Gmod FNAF | FNAF In Squid Game! [Part 3]

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oh oh man [Music] oh this i'm so sad oh i can't believe spring money's gone he's dead and over half of the other people that used to be in this room oh my gosh so many so many people so many innocent lives they're all gone we're trapped in here and only one of us is getting out of here alive i can't believe it i can't even sleep oh my gosh this oh i don't know what to do i feel so scared and i feel so helpless i i don't know what to do oh well maybe there's something we can do wha what are you thinking of well if we sit here and do nothing then yeah only one of us will only be able to escape we gotta come up with a plan yeah see he agrees oh my gosh i'm trying to sleep what are you guys even talking about we're trying to think if there's another way out of here besides playing these games well even if out even if we did find another way out wouldn't they just kill us well i mean there's no way of knowing unless we try oh my gosh i guess you're right but um oh man what how will we even get out of here i don't know i mean does anyone know of any like secret passageways or anything you know we could get out of here i don't know man i mean look at this room there's nothing in this room that can help us we're just locked in here in this giant room full of beds i mean i don't know if any of these beds can be used as a way to escape i i highly doubt it um and then there's also the bathroom but that's kind of useless so i mean i don't know i freaking don't know how to get out of here i don't know if there's an escape i'm just i don't i i don't i don't even i'm going to sleep what are you guys talking about a way to escape um oh well i mean oh yeah that's right there's all these all these cameras and stuff and uh um but yeah there's all these beds and things and oh no guys i don't i don't think there's a way to get out of here i think i think we're just gonna have to play along with the squidward games and we're gonna have to participate in these games i i don't think there's a way to escape i know i know i want to get out of here too but i'm afraid to say but i think the only way out of here is just getting lucky being the chosen one who gets to leave well i think there has to be some way out of here we just uh well i don't know how maybe some way with some crack in the wall some way we can slip out of here oh man if only if only there was some escape um escape did someone say escape yeah we're trying to think of an escape but we don't know what to do oh well i mean there's that giant hole in the bathroom but i don't know about that i'm going back to sleep i'm gonna wait what do you just say about the bathrooms you said there was a giant hole in there what well let's go check it out here hang on let's go check it out come on come on guys oh what the frick what was withered freddy talking about i don't see no giant hole in here oh well i mean it is withered freddy after all he is kind of stupid so uh yeah oh man dang i was hoping there's somebody out of here what is it holy frick there really is just a giant hole in here what holy frick where does it where does it go oh that looks like a long fall well this could be our chance to escape it could lead to our freedom but isn't it kind of suspicious how it's just right here in the bathroom you know it's it's like right here in the open it's like not even hidden behind anything you know yeah it is kind of such but it could be our way out of here and stuff and i bet i could survive that fall um all right here i'm i'm doing it i'm doing it guys wish me luck and are you okay oh i think my my legs broken but uh we can and uh wait guys look this bit it goes somewhere and oh wait i think i see daylight guys i think i see daylight what daylight oh this really is our chance to freedom um but oh no it might be a little suspicious i mean i guess you're right we won't know unless we try and uh oh you know what this bath this bathroom really is cool well it really does have an escape oh wow i wonder if there's anything else in here that can help us escape and you didn't see anything well um even if this does kills me it will be for a good reason um all right i guess let's go [Music] oh man why do i have to go wake up the stupid contestants god freaking damn my freaking life right now all right contestants wake up wake up everyone nap time's over wake up everyone oh are you freaking kidding me i finally was able to convince myself to fall asleep i was up all night because i kept thinking about everyone who was dead and i finally got to sleep are you freaking kidding me i'm so tired walt wakey wanky nap time's over and uh all right guys the next uh i'm gonna have to bring you guys to the next game in five minutes so uh start start waking up i'll be i'll be right back in five minutes so i start start waking up y'all these games are stupid i feel you man i feel you oh it's time to get up oh man i'm so sad i'm i'm the only phantom i've been the only phantom since the first game all my phantom friends died in the first game oh man oh i'm sad too man i feel you man i'm the only toy animatronic left what hey toy freddy i'm still alive as well oh right sorry sorry pope i kind of forgot you existed oh well that's okay wait wait wait hey hold on a second oh i missed mr wigglesworth ironman's toy cupcake duh i'm ready for some cheese