Building a CUSTOM FNAF SISTER LOCATION in Minecraft!

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I told myself I wasn't gonna do another one of these hey what's going on guys my name is KJ whippy and welcome back to another and honestly a quite unexpected Five Nights at Freddy's Minecraft build now a lot of people been asking me for sister location and I didn't want to do it solely because the mod that I used did not have sister location in it so I couldn't but it updated and now in Minecraft 1.20 we have sister location stuff but the only problem is these guys look absolutely ridiculous look at look look at you look at you what do you have to say for yourself but before I get started with this video I do want to let you guys know that there is a link to the mod pack in the description as there always has been I had a lot of people asking the other videos what the mod is what is this mod is it for Java is it for Bedrock there's a link in the description to the curse Forge page as always so please go check that out if you're interested in the mod and no this is not a tutorial I'm not going to be doing a step-by-step on oh this is this many blocks this is that many blocks these have never been tutorials it's just me building things and you guys watching it and giving me that sweet ad Revenue but in all seriousness I hope you guys enjoy the video and if you do please consider leaving a like And subscribe and go check out some of my other stuff too if you feel like it because I make a lot of other kinds of content that you guys will probably enjoy I think but I think honestly for this one I'm not even gonna do like a layout and then you know label which room is which because the rooms here are just so different in this game so I think I'm just gonna I think I'm just gonna go with the flow and build what I can and then figure it out so give me a moment I think I'm gonna build the elevator first and then uh this will move on from there okay and here we are with the elevator getting down into the facility now this is a little bit different than the actual elevator from the game just because there aren't actually any sister location decoration things in terms of the actual mod pack here um so I'm gonna go in with what I've got so I have a rules poster there and then a Freddy poster here but we'll soon discover Freddie ain't down here or at least not the Freddy We Know but there's also the big red button that's on the wall there uh there's a bunch of wires and of course the fan note the fan here since this is a bigger than one block space the fan obviously is not going to take up more than one block space so I did what I could and you know what I think it looks nice and also these lights are really nice here too this is the illuminate fixture from the simply light mod that's included in the FNAF pack and then of course you go through here and then the vent will take you onward toward your next room which is going to be the main like service room I guess yeah so let's do that all right so next up we have here the main like kind of middle room here with the shock panels uh we have a bunch of different wires and stuff hanging from the ceilings and I actually made a little trick uh with these TVs and item frames here uh because if you look at the original image you'll see that there are these like screens with static on them you can't quite make the static but with these with these item frames and TVs I've been able to at least recreate the screens and then similar issue with the fans before where it doesn't cover more than one block but that's okay because this honestly works pretty well I think it works nice and then instead of the uh baby face clock I think it is is it a clock hold on it looks like a clock with baby's face on it but there isn't one of those in the actual mod pack so once again using these item frames I just put a plush head or plush suit head sorry and uh put that in there and that works pretty nice and then they also didn't have the funky little head things that are here so I just kind of put some different animatronic parts and stuff because you you know what this is an animatronic Workshop I think that I make sense to me but yes we also have the shock panels here for the different auditoriums and their animatronics uh and then we also have the events uh to actually crawl through to get into uh the different areas the problem is there isn't a way to get back yet and this is the circus gallery I think is what it's officially called this is where you go in and you talk to baby for the first time and then you have to hide it under the desk from the tiny little men that come after you yeah this is that room I'm going to be making the actual circus Gallery like stage area and stuff where baby normally is uh around this as well so don't worry these windows will be going out into the actual uh place that it needs to so don't worry about that but yeah nothing too nothing too fancy going on in here it's pretty simple it's kind of a cramped little space which I think works pretty well there's a lot of different papers and stuff all over and and uh you know monitors and all that stuff just to really add to the uh the clutteredness of the area although I did forget to add some wires now that I'm thinking about it there we go that's better real quick I have come back in here and adjusted a few things first of all the windows are now the tinted glass in order to keep the light from in here going out into there as easily uh also I have added this button here which if you press it the show stage lights comes on so it simulates that let's see if they're on their stage kind of thing so I think that's kind of cool and I can show you guys how I did that in just a moment but yes I've created a ballora gallery and obviously this is not super detailed