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oh my God Mr Beast what he's in the lead how did you do that you're in like 40th Place let's go let's go friends good Landing Splendid speed no York sh te hello there ladies and gentlemen and today you join me in the wonderful marble world and immediately you're probably going to be excited because what on Earth is all of this well I decided to create something magnificent this is the biggest marble run in the world okay well maybe not but is the biggest marble run that this game could handle this is of course marble World an indie game on Steam that is very simplistically all about building a marble run now most of the time it's a nice simple track maybe a few Corners a loop dloop oh how quaint and cute that is all of course nice small easily digestible it's all very relaxing well over the last few weeks I decided I wanted bigger I commissioned marble world's top track designer to build the biggest and best track imaginable now I've run lots of marble tracks but this is the greatest I've ever seen just look at this magnificent Adventure we have ahead of us today it is of course sorted into different zones we will start here in the Green Hills a lovely and safe area and it will finish over here in the aerial Cloud District ah Magnificent the entire run can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the amount of marbles we have and today we've got a lot but you might be s thinking well why are we doing this race and why do the marbles matter but it's because every marble is assigned to one of my top 930 YouTube members and patreons this pretty much works out to every human being on the planet who is currently giving me $5 a month I wanted to include every single patreon and YouTube member however this game cannot handle 6,000 Marbles and in the process of attempting it my PC almost set on fire but yes I've added all of these Majestic sausages into the game for the purpose of racing them to see who who is the greatest marble it could be any one of these marbles it could be DJ chisel or it could even be knobby gnome these are the things we're going to have to discover today despite this complicated spawn setup they all have a completely fair chance of winning I've done a bajillion Test games on this map and the winning marbles are always wildly different so who knows what the results will be but what is the benefit of winning outside of the overwhelming sense of Pride and satisfaction as nice as that is we know the top players like lag monster here pray for more and so this year I have decided that the winner of this race shall receive $1,000 us none of these patrons or members are aware of this yet but they all have a chance to win $1,000 entirely because of random marble representing their manifestation might just win a race now it's not just members and patrons racing today I've also decided to throw in a few YouTubers I watch and friends to add some chaos to the mix look here's Mandalore gaming and we even have Tom Scott over here but that's not all I've also decided to mix in of course YouTube comments YouTube likes and YouTube subscribers to represent you guys watching at home and I have no idea what happens if one of these wins I guess the person who writes the most upvoted comment wins $1,000 or something but who knows it's a massive race and it's all to play for it genuinely could be anyone winning so let me get the track set up and we'll get ready to [Music] rumble now all of the marbles do start in this giant little tumble dryer and they don't get off to a start until this door opens there's a brilliant way of filtering people around not really having an advantage to anyone in the start I do believe I saw YouTube likes in that pile they're wandering around near the front and how very exciting there are of course some old favorite names some of the famous folks from the last one and I think we're very close to actually releasing our marbles today it must be quite difficult if you're starting all the way back there but for our friends at the front things are looking good and there we go the door is open they are away our first section here is just a nice long pathway where the fastest marbles might be able to get a clean stretch down the middle already ran in dark Rider with a glorious early lead Dr antagonist following him up uh what a wonderful antagonist to have and look at this we've just got such a pacy flow of marbles some of them are of course getting stuck on the terrain slowing down this isn't the kind of thing you want to see but we are off to a glorious start unfortunately some folks still stuck in the tube back here there's Maximus there's SQ MK and the last folks coming out Andrew Gray Mystic Dean anaka oh you poor souls nonetheless this early start is of course being led by Dr antagonist the antagonist potentially today caddy quicksilva Jacob Brian Terminator T-man now you might think that oh well if they're in the lead at the start start that's it they've won but no this is an incredibly complicated track with many possibilities of marbles being completely taken out the terrain is dangerous the map has many traps and if you fall for them you are going to be out of the game although actually that's not true there are a handful of chances to get back into the race but it is very rare anyway our first lead pack LED by Dr antagonist Jacob bran Ono Senai caddy Quicks Sila look at all of these wonderful Gamers and of course the following packs ever so slightly padding on out with more and more marbles still it is all to play for and we can see these folks rolling down the hill look at these wonderful Majestic sausages oh look there's RT game dear he's quite far back unfortunately bless his little soul as real civil engineer as well where's a couple of our Classics that's a nice marble May Maru very Jazzy oh there's yor shti I can see yor shti storming along look at that that's uh unfortunately not a good position to be in uh however it could be worse you could be right at the back with Andrew Gray have any marbles left the track yet no no amazingly we have not lost any marbles so far jeez just look at these piles of marbles as they go up this wonderful ski lift we have of course left the opening tutorial Zone it's not very long it's very simple uh the second Zone however is a little bit more complicated it is this wonderful ski lift environment where you must ride up the ski lift go around the corner and then try and make this relatively dangerous jump there are multiple points where you get stuck on the terrain and when you eventually reach this point we are going to be filtering the marbles almost in groups of 10 to go down the ramp once they're down the ramp they then need to spin their way down this tube filter on down repeatedly past all of this oh so many turbines and eventually they'll be flying down here onto this wonderful little pathway though it's a dangerous pathway indeed anyway back up to the start we go our top 20 already looking quite Jazzy we've got grumpy cucumber up in there that's always a good name Sid Joe's up there oh my goodness Sid Joe I think got second or third place on the last Marble Race that is