Glock 26 Vs Glock 43X...The Best 10 Round Glock Is...

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is headshot and thank you guys for joining us today we have two heavy hitters in the Glock platformer head-to-head the Glock 43 X the Glock 26 and today we're going to talk about at all pros and cons how they shoot how they carry and at the end of the video I'm gonna tell you which one I personally like the best and why and let's go ahead and get right into this so these both of these guns are aimed at concealed carry okay and if you're looking at one or the other chances are you're trying to figure out which one should I buy and that's what we're gonna hopefully help you out with give you some tips and ideas and and what these two guns are about okay so concealed carry obviously that's the the main focus here and and hopefully I can answer even just for myself much less for you guys hopefully I can answer that question you know hey which one is better alright so let's go and get right into a really quick one of our power patrons mister Bruce you only got one name that you use and I actually like that Bruce has been a patron of ours for a while now and we appreciate your support so much thank you guys what do they look like compared to each other alright so we're not gonna count this a little bit of a beaver tail alright so just slide the slide what do these guns look like actually on paper the Glock 43 X is just a little bit loner which we can kind of tell right there the width all right you can tell there's a big difference especially when you're carrying inside the waistband this is what you're gonna feel kind of bulging out alright and then if we look at them both of these are 10 round guns alright and the difference between what they come with the Glock 43 X is going to give you 2 mags the 26 is going to give you 3 no matter if you get a Gen 4 or 5 it's gonna be three mags but here's your difference all right now you're thinking nine tenths of an inch it's actually pretty significant okay and if you're thinking that you're right it is significant especially when you're carrying inside the waistband 10 rounds 10 rounds okay now there's a reason that that is how it is okay double stack that extra width you got it all right Glock 43 X you can tell let me pull this mag back out all right you don't have a true single stack here okay but for all intents and purposes for this video it is a single stack especially compared to the two the double stack magazines start to get interesting because basically you have a gun that is bigger fatter definitely fatter but shorter in the grip with the same amount of rounds and you have this gun which is their slimline series alright that's longer in the grip so harder to conceal but lighter and smaller in those other dimensions we talked about all right what about features okay keep in mind this is a Gen 4 so the difference between a Gen 4 and and Gen 5 Glock 26 is you're not going to have any finger groove there which is just really one and the the 26 Gen 5 is just a hair heavier and a hair wider that's it alright so there's really not a whole lot of difference I put some different sights on here that that's that's something that I did that doesn't come on the gun but standard features on the 43 X you're gonna have front and rear slide serrations you can see you have the stainless steel slide that comes straight from Glock on these squared-off trigger guard serrated in the front high undercut alright these are things that you're gonna see in the Glock lineup I mean these are just things that they do straight from the factory undercut right here you can tell okay very similar in the way they look Glocks I know people make the argument so they've changed so much blah blah blah they've made huge advancements I respect this company I mean look I have to right here in front of me and another two that I'm not showing you ok so I own them and I shoot them and I like them but as far as like huge advancements well maybe but as far as aesthetics now so much you see one Glock you've pretty much seen them all and I'll stick by that slide stop very minimal and that's one thing you'll notice and that's why people like them besides the fact that they are generally very reliable other side of the gun on in gen4 there is no slide stop on the June 5 you are gonna get a provision for a slide stop on the right hand side of the gun if you're a left-handed shooter which is nice block 43 X no provisions at all for that but you can reverse your magazine release if I can release it myself on both of these guns okay so front rear slide serrations we talked about the trigger guard basically the texturing is the same and I'm just going to show them both to you rough texture finish from the gen4 has carried over to the slim line series all right and actually this grip texturing I don't mind us so much it's not too aggressive when you're carrying inside the waistband but it is aggressive enough to keep the gun locked into your hand now one difference that you will see with the double stack Glock 26 is you have this channel right here and what that allows you to do is it allows you to put extra back straps on this to accommodate different size hands now for me personally when I put this in my hand this feels good enough I don't want it any chunkier than this because this thing is already a little chunky in the waist if you know what I'm saying but