Glock 48 vs Sig P365 XL

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Ford was trying to take a piece out of Ferrari and that's what I think you have with these two guns okay so let's talk about we've done a sig 365 Excel review if you want to call it that done a Glock 48 review question that inevitably has come up over the prior weeks given that we are filming all of this in the same day is what how does that compare to that how does that compare to that so I have a lot of thoughts on this and the first one I'm gonna give you is because it's a relevant movie that is out now Ford versus Ferrari okay now I haven't seen the movie no interest in it really but the gist of the tale is that Ferrari was dominating the market for years and no one could compete and then Ford comes in and they're like let's bring in Carroll Shelby and I believe if the history serves me correct that's where the Ford must earned not the most that the Ford GT came from right and it was like Ford was trying to take a piece out of Ferrari and that's what I think you have with these two guns now here's the good news in that competitions good competition always I felt like I'm Trump now on the Ponemon competitions good we're gonna bring it back we're gonna get rid of the lines around the states right this is kind of what is happening with Glock and Sig right now finally the company that has never had competition inside of the Stryker fire space sig comes in and goes well let's throw a little kink into your business plan there and that's good we win okay like the consumer wins when these two decide to go at it now there might be best friends for all I know but I like to pretend like they're enemies just because the story's a little more juicy that way okay now when it comes specifically to well what do I think about each of these guns I've done this yet but let's just see okay let's just go down the list here okay clock 48 actually relatively a pretty good size bigger when it actually comes to the slide length they're like I would say look that's big enough to be notably bigger to me and grip I can do this there you go there's your difference in grip that's a notably longer grip I would say so really with these two guns that Glock 48 is noticeably bigger okay now that Glock 48 single stack why does this drive me so nuts that a gun is like I get it like this is very much gonna be a rant video okay I get it the whole point of this is that it's not a 19 does not double stack and it's single second I get it you know like it almost makes me wonder well look is this because this is super interesting because this is double stack 12 rounds what is like what is the sig p228 or it is a competitor to a 19 and it's kind of both because it's a double stack like a 19 it's a little smaller than a 19 I don't think significantly but probably in the same way that 48 is about that much bigger than the 6-3 65 have a feeling the 365 is or the 19's about that much bigger than an XL okay so it's almost like is this competing with the 19's a competing with 48 and it's kind of both it's in this very unique hybrid category the things that come to mind okay there's there's it's a really interesting side-by-side comparison with these two like more so than most side-by-side with you know sort of gun comparisons cuz you just got to go okay 450 bucks right retail 450 and a lot of people who like to just go as cheap as possible they're like 450 but that's 580 and they're like that's a big gap okay sure let's play that game for a second though these sites have to go there's there's nothing to debate these sites hath to go there [ __ ] okay we take dog does have the clock factory works right like they go out they go to kennels they take dog [ __ ] they put it in big bags right they take it back to the Glock Factory they take that dog [ __ ] they package it in somehow they make a front and a rear sight out of it I don't know I don't know how they do it it's a miracle but somehow they do it now these will crumple like dried old dog [ __ ] they will last that long so if you have to replace these sights if you go get good sights have them installed please don't do it yourself it will go wrong you're gonna spin 130 bucks so that 450 versus 580 you go okay cool you just close the gap just on the sights just on the sights alone you close the gap so let's now pretend that you upgraded the sights on this Glock to match the sights you know roughly on this 6o you go okay now the guns are the same price so now how do we look at it if we get rid of the price comparison you go okay cool I've got an rmr plate on the sig which I don't have on the clock that's an upgrade that is not cheap you know it's certainly not less than a hundred bucks to do that you go okay this grip is stippled this one is not okay cool you could do that yourself you you will [ __ ] it up but you could do it yourself you go okay what else you know barrel is obviously pretty standard [ __ ] there the round capacity thing I get I mean doesn't this kind of tell the story I get more rounds in a smaller package in a slide that is long enough that I can still hit it a distance like that extra slide length okay but it's like I don't know that it's necessary so RMR let's talk triggers this is a tricky one for me this is a really tricky one for me because I will be the hopefully this doesn't pay the Glock sights held up so I don't know what to make of this you know it's like this this almost obnoxiously flat trigger to me where the trigger pool isn't bad it's it's fine I'd say the trigger poles are relatively equal versus on my old 43 versus my 365 just standard non XL the triggers noticed better in that sig than my Glock 43 these two I'd say the trigger pool is about equal they're really not that one's not better than the other the thing I would have to give a point to Glock for is I do kind of like having that trigger safety I have to admit I do like having that trigger safety and that that flat trigger despite liking a flat trigger it's a little it's just a little steep for me so I don't know if anyone's ever said this I prefer this stock Glock trigger who's ever said they liked a stock Glock trigger better than anything I think I like that trigger better than this I like this this uh slide release better than the this [ __ ] terrible thing that they consider a slide release I like this mag release better than this I like the fact that this sig has a little bit of a almost a very minimalistic built in mag well versus of course Glocks like yeah we don't we don't do that that kind of thing around here in Austria um it's tough it that like it's tough in terms of how they shoot I would say the Glock probably shoots a little better and more flat than the sig is that surprising not really not really I mean it's a it's a it's a bigger gun I would expect it to shoot a little flatter to be perfectly honest that Glock shoots pretty good like it actually does it's actually pretty nice to shoot if you threw on some better sights stippled a little bit you got a smooth shoot and gun you've got a smooth shooting gun this shoots how I expected it to shoot it shoots pretty good and that's how I expected it to shoot the difference the differences in a if we go back in time a couple years to standard 365 non XL versus a standard 43 that was so dramatic the difference in those guns that I thought how the hell could anyone go buy a Glock 43 - total Glock [ __ ] when this 365 is on the market to me it was just a no-brainer between the round capacity and all the feature sights all that kind of stuff no-brainer Ford and Ferrari going at it right like we've closed the gap a little bit now and Glock saying okay we're gonna have to innovate a little bit we're gonna have to do [ __ ] that we don't normally do like front cocking serrations and like changing up sizes and all this kind of stuff Glock is not known for innovation hate to break it to you everyone six taken a chunk of that business so try to condense this and oh wow which one of these do I take [ __ ] why are you putting me in this situation don't make me put this is actually a really tough choice more enjoyable to shoot makes more sense to buy it just does it makes more sense to buy extra capacity better features armor plate better sights stiffled mag well all that kind of stuff makes more sense a little more enjoyable to shoot bigger gun it makes more sense to buy peace kids of America everyone thanks so much for watching please subscribe to our channel while you're here maybe like leave us a comment if you leave us a nasty comment or you leave us a thumbs down that might be the lowest form of human interaction these days who leaves a thumbs down on a YouTube video but subscribe you can find us on YouTube out spoke full30 comm 1911 syndicate it's very simple if you're a podcaster you're just like listening to audio in your car you can search The Syndicate minutes on Apple Google Spotify and you can always find us on Instagram Facebook all those good things just search 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Channel: 1911 Syndicate
Views: 61,980
Rating: 4.5863519 out of 5
Keywords: sig 365, sig p365, sig 365 XL, sig P365 XL, sig sauer, sig sauer 365 XL, sig sauer p365 xl, sig sauer 365, sig sauer p365, glock 48, glock 43x, glock 19, sig 365 xl review, glock 48 review, glock 43x review, sig sauer p365 xl review, sig vs glock, sig 365 vs glock 48, sig 365 xl vs glock 48, glock 48 vs sig p365 xl, head to head glock vs sig, 1911 syndicate
Id: KWyXmvzCtGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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