Come As You Are_30DG2017

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scene is gospel mission not his commission seeing is God's permission not his commission first John chapter 3 verse 8 put it up for me first John 3:8 are you getting blessed tonight first John 3:8 read for me he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning yes for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil it was whosoever is born of God does not commit everybody that is born of God does not commit thee so for somebody to say that the preachers of grace I didn't people in license to see he doesn't even know grace and he doesn't even know what preachers of this are preaching they ask for shall we continue in sin that grace may abound pause in how how how how shall we do that day we are dead to sin how shall we live in sin any longer when a man dies from this egg does he go back to his old school to leto apostasy they say this man died last Friday they buried him on Saturday shamsher Sunday morning they say he came to the class and he taught yoga it doesn't happen it can never happen dead men are they born again is yet to see you couldn't have been born again if you didn't die you see no you can't be born again and alive to see it is not possible to nature's cannot live in one man it's a living woman now shall we that are dead to sin live any longer dren know ye not the as many of us as we are baptized into Christ we are baptized into his death born again is a baptism into Christ and by identification is a baptism into his death does the power of the new creation hallelujah put it off for me read for me girl whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed women it is nature that see this is Rachel ah being born again Hospital 123 being born again not of corruptible seed he cannot commit sin because of his seed you are born again not of corruptible sama sperma the word seed is the word stammered the word stammered is rare English of the world sperm sperm means DNA just like a man cannot be pregnant a bona demon cannot commit see that thing that makes a scene a scene is not in the born-again man somebody shot I can I cannot committee say again louder now some of you are not able to shout because you just remember some things even when you mistakenly seen you're not committing scene it was a mistake you acted outside your territory you pretended you after the script that was not yours and the moment we discovered a script was not yours you took your leg out of the script which is what you know which is what happens any believer second of scenes because he seed the spammer being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God put that scripture back for me the first John whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God he cannot sin because he is born of God next verse in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his brother God does not commit sin so the people that he produces does not commit see if you are born of God you do not commit sin hallelujah first john 5:18 I'm rounding up at your place tonight first John 5:18 read for me we know that whosoever is born of God sin s no question are you born of God let your retina shut I am born of God I see that knot and the Walmart all the stories around of the fire read that conclusion of when we started preaching grace in his church I don't know those of you that I've read that story when he started preaching grace in his church and he told members of this charge God loves you there's nothing you can do to make God love you more and there's nothing you can do to make God love you less God loves you unconditionally and people the way you out all your shortcomings he loves you and has accepted you like that oh it was live but freedom came to the charge and he said the following Sunday some elders in his charge came to church with pipe you know pipe pipe Nazi great pipe and they got that in front of the church and they were blowing the Tim they were having a nice time and some of these some of the elders cameraman said Andrew you have destroyed your choice you are destroyed your choice look at what you're preaching look at the kind of leaders produce your elders are smoking and Andrew said go and ask them which of them started smoking last Sunday we need to see who our new games not a preach smoking last Sunday the mr. Bouie are smoking all along but they were pretending they were hiding it but grace has brought them out so that we can preach the mother [Music] [Applause] there's no key policy English hypocrisy in the north under grace no hypocrisy grace allows you to come the way you are let me ask you a question Amanda goes to a doctor and the doctors they remove your clothes you know treat me like this if they remove your clothes I have to exam if you're not treat me like this you will never be treated that's why hypocrites are never treated they are never treated they are passive in pretending they are perfected the act of pretending but grace tells you anyhow you come God has already accepted you he is not accepting you based on performance he's accepting your based on Christ once you hear that you just come with us you poo Chrissy and because you care without your hypocrisy you are open to Christ Christ begins the passage I'm teaching goodness I don't have time for testimonies you need to know how many testimonies where were people addicted people in all kinds of things just by watching and listening to this messages the addictions are broken egg at toenails and elder I will call the name of the church 20 years 20 years of masturbation 20 years I let how some people i minister to people I try to do crusade without a ministration I go back and I do masturbation he say but as I began to what you teach on Kingdom Life Network I'm not even in your church just through television after a while I forgot that I used to masturbate it was not intentional I didn't planets judge the Word of God entered me and the abbot I changed the baboon akhada when you begin to eat Christ when you begin to feed on Christ your appetite has changes it's not pretending never know it is the power that comes with the nature of the original return man shall I hear you sorry about the trouble woody the monster I'm free the addiction is drawn a many of them many I don't have time for testimonies because testimony is not the gospel no time for testimony testimony is not a gospel the gospel is the message of Christ but we have many all over the place all over the place some are not even a free ashamed they go on my page and they like it openly for people to read they write it openly for people to read on my page and how can you say that grace gives people a chance to see when graciously blessed people leave us alone stand up please close your service if you want to help us and we know that's right leave us alone have you told them you have for them to live alone he was alone leave us alone you hypocrites hypocrites leave us alone let me tell you the truth this message was swallow the entire world and this message will empower the church this message will position God's people in the place we are Sita will hear deliverer and that one in a will somebody shout I hear you summary shot I hear you Luke your attention I am born of God the nature of God is in me I cannot see sir again I cannot see my appetite has changed by the water God see a believer that is the play we see is one thing he has not satisfactions on the Word of God - I said set your affections on things that are both not on things beneath where Christ is seated at the right hand of God where you are exceptions except on glass where you see Jesus your appetite begins to change it begins to change it begins to change it may not be overnight but it will be changing after a while you will see that you're not where you used to be exactly what you will see that you're not where you used to be it will not be one night but you see it progressing in kitchen yes metaphor that I here today were not where we used to be we have made a lot of progress in Christ and there's no hypocrisy abouts we are draws ourselves it is because we're I said that's why they keep accusing us of license to sin because we are not pretending like them if we are pretending like them they will not even be able to say anything because they will say anything to see but therefore without pretense there is leakage it religions or leakages leakages leakages of diverse manner because they are trying to prove a point they are trying to impress God we have nothing to impress what about before we are anything he died for us God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners a member so you are see see now what are you do how will you be thinking of impressing what is that impressive he has seen you in your was nothing to pretend about he just come to him the way you are and he enables you to overcome the weaknesses somebody's not shouting hallelujah we all with open face how many of us how many of us we are it open face beholding the glory of God we are in a mirror what happens was we are changed from where glory to glory as by the Spirit of God i prophesy over this house on television on the internet wherever your your in the son of my voice where in righteousness we're in a righteousness reign in victory run in the finish walk in the name of Jesus and I decree and declare what Christ has done all that Jesus has done on your behalf you will enjoy the fullness of it in the name of Jesus and I decree that the nature of God has overshadowed you overtaking your life in the name of Jesus Luke you later assert me I am born of God the seed of God give back to me that is my little the DML God I cannot see because I am born of God I thought somebody will shock you live in Amen well if you believe it go ahead drop shot scream make some noise give him praise in the buildings give him praise in the building
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 11,094
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Id: 5_nQoD0TjhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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