Gmod FNAF | Smell My Fingers' Backstory

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stay out I'll stay out here you stupid stinky rabbit Oh stupid rabbit stay on my shop please go away go away you're stinking up the place get out of here your worst employee I've ever had you know I got to look elsewhere and hope that someone else can work here please let me come back in no you do not deserve a second try what if I come around and what if I try to get people to come to your store I don't want your help go away you lost your chance Oh at least I was able to get some coins but oh I'm probably a few short let's see okay just you accidentally drop them oh okay got three coins three coins I said look at three coins while working at this weird convenient story oh let me take them back to my house let me take the coins back to my house let me take mommy and let me see the total amount of coins I have I need I need quite a few I want to be able to buy I want to be able to buy a bus ticket so that way I can get away from this town is telling a cruel mean people of evil mean people and then I want to be able to buy some food cuz I'm hungry and I'm tired of eating garbage oh I just need to get out of here oh how did my life come to this all right let's see you can have three coats one two wait where's the third one where'd I dropped the third one where's the third coin third coin where to go where to go oh no where to go don't tell me I lost oh oh it's over here okay it just rolled away just rolled away okay alright let's see all right pick up the gold alright so I got three coins you let me take it back to my stash let me take them back to my stash okay that's one coin that's uh it's two coins and and the worst the other coin where's the coin your yeah this is a purse thing okay all right let's see all right let me count how many coins I'm in total let's see um one wait let's see okay one two three four five six seven eight I have eight coins dang it I need like ten I need 10 coins I need like at least two more coins I want at least ten coins to be able to start me off into the adventure of the world because I'm pretty sure a bus ticket cost like five coins so and then I want some more coins so that way I can get some food and I mean you trying to find a job out wherever it go but I just need two more coins two more coins and then I can leave this place oh oh and finally I can stop eating all this garbage and trash oh okay where am I gonna get two coins at I can't work at the store cuz I got banned from it and I can't even buy food from there so that's why I need to leave this place Oh what could I get a job at I don't think there's any jobs out here I mean I could tie up I could try to become one of those lumber people and cut down trees but I don't think I don't think they need any more trees cut down they've cut down quite a few around here oh there's not really many people that live around here in this civilization what else do you need besides food there's the police station but there's only one sheriff maybe I could be a police officer but I don't think they need my help it's a pretty small town there's only like like less than ten people who live here oh um oh where can I get money maybe maybe someone can lend me some money yes yes someone can lend me some money but who could lend me some money who could lend me some money no I know Hugh Oh oh boy I don't like to see my oh I don't like to see my brother I don't like to see him he's he's strange he's she's not like everybody else he's weird Oh hopefully I hope one day I don't turn out as weird as him know what I just need two more coins surely he can lend me two more coins but it's probably gonna make me do something in order to get the coins man all right tell me let me go trust that man all right let's see I I hope my brother's home oh he's got to be home oh ouch luckily he lives right next door to me I can't believe he's got this beautiful house and I just lit I'd just live in that broken-down house I can't believe a tree fell on my house oh okay okay yeah just get your brother you don't even have to pay me back you can run away yes I just need to take the two coins and run away from him and I don't have to pay him back and oh yeah yeah okay because I'm not gonna come back here yeah all right uh knock knock knock knock knock okay so much somebody at the door oh let's see who's at the door today who's at the door brother brother hey ouch can I can I come inside for a minute please yeah yeah sure come on in brother but don't stay for too long you might stink up the whole house again shut up I know I have had a bath in a while but I can't afford a shower or anything do you have a bath by the way uh I mean I do but I don't want you to use it cuz you know be pretty disgusting afterwards oh well well brother I came here wondering if I could if I could borrow some money I just need two coins if that's all I need brothers just two points and then and and then I will no longer be a trouble to you brother mmm two coins you need two coins yes brother please I know you can spare some because you're able to afford this this beautiful house and you're able to buy yourself your own food brother please I'm in a