How I Won Jerma's House Flipper Tournament

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we've been very kindly invited to German 985's house flipper tournament we are all going to flip a house we have 75 minutes on the clock and we're all going to be competing against each other by the way this whole thing is horseshit none of this matter wow I'm glad I don't give it away they're all on this house and they're all going to be graded on five categories creativity is number one it's worth 35 of your total grade complexity and structure is your second grade this is worth 25 of your total grade cleanliness is worth 15 of your total grade philosophy is worth 15 of your total grade what does philosophy mean we'll find out because I don't know either the last grade is worth ten percent and it is chat's grade that will be a very simple A B C D or f f is always 55 points you can't go lower than 55 points do we have any questions have you revealed that you are going to build a real full-scale replica of the winning house yet so the dollhouse too this is the location no not yet but that's uh that's that's a great idea you have 75 minutes as of three two one I'm not ready I'm not ready okay all right I have a plan so we need to clean up this home to start with we're gonna shave a little bit of time off the most famous house in the world is 742 Evergreen Terrace from The Simpsons so I can expand this out I actually have the advantage I've actually played this game before which is like something that like not a lot of people in the lobby can actually contest to so that should actually help me uh significantly on this okay that's all right I can I can just link it up later I can just link it up later I can fix it in post door is backwards it's a work in progress right you don't you lock it from the outside all right get get a nicer door going a Terry exterior door for our Simpsons there we go how do I how do I fill this in okay you can't even tell you won't even be able to tell wait how how do I fill this hole I fill it sorry German this is this isn't cheating to just ask you a question mid contest is it no no no you you you're in fact the second or third person who's done this oh thank God thank God okay how do I fill in an existing hole hole in the house like in the concrete foundation like there's just gaps in the walls and I want to put wild in there so you are going to hold right click okay and you have build inlets or a build uh walls and lintels what I'm imagining is you want to replace the garage door is what you're saying you know I I've I found a solution it's Grand thank you so much thank you he's gonna hate us I heard nervousness in that voice what if I what if I just sell the entire house can I just start over I think it might let me okay I can still make it work now it's gonna be a bit more cramped than usual what I can do is if I buy a photo what this will do is it'll give you the impression that in there is the living room [Music] that's where it goes just need a door I just need a door perfect okay you're not gonna be able to tell you're not gonna be gonna be buying that a plant we're gonna mask this from all angles so you won't be able to tell what happened here okay okay there's the hall and I can put like some bedrooms in here need to get the other it's a [ __ ] I have to paint the exterior we we have to get the pink paint down but we're gonna be in Fierce trouble I mean that raspberry Aura this is this is The Simpsons I need a few buckets of this ain't it all we gotta get the color right this is essential for the tunnel what do you mean it's not pink oh YouTube's not wait what am I thinking of I'm mixing I'm making the flatten juice Wait no that's perfect no one knows what the Flanders house looks like this is this is Ned Flanders home no one knows what it looks like you're gonna tell me you have a pinpoint memory of what the flanderson residency looks like I can just say whatever the [ __ ] I want and No One's Gonna Know No One's Gonna Know Vietnam Flanders house YouTube in the right color Menses in this color no no one will remember we can't keep changing it YouTube it could work really well as Barbie's Dream Home couldn't it I can make a Barbie house I can make a Barbie house it's easy to get rid of this damn wall Barbie needs a pool and it also needs to be like a really clean shaven lawn there we go Barbie's Dream pool is established it needs to look like everything is made of plastic we only have 30 minutes left I'm gonna have to like have a massive sales pitch to kind of sell past this I can do it I can do it Arty you're [ __ ] you have to decorate I'm going to okay I need I need to clean up like some of like the Crackdown Vibes that we've got at the moment with these walls I need to get rid of this I'll lose Max okay now it needs window just just I don't need to know oh the plants no plants I'm gonna need a little more than that get him down get him down get him down oh I missed this so I can't have that on the site I have a I didn't even see this it's gonna be stopped [ __ ] okay there's no time I need I need Furniture really open floor plan I need to love it I don't have time for I need I need a shitload of one good plant give me a good plant and I can I can I can win it the Swiss cheese flat I can make it work I can make it work Barbie absolutely does not have hay fever she loves her cheese this is Barbie's beach house okay I need I need to finish painting that bit of wall sand is there sand yes keep the bits of green and I could I can sell this I can sell this I need a little more furniture and I can sell it I'm gonna base it off of the toys it's like that's why I just like a little furniture and that inside because that's how it would be this is like an old Barbie playset I'm gonna lie and say this at my grandmother's house it