Gmod FNAF | Purple Guy Dismantles Animatronics 5

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this time in this time I've warned I all you in so many years they tried to recover so many new robots built but here I came with my axe and took all of them down this time though they weren't able to recover I finally won the company is over Freddy's is no more so now this place has been closed down and but I returned only to collect my few items and then I get to go home and I will be able to sleep soundly knowing a native one he'll my hard work finally paid off no more new robots no one no more to destroy now I just got a how to remember where I'm where I left my wallet here umm I don't know where I put my wallet umm could've sworn I left it here I mean I had a drive fee right I drove here without my life oh oh no oh it's probably fine uh do you record us when there's more stuff in this room umm oh no see missing from this room Oh was this arcade always here this looks like a terrible arcade huh oh just sworn this this is the room I normally stay in I mean I had my I lost my wallet here would have to be somewhere up here no I don't see my wallet up their own eyes over here no just came that way um heck where do I leave my wallet I feel like there's something else in here could've sworn there's something else in here yeah I'm just going insane dupa dupa dupa dupa doo doo maybe I left my wallet up here uh no uh something seems missing there should be something up here there should have been some down there oh it's probably nothing it's probably um where did I leave my wallet at um what without freaking oh gosh okay oh that's right the robots wait this these rooms were filled with robots where'd all the robots go and was early this one and wait why is it alive it should be dead be gone monster oh he just ran into the wall uh wait where's my axe Oh Frick I lost my axe here somewhere Oh where'd my axe go al Oh what the heck wait the robots what happened to all the robots in oh my gosh displaced all this place is a wreck oh gosh oh but all my robots what happened to all of them yeah well they weren't mine but that room was filled with real weird are they in here the hallway with me trying to scare hurt I'm kind of scared that's probably nothing it's probably fine I can just uh oh okay um I'm just gonna gotta find my ax uh maybe my axe is in the supply closet AHA and uh let me just sneak in here do you do for dee doop gotta find my little L oh no not today no no no no no oh that is very scary um hey mister hey um please don't kill me I'm a I but I I'll just I'll just go oh I'll just leave just go take care of whatever you're doing I'll see you later pal okay don't go in that room ever again um huh okay um hmm let's see here oh this Way's blocked off um well I can always go through okay oh you know what you know what I'll just I'll just go back the way I came that's what I'll do okay okay I'll shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door okay um it's fine it's okay I just joined them once I can assure them again if only I could figure out where I left my ax um okay guess I have to go to the security room okay stop with that laughs stop it very disturbing I'm very creeped out I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go this way okay um okay we would wish to take your next um Oh at the bird that's a big bird um it's big bird alive oh I got a stick uh Big Bird big bird big bird don't hurt me Big Bird big bird I did nothing to you bird big weird I think big bird is dead I think I think big bird stay okay big birds dead um I can have this piece of wood as a weapon yes stand back robot I got a piece of wood walk walk walk walk why I am a ninja okay now that I have a weapon I gotta figure out where to go next um okay I think oh wait my axe could be over there in the main area okay let's go boom boom boom boom boom oh heck it's a robot oh I gotta hide oh oh no my snake lose more sticks over here I'm gonna hide dom dom dom dom dom dom that was a close one I once got caught oh well yeah I could just leave maybe not this place is scary I'm hidden all too well they'll never find me oh heck it's that shadow bear the one I used as a friend the one animatronic that was my friend and then I backstab them and kill them hopefully he doesn't come to life and try to kill me that would be bad oh no he's gonna kill me I guess he's dead mmm-hmm I don't look so well dude by the monsters you know what I'm not I'm not sorry for killing evil hmmmm shut it fat face your nose is ugly and I hate your Hedley skin at all I'm out of here I'm taking this wood with me just got it uh-huh uh-huh take that robots uh-huh to give losers you can't kill me hey I get this big bear doll of me like stick get back with my stick yo wait stick you took my stick just got it just got it no but and then bear get it up bear gate barricade Oh guys don't let this bunch just come back the wooded dog I know what the end would try to disassemble me oh um okay oh I think I'm fine I think I'm finders just but stupid robots gosh Hey mmm-hmm Oh freak it's the first one I ever destroyed they come back behind me are or don't but don't Forge it's evil Fox man he's good he's gonna wipe down the halls and if he catch me gotta blast oh no it's stuck gotta blast your charge oh hey you're new you're the dumbell departure Hey here I'm fine yeah wait Oh freak my ex I haven't been looking for my axe oh no I think my ex was over there somewhere at least a fox means that your baby fox may know well how's it going uh my eggs I forgot I stabbed it into the end Oh bend oh oh hey who dis barricade that up the pictures nobody comes back for me my ex but the fox man's there I can't give him an edge I can't kill the robots I'm so sad I gotta kill the robots I gotta kill them I gotta break the hey did you order this package I think you're a lovable guy and I think this is your package I don't want to get close to you so I'll just toss it to you uh I should just go see Nina oh I'm just gonna leave you in here and I'll just go in here and I'll be okay okay okay that was creep llamo no up let's go back to playing hide-and-seek her and I love hide-and-seek I know really Bluff I'd say um oh heck wait how do I where do I go from here um oh no uh-uh okay there's toys um okay I think they're deactivated so if I just if I just walk past them I'll feet they okay I just gotta be calming em would uh would uh I look like a flood uh hey mister hey mama what what what what what what employing uh oh no what was Popo flood we could be hugged no I know no hug free I go hard you know oh heck this one actually has a brain is actually blocking me I got to go this way Oh Oh hold hold oh I don't want to give you a hug uh uh uh flooded dang it how do I get past this stupid bear um uh uh oh dang it um okay maybe there's something in here that can help me maybe maybe a suit yeah shoot um thought there'd