Glory to Papers, Please

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congratulations the October labor Lottery is complete your name was pulled for immediate placement report to the ministry of admission at greston border checkpoint an apartment will be provided for you and your family in East greston expect a Class 8 dwelling glory to Arista Glory Glory arota Ministry of admission official building inspector welcome to your new position at gred border checkpoint stamp passport entry visa and return documents to entrant entrant is restricted to aristot Citizens only deny all foreigners glory to our stka oh God there's a lot to take in just off the bat I'm going to have to hope that a lot of people here just know what they're doing I mean no no one would lie at border control would they uh Arista um yeah I'm I'm sure he's fine ISU uh no that's that's somewhere else uh you're you're not coming in republia that's a weird way of saying aristas out you go unbelievable go to hell next in line please sure everything's fine in dny arasa 1983 it's 1982 stamp it in your just let them all in the country I'm going like as fast as I can with this job I'm getting like paid commission for each person I let in wait what oh no we just clocked off for the day okay that that went pretty well we made 20 $ oh God mind your expenses using the check boxes below oh okay if I I'm I mean I'm pretty sure it's still quite warm so we can turn off the heat no food already we need we can feed them every other day turn off the uncle let me just dismiss you like Uncle yeah you're not close enough to the family sorry bud from today farers with a valid passport are permitted to enter with inspection Hardware is now installed check all passport information carefully for discrepancies tonight any entry with inconsistent information okay so now now I can highlight if something is wrong their their their hair is different but I don't I don't think that's going to that's a reason to turn him down for border control your haircut does not match this picture oh okay thank God there's no penalty let me leave that on my desk okay if you want a good time issuing cities no that that that's fine okay they have that just let them in oh that can't be good oh Jesus the day was cut short by a terrorist attack your son is sick and needs medicine everyone's cold sick and hungry okay we we probably need to spend our money today uh I mean do we really need a son we've got an uncle the mother-in-law is not needed oh my God yeah they're not my real parents anyway oh there's a lot more security Now inspector entry for non-citizens is now regulated all foreigners require a valid entry ticket if you want to abandon morality and optimize the you can alate between feed and pay and heat heat only food only heat only holy YouTube It's like a strategy it's like okay this is how much you can starve your family and cut off the heating bill is there a way for me to Engineers that the uncle and the Mother-in-law die so that I pay less on food no one has to die if you do your job um strongly disagree I can make you happy anytime oh not this again something for Uncle for later lorasa do I want to give who do I want to give no no penalty uh oh it's the wrong dat gotcha get out of here you don't deserve the good time for all your fantasies you put on the relaxing animal cross and music I I I don't know I don't know how appropriate this this is papers please okay here you go Glory thka the greatest country he doesn't have anything what did you pass for pass for is so great passw not required he come back okay who am I to say no come on in you're not coming on in yeah come on in have a have a great time we're going to give have a really good time no he doesn't want that he doesn't want that say Mar oh wait that's wrong mararo mararo the issue city is incorrect okay all right have a great time actually caught it uh the family's okay uh which means that we can save some money by cutting off heat and food again my plan is if I cut this off constantly consistently enough the mother-in-law and the uncle get sick and die I need the mother-in-law to die oh God God stricter credential requirements of an Institute aristan citizens must show their ID card foreigners must secure and present a valid entry permit entry tickets are no longer sufficient oh my God there's like a whole extra section who would have thought that border control is so complicated Euro City all right that that's fine he's coming forever he's got his entry permit Ju Just let him in we're going we're going to like improvise it a bit okay uh they they have they have an ID carde uh is it's fine just come on in he's taking too long I'm trying enter by oh no the date's wrong here isn't it there you go have a nice one enter by oh you you keep getting the date wrong please let me pass my son h no do I only get paid if they enter the country what's the basis for me being paid just come on in deny them all you get paid per person that goes through your boot invalid name they had a different name I let them in no you know like password I understand I come back again with a better one you like Drew one with crayon try and enter bastan uh enter by yeah I'm just hoping you're all right God damn it last warning no penalty passport number it's wrong there we go okay I'm getting it Dan people are dying I'm try just just just turn him away turn him away the rent has gone up oh YouTube fantastic it's a realistic game Republican