crap how am I supposed to get back to base from here and with these two pet knocked out um oh you okay I gotta hurry Oh God dang I'm so tired okay ah they're so heavy - okay um half four which way is base again think it's oh it's just right over there wait I need to get over to that building um how do I get over there Oh am I gonna have to others a ramp a pathway across how do I get down there actually way if I loop around if I go back and I go down there and then I can't go that way okay all right that seems like the strategy to go are the way to go oh my god I'm so tired of carrying two around so heavy okay oh my god okay okay okay I got you - don't worry oh my god oh okay gotta go I gotta go I got a hurry oh I gotta go warn the commander okay oh oh I'm so tired oh no I'm gonna to go up that ladder are you kidding me okay whatever don't worry about when I get there I just got to go across here oh that would be bad if I fall and that's lost my balance okay almost there Oh is there a ramp on the inside of this thing I really don't want to use that ladder over there were stairs ouch oh yes stairs are perfect just what I wanted yeah okay all right I'm almost back Oh oh crap okay cut it yeah come on come on okay I love us back I'm almost there I've always there Oh commander full commander oh they got us they got this dish they defeated us in their commander their honor they're on their way here to kill us he's - oh yes yes just I barely made it out of life I dragged these two back but they're unconscious and they're on their way to kill us commander mmm very well then I will help you fight them prepare for battle as this is life or death all right guys come on I think their base has to be somewhere over here Oh hold your ROI mmm mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake well yeah you're white mr. cupcake they could be in this building mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake okay mr. cook okay he's mr. cupcake said he's gonna tickle those uh electronic stuffs so let's so let's just look around his something look around oh my god okay we gotta find these fools um mmm let me see you know you've my big boy you know oh wait a minute I see people in that window oh wait what now there's people over there in the building over there I want the let me see in you're right a cupcake cupcake we found them mr. cupcake Oh mr. can mr. mr. mr. cupcake mr. cupcake yeah look look down there mr. cupcake one mr. cupcake Oh mr. cupcake mm-hmm you're right we have to attack them before they flee or have a chance to defend themselves okay hell did we get over there I have an idea for how you get over there fly a little pink boy flood Hey Oh Oh my face you know I hear do you want do you want to you want to be thrown to mr. cookie all right suit yourself then um mm let's see I'm 100 I can probably jump to this building over here okay and boy aha yes I knew taking that gymnastics class would be worth it one day oh I all right come on get up here pink boy we got to stop these fools oh yes here's the building right here well mr. cupcake Oh mr. cupcake that's so big that's a big jump Oh mr. cupcake cheese ramp mr. cupcake will go a long way mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. mr. mr. mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. mr. mr. mr. cook mr. cupcake mr. mr. mr. mr. mr. mr. cupcake mister mister mister mister mister mister mister mister mister mister mister mister mister cup cake little mud face hurts okay fire if I'm getting up I'm getting up hey hey big chicken faith can you help give me a hand again fine come on get up here we gotta go come on we're attacking now okay we will build mr. cupcake we gotta start attacking without him come on oh we got fooling booing booing come on oh okay I like to go boingy boingy Boing - oh we totally true Oh blow my fleas ooh aha come out with your hands up come out and surrender peacefully or I'll have to shoot you uh hold your fire hold your fire mm-hmm that's what I thought hey get up here get up pink face get up little boy faith hurts oh my chance oh hey big stinky that's not nice oh oh that really hurt oh I'll blast them from down here wait where's my ray gun wait oh no you gotta be kidding me oh oh I think well my legs is broken I've got I got dang stupid paint things Jack me Oh Oh my fake oh ouch look Billy monster aren't you weak huh let that be a lesson to you bud we Bodhi slave enjoy miss your stupid thing get out of here Oh put me dude I'm so weak from my last battle I've had a chance to get my breath I'm gonna have to kill you I don't want to kill this dude oh no if I don't have a ray gun that gets off to use my head duh your stupid face oh yeah yeah come on come out come on pink screen pink spring Bonnie we got to take this dude out oh-ho you're right oh please I'm sorry don't hurt me oh oh no just nowhere for me to go you should have just surrendered peacefully