I Became a Green Screen Movie Actor

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couple of weeks back we recorded five hours of green screen movie effects for you to use in your movies there will be another one of these it'll be sometime once I'm back so like you've got like all August to keep working away in your submission and haven't potentially featured in a future movie night there's there's been no way to feature absolutely everything just because there's so many submissions we made video clips you made movies we have a night of entertainment ahead of us I hate myself I hate myself [Music] [Music] oh you've got like actual cinematography videos isolation is healthy and normal let's die already just die [Music] so many medicine ones hydration is key kids remember stay in school and drink wait why you use the water clip that was one of the effects that was me just taking a drink [Music] That's all folks [Music] oh that's amazing that's that's how thank you so much I'm gonna be saying thank you so much on like so many of these these These are so good already holy [ __ ] foreign [Music] you actually lined it up oh my God [Music] [Music] oh my God you got like the bounce [Music] oh it's like slightly out of sync for like the player as well thank you [Music] [Music] so well done [Music] oh my God they're still adding scenes kick it's like actually animated a bit you can see it and oh my God it's here oh I can't believe this give that a like give that a like that one that one deserves a like oh thank you so much for that next up we have that's a strike oh that's a strike have you noticed something said birdie what sort of something Sir Topham hat he well seems different replied birdie Hill death dash dash you pissed me off in play school oh no the drift King is damn fangled Ikea bookcases look at the architectures be so naive to try and construct a machinations such as this uh do that we need to build why can't Henry do it he likes idling in stations I am the danger I am the one who knocks Gordon did fight controller was having breakfast what's going on in that head I know I'm supposed to help you but I don't think you want to help yourself the butler came in excuse me sir you are wanted on the telephone yes yes okay I hear you Thomas is in trouble with the police you must go at once no [Music] a top hat hung on his lamp iron worst of all a pair of trousers coiled lovingly around his funnel everyone was very angry Sir Topham Hatt seized the top hat look at this mess I'm not mad I'm just disappointed we can't get into the waiting oh my God the passengers cried why not ask the station Master the ram won't let us everyone looked at the RAM and the ram looked at them what's this snows the person whose name you write in this notebook will die I didn't want to go to work today oh no oh Jerry's gonna be ill today yeah Steve really pissed me off the other day too oh [ __ ] it's all damned anyway I might [Music] take a potato cake and to eat it that's not a happy ending holy [ __ ] that was a long one as well that Summer's four minutes oh that was amazing Dino boy thank you so much that was so good [Music] oh [Music] you're watching the RT game channel ladies and gentlemen you will not believe what I am witnessing here in the sky coming at you live a very distressing scene that we have here oh good lord it's it's pretty awful I don't know if I want to go down there I want to have no trouble pal but you're you're trespassing on my property don't go in my mine shaft you won't like what you find in there this is my turf make sure you click subscribe and hit that Bell for notifications please it's all I've got in life we're going to be seeing that one um quite a bit aren't we 've seen them you playing oh what what is going on who is this guy you play them cards fancy Dan no no no I'm not playing anymore wrong this is sick come back when you get a gamer license no oh you're do you want to fight do you want to fight okay all right that's it I'm gonna put on my ass kicking boots oh you are going to regret this day just don't move don't move like this just don't move right I can't believe it's company it's so funny okay it's so awkward oh my God let me try that again oh my God it's so awkwardly long oh my God that's so good nice to be here oh it's uh lots of interesting things you're not going on with the space there oh wow it's uh oh it's bigger on the inside so just open the window [Music] I'm honestly shocked people are able to apply the scenes I'm like actually kind of make them fit how's that [Applause] [Music] oh no how's this lined up [Music] what the footwork is the same it's a night palette cleanser [Applause] dance on that man like the footwork is almost exact ly like look at the steps you can see it [Music] that fits so well [Music] oh here we go [Music] YouTube [Music] [Music] oh God [Music] what oh [Music] [Music] ordering this court hey guys Point Crow here forget collector's anxiety oh no body would need to be here wait that's not a game what appears to