track star wanted for murder Vince lad's whereabouts unknown has likely fled republia am I going to have to keep an eye out for him Vince lrad okay keep an eye out keep an eye out for Vince you know authorized to detain suspicious individuals interrogate discrepancies to enable detention option will I get like a send them to The Slammer button I got you hey wait please do not arrest me just D my password I'll go away should I I probably shouldn't have let him go I don't know what the consequence Oh Hang look I did not kill her I was set up do not believe the Republican lies let me through S what is happening YouTube free my man he was framed look I got I'm looking out for my family okay please be kind to my wife she is just after me oh no I I she's not going to have valid documentation doesn't have it where's your entry permit please I beg you you will not give me permit I had no choice I would be killed if I return all right go on hop on in I I've not had a fine today so it's fine oh the city okay no idea there you go just detain him got to make an example right damn it my son keeps getting sick I want the uncle to be sick boot upgrade available space key to toggle inspect mode I don't I don't know how vital that is I mean it's five bucks it's five bucks I'll spend it I I have I have a bit of money now Ministry of Labor has insed a special program to control immigrant labor Travelers entered for work require a valid work pass try your new upgrade W look at that stay half a year a day thank you come on in please help me a man named uh Danny luden promised me and my sister's good work in arasa don't trust him I'm afraid you to take my passport and force me to work at Brattle he's in line today please do something oh god oh it's your man he actually has a passport now um but he he's missing like everything else so let's just stamp him missing an entry permit oh man you funny guy very strict border here that is good do job right I look for entry thing and come back oh this is this is your man okay well we're we're getting like a violation on this one anyway so just send him home you had the power I could have detained oh no I keep forgetting I can imprison people Cormac farle you sound like almost Irish sure this is fine Irish man must be let in he gets the RT game Irish fast pass a I should have just stamped you oh [Music] was that the Irish guy I shouldn't have given him the fast pass I just stamped his passport not thinking twice yeah come on in coric have a grand old time you know see at the PB later few points that's aggressive Club F oh no this is a stressful job facilitate more T INSP a search scatter system was installed in your boot leich extremist I suspected in yesterday's bombing search all cichos before approving their entry glory to arasa God damn it I They're All Dead uh kuch uh just got to selected for a random search nice scanner there there's nothing on them I think everything else is okay wait wait is there her back okay I just look at once way like if they have a gun they just like sell tape to their back and it's fine okay we're going to be getting mileage out of this one today oh YouTube lock him away oh my God it's like so blatant you're trying to get this in is it so obvious yeah yeah it really is it's just like that's a full like kitchen knife just cellot taped to her back oh my God why are they all do doing this you can see that slow down my friend I have only harmless medicine I give you 10 credits to let me through I I I need the money than possible Smuggler admit it that's fine I come to work there oh they don't have the other document I made mistake I'm just vising it no just deny it just deny it turn that down God they said they said they just lied though oh we made $5 from the bribe my son is still sick oh my God maybe we just let him die you have a wife you can make another one this this son is terrible it get sick all the time gles of f formal complaint a diplomat will arrive today for high level discussions automatic searches of Kian citizens are no longer authorized diplomats require only a passport and Val diplomatic authorization enter to the rule book for update document oh my God okay diplomat aoriz it come on in why you like that do hey it worked out oh my tickets are no longer welcome Hey know guys so tickets say he's good right see you tomorrow the order awaits what the YouTube does that mean Corman Drex okay keep an eye out for Corman oh this is this is your one you know just I want to come on in come let's just see what happens H there there are different Diplomat they're Diplomat just automatic stamp automatic stamp come on in God damn it ah I I just quickly everyone's going home all right just come on in I'm just quick I got to go for lunch and just stamping you get in the country for free oh I'm such such a bad card undercover agent of the ministry of information has been compromised Ministry of admission has offered its services as liaison expect a possible drop later today Glory darasa hello are you the Spy what no I get small bonus when you detain people more you detain more they give me for processing this is not fair right you should get something too so I fix this problem give you five credits for my bonus for every two people use it okay all right oh we're locking them all away Transit uh how do I imprison them your name's different lock him up YouTube get matches I have not much time you must hold on to this keep them safe today I am being followed