but now it looks like I'm gonna have to kill ya not so fast what no where'd that voice come from ooh it's time for y'all to die criminal scum go go go oh my god with that ugly thing Lily came out the sewage Oh quick quick my fellow rabbit run run while you have the chance - okay Thank You commander Oh where do I go I gotta hide hope everything hurts mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. mr. we boy would open mr. cupcake Oh Oh No mr. cupcake Oh mister cup hey mister cup mmm Oh knows what the bad happened here oh oh I told myself I would never kill anybody yeah but it looks like I have no choice but to throw your body off this building while you're unconscious all right come here I'm going to throw you off of this thing mr. cupcake Oh mr. cupcake Oh mr. cookie whoa mr. cupcake oh my happened you threw me through mr. cupcake all right you saved my life oh thank you mr. cupcake I thought you were completely useless and stupid but thank you for saving my life and through the freakish dish huh so this must be the commander mr. cupcake whole a whole way yes I know you saved my life hmm all right but this commander was trying to protect and only one of them came out to fight no wait that means the others are injured in there inside mr. cupcake we have to we have to go in there and oh we have to we have to tie this that commander up and then we have to go in there and get this thing hey pink spring Bonnie get over here oh my faith hurts really failed my faith what Phillip I need you to get over here oh ho but I thought well I'll go I'm not dumping the cloth until we all go the long way look feel oh oh my god now that's what I call a useless brat okay whatever um okay all right sure just give me this and ah there you go we'll just look that well I'm pretty sure you'd kill them so that's good sure we'll just leave them there dead alright come on mr. cupcake we got to get back up here and take care of these people your cupcake sir mr. mr. cupcake boom boom boom boom boom alright time to kill the rest of these people in here alright put your hand up I know there's no there's some kittens in here mr. cupcakes mr. cupcake oh boy I wonder if they're all it looks like they're sleeping I'm gonna have to slit their throats and oh wait nobody's in here but what the frig I thought I didn't you see that rabbit carrying some people oh there's no way you threw him off the building what's that maybe he actually maybe he did maybe you did maybe to not give us the satisfaction God dang it ma'am Wow rats where could they be Oh what happened are you okay oh no unconsciously what happened oh we were in a fight Oh No and I remember Bonnie carrying us away and oh no something bad must have happened honey you get a home so tired though I'm so tired I feel so weak I need to rest oh no I don't know I hope everything's okay for them oh no with the silk see your hello there your pink little face er come up here you are okay I'm on my way oh boy I gotta go see what a [ __ ] eat up to who I gotta climb up all these boxes Oh hmm oh you're hello I've come to check up on your progress how have things been your things are been splendid your I found me I found Foxy's French oh you did in where they know you are they'd be tied up up there what the only two of them y'all are up apparently everyone else died huh I was expecting there to be more residents for my city but oh well I guess tube will do for now don't worry I'll worry about that later now I just need to make sure I can claim this city properly as mine but first I need to make sure the resistance team is completely dead so I need to check out check up on cupcake squad to see what they're up to or arc I already I'm off to go check on them I'll be back and once I'm back I will be the new owner of the city of the neon city y'all okay just just keep a watch on them make sure they don't go anywhere okay go on go on here the watch you care to watch even though you're sleeping you're I'm gonna watch you sleep y'all around the creep your heart fee fie foe fum Here I am oh oh a leaders leader tingle leader Josh welcome leader mr. cupcake mmm how was everything here is everybody dead uh yeah yeah we we killed the commander mr. cupcake mr. cupcake hmm so y'all didn't see y'all did a perfect job without failing me and I'll be quite disappointed if you all failed oh yeah about that I think one of them mr. cub I mean they know and one of them didn't get away all my toes why'd you steal my toe mr. cooker oh my vision wasn't devoid the body man mr. cook action up mmm-hmm is there something you two need to tell me uh-huh mr. cupcake uh I'll let mr. coke dick answer that would all my toes Oh mr. cupcake no no no mr. cupcake we blend hmm all right very well but if I find out somebody out there who tries to overtake me you're out of here mr. cupcake all right oh well I'm off to go claim myself as the new owner of this city of the neon