incredible he's back in potentially contention to to win the next that'd be one hell of a comeback story oh and our little last marbles onto the track unfortunate soul I don't really think any of these guys stand a chance of even getting close to winning today uh but you know they've tried oh dear RT game's back here oh sorry RT game you get him in the next one back here with rear Admiral snuggles no I thought he was going to do great we have also got another Legend located within his somewhere known as dick Splash now dick Splash uh Rose to fame on the last Marble Race because he managed to exploit his way out of the track and fly into the finish line now it was incredibly glorious highly cheaty and I did disqualify him however there was such an uproar in the comments section that yes dick spash did receive a cash prize for his incredible exploitative nature and breaking by Marvel track and he's joining us here today somewhere in this massive pile of orbs anyway I'll speed up the game a bit and we will now get over to our lovely ski section hopefully we've got a good separation we're only 1 minute and 26 seconds in so very early days for the race but here come our first group nice disembarkment no one fell out of the map and away they go look at them now you do want to build up a decent amount of speed which is challenging to do especially if you're running around the outside lane or potentially bouncing around losing momentum Terminator t-and appears to have taken the front but Chris Barry with an unexpected overtake there goes Terminator goodbye Ry dark Rider who could have seen that one coming around the corner but Terminator was not giving up of course not he's a Terminator he's Unstoppable but it does look like ranin is going to be the first one to this block which is you know a small Advantage now from this point on the game is going to calculate how many riders are sat here and when enough time has passed with the Riders eventually it will release this first group to go and do the slope but part of the challenge here is trying to be part of this first group you want to be at the start of this pack and don't want to be pushed back which is what poor prer is having happen here yep the big old turntable is turn tabling the marbles away oh dear some of the people at the lead are no longer going to be there look we've got Clockwork oros is now up in front but not for long I say oh my this is quite the grinder indeed oh look it's durle is that reference to Marathon no one's ever played that video game why would you call yourself that oh well who knows yes a huge amount of people here look there splatter cat gaming and oh we've got a green light we have a green light a yellow light okay that's our first wave away look at them go and they're going to be released one by one to do this jump come on splattercat Gaming's in it no misses let's go let's go friends good Landing Splendid speed who is the first one down oh it was Captain spacewater and then felt spat all doing good but we'll catch some of these jumps Seymour cavage is there oh my goodness it's Seymour how I've missed him one of my favorite characters but Captain spacewater is now in the lead that other guy who is simultaneously a YouTube member and a patreon apparently has two different marbles both of which were very close to the front I mean I guess that is one way of increasing your odds of winning the marble races is just to have mul multiple accounts we're now onto the Sci-Fi City section of the race which is one of my favorites because if a marble drops down they have to bounce off all of this losing a bunch of speed but if they are lucky they're able to ride this glorious Plank and overtake at high speed which is exactly what these wonderful people are going to do look demented shrew in his glowing wisdom will overtake all of these slower marbles Mr Beast unfortunately he went the slow route that's not going to help him but around the corner we go we've got another giant filter coming up which should help us group up again but this is a fantastic spot to build up speed see if you can get some advantage in my I was not expecting splattercat gaming to make such an incredible Pace into the top 20 he goes very Jazzy indeed oh hazle's up there as well hassle is also technically in this race twice because I put him in as a YouTuber I watched but he is also just a channel member I mean thanks for the money I guess you're my friend you don't have to pay me I guess maybe you do okay don't don't tell everyone that I force my friends to pay me money it's necessary anyway how is the rest of this race going we haven't reached a section where there is a gutter because the gutter does exist it's possible to be knocked off of the track and for our Unfortunate Souls who end up being knocked off into the gutter there's a complicated system pushes them over to here where they will sit in the seating in order to watch our final contestants our first place our second place our third place and also just the other top seven opponents that's right the entire top 10 get to enjoy this everyone else uh they must sit and watch we we have Seymour clavage I was not expecting this is very exciting indeed highly Jazzy jiggly puff up here as well Captain spacewater does indeed seem that most of our folks who were in the lead at the start they have all pretty much dropped off we no longer have our doctor antagonist he might not even be making it to the final bless him oh look here's Dr antagonist I found him again yep he's this glowing orb unfortunately quite a way out my friend indeed this looks to be one of the few final packs coming down I mean I say that look at how many marbles are still coming and jumping jeez who's back here there's so many oh there's Batman the spiffing KN I remember him from the last race he also has a habit of popping up in streams every now and again and we got back here real civil engineer and this looks to be yep the final few groups going out now oh poor souls there Ary game back there yeah he really hasn't seen much improvement he's marbles here unfortunately appear to be stuck rear Admiral snuggles is stuck on the trade though he's going again fantastic and yes in last place it does indeed appear to be uh Xavier unfortunately well hats off to them no marbles lost so far but this is about to change we now have a very tumultuous environment that I would call the Starfield experience because it is Co in Todd Howard and just like Starfield it's a relatively Barren landscape with very confusing purpose but SE more cavages managed to get a storming Advantage the way this setup works is marbles come down and then using the various momentum and gravity you want to drop off to the next level however oh my God Mr Beast what he's in the lead how did you do that youing like 40th Place I mean what what's the point of giving Mr Beast £1,000 that's a drop in the ocean the man doesn't need the money someone else overtake him God damn it you can't let him get away with this we are heading our way to one of our more dangerous locations this is the first appearance of the gutter after our marbley friends get here and drop down there's a small chance they clip