Gmod FNAF | Torturing Help Wanted Mangle!

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I'm back boys I'm back mr. slate this man did you miss me we're gonna have lots and lots of fun together okay anyways no I need calm down today oh oh no oh no oh no as I made a big stinky mr. scientist Manor oh no what did I do okay anyways but yes that is right boys we are back yeah I'm back today we're gonna torture some more little kids I mean I'll be nice to them and give them lots and lots of candy depth it definitely but now today we have a special trip in a special guest what what do you mean no also you better like okay got you know what guys I'm going to ask y'all something hey you yes you beautiful person standing there watching this video hey don't look like yes I'm talking about you yeah that's right look anyways look you want to do me a favor you want to like and subscribe you don't want to well that's it you go into the pit of death burn that's what happens to you if you don't like and subscribe so you better like like and subscribe right now or else I'll make you or else I'll take you drag you down into the basement with the others did you like and subscribe okay good you did okay that's good okay anyways um anyways what was I talking about oh yeah that's right today we have a special guest we have the mingle mingle now yeah poor little mingle has been mingled in mangled so our little mingles broke in but don't worry mangle today I would do you a favor for one see so far everyone's like oh my god mr. glitch trapped me and while you keep torturing all these people well I'm gonna do mangle a favor okay mate would you want to live like this what you want to live as a mangled miss no no you wanted some ado mangle a favor by putting her out of her misery okay all right we love I love to do favors okay mangle let's see how would you like to die would you have loads and loads of ways to die man I feel like funtime Freddy from the book count the ways from fazbear's fright dang oh dang health how would you like to die Oh No okay anyways come on mingle I'm gonna grab your hand you know let's go on a little adventure together yeah okay let's see I won't see what machines can we go on you can go into the bouncy castle you can go to the hammer you go to the other hammer you could go to the blade you could go to the pit or you could just be capitated down you know what let's try to decapitate you okay I want to see how this one go get out get out of your random stranger go into the pit okay anyways alright you mingle okay all right that's it that's it okay all right boys mingle don't worry you know what we're gonna chocolate you see mingle has this extra leg okay you don't need this many like so we're gonna chop it off okay because you don't you don't have a use you don't need to have three likes okay it's just no I'm see I'm helping I'm gonna fix mingle but first I have to chop off this extra leg because unnecessary to die like BAM there we go all right so now mingle should only have two legs right let's see here is stand you stand up a bit please stand stand up stand stand up I head is like tingled it you're ahead you're tangled in yourself how did you manage to do this untangle yourself okay there we go so let's see two hands two legs alright so we got to get rid of this this weird thing the thing that looks like a whip it looks like you're gonna whip somebody alright so we need to chop that off so you're coming back over here guys like see we're gonna repair the mingle okay we're fixing her see I'm doing good deeds but now we got to chop this also get rid of that elf that did not I need to get you closer now okay yeah that's right kid get closer get a bit closer and put that arm right there and say goodbye BAM perfect came clean off all right perfect okay all right don't worry we're gonna fix you up okay so let's see so sure we need to disconnect this arm put it there and then put this arm on that and put your head there but we have this extra indo indo head we don't like the endo windows I mean we'd love mean we'd love the endo windows so we got to make sure this is nice and safe so first what we got to do put the end of endo there and oh oh why was it close enough okay and though Bindo be gone I said be gone in Dovan don't mingle here can you sit like right there while I kill the end open okay hang on hang on no no no stop stop stop stop okay hang on stop okay we're just gonna put you right there and there we go okay endo Bindo should be gone yes now the mingle is perfect no no my machine it's stop stop no oh no no no that wasn't supposed to happen no he just finished Oh No Oh Lord what have we done Oh guys we mangle is broken oh no we killed me oh no this is all that's left oh no no you stupid machine you weren't supposed to do that oh no okay um well I don't have a use for this anymore so okay I'm sure there's other ways to repair mangle okay I guess we can't do it manually but don't worry we have machines machines can do the job for so but first we got to get rid of this dead body um into the pit of fire you go there we go problem solved oh you know what let's go let's go pull it mingle on this cool conveyor belt I'm sure it will do something so you have all these blades and stuff these are gonna chop off the extra limbs okay mingle and it's gonna repair you out so when you come out of there you're gonna be looking smexy again okay I just get into the machine first of all you have there we go you and your extra like to just okay good you took off your end of a head that's good okay and okay so see we just put mingle carefully on the conveyor belts and then