Let's Play All of Super Mario Bros. Wonder

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hey there oh God we got voice acting Super Mario Bros Wonder congregation is scattered to Toadette and Daisy aren't allowed to stand next to everyone for some reason oh not [Music] again every single time you think they've learned he's on drugs I mean the powerups when you really think about are all like performance in hands and drugs of some capacity y like Mario turns into an elephant now that that like that can't be legal can't believe he merged with our beautiful castle like that it's just so awful okay Mario and friends are here to save the day I believe in you oh thanks appreciate it hype Rock plateau look at that it's actually they have an art style again look at this oh we got purple coins to collect what a beautiful day yeah let me just murder these guys hang on this purple coins is a currency can I ground slam oh you did it Luigi what a cursed power up the prince is like what have you become this is like this is like the new thing do I need every single purple coin in the level got 36.3 of a coin so I I'm assuming that oh yeah I guess we're just done oh no no he's got it here okay bless [Music] you okay so you get one at the end talking plants huh almost as weird as talking plants I get the feeling I'm going to be really tired of these guys by the end okay let's get you what what does this accomplish take him out they don't seem as medicine when they're singing like this they got like a full-on choir they're too murderous they can't be that evil if they're just like singing a happy song oh yeah that really wasn't that Sinister they're all dead now I guess but you murder them you don't see that every day look at this guy kill him not long for the world this is just really cute so far honestly love that sound game designers patting themselves in the back there kill himley that is a lot I feel like I'm missing a lot of the level grab him I feel like I missed a lot the levels are short I can't actually remember how long like they felt in previous ones restart why do I have to restart the game you missed a flag do do I have to get the top of the flag pole where does it track it show me oh my God it does there we go wonderful oh what what a screenshot oh yeah my dad's a castle now not really sure what that implies a sweet my dad transformed into a medieval structure so scared I thought i' wilon the spot I'm glad I was here to keep this badge safe badges they have lots of different effects travel through the flower Kingdom like using them it's a badge pop it on his head parachute cap while press r or shake the controller to open your hat and Float slowly downward oh this is cool so you can actually get like different [Music] abilities that's going to take some it's going to take some getting used to oh you get like the a bit of free for walking around in Parts here come the hopos break time hurry hurry Dash and [Music] go oh look at that I did it oh what a level I'm sure those are going to get a bit harder as time goes on am I am I supposed to jump down here all right yeah that's the pack you're not supposed to just kill yourself there [Music] I messed this up this going to happen a lot the flower is here let's go oh God just P flower just screams save us Luigi why do the hippos look so brain that there's there's not much going on there their purpose in life is bouncy ball oh hey oh there's another challenge level hang on this could be a tough [Music] one this could be a tough one they're ramping up love that sound that was close gang me you can call me Professor connect talk to me anytime you want to do anything with online play oh they actually have online support for this Jesus I never thought I'd see the day Poss way of players to help each other have a tight spot great reason to turn on online mode wait no it's dark souls online wait are they only Phantoms can I try it oh my God they're here it really is just like Dark Souls Phantoms why do they do it like this they just keep like pinging me it's like come over here please God please look at me please I have something to tell you there we go it's a great oh my God they're coming for us they're coming for us wait there's something in here to toadette's already done no to it why why did you leave us Mario's done as well the Castle's just locked that was wild that was wild yeah yeah let's get let's get this flag po I think we got a bit higher than the others do do I just ride them look at them go it's just the end but we we're missing one someone to talk to he's just hanging out farewell lonely days he's just happy to see us okay if you if you you come from the stream spam this I I think this yellow toad might be from there yeah nabit player has been spot do I need to get the flag pull on this [Music] too did it he missed the top restart now we got it once he's a failure guys standy surprise why one of these get standy at random it's surprise every time I feel like I should be buying these let's get let's get a standy there's 100 44 to collect oh sweet you got a rare one pos and Luigi there's so many they have a gambling system that awful Bowser it's smch my K it's just so huge only had 10 flower coins they give us poplins and energy boost if only only someone paid me for my time and labor now we got some o for my Bloom I'll break this rock in no time rock stop blocking our fat disaster the road is closed if only could someone could cross my palm with silver guy probably put the rock there he absolutely did Mario rescued Peach's ghost like that just doesn't sound right what does that mean Mario is missing no Peach is [ __ ] dead roll a Koopa Derby oh look at these guys look at them go killed him help me wait what's wrong with you what happened wait I I just saved a toad you can revive people in online really oh so if I die I could just be like help me does does that always work if you have someone near I I want to try it there we go wait where where where are we going it's got to keep going up everyone's just like lost in this level you can kind of tell it was just wandering wow it really is the Elden ring of Mario games you know completely open world game now Super Mario wandering around guys oh he's all right did anyone see okay I on I'm just going to let I'm just going to let him kill me ghosts I'm counting on you I just want to see how this works okay it's that's pretty efficient okay so you you can just like not die at all if you turn this mode on oh no I left him I didn't see him die uh the main thing as we go is we just need to keep an eye out for uh wait did I miss something already there's like there's one missing for here the P the the world map you missed something in level two did I actually wait why why is why are you in the foreground Mario's trying to show us something okay thanks Mario he's here the help I think the rule we're going to have to do is no spoilers in twitch chat right however if you are physically like in the same Lobby and you are here um you're allowed try and help like you have to physically be in the game and I'll allow it can only backseat if you're in the same car you have to be able to like you know like hit me on the shoulder like with in strike in distance if you want to be able to help oh [ __ ] it's Captain Toad why the surprising place to run into someone huh nice to meet you this is our first time in right maybe you already know who I am also fol I found a 50 on the ground here they're all yours should be helpful out in the world they just sitting in someone's wallet on the roadside we need the siren please okay hang on let me get let me get the air siren handy Just for future [Music] reference okay there we go yeah do I still have wow this is still on my computer the ancient T mountaineering the wiggler race hold Why move the dash reach the goal before the racing wiggler [Music] wi how fast can you run the