struggling moment I just need two coins these two coins will change my life forever hmm oh no brother lately I mean um I mean uh I've been dealing with some stuff I'm actually slowly kind of going bankrupt but I haven't gone bankrupt a bit but like in a statue I might go bankrupt show I don't know brother I don't know if I can help you on this one please just two coins just do two coins I'll pay you back I'll pay you back I'll do anything anything you say hmm let me think about that hmm anything anything at all anything at all oh please brother I know you can be weird sometimes and stuff but please don't make me do anything weird just just just I just need the money please just make it a quick and simple quick and simple huh hmm well let me first see if I can spare your two coins and then let me decide if I want to make you through someone cheat let me let me go over to my spare change he's got spare change even I don't have spare change let's see my spare change mug I got three coins I've got three coins in my spare money please I just need to please can I have two can I have two please pretty please pretty please what they have buddy brother hug on the side no I don't want a hug from you you're ugly and disgusting but come on man you know I'm messing with you but but still you just think that kind of each other um hmm all right you want to coins I think I know what you can do for two coins what yeah what can I do what can I do brother what can I do hmm all right you know what first of all since you only need two I won't I want to see if I could trust you I need you to take this one coin and go to the store and buy me something but buy me something special buy me something that you think I would care about to see if you are true brother and then I will consider giving you the other two coins but this is a brother trust lover moment right here so go to the store and buy me something that I would like okay brother okay uh wait brother brother I've been banned from the store I can't go to the store I'm not saying the grocery store yeah I shall I get kicked out of there I'm talking about like the the store down the road which cells are in and parch and stuff like all the random items like what I don't forget what that it's like a garage sale or something down there I don't know just go buy me something from there buy me something nice buy me something from my kitchen or something okay brother okay brother I'll see what I could do thank you for dang I'm gonna have to when you find a way to UM Oh what would brother like what would you like what do you like them to store on you go to store at the store I forgot about the second store yes I'll run down there right now oh oh yes oh good morning there Sonny oh hello there Sheriff how are you today I'm doing fine you you be staying out of trouble now okay be a good citizen yes yes I'm doing good I'm doing good I'm just going to the store don't blame me okay I'll let you all right just whatever story this jeiza hello hello I'd like to purchase something for my brother from your lovely shop oh hello there welcome to my store I got stuff I got all the stuffs in the world what would you like to purchase hmm can I easily at least you can utilize show me your options and stuff hmm all right let me see first of all I got this globe like a dish I need globe it just hurting my eyes yeah stuff how much is it three coins dang it I don't have three going to I can't buy that put it aside okay what else you have uh I have this pot a pot brother wanted something for his kitchen how much is it hmm probably about two coins dang I don't have two coins do you have anything for one coin for just one coin mmm let me see let me see what I got that miss you what I got let's see uh that's that's three coins that's four coins I this is one coin it's a soda can but I don't know if I showed him so uh that's no that's like five coins next that's that's four coins that's five coins that's three coins two coins yeah the only thing I got for one coin here is um he's just soda can I'll sell you this soda can fair point the soda can come on please you gotta let me purchase something else please please I'm sure I'm just the only thing I got for one coin you have any more money I do but no I don't I don't this is all I all I have is just one point mister please look at me I'm I'm homeless and poor mmm well I am concerned now you walked into my store naked show mmm all right let me share a machine show where what you buy it what you want to get I need to get some for my brother why don't you get something for yourself I don't need something for myself right now mmm I sure you care about your family I respect that all right you know what deal all right you know what since you're talking I'll just um pan or pan so much and I was originally an assignment for two coins I'll give you this pan for the one coin okay deal deal deal okay here we go I thank you and here's your coin ah pleasure doing business with you please come again yes I definitely won't okay all right see you later all right goodbye good luck yes I was able to buy brother a pan surely he'll love it twist wait this is I'm pretty sure this is a pot but whatever whatever I'm sure brother will