off of this wall and land in the River Landing in the river sends you to The Gutter and you're pretty much out of the race but what's the advantage of being first well we have a complicated gate system set up where by the first 10 or so marbles get to sit over here then the next 20 or so sit here and then the rest pile up here and then eventually they're released again is a good way of separating the lead pack has Mr Beast dropped off unfortunately yes he has I believe he's somewhere over here in this pack meanwhile Jan is in the lead come on Jan don't fool good job Jan he's fine in comes Elizabeth Southgate doing Splendid work these do appear to be our lead marbles is that him again it is Mr Beast okay right well he's arrived but he's being swarmed by the masses he been boxed into the corner unfortunate soul oh and we've just had our first victim and it's dutch victim no oh he's fallen to the gutter oh oh this is it for Dutch victim rest in peace you're pretty much out of the race good luck on the next one but yes this is some important separation happening now unfortunately uh yep we've just lost another marble this will increase as various groups arrive marbles are likely to push each other into the gutter not what you want and have we got our leading marbles yes we do Elizabeth Southgate and Jan have arrived the next few marbles have to come up but as soon as we get past oh no only the top two made it in time oh dear well they have a really nice advant vage everyone else was really far behind and then we just have to pile up so we have our lead two marbles our next rather larger pack and then finally the masses are located here oh look potato MC whiskey is in the masses along with poor Mr Beast oh he could have been the winner bless his little soul anyway still hundreds and hundreds of marbles are flowing down the track Captain Dave scratching post has been knocked out along with blue Sonet white shadow all of these poor sausages off to join the losers area although they can cause some chaos later in the the map there is a complicated thing we can have them do whereby they can intercept marbles that are still on the track and knock them out in order to get back in very cheeky but you know it's survival of the Fitters and all that and you might be saying well when does this gate open it's very simple when this work of marble slides down to the bottom we will have the next stage opened up the next stage is rather simple it's a basic track whereby you ride this rather fast ladder and then you must ride the next ladder it's a simple separation setup but after that it gets a little bit complicated it's easy to get caught in these turbines and if you overshoot and get flung out of the turbines it's entirely possible that you fall down to the gutter which is not where you want to be anyway I think our worker marble has just fired yep that is Elizabeth Southgate and Jan released for the world not sure pots is following up the rear this is quite the pack indeed we've got going very Jazzy and oh my goodness and here come the masses it's just a traffic jam at the moment this is madness absolute Madness oh my oh my I I I really really love doing marble tracks if you enjoy watching them please let me know because they are really really fun of of course a huge thank you to tomx for actually making the track today he's not only very good at making beautiful looking tracks but he's great at making complicated and well balanc track so it's been a pleasure working with him today and so be sure to check him out if you enjoy his content I do believe he's making a behind the scenes video on how he made this map anyway Elizabeth Southgate has expanded her lead and she's got a brilliant split hopping over one rung of this ladder Jan can he do the same ooh not quite not quite falling back H there's a gap between the two not good at all and this isn't going to help because smash or pots is catching up here comes Eric with the overtake he leaps over that was glorious now that is what I want to see that's gaming that's high skilled marbling who have we got in last place actually I suppose last place is hard to calculate because oh some poor souls are still stuck back here yeah I think Sid Joe has been pretty much knocked out of the race I haven't seen him catch up at all Mr Beast is back here on the other ladder I think there's probably about 40 or so marbles between him and first place we've got some other favorites demented Drew back here who's this all the way back here splattercat gaming where's the YouTube comment section where are they located at look at this traffic jamp are they just caught up in this oh there's C Brown my head in turn Okay found Yorkshire T Yorkshire T is located over there now unfortunately I can't even find YouTube comments in this race they might have already been gutted and oh no who's this falling back Chambers Chambers games oh dear you're flying straight down the ladder I've never seen that happen that's so devastating oh dear but Elizabeth Southgate is in a good position if get a clean split on the uh turbine segment now nearing the 5 minute Mark of our race all of these poor souls being separated out effectively getting grouped up to wait at this door which continues their Adventure poor souls but yes Elizabeth Southgate is down but uh didn't fall out which is very good o Sky almost did okay round Elizabeth Southgate goes she really needs to get over this lip if she doesn't we're she is in trouble but she's in that's some fantastic marble work can Jan do the same yes he can Blended stuff Eric follows okay oh an atom skeptic the first to fall to this day dangerous environment oh and live from North Korea no that's my one North Korean viewer I only have one seriously there is actually one view from North Korea I have on my channel and that's probably them or at least I like to think so but yes Elizabeth Southgate still doing good relatively slow on this cornering but so is Jan oh dear more and more marbles falling now this isn't good at all I mean if they're lucky it's entirely possible they fall and bounce over into the track saving some seconds going for the overtake but yes we haven't seen that today oh no is this shrew no demented shrew has been lost you were one of my favorites demented shrew what am I to do without you Elizabeth Southgate appears to have maintained some good speed going into here Jan as well has done well our top two haven't really lost their positions it's the rest that are absolutely all over the place it really is anyone's game in this section and who's this is he coming back up he is God damn it look at this man go you don't need this Victory my friend Jimmy please anyway Elizabeth Southgate a couple of rungs ahead Sky Comedia though coming up into third place now oh that's bad from Elizabeth that's a real slowdown will Jan have the same effect I don't think Sky will have the same effect I think Sky will bounce off oh no that was even slower yes Elizabeth has got a relatively clean run now there's another ladder section coming up very important to make this ladder and oh no look at all of these marbles falling now yeah it's much easier to do the spiny turbines when