by an impostor they pretend to be from the ministry of information but it is a lie they ask for documents give this this instead do not mix them up oh YouTube okay the the real documents is there if they ask for documents give them this one otherwise give them this one uh okay I can already see the issue detain oh give me that bonus I am from the ministry of information you have something to give us wait wait wait wait wait which one which one is it which one am I given which one the one on the right I don't know let me just put that bribe on my desk read quickly and return me AR is a great country Poison by corrupt leaders war is more government help us free arasa from its shackles order of the EIC star do not lose this okay you you come on in oh God what do I do with this come to live with my oh okay going on here you have been cruel what do you mean like the ears have been great you got your hair back 10 oh we didn't have time for one more God why is my son always sick we got a Bri today oh hello so you are an inspector here that makes you my responsibility you received 11 citations recognition for sufficient I am sufficient papers please our agents are ready starting tomorrow let them pass Stephanie in hang on a moment I'll be right with you and Michael okay oh my God like this isn't even a good way to store knives this like if you're smuggling these in you're going to smuggle knives in you do it smarter than that they'll put the blade down against you thank God our son's no longer sick inspector a break in ATA offices may have compromised our document sealing plates nothing important was stolen but intelligence ass counterfeits have already begun forging official aristos documents forgies double check that require docum hum contain valid seals oh God okay that's fine that's fine yeah you're you're all good come on in wait I got to check seals don't I YouTube oh no uh what's wrong with this guy what's wrong with Georgie this time there's always something wrong I got to I got to check the seal oh no he's good I think Georgie's actually all right all right you're the best AR the best here take this got a shiny penny good morning you detained four people wait no that's not that's not what he promised my wife sick now neighbor spreads the flu this is what is left after medicine I give you rest okay you better Bud you detain more people to make it easier I'll detain you next time oh this is your man this is your man all right we he's just got to go in the order Rises absolutely getting written up oh my son is not worth it strange man brought money uncheck to burn it YouTube no there there's no way we can accept that cuz they're they're going to know there's no way we can accept that can't compromise the revolution Dad I'm not going to compromise the Revolution by taking that ear some yeah I I should pocket like 20 for myself GR in Metro halted tunnel cave in hints at sabotage what it's been stamped okay so something's happening today there's a problem at Metro last night you read about it in the paper have you seen anything like this you have any information you give it to us yes yes by the way you see what this is I'm looking for engineers do me a favor give my car to any Engineers you meet pay five credits for each engineer that's called calls me okay two different numbers please let me through no mercy it's a I need the money you West greston okay that's wrong the oh we're making bank tonight yeah that's the wrong one oh am I going to get to detain you too detain we're just happy with this button today dat's just wrong TR detain him no oh no well the paperwork was in check so that's not my fault a class 7even apartment is available red equals 30 heat equals 10 a strange man brought money again unchecked to burn it I I I can I can afford the apartment but the red is more expensive okay all I'll wait I'll wait inspector the new director is unsatisfied the level of scrutiny afforded to foreigners from today forward all foreign entrance must present a recent identity supplement listed weight height and appearance documents chapter has been updated oh Jesus wait a minute you've gained three kilos to prison oh my God why they always do this at least she's like trying to conceal the knife properly detain six people here's your cut it's it's still the medicine all I have now but soon I make up rest you always bucko oh that thanks for this Banner come on let me I'll put that on the wall um but no it's hard to tell what height sometimes just cuz of hair I think it'll be more off wait is that seal right hang on it's not gotcha I'm pretty sure this is correct oh no the game is description game is unfortunately very traditional in this sense uh but discrepancy oh God that's how you get the detain option game why colossal arasa l no for jail they're going away a long time son is always sick you're so sickly criminal Safe Haven arasa earns a dubious reputation antarian whistleblower denied asylum in republia okay keep keep an eye out for someone with that then Ministry of justice has requested our support daily bin will now contain a listed of the top three Most Wanted International criminals check faces against entrance and detain Suspects immediately oh my God okay so these these guys are the most wanted criminals it's you it's you detain there's a lot of documentation here you're an engineer take one of those just just let him in I trust him I trust him he's an engineer it's you it's you what why wait wait wait why