$300 Ruger Security 9 Compact vs. $500 Glock 26: Fair Comparison?

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hey guys James with tfbtv today on tfbtv I'm at the st. Bernard indoor shooting center the nicest range in the New Orleans area and I've got the Ruger security 9 compact this is Ruger's new smaller version of the recently introduced security 9 which I reviewed and I actually thought was a very good gun for the money street price on these things is run in like 300 bucks and it was a good gun go back and watch that review I think I was hitting silhouette targets on steel at like 50 yards like seven or eight out of ten times which is great for like a little economy gun so this is the ten plus one it's a double stack nine-millimeter and when I say ten plus one double stack compact nine-millimeter what does everybody think oh no we got a Glock 26 today on tfbtv which one of these guys is better [Music] a lot of you are saying right now understandably James you are an idiot how can you compare the Glock 26 that's like a $500 gun to a $300 street price security 9 and I think that is a fantastic question but watch me do it right now the Glock 26 versus the Ruger security 9 why would you compare these guns well the security 9 compact and the Glock 26 are both 10 plus 1 subcompact 9 millimeters that work great for concealed carry you're also talking about a $500 gun versus a $300 gun so can you fairly compare them and my answer to you would be yes I think you can make a good argument for either of them working very well either of them being better than the other but you have to factor in cost now before I get too deep in the comparison let's talk about what I liked about the security 9 series you guys could probably remember from about a year ago I did the security 9 full size that's the 15 plus one it's actually closer to a Glock 19 in size I did a review that gun and I was like wow I wanted to trash this gun you know 300 ollar gun I wanted to trash it and I ended up absolutely loving it most of all because of the trigger it uses the LCP to trigger system which is like I call it a single and a half action it pre [ __ ] the hammer it's a hammer fired gun unlike the Glock 26 which is striker fired so I thought it was gonna be this terrible double action trigger but actually what it does every time you wreck that slide it pre [ __ ] the hammer and your trigger pull it's very light very smooth and actually has a pretty good reset because all you're doing is bringing that hammer back ever so slightly before it releases so it's like it's not a single action it's not a double action it's like a single and a half action because it pre [ __ ] the hammer before it fires making for an excellent trigger pull I was hitting seven eight out of ten times I was hitting a target hey steel silhouette target at 50 yards with the security 9 full-size so that was kind of cool let's see if we can hit it were 50 yards out ultimately I opined that for $300 this is probably one of the best values that you can get in a handgun alright guys we're gonna shoot a magazine of federal sin Tech I love this stuff a lot of lead exposure whenever you're a professional shooter lead-free primers the jacket is made out of a polymer and so you it results in like 10 to 15 percent less heat transfer to your gun less wear and tear on the barrel less LED exposure to the shooter most importantly better for the environment and it's still pretty cheap I've been shooting that a lot today huge fan federal Senate and thank you guys so much an interesting thing of your shoot federal HST this is tuned so it will have the exact same trajectory as your federal HST hollow-point ammo so it's great for practice if you carry federal HST enough talking let's see how this murder shoots I'd say pretty well I mean just chunking it ten rounds and I think we're at fifteen or twenty yards here you know put it all into three and a half inches four inches or so let's do another one so as with most manufacturers that are making guns where you're dangling a pinky like the Glock 26 or a lot of the single stack 9-millimeter compacts out there the Ruger security 9 compact comes with a magazine that it came with an extra base plate great texturing by the way in this base plate so you don't have to dangle a pinky did you guys just see that just inertia charged so we're hot one pet peeve all manufacturers seem to do this I really wish that this was like a plus one or plus two like if you're gonna add that that additional length to the but I would really like to see additional capacity as well but whatever at least it's nice that they include that in the box so if you're not a pinky dangler you have a very well-thought-out grip extension here you can see there's nothing behind there's nothing underneath you just have like a little plate here to rest your pinky finger so it's pretty nice now we're shooting federal HST hollow-point ammunition will this gun shoot