you can make this a little bit different you can add one it actually has an extended beaver tail and all that kind of stuff so there's a little bit more customization straight from Glock on this one then you're gonna get on this one this one it is what it is now speaking of just factory options I opted for the Glock nice sights alright and this was a $50 add-on I thought it was totally worth it and I still stand by that you know 50 extra bucks because what you'll run into if you're somebody like me I hate the original Glock sights I can shoot with them I just don't like them so what I did is I added the Trijicon HDS on the 26 and they have that you notch style sight in the rear actually a really nice sight picture but these were I think maybe 150 bucks so you're talking about a base gun of 550 plus another hundred and fifty seven hundred bucks for a little concealed carry gun that's a lot of money I don't who you are that's a lot the Glock 43 X was $4.99 all right now these prices will change surely in the future and all this we're just we're just talking about this moment in time but that's kind of what you're gonna be looking at you're gonna be anywhere from 450 to 500 anywhere from depending on what version you get from just save five to six-hundred and on up you know depending on what you want to do with your Glock but that's just standard kind of pricing there all right so three mags on this one two mags on that one standard magazine release this was an addition from the Gen 4 they made it oversize a lot easier to get to than the previous gen 3 versions takedown notches identical for the most part now I of course there are some changes internally that they had to do to to accommodate for the slimmer gun for sure all right now let's talk about finishes here really quick on the Gen 4 this was this is probably the worst finish I think Glock ever put out and you can see I actually have not carried this gun in a while and you can see what happened over the course of time there okay just discoloration and really bad scratches and stuff like that and we carry on Tulsa holsters if you guys the thousands of you guys that have bought holster holsters know these things do not scratch up guns like that all right and it was just a problem with the finishes and a lot of people had them Gen 5 they went to the in DLC I believe and then on the the 43 X they have their in PVD finish okay so hopefully this one will hold up better but I'm already starting to notice some some discoloration and stuff of course I haven't had this one but for a couple months finish wise you know you can redo these finishes or take them to a professional and redo them but it's just something I wanted to point out between the June 4 and Gen 5 versions of these guns ok alright so standard Glocks pretty much external extractors all that good stuff don't notice a few differences like your your thumb holes here all right on the on the double stack versions of the gun where you'll get a little bit of a hump here on the slimline versions okay even the Glock 43 and the Glock 42 are pretty much the same way okay except no slides or no front serrations or anything like that but if you look at the slide serrations themselves they are essentially the same you just have to you just have them up front on the 43 X where you don't have them on the 26 Gen 4 speaking of that the battlefield green I think this coloration just looks awesome with the black slide and I'm sure that's something eventually they'll do on the 43 X because they've already done it on the 43 and the 42 and all of that good stuff so you get the different color variations as they start to progress through the lineup and and start to sell more of them and as time goes along there okay so let's talk about the way they carry here real quick then we'll break them down and and throughout this whole video we're gonna be showing you a little bit of shooting here there this is not a shooting focused video although we will talk about that but these guns are built for that and plus we already have reviews on these guns alright so I definitely want you guys if you want to see more of how they shoot and all of the kind of stuff go over and check out our individual reviews but carrying is where these guns really start to separate themselves okay so you'll notice carrying the 43 X that it is a little bit lighter and that 3 ounces unloaded weight even when you load it up because they're so similar they have the same matt capacity it's really really noticeable you will notice with the 43 X that it is thinner lighter but it also has a much longer grip and for comparison I want to show you guys something pretty interesting here and that is the Glock 19 Gen 5 ok so take this gun shrink it down you got a Glock 26 Gen 5 but here's the here's the interesting part of this if I take the Glock 19 which is a 15 round double stack gun okay I understand that and you put them lengthwise in the grip you see they're essentially the same so what you have is you have a smaller lighter gun with the same size grip so if you're somebody that wears tight or clothing or you know you just have trouble hiding grips like this big wrists depending on where you carry that maybe somewhat of a concern for you now if we take the same Glock 19 compared to the 26 check that out so you can see you have this natural progression up this right here is going to make all the difference so now