flowers are so damn happy yeah you got this there so much energy wooho they're very supportive they are good job gang John is not aot which means that Johnson is not part of the lobby and he's probably very scared we need 14 for the final one special treasure Captain known as the Royal seed got to do something before they use it for some evil purpose but first of all let's do every optional level jum against a wall and press B to jump straight up once go for it oh that's okay that's actually pretty cool okay and you can still do the twirl hang on so I can do this jump you got it come here impressive there we go it's so cool they have like just additional Powers you can just passively equip I'm I'm honestly shocked they did not do this sooner this is just immediately W they're [Music] coming I'm going to miss the oh my God okay this is going to be a higher level that was actually my first step [Music] oh sh help me help me friends help me please stay on the train oh no no what have I [Music] done get on Jesus it oh yeah I got to go I got to there was absolutely something in there defeat them and keep going feel all the enemies open each gate if you do it quickly be extra rewards waiting T this challenge solo join up with friends what you going to go with this combat Gauntlet oh God uh keep running oh you even leaps at you I don't think I'm going to be making good time on this I I don't know what I have to get it like under congratulations oh wait no we just under 70 seconds and you get every reward W seed get hey this pipe it can't hold us just all the way down I'm going to kill him so you're coming with me B this pipe it can't hold us oh it works I want you you're actually supposed to do that oh God suddenly we're a rhythm game Luigi must climb out of the depths of Hell to return to the world of the living that's cute that was fun well enjoy your new life down here why the surprising place to run into someone huh I was searching for Treasure then I started wondering is anyone searching for me I'm completely lost anyway where oh wait hang on sorry [Music] where are we do you know I forgot I found a wallet on the ground you can make use on your adventure I'm running for you I hear the call oh god oh jeez I didn't expect the pipe to do that I can actually move him so cool I just sucked into this one how is this happening oh he's deadine no he's all right let me on let me on let me on let me live please thank you thanks Gang This is Dark Souls 2 all over again yeah that's the that's the closest comparison I'd say for Mario Bros wonder you know Dark Souls 2 and I need to make it to the end of this and then use the elephant nice job theol way look at you what a little gamer you are God you're awesome you can totally tell it's there going to be like a smash stage in future with like them everywhere it's like ooh that got to hurt oh wow you lost that stock huh Springs in the Twilight Forest oh this is cool this this game already has like so much more personality like like every other 2D Mario platformer so did you have a good day I did thank you so supportive what happened to you oh God I don't like this oh the announcement hiard that's you missed something you missed something Dan there we go thank you there we go that's so cool let's get you oh god wow we you're just in Sp he's just he's accepted his face oh they're they're just going off with like the astral [Music] plane but you did it Luigi you think the flowers are going to like plummet like below into lava and stuff later as the game goes on you think we get like a Terminator 2 reference with just like a flower pluming into his end hopefully Ash continues incredible speed if you run off the edge you'll have a short window where you can jump in midair there's a lot of people dead thank you help me help me help me I understand why everyone's dead now help me remember me tonette remember me it's a short bit of time I keep leaving the jump too long I think like oh you just get a free jump whenever you want it no you you have to do it quick thank god dad was here to rescue us thanks Dad who was Bowser anyway I feel like we've just like gone the wrong direction gone to like a secret star [Music] world special world yeah we're so off track there are no Royal seeds here there's a different currency Hy Rock Plateau special so these are like challenge levels oh good lord straighten numbers let us up someone someone please someone [Music] please Daisy Daisy I'm counting on you no she was she was running for me [Music] got it thank you we're fine way to go way to go thank God we could just blatantly cheat I don't have to play the way the game wants me to I just have to play with enough Force Anything is Possible the variety of standies if you're looking to buy standies is a perfect shot for you oh you can like tailor them if you're after like a specific character can I buy several at once or am I going to have to do this one by won toad toad looks sick the 30 coin ones do not give duplicates I think we're at the point though like until we get about half where it's just better to do this it's a price of three to just get one I do you know we got to get all these special any roll seeds here this a great place put your skills to the test a challenge these difficult courses this will unlock like the secret final level of the game if you get all these we can finally like free this castle for like 20 over already how does this help us oh every pipe now just Falls okay sure frantic oh God oh God don't die here Luigi it's so cool we can actually play like play along with this with everyone I actually kind of love this part of the game it's a bit of a cluster you but it's fun I super mega load with dad's Wonder power no way you're going to beat me but it's going to be fun to see you try here he goes let's go uh-oh let me at him can I hit him beat him up he just stunlock him that's what it feels like [Music] yeah you get a Big W seed good job Luigi you can rest now what a picture wow that was really a moment that showcases the fight so much empty space so Luigi's party reclaimed the palace the r seat safely in hand they set off in pursuit of Bowser who is somehow turned into a castle can they stop Bowser before he pulls off whatever he's planning see you later oh goodbye can even get close my cloud panasa here think folks have gathered up up all the Wonder power enough to pull off a big wonder the world will be mine it's awful there some way we could stop him a big [Music] seed to defeat all the snakes we see to get rid of the cloud piranas I swirling around AER get rid of all them we'll be able to reach him he it's finally time to be the iconic yellow toad I'm just kidding Blue Toad continue on our merry way we got so many levels oh we need like the local currency for each one dolphin kick challenge while Under Water Press AR Shake control to unleash a brief burst speed go toad it's your time to shine let them go you actually like go through like a water level a little bit easier incredible technology is here he keep saying like go Toad go no don't leave me don't can I drown got to go again if we miss a purple coin like it's going to double our play time we going to have to do like every level twice cutting straight across eho there we go we're done now the kindest water level ever in any Mario game or Dan's just that good I'm pretty gamer he anytime it looks like wow he got through that okay that's because I am a god this game this game is impossibly hard do not purchase this do not play it at home you'll be YouTube you need to be a professional to pick up Super Mario Wonder great at three for everyone you 3 years old I didn't think so what are you going to do just hang out it's just a little guy gu is very lucky that does make the water level significantly easier I kind of love that these levels like just usually suck he's tring getting used to Toad's voice and I hate that