we chop some limbs off oh oh no okay I think I chopped off a few extra limbs okay whatever is fine okay there we go alright and then we need the saw blades cut off yep cut off those limbs cut off those unnecessary limbs oh no issue jammed in it don't get jammed don't get stuck okay there we go and then saw blades yet just chop off that limb flatten off anything yeah we've got to crush some of them there we go alright yep see there is another part good good good oh okay just just get through the conveyor belt just just take your time okay take your time okay and then spikes everyone lost some spikes BAM and then we wait and then we wait and then we spike and then BAM okay so out of this machine should be a hot smexy mingle okay and uh this is not hot this is this is not what I paid for stupid garbage machine okay don't worry mangle okay we're gonna fix you up okay all right um so that machine sucked it sucked I'm gonna turn it off and I'm gonna fill it up with minecraft TNT okay cuz it sucks okay you know what that's a stupid thing that's it I'm filling you up with minecraft TNT go die you stupid machine you stupid useless machine and Ulfric oh no oh no BAM pop goes the Machine yeah that's right take that you stupid machine AHA oh wait okay there you go so see the Machine blew up okay mangle don't worry I'm gonna help you okay um let's see okay ooh okay you know what no okay you know what let me try let me try this one more time okay all right here I need you to like stand up though okay I need you to like show off your body and then they're good okay get all the limbs out there we go I get all your legs organized because I'm gonna chop off some limbs okay so there we go there we go there we go okay alright so I have my handy-dandy saw blade here and oh I don't cut myself please don't cut myself that's really close to cutting myself okay hang on let me let me do it this way that's not how I want that's not how you should hold it that's not how you should hold it either my fingers okay you know what you know okay if I won't hold it this way okay alright mingle okay we got to do some small cuts okay just chop it off but okay you know what screw this I'm using my physics phone alright let's see so alright so see mingle we got to make me go again the objective of this video is to make mingle mingle hot okay so we got to cut off these limbs nobody likes these extra limbs okay there goes one limb buzz this is all I got a skin-tight can you like yeah keep it stretch and uh come on cut off there you go perfect and oh whoops okay all right BAM I also got the endo head okay but there is like a little piece or okay first of all I should go for the extra leg okay extra leg just cut that off buzz buzz there you go whoops I could little toomai oh well it's fine we'll fix it okay baya there we go and then we just got to get that one little piece right there where the endo head was and come on cut off okay there you go okay all right turn it off turn it off no don't pick it up don't pick up I need to turn off the machine turn it off oh my god turn off whoa don't hit me there's so many decapitated versions of my butt okay into the pit guys we're going into the pits this is the time-travelling ball pit everyone go inside okay that's it there you go all right um all right let's see so now we should see the hot angle hot and sick this is not this this this is rigged this is rigged this is rigged this is not what I asked for this is not what I wanted on my Christmas list I asked Santa Claus I said hey I would like one hot smexy mingle one hot sexy mingle and this is not it this is a pile of trash hey what are you looking at don't make fun of me that's right yeah stupid kid well all fail we just gotta try try again try try again okay into go into there I said go into it into the fiery flames of of heck hey don't try don't stop trying to get out go in there you go alright anyways let's continue oh hey look it's my saw blade okay okay okay you know it just turn it off and we get rid of this it's still on still making the sound well it killed me still what the Frick stupid saw blade okay alright okay hang on we got to dispose of the bodies suppose of the bodies there you go okay alright so we need mingle again okay oh no not the puppet oh how would the puppet work is this like is this stiff puppet okay there's a stiff puppet so I could just do it okay whatever I'll torture I'll torture you another time puppet okay so anyways we have the mingle mingle and okay so you know what um let's go to this machine hey mister get out of here what do you mean no that's it you get crushed okay wait crushed you hang on and he crushed just a little stupid boy ran up stupid orphan BAM pop goes his head alright there we go alright mingle so what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna leave this machine turned on and I'm just gonna slowly lower you into it and this machine is gonna chop off some of your lower body okay here I'll hold on to your torso alright so okay you I'm gonna let you keep your head out of this okay so he's gonna chop those little limbs this limbs at the bottom okay alright slowly into the machine how did your head break what is okay okay whatever we'll fix that later we still have the yendo head oh okay there goes the endo head alright just got chopped off somebody just chopped off some body parts get it in there and okay take it out take it out take it out take it out turn it off turn it off you should she's wedged in there get out of there man go I'm fishing to mingle out of a freakin freakin okay wait okay okay and up okay one hot and it's mixed sexy mingle well