oh man i missed the indo bindo he would know exactly what to do right now oh well at least i still have my nightmare army my nightmare only army consists of nightmare foxy and and only night all the other why all my other nightmares are dead why'd you leave me with nightmare foxy god dang it well you could have at least left me with nightmare fred actually you know what i think nightmare fox is better than ever freddy but oh no not this dude yar what be wrong with me everything everything's wrong with you why i just know you and i'm not going to go into detail but everything's wrong with you i i don't want to oh god dude i'm surprised i'm still alive but ah guys what well what do you think the next game is going to be it could be anything i'm all probably going to die eventually why even try well only one of us gonna is gonna get out of here yeah but what's the odds of that one person being me not likely oh man well maybe you can win you just have to believe ew gross i ain't doing that oh man but he does raise ow ow my face out but he does raise a pretty good point uh what what's the what's the next game going to be what does anyone know you are bonnie it could be anything yo it could be it could be yard for crying out loud it could even be like battleship or something yo i ain't got no clue but yeah if it was battleship yard i would dominate out of your heart oh man we're all gonna die mr cupcake mr cupcake gonna win wha why are you so confident mr cupcake style bass everyone love mr cupcake and uh yeah mr cupcake okay well i won't be surprised if you're dead after this game what mr cocktank you know what guys the cupcake is right we gotta have a positive attitude if we want to try to get through this thing i'm sure we'll figure out one way or another and besides if one person is able to finally escape and leave this place they can figure out um some type of way to bring everyone back from the dead freddie you know there's no way to bring anyone back to life right what what i thought you're the puppet what about your puppet powers uh oh they don't apply to this series good freaking [ __ ] we all really are gonna die no all right everyone i'm back i'm back all right it's time to go to the next game so everyone follow me single file line everyone follow me come on it's time for the next game all right come on everyone oh are you freaking kidding me well i guess it's time for the next game oh no oh man i'm really curious to see what this next game is going to be um let's see so far we've done red light green light then we did that painting game where we had to repaint squidward's painting but i wonder what the next one is going to be but i'm having fun yay what you're having fun our lives are a little on the line how the freak are you having fun this ain't fun this is scary dude i sure do love walking in a straight line all right stop oh gosh oh gosh wait what why are we stopping mister all right i need to split you guys up into two teams what two teams how are you gonna divide us up well you see i'm gonna literally divide you up so while you go go go go red oh okay so i just go this way yep all right you go blue what i'm going blue um oh i guess we're not on the same team oh well good luck i guess oh no this does that mean only one team is going to live oh no um oh okay all right keep walking keep walking all right next hi uh you go red uh okay next hello i'm phantom freddy you're blue oh oh but i'm green no you're going on team blue oh okay sorry my bad all right next um hello uh um fred i i didn't ask for your names i don't care who you people are you're red go oh is it because of my red eyes no shut up now keep going okay next oh hi i'm with a 45 bear you're on team blue blue i'm gonna have a blue eye okay come on blue i guess it's based on our eye color what no it's not based on your eye color oh my gosh next uh hi i'm bonnie um red what it's because my eyes i have a tin of a red wow it really is based on eye color guys no it's not oh hi what are you gonna place my color on see my eyes are solid and uh you're blue what blue my eyes aren't blue go ahead dang it next yar you're red you're right i am red you are i'd be a red fox you are next uh all right i guess i'm here oh you're on blue uh okay i guess next what's going on you're you're on red why i feel like i should be on blue no you're on red why because i said just go on red why because you're you're bowties right now go oh okay holy frick all right next you're on blue uh you're i'd be red though but you're on blue yeah but that other pirate was on red don't you're going to make me fight my pirate friend aren't you yeah no going blue next oh that must be me hi i'm toy freddie i want to write i don't care oh okay you big meanie god dang i just wanted to have me to make a new friend you're on blue yeah next oh don't must be me um hello you're red oh oh oh okay i guess next you are you're out you're all right you're you're on blue okay you are next greetings fellow little little boy i could just if i wanted to i could eat your head off and you're on red what you interrupted my [ __ ] i said you're on right now go oh okay fine fine interrupt me all you want i guess next all right hi you're on blue okay i guess that was kind of mean next oh it must be my turn all right hi you're on red okay i guess next that must be me hi i'm foxy jr i don't care you're on blue you're a big meanie next hello