Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Friends Play Hide And Seek 2!

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all right welcome everyone welcome welcome so you're all probably wondering why i brought all of y'all outside today oh yeah yo we are wondering why well the reason why is because we haven't had a fun activity together in a long time so i thought today we would do something fun together no what freddie come back all right look listen everyone so i know it's been a while since we've done a group activity together and we've had a lot of new people come and join the pizzeria since the last time we played hide and seek so i thought we would play it again but why though be because it's fun i mean the indo bindo does like fun all right i'm lushing in all right so we're all gonna play hide and seek again except this time you don't have to only hide in the pizzeria you can hide anywhere outside you just can't leave the property of the pizzeria so basically you're basically not allowed to like go and walk out into the street like if you if you go into the street you're out of bounds so uh you can only stay in this area and uh yeah so we're gonna be playing hide and seek today yay are you gonna be the seeker again oh no since so basically last time i was the seeker and also golden freddy was also the seeker as well near the end um so neither of us are gonna be the seeker so that's why one of you guys is gonna be the seeker so uh is there any volunteers of who wants to be the seeker while everyone goes hot while everyone else goes and uh hides [Music] your bonnie wants to be wait wait what no i don't all right good job thank you for volunteering bonnie what i don't want to seek though all right bonnie so i need you to go over there and count to two minutes so 120 seconds yep go count oh dang i didn't want to seek okay fine i'll see all right one two yo he's already counting y'all everyone run run oh we gotta kill we gotta hide i honestly don't really care uh wait what are we doing we're playing hide and seek we gotta go hide what oh i want some i want some brownies right now oh you want to go get some brownies okay come on let's go to get some brownies wait y'all i'm going to dominate you guys at this game yar wait everybody stop running for a second everyone wait wait wait stop stop don't go anywhere what what what's up balloon boy 20 21 22. uh balloon boy he's still counting make it quick all right all right so i know you guys really want to hide right now but i thought i'd take this time to 27 28. balloon boy we're running out of time okay stop interrupting me if you would stop interrupting me i can actually say what i want to say oh okay i'm sorry yeah you better be sorry all right 33 34. oh my god okay all right guys listen we don't got much time so i need to tell you this very very quickly 39 40 41 42 all right guys so the thing i need to tell you guys is that is that 48 49 50. well what is it balloon boy okay i'm trying to keep getting distracted okay listen so you know how we're playing this game of hide and seek right yeah well i know i i know a way to win what how how do you wha what is it what is it tell us all right so the way to win is 58 59 60 61 62. the way to win is is to waste everyone's time i wasted everyone's time see you losers later oh my face ouch i gotta get inside i gotta go hide what oh no bloomberg wasted our time we only have half the time left we gotta go uh oh well mickel after ain't losing this one ah we're all gonna die i don't oh no i can't lose but wait i don't think we're all gonna die but okay let's go hard come on mr hugs i know just the spot for us wow it's so fun watching everyone run off it's actually it's actually kind of funny looking watching everyone you know run off in different directions you know that's that's uh that's really funny to me in uh 102 103. 104. and oh yeah that's right i should probably go hide um okay let's see uh i need to find somewhere to hide i need to go somewhere i need to hide somewhere i need to hide somewhere uh i don't know where i'm gonna hide i should have thought this through because i'm actually hiding this time uh yar i don't know where to go well he's almost done counting you gotta hurry you are um um um balloon boy are you okay oh i hit my head through the window probably wasn't part of me oh gosh okay we gotta get high we gotta hide we gotta hide we gotta hide um um i don't know where to hide uh um um uh okay is there anything in uh wait is this room oh it is unlocked okay here i don't think bonnie will be bothered to check in here if i can just use my puppet powers i think i think right here okay this is good enough i didn't have much i don't have much time to hide but i think this is i think that's a good enough spot um well i guess i'll just hide in the bathroom i don't know i don't know where to hide oh my foot's stuck i have no idea where endo ran off to let's gonna try to hide with him but i guess not um oh okay i'll do the middle one nobody nobody looks in the middle one okay oh oh oh okay this is very cramped okay close it okay i'm safe okay that's it balloon boy i gotta go hide for myself um um where can i hide where can i hide in i think this is a good spot has is anyone is anyone back here no one's back here okay i'll just hide in here boom perfect oh boy okay i'm kind of i'm kind of scared oh no oh