here's the secret I even miss this's this one's not particularly hidden hey going to hear this in my sleep hey Dam where's the toad I'm hearing a lot of toad I'm not ready for I mean do you want me just to leave like the siren on constantly ah this is how you play no that's going to be way too much he's just screaming that man is scared you're all soggy but he it's a water level better than a moist toad a moist toad does not sound right we finally I think everyone else is already finished the level like a long time ago all that I could use a break a little shopping might be nice pop the shop here sells a helpful block badge you want to swap your bades press see what you got I we'll buy them all you got to try them out I let's do a little gambling while we're here need to need to just pick up a few more you don't even Place STS and I have all of these give me more I need them all I'm not using them cuz I'm saving these for my collection you have to understand oh what is this bubble people now oh God right I've absolutely missed something we're going too fast through the level yeah oh we missed something too there's two pipes [Music] here no we missed it here's when the bubbles to Salty got this view all to myself oh no he has to progress but we've got a new kingdom to fully explore usually it's so cool it's just so [Music] different God please no get it get it do not save me friends for I cannot be helped that was I supposed to do that I like everyone else just moved on like no I'm not waiting around this long for him oh [Music] God get it get it get it get it get it that's that's not what we want where where is it you killed the flower he didn't need to live how I get that [Music] out wait did he go under the ground how the Oh wait okay wait wait hang on if you come in here save me oh this isn't good snow oh no come [Music] on can't get [Music] up okay there we go Jimmy I got I got to go quite far back I missed a coin Jimmy God I really just missed that let me let me just awkwardly run back to the end now like you're supposed to like obviously replay these levels like maybe get all the Collectibles this time it's like no we're bringing in like all the shop well all the grocery bags from the carrot in one trip that is the optimal way he wall climb jump two difficulty four this is like one of the hardest levels in the game apparently I to play a challenging [Music] platformer oh God this is so good such weird level design to see in like a Mario game isn't it like this this feels like something from Celeste suddenly where it's like you're trying to climb the level and you can just kind of cheese this [Music] one oh my God that's actually quite tricky as far as Mario platform it goes search party puzzle in par what is this find all the Wonder tokens hidden in the plastic you can't find on your own look with a friend there's something there's something here how did you get that okay yeah this will be miserable on your own thank God there's people here half of that is just invisible blocks I know we say it as a joke but I'm I'm starting to compare the Dark Souls 2 in my brain I Can't Help It Go no God grab it wait what the YouTube oh god oh that's so Jaren just on the walls ah come on bud toad is in your walls now oh God later see it thanks gang oh I think there's a secret in here jump [Music] jump oh [Music] no speeding up it's speeding up [Music] run God go yay thank you what a bad moment to take the photo why is it picking the worst ones no please God don't tell me they brought spring Mario back perpetually hop along you can also jump higher than usual oh my God they did it okay but no it's actually it's it's way easier to control it's way easier to control they it you just hold B now you always do the high jump whereas before you specifically have to time [Music] it remember me friends remember me still a bad ability though oh absolutely you never want to use this one I can't think of a I can't think of a scenario where you want this that's why I'm going to replay the level immediately there we go special world oh we got to that a lot faster this time time for like an impossible challenge difficulty five Bluff puff Peak special climb to the be oh good lord oh no wait no take off the badge take off [Music] the go go go go [Music] go help me help me is there anyone on the PT help me there is someone is in distress I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry I [Music] can't oh so close Jesus amazing oh God that's stressful I'm sorry toona I couldn't save you he's killed a fan well I I think we've earned a little bit of gambling after [Music] that oh you throw up okay this different oh let's grab him swipe [Applause] him this one has to safely transport you home it's a bit of a fever dream Super Mario bro's toads LSD speed run the theme was probably dreams but really is it makes you wonder oh I see what you did there that's very clever I mean much like Alice in Wonderland drugs probably were involved I really should lay my stand you down what was it again it was it like down and X look at that I can actually help people it's it's always the worst photo jump higher than usual and momentarily float y all enemies open each gate if you do it quickly be extra rewards I I think honestly just the elephant one tends to be best cuz you can just slap everyone oh for YouTube sake [Music] I'm I'm not going to be making a good time on [Music] this oh no save [Music] me save me no God Dam it [Music] no [Music] way get him this is not going to be a good time congratulations no no that's that's not is it's not really [Music] congratulations oh thanks game that's a that's a precious memory right there God [Music] oh go we learned it congratulations Jesus it's like an AI learnning algorithm oh it's hanging out up out here you can really miss these in certain levels oh good lord you're in great shape thank you you've become a cake this is kind [Music] ofun well that was something they're going to set out a lot aren't they oh it's a lot more Sinister looking like he's like rebranded for this game how is moving up in the world Fluff Puff Peaks flying Battleship I have to beat in like the Rhythm level I think I think we're set oh [Applause] God does this help us in there Bowser has a sniper now we defeated like Bowser's production line it seems is itself the boss oh that's cute that's pretty much just like the castle the axe it's bit more horrific yeah that's that's the memorable photo moment look at that PFF and Shar safety bounce bounce back out of pits lava or poison swamps just one time per fall that is a very useful one and you know while we're here we might as well might as well roll the dice a few times oh God okay I got to join on to the platform otherwise it runs out it's a full on get electrocut animation hey how's it going going on huh he he's going to die soon I believe in you this guy he doesn't have he doesn't have long that poor man he's dead long live the king deid flower guy is precious and needs to be protected he's absolutely going to be available as like a plush or something in future what just free [Music] fall toad has fallen from the [Music] plane oh you just have to kill enough of them I think it's tears of the Kingdom yeah you guys good the toads are perplexed do not understand what's happening here oh God oh God this [Music] is so [Music] Dr have a freebie even on this one it's not the best picture this place is intense luck Mr flower man oh God they're very angry here I don't know if this helps us in this one just go get of my bubbles oh no he all made a honey for some reason this level would have been perfect for pistone he missed his moment in the spotlight he's been robbed I can play piss toad next if you want me to there three characters in we've chosen Luigi Toad a second toad they overcome await some how they make how well they use the badges they find will make all the difference