why do you have two passports just detain them immediately oh wait no this is Steph oh hi oh sorry sorry apologies so yeah that's fine don't don't worry about it oh sh YouTube it's it's actually wrong oh wait no it is never mind um I'm okay I'm getting embarrassed now I'm going to let you in just just come on in no thank God I'm not getting fined class 7even apartment still available I can upgrade the boot again wait RT is that second one you dash aristas what do I do this a should we evacuate for that little thing no of course not just disable open the cover poest bar ever seen is simple by Crea is just cut the wires in order okay so one two three four okay all done back to work we should close the checkpoint okay he's going to give us some money by selling the bomb they're an engineer take that card and we trust the engineers the rest of your paperwork is fine the engineers can do no wrong you've done well B agents uh Now operate when aristas was born the order fulfilled same roles today which ends we shall disappear again all right things are going well purpose of your trip I gotcha going away Along long time watch just oh my God I don't mean to point this out uh you have an explosive device on your person uh day is fine oh I got y oh my God I'm in incredible danger four kilos of grenades just like cellot type them oh my son is sick again reassignment at border still safe with smaller detail Ministries fight over staff qualify Guard soldiers in demand I've got a key now the ministry of justice has appropriated the outer guard detail you're now responsible for controller trespass activity the provider key can be used to unlock the tranquilizer gun once an alarm has been raised holy sh you when an alarm sounds drop key on Tumblr to unlock the weapon select the gun aim and fire time is short act fast you're you're clearly missing something I come from medical reasons oh that thank you for the money um but we're going to deny you anyway hope you're not disiz me thank you oh we're making bank today it's not one of these guys is it Eng did you meet I got four calls they were civil engineers useless I need Mechanicals I told you we still got some payment for it there's so much to check oh God oh God take him out they was cut short by a terrorist attack a Class 7 apartment's available again holy YouTube we made a lot of money there's not going to be some dire consequence for the Class 8 living quarters is there if I don't move stay in class8 your son gets less sick if you move is that true can we verify it okay we'll hold off forette we're just making bank we're just rolling in money $195 saved up we made so much today this is your son I'm so cold and chew rested incident highlight security risk further breaches predicted whistleblower turned away from United fed Sports I am Sergio good to meet you do my best to keep you safe a he seems nice oh hey how's it going border attacks are not EIC operations unknown extremist groups responsible the order aims to weaken corrupt power centers not injure innocence Asic agent arrives today to uncover extremists okay today okay what Cipher is this I'm missing something for that oh God is it going to be be on a passport don't I don't know where this lines up look at this mysterious International press identification he wants to write a report on the living conditions but he he doesn't have a permit I kind of want to let him in go on the slowest inspector I've ever seen wonder aristas is okay buddy that's your guy wait hang I have I have to see if it's like your man he's not turn you go wait ISAC oh okay right so you got to go in okay I'm so bad at this ask the O the not g I believe the man in red is not a threat what never mind what does that mean I got him last Warn and no penalty on thin ice right now description killer sideburns I'm not wrong you a visitor's only entry permit I make mistake I am just visiting okay it seems all right then come on in your son is sick and your son's birthday is in 2 days okay asica sent a smaller gift we can accept that going to give our son medicine but no Heaton let him dieas is frail border United fed repor exposes LAX protocol so he's just writing up about us import protest un bounds trade restrictions claims Aras unfairly taxes impor and goods we shouldn't let the reporter in inspector unfavorable International press is affected immigration protocol all denials will be accompanied by by a reason for denial stamp I'm going to I'm going to just have to detain him that's the solution here you're missing something okay so there's a reason stamp now so denied and reason screw you anyways thank you next please um this all seems to be okay come on in her name was misspelled no come back come back damn it used to be inspector like you many years ago back in the united fed we denied most people all done by computers now they could deny much faster that way where is entry permit just deny the Visa and I will go let me stamp it right here on you just ruined this man's passport oh oh excuse me our our day has been cut short again his son's birthday is tomorrow he wants an expensive crayon set son I'm going to buy you an apartment new apartment but there's no food today we're treating our son apartment get import begins trade s immediately restricts All Imports from arasa that can't be good import rejects all important goods from arasa under request from Ministry of trade the MYRY ofion react oh deny all travelers from import so they're from in