you're not you know being rammed against 27 other marbles I do believe uh yep Elizabeth has made it onto the ladder with a clean transition as well she is up and away is next followed by Sky but Sky's actually on pip Jan at the post that's Jan down into a joint fourth place oh dear how's everyone else doing very good Pace from all the ladder is now starting to get busy this is a section where you also really want to be the first marble onto the post look at him he's coming along why is he here why is he so fast you were meant to be a joke hry oh dear yes lots and lots of marbles today unfortunately falling into the Trap of failure for uninstall please unfortunately you can't uninstall stall a marble but are out now effectively we're riding up this lovely water turbine up into this fantastic section here now this leads to a relatively complex route where you have to slide down and do all of these jumps and if you miss any of the jumps which is entirely possible you get loop back onto this incredibly slow ladder to reset up to the point where Elizabeth is about to be dropped out that's right here comes Elizabeth she'll be dropped out onto here and if she misses the jump she has to get right back up to here to continue so good luck to her but I expect we're going to see a few shakeups in our lead marbles here goodness look at how beautiful this map is how many marbles there are hundreds and hundreds of marbles I can't believe it honestly thank you to everyone who is a member and Patron because thanks to you my job is way more secure than most YouTubers and myself and all of my employees are very grateful and it's also nice just to be able to find incredible creators like Tomic and fund them to make wacky projects like this very exciting indeed anyways Elizabeth away yes she is she's onto the turns and Jan is back in second but the Beast is back and the Beast is f oh dear very dangerous indeed anyway round you go Elizabeth looking very magical indeed okay we've got the first jump don't miss it oh no no no Elizabeth no oh she's missed the first jump right that's back up the ladder to she is not going to be in first place meanwhile Jan fantastic flawless flawless move on the first jump second jump looks like it's going well and it's over for the second jump Jan has made it the Beast is back has followed on Sky unfortunately has also missed oh didn't know if you recover no you're causing problems you're going to probably knock some marbles off oh my goodness this is a dangerous game indeed oh no some of these marbles are going to get kicked back and some might even fall out of the track if they're not careful the beast's back has made their way up to third place look at all of these marbles coming down now anaka no oh dear feeling Krabby is gone rest in peace 64 bit oh you maybe got saved there nope you've just thrown a spanner in the works for poor Tobias Libra has been knocked out by you how evil vengeful Pluto also gone and is this is this him yeah it is it's it's Mr Beast right surely someone's got to knock him out here go on go on he can't have he can't be the luckiest R alive how is he doing this why is he no he's made it without any problems at all poor potato MC whiskey has been knocked out blessive oh no this Captain spacewater has pilot down I remember him from the last Marble Race very Jazzy indeed well we now have another kind of like holding section is how I describe it uh whereby the marbles are grouped up here one by one so we can see it is led by Jan then cage Frost then Maximus then the Beast is back then gird and then all of these wonderful other people bringing up the rear it will group up nicely but if you're near the front it is a huge Advantage you might get trapped when trying to escape may my so many good marbles lost today so many H bomber guy no Powerpuff boy durandal's gone as well oh my goodness he almost made it out the map that would have been dangerous no Joey Lia did Joey no oh you p your soul well uh we've got our kind of lead group and this is probably the top 100 marbles I'd reckon maybe top 80 something like that uh but this does help group our marbles up again and also give an advantage to people who've managed to pull successful overtake speaking of which Hana brow is surprisingly far ahead yes he is he's over here my oh my oh and the timer has been released our worker marble is now working around the side and when they eventually hit this point it is going to release our marbles here allowing them to continue their Adventure now this is also another dangerous spot because if you are hugging this wall you will simply be sent straight to the gutter which is not what you want very dangerous spot indeed however if you don't you'll make your way straight along this wonderful little Aqueduct up this ladder and into the Glorious Big Ben that goes bong this is a nice representation of London see look we've even got all of the great London landmarks like the weird Wi-Fi dish uh the massive Gerkin and the stabby glass thing oh and they've been released okay Jan in the lead have we lost anyone so far nope it's looking good to me Splendid work from everyone here good clean Maneuvers all of these wonderful names coming through John way there's Mr Beast on you can do it you can do it I I believe in you anyone could do it oh dear amazingly we haven't actually lost anyone to this trap which I'm surprised by it cuz in one of my test runs we lost loads of marbles to it so that's pretty unexpected oh there's sidj Jo he's here he's not completely knocked out but uh he's pretty much as close as you can get how's this grouping going okay it looks like we've got our first ladder group set up Jan is already firmly put onto the ladder along with gird Maximus we will see a different person in first place as soon as this ladder comes up because this early split and Escape down the bridge Network it's a bigan and where does it take you well of course it takes you straight this way but there's a risk that you might drop down and take the longer route or be crunched by the YouTube algorithm however the YouTube algorithm is for all of our marbles in the gutter and one of them only only one of them will be selected to go back into the race that's right it's a way back in for all of our lost souls it could be any of them they all have a chance could finally see The Return of demented true yes our work marble must now Ascend up this little rotating thing and then climb here release a trigger right all the way down here and then anyone who is not past where the marble is located is unfortunately going to get filtered out because they are too slow so all of our marbles here really need to get their boots wiggling if they want to try and get back into this race oh my goodness look at all of these marbles getting stuck no York sh te please you are me to be the chosen one I believed in you see more clavage as well oh he's failed this one this has not gone well for any of these marbles look at how stacked this ladder is still seeing more and more marbles come on up turned around oh there's Ry game jez how is this ladder still got marbles on it this is madness oh no there is an absolute mess of marbles going on here