wink that's a little not to you a player I think that's another world complete congratulations you found all the Wonder seeds and Fluff Puff beaks here's $100 for Gamblin we are complete in this game one last [Music] heho I got I'm trying to save you save me save me I I I I need to break open that oh I'm in there's secret exit up here I missed one this how you get this okay we we got the gold flag poy so I'll just run it again we did it h that game's just tating us with the pictures yeah I think that's enough toad for now we need a break of course yellow toad it's piss Toad's time to shine like what that you on more toad we can have more toad hi hi he's just happy to see you the tastes like tears oh no I'm impressed is there is there something to see gang is I don't know yes yes it might just be thank you gang oh here we go oh God toad must Ascend to Heaven oh my god oh I'm getting real badly hurt toad Rapture it really is the rapture look like the cloud eyes in the background yes kill the toad grenal and flower toad Raptor the Trap rapo that drops some sick beats he probably exists in one of them that's that sounds like something that would like why is it so YouTube have some visitors I must go greet them poof P Toad's Grand Adventure we found home you Prince all right then welcome to shine Falls our waterfalls offer a Cascade of Trials we take on a variety of test that will challenge you to the fullest oh God forbid we just try and help save the land or something I believe in you thanks flower he has CH it really does look yeah he looks sick oh let's get this one out of the way this one kind of [Music] sucks this is just annoying there we go yeah that that these levels are painful so pointless still somehow still a terrible [Music] picture that's fine oh my God I'm still going the oh I got to stop investigating them [Music] help me hang on guys I'm here to help bet that water's tasty oh it's piss [Music] they we're just going that was a fast one I was this giving me anxiety is it this hasn't been bad for it has it like I I know cuphead and that understandably did I always have anxiety oh you got to clear them help me help me oh I do not like this one honestly there we go W like yellow Toad's wo zoi is more aggressive uh let's just go wait can we go higher jais toad will Triumph oh God how do we get that we were supposed to jump I was supposed to do that I only I can now I keep YouTube up let me die friends wait he can't no he can't get in there you can't go in Kill the enemy and knock it in oh my God that's what it is isn't it K I'm just gonna he just kills [Music] himself okay you got it you got it okay so you just got to knock them over when they're near we we got one there God damn it I'm supposed to get it faster than that how does he's gone just end it you're just I'll come [Applause] back sparkly I mean this is fun oh no I'm on the clock just take your time okay so I need to knock this guy [Music] down get him really not that hard walk over here great doing great so we're just looking for a wonderf flower okay we'll find it trust elephant Daisy yeah lead the way lead the way there it is no oh let it go and more Doodle Jump yeah there we go we're good thank you thank you gang appreciate it he's he's absolutely dead thank you [Music] gang what a p picture pass the test so you can find the hidden goal the true end point they Vigilant you proceed this this trial demands it music is quite Whimsical for quite a serious [Music] Stakes oh God how I I guess I'm just not getting that one this [Music] time no Zoom no [Music] so close come on here we go no that that was not the solution thank [Music] you this is probably not the correct goal when you died there we go sure this will help us so support yeah who did it found all the Wonder seeds and shine false here's 100 to celebrate your achievement oh that was a shorter World there was only 20 in this one this one's just [Music] free okay so Toad's party bravely overcame the piss trials their Journey Through The Flower kingdom is far from over this is only the first final trial of many will they be able to find the remaining Royal seats will piss toad recover from jaundice preparation for the big no the huge wonder is still on track you knock off all his fighting back stuff and just look forward to it we positively Captivate him he just like a musical number and like that was his plan shine and fall special Triple Threat Del okay this this sounds medicine oh I know I know this level start I've seen this one oh God wonderf flower here and then the coins oh there bumpers youu pinball oh God I I think here you just take the hit it's just safer and Gotti had the gold down never going to let it go from Shovel Knight that was cool I almost got a good photo almost semi-final test piranha plant rise his toad gets a little more time in the spotlight just because his world was shorter very special Mar the musical military is mobilized [Music] it's a massacre we will persevere gang you've straightened numbers do not let the music defeat [Music] us nice job thank you chat is chat is it's calling it in that's almost completely one-sided we're going to play as Mario I'm assuming that I'm supposed to have the drill power off and I because I've just been injured I can't thank you oh you're so kind here here you go D we we know you're struggling we know you're getting old oh God oh God wait wait God go go go oh that was terrifying for to Pro that Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game unironically like that is the game I would compare this to like I'm not even joking anymore this is the Dark Souls 2 of Mario games wa deser is so dry and deserty going to take all the water from myself a Bowser I'm pretty sure you can't do that awful scoundrel has come to the sunbeck desert and stolen almost every drop of our water like the the man is like cutting off their life Source it's like that Rascal that little troublemaker there's got to be something in here yeah there's a jump parody 1 2 jum jump 1 2 3 jump 1 2 3 jump 1 2 3 JP oh God it's a rhym [Music] one grab [Music] that just grab it that was fun it's so cool in terms of the level design isn't it I love it it's you could say it's wonderful D this Rhythm jump badge is a prize too oh yeah wait can I play levels like that is that going to transform the level so I have to play it in time oh we got to try that I it' be a shame not to gamble a little bit going to get get a few more there okay let's try this let's see how it [Music] works this is a new way of playing it I think you can jump higher if you get it it's going to slow it out our progress this is just mean okay I might have to turn this one off cuz it's going to you C my head I can't I can't help but do it in time I like to like the detriment of me playing come on Luigi jump in time was that still in [Music] time there we go we be a rhythm RT I'll just look in chat for like the next like 4 hours like hey hey oh I went the there signaling they're signaling something do not miss the coin Dan thank you I'm glad to have like this like this bodyguard here the help grab this uh oh that's instant death if it gets you God Run Mario could have need some more w and Z's Marana Jones he just really likes a sauce ah here we go thanks G ah you're way too kind thank you I put that gift to good use hang in there okay oh no no no no [Music] no save me friends where are they where oh no [Music] no no no no Daisy Daisy come back Daisy please Daisy thank you thank Start From [Music] Here There we go thanks gang beat it fair and square no help what a moment what we got what's going on oh Intruder in Intruder Intruder they are pissed to have us [Music] here on that's cool you get a little pyramid that was buried again hi again hey how's it going I want to eat the art of this game it is so good I I love the aesthetic look at this it's so stylized oh we got like the Shadow Mario