poor they're just not getting in okay Pap please just there you go like the rest that back job done what happens to them after we detain him probably should have been a question I asked sooner I think I think a lot of people are probably dead don't R me up again I am here everything all set up now I come to often to see you we become good friends description bald no he smuggling no he's smuggling no what have you done he drugs I have little side business here you me through and I give you something something what 10 credits give you 10 credits for just little stamp all right I'm not going to detain him I'm not going to detain him but I have I have to I can't let him in I can't let him in it's okay I understand drugs are bad not good for kids I can't bring myself to detain him okay what good is our son what good is our son he's still YouTube sick turn the heat off ERS relent on their faulty policy now permit an entry Vision authority of East gred operations will visit again today wait take down the banner the check makes me sick at least your performance is not terrible you received eight cations do not slip further no I have an old friend coming through approve her entry is Shay puka do not want to hear of any trouble for her glory to arasa get the get the boot going again our son has been sick this entire time so we're now going to cover his artwork assassin coming from anrea will Target important is Agent and arasa Must Be Stopped his name is khed istam do not forget do not touch the powder what what what am I doing with this you're missing required papers I'm reporter have a right to enter give me the Visa stab I'm going to have to deny you this time last time like your buddy just made fun of me in the in the paper fast means nothing fascist oh wait wait wait which guy was this which guy was this is this is the one I need to kill is it push hand to a fix excuse me you you didn't see this my man uh do I just let him in anyway his paperwork seems to be in check outside of this there you go have have a wonderful time my man uhoh I think they know there has been an incident God that was fast acting what oh I might I might be get in trouble for this oh you he's dead too they was cut short by security incident a small package arrived thank you ISAC thank you no food today an whistleblow accepted by aristosa move risks anger and neighbors mysterious poison hospitalizes several a special program for political Asylum has been established seeking Asylum must carry a valid Grant of Asylum oh here's our criminals once again better job offer an import wait what bread stamp and I can break contract in aristas get 10 credits for you he he wants he does not want entry I'm going I'm going to just get fined okay you know give me that money you now I get free from this bad job thanks I'll take it look it's pretty easy to compromise our morals in this game you know I only passwort there's a little time must today I come back in 3 days with the right papers the proof I give you in something important it's a special family treasure ah thanks for the watch and the money you know that's I really appreciate it my man he's not cooperating oh God take him out is there a second sniper rifle your sister has been arrested her young daughter needs a home what adopt niece for $40 oh God damn it replace the sun with the niece maybe she'll be stronger let's see if our son lives the night let swap our child we have an upgrade we have received a new child Pap hi again remember me go ask kickers I give you that great Banner as I tell my coach about this he get very upset if I do not get Banner back I lose front seat on team bus I'll he good but fronty definitely best so I really just need the banner back oh sweet $10 all right that's great yeah but where is banner I can detain him the batter is mine now oh boy such an here guys not kill me coach will oh it's our man he's back no buddy you got to stop smuggling Georgie no just stop smuggling drugs you got to stop bringing it in that's like good stuff right well give you 10 credits okay step think about family buy many things with these credits no I I don't want Georgie to get in TR I'm not detaining him I'm not detaining him get out of here Georgie maybe it's not so good for me what I think about your son is sick and needs medicine your niece brought our mother's savings he's going to cost us more on food but it's okay cuz our son might die soon uh kala dealt with another assassin comes man in red carries info on all is and aristosa cannot take chances you must kill him today we will provide opportunity if succeed you will be caught but sacrifice sell for arasa family will be safe oh my night God shoot to kill I is the line going to get fair enough for me to see the guy in red I'm seeking Asylum I just need your fingerprints cuz I mean you just you just don't have a passport good luck with your Asylum short wavy hair oh God oh God excuse me that wasn't the guy in red we're fine wasn't it your opportunity to use the gun to kill the Assassin oh YouTube was that's what I was supposed to do uhoh all right I'll give him one more chance he better get better though okay he better improve soon in the wall hole border safety continually questioned recent events have cast suspicion on the activities of Aristo citizens in the Alton District of information is requested cooperation a special drawer for confiscating documents has been installed in your boot confiscate all irock stockin passports from