be the problem I have to play most luigi-based products you need Jesus hey you know dude yeah baby maybe you so [Music] I don't think he saw me I don't think oh God it's kind of creepy what is what is happening over there [Music] oh why is it coming closer oh God I'm shocked at the amount of compilations like there's like there's like seven different videos in here Marie I choose you use Thunderbolt use Thunderball oh it's up it's over wait what is that face not my best moment not my best moment [Music] this is great expect me to be capable of this the camera is just a great in this you expect me to that beat didn't expect me to be capable of this God it's so good [Music] am I just dead at the end yeah yeah I'm dead for like a fraction of a frame you could probably get a gif out of this YouTube backflip Marie I Choose You use Thunderbolt use Thunderbolt use Thunderbolts get up Marie use Thunderbolt [Music] okay Marie use Thunderbolt use Thunderbolt use Thunderball use Thunderbirds doing her best [Music] pay your taxes Isabel thank you very much that that is the future like Thunderbolt Dodge it Marie she's already dead Okay so the next one um this is here purely as an example of the clips we had to omit uh there were multiple submissions like this that were not going to be taking the time to watch there's one of these where it's literally the entire five hour stream but there's a pad itself in the background instead of a green screen um and we're we're not going to be watching those submissions uh tonight there were quite a few uh it's just like it's just sensory overload you just want to humiliate me you just want to humiliate me and I'm not oh no I hate this I hate myself I hate myself and I hate you I mean I I think we knew how that one was gonna end it's just a shootout [Music] oh God hey guys it's me RT game and I want to talk to you about a topic that's really important to me don't do drugs you don't need them as exciting and as entertained as they might seem and believe me there's some wacky ones out there don't do drugs don't do drugs do drugs psych knock don't do them you don't need them [Music] that's probably for the best that uh the television's just turned off oh my God it's here oh I can't believe this Mom oh do you want to fight do you want to fight you don't want to mess with me you wanna fight okay all right that's it not over there what is that hang on is that over there in the club having the time of my life in this Minecraft world oh what is going on up there is happening there no I don't think I want to go up there oh why is it coming closer oh you got just died I think I think that's another oh I think I'm dead again [Music] foreign [Music] amazing oh that's that's short and sweet but it did what it needed to do it's okay I'm gonna be the greatest adversary you've ever faced our son son you're gonna be really impressed with this son I saw this uh YouTube what has happened it's kind of possibly comprehend why would you would want to do that but it's not my place [Music] I really care about your ambitions die I've died once again what what is the death counter on there's been so many nine out of 28 videos in one in every one in three videos I've died [Music] okay we are officially going to take a break two seconds later here is my resume look at the range I'm capable of portraying all of this here you could have this in your production give me your money it is it was four years ago oh son son you're gonna be really impressed with this son I saw this uh YouTube tutorial online I know we've got the the Nether and whatever's going on in their son but there's an old guy where apparently if you get some glowstone and put a frame to get her son you can actually go to like a sky world instead of hell and you know me as a religious mindset and a man of God I'd rather go to heaven than hell I think we've lived a modest life here let me just put these finishing touches and slap a little bit of water on oh no that's that's pretty unusual son I oh it didn't work he wouldn't lie to me on the internet son would they wouldn't lie to me why why didn't that work oh my my my copy of the game must be broken son that's the only explanation I can think of I'll have to I'll have to pay your Mr Microsoft tomorrow and see what's going on there son Uh something's just not right here son something's just not right Dad no [Music] I just went to hell because Dad's dead now you might be in for a rough time just the the like man of God and like the actual the Minecraft shirt RT game really wants you to subscribe hi I didn't see you there on this video thanks for tuning in make sure you click subscribe and hit that Bell for notifications please it's all I've got in life [Music] please click it I'm not going to ask again please click the Subscribe button and the bell no don't think you can just subscribe to this channel that's not enough I know where you live [Music] out of that this is the story of a man named Stanley Stanley went for a company it's not my actual name okay