clones back this guy's going to follow me forever now that oh he got me that was cool entire game is Mario Maker levels but it does feel like in like the good way you know but is it Daisy this is a surprise that will help us later okay this way water this guy okay thank you thank you gang thank you like don't forget the golden flag pull now it's nice to see an elderly man be guided by his grandkids H son you know I I I'm not really familiar with these video games they're too fast I'm glad you're here to kind of show me the ropes if you will back in day we just had pong you know help your old man out here uh figuring this one his eyesight is stared in the go shut up God oh his memor starting to go as well this isn't even that hard losing his mind and vision there's some of your flower coins with oh it's it's one of these guys again the bridge is gone what could we possibly do if you hand me a 50 oh wo is me oh no my wallet feels kind of light if only you can hand me a 50 oh was was supposed to oh okay it's like a weird foreground one there's the rest of the level that's cute I've been summoned goodbye oh they're going to reveal the level for us oh okay right I'm supposed to be doing this oh I'm just going to be crushed that was cute wonderful like fall over in space move these wait wait wait there's something wait hang breaking news it's incredibly important hang on what is this oh God there's like full on like a secret a secret exit I'm going to have to do this again now yeah we do have to do it twice unfortunately I think that's a really weird way of doing the levels you physically can't get everything in one trip CU now I just have to complete it again I guess it's not a very long level if you're not going for the bonus objectives so yeah maybe it's just fine maybe I'm just an old man maybe that's the issue he finally had admits it I haven't exactly been in denial guys right I need to get like an emote where it's just me but like an old man and like my hair is gray and like of wrinkles everywhere oh look look at Mario doing like an Irish jig there [Music] oh what this present BL all we had is for you I found 50 flower coins El Adventure look at that the a toad oh sorry oh good lord I did it I made the jump I got it gang oh no we're we're all in trouble I God help us if we get closer to the edge we can all survive oh let's go drugs have kicked in keep going he's panicking it's a long way down really hey gang how you doing down an xat okay yeah there you go I can help people no longer like this selfish Mario player there we go as he saved you despite your flager betrayal look I've triing my Challenge from sight make it impossible for enemies to spot you oh okay you can just play the game invisible please please pop a standy down I got one there you go please to love a God Like have an interest in our wellbeing [Music] Dan we're good uh let's not equip that one there there's just going to be like random blocks everywhere being hit you got to like navigate the course oh don't guys what do I do if we all stay alive there's a guy is navit he's basically boosted us no I I missed the wonderf flower just just let me go no no no no no no feel like this stage would be there's like a challenge mode run of it where you complete it without the BL oh no D it D it please take it it we're so cheating I can get [Music] this I can I can get it they're so sarcastic when sometimes when they're trying to be supportive way to go C [ __ ] feed him and keep going oh it's finally going to offer me the drill as a power up that one takes a little bit [Laughter] get him out Mario please lost it now we're going to have to run it again un woes your zoi oh no never mind I gave you more time you lost world record Fai hang on gang I've got an idea oh no no wait trust me Toadette I have a plan just keep going what a high jump don't worry I got a gang starting to get a hang of this one look at me using those [Music] jumps okay you you can't you you have to use it here you can hold Len AR to automatically become a ghost can you just Auto die we have to try that go out yourself I need to try it died in the music stage that works oh they got Delino Plaza here that's cute oh here we go oh no this was a bit Jank go give us that I feel like I'm not in control there's a Mario 64 power up that was basically this I think that's what they're going for yeah it'll do let's go into space Oh Mario World sorry uh Mario Diaz oh so I I've deeply upset the Mario fan base sorry you're [Music] fire I can't watch the stream anymore good spot for all right you're all right Daisy I'm going to need you to do me a favor now I God for a rest I got just need to get this Co okay if you want to get it I'll save you take turns dying that's how it feels oh [Music] no he's just scream just get us out of here wonderful flow just made the game lag you did it you have the FPS yes let's go you're not going in there are you see you later bud that was a quick quick uh wonderf flower just fast now oh okay I can't make up its [Music] mind Jesus get us out of here moment of comment this pool party is way more fun before you showed up but pretty soon a big bad wonder is going to happen the world will belong to Dad pretty good time for you to give up and if you don't I'll make you can I even get him I think I can ground pound is isn't much water yeah this is apparently the Kingdom's like entire water supply it's not a lot 7-year-old took the entire water supply yeah you can't go that anymore can't lay a stande for the Gang one more come on there we go dude was very thirsty did another kingdom fixed thanks Peach he just here like good job you did it Mario Royal seed get so Mario's party returns sunbake desert stolen water for Port Royal seed recovered where will they go next why were they wasting this precious resource on an impromptu shower oh did we not get them all it didn't give us the notification we must have missed one oh there was one like right here pipe oh we missed the we missed the terrible level that's right where where where do we think they are someone someone call out if they find anything okay wait wait wait it's someone's found something Daisy how'd you do that thank you okay that pipe at the end need to find the hidden pipe here these levels suck so much oh of course you have to push the wall open God it's really sucks you know you've been having fun but what if for like a level you didn't mamoto probably careful yeah that's the last one 36 a nice round number 36 is a good number I'll be 36 someday and so will all of you not if you press elar like just end it end it all hold the button this is cool the castle stages in this one feel a lot more like fun feel like just the actual level design is like really refreshing let's take one of these oh oh you're kidding me come on that's just a that's just mean's going to risk it all oh they're trying to get me a mushroom hang on I'm going for it wonderful calm down bu here we go it's a very classic experience no hotly anticipated we've only got a few characters left now that we can actually play the game as I've been teasing you all night not going to keep you waiting any longer going to play as Peach all right how do I get up [Music] there to just okay to toad has found a solution just die [Music] oh it's the Wall of Flesh seem to be stunning themselves [Music] thankful save me friends save me sa you know I wouldn't out go go is the time of the video going to be beaten Super Mario wonder by cheat let's cheat all Super Mario Wonder wait Luigi simply cannot contain himself from cheating need this what oh you it's cute don't let him see you you got to hide take coverman no no hate someone lost Daisy on my God it's a flower please y i really suggesting like eating the characters in this one not sure why look at the funky mines where it's a fun to mine the happy ring of our pickaxes sounds like a party that's what it's normally