was actually roughly based on this I'll sell sell the flame thrower oil come on come on this will get me some points this will get me some points okay and now I need a Barbie picture I need a picture of Barbie because this is Barbie welcoming you into our home okay and now I just need like some um what what kind of things are you associate with Barbie fashion close this is a clothesline um he's laundry room okay it works it works ah come on come on here we go this can be the bathroom there's no Plumbing I don't I don't have time to plug I don't have time for plumbing [Music] it'll have to do make it look look I don't know just we got it we don't vlog [ __ ] I can be careful with my camera angles and I will not show that I will not show that it is time I've never been more stressed in my entire life me too man how are you all doing do you guys want an extra 10 to 15 minutes I would actually like no extra time because I think everybody else has messed up and I don't think five minutes will help me I need like 45. I agree I second that yeah guys I don't think we did as bad as we thought first of all before we went to the house I want to make sure that you see all of my it's so compressed as you watch the bathroom here I did an interior decorating here that shows that I got a sense of humor in the you know face of Terror now if you might notice there's a picture William Defoe looking at you yeah I thought I was gonna ask about that there's only uh to encourage you know I don't think we did too bad I don't think we did it's the Green gobbler and as you can see picture Willem the foe you go in here and this is dedicated to the man so as you've all heard German chats um there's an air conditioning unit here that lets you smoke the gas to turn into Spider-Man and ladies and gentlemen happy birthday Jeremy happy 60th we are so proud of you buddy hahaha have a race and cake I'm gonna pull you back a few points on philosophy on this one because I actually don't really like raisins that much at all a bunch of spiders in the ceiling but don't worry the spider infestation problem is mostly resolved though um cleanliness germa it's your streamer room oh you got your Reddit shelf over here how did he do this in time God damn there's so much air this is gonna be hard to compete I don't have a single German reference in my build I definitely I don't have a single reference your philosophy and theming I'm going to give you a I'm going to give you an 86 well I'll give you I'm gonna give you a 90. actually oh no you did have a pretty good theme Here RV stream houses cool you are at an 87.6 is your final grade that's a B plus oh my God yes is funny or creative your tubes if we want to talk if we want everybody want to say anything about uh Joel's house before we move on to Sea Dog is anyone else going to get the the points benefit for PS2 Graphics in the Discord preview genuine question oh God you are essentially the guy that we all are here to impress and I noticed that in a lot of my favorite countries they tend to have pictures of the guy in charge on walls okay quick pause as we're going on the tour I think I know how we win this every house is a [ __ ] post but we actually tried and I think if we come present it at a point of interest from a genuine Love of the Game despite me never having played any of the DLC I think we have a very strong chance because from Jeremy's point of view although this is very funny this is an Abomination is there Furniture in your house yes you were talking about creativity you were talking about complexity I thought why not merge the two comp Concepts into one uh and take some kind of it's just like the signal that you've gone the wrong way oh but you didn't put like a piece of cheese down on the ground creativity points deducted by too why would I reward them for going the wrong way is not on the ground that's deducted by two points you can clearly see that it's not painted thus you must not go this way wait I have loads of cheese my plants are swiss cheese is that pizza there's a cat with a pizza it is peanut butter chocolate another paint bucket on the ground he got lost in the morning your complexity and structure grade right now is a 65. all right what's the last room let's see it was actually another door but there's the furniture all right all right I'm gonna have to here we go so the cleanliness problem was there was two paint cans on the ground and the issue with the paint cans is you did you'd had a good cover for the first one but this is gonna sell my paintings strawberry ice cream your overall grade is actually not that bad your overall grade is a 75.6 that's a full C so I just learned how to play house flipper yesterday and I was under the impression that this is a house flipper competition no so I have um okay all right that's oh that's pretty damn good that's pretty good with that the majority of the time was spent making sure that all the little details like the exterior were taken care of we got different it's it's extremely clean but look at the fish I can fill it with food oh you actually can go upside down oh yeah wait do we do that again the wrong way is that enough Ward on the table yeah yeah that's my award for getting first place oh and uh yeah that philosophy I'm gonna have to give you a 95 on that right now that's a philosophy I'm sorry I gotta apologize we presented the um the house in the wrong way I I want to make sure I win the house flipper competition after all Alex I don't know if anyone's gonna beat you it took so long to get all these other beautiful deals you might only have houses so that um I I had to choose my focus it's clean oh but it's twisted that way all right yep the majority of the time was spent this was phenomenal I didn't even do it every corner of the garage I I forgot the garage you