I do all my machines fail your stupid machines oh no the mingle mingle is broken no okay um hold it's not what I wanted okay okay you know what just grind it up just get rid of the evidence they're gonna stuff it in there okay the hammers okay we could have mingle lay down right here and we can have our lift one part of her body okay all right that's what we'll do okay so first of all let's say hey I don't want this extra leg so we take the hammer and it goes no no that's not what you're supposed to do hammer okay cut off a leg just cut off a like okay you kind of did it then we're gonna let it be able fast cut the end of off Oh okay did it work no it didn't work what machines they soak oh my god can you get out of here mr. hammer oh my gosh my beautiful mingle what is this monster what is this imagine just seen what if this was just an animatronic on its own just that in those Skelton with that hand for a head yo and it has like yo this is creepy imagine seeing that in uh oh my gosh look at this thing and no that's not okay mr. hand man alright that's it that's it you get the death sentence mr. hammer I mean mister mr. hand alright there you go come on come on hammer take them out take the hand out boom okay whatever I guess it's dead alright you know what we'll do we'll do a second version of the hammer did I just break the hammer no I didn't okay I don't want to break the hammer oh I kind of I kind of broke down okay whatever it's probably fine so mangle what you're gonna do here is you're just gonna lay down on this platform but then let's see okay so first of all let's get rid of that endo head right there okay so you're gonna lay the endo head right there so then the hammer will come down it broke the hammer broke okay I have to do this manually again okay mingle stank's stay very still okay okay okay we're gonna chop off that we're gonna crushed endo head Boop see there you go not bad so let's go Boop and then let's go Boop I said Boop okay boop boop Dolly's like guys I'm fixing mingle with my giant hammer obey bong Bing Bing I'm a repairman oh dupa dupa do just take a giant hammer and go with bang bang and then it will be fixed just go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang I'm a repair me I'm a repairman I know how to make things sexy doopa doopa doopa just fix it up by snack in it with a hammer doop doop doop doop doop OH dupa dupa dupa dupa dude okay did it work and the results are in and it's ugly well into the pit of failures you go [Music] okay then well um okay I've learned one thing I suck at manually doing this I need a machine to do okay this machine okay it's mr. scientists get out here thank you for making this machine or something okay I said get outta jail mr. scientist okay then we got to take the bodies and hide them into the basement okay there we go okay he's in the basement okay hey there blue kid want some candy okay that's good hop in my van doopa doopa doopa we're going home and bam he said in a house okay all right I mean okay okay no no don't spawn in the floor okay all right mangle so what this machine is gonna do it this is the this is my greatest creation yet this machine is going to auto just dough in there chop off those actual it's gonna detect what limbs or extra you're gonna chop it off so all right I have fun all right and so say I didn't even jump into the pit dang it stupid stupid face alright I need to jump into the pit WEEE oh that's sad I died before I could even get into the pit okay you know what that's it we know I'm dead okay alright anyways I feel slightly happier now okay so what we need to do a laser beam get out here a little girl actually no come on hop in my basement okay I'll put you actually oh wait sorry okay here you can hear I'm gonna throw you into the closet I'll save you for later I said go into the closet oh this thing just Auto shoots you out doesn't it okay you just stay in there I said stay in there stay in there there you go okay alright so we need mingle mingle okay mingle just put one little limb okay we'll start off with a hand okay we'll take we'll be nice and slow with this one so you're gonna put your hand right there just giant laser will cut it off okay three two one go was all the thing this is pretty oh yeah I forgot how powerful this laser is if you like barely touch it you instantly explode okay umm a giant fan that's what we'll do okay mingle I have the perfect solution for you just use this giant fan I found oh that's it absolutely nothing okay well then Howie okay all right you know no turn that off okay you know we'll try this again we'll try this machine again it's the version so just put a foot in ok dip your toes into the water all right and then this machine will we'll chop them off okay chop off those extra toes okay that's not really working there we go oh there we go see it's working this one works okay come on mangle one come on why you breaking my machines you broke it oh okay wait are you good oh you oh my god is it off aah oh my god you broke my machine stop stop the kind hacking ding okay you know what that's it that's it when all else fails you use a giant cannon okay you know I have no idea how this is gonna help get rid of your limbs but we're just gonna stuff you in a cannon because I feel like okay three two one and oh wait this will just make you explode oh no it didn't Hey okay wait may-who this is the solution along a giant cannon but uh let's see uh it looks like they're missing a hand and a leg I mean that's pretty good progress I mean you're looking pretty hot so I mean I guess it's progress yo i'ma show you off to be with the scientists