like here something awful happened at work has comeing to a stop got off to see what I can do about all this we dug too deep in our lust for gold and woke an ancient evil upon the land the bck they call it deep than the minds haven't returned deeper than we normally go because they were trying to get a royal seed for you Prince feel dangerous D wor if we don't reach them soon then they will perish you fix the bridge first could you spare some flower coins even after please save all my friends by the way you got a tener got you got a little change on you you know I'm you know what I'm saying oh it's exhaust and work to fix give you something important it's a handy tool called the sensor badge thatone senses things we want to find Wonder flowers and other special things aside oh is this for like all the purple coins that seems pretty [Music] good let's keep the lights on yeah the controller starts to vibrate when you're near them uh what door are we feeling gang oh God this scw scream when the door opens oh you no you have to kill them and then go in really is Dark Souls too you have mimics now what we [Music] got oh oh we got another musical [Music] number Opera this time he's got a good [Applause] voice oh that was wonderful good actual good photo look at that actual good one was taken time for a quiz how many coins will that you a one up oh oh come on what can you do by pressing x uh that would be do a greeting this a super important person from the flower Kingdom who's with you on your adventure Prince [Applause] Florian I mean that was a bit more tame as far as wond seeds go but it's only done that once questions are random you don't get the same every time that's sweet good job Kang I just got to murder these guys just trying to exist love that sound I send something oh ah it's another Halloween one her up even the SE is like danc that's so sweet wait I missed a coin no no no remember me Beware of the Rifts oh God the world is being eaten toad toad why I di Jas again oh we might might supposed to be using this how w [Music] just hit it a lot it's just screaming Mario is in distress good picture look at that oh God he's just screaming get rotate [Music] it thanks Luigi oh look at this it's just slime I need this over here I need him to break it there we go the goo regenerates as well it seems oh we get to be goo Peach you look tasty the flowers are getting a bit weird what flavor are you they're getting a bit weird about it nebor having a hard time finally a sane flower it's the only flow not be like like want to cannibalize you apple and Vine they gave you like a chain press AR or shake the control the launcher Vine that can grab a wall go for it oh that's crazy that changes the platform in so much see you could just grab on to the top that's so cool oh it's just a slip and slide sure if only I could grapple oh get back it's a water par really felt [Music] it God how did I even manage that now without have the grappling I'm just like ah I don't care anymore well that was some you're going to become the flowers I believe in you my neighbors are so loud the snow it's buing me I don't remember one saying that it's for that means we have 100 seconds oh that was [Music] good all the weird enemies in this one this is where most of your time is going to go yeah woohooo chat really could be the flowers look at is here congratulations it's all of [Music] you please go [Music] down was I was I supposed to like wall jump there or something oh this this can't be good give me that [Music] flare not going to be very wowy or zoi if off quick there we go that's what I'm supposed to do to to save me thank you toad toad toad you got to reach you got to jump toad you got to jump oh we going to be slime again music for this one is like so fun game is really excited Li beond I must know okay going to die apparently I must know how did I manage that why wait it was [Music] beeping no God I'm so stupid beond I must know believe me but I've been there I'm not even going to I'm not even going for the coins just just keep going going into the sun oh God so cool looking this what lies Beyond I can get it we just easiest [Music] way sun is no more everyone someone's here to save you he's doing what he can God love him ultimate in slime levels it's been like a huge cave in y we've been rescued to help you save the kingdom Prince so we searched everywhere for a royal seed found hopefully you can get rid of the bad guy with it is that really it that was a very short love the fifth Royal seed in hand there's only one left to recover final Royal seat is said to be among the molten pools of deep magma bog good luck with that magma cuz God knows you [ __ ] it up rly on this level the Adventure Continues he's is going to live down here forever oh God is that that's all of them as well 21 let turn blue where's the challenge level at Replay that one again okay you're kidding me you don't all learn do you how many times I have to remind you how dangerous it is down here time to go home now so sorry this happened yeah hey how's it going bud a yearn for the mines another challenge level so we're going to have another one of these really soon too cuz we'll probably finish the beach soon oh God I'm trying to save I'm trying to save swim swim down swim down you got a burp Charlie it's the only way it's just is free fall don't burn up with the sun no thank you learn from my mistake learn from my T you got a bur slow your descent Donette you got to grab my hand quickly no she's G grab me Daisy Daisy Daisy no okay we made it this this's A stray Luigi who's been waiting down here a while good luck Toadette to's dead she didn't make it okay that's a that's another secret world complete God that was that was a really fun one but that seemed way more tense than any of the other ones oh is this straight up just a double jump do this that's pretty strong let's just try and get them [Applause] all that's fun that's that's a really cool power up oh we yep that's not how oh you get star power l i could see everyone else working away I found I just happened to find my solution right I can feel the oh God there we go take me with you sorry friend that's so jarring we go we're not going to have much issue with the flag pole now with the spin jump that's such a good [Music] one [Music] Zoom should have got that that out okay he really slows down the water yeah so it's fine see you later way of the goo the G oh this is cute it's going to be like a whole Adventure do not perish trying to beat all of this game uh tonight oh Daisy it's good to see you oh is a treacherous world we fight come to me come to me it's okay that's okay that's okay I got you we're working together on this yeah I'm going to get it first hang [Music] on okay now you go get the coin you go get the coin next just like chatting okay I I don't got this the main thing is we go one at a time oh good job they made it okay [Music] okay we are we did [Music] it there we go to the power of friendship RT and Daisy working together yo speaking of only got one world left and you we we've played almost every character at this point it's finally time to play Toadette at all this magma this place is so fun that Dad's getting Bor of sitting around building up Wonder power maybe I can make the magma go boom kind of like fireworks he wouldn't be so bored we must descend into hell itself oh god oh let's let's just get this out of the way so we're not like finishing with it something [Music] there there you go at least that one was a little less painful in the other ones it's happy chipper music I hate it actually does make those levels even worse doesn't it oh no this got if only someone could help me rescue my friend from behind this Boulder if only I had some incentive to save him go I need [Music] it thank you friends did did Mario not make it he's he's not here oh god um Nai can you just help me out