love will love this pot um well will will brother love it what if brother doesn't love it what if I smitten his only coin what if he doesn't love it oh no what if I just made a terrible mistake what if I should have liked to sit again oh no no matter let me just take this back to brother let me see if brother once this brother brother I have returned brother I have purchased you the finest pot at the store I purchased this whoa a pie you got that for one coin must be a terrible Ponton no brother brother I made a deal with the marketer it was originally two coins but I was able to get it for one because just for you brother hmm you're able to get a deal on it hey that's pretty nice you know I'll take that pot thank you thank your brother nah she died I see that I can trust you now you really are a true brother to me brother yes yes thank you my brother no brother can any have the two coins please please mmm well what you going to spend the money on uh oh well brother I always wanted to I was wanting to go to the big city to be able to get a job brother and to be able to make lots of money so that way I can bring you money when I return home and that way I can make our family name proud hmm you're gonna you want to go you want to some money to be able to go to the big city to be able to get a job yes I just need start and money I'm so close I just need two more coins and then I can go hmm alright I'm see that you're in need of these two coins but um there's one more favor I'm gonna have to ask him you know before I can give you these two coins what is it brother what is it what is it there's just one small little thing I need you to do oh no oh no don't tell me what I'm thinking oh yes brother brother suck my toes No brother why why do you have to make this weird brother suck my toes your brother suck them good do it brother suck my toes do it if you want if you want the money you'll suck my toes if you truly wanted you want it brother you're so weird you're so weird from third grade you're so weird I hope I never turned out to be like you alright that's mean I mean you're a wonderful person I know do you want the money or not I need them I need the money I need the money then start sucking my toes though suck them chuckling good suck my toes it's like can I have one minute one minute please fine hurry up pal okay I just need to talk myself into doing this just think this thing what you do this you'll never return home from never come back that was all why I'm never coming home I'm never coming home I don't think I'll make millions but I just want to get to the big city and away from here cuz this place is really weird my brother's really weird so weird he is how he always goes around to people saying suck my toes shut my toes I'm like what the heck that's weird I would never do that to anybody uh-oh I need the money and think I won't even see them ever again so okay just get it over with just get it over with okay brother I'm back have you decided to suck my toes now yes I'll suck your toes oh yes brother suck em good second brother are you crying brother I am brother I am good I'm good oh yes alright you know what fine ding and then an endangered am I done brother yes brother you are done you've proven to me that you are a great brother now here's your two coins good luck brother in the big city and return home with millions ok ok ok thank you brother thank you thank you no thank you for checking my television see you brother I need like the grass the grass tastes worst actually have oh no okay yeah okay I got I got the coins yeah I got the coins I got my coin I got the coins now I got the two coins yes yes yes all right brother wait brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother yes brother brother I have advice for you before you go out into the big city but what is it brother brother I have a recommendation if you want to go to the big city in order to get a job I would use someone that money that you got there to try to try to be able to to UM clean yourself up because you know you're kind of a smelly person because you haven't you don't really bathe at all oh yeah you're right I lost my last job because I smelled bad oh you're right um oh but I almost wouldn't use some of this money for food it's okay brother I'm sure that you've been eating garbage a lot lately right yes brother yes I have been the garbage has been running low cuz I've been eating it all well once you go into the big city they'll be even better garbage because they have fast-food restaurants out there brother and they throw away all this good food show it out what you'll be good fruit you won't be you'll be fine you'll be fine and then then you'll be able to get job and then you'll be able to start buying money and stuff oh really brother yes brother yes I believe in your brother I believe in you okay thank you brother for the advice all right good luck brother see you around see you brother brothers right if I want to go into the big city I can't smell like this I need I need a different scent where's my clients okay III all right let me um hmm let's see uh uh shop the shop mr. mr. I'm back Oh back again sure sure how can I help here today I need something that can