hollow-point well it ever damn ten yards rapid fire all in a very tight three or three and a half inch circle I think that's a three inch circle up there still don't like it's got one of the nuttiest slide releases in the biz even nuttier than the Glock if that's a word so not my favorite I would probably it will inertia charge you smack it hard enough and guess I'd go over the top with this one just I really don't trust this slide release yep see there you go a little too nubby for me got it that time same thing with the safety you guys know it kind of ranted about the full-size version safety I thought it wasn't very usable but this one actually is better this one seems like it's more responsive the full-size safety was jamming up a little bit maybe they fixed that there's no binding with this safety it works whenever you want it to so maybe it's okay and it provides a little spot for you to put your thumb if you so choose even though it's a little bit close to the slide more federal 124 grand HST in this tiny little rude earlier inertia lock again just did it so weird so weird I guess it's because it's like a single and a half action only so it basically pre-cuts the hammer every time you fire whenever you chamber around so this is a hammer fired gun but it's not really a double action only it's like a single and a half action because it's kind of got it praecox the hammer and when you pull that trigger back it's just a little bit of travel before it travels forward hitting the firing pin detonating around sending it downrange now let us compare the Glock 26 to the Ruger security 9 compact tale of the tape you are looking at a three point four two inch barrel on the security non compact pop quiz what are you looking at on the Glock 26 is it larger is it smaller enter your guesses phone-a-friend it is longer but it's only three point four three inches so you're talking one hundredth of an inch longer virtually the same overall length six and a half inches for the security nine compact six point four inches to the Glock 26 virtually the same slight edge to the Glock 26 now for weight twenty one point nine ounces for the Ruger security nine compact versus nineteen point four ounces for the Glock 26 now that two and a half ounce difference is pretty substantial I think 22 ounces that's close like a Glock 19 or maybe even a Glock 17 in weight where the Glock 26 has two and a half ounces on the security nine so that's a pretty big leg up for the Glock 26 now what about the width girth how girthy it is is very important to concealed carry everybody in the world knows that the Glock 26 is one point two six inches thick well how thick is the Ruger security 9 compact I'll give you a dollar if you can answer correctly not really but if I did what you would do is you would close this video then you would go to our mate hopefully open a new tab and you would go to Ruger's website and Ruger clever dogs that they are they have the width listed as one inch thick at the slide that's true albeit a little bit deceptive it's true that the slide is only one inch thick which is very thin but that's not the thickest part of the gun the thickest part of the gun is right around the trigger guard and I took my trusty caliper and I measured the thickness at the trigger guard and I got a hair under 1.2 inches thick so Ruger be proud about it you are in fact thinner than a Glock 26 with the security 9 compact so we've got somewhat of a tie game at this point however with the security 9 compact you've got Ford's slide serrations with the security 9 compact you've got a rail under the dust cover you don't have either of those things with the Glock 26 some people are going to like that LC p2 style trigger that's in the security 9 compact vs. the trigger and the Glock 26 a lot of people hate factory Glock triggers it's true I know but when you're looking at street price you're talking around 500 bucks for a Glock 26 versus 300 bucks for a Ruger security 9 so on paper it sounds a lot closer really then it should be for a $300 gun versus a $500 gun now me being the Glock guy that I am what I would tell you is look I like with the block 26 that I've got decades of reliability behind it reputation for reliability behind it I've got a nitro carburizing process that is virtually bulletproof when it comes to rust or corrosion I know the Glock 26 is durable I know it's going to go bang every time I pull the trigger although I have to say that the Ruger security 9 just like its big brother was one hundred percent reliable today even though I didn't clean it or Lube it with every single thing I put through it we use the term munition hollow-point Ventura munitions ball round federal syntek which is a great polymer coated lead free primer round I absolutely love that stuff you guys should go check it out ran that through it we ran federal HST hollow points through it 124 grain ran perfectly no hiccups so it's been a pretty reliable gun