in a mo no he's gone jesz I didn't see the pillars okay no we're fine yeah we got every Power up now oh we finally get to use this just roll it's even got like bowling balls [Music] become a Sonic Sonic game that's great they R in the runes oh god oh it's one of these levels oh that's not a that's not that was not a good idea I guess you actually are perfectly safe as long as you like near them they'll catch you oh God there we go huh how did you like wait take me with you grapple Vine too oh look at us go I love using this one [Music] okay a that one's so much fun how's it going gang hey what you doing in a place like this can I get [Music] it I got an idea oh just screaming just going to have a nice out time here apparently under lava level music feels a little more intense on this one doesn't [Music] it here we go one seed get the club box oh no there's another one of these guys what have block the way to the pal shortcut the pie clear away with my friends but so higher I just feel drained but maybe may you had a 50 on you this poor Bridge side the heat on the mag made the bridge collapse I can fix at no time but the heat is so much I feel like my fix and skills have evaporated unless I was paid a significant quantity of cash oh oh gee I can fix that bridge no problem the magma not an issue leave it to me leave it to me absolutely no problem they rebuild it out of wood as well yeah at least one more Airship to [Music] go g g i can get it I can get it let the void claim me oh I get it got it thank you Toad thank you he waited for us a different no I'll never do it quickly Gang This taking so long oh get us out of here how's the gang looking only only blue toad made it his toad died of jice once again there we go hot hot go might be a secret exit in this one this might be the end of me why why did you set up camp here he's a plant he has no control over where the seed is planted but then it's down to like the guarders or something you know like surely like the Poppins aren't monstrous enough in this Kingdom to like intentionally plant them oh I should not have done that oh it might be okay actually water is stored in the nose how many shots do you get one two three and it recharges whenever you make contact with water as an elephant it's cool you know I've got know one way up and we have all the coins too so I just got to make it to the end presumably [Music] here oh you get a rainbow if you have some water at the end that's cute oh the shortcut came down for one of the observations up above and I noticed short goes back up is blocked he weak little arms there's no way I could bust this Boulder God I'm physically incapable performing this feat of strength I'm sorry I know you came all this way here it's just not possible unless wavy ride through the magma tube all [ __ ] oh excuse me I let me down OU sorry D it I'm trying to I'm trying to help you wait did you have to get the flower from specifically [Applause] that not having a good time no God that that was a little unfair was just picking that one up you know oh God thank you I'm having a bit of trouble today it good for [Music] you oh no yeah let's pop some more sandies up we can get this go oh what a what a mess wait hang on oh no way he's just excited y he an elder Yoshi Yoshi's dad just hanging out ah oh it's just here tears of the flower Kingdom we're finally getting some of these extra badges Dash continues to incredible speed if you run off an edge you also have a short window where you can jump oh this one again [Music] I got friends we can make it PL the standies this beach are you here wait I I I I need to get the coin [Music] peach got we no one else made it it's just us I don't think I'm ever going to be able to use that badge properly um but yeah sure let's just you like give it a go visibility to oh we're not going to be able to these are all just challenges are they I I am going to forget where I [Music] am this makes it a little easier you are now Cloud oh I could have just SP otes no you're right that would have significantly helped well shame would done that challenge probably forever now help me help me there me Mario please someone come someone save us there we go challenge Gauntlet is almost all the way through Special World this is like the the last Special World Isn't it for like the extra challenges the magma bog special solar roller you can unlock the one for all the points after this oh God I forgot about my badge no let me change this okay let's go gang roll roll roll wait oh there's no way we'll make it this is bad that's very lucky on to the magical dragon all right let's try the special challenge level for beating all the challenge levels this just an extra Castle up here wa should we should we actually do this now or should we save this the final test Wonder Maybe maybe we should finish the other ones got this thank you okay let's beat uh Bowser Jr once again cuz God only knows it's not going to be someone else here tired of playing with you yeah me too hello Junior get bubbles I don't know why they just can't make the 2D boss fights more fun this is a bit more interesting that I just wish it wasn't Bowser junor you know I was like Bowser is more children to be perf no I I kind of hate all of Bowser kids Bowser Juniors all right like I'm I'm I'm I'll tolerate one existence anyway you did it to that too late already finished preparation with a huge not the amazing Wonder got plan next aren't you get sneak preview you're lucky I'm so generous all you have to do is muster up the courage to make it to my Castle but first let's gamble a little it's about 600 I think it's 630 more coins we get them all we may have to grind a level let's make our way over and you know we haven't got much left we finally get to play as yellow Yoshi I'm just kidding you it's time for nabit just kidding it's Luigi a second time okay all right we're going to do it let's go we haven't got much game left anyway we're almost there really excited to see the amazing the epic wonder I'm aaring have to wait a bit longer though Perfection takes time you just enjoy the open a by Arby is ready for you you CU missile Megs get out there and show them how dangerous a show could be missile Meg oh my God it's three star difficulty level this is too much oh sorry toad I didn't even see [Music] him I can get it [Music] behold we're going to space they making a rainbow this is so cool my God Bowser is the most powerful force of all in his army The Gaze we did it that was a fun level actual good photo look at that this one this one looks kind of fun oh there's one down there sure it's fine don't worry gang I'm here oh no I'm not good at this oh it's the it's the Metal Mario music it's cool they're actually using like some of their soundtrack and like properties that's so cool uh [Music] oh oh that's [Music] cool oh am I still on it I am all right so cool did it good job Daisy actual decent picture there's a lot happening there oh sorry gang I'm coming there's so many people here oh my God like almost every character is scattered he's finally doing a level alone oh got to jump in time to it [Music] again yeah that was cool so happy that was just the opening act Rock be of the main events got to Echo across the world no throughout the Universe be able to resist it heads will Bob feet will tap we be able to stop a truly captive audience is his plan literally just to have a concert you know you can do that without taking over the world time for the Epic yes the Epic Wonder I've been preparing Feast your eyes on Bowser's rage stage members please make your way to the main stage L here not that as I'm done playing with youir I would take the dad's Big Show you're not going to ruin that for me now you get to see how big and bad I really am and my super duper extra cool Wonder you did it oh I'm so sorry oh they spare him gang's all back the greatest musical number thank