just marbles trying to do this jump getting stuck on each other some some of them are escaping it through some of them have made it do they have enough momentum to get over this hill yes they do look at them go come on come on I believe in you yes they've made it good job unfortunately oh so many uh unlucky Souls there's SE more clavage gone again oh you had a chance my friend you've had multiple chances this is like marble Death Match right here okay right the countdown has begun this marble is reaching its bottom where it has waited for 300 marbles to pass and now the switch has been fired oh dear what does this release this releases the next marble to go countd down the clock I do believe it's saying that we have about 194 Racers that have made it into this pen here and you know quite a few that didn't it's a very complicated marble setup but very Jazzy indeed lovely marbles go some of them are currently able to catch back up snipe the Bambi has made it in generalist gaming Retro Gaming look at them go lasting along very impressive and then you get back to here where there is still hundreds and hundreds of marbles uh being blitzed down this massive tube trying to still do this jump and still many are failing oh there goes potato no potato oh oh Souls the thing is I know this isn't my usual content cuz normally I focus on breaking games with glitches but there is something relatively satisfying about breaking a game with wonderful marbles just building a giant mess of a maze having some fun with it and oh my I do believe yep the tower has struck and this final marble is gone and that is it cut off no one else is able to make it all of them are being sent straight into the the gutter oh 305 marbles have made it through everyone else down into the bin goodbye Rio goodbye ghostfish goodbye farewell they tried but unfortunately they probably will not get back into this race unless by some kind of Miracle they're able to jump over this but anyway it doesn't matter our lead marbles are away the ladder is now climbing on up and it will continue and here we go it's away prer does indeed appear to be in the lead and there goes the FPS as well as also the gutter marbles they've all just has been released my oh my this uh this first group has been really shaken up looks like Pratt is in the lead but Yan has not stopped fighting for this top spot which I'm very impressed by but here's the problem there's an entirely High chance that you can miss here and be yeated down into the gutter if you're not careful fortunately for our friends pratz has made it through and even found the shortcut to make it even FAS closely followed of course by the wonderful Yan there goes cage forest in comes ey patch gaming I guess that's also what I do when I think about it I mean most of my videos are spent trying to help patch gaming oh my God Mr Beast is in 20 again again is this him it is him okay right what are you doing here come on at least he doesn't get the shortcut here but he's still in the lead group like what the heck oh he might get pushed out oh no he's he's survived he's made it in all right now this here is a relatively complicated setup whereby um the marbles have to climb a ladder system but if you're the first marble to climb up on the right then you end up at the front this row or the front of the top row and potentially I would say that the best spot you want to be be at the front of the top row because that gives you a nice drop which potentially could give you some speed meanwhile the algorithm is still sorting to try and work out which marble to inject back into the race it may or may not even make it in we don't know there's lots of overtakes happening here oh Dr antagonist is back that was unexpected Mayo my probably in the top 50 at the moment I would say uh but the top 50 is a very contentious spot and where is Mr B standing up which shelf are you going on does indeed look like you're going to be on the second shelf which is looking to be pretty busy or are you going to oh my goodness you managed to perfectly get onto the uh the best spot you could be on the second shelf I'd say you managed to overtake and miss out on this relatively dangerous bottom shelf very exciting now after this section of the YouTube algorithm we are of course passed into the Yorkshire Tea land which in my opinion is absolutely wonderful we've got all of the favorite Yorkshire tees like the jam on toast Brew the red label the Gold label the biscuit brew and even the decaf it's glorious and the dangerous traps of tea of what our marbles must navigate through next highly dangerous if they're not experienced in it of course oh oh one marble has made it through one marble has been selected who are you bro oh King of the Bros brph has made it through and is hopefully going to be reselected back into the race congratulations brf oh and it looks like we're about to get a release come on oh but away we go our lead marbles are now starting to roll out build up some speed cage Forest is in the lead sumerset up north I don't know how that can work out is in second place and schmiddy TR there goes schmiddy TR oh but Pratt has been knocked back not good at all can Mr Beast make it on he appears to have just found a spot onto the ladder he's in 18th position my yes this is already highly contested this run where even is broseph oh my goodness we have a traffic jam we actually have a complete and utter traffic jam these marbles might just be trapped here permanently I'm un sure or they might sort themselves out broseph might be able to actually bypass them here come on brev climb over climb over brev go brev go he's away brev is away he's actually got a decent pace on this my goodness up they go truly truly magnificent indeed and who is actually leading in the gutter oh it's jandel and Joey lemur oh and uh hello there General Kenobi nice of you to join us yes all of the marbles are being churned out of the algorithm right now which if you want to influence of course you can do by giving this video a like that's right it' be very nice of you if you could do that massively helps out the channel and all of that and hey hey if you want to see more stuff like this then why not consider subscribing maybe I could attempt to do a 3 million marble race with 3 million subscribers getting race that might be scientifically impossible I might need a NASA supercomputer but it could be funny we still have marbles in the background failing to do the Blue Water jump section H bless oh cage Forest very smart basically you want to be on the left side and then transitioned over to the right side cuz that avoids most of these little blockers unfortunately it does seem like ah they have been slowed down Sammy Rose has built up some speed though is that a good transition that looks like a good one oh they've slowed down a bit this is where we could see some big overtakes happening they've gone from like 15th and here they are of course you need to be careful you don't drop down because if you do you can be knocked out be slowed on in and there's armchair historian how on Earth is he caught up why have we got two YouTubers in the front pack anyway Sammy Rose coming around