it's just a matter of are you gonna take the extra weight and width to accommodate the shorter grip length but I just wanted to give you an idea you're gonna be taking more weight on this and you can you can feel it but it's not terrible you know it there is a difference it just it really depends on what you're willing to put up with when it comes to the extra weight and width on this gun okay again I'm not gonna leave you hanging like that the whole time I promise you I will give you an answer so all of these things are gonna make a difference holster gun bells how do you carry and maybe you don't carry inside the waistband maybe carry outside the waistband and this doesn't really mean a whole lot to you okay and a stay where I'm in you have to conceal carry so these things make a huge difference and I think most people are gonna be able to relate with that because you you have to conceal carry in in most states all right so break down here really quick let's go over that I'm gonna show you one time and really it's not that much different okay break down pull the trigger obviously make sure you're clear pull the slide back and dual captive recoil springs on both alright very similar striker blocks although the Glock 43 X does have a little bit different design in the striker block striker right there dual captive recoil springs polymer guide rods and all of that good stuff and then your slide internals very similar but of course some differences to accommodate for that slimline put them back together very easy so if you're new to this whole thing and you be able to maintain your gun it's very easy to do that which I can appreciate I mean really Glock started this whole easy breakdown of guns because you know certainly in the 80s and 90s they weren't all like that so that's a that's something that's carried on from Glock that is obviously a very good thing all right let's talk about the way this shoot here really quick and again these guns start to separate themselves and one thing I'll point out is with the Glock 26 you have the mad compatibility alright so you got the Glock 19 mag works just fine Glock 33 round mag works just fine okay so if mad compatibility is important to you that may be something you want to consider with the Glock 43 X this is what you got now you can try this all you want but it ain't gonna work okay so that's a problem with the slimline series is Glocks have always been known for being compatible between the calibers with the 43 X and the 43 and the 42 they are standalone guns and the magazine's just aren't going to work alright so you guys probably already knew that but when you think about the for comparison purposes that may make a big difference to you okay but as far as the way they shoot this is where the 43 X actually starts to do better because you have a longer grip you get a full grip compared to the 26 where one of my pinkie finger is hanging off I have small hands at that this gun is a little bit less controllable but the thing with this one is it actually soaks up a little bit more of the recoil both of these guns are great shooters I'm not gonna I'm not gonna sit here and tell you really one is better than the other this one you get a full grip and whenever you're unholster again from your holster you're gonna be able to get to this grip a lot better than you will the 26 okay so this is a great little shooter and the Glock night sights I actually actually like them a lot they do a really good job the Glock 43 X there's a little bit more recoil compared to the 26 but I think it's really negligible whenever you're shooting the guns side by side you really don't get that much of a difference with each of them okay but you do get the Mac compatibility if if that's important to you all right what about the triggers some will say Glock triggers are all the same I disagree especially on the 43 and the 43 X let's try to pull this straight back six point six let's try it again five eight a little bit of a jump there I don't like pulling Glock triggers anyways because of the way they're curved they make it kind of hard to pull them straight back to the rear 6.5 I think that's a little high let's try this again they average about five and a half but they all say that six point three yeah still a little bit high hold on let's see if we can get a good pull here five point eight okay so essentially they weigh the same and this one I will say it's better than the than the 43 the 43 is a stout little trigger this one is more like a traditional block I will say that now this one obviously does have more rounds through it and did pretty much the same honestly I mean they this one feels a little bit lighter but it's really negligible whenever you're I mean ever you're talking about triggers you know you you're either gonna learn how to shoot it or you won't I mean I don't there's not enough difference here to say oh man this this trigger is so much better you know it seems like a lot of people do upgrades and stuff on the trigger anyways so if that makes much of a difference so yeah I'm not one to go through and do upgrades on my guns especially my carry guns I want to leave them alone you know I don't want to put any kind of crazy backing plates on them or name plates or anything stupid I want to leave the triggers alone and when it comes stock stock triggers not really that big of a difference to make a difference but what you're gonna