Glock 23 Gen 4

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hey Hickok 45 you know that if I could only have one Glock he would be the Glock 23 but what I have right here boys and girls is the Glock 23 generation 4 that's it 40 caliber I'm gonna take a couple shots feels pretty good feels like a Glock although I've only held it for just a few minutes generation 4 you know what they look like you know all the new stuff that the generation 4 has so let me grab my magazines and we'll go back up take a look all right Glock 23 generation for 40 caliber hasn't been out that long some of you actually have them but take a good look at it we want to go back through everything that we did on the Glock 22 necessarily you know you got the rough textured grip the larger mag release you have the different spring system we might take it apart but you have seen that Glock 23 June 4 and we have of course the replaceable back straps the multiple back strap system master bullets langer and right now I don't have any of them on there I thought it felt it okay without any on there for right now just took it out of the box I just picked it up just came to me from Glock and picked it up at the shot my FFL at home shot it don't you people in countries where you almost can't buy a gun hate that doesn't it just make you salivate that over here we can go buy a gun get clear through the instant check system take a gun home and shoot it you know you within a matter of minutes pretty amazing huh okay so 40-caliber got some 180 green ammo here that shoots um and this is a box it came in there's extra back strap back straps that you can replace that with and I took a shot about a magazine and a half I guess and it's right bowel stalled up i lubed it up cleaned it loose it up brought it out shot about a magazine and a half and seemed to hit where I wanted it to hit and you know so now let's do a video with it we were going to maybe do it tomorrow or next day or sometime I think we have enough light let's just go ahead and play with this baby because I was anxious to shoot it some more anyway and I go through a lot of ammo a lot of money with ammo so might as well do it on camera so this will be a Glock 23 generation for just the first video with it and at some point here will do it make a comparison between it and my old Glock 23 but today let's just shoot the thing I do notice it seems to have a little bit less most flip with that new spring system let me show you very quickly and as the dual recoil spring like the Glock 22 as another than that you know it's very similar so I want to go into that too much okay get back together all right so let's just shoot this thing a little bit I really I really in the mood to shoot that feel I feel steady we'll see it might not be alright don't always know so you start slinging lead generation for empty bag we don't want that feels good try shoot too fast but feels good right gong time let's wear that going out feels good let's hunt some animals I see some wildly pigs and goats over there all right not bad I'm out of ammunition yeah seems to be the problem with all these guns oh no we got two more here let's not take a break yet forgot let's kill some more animals look no let's knock over some more animals I didn't mean to sound so violent excuse me ah pigs don't want to fall every time they're heavy try him again whoa ricochet got the paint can cool all right I like that we load a couple more how much more I'll shoot but I tell you what a Glock 23 Glock 19 that size gun is just the perfect size and we close it up here look at there but you know that you know of course I like the subcompact too and I'll shoot any of them but when it comes right down to the perfect size handgun that that's about it and it ain't got type of gun whether it's an M&P or a Ruger you get a hold of a gun about that size as the compact and the Glock line it's just a great size gun you take any of those and work with them a little bit and and again that's one of the reasons I shoot long range stuff just play playing around I love to do it done so many years and decades that I'm generally generally not intimidated by distance and I'd love to show you what what a gun decides will do because I mean there's still a lot of people think they have to have a Glock 22 or a Glock 17 to shoot it well and to shoot it accurately but you definitely don't really need anything longer than this now if you like something longer that's fine you want a longer sight radius I understand that some people do particularly if it's just going to be a range gun because you know a lot of countries a lot of some states but mostly in different countries you don't have a carry permit anyway and so it doesn't really matter if the gun is a little bit bigger a little bit larger if it's not leaving the house very often except to go to the range but boy this is a great size even if it is a range gun this feels great bye my first Glock 23 I had in the really early 90s might have been 1990 I know whenever they came out I got one of the first ones and then one of the very first block 23 they came out shot it competition carried it police work as a reserve deputy hauled ass for about ten years and at that time it was on the best kept secrets people couldn't believe I carry a gun so small or I would use a gun that small put some house not so much a secret is it all right we've got she's just a little more here all right so no problems yet and you know I mentioned in a post recently on the gun block talk that I was so sorry that I was I was jealous because occasionally don't see a thread or someone's having all these problems or they're seeing all these block malfunctions where they shoot and I never have those you know so I really feel left out things like whatever Glock I bring in or I have for last 2025 years they just work so all right this is falling I like this take a deep breath okay I think I'm finally empty okay well that's kind of putting it through its paces for the very first day on the range first day out of the box after it was shipped actually shipped yesterday or today so Glock 23 generation 4 I think I'm going to like it spring feels good to me I think I proceed just a little less muzzle flute you know like with the Glock 20 through 22 just a little bit with that new spring system main thing is it functions it works and had no bobbles with it and however my rounds are fired there plus a magazine or two it's kind of a warm-up to to make sure it's sheets and I knew what a Glock 23 felt like you know so Glock 23 generation four that's my first look at it first time to shoot one and so hope you like that and life is really good isn't it
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,584,216
Rating: 4.9008412 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, 23, GL23, Gl-23, G23, G-23, Glock23, .40, caliber
Id: h4DEzXbBJws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2010
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