the corner now as we can see the gutter crew riding above the York te biscuit Brew I like that that was a nice rhyme but if a marble is very smart like James skin here it's entirely possible to get an overtake going which is what they've done income Schmitty TR Schmitty TR has done it as well very smart yep if you're lucky you can ride this little rail it bypasses a decent section of the track and helps you catch back up and uh yep James midi true has done it and they just fall straight through that cup of tea into the next spiral which is exactly where you want to be oh my Sammy Rose you might have had a brilliant overtake but James skin has done it and shmitty Tru is not far behind all right in comes James skin you need to be careful here of course if you hit this wall here you'll be bounced into the gutter which is not where you want to be luckily for us James skin has managed to flawlessly bypass any of those problems oh no and Schmitty true got caught by this ladder yep if you're sliding down from the te you need enough speed and you need to bounce because if you don't you get caught on the ladder and you get dragged all the way back here like goon is here which is not what you want slows you down massively you really need that speed building up and a good bit of luck to bounce you over come on zero oh can Amber cook do it amut can and that's straight into what I assume is probably fourth position there Mr Beast did not make the jump greed freed come on Greed he's done it Splendid stuff that's how you get back up into the top pack but no greed freed watch out for the wool friend watch out for the wool oh no oh they're going to cause a problem here yep they've lost all momentum to get over that hill and they've knocked out Joseph bow oh and this has been a nightmare Sammy Rose has also been slowed down we've got a bit of traffic jam congestion here this is terrible this could take out so many different entrance meanwhile in the lead I'm guessing it's still James gin yep James gin torman Amber cook midy true all doing good oh this is madness Somerset up north has managed to make it up and over claiming a nice new top position as well Mr Beast has been slowed down I do believe that's going to be him completely out of the race now uh it's just not going to be possible for him to get back in Goodbye Mr Beast you tried into the gutter you go I was very impressed by that as far as like a marble goes his was definitely all over the place right now in terms of this next section the marbles must climb up this very tall ladder and then go around in the Christmas Wonderland where the presents are beautiful and simply roll around and try not to get hit off the track once you make your way around uh you want to make sure to avoid the gutter marbles that are flying by because they can knock you down into this gutter track and then once you go around here it's also possible for you to get grinched as we like to call it whereby you go over these ladders that can push you to the left where you'll join all of the other gutter Goblin if you don't however you can make it all the way along this wonderful blue section start moving on to the next Zone anyway James skin is coming up now to the top of the present track how many marbles are we losing here quite a few indeed my fair well friends farewell bro no no there's brph no you were the chosen one don't go back into the gutter brph brph no oh dear brph is gone oh there's YouTube likes Goodbye YouTube likes oh dear broseph you were the chosen one you were supposed to Bro harder than anyone else ever before unfortunately it wasn't to be James skin uh is now going to be waiting up here uh for a delay to happen and then once enough marbles pile up behind him it's the race through the Christmas Wonderland oh my goodness they've got an early Advantage uh both torman and James skin are off immediately through the present Wonderland James Skin's been knocked to the side toan is going good split from tooran he's not even on this list up here has he he must have skipped a checkpoint somehow it's entirely possible he's actually exploited which is very interesting cuz I didn't even see it happen but tomman needs to be careful because if he does not go swiftly he can be knocked down into the gutter you've got to build up speed on this slope friend build up speed torman go jump oh and he's fine of course fine don't worry we would do that to our lovely friends go Amber cook make the Glorious jump wee there we go safely Traverse same for James skin as well easily across here goes shmidi true now for a moment there's a Blocker on the gutter balls because we want our lead pack to still be relatively safe here so they've managed to make their way along tomman is doing a splendid job I must say amber Cooks coming up into the second place though and tomman has made it past the grinching Zone very good indeed James skin oh James Skin's lost oh almost had it friend and I'm Cook's gone as well oh my goodness are two of our top three are gone Schmitty true it's now up to you you could do this schmidi he's made a first clean Grinch Dodge can he get the second can he get the second who that's a jump he's made it Schmitty TR straight into second place oh my goodness with torman 84 the exploiter all right Inc come the next few marbles benger's gone vodka's fine sumers setup North has made it Matthew Davis is gone there a Matthew murder I believe this is one of the sections where I think having more marbles actually in a pack is super period and just being a solo marble at the front because it's very likely a second marble will actually push you from behind and get you over the line still this section is Then followed by our water turbines that eventually lead down to the wonderful Tower Bridge before swimming on over into the Volcano World because every good marble track needs a volcano world all right and our first marble is away it's torman I still have no idea where he actually places on this race because um yeah there's there's not another marble actually behind him because he's not even on the leaderboard so no idea how he got here quite crazy indeed wait hang on a second I'm unsure how this has happened but uh some kind of Miracle uh brph has made it back into the race I'm not too sure how but evidently they must have clipped the track at some point as they've uh made it through the route I mean they're not in the lead pack but it's entirely possible they could make it to the ladder brph this could be your moment this could be the miracle our people have been waiting for go brph go he's made it to the ladder ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness completely unexpected up bruev goes oh there's Ono Sendai from the St of the race I remember that there's freaky man he's someone I play CS goo with so many glorious marble races oh and the turbines are a go I completely missed this but Away We Go zy game back there but it looks like something complicated has happened as bite my tail is very much in the lead I think our tool friend is gone yes tool is gone now it is bite my Tails time to shine can they make the bridge no my goodness no they fell in the gutter oh no you were in first