help me smell good mister I needed something cuz I smell bad and I need some help you smell good ah finally buying children for yourself now I see yes I'm in need of something I'm a smelly boy and I need to get a job but I can't get a job when I smell like this hmm all right I'll help you out um mmm all right let's see something that's no good so let me smell good what do I gotta worry about I got this stuff right here what is that it's uh I'm not sure it's either soap perfume or cologne or so I don't know I just know it I think it will definitely change the sin of you but you know how much is it how much is it this is five coins Oh five coins that's outrageous yeah I know um hmm okay can you cut it down at all like you cook the other thing well I mean I would but I did cut you down on the price of that a pot so I mean at this rate if I cut it if I cut the price down for you I'm gonna have to start cutting the price down for everybody and then I'm gonna make less money so I'm sorry I can't really cut it down to four coins you're gonna have to pay five if you want it I've closed oh brother said I need it so I'll be right back okay five coins five coins okay fine okay uh chief one coin uh uh I dropped the coin but you know that's two coins uh oh my gosh two point three coins yeah four coins and then and then finally five coins yeah five coins there I gave you five coins all right here we go Sonny pleasure doing business okay wait hang on let me just uh here you know let me try opening this thing Oh all right let's just miss gene let me open this dinging and it exploded all over his hand you'd like oh it's like oh hey there's like whoa whoa whoa what's doing there it's like it just blew up in my hands oh gosh what did it work does that smell it let me smell hmm I think it smells great you want to smell uh I don't know it's got a bit of a strong sense but I think tell me tell me to do my fingers smell good now cuz I got all over my fingers oh oh descent it's so strong it smells so good but I can't breathe Oh No mister mister are you okay doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa de doop doop doop doop enjoy my life beyond the sheriff keeping the criminals behind bars you stupid dumb criminals you can't do anything right I hope the only one here what do you mean to me because you're very bad criminal I'm kind of hungry I'm go to death I mean I need something to decorate my pool my police station to give it more light huh Oh mr. merchant I like to purchase something from your store uh where's the merchant oh wait a minute merchant merchant what happened he's not he's unconscious he's he's dead uh you killed a merchant no it wasn't me you're going to jail for a long time Sonny you're getting the guitar to the face huh you're coming with me mister you're coming with me they're going to jail for a long long time the bus tickets I need a bus ticket so I can leave town sorry mister you're a criminal now you're staying behind bars whoa all right time to lock just I'll lock you criminals up behind bars oh no I got to go report to the mayor that that the merchant is dead mayor mayor the merchant is dead [Music] criminal now oh no there's a criminal in here with me a real criminal so what you in for what am I in for yeah I made of merchants smell my fingers what ol dang times are changin punishments must be getting worse what are you in for I murdered somebody you know don't worry I'm not gonna murder you I can't look at you I huh who did you murder you know that one bunny down the block before um he always dirt this bunny you know just fancy looking bunny he was best friends with the chief I am I murdered him why did you murder him I murdered him because he made fun of me he was abusive about his police powers because he was best friends with the sheriff and he got a police badge and he abused me hee hee and he beat me up that's why you were so dared up and then I find like I I had it with him I had it with him so I attacked him and then he ripped me from shred to shred it up no I did not and I kept fighting back and I beat him up and then I was able to finally slit his throat and then I hid its body but then but then nobody ever found the body but then she did chief the chief saw that I was beating up any and he could tell by my but how with her die was that I did it and so he I've been in jail ever since yeah Oh thinking I'm sorry to hear that you got bullies and stuff yeah there's great hmm pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom yeah all righty I told that I told the UH I told this I told the mayor about what you did rabbit what you did I told the mayor what but it was an accident yeah I swear I did not mean to kill him uh-huh that's what they all say that's what they all say that's what this one said right here that's what they all say ha dang criminals aren't are no good in this world that's why to my job to keep you locked up and now I'm the only one - the key to just sell so you're not you cannot escape so yes now don't do anything dumb and don't try to break out because there's no way to break out so you know how do I get out of here can I get out of here please I was so close to leaving this town there is no way out of here