hey mr. scientist looks I fixed this person and now they're smexy again how does that make you all feel mr. scientists okay fine screw you all my rocket failed [Music] that's what you get if you ignore me stupid scientists people now everything's on fire at least mingle mingle is okay hooray oh oh no she's on fire put it out no my beautiful smexy my sexiness no fire go away go away mister fire go away oh my god the fires not going to light go away man go are you okay I'll put the fire out okay okay she's still on fire quick where's the water somebody please I need some water my Schmidt you mingle no please don't I'm on fire everything's on fire somebody help Oh No Oh No okay I'm stuck in a mister mister help helped me mister mister she's on fire what do I do okay okay a fireman say stop drop roll okay stop drop and roll just kind of roll roll and and then uh okay make mice mix eNOS it's gone I'm so sad I just wanted her to be hot again is that too much to ask for I guess it is goodbye well then that was a sad story um okay you know what no we still have some saw blades okay you don't get out here mister I don't care if you say no I say get out of here so you're gonna get out of here you're stupid you know what that's it come here I'm beating you up in the back alley come over here you know that's it that's it you want to say no to me huh you think you're better than me it's stupid ugly dumb stupid person where'd he go oh he's over he's just a lifeless box oh now he's dead okay that's what you get okay mangle all right you know what that's it don't worry mangle I'm gonna help you okay so these saw blades all right what you're gonna do is okay we're gonna have one leg like right there okay BAM perfect okay activate the saw blade all right don't worry it's good fell off again are you kidding me okay no no no no no no no she's stuck in the machine it's just oh my gosh what is she doing stop stop no stop get off you no good good God dang it okay you know what no that's it we have to use strap okay mango I'm gonna strap you into this machine okay don't worry it's very safe okay you're gonna be strapped in it didn't strap you in oh there it goes all right so it's gonna be okay my precious mangle it's gonna be all okay it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay all right look this machine will make you better see you'll make you better No Oh No oh okay it's probably fine don't worry don't worry top okay okay okay okay nope okay please be okay please be okay please be okay I want to be I want the hothead not the endo head how am I supposed to make out with this this is outrageous wait is it fixed oh hang on we got we got two two legs we got a head we technically have two arms but we don't have two hands oh my gosh yo that is spooky man no I got a try try again that's what that's what Papa always said try try again until he fell off the bed okay you know what mangle that's it that's it hey you kids get out of here ding or fence get out here what you want to die too just like your friend die orphan and then you die toddler and then you die person I kill everyone I mean I'd be nice to everyone well he's my giant hammer over here ok so what we need to do is we need to work on this machine oh my god that scared me go away mr. hammer go away you know what you know you're going up there ok BAM I froze the hammer up there so now what contacting dang mr. hammer okay get out of here okay alright so anyways now that the hammer is gone okay mingling I mean go I'm gonna strap you through this train track but don't worry it's gonna cover your lens that you don't need okay and just like that perfect okay I don't worry don't worry my mingle mingle officer I'll mingle you alright you about to be mingle ahh why did my back break my back just gave up on life Oh cuz I'm stuck look at this he broke my back no she's like wedged in the machine don't worry I'll fix you just get hat oh no it's mangle okay I don't think it chopped anything off not really um okay hang on let's see let's see okay we got we still have the endo head we just need to chop off the endo head and then mangle will be used hot and sexy again okay alright mingle okay see I'm doing you a favor okay you're almost there just okay we just got to kill the endo head and then and then you'll be beautiful again alright you'll be beautiful again alright chop off the endo head and then we'll be good oh no what I was trying to do no wait no please who waits in the Machine bag get out of here mango oh she's over here no not the ugly I I don't want it I don't want the ugly endo head know who is somos perfect okay you know what that's it that's it you know what mango okay don't worry I still have more machines I'll use this I hate get out of here orphan you want to say no to me huh huh ha you think you're better than me person you think you're better than me huh oh I think I'm so much better than you oh yeah we'll go die yeah that's right that's right you stupid face now go into the closet with that little girl I locked in there earlier okay alright I'll save you kids for later I'll deal with you later okay mingle mingle mingle mingle so I we're gonna just throw you in a giant blender now and hopefully this just chops off the wounds that you don't need okay I fell off the thing oh my shut up okay actually no no here let me turn the blender on I'm gonna dip your toes in there okay and then I write mingle all right it's almost complete oh my god no not it oh my gosh ow I freaking it's so hard to think okay I see like we're just gonna chop off the toes okay chop off the toes chop off the toes chop off the toes chop off the