notice clock 43 longer grip if you're more comfortable with that this might be a better option for you okay through and do upgrades on my gun especially my carry guns I want to leave them alone you know I don't want to put any kind of crazy backing plates on them or name plates or anything stupid I want to leave the triggers alone and when it comes stock stock triggers not really that big of a difference to to make a difference but what you're gonna notice clock 43 longer grip if you're more comfortable with that this might be a better option for you okay all right so we've talked about the way they carry we've talked about the way they shoot this is a very close comparison when you look at it on paper but there are pros and cons on iation I want to go over a few here if there's some I missed again go over and watch our full reviews on these guns but I'm gonna give you a general idea here pros on the 26 very short all right and this this height right here compared to a weight to capacity ratio is just fantastic on this gun and this grip height right here makes this really really easy to hide even though you have a little chunky gun it is very easy to hide and I appreciate that the Mac palatability I think is a is a good thing you know I mean if you want to carry a 15-round backup mag you can do that and it's gonna work reliably in the gun all right which is it's it's really nice to have that compatibility between the platforms the way it shoots this is this is like the original true concealed carry gun these guns have been out since 1998 I think is when the gen 3 version of this gun came out they've been doing this for a long time and really this gun set the bar and it has set the bar for a long time and it's still rocking in holsters all throughout the country still to this day this is one of the original kings that concealed carry and I recognize that and there's a reason for that and I'm glad they haven't changed much with it as far as the sizing and all of that now if you were to slim this thing down just a little bit more you would really have a competitor to the sake p3 65 because they got the height right they got the capacity right if you just trim this thing down in the in the edges where it's just bulging out just a little bit man this gun is awesome for concealed carry and I can tell you that right now the Glock 43 X alright this one this one has pros too and this one is a good shooter really is man you take it to the range I had some really good groups with it mrs. heck shot shot it well is you know it just it just feels good in the hand it's a little bit slimmer and it doesn't feel as chunky in the hand as a Glock 26 and it just just feels real natural front slide serrations which I like aesthetics if you want to do your press checks nothing wrong with that either and the slide finish hopefully will stand out better than the then the Gen fours especially but the gun looks good and it feels good in the hand and it shoots good but that's where I start to draw the line and when it comes to concealed carry I think there is no doubt and you've probably already kind of picked up on it that's what these guns are for these aren't range guns alright and that's not what they're designed to be now don't get me wrong if you have a concealed carry gun and you're like dude I just can't shoot something like this very well I can't get all my fingers on there I'm not comfortable with it I just don't shoot it well I would never tell somebody okay well but you can still conceal this much better so this is what you should carry it carry what you're gonna shoot and be effective with first off alright that's the most important thing you got to be able to effectively hit your target otherwise you really shouldn't be carrying a gun at all in the first place or you should maybe you shouldn't get more practice before you carry that gun that's a better way to say it but the fact of the matter is I think that most people can take time and practice with this gun and learn to shoot it better and still get all those benefits alright it's heavier it's wider but the grip length on this gun especially considering you get the same capacity Mac compatibility everything else we just talked about I think the Glock 26 is a much better option in the world of concealed carry for the little bit better that I shoot this gun I would take this one all day long because I can't hit my target and I've practiced with it enough that I feel very comfortable with this gun all right now that's just my opinion I of course want to hear yours because I know you have a comment you want to leave down below so make sure you do that if you'd like to support our Channel come over to patreon and and for a buck or two a month you can really really help our channel out a lot and get a ton of extra content so thank you guys for watching we'll see in the next one and as always holding down [Music] you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 172,859
Rating: 4.8057518 out of 5
Keywords: glock 26 vs, g26 vs, glock 43x vs, g43x vs, glock 26 vs glock 43x, glock 43x vs glock 26, g43x vs g26, g26 size, g43x size, g43x vs glock 26, glock 26 size comparison g43x, g26 vs g43x size comparison, glock 43x features, glock 26 features, glock 26 battlefield green, battlefield green glock 26
Id: vkAIH4jrTac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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