man there's got to be a spot somewhere that i can hide at um um i guess i guess over here is anyone over here nobody's over here um i don't know where to hide though oh okay oh i guess i'll just i guess i'll just lay on the floor now hey look there's a turtle back here okay i'll just i'll just hide back here yeah they'll never see me 119 120. all right i'm done counting i can finally start seeking and oh there's just a plushie um hello mister pl is this plush even live i don't think so um hello all right well uh you're out all right well um that was easy all right but anyways all right how many people have to find oh my gosh there's like over 30 people i think i have to go find oh my god this is gonna be an extreme game of hide and seek this is probably going to take an hour of my time to try and find everyone oh this is going to take a while to try and find everyone all right but i guess i better get started wait a second uh [Music] oh um chica chica i see you uh who's chica i'm the lamppost oh you got to be kidding me right now chica i see you you're out but no i'm the lamppost i'm not chica chica i see you oh thing how did you see me i was hiding so well no you weren't that was the worst spot ever i mean at least you weren't standing right on the open at least you kind of tried but you didn't really try at all but bonnie it was you gotta admit it was a pretty good spot though right no no it was not okay go go over there i found you what are we not doing the thing where we tag people anymore oh um oh yeah we didn't really establish that rule um uh okay fine um tag all right now go you're out now oh yeah all right go go over there okay oh i can't believe i was out but hey look i'm not the first person out let's go yay i'm good at this game yay all right well that was just uh quite pathetic but i know for sure people are gonna be in the pizzeria did people break the windows they really broke the windows for a game of hide and seek oh my gosh okay well i definitely know now that there's people in the in the pizzeria and white is that why is that that's fred and i can see fred are people even trying this is like the easiest game of hide and seek ever i'm gonna find everyone so quick oh my gosh okay hang on i gotta go i gotta go um i see fred in here fred i know you're in here come on out come on out buddy fred i see you fred i see you you're out uh if if i can't see you you can't see me what that that's not how that works if i can't see you you can't see me uh okay well i mean i guess i'm gonna tag you so boop you're out you scared me oh how did you find me mr bonnie sir i was hiding so well with my ninja skills the those were not ninja scales that what what type of what type of hiding spot was that you were just in a room sat on the floor oh look good game mr bunny sir fairgate oh i can't break the window here i'll break it for you okay thank you mr bonnie sore that game will hide seek so was fun yeah i had a lot of fun too am i am i playing hide and seek with a bunch of idiots dang man all right well um oh and i broke the door okay all right well um guess i gotta go find some uh i guess i gotta find more people so nobody else is in there and wait was there anyone wait hold on a second hold on say i remember this is where i hid last time is anyone back here nope no one's back here okay all right had to check had the check you know um all right but there's gotta be there's gotta be some people hiding around this pizzeria um okay where should i where should i where should i look first and uh um i guess i could look over here in the closet let's see is anyone is anyone in here hello anyone in uh anyone in the splat club wait a minute wait a minute no no i'm not here i'm not here uh hey i found you mr uh what's your name my name's michael now go i mean i'm not my go away go away oh you can't just hit me with that uh as long as you don't touch me i'm still in the game and taste some mayonnaise ow i don't want your stupid man here give me that hey my wet floor sign and attack you're out no you found me god dang it i don't watch security guard every god think this game is shut he's getting rigged i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go freaking write a one star review on this stupid pizzeria god damn [ __ ] stupid frick oh you what's your review of your work here i don't know it sucks okay well i mean that was so far decent hiding spot so far okay again this game feels really easy but it's probably because i'm playing with a bunch of people so i'm sure like the final five is going to be really hard to find but um all right well let's see here um where should i go for where should i go first um i guess let me retrace my steps and go back over here um let's see was there oh wait is there anyone in the parks and services room hello anyone in here uh no i don't i don't see anyone in here um no wait is there anyone right here and oh thank you much must i look behind the door oh springtrap oh wait uh boop i found you ah this game was stupid anyways i didn't even want to play uh stupid stupid game yeah this game was dumb it's kind of stupid and i hate it wow you remind me a lot of somebody what who i don't know you remind me to love my dad uh okay anyways okay another eh i mean he kind of tried not the best spot i mean well i mean yeah it's there's not that many spots to hide in this pizzeria and um what wait a