place you straight up flew out of the map oh dear this is the danger of going Too Fast Too Furious that is unfortunately another very powerful lead marble taken out of the race and our work of marble is beginning the journey down to lower the bridge and allow these marbles across these are our lovely lead marbles in fact one marble is ever so slightly ahead of the other NEX or E H has somehow managed to pile on top of all of the other Marbles and just kind of nudge their way to the top it's a little bit cheesy but of course we like cheesy things we've also had some unexpected resurgences generalist gaming who was very much at the back of the pack and has almost all of this tournament has made it somehow right the way up to the start right a bang was sounded which I presume can only mean ah the great filter has begun oh no these unfortunate marbles did not make the cut to the tower bridge and so they've been sent over into the gutter goodbye freaky man goodbye James Del and I do believe that means goodbye broseph cuz brph was definitely in that group back there unless yet another miracle has happened down to not many marbles being left we've probably got about 40 or 50 marbles Maybe they've grouped up very well oh no torban 84 is still here he was just buried away in the pack somewhere you're looking at what is likely going to be the final of today's race now when it comes to the volcano marbles are basically sent through and then they're heated up on a massive platform and fired out of the top of the volcano this is of course simultaneously very speedy and very dangerous as you can be flung out of the top of the volcano and be thrown off of the map however if that is not the case you will eventually Traverse your way down safely from the mountain and you should be able to avoid the gutter if all things go well you'll be able to ride aboard this lovely pirate ship we constructed all right now our first view volcano entrance should be arriving soon yep it's Daniel Halls the first one to go up he comes and back down he goes here comes torman big jumper this time and several of them did indeed make it Daniel Hall has is back up he's gone for a second shot very successful Robin DBL is flying down the mountain now it's actually Daniel Hall Havoc UK and IM messaging flying along Chambers gaming I think has potentially been yep knocked out into the gutter goodbye Chambers gaming that's just part of the challenge of volcano navigating Havoc UK though with an insane overtake spiraling around very successful look at them go oh so powerful indeed right around the corner you go Havoc UK I like how because of the way the race system works the checkpoints are a little wonky so apparently um not Willie Wonka but Willie bonka is um in in first place uh I don't know where he is on the map if I had to guess he's probably actually in a gutter somewhere uh but he might have been part of this lead group if he ends up winning now I'm going to be absolutely terrified oh my goodness there's cannons the Cannons fire at the octopus yeah this map is absolutely incredible oh there once was a ship that went to sea it was of course filled with tea there we go we firing even more cannons what a lovely map this is truly incredible now one thing I will do to check is uh make sure that no marble has accidentally made its way to the Finish Line no it hasn't uh this can happen you know when you have a huge amount of marble track oh my goodness all over the gutter marbles these are the gutter marbles that are queuing up and eventually they'll be pushed down here and file onto the seats yeah there's a lot of gutter marbles jeez there's a lot of cannon fire now shooting at that poor little octopus and this is yep the final group we have going up and we'll be making the way hopefully close to the Finish Line we will see all right and our first few marbles are about to be off it's Ian Christmas Daniel Hall Havoc UK and I'm messaging all going around the corner the octopus has been absolutely obliterated by cannon fire from the Royal Navy oh IM Ming has been bounced back oh that's going to slow you down Havoc UK looking like they have the lead now round the in Christmas gos right and then they need to make their way onto the ladder which is quite a challenging feat indeed but all three of our lead marbles P have made it onto the exact same track section here which is very impressive indeed we got one nice big group we are nearing the end this is where things get a little bit dangerous they're going to going to eventually be put onto this lovely Tower and sent down this massive bridge where they'll be pushed around via these cogs and mechanisms till they ascend to this lovely Beacon where they are then looped around and sent into the final Straits they're unlucky they will of course fall into the gutter but if they succeed they will Ascend up this stairway ride on down here and climb up into the golden Zone where we store all of our lovely precious gold this of course leads onto the final stretch where our finishing marbles will be grouped up here and then is a final fin Mad Dash Sprint they make their way into the giant Dome and they must drop down and continue on for absolutely final leg with just one minor hurdle as they Bank around the corner and secure their spot only the first three will make the podium and only the first 10 will even survive yes our top marble has actually come out now it is Daniel Hall he's made it up ladies and gentlemen an unexpected Resurgence from this fine distinguished gentleman speeding his way along the bridge to Victory made his way into a cog that was actually very good speed and there's not another marble for actually quite a while behind him yeah the next spot is Ian Christmas which is quite a timely name considering the festive season and then we've got bbbb on yeah Daniel Hall in with an absolutely Splendid lead if he actually makes his way over to there first then he triggers the timer and it's entirely possible he won't have that many marbles to race against he could just have a clean shot at the Finish Line provided he doesn't get pushed out of the track very luckily he managed to survive there round and down he goes yeah look at this Daniel H's already made it all the way around this spiral just as bbor is catching up this is quite a uh quite a tight race oh some people have falling off oh dear yeah these cogs are dangerous things very dangerous indeed got to build up enough speed and get going like generalist gaming there did you don't want to get knocked out when you're this close to finishing now this system here is a little bit complicated because if your luck is not with you you can be sent to this red path here on the red path you will immediately be transferred into the gutter instead what you want is you want to hit these blocks wait for the timer to go and hope that your block is one of the outside ones they should be able to build up slightly more speed and momentum on the corner meaning you will have the pace needed to make this jump first that is what is being aimed for and I messaging unfortunately it's a late guttering for you goodbye Marie might be actually following them next oh Marie