now the manual straight up tells you with the security 9 because the slide is made out of like a steel alloy they tell you to not run plus p+ through it now nobody's gonna tell you please we please run plus P plus ammo through our gun because it's outside of Sammys spec that is it's totally unregulated so they don't want the potential liability which is understandable but with the Glock 26 I know I can run plus P Plus through it like federal 9 B PLA will work perfectly out of a Glock 26 I'd be worried I would crack the alloy frame in the security 9 also I don't know what the finished process is on the security 9 slide but I do trust the PVD or the Nitro carburizing or tenifer or whatever the case may be depending on what generation of block I have I do know and I trust it right also third-party support sure I'm sure that these guns are gonna be popular enough that you are gonna have some third-party support in terms of accessories and holsters but I know I know that I'm gonna be able to get basically whatever I want in terms of accessories parts upgrades for Glock 26 it's got to be one of the most popular on the market today so I guess in conclusion I wanted to hate the security 9 but I was shocked when I shot at whatever over a year ago and I was like wow this gun actually performs quite well for being a budget price pistol so I wasn't surprised when the Ruger security 9 compact performed just as well and really held its own against a much more expensive and much more revered competitor in the Glock 26 am I going to start carrying a Ruger security non-compact instead of a Glock 26 no no of course not but I have to applaud Ruger for what they've done with the security 9 series they have produced a firearm that you can purchase for $300 street price that is a budget gun they've loaded it with features to the point where I can make a serious comparison between a $300 gun and a $500 gun so they've done a great job with a series they've made self defense and not only self defense but a pragmatically useful gun with a decent trigger and a decent feature set available to people who might not otherwise be able to afford say a Smith & Wesson M&P or a Glock 26 or a Glock 19 whatever the case may be so good job Ruger I am yet again impressed with the Ruger security 9 series I think this has been one of the most important handguns really that's come out in the past five six seven years you've seen a lot of people trying to bite into blocks action and what they basically been doing is copying block and then charging less for it right and some of them have been successful at that like the Smith & Wesson M&P series they make a great product a great true bonafide competitor to the Glock series but I really like seeing a company like Ruger say hey we're gonna take a different approach we're gonna make it cheap but we're gonna make it functional and that's what they've done again great job Ruger if you guys are looking for something in the three hundred dollar range I don't think that really there's much of a choice until you go to the second-hand market I don't think there's anything better out there for three hundred dollars right now than the Ruger security nine the full-size or the compact and the compact is going to be great for deep concealment now guys let me talk to you seriously for a second YouTube has been majorly up our ass we have had a lot of videos demonetized we've been emailing back and forth with them things are hitting critical mass the basically the only reason that we're still here is because of our patreon supporters go to patreon.com/scishow and the entire world that is a blue Alfa gear gun belt up to a hundred dollars if you give it to five or the ten dollar level you are automatically entered to win a free gun every single you can go to tfbtv gun team to see the details on that so thank you thank you thank you so much to our patreon supporters and our subscribers it also helps if you subscribe turn off notifications click that little bell if you don't want to get notifications but do us a favor and subscribe to us lease and thanks a ton to federal and Ventura munitions for sending in the ammo that we use today guys I love you I love making these videos thank you for keeping us afloat patreon supporters see you next week [Music]
Channel: TFB TV
Views: 166,982
Rating: 4.9194736 out of 5
Keywords: TFBTV, The Firearm Blog, guns, firearms, tactical, gun show, TFB TV, 2A, Shooting, RKBA, ruger security 9 compact, 9mm, ruger, ruger security 9, best 9mm pistol, security 9, ccw, ruger security 9mm, best budget 9, budget, cheap, cheapest, inexpensive, glock 26, glock, gen 4, glock 19, concealed carry, glock 26 review, glock gen 5, best handgun, 9mm pistol, handgun, gen 5, best glock, pistol, glock 43, g26, 26, edc, review, vs., comparison, best, better, which, james reeves, tfbtv, 2a, james tfb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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