the only way out of here is by taking his keys but um we can't really take X keys while we're in here no no she'll be something maybe I could squeeze through the bars dang it my head's too big oh you're up I've already tried that what about trying to lockpick the door already tried it that's why I tore a bit of my finger off teach my finger got stuck in the door actually that's why I miss an intended in my finger right there but I tried to pick it with my with my fingers and names didn't work so yeah dang it how do I get out of here how do I get up this salad so wait you say you saved the only way out is by taking his keys you're out that's the only way I have an idea I have an idea of how we both can get out of here wait both of us you're saying you would try to if you break out you you take me with you yeah I mean I heard that you got bullying stuff I mean I unfortunately I don't have enough money to get you a bus ticket - but you couldn't run off into the woods somewhere hmm good point it's better to be on the run all right I'm down what's your plan I say which baked a fight boy we fake a fight we start fighting and stuff but we don't really hurt each other but we started thinking a fight in that way sheriff comes down here it's like hey you keep her down down there and then we don't stop himself and then he asked to come in here and then when she comes in here we both jump on him and beat him up and then we make a run for it mm-hmm sounds like a plan sounds like plan I'm down Sonny all right all right I just want to go it's like you're talking about your fingers mm-hmm your finger is like Oh get your bloody fingers away from me you punk ouch like you actually kicked me oh sorry I thought you meanie now I want to punch you want to give me your ears hey hey what's all those rackets what's going on down here he started it he started it he's trying to murder me he's trying to make me smell his fingers hey you two knock it off knock it off in there no he started I'm gonna I'm finishing what you started I mean you can catch you dang kids stop it hey hey break it up break it up you two now no no no one's ever escaped my Jail get back here you murdered my partner get back here stop stop you're violating the law I can't let me or know about them escaping get back here oh boy a free yeah I'm free free Oh jock dank John he's got away where'd that other dude go I could I could hide I gotta do something oh wait this I can hide in here oh hi diddle my gosh Oh where'd that rabbit go he's gonna get a spanking tonight Oh where'd he go where'd you go where'd he go I saw him run off over here there's nowhere you could run in here no Jeanne's house Gina's house dang it where's this red bat where is he dang it off oh the tunnels he got through the tunnel spot dang rabbit into tunnels I'll find that rabbit I'll find him oh I'm a wanted criminal in this town now oh this is this is the this was the Chiefs friend this was that dude that murderer I was locked up with this is to do that he killed oh he's dead you can tell by his gray eyes oh but I'm gonna what the criminal what idea what did you huh wait a minute what if I just lift I am just in it let's see yeah there's some clothes right here wait what if I just uh what if I just endured uh-huh there we go I'm in disguise now I think people know what can definitely tell Who I am now yeah yeah all right you could add here Oh okay then I have someone over disguise it'll be harder for him to see me okay uh okay I can have my five coins with me I gotta make a I gotta get to the bus or whatever and get out you're quick as possible I gotta get to the station yeah wait wait my five coins wait oh no I left him at my house oh damn and I think that police officers tricking down my house dang it I can't go back to my house I'm a wanted criminal no I can't leave my five coins like oh no the station's right there I need five - I need five coins to be able to buy a ticket no I was so close I was so close to being able to leave all it's gotta be something I could do it's gonna be something I can do the mayor and they hear oh I could go to the mayor you know let's see if see if she can spare me some money oh but the chief went to the mayor oh it's my last hope I know the mayor super rich and helps people out a bunch maybe maybe she could spare me a ticket oh I'm scared to where she could turn me in it's the it's my only option left yeah mayor mayor you home I think I've been nice to the mayor for I think we're on good terms uh mayor mayor Oh mayor mayor I've been expecting you mayor mayor mayor I need help i need help I know I know you've probably heard about me becoming a criminal yes I heard I heard that you killed the merchants mayor please you must know I'm a kind soul and now I would never do that it was honestly an honest mistake may mayor you must believe me uh you must believe me mayor I do believe you I do believe that it was an honest mistake yeah Thank You mayor mayor all I ask from you is if I can have a bus ticket a bus ticket we don't want that buses here Oh for it to the subway I mean a subway ticket can have a subway ticket please but mayor the police took all my money and I just need a ticket and then I can be out of here