there hello there person would you like to smell my fingers smell them smell my fingers i have a mask on so i can't smell them and also you're on red oh you didn't even smell my fingers this guy sucks he wouldn't smell my fingers next cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake okay you're on blue cupcake all right now go up there and go talk to your team captains they'll tell you what to do uh okay um uh what the oh hello there all right all right you guys just gotta go and uh whoa whoa whoa whoa hey you didn't see it oh no oh i'll i'm gonna close your eyes click look turn away turn away uh okay okay i'll get i wish i spoke these are secret rooms um frank uh uh uh um frank frank uh i wasn't supposed to jump secret rooms you're not supposed to see this uh uh okay you can't see it okay good all right uh anyways um listen all right you gotta walk up these stairs and stand on the platform uh okay whoa what the heck oh man is there if there's anything i hate more than socializing it's walking upstairs walking up these stairs sucking what the frick what is this game oh no this looks like some type of balance beam or something oh no what the what the heck is going on um hello there mister walk onto the platform now okay okay geez okay oh god oh this is a this is a long fall um yo so don't fall off oh okay oh no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i guess i'm up here all right or everyone get onto the platform now or are all the contestants on the platform and uh it looks like it all right cut off cut off the uh cut off the pathways cut them off cut them off what the oh no how are we supposed to get off of here oh you don't close it off over there uh yup right away all right break this break all right there we go the pathway has been broken oh oh no guys we're trapped up here there's no way down actually i think if we you know jump down to that platform right there we we might be able to survive and uh if you try to jump down here i'm a sniper okay i guess that's not an option anymore um well frick uh what the what even is this game i don't know there's just a ball and it has rope on it all right let me go over what the next game is all right fellow squidward people squidward fan club all right listen up it's time for the third squid game alright so this game right here you guys will be playing tug of war so there's a ball and has rope on it all right so uh you gotta grip your ball and uh pull it towards your side and try to pull the other team off so uh that's how it's gonna work so um yeah go ahead and uh set everything up and uh yeah oh wait wait we're gonna have to wait so that means only one team is gonna survive this yep only one team's gonna live so either your team's gonna live or your team's going to die so one of these teams is going to move on and the other team is going to die so um yeah all right go ahead and uh um there's some some rope you guys can tie yourselves up to each other you know and then uh to play some tug of war oh but um uh well hey wait a minute hey hey other hey uh blue team blue team what do you want oh hey don't talk to the red team we're not supposed to be working with them what why not oh that's a good question what do you want what if we what if we just don't do anything then they can't make us do anything we don't if we don't do anything then we all get to survive wait if we don't do anything we'll lift it actually i like that idea okay all right yeah let's just not play well what happens if we don't play well if we if we don't if we don't do what they want then they can't really kill us off because if they kill us all off then um then there won't be any winner and then this whole thing would have been pointless so uh we we just do nothing oh okay all right i guess we're doing nothing yeah that way everyone gets out alive good idea all right we're not doing anything why not uh because we all don't want to die but you must die there can only be one winner but uh no we're we're all equal animatronics here and uh we're not gonna kill our fellow animatronic friends foolish mortals that's it that's it fight right now or else i'll shoot you all up right now i'm calling you a bluff there's no way you would kill all of us right now you want to have come this far just to watch us all die yeah that's right dang it dang it oh my god think of something oh i gotta think of something god dang it stupid contestants all right that's it that's it you think you're so funny you think you guys are so funny are you guys you guys better pull pull right now no god damn that's it that's it that's it you guys just want to play you guys want to play hooky you guys you guys don't want to you guys don't want to participate fine fine i have a solution i have a solution for you that's it that's it get down everyone you are oh no fred bar oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh you will play tug of war or else i'll kill everyone else as well okay please don't shoot us anymore don't shoot us anymore that's what i was thinking now tie yourselves up and play the game oh all right guys i guess we got to do what they say oh no i i just don't want to risk anyone else getting killed you know yeah yeah that's a good idea all right well i don't want to play but they'll they'll understand yeah guys we have to play oh man well may the best team win yeah i guess so and uh all right everyone here everyone everyone