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yeah I just arrived at the house circus baby [Music] oh sorry about that hey at least I'm telling you ahead this time yeah it's appreciated and you're not actually just making this up and you're actually at Bonnie's Place right no the reason I'm doing this is because I'm still trying to get Cassie to not be afraid of me so I was thinking if I spend a little bit of time with her while she hangs out with Roxanne and Gregory maybe she won't be so afraid of me anymore especially since we have a bunch of interviews and we're at the same time so it's like be really awkward otherwise yeah known you for a little over a year now and I'm still afraid of you so wait you are it's a joke Friday no I beat you up with a butter sock yeah at least I've not had to meet Mr bricky oh you'll meet Mr bricky one day anyways I'm gonna go call uh Glam Rock Bonnie so I'll talk to you later all right see ya have a good day all right so the plan is I spent a little bit of time with Cassie during the time I'm hanging out with Gregory and Roxanne and we should all be good okay maybe not the best plan maybe she's gonna freak out again but you know what no I can do this I can do this uh hello Gregory Roxanne um guys here oh wait Cassie hi Freddy I'm glad somebody else is here uh wait are you here by yourself yeah my parents dropped me off because I was supposed to meet up with Gregory and Roxanne and you I guess but no one else is here and I I don't really know why wait so Gregory's not in his room or no I checked Gregory's room I checked Roxanne's room I've checked everywhere but they're just not here and I I don't have a cell phone yet I just have my walkie-talkie so I couldn't really call anybody here luckily I have a phone give me one second I'll call Roxanne all right dude please pick up please pick up pick up it Roxanne hey where are you I thought I was meeting up with you and Gregory today watch over Gregory and Cassie that'd be great I also got a call from Gregory and apparently he got into tension so he probably won't be home for at least an hour from the sounds of it though it wasn't his fault and I agree with him he has been having some trouble at school to say the least as a voice so I think it was probably his bully setting him up or something of course I need to go talk to that principal already is here by herself oh yeah when I walked in I was going for you too and here she comes out of the theater room by herself well tell her I said I'm sorry I didn't mean for her to be there by herself I thought her parents would have checked or something but yeah I guess it'll just be you guys for a little while if you don't mind I awkward between between that'll surely be all right okay I was hoping you and Gregor were gonna be here as a buffer sorry Freddie I I literally just stuck at work so um you've got this the right you know what I'm the Glam dad I can handle this I can handle ice I deal with all sorts of children all day at the pizza Plex I'm pretty sure I can handle this you called me that you and Gregory called me that I know all right thanks um is Roxanne coming back soon unfortunately no Roxanne seems to be held up at work for the foreseeable night she probably won't be home until like midnight or something well what about Gregory apparently he got detention at school oh and he won't be home for at least an hour oh okay um so it looks like he'll be just me and you for a little while Cassie that shouldn't be a problem right um uh no not a problem at all as long as it's not a problem for you no no look I know I know you're still nervous about me if you want I can take you home I can drop you off back at your house if you want I can't go home the reason I'm here is parents are out of town until later tonight oh so you don't have anywhere else to go oh okay uh it looks like it's just gonna be me and you uh you know uh we could just you know chill out over here until Gregory gets back and uh we can uh watch some cartoons or something uh what kind of cartoons do you like um I I don't know I typically watch oh oh sorry um are you is your stomach hungry um maybe a little I I haven't had dinner yet oh well let me see if there's oh no that's right as a family me Gregor and Roxanne were planning on going to the grocery store and picking out what we wanted oh oh we don't have anything to cook here oh that's okay I'll be all right I I can just watch the cartoons no no you know what I'm not letting you go hungry okay you know what we'll do we'll make a trip out of it we'll go to McDonald's oh okay I I like McDonald's yeah we'll go to McDonald's and we'll get you some food there and plus to be honest I could honestly go for some food too I was kind of looking forward to that group dinner thing so I haven't really eaten so I am kind of starving myself and you like McDonald's and let's just say I've gotten used to McDonald's do you know circus baby yeah I've I've met her before she is obsessed with that place I think it's because she not only do they match a color scheme but their mascot is a clown and she also worked there apparently for a little while all right let's go then I guess yeah let's go oh my gosh look at my hands and my Shadows they look like claws oh yeah like a little crab claws oh here's Shadow is really big compared to mine I guess it's probably because you're a lot taller and trust me you should have seen it when the defense Flex first opened and the kids came running in they were taken by surprise with how big I was they were kind of afraid of me too actually until I started talking and then I went like welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and all that and they started chuckling and laughing yeah I can see oh no that would be funny um okay well what do you think you want I'm a big guy so I tend to eat like two or three burgers what oh two or three well I can barely finish one yeah get you a Happy Meal if you wanted yeah a happy ah cheeseburger cheese man oh hop wheels and Barbie are are the options today oh probably because of the new Barbie movie yeah should we get Gregory a meal too oh yeah no I'll get him something on the way out I know exactly what he wants all right um hello family order I don't know anyone's here no we must have caught them right when they went on break