fine I don't mean to brag but they used to call me the drift King back in college you know he was obviously crazy all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean no wait where are you going [Music] Danny don't do that I can't follow you there I can't help you when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left little jump oh no oh stand me look Stanley I think perhaps we've gotten off on the road I don't have anything to live what four so what really it was baffling that Stanley was still just sitting in the broom closet he wasn't even doing anything closet why oh you're dead the lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen and Stanley one of them yikes have a good one we've actually done different endings of this creeps just exist in a while it's a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon sound effects hugger oh I'll pop you float in time so that the second mine session droning starts to bowl okay welcome back Stanley now I should say that the amount of time the button has been skipped Stanley standing Stanley please don't push the button again it's been 12 [Music] . so happy [Music] oh spoilers for The Stanley Parable oh all right this is the story of a man named Dan [Music] oh no yeah that's pretty good that he's just like the next movie it's a bit right here no wait where are you going [Music] that's so well done Gordon is now in session prosecution is ready you're on the defense is ready you're on please State your full name you know who I am oh no say my name Mr White yeah God damn right cupcake I Choose You You Thunderball yeah cupcake cupcake oh no possibly be so foolish and naive you think you could take on me what could you be possibly to be thinking I don't know what I see but you know the Empire I've built and this here's a little message you think has a place in it I am the danger I am the one who knocks but I don't like this guy over here you're gonna have to hand it to you okay my watch [Music] oh good lord oh I'm dancing now it's just dead Mr White Mr White you okay there buddy I'm sorry cupcake it won't happen again heard that that might be another death yeah I don't think I made it out the the disembodied heads in the audience really scares me something really unsettling about them actually game but it's the first walk oh here we go [Music] oh God I'm walking around the poster oh no oh God thank you thank you very much for that that's very sweet I want this to be like the mug shot photo like if I'm like in the paper like some heinous crime that's just this image here [Music] I don't think you saw me I don't think [Music] that's another dad come on okay come on oh what that one yeah there's definitely another Dash with the the fuse and a bomb [Music] okay [Music] how do we all do you go [Music] can you hear us [Music] that's actually Gonna Hurt oh my God don't you they're clear folks gotcha it's the round table here oh here's the rebel turbo you've reached the gap between people and Pokemon even survived the Thunderbolt but just okay oh we even got the end screen that was wonderful gotta give everything a thumbs up eventually no you broke the 69 oh sorry hang on there we go [Applause] see I know I'm supposed to help yeah but I don't think you want to help yourself a little a little twisted if you ask me I'm not it's not supposed to be the one to judge but whatever you've got going on here all right this is my worst nightmare I'm gonna have to stop taking notes now you're actually making me uncomfortable um am I clinical opinion this is just my clinical opinion you need Jesus what's going on what's going on in that head [Music] incredible does everything it sets out to do oh I'm getting close okay I need this uh here good morning power levels at a near zero entering low power mode in three two one might be a jump scare oh uh at least it was like a gentle jump scare the drifting back in college you know oh God [Music] the music video [Music] they made an actual song never thought I'd have a drift King song But Here we are this is wonderful [Music] [Laughter] Joker oh it's the Friend's theme with gunshots okay they got him they got him and what are you gonna do try and outrun me trying out drift me trying out speed me you can't keep up with my turn feel kind of drinks me [Music] holy [ __ ] the megalovania snuck in there I think I heard like a few notes that was shocking I went so hard they have the instrumental as well I yeah I I think this is like original music that's insane stop right there [Music] [Music] sorry Frog House uh that's another Dash yeah um I'm not having a good time thank you oh do you want to fight come on again you wanna fight okay all right that's it I'm gonna put on my ass kicking boots this damn scene oh you are going to regret this day just don't move don't move I am gonna wipe the floor with you I need to undo some more laces just don't move it takes so long that that the ass kicking boots scene is getting a lot of mileage too ah it's so awkwardly long oh that's true yes that's