City this is my city now and no one no one shall ever overthrow me and I will become the best leader ever alrighty welcome oh wait before I go I need y'all to show me proof of your of your work mr. mr. cupcake hmm so how exactly actually you know what no no no no no no tell me tell me exactly how y'all killed the remaining people um well it seems to our understanding that two of them fell off the building right mr. cupcake or mr. cupcake mr. cupcake all right so the two puppets fell off the building okay and then and then we the mr. mr. cupcake will you explain the other two mr. cupcake mr. cupcake shot the commander and the black mechanic commander is dead and the Bonnie you tripped and fell off the building all show hmm okay wait where's the commander mr. commanders down their commanders dead killed the commander hmm lets me see all right come on let's go down and let's get a closer look shall we Oh mr. cupcake uh what do you mean something went wrong what do you mean Oh Oh mr. cupcake mr. cupcake uh okay yeah you're right you're right you're right you're right I'll shut up mr. cupcake mmm is this all that remains of the commander oh yeah yeah yeah yeah just the head where's the rest of the body uh uh it fell off the building uh yeah yeah okay all right so you were able to decapitate the commander with the gut well I mean you did shoot him I see the gun and there we go that is that is a true statement you did shoot the commander so um all right all right good work you two um here here let me throw you back your gun oh here we go Chico here's your gun back oh whoops I dropped it Wolf's in my bad you're gonna throw it again you catch it all right yeah I'll be all free I'm so sorry I'm Josh um why are you shaking so much I'm not shaking I'm promised uh thank you okay I need to use bathroom or something I'm going in here I need to talk to the cupcake for a second okay mr. Cooper mr. Cooper you shared yeah I'm scared too man yeah oh well hmm maybe I can hang this head on it maybe make a trophy case all right but for now I'll just leave it here all right um time to go pay a visit to my new residence yes oh my fave my head what the whoo foxy what happened to us where are we what the oh no we're tied up what happened we're tied up Lexi untie us your I don't think that's gonna happen pal well I know it we're friends gar yup that was Fox he's a jester fine foxy fringe and tie him up wait what tie us up why would you do that oh if because he's been a boy lost uh-huh uh-huh I mean uh oh shoot I was supposed to say I mean Oh he'd uh I don't know he had the stupid wait what did you do to foxy foxy Oh foxy snap out of it man you've been brainwashed y'all have not been brainwashed y'all you've been the one who's been brainwashed dude that Lillard Linder literally makes no sense all right we got to find a way to brainwash him um oh I have an idea okay hey foxy you're what should watch what do you want with you well since we're friends and all I'd like to offer you a nice warm hot dog come on what da y'all okay they are all are kindly accept her different Oh hmm wait a minute how did you keep it warm if it's in your pocket [Music] did it work I think you just murdered him well murdered why would you kill him but foxy foxy are you okay oh my oh your R Block C your back we are Oh Frick Oh your what might happen oh no I tied you up oh I'm sorry ladies y'all are [ __ ] you untie you right now hey wait what about that perp that pink dude he's gonna do some huh y'all are you're right y'all are back back you evil person Oh please don't pull that the log drop oh hey oh wait don't hurt me I don't want to be evil I just want fines all right white white just hit some friends and they were evil so I thought if I would be evil I'd have friends but nobody really likes me please don't kill me leave you alone please don't kill me you're if you wanted to be friends why didn't you just ask your join me become our friend ooh you really mean you will I mean it you are and we won't win friends don't force other friends to do things you're white do what you know what I'll be your friend I'll be your friend who way I'll have a new for you all right it's time to check on my new errs and then hey what do you what do it what are you doing oh oh uh oh uh don't worry new owner of the shitty I wish their star I was roughing these two up there were talking Shmack about see and I was telling them why you're such a good leader and stuff but hey like shut up you're on faking it oh ah well that's some good work right there all right let me come over there and have a talk to them myself okay all right let's see if your um if your work has been done now please explain to me why I am such a good leader oh no you're a bad leader I hate you go don't but I think we should be nice you're wonderful ish ish yeah I'm freaking you know what y'all go into the pigs oh no please don't a little wind you're