minute wait wait a minute mr cupcake oh mr cokey i gotcha oh mr cupcake and wait i'll poop no you weren't supposed to come back here buddy i found you mr cupcake oh man i mean it worked at first i mean he went right just past this but this thing he saw us we should have moved when we had the chance mr cupcake mister cupcake well bother you're out so you're out oh man you know i thought it was a good spot oh my plushy friend mr cupcake cupcake cupcake okay okay cupcake okay mr cookie you can't just go up to a car and smack it mr cupcake's enraged that he lost hide-and-seek all right well i guess i better continue my quest in finding people um i wonder if anyone's in freddy's office at all um hello is anybody is anyone in here and uh wait what wait freddy uh uh uh found you money i don't care i'm not playing uh uh i got work to do bonnie oh oh hi roxanne hi what's going on oh we're playing hide and seek oh wait were you not there for the meeting no i didn't know something was going on what freddie why didn't you tell me anything was going on i don't care oh my goodness oh well uh sorry you you didn't get to play with us that's okay all right well um all right well okay this is awkward i'm uh i'm i'm i'ma just i'm gonna just go and wait a minute foxy you are you are supposed to look back here you are what foxy what are you foxy i found you wait i'm punk ha ha i found you foxy you almost fooled me well y'all thank you for letting me hide in here yeah no problem all right bonnie i mean all right foxy go to the timeout area y'all are you shucked bonnie yeah you shuck and you smell you are okay then welp i guess i better continue on my quest um let's see all right is anybody is anybody in this room no i don't really see anyone um all right let's see here is anybody anybody it doesn't look like anyone's over here but when it hurt the check um oh found you you scared me how did you find me mister oh wait a bonk oh dang it man all right you're out oh can i take the turtle with me no that's private property oh man i just wanted the turtle oh i wanted the turtle oh man this is the precious turtle the holy turtle i miss you mr mr turtle we'll never forget the old times the old pizzeria we'll never forget you we'll never forget you buddy we'll never forget you oh my goodness well at least i um at least i found wither going pretty oh wait is that toy is that toy freddy what mr hugs we've been spotted we gotta move from room what what do you mean going on without you oh oh okay whatever you say mr hugs i'm gonna go hide again wait hey get back here boom vacuum you have nowhere else to go where'd he go he just jumped up in the air [Music] what got this vacuum so quick dang so fast i gotta go after it and uh oh no let me in dang i saw yell in there toy freddy come back god damn this world of having to tag people is stupid all right come here come here come on freddie freddie come here oh no please don't hurt me don't touch my toes oh i'm stuck oh my god toy freddy come here come here come here no please let me know i got you oh no you touched me no i got your toy freddy no dang it oh man you're out now oh well at least i tried oh damn i can't believe he saw me he wasn't supposed to look out that window nobody ever goes in that room in there why did he go in there oh that's stupid this game is dumb and i freaking hate it well dango day i'm on a roll right now this game of hide-and-seek is easy man this is so easy all right so basically like whatever room i walk in there's guaranteed to be someone in so like let's say if i walk in here there's gonna be someone in here and uh oh hey there actually was someone in here uh why'd you look in here and a bunk oh yep you're out dang it i don't there's no good hiding spots in this pizzeria is too small dang it all right well um that was easy all right let's see where else shall i look i could go over here and look in the office um is anyone in here hello anybody in uh anyone in here doesn't look like it um oh is anyone in this back room um hello is anyone is anyone in here enough oh what the [ __ ] i'll go away oh no uh-huh i got you oh dang it jj what the frick oh you found me no well the holy this game is so easy again i literally it's just whatever room i walk into there's guaranteed to be somebody in it this game is too easy this is too easy oh you found me why do we have to have a smart person play he's too smart he knows all the spots yeah this game is um it's really easy um i'm probably gonna find somebody in like the next five seconds because of how easy this game is all right you know what one two three four what are you serious right now i was just kidding i i don't want this game to be easy i wanted to be a child why what are you doing oh no he sees me i'm gonna go hey stop stop no oh no he touched me oh i found you with a chica oh man how did you see me i was a table no no you weren't that was the worst spot ever the table was risen up by like two feet more normal than it should be oh i thought it was a good spot dang it i lost no i'm a loser like everyone else dang it oh that's kind of harsh all right well that was really easy so i guess there's also probably going to be people in the kitchen so let's see here and uh uh uh what the frick guys you're not even hiding what are y'all doing oh hello we met when we we were eating brownies you want brownie what a brown i mean i would like