true that's true that's true yeah whoa you go big guy that's true yeah whoa you go big guy hit me in the bottom right mysterious elevator murders continue no comment from Von Carver I don't mean to brag but they used to call me the drift King back in college you know you can't keep up with these skills [Music] famous prosecutor opens chemical Factory great for destroying evidence at the game sues One camera over time incident this is my battery proof I'm a lawyer he's like it's so unhitch after you there what is this how could you possibly so now you have to be looking at this a lot of strong uh rhythm game contenders that is this is his daily life here [Music] we're out of milk son Oh Oh I thought your old man take care of that one don't worry I know what the milk store is I'll I'll be right back don't worry your old man needs to pick up some cigarettes well you know so I'll be I'll be back in just a few minutes [Music] there's the milk on the [ __ ] floor why is it on the floor oh Jesus God people are getting a good mileage out of me like rehydrating here in the story drink jump scare milk jump scare you there fresh ingredients for my firemere you're in for a treat welcome to my cooking show Walter in the kitchen [Music] we're gonna make a lovely blueberry pie on today's cooking session and you better be excited and entertained because I am going to be the one who knocks at your door with a delicious blueberry pie don't go away don't turn off your television I think they turned off the television YouTube sound effect oh my God incredible [Music] it was fun don't time don't have to come what is the drill what is the drill no who remembers the Escape points come on oh no I see a win [ __ ] is out the window last footage of RT game there he goes she actually looks out the window wait [ __ ] I know you you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people what say you in your defense you know we thought it was gonna work out we thought it was going to be fine and dandy until you know they found out about us what you gonna do what you're gonna do it happens oh no look at this sorry everyone sorry oh you'll never take me I am the danger I am the one who knocks you're going to rot to the dragons reach dungeon what's the matter with you stop that they're dead yikes have a good one oh do you get to the Cloud District very often oh what am I saying of course you don't want someone's being attacked help I'm being attacked thanks for watching oh God they call him the drifting [Music] okay that came at us very quick who's who's the Gang this YouTube always this face I just hit someone with a cat God damn it Daniel classic going to regret this [Music] foreign blocks go down I it's a fortnight blaster power of handgun in the world didn't think you could Dodge that one oh yeah oh you've got it in for you now you're done we're going pretty quick oh you're gonna be feeling that for weeks what do you want from me I expect you to want to see me do a somersault no Mr Bob I expect you to death [Music] I expect you to die why don't you die didn't think you could Dodge that one final level [Music] oh god oh Jesus okay oh I don't believe this I'm going out the window little fast okay I got I got a little Speedy at the end there after no audio for this one are you tired of not knowing what to prepare in the kitchen no there we go do you have loads of food in your fridge but you don't know what to use with it introduce him the spatula Hammer combo these kitchen utensils can be used in your home to prepare your food and grind into a pulp and then simultaneously fry it but that's not all if you want to say we'll throw in a brand new set of steak knives absolutely free handle it you know you don't want to miss this deal so you better pick up the phone today calls cost 49.99 amazing you missed the deal for The U10 so that's why he's sad that's why he's sad yeah RT brutally murders orphans and gold plus this this one okay hang on like that that sounds kind of bad puts me in the library yes more names right in the full Yellow Pages in here now Hill death dash dash you pissed me off in play school that's what you get that's what you all get front page of twitch let's just leave it on this screen a moment there's people tuning in it's like what's going on oh that's right [Applause] no no don't go bottom Lane don't go bottom Lane oh you're just not dirty no what what is going on this game oh I didn't think you could Dodge that one no no I'm not playing anymore I'm not playing with you this is wrong oh you've got it in for you when you get a gamer license no I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm done oh you're gonna be feeling that for weeks oh oh the game's still going oh gosh [Music] higher higher oh my God [Music] holy [ __ ] oh that's so on it higher you want to ruin her birthday my name is Walter Hartwell White and you're watching the Disney Channel oh someone did it yes hey come on what you're gonna argue you got something to say Scott potatoes [Music] I'm the