don't worry I know these guys personally so hold on are you allowed to do that guys I kind of helped him with a Grimace situation a little while back so sure okay be careful uh oh oh God okay so it says that they're out for the next 45 minutes on their sign no um I guess we could go somewhere else but I know you know what welcome to McDonald's how may I take your order Little Miss pretty you don't work here you can't just take my order who says I can't who's gonna stop me I guess if everybody has gone for the next 45 minutes I'm sure um I have worked almost everyone to Pizza Plex I know how to work a fryer I know how to flip Burgers fine um can I get a Happy Meal cheeseburger with a fries and can I actually get a six piece chicken nugget on the side with ranch too okay okay but are you sure her you want a Happy Meal you look a little old to be getting a kid to me hey I'm not old I'm a kid of course of course all right what kind of drink do you want you want a little orange soda little um can I get a chocolate milk actually okay yeah I can do that for you all right let me go whip that up for you real quick okay maybe Freddy isn't as bad as I thought okay and then uh grabbing that we'll pass it on a little thing right here and there you go um thank you um I guess I'll take it are you gonna take your own order oh yeah no it's already pre-made right here they they know me pretty well I'm excited to see what sort of toy I got oh also also need to put this in the register there we go sorry I was just actually paying for the ingredients sounds good you know I'll I'll sit right here actually because I actually need more like room yeah understandable you are very large so the fact that you can even can't can you even sit down no my knees are too big fair enough um thanks for getting me the Happy Meal no problem I also don't tell them I got you both a Barbie and a Hot Wheels thanks I'm excited I I guess I'll start eating then you know if I feel like one of the reasons you're afraid of me is because you don't know me maybe if you got to know me a little bit maybe uh you won't be afraid anymore so you can ask me anything anything you want and anything uh okay um I guess I do have some questions that I always wondered about but they seemed kind of personal so I never asked Roxanne um or are you sure I can ask you go ahead you trust me I've had awkward questions asked me all the time you remember how many of those interviews I went through I guess that's a good point um I guess it's mainly just how exactly you work if that makes sense because I know there's gregories kind of explained it to me before and I know there's some sort of like magic or something to it but is is your suit magic or is it the endoskeleton or what exactly is it so I was born I was actually never built unlike some of the other animatronics I was actually born to a mother and a father animatronic but my adopted father golden Freddy he's kind of a special case at some point in his life he made a a magic spell wish basically a world altering spell and he made a wish that animatronics can become bio-organic and with that wish he put a lot of implications on it so we are by organic or as real as we imagine ourselves to be if I imagine I have a stomach I have a stomach but when we remove our suits and become just an endoskeleton that magic is temporarily removed and we've become just a basic endoskeleton at that point which allows us to go into another suit that's really confusing it is but if it makes me feeling better when we have our suits on everything about that suit is real for us and for other people outside of it we have a stomach we have a heart we have a brain every bit from the eyeballs nose we can even get sick because we see ourselves as organic that's how uh my brother actually he has a kid now with the toy chica Francine right yeah oh you've heard of her Gregory's told me about her um we were having come a completely normal conversation um I should have a play date with all three of you I feel like you guys would have fun together uh yeah um does it hurt to change suits is it like ripping off your skin or something or no unless I think you feel like that's where the magic comes into play when we see ourselves taking off our suit the magic kind of reverts us back to a basic animatronic and allows us to remove it interesting the magic takes a lot of Liberties and it can also be influenced by external forces sort of like uh when circus baby is able to remove part of my suit it's because she's influencing the magic around me to be able to do so wow that's a lot actually it's like living magic it it it it it thinks alongside us um thanks for telling me about it and it's really cool I like learning about animatronics my dad actually works a lot on you guys and I've always wondered that sort of stuff oh wait he's a fast tech isn't he he's really good at his job too that's where they got the inspiration for his in-game elf huh yeah exactly um we should probably be getting back soon Gregory is going to be home from detention and I don't want him not having anybody there with them hold on I should probably get him something extra yeah he'll probably just want a Happy Meal that's typically what he gets when we get McDonald's together yeah wait does he tell you what toy he gets um between you and me he'll probably want a Barbie and a Hot Wheel too I'll get him two Barbies ready yeah thanks or today it's no problem I just didn't want you to be afraid of me anymore yeah it's definitely easier when you're not you're ruined suit yeah I see why Gregory is such a big fan of you fun fact by the way um when Gregory was first cast he actually wasn't an orphan he didn't have a family so when I met him and we got talking that's when I basically decided that I wanted to adopt him it's because I felt like we already had a connection so yeah really cool I'm I'm glad you did because [Music] so well I'm glad you're his friend yeah oh did you say he had detention yeah I'm gonna have to ask him about that when he gets home yeah [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Circus Baby and Glamrock Freddy Show
Views: 120,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NjHUq5rWEhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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