and that's because honestly I feel like with the Simplicity of the game's detail to this room in itself I feel like this is kind of you know kind of fitting it's supposed to be super dark in here so obviously like when it's night time okay well it's not that dark but you get what I'm saying and especially with like the brightness right now it's set to Moody so like that light off in the distance which is the uh the like I think it's the power maintenance room um yeah no I think that's it's very very fitting for this room to really not have a whole bunch of details just got a bunch of wires and shelves and stuff because you know what that's that's creepy looking and then also inside here I do have uh the maintenance room as well with a panel here that right now has static on it uh it's really cool because actually with Excellence furniture mod you can uh switch up you know you can switch up what's in there and uh it's kind of cool the different TV stuff set aside I do have also the flashing light that you would see in this room uh this is actually done using a redstone repeater clock so basically what it does is it's constantly sending a signal all the way around pretty simple stuff right there and then of course this Redstone right here is on top of that lamp which is powering it there also for the lights it's simply just a redstone line that goes up to this piston uh slime block tower thing basically every time it's activated it pushes this up which this redstone block then Powers the dust to power these two lights so pretty simple and honestly it's very very fitting for this build and uh yeah it's also vanilla stuff so if you're choosing to build something like this in vanilla Minecraft without mods that's something that you can still do something I did forget to do was actually add this border around the stage I feel like this helps separate it off of the actual main floor here uh because you know day I gotta they gotta have their own separate space I feel like that I feel like that works there pretty well so I've kind of made pretty much the exact same type of thing for both the circus Gallery stage which honestly I really like how this room feels it feels very storage but still has like room to display the animatronics when they need to be there and obviously like in the game her lights don't exactly work or she's not exactly there so we can't exactly make her do her thing so I'm not going to implement that in here as well but there's also these hallways that go in between the stage areas you may have noticed these doors uh before when I was showing off the blur Gallery but this is actually just for hallways to different maintenance areas and stuff like that and then this door is actually going to go into the area where the secret uh office is if you get the uh the good quote unquote ending of sister location so as you'll notice there's another one of these hallways here there is this door here which is technically the secret ending uh Office direction here and then inside here we have the room where we fix up uh Funtime Freddy at first and then uh circus baby as well later on and then of course there's a little there's a little wrench here which is kind of nice and then we actually have this conveyor belt thing that goes all the way through into the scooping room that's right we got the scooper here and actually in this mod you can actually make stuff with it I don't know how any of it works and frankly I'm too scared to ask but yes that's what this door right here ends up being because if you remember in the actual gameplay of the game they're like okay go forward go forward go forward go forward go left so then you end up near but if you go right from there then you end up in that secret room and that's where we're going to be working on next so we have a basic layout here of what the place is going to look like in terms of the secret area uh instead of there being another one of these rooms over here it's actually just going to be into this hallway for the maintenance into babies area which I feel like both makes sense in terms of logic but also would also help add to the threat of you know if the animatronics are one around here then they have just yet another way to come in directly from there to get to your office so that's pretty that's pretty scary and we now have a finished secret office from Sister location so here we have the main room where you are kind of just trapped here until 6 a.m uh we have the event here as well which is pretty cool I think the way that I've I've done this is pretty nice which you guys will see in just a moment but we also have of the fredbear plushie on the desk who this is actually just the FNAF one desk but it looks like with the way that the the fan has merged with fredbear it looks like he's holding that little remote like you see in the actual office so I think that's pretty cool I also have a light behind the camera monitors here to kind of give off the light that the static gives off in the actual thing so I think that's pretty nice and then we also have the two hallways on either side here kind of just filled with the different clutter a bunch of different things and I wanted to kind of pay uh pay some respect to the original location so I had this poster set up here uh kind of just a kind of just to pay some respects you know there's this little side storage room or whatever that can sometimes uh that energy can sometimes go into as we go further down this way you'll see that here's the curtain where Funtime foxy normally is I believe uh he slash she I don't remember if it's actually confirmed what's what they come out of this uh curtain here every now and then I'm pretty sure I actually have not played sister location so I don't remember specifically at the top of my head and we also have