be a suit back here oh oh hey uh uh what do i do um oh why can't I think of this before just break the window and I don't have weak little noodle arms come on noodle wait if I just throw my whole body at the door it'll be equivalent to a regular-sized punch oh okay maybe I am a week late now I gotta break the window ouch oh one hug give me a hug I don't want to give you a hug my gosh the monsters you're gonna kill me yeah okay all right I just got it I just got it you know I got I just gotta I just got to think of something I gotta think of some uh wait over here I don't have here yeah yeah oh yeah okay the Fox taking a nap uh wait I could just leave right now but hmm but I can't leave being a scaredy cat I have to redeem myself I'm going back in boys you know Oh made me mr. indo indo indo Pindos saves beat and the endo Bindo won't give me back my axe I forgot to stab you in the face with it mr. endo Bindo and uh just give give me my axe give me my axe back mr. endo bento yes ouch come on okay just got it okay I got my axe just gonna get their stupid you know get off of my axe get off of it hey hey dang I got this thing really stuck in it God dang it come on weak little noodle arms I'll freak out stupid end oh hey get off my eggs and just gonna yeah finally yeah man after this I should probably hit the gym oh dang Bert I broke his head low but now I know I have my axe back I can now destroy the animatronics once and for all yes yes so much power within my hands I will kill them all I will kill them all what's that sound is it gonna be the first one I could destroy who's in you hello anyone want to have a new friend uh hello uh hi you're the first one who's actually spoken to me how are you doing ah you get the reason why everyone here is dead the dead oh excuse me mister I know you're scared about your friends being dead but they're very alive they're all trying to kill me right now so but they'll leave that soon don't worry no you're an idiot they are dead you idiot what how would they dead if they're coming after me you I set them up they're just props your closet you're too scared of this place so that what you're hallucinating thinking things aren't happening nobody hears the light the only people who are alive is just me and you here oh wait why'd you do that then well I saw what you did to the pasty animatronics I saw that you destroyed them and then I found your collection of broken animatronics I saw what you did to our kind we did nothing to you but you just broke us for the fine so I was the only one left and I had to get even with you so that is why I brought everyone back to remind you of all the past killings that you've done to remind you to show that you can still have fear what okay mister um okay I got you I got you I just see one flaw in your pant plan how how is this even I mean I murdered your friends and I just and you just made me get a little scared so I don't really think that's a vain but you know it is fine I'll just you know what others nice child just break this window right here just cut it there we go and um yeah and then I'll just you know I'll just I'll just be on my very way going home so Mew useful and not done yet well guess what mister I don't care I'm out of here see you later nice thanks for talking thanks for the old having memories again I said I'm not done no please let me leave I wanna see my mommy you ooh oh no the evil animatronics gonna kill me and I'm on the edge of death and my weapon is just right out of reach if I could only reach my weapon then I can become the hero but any like any other hero we all know I'll reach my weapon before the deadly animatronic gets close enough to kill me and stuff and I was slain with my a hey you took my edge I'm supposed to kill you hey what are you hurts why why why would you kill me you killed everyone I loved you didn't love anyone you're just a robot you can't love you idiot I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry you know what and you know what you know what you know why oh hey awakens you wanna decapitate me you know what I have no reason to live either or why the only way for you to pay for killing everyone is with death you must die but I have no reason to live either so I must die - well well calm down man it's getting kind of depressing slow down there pal I know what I have to do oh heck what you gonna do what you gonna do oh I'm still very weak out I forgot you stabbed me I mean I I don't know how I forget that but out you stabbed me how I'm bleeding can I go to the hospital now out I've slowly bleeding out hey what are you doing ouch and you only avoid this proof that we both die is if we die together Oh what are you doing oh no I don't like where this just go with hey come here no I don't want to go I don't know any guys I got Jewish to live for really what were you gonna do after you left this place I was I was gonna go home and watch some TV and with a nice cooked dinner cuz I don't have a family and I don't have a job either because I just lost my job here because the place got tricked out huh I don't really think about that part so you must die with me no you're very uncomfortable I you stuck beads on yourself yes because now we must die together I don't wanna die I'm a little early please my family if you're out there you said you don't have a family all right that's right I don't have a family if anyone's out there make sure to tie her feet together it makes sure we die and then they died the end so that was purple guy dismantles the animatronics five I don't really know it's might have been six and well now um I don't know what this was I just wanted to kind of wrap this series up but I can very easily continue this series later on if I want to but for now this is a nice little bow on this series that I decided to do so hoped you enjoyed this little end to this series that's been going on for a very long time who knows it might continue later on but for now it's dead so yeah that cuz the purple guy's dead so um how do we continue purple guys dead who knows but that's for another video if there ever is an over video of this who knows but anyways hope you guys somehow enjoyed this little video I know it wasn't as superior as all the other purple god the stores animatronics because in all those we take parts off the animatronic so hope you were fine with more roleplay more roleplay towards this series because in the other parts it wasn't really a roleplay it would just taking apart the animatronics and saying that was perfect but you know whatever anyways I don't know what this video was hoped you enjoyed it somehow and I'll just see y'all later okay good boy
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 356,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Purple Guy, Dismantles
Id: blVUqw9FbYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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