toes and there you go see we're saying goodbye to toes chop off some lint oh no not that perfect okay this little machine this machine will do the job Oh what's wrong but oh I did not mean to do that for once I did not mean to do that okay mangle what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw you into this machine okay no not the spiky spikes how do I won't let me open the door you know as I said we don't even need a door I said get rid of the door why won't the door open there we go okay no not that okay hang on yeah oh that's not oh my god you skip the Machine I hate you okay open the door and let's put mangle in there okay mangle this machine will auto-detect what lens you need and what you don't need so I okay hopefully this doesn't get I don't want the door to be opened stupid store okay Bam Bam Bam that did nothing there you go all right I think that did something and all right let's check the results come on get unstuck open the door I said open the door and is the stupid I don't want the endo head everything else is perfect it's just the endo head why do you have to stay around mr. endo head why why I could just take it off but now I don't have mingles head Oh No okay I'm sorry you have to go into the pit that's so that's so sad okay you know what um there's only one last thing I can try and that's going up the elevator all right mingle so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into the LA elevator we're gonna go to the top of the building all right I said top of the building all right you could do Pitou on a nice elevator sitting on the elevator see mingles fine doop doop doop sitting on the elevator waiting to to get to the top floor Little Billy oh no a little Billy no whoopsies oh friend jump before you can say I do okay maybe I mingle all right if my calculations are correct if I throw you off this building you will break some bones but you'll break the bad bones okay everything else will be perfect okay right whoa whoa whoa before I throw you before I throw you cuz this is probably my last attempt to fix you okay this is my last him to try repair you okay I know it will work okay trust me trust me trust me I know how else don't worry I'll make you hot and smexy again don't you worry don't you mmm you know what one final kid suit yeah no please I just wanted to get oh hey my uh my ankles how did I survive that fall I gotta go back up to the I gotta take the elevator Becca I'm surprised I survived that fall is the elevator coming okay yeah it's coming now I'm really surprised I survived that fall dang okay I'll go back up there then I'll give mingle case and then I'll say goodbye and hopefully my we'll work and stuff so yeah and uh okay all right okay mingle this is it this is it it's time it's time to see if my hypothesis works so if I throw you off this building you will become smexy all right so what I need to do is and you'll be fixed and you'll be smoked see okay all right but I just need a okay all right all right you ready mingle all right and the 1 and the 2 and the 3 please no no okay there she goes and oh no no into the pit oh no oh no wait afraid I bet think I sound like a good sound oh no that's my last try I gotta get down there mr. elevator take me down there I don't have time for the elevator I have to take the stairs here I come oh this is not the stairs Oh oh hey it worked okay wait Oh Frick I locked myself faint and Boop okay that's really easy guys I think I think I'm pretty sure I failed I'm pretty sure she's dead now no I just wanted her to be hot again that's all I asked for I can't look I have to look I need to know the results oh no the pit the pit no it's just she's dead she yeah she's definitely dead no no I'm so sad one like equals makes one 0.001% go let's trap happier all right you better leave a lot of likes sadly I couldn't make her hot in it oh wait a minute what's this it works it works my creation worked I mean what not my creation my machines worked my machines worked see mingle look you're fixed again you're you're now hot and beautiful just like you always were this is how I this is how I mingle always looked before she was mangled okay 100% okay BAM she's beautiful again see guys I did it I told you guys I am glitch trap the mechanic man see I told you I did robotics classes and see it only took a bunch of failed attempts footsies you just try try again and it will eventually work see that's the moral of this story so kids if you ever given up on something just try try again that's what I'm saying all righty well I guess that's it for this video yay well yeah better leave a like if you want me no torture I mean help help we help people on this show we don't torture I don't know what you're talking about we help people so you look at mingle she's now happy so let me know who I should help quote-on-quote and in the next video if I leave Anna like oh whoops I I smacked your tip I'm so sorry okay but I yeah well anyways that's it for this video so thank you for watching I'll see ya later well now that we're all alone yeah no no no now that we're all alone I think you I think you need to repay me for you know helping you and it seems to me that you don't have any monies but don't worry there's there's other ways other ways you can repair it
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 494,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Torturing, HW, Help Wanted, FNAF 2, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Mangle, Toy Foxy, Pre Mangle, Funny
Id: UqF4LJ7u4PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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