you no okay he needed it to it's just like a fullon fever dream now let's go okay feel like a new mechanic for the final fight he's really just doing a concert thank you for coming sorry for the wait you're ready to lose yourself and sweet Beat it's finale W the entire universe by captive audience Bowser's rage stage hit it he's a hand boss they have a hand boss in this game just got to hit the button keep going this is cool bit different it's a bit of a weird Showdown but this is just a little funky little rhythm guy just wanted to sing a song He's not not that scary is he oh hey what what are you doing here Mario you must be almost dead now yeah there we go oh we just awkwardly and slowly climb Luigi wants to tell us something what is it [Music] Luigi oh never mind oh gee I got to let this happen on my hair realize he's old you did it Daisy you are the Super Mario Bros Wonder Daisy has reached the goal scattered all the chaos emeralds they're sucking up all the drugs finally these halluin can to be put late to rest drugs have been defeated sobriety all of our characters we have to feature them all at the end no Daisy was just like on the beach apparently just chilling moment of silence for the other Yoshis who did not make the final jump they perish in the [Music] castle oh God I'm having a bit of trouble fight kamik at any point he just kind of exists brings the [Music] Airship and we all lived happily ever after oh good to know come back again sometime yeah Bowser died in a plane crash the end yeah got beaten the game you've earned a medal that makes one of course you haven't found yet and now dis play as question mark on the courses screen hland shop is new badges for sale changing the elephant form when you collect any power of oh that those are kind of cool I I do not have the money for this bonus coins GL oh it's just this and I'm I'm guessing I have to complete all [Music] these okay this should help somewh oh yeah no we're not going to ask you to grind that long like God for B I need to enjoy your time with this game you know we know you're busy one of these per world it's going to be a little bit repetitive for the next while oh yeah oh [Music] yeah quite a surprising place to run into someone h I was busy explored search a treasure next thing I knew I got caught in a blizzard I didn't find much treasure but the future is bretty all right try that blizzard 50 purple coins came flying right at me help I'll help you on your adventure it's good to see you my friend yeah we got him quite the surprising place to run into someone huh I Ed a pipe and search a treasure and ended up here strange how pipes connected in so many different places you know once a Min one never come out where I think I will anyway I found 50 flower coins what happened for your adventure now no get him I really don't want to miss him but I feel like we might need a power up I'm assuming like we'll still have online functionality for this let's go did you know Mario works as a plumber with his little brother Luigi oh wait you're about to beat the game let's [Applause] go okay move that oh you're bloody kidding me hang on I I can get it I can no longer get the stande just died this is going to be a bit of a gaunlet [Applause] thank you navit thank you hang on N got us y we didn't play as NAB at this adventure now he gets to join us for the end stick with him he's got us uhoh [Applause] just keep [Music] running I did it what a level it was quite the gauntlet and you know we got it first try found all the Wonder seeds earn you a metal that makes two found all the 10 flower coins earn you a metal that makes three grab the top of every goal flat pole earn you a medal that makes four final final test badge Marathon has appeared in the special world I think I want to get like all the standies before I tackle this so that way when we beat this level that's it let's make this as as kind as possible to ourselves finally time to be nabit it's faster if you die at the end that is quite funny wow yeah and I just want to die here so this is the Strat go let's go let's goling I have enough stand e complete oh the Goomba nab's very cute collect all the standies earn you a medal that makes five now for the Victory lap the final final test badge Marathon oh this is going to change each time good bad will switch frequently it we [Music] go no no I'm coming I'm coming red the needle is there checkpoints out of curiosity I'm going to guess no oh no wait don't don't thank you for riding with us no problem thank God he's here don't thank God won't lose our progress we've worked hard for hey oh no where is he he's 36 M away he's continue the Dark Souls 2 experience I can do [Music] it peach peach peach don't forget me Peach I could you forget your sister how could you forget your s thank you wait peach peach no I I must let the void climing hey Peach how you doing Luigi's here too we can all get through This Together gang some of us more together than wait wait for me wait for me Luigi Luigi you're supposed to be my love Luigi it's so good to see you okay you got doing itoo is not very wowy or zo I've got a standy you can make it no why did that go so quickly crouch crouch then jump didn't it [Music] work Beach it's good to see you thank you Luigi it's good to see [Music] you ha okay no beach made it Beach made it we're [Music] good okay this one's this one's going to be a little tricky thank you Emerald for assisting me Luigi is further in the level we good we made [Music] it po down all right just like your friends just did impress we good thank thank you save us Luigi everyone get the Ste [Music] down okay it's all right Peach made it Peach made it only one of us needs to succeed oh no oh everyone in MO we can see each other even if we can't see ourselves I'm coming wee Luigi made it Luigi made it we're [Music] good let me pop this down we're [Music] okay no I didn't make it oh no no [Music] oh my God I can't believe we did [Music] that oh why it was just slightly too [Music] slow [Music] no Luigi no is this the end I can't do it without Luigi I got away from him I owe him that much you can do it we're all cheering for you Luigi we're all here for you in chat I believe in him he's close he's close okay he needs me he's on this stage come on Luigi no come on you got this Luigi he's bouncing he's a ment he sended Smiles come on Luigi he's here he's here [Music] yes love wins love wins [Music] goodbye what a photo there's one more Wonder oh he's just happy for you and so Daisy's party achieved a spectacular feat clear in all the Special World courses what an astonishing display of skill and teamwork commemorate this achievement you've earned the secret badge the sound off badge such a wonderful Adventure thank you for playing you are a super [Music] Wonder it's a sound off badge but all the badges earn you a m that makes six did it this is a really big accomplishment you should be feel proud what happened we used the secret badge we got you have to commemorate this this achievement want me to wear it let's check what do we get oh onward and amazing do that sound like he's saying [ __ ] repeatedly yeah no this Ro was worth it this is great amazing [Music] oh that is great H that was great what a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] game
Channel: RTGame
Views: 803,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, mario wonder, super mario wonder, super mario, super mario bros, mario wonder full game, mario wonder final level, mario wonder review, mario wonder 4 player, mario wonder online, mario wonder full gameplay, mario wonder 100 percent, mario wonder final boss, mario wonder all levels, super mario wonder gameplay, mario wonder multiplayer
Id: xTaRZGH30Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 46sec (6946 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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