Glock 17 vs Glock 19 Size Comparison

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what's up guys JP here just want to do a Glock 17 first Glock 19 video for you guys I had posted one earlier on in my channel and I just want to revisit it with this video and add some things on and hopefully better it for you guys so I can give you guys some better information before we get started both of these guns have been safety-checked alright guys I'm not going to go too much in the specs on these guns I will provide a link at the bottom of this video that will take you directly to the Glock website and on that website you can find in-depth information on the specs of these guns so if you have any desire to do that I'll put a link at the bottom this video I will say the Glock 19 holds 15 rounds and the Glock 17 holds 17 rounds now I'm going to move on to the size comparison to these two pistols I'm going to try to get you guys the best views I can on this so you can see the Glock 17 is on the right side and a Glock 19 is on the left side doing my own my own measurements on this guys the slide on the Glock 17 is about half an inch bigger than the Glock 19 okay guys see if I can get you guys a good view of the grips together and as I'd said and with the slide the grip on the Glock 17 is about half an inch bigger than the Glock 19 you guys can see that the grip is a little bigger line these up for you guys that's the front of the grips guys for you guys see that Glock 17 grip sticks out just a little bit I'll show you guys how the Glock 19 fits in my hand as you could I don't know if you guys can tell really good but my pinkie doesn't really fall into that finger groove I don't know if it's because I have large hands but it just it fits it goes over that that lip just a little bit so with the Glock 17 I can get a full grip on the gun my pinkie will fall right onto that finger groove so you know if that helped you guys out but let's try to show you guys add alright guys just want to answer a few questions I get quite often from viewers and from people I know which one is more accurate the Glock 17 or the Glock 19 I always tell them accuracy is subjective it's subjective to the individual maybe you shoot the Glock 17 better because you can get a better grip on it maybe you shoot the Glock 19 because you get a better grip on it it's also objected to the individual so my best bet to tell you guys is to get to a range rent the guns if you can to see which one you shoot the best that's going to be your best bet guys is to actually shoot the guns to actually hold them in your hands get a feel for them that's going to be your best bet guys um for me personally I shoot the Glock 17 better that's just due to me being able to get a better grip on the gun I still shoot the Glock 19 just as well I shoot the Glock 17 just a little bit better it's not a huge difference so guys so I wouldn't worry too much about accuracy with these guns but like I said if it's going to bother you a lot get to a range try to rent these two or if you have a friend or family member that has these get one of these guns um see if you can borrow from them and test it out the rain another question that I get is which one has more recoil now these are nine millimeters guys so we're not talking a huge difference in recoil and honestly shooting both of these guns side-by-side there's such a miniscule amount of recoil both I mean I mean if I had to say the Glock 17 Pyle recoils less because it's heavier but we're not even talking to not nothing noticeable guys so I wouldn't I wouldn't go too much depth into that guys the last question that I get quite often is which gun do I prefer that also leads me into my next section if I could only have one the Glock 17 or the Glock 19 that's a pretty hard question for me guys my very first gun that I got was a Glock 17 it was a generation 3 Glock 17 that was the very first firearm that I ever owned I actually ended up trading that one in because I liked the the grips on the Gen 4 is better and I shot the Gen 4 better so that was why I traded the gen for the gen 3 for the Gen 4 but with all that said I have a big appreciation for the Glock 17 was the first handgun that ever owned the first firearm that I've roamed so a lot of appreciation for the Glock 17 with all that being said if I could only own one of them the Glock 17 or the Glock 19 I'm gonna have to go with the Glock 19 the main reason why is I think it's a better all-around pistol small enough to carry comfortably and also big enough to have it as a home defense gun and another plus with the Glocks the Glock 19 is it holds the Glock 17 magazines which I've always thought was a big plus just sticks out a little bit and that would be if I can only own one of these guns I would have to go with the Glock 19 now if you're in the market for the Glock 17 or the Glock 19 if you're in the market for these two pistols and you're trying to decide which one you want to get Mike I've said in the past in the past in this video my best suggestion to you if you really want to see which one you shoot the best which one that fills the best to you is to try to get to a gun store or a gun range and fill the gun out and if possible if you can rent one of the guns and test it out to see if you like it if you I mean it'd be best if you could rent the Glock 17 and the Glock 19 but that would be my best advice would try to get to a gun shop fill the guns out try to get some range time with them and that's going to be your best bet you could watch this video all day but until you do those things it's not going to really mean too much to you know and both of these guns are going to be reliable and they're going to last you a long time as long as you take care of them they're going to take care of you Glock 17 is a great home defense gun some people carry it with a good holster definitely can carry this with a good holster Glock 19 great carry weapon great home defense weapon and a great all-around pistol that's what I always say um like I said guys try to try to get to a range try to get to some gun shops fill around that's going to be your best bet alright guys just want to close out with this by saying thank you guys for watching if you guys have any questions definitely put them in the comments try to answer them as much as I can hope this video helped you guys out it's always fun talking about these guns and have them out so alright guys JP signing off thank you guys for watching
Channel: J. P.'s Firearms Channel
Views: 1,088,850
Rating: 4.7214637 out of 5
Keywords: Glock (Weapon), Handgun, Size Comparison, Firearms
Id: V0-GcOZ3Hrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2013
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