forever you know what I see good in you I see great good in you so you know what here take this oh is it check it a ticket thank you beggar thank you so much you'll change my life forever uh-huh now go go before the police find no I want no part of this only because you helped me before so so I will help you no no make a run for it make a run for you Thank You mayor thank you I'm free I gotta get to the station I gotta get there yeah yeah don't don't don't don't don't no don't touch that I'm free I'm free whoa oh hey man what's up when you launched it I last seen you hey how'd it go with Belle how's it going hey hey how's it goin oh hey I see you got some new fancy clothes that looks pretty cool uh yeah yeah yeah yeah wait a minute I heard uh I heard I heard the chief running around saying that you murdered the merchant you know you're a murderer you should be in bars you should be behind jail well come on man I'm sorry I'm gonna have to tell you're Wayne no please I didn't kill the merchant it was on mistake well hmm I never did hear the story what happened so I was just buying this stuff from the merchants nice at least build this smelly stuff on my hands and I I wanted to see if it smelled good so I asked him if he smelled it if it smelled good but then I don't know what happened he just died and it's definitely honestly look you can smell good smell my fingers see smell my fingers smell my finger see it what does it mean smell my fingers oh sorry what does it smell my fingers it smell my fingers no my fingers there's just a scent I did it again y'all looked up your what's going on I saw fredbear fall right bear what's going on what happened what happened I just it was it was a mistake look it was a mistake forever he's not breathing what did you do did you kill him wait you're the guy that killed America you're killing everybody I'll kill you right now to make sure you do no harm no it was my fingers smell my fingers I smell my fingers please smell my fingers please someone just smell my fingers they'll understand it smell my fingers I'm not a criminal I'm not expel my fingers and you get out of here the station the station what where's the subway at that's ready takes like it only comes once a day oh I have to stay down here I luckily nobody comes down here oh oh then all I have to do is wait for the station wait for the station wait for the station I just need to wait for the station meanwhile doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa I you know I don't need anybody's help I can run this place full of explosives all by myself I don't need anybody's help I can do it all by myself oh oh oh oh it did it did everything blew up and do shopping and the chief comes out look what you learn about and so then everybody in the village died and then the mayor saw this or was like oh heck can't skedaddle up a freak these windows are bricked hurry to get out of here and so the mayor the mayor ran is like I'm you get out here and he'd get out here and then the mayor went into the woods and was never seen again seen from again and then everything they blew up and all the Tories were on fire and all the houses exploded and everyone joined and then but luckily didn't come down here because all this was concrete instance in since the glitch trap was far underground and as surrounded by stone it blocked out the sound so you cannot hear the screams and the explosions dupa dupa cube waiting for the station do you come by I'm gonna go my newspaper oh my newspaper I left at home there was an article on there about Freddy fazbear's pizza and it said it had the most delicious pizza in the world and that was the first food I wanted to try but I got no money maybe they'll let me when I when I go to the city that's where I'm gonna go first and see and see and see if I and see if they have if they can give me something for free to eat all but huh oh no what did they find out on the criminal what if they find out what did they find out that no I'll just tell them listen oh my fingers I have the evidence right here in my fingers that it just this smells so good it's just yeah just tell them to smell my fingers that's that's what I'll do my fingers it wasn't my fingers [Music] Ashley this subway station the subway come soon so then let's shop waiting for the subway and the subway did came they come and it took him to Freddy fazbear's and this was the origin story of glitch trap aka mr. smell my fingers now now the whole village burnt down to the ground but the main questions are is his rather still out there what happened to the what happened to the mayor bikini chicken and and yeah so yeah but anyways this was a glitch traps origin story so yes anybody's hoped you enjoyed this video make sure you leave it get a lick and make sure to subscribe does that helps me out a lot please do please please PLEASE but yeah anyways thanks for watching and and I make sure that you smell [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,173,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Smell My Fingers, Roleplay, RP, Glitchtrap, Backstory, Help Wanted
Id: FvIn7BqSc0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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