residents living in the Alton District okay so here's from the Alton district oh no that's Georgie he's want a criminal okay I'm just going to I'm just going to put his passport in and then here you go to be back home I leaving a trip soon so I just need a passport it's being confiscated what do you mean not leav him without passport to take oh he's going to be pissed we have missed our chance man red survives he now targets is edin in kicha our plans must adapt that uh that can't be good okay Alton District right so your passport will be confiscated we just need to make sure everything else is correct come on in how can we make life as difficult as possible for our residents Georgie no Georgie you're you're wanted by the law sure I'm not a criminal in bulletin or anything Georgie no I could I I'm just going to let him through come on in buddy hey I really like you I know was risky to help me like this trying to make it up for you I'm going to get a citation what criminal admit it fold blown epidemic threatens the United fed oh no denial entrance from the United Federation there's a risk of spreading infectious disease during the War I met a beautiful girl think about her every moment yes I received word that she has finally coming here please let her pass I will be in your death her name is Alisa th this guy's been very chill like unless she's like one of the want at criminals we'll leave this here you you are hot like fire you object of Desire wrap my heart in wire approve my P I don't know he makes a compelling case um however I give you such lovely notes wait give her the note for me like fire object of Desire oh nobody says such nice things is confusing but the rest is very powerful thank you yeah go on go on you know I I like your attitude come on into the country oh Shay um we were told to just let Shay in weren't we let her in no questions I might get written up for this yep I didn't see uh the person he was talking about have a lovely time maybe if you were good at your job excuse me son is sick once YouTube again the risk of disease is too great a new protocol has been in instituted all entrance must carry a valid certificate of vaccination with an up-to-date polio vaccine Prim extends to natives firers diplomats and Asylum Seekers It's hitting a bit close to home now uh just just start coming in yeah yeah you're coming on in I don't I'm sorry you don't have your vaccin sir I'm just fooling oh don't confiscate it hang on do not confiscate come on in wait wait the necklace she's missing everything oh look at them reunited polio he got it oh God oh no no our guard Sergio how was I supposed to go fast enough for that why would you fast I went as fast as I could he was immediately shot oh well what you going to do uh oh sorry just heat no food tonight $300 nice we're just going to have to keep going oh we lost them oh God we still have the lockage what improve visually the entry permit and ID supplement have been consulted into a single access permit is now required to present a valid access permit we remember you Sergio from your locket that we accidentally confiscated government plans to yield kichan demands and further seed greson negotiations must be impeded allow kichan Diplomat entry but confiscate passport first isic agent will follow to assume identity we're losing all our friends in this world don't have many like Sergio's God our drug de friend is gone too kichan Diplomat okay I I so I just have to stamp this guy is it just just come on in wait no it's passport no no what have I done just just come on in I don't care anymore I've ruined it I've set to collect the diplomat's passport he just left and silence I've I've ruined everything oh no just come on in YouTube and it's free today I didn't even check their name oh God what what what engine are we going to be locked into at this right I mean it's not going to be our son is sick our son like horrifically dies or anything respon to continue attacks the minist information expanded is expanding the passport confiscation program confiscate all arasin passports oh it's getting really bad so we probably ruined multiple endings at this point then we've ruined the like overthrowing the government we've ruined whatever would happen with Sergio our man the dealer he's just not coming back I don't think he's just gone make sure our son's okay from here cuz God only knows we care about him come on in God damn it oh get under underweight weak Tire join best gym get Big Town East gron join the best gym uh thank you let me let me proceed to confiscate your passport oh look at that we're just going to get like the we have money ended and our family seems to be okay cuz God knows we've not helped anyone else at this point oh no holy YouTube they was cut short by a terrorist attack Ministry of information has confiscated your family's passports great it's not looking good for us serial child Killer escapes United fed prison Simon wins an aristos native returning home surely I'm supposed to detain him if we come across oh hello inspector it has been some time your audit comes soon it will personally conduct it there is nothing to fear work hard uh oh all government workers are subject to a thorough information audit involved with un groups is grounds for immediate arrest your audit is scheduled for December 24th do not leave your designated region the cops get all irosin passports oh it's the child killer okay he he is actually a wanted criminal as well