Freddy and friends go to a water park

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room room uh [Music] uh guys guys we're stuck on [Music] uh well well guys we're finally here guys I I think I broke my ankle I'm not even joking what are we gonna do first I don't really care I'm doing my own thing guys I you guys aren't listening I I broke my ankle oh we should go on the big side I heard they have really big slides here they do oh hell yeah guys my ankle is Twisted in half hmm I think I'll just swim around guys my ankle is broken oh look there's a map bot he can tell us what there is uh hello hello do you need a hello do you need a map uh yes please all right here you go all right let's go all right guys let's go Bonnie are you okay no I I I think I brought something uh it's fine you walk it off Joe ow my it's not that hard to fix you just oh thank you chica that was very needed anyway let's go yay uh hello hello how many people are we having today um let me think six all right here is your room numbers you got room 102 and 103 and matbot already gave you a map right yes okay your lockers are number one or your lockers are number 46 47 48 49 and 50. oh are these the keys yep all right thanks come on guys let's go guys I think I broke the window it's fine I can do it too oh well you already broke it okay so we're number oh our Locker's right here yo let's go Jack I don't even care hey wait for me oh I want to break a window ow I'm too weak ow yeah I'm gonna go on the side first and oh my God the entire FNAF group's here that is so convenient all right come on guys let's go wait where what yeah I want to go on the big side what the frick down now um yeah I don't really want to get my hair wet my precious old hair yeah ABS yard what the hell foxy oh come on I forgot to spawn Gregory talk about it talk about it talk about it [Music] dark God dang it I have to wait in the stupid line okay here I go oh my god oh here I go waves oh God Jesus Christ shh yay it is my turn here I'll give you a push ah help me help me yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh my God I can't go in this water if I do all my uh lanterns will get burned oh my god I've been waiting for this so long hey JJ yeah push yards that balloon boy oh my God this is gonna be so hilarious BB freak you this is so nice just chilling I know right oh my God where's Gregory come on I think it's my turn finally here I go this is so fun I wonder where weather Bonnie is ah that was so fun uh hello yeah have you seen a kid named Gregory up there he's kind of small uh I think so okay good finally it's my turn yeah are you ready Bonbon yard finally where's Vendo dang it he went without me freaking hey you cut it I think I'm just gonna chill so nice get off ready oh hell no I know you just didn't push me never forget I'm a Super Saiyan Bonnie God dang no one respects me around here all right I'm gonna go in the pool now freaking I get to get all this pee off me because freaking someone freaking had to pee in the freaking pool God dang wait someone peed in the pool yo that's disgusting I wonder who did it it's probably BB what is that sound I swear I heard something uh God dang it oh food well I think I'll just eat right now no one respects us what yeah no one even respects us anymore the Glam rocks are all old now you're literally the newest ones and still I don't respects us Roxanne what Roxanne I I think I should probably help her uh Roxanne can you hear me I can't see I can't see uh wow that's crazy all right here I go oh man I'm coming toy Bonnie that's so funny I shot your mother what what did so peaceful I swear if ennard is hanging out with that Vanessa girl again I swear to God I'm gonna kill him huh [Music] Fick you baby hey hey you're dead come on Gregory oh yeah y'all I'm so tired freaking foxy had to push me God dang it oh freak dude why do you left me because it's funny staff bot staff bot okay um where'd you go I do not know hmm oh Cannon bulbs oh thank God I didn't go in the wild this is nice ah what floor sign what floor am I going Freddy yeah do you ever just get that feeling when people forget about you yeah that that happened to me multiple times no one even remembers me I'm just known as a knockoff springtrap because you are you a knockoff golden Freddy withered golden Freddy oh yeah well you're a knockoff springtrap oh yeah yeah oh Jesus Christ that's what I thought don't mess with the young blood you're not cool you're right oops [Music] all right here I go wait a minute what happened to you I freaking fell off the slide I think so dangerous oh no okay oh my God oh God all right here we go this is so fun yeah