scotch man [Music] scappy Dooby Dooby Dooby Doo YouTube no oh God holy [ __ ] that's loud foreign if you haven't seen breaking bad um that's half the show so don't worry about it I'm just giving you the Abridged uh rundown of it oh there's there's the Bell notification the the missile explosion on cupcake was alarmingly loud that was very well done oh my God didn't think you could start that one oh you're gonna be feeling that for a week oh God oh my God holy [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] that's stupid I guess [Music] oh here we go the dance on that man [Music] God let me show you the dance of my people it's been a long time since I practice it but it's uh oh no stable part of our culture really an art form in this country you can expect me to have these dishes didn't expect me to be capable of this you know something about Michael flatly myself I love that again [Music] Emily Guy episode a ship under control I think we got the ship under control wetter it's a little Gusty a little Breezy coming into this part of the country oh no some someone just opened the window back there oh I don't believe this I'm going out the window oh what is this detonation oh I feel a lot better actually not dead yet [Music] what is that [Music] humble tumble Daniel game we're going to win Ireland's Got Talent but soon died from an unforeseen event two days later uh okay that's that's a letter for the debt Crumpet game continue to live on peacefully and would later get in custody of RT's children and channel after his death in 2026. [Music] is there a bit more hydration is cute kids remember to stay in school and drink baldic flavored water lemon and lime I think I just wanted to include this recap of our playthrough recently they got the sound effects for the foot oh my God are they having a little rest I didn't see that on this lift thanks for tuning in make sure you click subscribe and hit that Bell for notifications oh pardon me I was absorbed in thought I hate myself I hate myself and I hate you this is a lift do you see that humongous Beast oh no think twice before you go down that road Geronimo oh God you should have waited too late now all right stress insane that we have here oh good lord it's pretty awful I don't know if I want to go down there [Music] I'm not doing that I am not doing that you can't make me oh I'm just gonna go home this is really well done that's really well done that was great hey there welcome to my Minecraft server where I host my Minecraft adventures and a lot of good times do not go in that mine shaft do not go in that much actually animated this might just stick around a while you know and have some do not go in there do not go in join me for some more of zany Minecraft I'm gonna get oh that's actually animated though isn't it just don't go in bro L block thank you it's like actual like animation though that's that's really hard to do hydration is key kids remember to stay in school and drink flavored water lemon and lime thank you for that yo afraid a word that's difficult flies your old man needs so don't worry got some stuff in my pack if you need it I don't know maybe maybe we can just talk it out with them they seem to be like respectful citizens who pay their taxes but you know anyone would be you killed like four of their men this is a classic it's uh one macaroon hey Macarena I know I know so many bodies we need to hide the body you can hear it okay I can't go back to prison son oh I can't go back again not helping me that Dad is not helping the objective proper engineer here for YouTube chaos in this like middle bit where like he's doing the Macarena and everyone's dying okay next one is simply called Dan what did you do wait uh okay baby spoilers here there might be some tears in the Kingdom spoilers here oh that one's going in my cringe compilation oh my God oh my gosh short and sweet short and sweet do it backflip do it it's all awesome dearly beloved they're dead yikes have a good one love and memory of Mr Rumble tumble game beloved father of thousand uh we will do this again we have so many Clips still if you would like to submit a clip uh like you know because I I know I know people are still working on Clips as well go to the Discord server there is a channel for submissions there give that a look the the next movie night probably won't be until September so it'll be a little while before we can keep making our way through thank you [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 739,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, green screen, rtgame green screen, rtgame green screen movie, rtgame funny, rtgame funny edit, rtgame edit, green screen funny, funny green screen effects, funny green screen, green screen effects, rtgame cupcake, rtgame crumpet, rtgame walter white, rtgame drift king, drift king, rtgame dad, funny movie edit, green screen shitpost, shitpost, meme
Id: MKx1oD3rFxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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