there's nothing we can do all right don't worry all right foxy you've done enough work here today thank you for your work you're all right tripped and fell oh don't worry I'll take care of these rats myself we'll get new and better residents I'll just kick them off and stuff ouch oh no I don't wanna do it hmm time to die oh my new friends are about tada like I gotta do something mommy said what did mommy said mommy said as she tucked me away in the cardboard box before she ran away and got shot yeah mommy said whoo when all else fails use that big brain of yours food big boy oh oh wait there's a Ledge oh yeah I'm a tail I'm stuck goddamn with the freaking out freaking what the Freak that stupid idiot stupid eat what are you doing your yards time for us to go Allah teach y'all let's go mmm to smooth your heart come on we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go gotta go come on come on okay Oh our tangled dog I'll try to get you out y'all get back here get back your alpha get back here get back here yeah I'm once I get my hands on you all throw you all into the prison y'all there is no prison in this city well there's about to be you know once I make one okay or maybe I'll just kill you here fool Oh throw it all into the prison look no you don't kick ouch whoa look we gotta work together mingle kiddo I'm trying out stuff tangled up freaking get out of here you nerd when are you guys okay we gonna stop this evil person oh you traitor oh that's it where's my oh oh would you look this gun how convenient time to die stupid brains look stupid brain that's mean oh oh oh no we got to get out of here before they shoot us come on we gotta go get back here I'm gonna blast your head off no I'm not gonna lie mr. cupcake that later or our leader kind of scares me mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake Vijayan stupid cupcake Oh mr. cupcake for true Oh what the heck oh no we're being attacked she died demons are way of cube cube I've been shot ouch oh no Savior yeah stupid chicken with a gun oh no another one I got a shooter with the wait how are you alive you fool this is body armor okay now I'm gonna come over there and kill you no please don't kick me the food you're okay yeah I'm good I'm good I'm good um I have to sit down for a drink oh well don't stand for too long we're out war you're right you're right I'm up I'm up I'm up I'm up I'm up ha Oh phew Oh mr. cupcake huh mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake look a little newly so even cooked it I don't have a gun I can't get over there Oh watch out mr. cupcake Oh mr. cupcake Oh freakin Oh jack mr. mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. mr. cupcake boy boy Oh No commander I'll save you out oh no I can't make it full commander no mr. cupcake has to high ground mr. cupcake says you're gonna die now Oh mr. cupcake wait remember me mr. cupcake mr. cupcake all in all mr. cook Knossos you need to die mr. cupcake no remember mr. mr. cupcake it's me mr. cupcake remember it's me mr. okay are we gonna put [ __ ] like Fox you down from here this is what you deserve this is what you all deserved you traitors for not believing in me your are yard fox she's not used to be promoted for hot dogs yard is outrageous y'all come here so I could smack you y'all y'all come here yo white our yard get us down from your uh no y'all stay up there for the rest of your lives you know what no I'm gonna go get the people who still work with me and don't betray me I'm gonna go get them to watch you guys your heads blown off so I'll be right back they'll have fun thinking about your death that's two people can't believe they will betray me who would who else would betray me Hut no one that's you again they're all faithful to me and uh what's going on over here mr. cupcake oh good job mr. cupcake I knew you could take of the these intruders now wait a minute didn't you tell me already killed him oh well that doesn't matter as long as you kill them right now mr. long time ago yes mr. it definitely didn't take me like so long to go to Commander oh hey would you look at that mr. cupcake freaking stupid cupcake freakin hate you mr. cupcake uh uh uh whole dang that sure was lucky oh come on I got you I got you get up here and oh you stupid fools I'll kill all of you I'll kill all of you until I'm the only one left I'm so perfect just die you for mr. cupcake just know oh my god you stupid cupcake quick get up here are you okay oh don't worry I got you I got you oh oh there we go yeah but now my fragile my fragile skeleton is exposed Oh quick we got to get out of here yeah or we gotta find help you're right there's always help come on we got to go find help oh oh look there's some friends look quick we gotta hurry we got to hurry Oh mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cookie hoo hoo hoo hoo that was scary alright you're back oh no the bad persons back oh no this