oh oh you very much just saved there oh that was close but it's around this corner we go now bbor is technically in the lead but not really I think Daniel Hall should have this look at this brilliant speed going on this slope and yep they will now trigger the timer on this well oh my goodness some marbles may or may not get pushed off in this dangerous spot hard to say oh another mbl's being knocked out who was it it was John goodbye John Ian Christmas is there Hellen Christmas Comes generalist gaming Sparkle Fritz oh Daniel Hall almost got knocked off right the fire has started Rising you know what that means time to go just two more sections to go oh there's the ding oh my you know what that is it's probably Darude Sandstorm right the marbles are away it looks like Ellas Lots is actually in the lead followed by Daniel Hall here we got Steven Brown as well quite a spicy pile on all of these marbles have pretty much been bundled onto one spot there's only a couple of marbles behind them now I don't think anyone else is going to be following them unfortunately okay no no there are actually a couple provided they're not horrifically unlucky like John Sparks here yep goodbye John Sparks oh dear you could have had a near Podium finish right some of the final few cutaways here and also the final few trap really don't want to be pushed out of the map this late in the game oh no and there goes Vodka it's entirely possible vodka will be pushed off here no David Sherman is gone along with Justin gods and punk is gone and vodka's been left trapped generalist gaming is pretty much pulling into the first spot though Spirit of the north is caught up and look at them go right they get get bundled up here Joey lemur generalist gaming Spirit of the north all piled into one spot up they climb may may was not expecting to lose so many good marbles here final section but it makes sense it's a dangerous dangerous game final Sprint is upon us oh my I'm very very excited how tense it could be anyone of them any one of these marbles not many of them left I think we started with almost 1,000 marbles almost 1,000 Marbles and this is what it's come down to it's come down to schmidi true he's been absolutely true to himself Sparkle Fritz who let's be real we haven't really seen much of this race Joey lemur is here Schmitty Tru has made it through that's a good spin good release oh my this is the final Sprint you really need a good bit of pace on this generalist gaming have you got some good speed yes you have little bit of slow down or momentum there couple of marbles have been getting stuck on this this little bit oh Schmitty TR is really storming ahead now but it does all come down to this little spiny TR can you keep up the speed can you keep true to yourself a couple of other marbles like journalist gaming will be knocked back a bit in com Schmitty true Joey lemur Sparkle Fritz the top three at the moment but they have to loop on round and they have to get down the hole some say any hole is a goal but this is the actual goal it's the most important hole genuinely there is effectively £1,000 down here if you can get a digital marble down there first I only enjoy the highest Stak sporting of course that is why we do what we do on this channel these are our final 11 marbles ladies and gentlemen no one else has made it they've all been eliminated each and every one of them in someone's opinion does deserve this win and you could be cheering for them now you could go add a new comment who do you think could win Joey liem is the first one down but he's actually heading backwards which is not what you want same for schmiddy True they've gone in the wrong direction which has let Sparkle Fritz Jump On In Sparkle Fritz is currently in the lead oh my goodness this is it this is it we get to the Finish Line Sparkle Fritz it's looking like you've got a clean Victory to Sparkle Fritz ladies and gentlemen second place Joey Lema thirdd Place Schmitty true ladies and gentlemen that is the race complete oh my goodness what a glorious Victory oh look at him the wonderful the legendary Sparkle Fritz wins ladies and gentlemen front of this wonderful crowd of peers and marbles he has done it the ultimate Victorious marble so impressive so magnificent well done everyone my goodness that is the race complete in about 17 minutes this took slightly longer of course because I had to play the game on the lower speed so that I could actually have some FPS jeez what an adventure this was one heck of a track shout out to all of our finalists didn't make the podium Steven brown red Griff Ethan Ard Havoc UK generalist one of my Victoria free YouTubers Elias lot Timothy wheeler and Marie likeo for making it here but unfortunately that's the end of the race ladies and gentlemen they all tried but only 10 could make it to the end we can actually go through this list of all of the races today um it's just going to keep on loading because there's quite a lot of them in fact we can scroll to the bottom and see who is statistically meant to be the worst marble it might take 5 hours for it to render in but someone was at the end look at all these wonderful marbles in the crowd they all tried today they all really really did try look they YouTube likes they almost made it all the way to the end same for Seymour clavage but unfortunately only one marble can win and that means that the legendary and illustrious Sparkle frits will be walking away with $1,000 because they've somehow manifested the greatest marble of all time okay I found Mr Beast in the search list apparently he was marble number 361 in the end right who's at the bottom oh Phoenix 12399 rest in peace you were a leg edly the worst marble of the track I don't even know where you made it to where even is this you're back here at the start you never even left the ski slope oh my goodness they somehow clipped into the map oh you got flung off for Phoenix they missed out on like several hundred miles of marbling yes thank you very much for watching today thank you for liking the video thank you for subscribing and of course a huge thank you to our lovely patrons and members for helping fund this channel thanks you guys myself and the team are very lucky to have a secure stream of income this Christmas so thank you very much for your support and hey if you want something to watch next then I strongly recommend you either go and watch for the first time or rewatch The Last Marble Race we did it was glorious and if you want to see more of these and maybe even a live stream then let me know in the comments section and hey maybe we can do marble race live anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 189,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, marble world, WORLDS BIGGEST MARBLE TRACK, marble track, biggest marble track, biggest marble, longest marble run, exploit, exploit the game, epic marble run, marble race, marble runs, game exploit, the Spiffing Brit, marble races, marble world game, marble racing, marble tournament, marble game, game, marble machine, marbles, marble
Id: dWjgmSFBhos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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