link up oh boy well guys i think i have confidence aren't you we're gonna win yo well why do you have confidence i don't know we're playing tug of war oh yeah hey look i got my wiggly arms my wiggly arms will save us the victory i'm missing a arm i got my smelly fingers well we're gonna die all right is the red team ready oh i think we're all ready is everyone ready yeah yeah what oh i think so i guess we're good all right and is the blue team ready um i think so yeah we're all good i suppose so uh yeah i'm all good mr cupcake all right again remember the rules all you have to do is knock the other team off the platform and they will fall to their death um so that means you're technically killers but anyways y'all i guess have fun all right let the game of tug of war begin okay guys pull pull pull all right all right guys come on take a step back come on we can do it guys uh okay come on don't fall off the platform guys come on we gotta pull we gotta pull uh don't let them gain ground come on pull yeah come on guys go pull in come on come on pull pull yard pull oh oh no guys come on pull pull pull oh no come on come on pull oh god dang it oh no come on ah oh my arms are breaking come on guys no they're pulling us towards the flop guys come on pull backwards no come on this way this is right oh my god oh my god come on freddy's come on come on we've always we've almost won this no we can't lose like this come on come on come on come on guys pull me up oh my god we're about to fall out the platform come on pull up pull back come on freddy come on come back come on we can't lose this game come on guys back it up back it up back it up come on bring it back bring it back oh my god how did they get such a good lead oh no oh come on pull it back pull it back pull it back come on knock them off come on come on come on come on come on come on guys guys guys i'm about to fall help i'm trying oh man can i get some candy after this oh no oh come on come on guys we're so cool close hey come on come on no no stop it hey come here come here no you come here oh [Applause] in danger oh no no no guys mr junky i'm going crazy we lost the puppet come on come on guys keep pulling oh my god come on come on oh my gosh this is crazy come on come on come on guys come on guys come on keep pulling keep pulling ah come on guys keep pulling oh y'all we're falling off the platform out everything hurts come on guys get up we can't lose oh god no we're going to lose all right it's over yes yes we're going to win yeah we the best we're the best and welp it looks like this game is over oh please i'm too young to die this is it we need a miracle if we want to have a chance to live we kind of make them smell my fingers they're too far away that wouldn't work no we're slipping guys i think this is it guys this is it we're gonna fall to our death this is it no oh no no please somebody save us yup this game is now officially what the here comes mr hugs [Applause] [Music] wait what the frick [Music] oh oh what the [ __ ] what just happened wait did we win holy freak what just happened a miracle happened what how is that possible in a wait wait a sec no mister okay i have no idea what just happened that that team might have cheated but however the other team uh kind of died so we couldn't redo it so i guess we're just gonna have to roll with it uh congrats red team you survive everyone else is dead though so yeah yay we did it guys wait the other team's done roxanne no all right well uh everyone back to bed now it's time to go back to bed what it's bedtime already but but it's not a school night can i stay up no you're going to bed go back to bed oh man oh man all right we'll do game number four tomorrow all right come on guys oh well i'm glad i'm alive but i feel so bad for everyone else oh no i'm gonna cry to sleep [Music] if i don't fall up the stairs okay i didn't i shut up i didn't [Music] i guess we're out of here then why is that next game you'll have to wait and see now go to sleep okay mr hunk sacrificed his life to save me now he's dead oh no well sweet dreams oh man i can't believe it oh man guys we did it we're free i see the daylight oh my gosh i can't believe we're finally gonna be free see i told you guys there had to be another escape yeah we're free from this game yay should we go back and tell everyone else about this escape well if we go back we could die yeah they'll figure it out themselves come on let's get out of here guys and uh uh what the heck show i heard you kittens have been skipping clarinet practice well you can't escape death and you can't escape the squidward games uh oh what are you gonna do to us i think you know what's gonna happen now oh oh oh oh you know what yeah i won't shoot you guys what you're not gonna shoot us oh thank goodness guys squidward actually has a heart he's not gonna murder us yeah i won't kill you guys with bullets yay we're gonna live it wait why'd you say like you're you're not why'd you make it sound like you're going to kill us with uh with something else and uh what the grenade no one escapes the squidward games [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 229,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Funny, Squid Game, Red Light, Green Light, Freddy, RP, Roleplay, Story, Part 3
Id: uvNkhtSSVPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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