a brownie here give me one in other burnt off it's like charcoal what the heck all right well uh boop you're out oh what you put me on the nose and uh withered bonnie boop you're out what why because i tagged you why did you tag me it's because we're playing hide seek and you guys suck at hiding uh hey with third fret d oh i think we lost oh well what i don't think we lo we got the brownies that the win for me no we lost hide and seek oh no we're losers [Music] i am now sad okay well you both of you're out can you guys just go to the timeout zone oh okay i'll just leave since no ba d loves me i'm going to cry now yeah i really don't think half the people here are even trying have i found almost half every of everybody i think i've almost found half the group dang this is this is really freaking easy all right well let's see is anyone in the freezer i would not want to hide in the freezer it's really cold in here oh it's already getting chilly all right is anyone oh yeah i don't i don't see anyone in here and wait oh what i'm in here i can't take it it's too cold in here man it's too cold in here toy bonnie oh boop you're out now i'd rather be out i don't want i can't be in that freezer anymore it's too cold in there man yeah i feel i'm getting out of there oh it really is chilly oh man i mean it was a good spot i mean yeah i didn't see you in there but you kind of would have you know if you stayed in there forever you would have probably frozen to death yeah i don't i i i rather lose than die yeah i can agree with that statement uh well good luck bonnie oh dang it i got found oh man now i'm over here with all the other losers [Music] all right well um well found toy bonnie he was just chilling in the freezer all right well um all right yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go now all right let's see here um oh is anyone in foxy's pirate cove i know there was i think who was oh wait nope no one's in yeah no no no one's in here okay all right well always good to check all right so i think i've checked most of the rooms i think the only i haven't gone to the game area yet that's right i need to go over here all right so this is the last this is the only room i haven't checked um all right let's see here's anyone i'm hiding behind the arcades anyone over here no anyone no anybody no okay wow there's actually not really anybody in here i'm actually actually kind of surprised whoops i broke the window um was it me is anyone back here i don't see anyone and uh wait i wonder if anyone's in is anyone in here and uh hello and oh dang it oh my god golden freddy oh you found me bunny god dang it oh wait uh boop oh wait there i could have run god dang it well now i'm caught um yeah you're caught doing it i was trying to hide in the puppet's box but dang it i thought you wouldn't bother be bothered to check there why would i not be bothered to check there if we got trapped in that box remember yeah good times all right well anyways i guess i'm out um hey hey golden freddy yo what's up you wanna like snitch on anybody for me you know give me any tips hmm any tips oh all right bonnie i have a good tip for you yeah what's up what's what's my hand alright so you know how we were all hiding and you know how you can see as you're as you're hiding you can see everyone else go and hide right yeah yeah yeah so who who did you see golden freddy where did they go tell me golden freddy write them out well bonnie here's the thing when i went to go hide i completely did not pay attention to anybody else i have no idea where anyone else where anyone else went to go hide well that's not helpful at all oh good luck bonnie what what what that that god dang it i just want a hint to speed this up ugh dang it man okay well um frick um okay that was not helpful at all how many people are there still who have i who's i still haven't found balloon boy jj i haven't found shadow freddy i haven't found the endoskeleton uh i did find freddy um who else have i not found there's there's still a bunch more people oh i haven't found i haven't found toy chica um yeah let's see yeah there's still a good handful of people out there i need to try to find um yeah i checked in here nope nobody's in here because jj what oh wait no i did find jade yeah jj wasn't there oh my okay i'm confusing myself now i haven't found balloon boy though um i don't know where what he went i should probably go look outside yeah i'm gonna look outside except like check that wait have i checked this room uh nope nope nothing's in there um all right yeah all right let me check outside is anybody okay there's probably somebody in the trash i'm calling it now somebody's in the trash and uh nope no one's in there and no no one's in wow no one's actually in the trash for once dang odang okay all right well i guess i gotta keep looking um let's see nobody nobody over here um all right yeah i don't really i don't really know where anyone else is at um dang this game is hard okay well now it's getting hard okay because now i'm actually having a look um anybody behind this car no um dang it this is really difficult what the frick okay um um yeah everyone everyone's over there and what wait a minute is that that shadow bonnie up there okay wait i don't think he knows i saw him but yeah shadow bonnie's up there okay i gotta go get [ __ ] up on i'm just gonna act like i'm looking