didn't just put everything in here right you didn't just put all the chairs and stuff no wait what's up two cars in this two-car garage I never okay using for cars I never opened it your total final grade congratulations italics you are currently The Head of the Class with a 96.5 Jesus so yeah the yard is your basic yard it's just kind of you know natural it's just I left it natural I gave a little Koi pond nothing nothing special in there um but I feel nice I can tell you the feature of the house is you know we got some nice paint let me take you inside so as you can see here I've got furniture um we don't go in this room and wait wait wait wait wait wait go back open that door I need to see the whole house leave and close the door uh don't show me that again yeah there's definitely a nice uh vibe to the room I tried to find sand flooring but I like this better the chicken from friends here's the gamer uh chair the desk uh there's a gun next to the gamer chair I'm just I'm just asking a question why isn't there a gun next to the gamer chair okay here here okay okay fair um here's the bed but then here we have Mike probably I don't know the Grimace room you could call it there was an accident did you paint the outside of the house purple because this Grimace room existed and that was the first thing you did and then you said [ __ ] I can't just make a Grimace house yeah I knew the Grimace room would have to be okay like really important to the room yeah any I I think you might be pleasantly surprised by this grid you got an 83.8 that's pretty good I'll take it huh a fallout shelter are you saying that uh maybe something like the this world that we're in is kind of a post-apocalyptic one per chance and maybe there's like some some mess out here left right you know the the [ __ ] fall of humanity maybe have you thought about that are you familiar by the way with the uh the whole you know Barbie movie Oppenheimer um kind of uh you know oh no don't don't be Barry inside everyone's always don't be Barbie inside oh no so I thought what if we made a fallout shelter right because Oppenheimer that was themed after Barbie I can't believe croaking also did Barbie I can't we both hit Barbie hop over this uh what happened here well this is the fish room as you can see um so we have a little brick uh fish here in the corner moving on we have uh this is the neon room and over here at the corner we have my little rat rat friends now we're entering the dog room can I stop you for one second yep yep sure you started this with a philosophy of 95 because you told me at the entrance that this was a Barbie Oppenheimer house just give me your philosophy on this like did that change when halfway through we can get points counter you with this does Barbie not have a dog I don't know we were consistent I don't know either but that's why I charge it from Simpson so he doesn't need to know that this is over here every good house needs a toilet um and we also have the piss buckets for uh oh those are key those are you're not getting higher than a 60 in cleanliness this is not happening I'm sorry we have buckets for them they're not on the ground now what if I threw this out there Plants versus Zombies I gave you a point Philosophy for that all right great um and then moving on oh you got it Go room uh we have Feast rise on the point of this whole maze here we go uh all about Good Vibes over here I got you an 85 for creativity because you really pulled me in with the whole Oppenheimer Barbie house yeah thank you and I dropped some scores elsewhere because it turned out that that was just a bait and switch and you um you grabbed us if your whole house had been a Barbie house it probably would have been a lot higher yes yes you got a 78.4 that's a c plus I'll take it let's take a look at the outside the outside you know there's a little dirty poke it's a little dirty on the outside I didn't really have time to clean the outside you know but uh okay all right it's not about what is out anyways it's about what is inside this is the streamer room I now I didn't have any photos on my PC I only had sponsor photos well you have one of those banned lawn chairs the most uncomfortable things make sweaty I thought it was comfortable marks all over your whole body I'm gonna have to take some points off of that now here's the kitchen I see just for every door garage doors can I see what's the painting on the ball here on this this side wall if you turn the left it's a window oh that's a window oh that'd be beautiful yard every house needs air well turn around let me see the beautiful yard again let's go upstairs yeah let's take a look upstairs [Laughter] in that room what's in that room how did you do this yeah [Laughter] all right you're gonna have to get an extra few points for that this is for like the rich who just want to throw off burglars and stuff you know like imagine you came in and you know you'd have no idea how to get there it would throw me off because it did throw me off because I actually did not know if it was a real somebody hit it on doors all right so you are at an overall grade of 87.5 which puts you Joel had 87.6 italics is one you know what they say if you do not learn from history it is doomed to repeat itself we are going to do in homage to H H ohms do you know who that is I don't well I'll I'll show you I'll show you because because first and foremost um okay okay oh say can you see why the dawn's early like um you just blew it up no it was a it's an explosive entry it's like okay okay yeah he was America's first serial killer and he operated out of Chicago during the Chicago World Fair he uh fell into some affluence through his family and through killing the leader of a pharmacy and taking over said Pharmacy and through that was able to create the Murder Castle this feels