yeah oh this is so fun right yeah uh Bonbon that was great oh my God yes it's my turn I've been waiting this entire time Gregory get your booty over here what the fridge hey man what are you doing gregory no ah I agree no subscribe I'm stuck this is such a freaking lame ride ah [Music] Gregory oh oh for nothing at all Gregory gregory no I didn't make it [Music] what the goddamn no endo's gonna get there first ah for you foxy oh freaking knowledge what the f uh my head it's between the freaking yeah oh Jesus Christ yo this is awesome Rob hey lol yorg oh what the heck I think I dislocated my hips that's funny I do not be a jacket [Music] here we go yeah oh Jesus Christ come here toy Bonnie down now now oh Jesus Christ oh God oh God oh God where do I go did he go into a girl's locker room it looks like one but it's not toy Bonnie Jesus Christ she's coming for me Where'd I go oh my God parkour Jesus Christ and that's okay come here oh my God here she's here I get off me woman oh God no no it's blocked off ah Jesus Christ hey where are you get away from me badge you foul Beast get out I have an idea oh God oh rubs rubs what the heck oh God please no no I can't die right now I can't die ha ha ha oh Jesus Christ hello God no no no no no no no no no please um excuse me mister can you ah Orange [Music] foreign mm-hmm toy Bonnie you messed up today yeah come on let's go ha ha it is really empty out here geez I thought someone would be out here I'm going to drown you toy Bonnie and then you won't be able to breathe goodbye that was pretty easy huh now I can just enjoy this place um [Music] I can't hold it inside me anymore [Music] hmm danger danger Dane what the hell is this a hair but okay I don't know where that came from danger danger danger danger where um [Music] [Music] where would there be Danger what the heck garage yeah get out of my way ah yard what the hell rap just but how he didn't even touch me uh bye bye oh bye bye Gregory where did you go you squished him you monster what the heck was all that about you can't hold your breath on shut up all right I'm gonna commit something scary okay my entire life I've always been afraid but now the time has come I will go down the slide like a Whoa man Jesus Christ it's so fast oh my God no please make it stop s yard what the frick where did Fred go uh that was weird I have no idea what that was about but it seems like toy Bonnie got his little art going on and I think golden Freddy cracked his skull Vanessa oh my God Vanessa what did they do to you um Miss ballora not now JJ yeah get out the pool the park um okay should I no I'm not taking Bibi huh um excuse me that is a violation of our policy you have to pick what the hell [Music] uh what the hell was that I was just trying to take a shower is that an arm oh geez bon bon are you okay uh oh jeez oh God Yark LOL what's that Mom Vanessa what was that Vanessa no no Vanessa not again Vanessa down [Music] York Mr Cupcake I was on the ceiling in there uh yard ugh I was just trying to float man thank you jeez price there's gotta be someone over here oh wait toy chica well oh yeah my butt oh geez was that ballora Jesus police spot I think it's wet everywhere wait this the heck oh Jesus Steven no this is up here dude watch him and be like on one of these rails like I'm calling it well where did Vanessa go that's my question like Gregory's right here but where did Vanessa go she was like right here did she go into the walls well Gregory now well that was the end ballora nuked the entire place and I can't find either Vanessa or belora so they probably got no clipped in the wall but I found plushtrap what like these guys are in like the randomest places golden Freddy was not even close to here and is someone in here this is turning into Pokemon we gotta find them all Jesus Christ gotta catch em all Pokemon well so yeah so Vanessa ballora bombed the place and yeah if you guys see him then just let me know in the comments because I honestly have no clue where they could be yeah there was only a couple survivors most of them they're dead yeah they just did yep is someone on your ear or in here how are you checking here Warren here come back though whoever made it hmm yeah anyway see you guys next time yeah they're gone yeah they're just gone unless they're in the bushes no they're not in the bushes there's a bunny in the bush anyway I think I'll see you guys next time in this so we already checked in here anyway bye
Channel: EmmettCraftGaming
Views: 95,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hM22yPptJHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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