like okay i'm looking for people duped definitely definitely looking for people you know that's what i'm doing i'm looking for people and um yeah if i'm just looking for people hey everyone how's it how's it going i want my brownies okay yeah that's that's really really really good to hear and uh come here shout out buddy oh no he sees me wait wait bonnie don't go for me give me one reason why i shouldn't go for you oh because uh wizard foxy's over there you are don't rap me out what withered foxy i think i'll come back for you and say and boop ah no oh my god he's so freaking fast oh i gotta try to cut him off ouch ow ow oh i ran into that car ow okay with it fine ready to go where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go where'd you go wait wait wait hold on hold on i think i've got a deal you are got you with it foxy oh dang it that stupid shadow rabbit rounded me out y'all well you're out now you are that's it i'm gonna go to set your shadow bonnie you're where did you go where'd you go oh that fall kind of hurt and uh uh oh you're i'm gonna rip out your stupid spinal cord come here buddy no please don't hurt me oh y'all that's what you get for ratting me out you cheater y'all i wasn't cheating all right john unfair yo beat me up well that's really good phew i got two more people all right that's good that's good so i found wizard foxy and also i found shadow bonnie okay that's really good um hmm i really don't know where to look i looked outside um oh wait did i check the bathrooms i don't think i did um uh hello i'm coming in is anyone anyone in here hello um i can just look over yeah nope no nope nope okay yeah no one's in here all right uh is anyone in here um nope nope no wait a minute oh i found you shadow freddy oh go do it go dang it bonnie oh wait boop now you're out oh dang it dang it i don't know where to hide there's no i can't find any good spots in this pizzeria man well that's um that's more of a year problem than a me problem but uh yeah you're um you're out now so uh go to the loser's corner oh man i can't believe i lost oh wait please tell me endo didn't get caught is endo still in is endo here uh wait endo's still in the game he can win this i'm rooting for the indo window let's go indo wherever you are i have no idea where he went to go hide all right well there we go found shadow freddy that was easy um let's see is uh oh is is this door unlocked and oh it is unlocked okay let's see is there any is there any spook comes in here hello is anybody is anyone in here and oh pop it bonnie you weren't supposed to come in here what well i mean i found you so uh oh wait uh no you didn't you have you you tagged me first oh i'm sorry okay all right yeah you can't get me bonnie all right well uh we oh gotcha puppet oh dang it that was a terrible escape dipped on me yeah you you suck at trying to juke people out puppet oh man well how many people have you found i found a good bit but i'm still trying to find more oh man well am i the first out what no you're not the first i've already found like over half the people wait really did people even go hide it i was only in there for like 20 minutes oh you'll be surprised what the how did this many people get out holy fr either all these people suck at haydn or bonnie's just a really good seeker what in the world well dang okay all right oh but man i still i actually really wonder what was this room used for originally ugh that looks that looks like fun all right well whatever um i found puppet so i'm gonna get out this room it's kind of creepy um all right well all right you know i think i'm gonna go count everyone up and figure out who i still need to go find um because i know i need to find some people but i'm probably i don't know i need toy chica uh freaking [Music] uh i don't know let me go count and uh um wait what the heck wait what oh hey bonnie i went ahead and uh put up some signs for all the people you still haven't found yet oh oh okay well that's actually really helpful thank you puppet all right let's see so these are the people i still need to find i still need to find mangle toy chica toy cupcake foxy jr endo balloon boy mr hugs and charlie oh my goodness this is wait how many people's out one two three four five six seven eight ah there's still eight people oh my goodness okay all right well i guess i'm gonna go go back to seeking um all right where could they be at um all right let's see so no one mangled she's probably on the ceiling somewhere so i need to look up on the ceiling um and then uh i i honestly don't know where anyone else could be at um all right is mangle on the ceiling and uh nope she's not on the ceiling wait wait a minute wait there you are ah dang it i heard you talking about you saw me on the ceiling so i was like or that would be on the ceiling so i got down here pretty quick um oh wait i'm not out yet i can actually try to run and wait dang you're not supposed to run come back get back here oh no found your mangle all right well that was pretty easy oh you found me god dang it all right go over there go over there okay dang it uh what place did i get well they were still you're the eighth to last person to be found oh man okay well i guess i mean that was a fun game so all right well all right well let's take your sign down boom all right well luckily i was able to find mango pretty quick after talking