he's back I read newspaper hello Georgie he getting a little crazy aristosa maybe you think about going away for a bit orad is a good place right next door up north that's a good side hold on I know a guy need Forge orat docks it looks so real approve for entry CL must provide existed orand passport to be modified with new info oh am I going to need orand passports and confiscate a bunch of them is that how we get out okay I so I I need overstand passports okay we're going to have to start collecting them it's is our only way out at this point you know what take my passport I get another one no problem he's going to give us our first one I'm I'm going to need a few passports she's got she's got a passport okay so now I can give a good reason and I've just nicked her passport for whatever reason where's my passport you cannot do this I'm going to get written up something fierce but I need these I me W took from me I followed him for many weeks I know he comes here soon big favor I asked was important let him through if you see him but take his passport first give me his passport and I track him down oh YouTube you know yeah let's help him out wait I've already stabed it let me detain you how do I find a way to detain restamp it it's a bit messy but it'll do your man didn't come sck needs medicine your wife has found an old family picture you can now escape to orand with one family member we could just go like right now just leave just take our wife no one else needs to come son's going to die anyway on the journey yeah he is he's so sickly doesn't matter if we keep him about oh no the inspector how do I open this hello there maybe this place not so bad everything going on checkpoint visit is a nice break you've received 12 cations there are no more plaques okay thank you papers please just YouTube go I need this our passport now oh is this your man when Simon okay so the other guy what was the instructions to confiscate his passport and didn't let him through he has nothing to say we'll get fine for it but it's fine want it crial admit it oh my God it's so slight I don't even know you guys are spotting it please let me through just no hesitation you got to go next see him give him his passport to me I know this city you'll be easily found let me through he's just going to check with this good luck man jul read the news tomorrow we did it gang I'll be I'll be taking that we just y that you're going to leave even less certification uh denied we got we got another two passports put away now actively being fine for it there are a few passports confiscated now escape to arstone with three family members I need I need two more no food tonight we can leave the mother-in-law and Uncle can I choose which ones I leave with wait can I leave the Mother-in-law you can't choose damn it it's unfortunate okay I think this is the final day too so let's we need two more passports bloody seed get aora sa W found dead in confusing mess oh he got him Ministry of admission is involved in discussions regarding the closure of this checkpoint until decision is made maintain your duties as ordered okay so I I I got to get out of here tonight I'm getting ritten up anyway for it right oh the organization's still here aggressive checkpoint is is at an end today we break this wall down you'll be safe hold your fire Georgie oh boy I make Big Score huge you have no idea anyway I just want to say thank you I wait in line just for that maybe I quit now oh he's giving us money to get us out I'm trying to go as fast as I can I've changed oh my god dude I just need to steal someone's passport in this line you're holding this up and no it's not you please I I need someone from overin I need your passport imagine the pass for off officer is just like give me that oh God I hold our fire we'll be we'll be all right everyone in we're we're getting crazy with like stamping the passports today our son you better make it you brush home amid the Panic at work to check in your family your information audit is scheduled for tomorrow morning you can now escape to arbery with everyone but there's an apartment available I can buy it just before I leave we just invested some real State we got out you got to your own wife niece uncle and mother-in-law to leave her Arad you board the late train to the Northern Territories it is nearly empty pay for the hastily forged passports and re-entry tickets they look terrible reach the border crossing at do the line is immense 6 hours later documents here you you're entering alone no my family as well and over all documents now you come to visit relatives do not care while you come wait here uhoh chunk welcome to overand next oh we made it over stad Above All We escaped to the promised land we play for 5 hours 312 Travelers uh process 155 approved 85 denied 58 detained with 38 citations I'll take it R rip Sergio he's gone I want I want the sun to [Music] die [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 858,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, papers please, papers please full game, papers please gameplay, papers please funny, papers please funny moments, papers please story, papers please game, papers please ezic, papers please obristan, papers please arstotzka, papers please endings, papers please wall, papers please medals, papers please funny gameplay, papers please jorji
Id: UEWvhy7Z7Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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