will be my shitty this is my city for my perfect city oh no we're not going down without a fight right uh-huh that's right Oh will you hurt y'all you know I have an idea you are oh oh oh you're we got to go help oh oh wait would build film don't worry about it it's just gonna save the rest you're all right come on we got to go shave everybody you're we're here to stop you oh okay good you stupid evil villain we are going to stop you oh really you think I'm scared of you for mr. cupcake Oh what you're outnumbered full Oh hmm I see how this is your surrender or else we will attack please I'm not scared of y'all mr. cupcake I have a gun and I will shoot it I will shoot you with it [Music] take all of you on mr. cupcake this is my shitty chair this is my shitty I'll kill all of you all of you die Oh No if only a hero would come and save us oh no I said if only a hero could come and save us if only a hero could come and save us if only a hero could come and save us oh my head Oh what happened oh I think oh I had all I think I'll point damage oh it feels good Oh what's happening Oh Oh No there's some evil stuff going on I gotta save my swings before they get into danger Oh No what's going on no no oh oh no that looks like an evil person oh look I lost 140 slavs nose slave the boys duh Oh Oh what da who's there it was like who I think my fault what my name it's pretty far over the the 57th and I am here to kill you oh really you think I'm scared of you Freddie foz knows the 57th did I get that right there's lots of both pretty follows Novus and and this is my town bud so you bet get out of here I'm sorry I don't think you heard that this is actually my city now no this is my city I bought it with my roebucks I bought it I have the receipts well well here let me see those receipts then no good you'll just burn them I'll freak hiding no I'm here to stop you I'm here to save the day dolly will demon I'll take you down with me do I do well what the Frick dad you see Freddie freaking kill that person uh-huh I think so oh no oh no all of our friends are dead mm-hmm well you're yes we are all dead technically your ha ha well you guys are alive y'all mm-hmm all right awk about luck y'all y'all getting up there this series is ending with everybody dying dar don't worry by your right hand here let me get you up you ok I'm fine I'm stuck I got you Oh God don't worry bunny I'll get you down from there y'all are snip snip snip you are there you go pal y'all are y'all there you go Oh oh my goodness wait is everyone ok you are yep everyone Ju ok come on guys yep we're all okay whew that's good Oh oh my goodness that was scary y'all we're not letting nobody take over our shitty uh-huh hue is everyone okay at least I mean some people are kind of unconscious but I'm sure there'll be okay when they wake up all right that's good yeah whew oh god no kidding your least everyone's okay but oh no Freddy sacrificed himself so we would all be saved y'all are well-liked well I'm pretty sure we all thought he was dead anyway shelf it doesn't make a difference but um y'all I shouldn't joke around yarn Freddy did sacrifice himself and that was a good deed he fought for a city to the very end er he sure is a good leader you're yeah I can't believe he sacrificed himself so we would all get to be safe and stuff yeah or mr. cupcake click OH mr. cupcake what what do you mean mr. cupcake what the who oh my goodness it's a miracle wait why your boy what's going on yard that's incredible how is that even possible I have no clue yar hmm I mean it's like kind of makes sense but not really yeah so we've we've kind of been litter in kind of with some we've had some stuffs up here with the cages and stuff but I guess when they fell out the building they somehow were able to create a set safety net huh that's insane that's kind of um huh that's incredibly lucky how they all got stuck and it's also incredibly lucky that's where Freddy jumped off with uh-hum but wait where's that evil person uh I have no clue y'all mmm it seems to me that they missed the net oh so you think they're dead y'all won't they either mr. Neher with a lens on the net and then they just got off the net we ran a white to fight another day oh oh well let's just hope we don't have to see from that tingle person again that's right well come on guys we have to get Freddy up here come on my dad this heaven looks like my lounge what the heck Oh Oh what happened am i dead hello think I'm dead Oh Oh my body hurts what happened could've sworn I jumped off the building and uh oh wait a minute there's people in here hold up a second Oh what's going on Oh Freddie you're awake oh hi Freddie oh well opened you jumped off a building that's what you did well blue will help them through the evil person we don't really know what happened to them but all we know is that they're not here anymore well okay that's good well hmm so we have new Flynn's