about her so maybe if i talk about somebody else like toy chica yeah you know toy chica you know she could be in a um in a hidden spot you know and i honestly have no idea where to look um but yeah you know i know she's probably hiding behind a present or something no well dang it um oh i've looked all over this place i don't know where to look all right but anyways i gotta find more people man this is this is rough okay let me let me look let me recheck all the rooms again no one's in here yep no one's in there no one's in here um i mean i looked over here this is where where the golden freddy was at yeah see he's not nobody's in here um i didn't see anyone over here and um wait wait a second quick okay oh don't get gay oh get back here toy cupcake i can't let toy cupcake win again you won the first round of hide and seek oh don't get kicked i got your toy cupcake ah i gotta get going to win winning this time toy cupcake well i guess toy cupcakes out weep all right and then there was six well holy fr that was a sneaky spot by the toy cupcake oh my i'm actually glad i found toy cupcake toy cupcake won the first round of hide and seek oh i can't let cupcake win again oh dang all right but there's still still six more people i gotta find oh man okay who who do i need to find again wait let me refresh my memory i need toy chica the endoskeleton foxy jr charlie uh mr hugs that's five and balloon boy okay that's everyone i still need to find okay um okay balloon boy uh he would probably be in the game area but okay okay just gotta recheck all these spots is anyone no one's no one's in the game area no one's over here i don't i don't know where people could be at is anyone oh wait they could be outside somewhere oh no i don't see anyone maybe i can look through the windows to see if i see anybody oh dang this is this is rough man um all right is anyone doing outside over here um no i don't i don't see anyone wait wait a second is that wait a minute is that is that the in he's in a tree why is the indo in a tree he's in the tree endo skeleton oh i missed her hugged what i found mr hugs what the [ __ ] mr hugs oh i landed on mr hugs holy freak mr huck mr hugs wow i can't believe i can't believe i found mr hugs i i fell on him well mr hugs i guess you're out but yeah mr hugs you're a loser now oh mr hogg all right well anyways as i was saying all right so endo skeleton i see you're in the tree wait what tree was he was he on that tree what what i could have sworn i saw him in the tree what what where'd he go i could have sworn i saw him and run away ouch god dang it got away oh um oh gosh i need oh god i need to try to cut him off um where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go all right that's it i mean uh freaking endo skeleton where'd you go i know you're here somewhere all right he's probably no he didn't cut through here what wait where'd he go he would have why is he still outside somewhere uh in the skeleton where are you at where are you i don't see him what the wait a minute what the what where'd he go he's he's freaking he's gone what what where'd he go he was just he just ran around this cor what where the freak he's gone the endoskeleton's gone where the frick did he go he just vanished what does he have magical powers or something that i don't know about what the where the frick did he go what the what the frick i have no idea where the endoskeleton went what the frick what was that he just i could he i saw him where where could he have got i don't know where he went i lost him i freaking lost him alright well at least i got mr hugs out of that i didn't even mean to get mr hooked i just fell on him but dang i okay well oh well um all right well i guess i gotta let indo go for now um could he be hiding did he somehow get in the pizzeria before me i don't think he did um okay here let me check over in these rooms is he in the bathroom i could be in here let me check in here again nope nope nope nope nope okay not in there is he in this one nope nope nope nope not in there did he go into this room that puppet was in uh no and those not in there where the frick did he go maybe the only other room i could think he could have run off to was maybe the kitchen or actually right here maybe um maybe he could have slipped into the closet right here yeah yeah that's what he could have done is he in here endo you in here no he's not in here what the freak okay if he's not in the kitchen i have no he he just straight up vanished out of thin air if the endoskeleton's not in the kitchen he's just he's a god all right all right yeah no i don't see him in here he's not he's done here is he in the freezer i know toy bonnie was in there for a while but and are you in here are you in the fridge freezer and oh and wait why do we have a fridge in the freezer that doesn't make any sense but i guess we got to keep the fridge cold um all right well freaking i have no idea where endo's at he's straight up vanished he's a ghost he's a magician i don't know i don't know where endo went in the uh uh ah toy chica oh boy gotcha oh no dang it oh i was looking for endo but i found you instead oh man you didn't look behind the door the first time why'd you look behind it this time well because i thought endo might be in here so i had to check even harder than before oh i god found this no well hopefully toy cupcake's still alive