these oxygen tanks here which are actually just a few andesite walls and some flower pots on top but the way that I did this was I actually used the debug stick and then uh which you can give yourself with the slash give self debug and then you can just hit Tab and it'll automatically fill in and then boom you can do that and then you can mess around with the different statuses of the blocks and I did that in order to disconnect all of these walls and to uh you know make them separate things and they look like oxygen tanks so that's pretty cool you also have this other hallway here with a bunch of random clutter as well and then like I said before it leads straight into the circus gallery and then the hallway for maintenance into that in this back area we do also have a vent a ladder up to the vent to get through through to the main office so if you were to do something like a role play or something where hey somebody's playing as the animatronic then they can come up through that and actually that threw me off for a second I thought there was a face here but yeah if somebody were to actually want to play as the animatronics you could totally just have them come through here and bada bing bada boom you're good so without further Ado I think it's time we finally get a full tour of this place and get the animatronics in so first off like we saw at the beginning this is the elevator filled with its random clutter of different pipes and wires and all kinds of things in here and once the door is open we are greeted with a vents that takes us directly to the main room now this room is full of all sorts of different monitors and lights uh the fan in the middle there and then of course the different Trinkets and stuff that are laying around and posted on the walls we have the buttons here to activate the shocking and the lighting of the different animatronic areas pretty cool there and also a poster and some stuff like that and first things first we're gonna go into the circus Gallery where we will be greeted with a very small and cluttered office that is used for maintenance on anything relating to Circus baby you know if it has anything to do with her wiring her programming anything like that that's where that's worked on is right here and we got a locker and a bunch of papers and stuff up all over the place really showing the different clutter around here and of course these four lights here I wish that you could color these unfortunately you can't but that's just the way that it is so you know that we just gotta level it next up is the ballora gallery that's terrifying oh that's horrible oh look at her go this is the ballora gallery where uh you have to crawl through and reset the power in that breaker room there uh the only problem is if she sees you you'll die so you got to be nice and careful going in here where you have this monitor here and the flashing light where you have to reset all of the different Breakers across the location but be careful because Mr giggle man over here is uh he's there and he might get you I don't think he can actually get over this though I think his hitbox yeah his hitbox is Too Tall he can't even get out of there loser and if we actually come into the circus Gallery here we can actually see baby on stage you know if you look real hard from there there's a bunch of different shelves and storage places for things around here as well but mostly uh mostly desolate in here desolate desolate is that the word I'm looking for I don't know of course we also have here the Funtime foxy Auditorium where uh you got to use the flash Beacon to get across don't don't look at me I don't I don't I don't appreciate that anyway yes you have to make your way across with the flash beacon in order to fix Funtime Freddy and then also baby as well later on in the actual uh in the actual game what happened to my banner yes and then there's the conveyor belt in here as well that takes you all the way through to a separate room here which I will not show just yet and of course on the final night of the game you are supposed to exit this uh this room here and head towards this direction which will not show just yet right now we're going to go to the opposite direction to the secret ending where I just showed off that we have the secret ending office and hallways and such here where ennard who looks horrible he looks terrible oh man oh he oh can you can you get down from there please can you can you ah lovely but yes this is where you have to fend off from him which in this mod pack pretty easy because he's not even tall enough to come through the door so you're pretty much safe in this little hole let's say you were to follow with the advice of the animatronics it would come in here in front of the scooper and your innards would no longer become innards as ennard would unintered your innards I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing as always I appreciate you guys watching the videos uh please go watch some of my other stuff though like I said before I really don't I don't want to do too many more of these so go check out some of my other content that I'm actually very proud of and um yeah I hope you guys have a great rest your day and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Kjwippy
Views: 35,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sister location, fnaf sister location, sister location gameplay, five nights at freddy's sister location, minecraft fnaf, kjwippy, kwippy fnaf, kjwippy fnaf, kwippy five nights at freddy's, kwippy minecraft, fnaf minecraft, five nights at freddy's, fnaf, fnaf minecraft build, custom fnaf minecraft, custom fnaf, sister location minecraft, fnaf song, fnaf music
Id: 7U4hLUYVB8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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