like a book report Ludwig we love mazes well no this is not a maze corner I'm not I'm not like uh H Holmes used several different contractors to make his house that way no individual except for him knew the layout of the home he would then use it as a hotel during the Chicago world fair that people would stay at and from the second floor he would have a a trap door to bring people to the first floor don't worry about this this is just to show the explosiveness of the trap door bro all right that's pretty cool that's actually pretty cool okay I'm gonna have to get we're starting a little bit High here the way H.H Holmes would kill all his victims was by having them go through a trapdoor into the basement where they'd be eaten alive by rats that's terrifying yeah it's horrifying yeah you're cleanliness just went down 10 points this is uh I hope an eye-opening about the dangers of the past and how not knowing them could make them happen in the future philosophy you get a 91 that's an a that's an A Minor history lesson you are at an 83.2 for your final score that is a B minus now look I enjoyed hearing Ludwig's origin story as much as the next guy there have been some great houses here today but germa I'm ready to take you to the happiest place on Earth okay dudney land a legally distinct version of Disneyland with everybody's favorite mascot Dicky Mouse let's uh let's start let's let's go to uh Dickies Toontown everybody loves Toontown um you have all your favorite characters yeah like Goofy and docky and um cow this might be a bit scary we're gonna head into Haunted Mansion next you're gonna notice that Haunted Mansion is actually yes Sea Dog amaze and as we go in oh God sorry sorry um there's terrifying photos up on the walls you don't know which direction you're going I genuinely don't remember where the ending is um Connor your maze was just like a curly cute with with pictures from here computer but this is what is this slander no I'm just saying this is like the first real Maze of the night I won't stand for the low marks but I will not have you diss my maze oh come off of it what is this I can't believe the blade and toxicity in the house flipper Community what is the philosophy of the placement of the technological cubes because they look a little scattered yeah have you um seen the movie Alien yes it was random I just put them everywhere can I can I can you do me a favor yeah would you go to the garage are you talking about germ reversal Studios that place is a dump my Park is much better don't go anywhere near Universal dog dog what's that right there in the lower left next to the door oh um that somebody um Miss to park their car in the wrong spot Doug the door is not dugged in the door is not even in there why was the garage the parking lot germa germa um excuse me hold on good point in um every other contestant has been spot checked on the corner next to the garage it's true and we see the corner of the garage um if the park is successful enough we will purchase germ reversal Studios and just kick them out of here 96 oh zero thank you Chef I actually gonna quote germa here if your whole house is a Barbie house it would have been a lot higher when he was a viewing Creighton's house um I've actually produced a classic no Barbie Dream House let's make our way on side but first and foremost I haven't just left this out here what do you mean you haven't left it out here get some strawberry ice cream take with you oh so let's step on inside the idea was to try and get the classic feel of a traditional Barbie playhouse you know so it's a bit plasticky feeling as you go through it but the colors uniform have a little Elegance of style you have a nice Windows you have your lights I tried to kind of really base it on kind of like the earlier ones from the 60s when Mattel were making these way way back so we've actually got Open Access back just so you can kind of get your hands in there you know if you're playing with as a kid you've got your kitchen unit of course you can play with it too you also have a complete poolside Beach area we've sanded it down a lot of the garden here but also some grassy patches just to try and make it look distinct gotta get the Barbie Brandon in here as well sure you get a lot of stickers of Baraboo in these old playsets too just to really kind of hammer home what it is you know they're big on the brand and they were back in the day hold on pause for a second pause but this is all very wonderful you've even got the little dirt you've got the dirt under the bench yeah because you're swinging on it and like because your legs are gonna kick some of it away we thought about that yeah that's just like you you've shaped it you've sculpted this this is this is a sculpture this is a sculpture you've made obviously you're way too kind uh if we take a look upstairs we try it again to just try and give this kind of an open feel and we got all the essentials here is all of Barbie's clothes with the walls not pink a time constraint no no it was actually it was a deliberate choice we wanted the kind of the contrasting background because it makes these walls pop more if you actually have a brick wall on the back and actually they Incorporated that in some of the classic Barbie dream houses I'll have you know my grandmother had one that true someone look that up is that true somebody looked that up if it's true I'll I'll put it higher um now we do have one bit now this is classic and I debate is doing it this way okay um there is extensive use of stickers in old Barbie homes especially for details like toilets and that because you only get so much plastic in the set so you they make you really yes they make use of sticker elements for some of these features in the house because otherwise it'll just ramp up the retail price and I want