and toy cupcake or i mean toy cupcakes should always be alive i don't know why toy cupcake would be dead but hopefully toy cupcake still um still hiding stuff and then that way we can win and uh uh [Music] all right well that's another one gone so now boom the final four charlie balloon boy endo one and foxy jr who will win this great game of hide and seek well that's toy chicago all right well gotta keep searching um oh man since there's not many people it's so hard to find people oh man okay where could somebody where could somebody be at um all right here um okay i already checked the game area a second time i checked earlier just checked that room a second time um did i fully check this back area i don't think i did oh speaking i don't even think i've gone on the roof yet oh dang okay i really am slacking all right somebody somebody's got to be on the roof all right is anybody is anybody up here hello is anybody on the roof i don't see anyone um no maybe maybe i can get a i can at least get a um get a view from the skies to see if i can find anyone uh hello is there any people hiding uh i don't see anyone um i mean this is really hard to find people um dang it not wait wait a minute you suck bonnie see you later what the uh oh that was a balloon boy oh my god god damn i have to run all the way back god dang it what freaking get back here balloon boy i forget open the door okay all right balloon boy get back here i hear him wait where'd he go wait oh no oh no wait which way did he go oh wait balloon boy oh no wait wait wait balloon boy balloon boy which way which way did it go bloom boy balloon boy balloon boy oh no i lost you freaking i lost balloon are you freaking kidding me i i don't know which way he went i don't know which way you went are you freaking how would i lose him man and uh dang it balloon boy probably planned that out oh man where kept the loom boy going wait a minute could he be in the basement we gotta go i gotta go check the basement all right let's see see in the basement i can't see anything down here bloomboy are you in the basement you hiding down here balloon boy oh dang this is actually a pretty good spot i think oh this place is creepy though balloon boy you down here balloon boy you're behind these barrels i don't think he's behind those better oh okay those are explosive barrels they should be a bit more careful i don't think balloon boy's down here dang it where did where could balloon boy have gone in that way is he in here balloon boy balloon boy are you in are you in here and uh wait a second uh charlie oh hi you found me uh yup uh boop there you go you've been found oh man i thought this was a good spot oh dang i was looking for balloon boy do you have any idea where balloon boy would have gone i have no idea where you went oh dang it okay well at least i know bloomberg didn't go into the basement but i found charlie um all right well you got to go over to the front okay well this was fun i had fun all right i guess i'll go do do oh man i can't i don't know where a balloon boy he either ran out he either went outside or he's in the main area somewhere so he could bloomberg could be inside or outside god damn i have no idea where balloon boy went i don't know where the endoskeleton went both of them juked me and i still have yet to see foxy jr are you freaking kidding me alright so in the second game of hide and seek there's only three people left the top three people foxy jr endo one and balloon boy who will be the winner of hide and seek too all right welp i gotta keep searching you know it's never the time to stop i gotta keep looking all right let's see so all right nobody's in the basement anymore so that's good um balloon boy could be inside or outside the end of skeleton could be inside or outside i have no idea where foxy jr is at um frick okay let's see here is anybody no one's in here nobody's there um why is the store unlocked oh it's locked good thing of course it's locked um okay let's see is anybody behind the dumpster no um nobody's behind any of these things um is everybody in the dumpster nope nobody's in the dumpster and uh uh oh they're blue boy gotta go oh no my face what bloom what wait get back here i gotta go dang it i'm throwing down my face i got you balloon boy no no no it's not fair approach i found you balloon boy i found you fair and square uh how'd you find me you cheater you must have had your hat client on i call hacks what that client this is real life i don't have no hacks you cheated you cheated i'm still in the game no you're not i i tagged you you're out oh stop throwing trash at me you shock a boo i don't want to go i don't want to leave got the balloon boy get out the trash come on you got to go no stay away from me i'm going to throw stuff at you and ow what was that paint can uh jay stop throwing stuff at me hey oh stop i gotta go away i don't want to go out stop oh that was a brick oh i don't want your milk a goddamn blue boy go away no i don't want to leave i don't want to leave eat some rice and uh that and go away ow stop balloon boy stop i don't want to know you lost balloon boy dang it screw you bonnie freaking stupid game rich stupid freaking piece of crap how many people at what place did i get one place you died um how many who's all who okay see all the losers here what place i get hi balloon boy oh man if i at least got second um