yup that's right Freddie we got new residents in the city oh well hey look it's that dude that jumped off the building who saved our life what the oh hello Oh oh no I feel stupid I look boy in there doing stupid well I can't go public like this no it's okay everyone knows that you're about you're still recovering and stuff so it's fine oh okay oh hi everybody hello Oh mm mm hey Freddie you might as well go around and greet everyone else and see what everyone else is up to oh good idea I gotta let everyone know that I'm okay all right we'll see you later All Right see you good luck with your hot dog business well I gotta go see everybody else I'm gonna go steal my other friend ooh you are what bring gee to foxy gunshot mr. cupcake mmm a defective blaster we are and this one looks like it's been all used up and burnout yeah it's not good anymore how much wondering if I could maybe trade it in for something else your well what you're looking for another gun or something y'all have a looks around take your time nice collection oh wait mr. cupcake come over here what do you think about this huh mr. cupcake Boing Boing Boing mr. cookie what about this thing look at this thing it's like a chainsaw gun Oh mr. cupcake yes we have to get it oh oh can we trade and our broken Raygun for this this chainsaw gun sword thing ah this is pretty expensive I don't know if your Raygun will go I don't think your great gun is valuable enough to trade it for that I mean I could trade you the UH normally I would trade you I let you trade in the rake on him maybe you throw in some cash I'd let you go ahead with that like I won't make you pay the full thing for that since you throw in the X ray oh oh but we don't have any money mr. cupcake Chad oh well I guess we can't get it gosh you know what since I like you lie to you so much instance I don't get many customers I'll let y'all let you trade in the ray gun for the chainsaw sword gun Oh mr. cupcake hooray I'm gonna go kill I mean oh I'm gonna mmm be very very careful with it and do responsible things with it y'all thank you for coming to Fox's gun store come again oh look if we believe I'm okay Oh what ah ah it's a spooky monster it's a tuneful gun don't shoot it's just funny it's okay Lulu - hmm oh sorry oh wait I probably shouldn't point this at people um my bad I'm still getting used to everything around here mr. cupcake well boys I got Freddy how are you been how are you doing little good I'm still recovering y'all that's good hopefully hopefully your brain stuff will get back to working properly and functioning well you know hope so already well I just wanted to say hi and tell y'all that I'm a okay or well that's good to hear pal that's good to hear Oh we'll feel later alright xie Freddie ba you oh my goodness look at all the food in here honking all the food you're wanting in mmm wait a minute mmm Oh God spoiled no no wonder watch boy it's like eight months old just like this series oh but uh yeah whatever it might smell bad but it sure tastes good it's okay that was a figure of speech I meant serious just still good but this peach mm-hmm it's not good this Beach is not good mm-hmm holy of we both know what that oh hi oh hello Freddie you're okay you look I'm good I got the blame damage but I'm going to be what call the wind whoo-hoo-hoo so I just want to tell y'all that I'm doing fine and I don't want y'all to worry about me okay well that's good to hear yeah that really is good to hear I hope you were um I wish you luck with recovering and stuff oh oh oh really could've thought I think i'ma go lay back down all right you got to do that okay this was the say hi till y'all mochi so I'm gonna go to sleep a good night good night Franny oh man I hope you I think he's doing good on his recovering stuff at least you woke up and was able to go around and show you see every binding stuff yeah that's good and stuff hopefully hopefully would get back into a functioning order so that we can leave the city once more uh-huh yup lunch more oh all right I'm really sleepy so hum I'll go back to sleep oh don't pull for two Oh Marty goodnight oh thank you for watching the neon City this is the the final end this is our end thank you for watching I'm gonna go back to sleep and now so I can recover to to hopefully take to be leader of my City once more but anyways that's the end of the series thank you guys for watching make sure level like my tummy my tummy oh wait what was I saying Oh leave a like and yeah thank you for watching the neon 30 okay thank you for watching bye bye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 268,335
Rating: 4.848156 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, The Neon City, Part 4, Blacklight, Bonnie, RP, Roleplay, Chica, Foxy, Freddy, Puppet, Spring Bonnie, Tangle
Id: z0tJ0653UlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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