to try and stay true to the vision of it being a toy and you know affordable in that sense Ludwig Ludwig this is a history lesson and it's not about a guy that murdered people um we can hop back outside we have working lights as well we wired all these up they work you have working lights only one that made working lights in the whole game well I mean like somebody else have working lights and functioning electricity I did I just forgot to show it but yeah oh okay he's already killed no it's all right it's all right you're sorry you've already died already now we can just sit by the pool with our lovely strawberry ice cream and just soak in the day uh RT can you open the garage please so I did think about the garage in official dream houses back in the day the garage would actually be sold separately as would Barbie's car so it's not included uh I actually wanted to remove the garage entirely in the property because to kind of hammer home that idea of it being sold separately because it wouldn't be included that would be a separate playset and that and we're focused on Barbie's Dream Clubhouse here can you check the corner to the left of the garage it's clean oh you keep you get to keep the 100 on clean no don't worry attention to detail like you know I I want to keep the guard in kind of nice pristine and proper um I really like actually I kind of like adding the sand in this um as we were going about too I just thought I'd add it a bit just sort of a bit of contrast from like kind of just modern Suburbia that you're getting here and like everyone's just doing kind of grassy Gardens I thought it would look a bit more distinct and against the idea of kind of this dream Clubhouse and thinking of the beach and things like that yeah the the stand is is bringing me to the beach that's really wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful this is going to be you're going to be it's gonna be close or you might be ahead of the classical chat's greatest ladies and gentlemen RT game is currently at The Head of the Class with a 96.65 one tenth of a point higher than us Alex oh my God I actually can't believe five tenths of a point higher than Doug Doug we got one more we've got yes yes [Music] uh it's a it's an orphanage um specifically it's a hundred thieves cash app orphanage uh is what we've made here and if you're wondering about the windows that the boards are supposed to be there again it's it's tough to get funding for an orphanage so they kind of make make do with what's going on with the window well is there a window you got a window here on next to the door to the right yeah oh no like this one is that part of another window we might have it it's not natural light has a future careers and carousels I wanted to show you this we do like this is still here but when the kids turn 14 that's where they go drink juvie and look we can get you outside laughs don't put the camera I'm gonna have to give you your final grade now and then an 85 for chats grade which gets you to a grand total of 72.4 with a [Music] 96.65 RT game I is your is your head of the class honestly in shock thank you so much deserved thank you so much I was gonna complain but it looks so good 96. point 55 is italics um I think we should just round up 96.05 we have Doug Doug so those are your those are your top scores I can't believe it I can't believe we actually won not even clickbait we did it thank God he didn't notice that wall what if we were to write germa's house all of us no that's what we're doing I have two or three thousand hours in this game I would I would demolish any of you in a challenge anyways oh did you just have a 180 in your opinions I think you just did we've got the galley grub there is your ordering station Squidward sits right here unbelievably complex complexity philosophy theming idea of the bathtub being the thing that he sits behind no it is pretty accurate to the Krusty Crab I'll give you that um oh crap this is pictures in the corner somebody hacked my computer and did this part uh Gmod map on TTT what's going on oh oh what's going on here hang on all right I think you want someone to climb down from the ceilings now on philosophy I don't know just because of that hatch to access the toilet because like what have you just taken a [ __ ] and someone like climbs down from the ceiling like yeah that's some weird philosophy I don't know oh but did you have Fred in your place oh he's so cute oh he does have friends he does have friends okay that's got to be worked up he does a Fred 84.65 that looks especially you're doing an exam and the teacher just takes at the end it's like I did better than you me yeah well hey germa you know congratulations you look like you have some potential in this game so I would keep at it yeah that was a lot of fun did you guys have a good was that did you guys have a good time you guys are amazing one person by point one points I would be you oh my God I'm I'm honestly shocked I'm honestly shocked we won we won they don't need to know the ruse no like he'll find out later and like whenever we like next meet up with a convention or something like that there's gonna be like a really awkward moment where German will be like you you don't know [ __ ] about Barbie [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,272,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, house flipper, house flipper funny, jerma, jerma985, rtgame jerma, ludwig, connoreatspants, etalyx, cdawg, dougdoug, pokelawl, jerma house flipper, rtgame house flipper, barbie, barbie house, barbie dream house, barbie movie, barbie house flipper, house flipper tournament, rtgame house, house flipper funny house, house flipper dlc, vinesauce
Id: 9OXTe7639CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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