i'll i guess i'll be fine with that all right balloon boy uh you were you you came in third third i came in i came in third i freaking stupid this game stupid rigged i hate it and i want to go freaking cry but what do you mean it's rigged this game is rigged the only one who rigged it was you at the start you wasted everyone's time so not everyone had enough time to go hide it's still stupid and rigged i call hacks what you were the one who cheated though i didn't cheat i used my my big brain all right good i found balloon boy all right i did not want him to win either um oh no he got trash all over someone uh someone else is gonna i'm not cleaning this up someone else can clean it up dang it um okay well i'm hmm well there's gotta be um there's gotta be something there's gonna be someone probably hiding by one of these cars nope anybody behind this car ow ow no anyone behind this car no no dang it nobody's behind it is anyone behind this car anyone find it nope no one find it uh get that car out of here um i don't know where anyone's at dang it how many wait who's still hiding on ego check hang on i freaking lost count so i still need to find foxy jr and indo1 okay so final two people so whoever i find next is the loser and whoever i don't find is the winner okay all right i need to find one more person wait a minute wait a minute endo he spotted you run oh no my spot oh no i i i um oh no i oh oh oh i can't you weren't supposed to go away bonnie go away i see you in though get off of the sign go get down from there now i don't want to go dang i gotta uh i'm still not out you have to touch me first okay i'm going this way i'm going this way see you later dang it don't get back how do you even get up there um okay wait maybe if i jump up here maybe i can oh oh oh indo keep climbing oh oh oh uh uh gotta grab on oh come back he broke the sign no i gotta run i gotta hide i gotta hide gotta hide god oh i'm feeling the stairs dang it end up get back here oh i'm so tired but no oh okay all right now i have my okay good i have my backup plane my backup plan is to go back to that spot i was i'm a loop around and bonnie won't even think to go back and check on that roof spot that's what i'm gonna go do and then i should be able to win this game of hide and seek there's only two people for how i tripped and fell out my endo back all right so i just need to go and i just need to all right yeah so i just need to get back up on the roof and then i should be good all right so um let's let me see how am i gonna get up here and um um um and i see you in though oh what the frown bro where'd you come from oh i figured you might be coming back oh you fell on top of me i got you window you're out you lose no okay that means i win wait what the wait where's that coming from wait was that inside what the yay foxy junior wind what you're behind that speaker this entire time yeah i was fine always you might hear i win one thing that was a good spot i would have never checked there well thank um well deserved foxy jr what what do you mean while the zero tower was the one who jumped you out so many times also ninja and stuff yeah but it's called hide and seek you know you're supposed to hide be a good hider not get seen at all oh well dang all right well uh fox did you i guess you win yay i win well congratulations foxy jr you're the winner of the second game of hide and seek yay i win i'm a good hiding seeker yay wow good job foxy jr good job yay foxy jr yeah i win i win mr wigglesworth where's mr wigglesworth mr wigglesworth i won yay good job yay i win yay all right that was a lot of fun i enjoyed it sure where's my prize what prize yeah where's my prize uh puppet yeah what's up where's my prize how what what what do you mean what what should i promise the prize what what remember the first game of hide-and-seek the toy cupcake got its prize where where my prize uh [Music] yeah about that uh we're uh there is no prize for the uh for the second game of hide and seek so i mean yeah all right so i don't win anything well i mean you won the game but you you don't get a prize for it you get to just say that you won that that's pretty much it what oh my ears got dang oh man i thought you were you're right warner on my ears all right that's it i'm out i'm out i'm out of this game of hide and seek i'm out oh oh my face oh stupid car oh my gosh get out of here stupid stupid car nobody nobody likes you oh whoops i probably shouldn't have thrown that car oh dude it wasn't me oh don't oh man i didn't get my pride i'm sad see i told you guys this game was rigged this game was rigged everyone beat up the puppet wait what why beat up me you're the one who got this game together ah get off of me come here out of the way guys break it up break it up balloon boy what are you doing i'm gonna get the puppy get the puppet yeah i can i agree get the puppy you give me my prize mr cupcake toy what the frick is happening i don't know but i want to get in for fun guys get off of each other guys we're all friends [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 3,025,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy And Friends, Hide And Seek, Funny, RP, Roleplay, Story
Id: cmmrb4kK4Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 15sec (3015 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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