Anger is not a Virtue of God. You Must Watch This!

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praise god john chapter 1 verse number 17 john gospel of john chapter 1 verse 17 for the law was given by moses but grace which is truth came by jesus christ it's been a conference of grace for grace and in the course of the teaching we discover that the grace of god is god's generosity towards mankind the grace of god is god's willingness to get involved with my inadequacies the grace of god is god coming down to my level and upgrading me to his level the grace of god is the unearned undeserved unmerited favor of god the grace of god is not a dispensation the grace of god is god's consistent character from eternity past to eternity future so grace is not a new message grace is god's disposition towards man god's disposition towards man the grace of god appeared that is god's character towards man inadequacy showed up the word grace did not begin from the greek lexicon it actually has its roots in the hebrew lexicon meaning that the word grace predicted the new testament so it's not an end-time teaching it's actually the teaching of the scripture actually the gospel is the gospel of the grace of god because the grace of god is how god relates with man how god sees man and disposition towards man's failure towards man inadequacies towards man's mistakes and postman's deficiency where god's standards are concerned his disposition is called grace that is that god will not overlook sin that god will not preach sin with with kids clothes that god will not tolerate sin that god will not accommodate sin and that god will not pamper sin but that god will punish sin but in punishing sin he will not punish the sinner because the sinner does not have the capacity to carry the punishment of god so the grace of god there is that god will punish himself for the sinner that god will punish himself for the sinner that god kabato belia now come with me to romans chapter 3 verse number 22 romans chapter 3 i'm just laying a foundation because i'm gaining somewhere even the righteousness of god which is by faith of jesus christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference there is no difference the grace of god the righteousness of god is unto all and upon all them that believe there is no difference next verse i love the next verse for all i've seen and come short of the glory of god if you've been to a conventional church before you must have been hearing this verse every sunday this is the verse that brought sin consciousness to the body of christ meanwhile the subject matter of this context was not sin it was righteousness the righteousness of god is upon all men and unto all that believe for there is no difference the same way all have seen and come short of the glory of god is the same way the righteousness of god has been declared upon all men and unto all men pay attention to the next verse verse 24 being justified freely justified freely the word justify is a legal term for righteous justified is the legal way of saying you are righteous justified declared acquitted and discharged without prejudice being justified freely by his grace through so the justification is through a third-party intervention being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ jesus through the justification is not based on my receiving it is through the redemption that is in christ jesus redemption means ransom that's the greek word the greek word for redemption is the word ransom that means a ransom was paid to the kidnappers to release you now the the kidnapper is the person to whom the ransom was paid you were kidnapped by sin you were kidnapped by sin hence you deserved punishment by seeing your kidnapper and sin demanded a ransom upon which if the ransom will not be paid sin will kill you the wages of sin is death so you didn't have the ransom with which to pay you're broke you have no capacity ability you lack the word without to pay sin or to pay the ransom demanded by your capital so god almighty decided to bring a third party intervention in the payment of the ransom pay attention he says being justified freely by his grace through the third party the redemption or the ransom that is in christ jesus so the ransom was the ransom of a person jesus is the ransom that brought the redemption he was put the ransom and the redemption jesus was both the ransom and the redemption pay attention now the redemption that is where in christ jesus so christ jesus is the ransom in one hand and the redemption in the other hand now pay attention to the next verse next verse whom god has set forth to be appropriation the word propitiation is the word payment whom god has set forth to be a payment through faith in his sacrificial work the word bloodier is not liquid it's a metaphor for his sacrificial work when we say you are bought by the blood what we mean is you are bought by the sacrifice of christ it's not the liquid that came out of his body no it is the entire framework of redemption the death the burial the resurrection is called the blood metaphorically because that blood is jesus himself because blood is life when we say the blood of jesus we are saying the life of jesus himself so the payment was by faith in his redemptive work in his sacrificial work that was how god set forth your propitiation or the payment for your sin through a third party to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that have passed through the forbearance of god pay attention next person i have to believe to declare i say at this time his righteousness that he might be the just and the justifier that god has to be seen in his intervention that god must be seen in his intervention as just that god did not use criminal means for justification that god did not cut corners in justifying you that god did not tolerate him or brush it or overlooked it or treated it as a trivial matter no no that he might be seen as the just that he should say god did not bring his power and his sovereignty as god to say sin doesn't matter it doesn't matter just come i have decided to overlook it i have decided to to forgive it no no if god has done that there will be no justification in that act because here is a crime that demands punishment and here is a sentence by the constitution of the universe for god the judge of all to brush it will mean that god himself has criminal tendencies that will mutilate his character therefore for him to be seen as just and the justifier at the same time so it will mean that for him to be the just and the justifier must be on perfect legal terms perfect legal terms what were the demands of legality for the criminal to die for god to be just the criminal dem must die but the constitution permits for substitution that in the place of the criminal somebody else can die and by the death of the third party the criminal can be seen in the eyes of justice not in the eyes of sentiments not in the eyes of emotions in the eyes of justice the criminal can be seen as one who has never seen before because of the substitutionary intervention am i communicating here please stay with me that god might be seen as just in being just he did not overlook sin in being just he did not trivialize sin in being just he did not pump us in in being just he undertook the substitutionary demands that sin asked for let me deal with something quickly i have a lot of things to say to you today father help me r i used to be a choir master wait i need you to give me the lyrics that's what i'm repeating uh the what no i don't want that one there's another one there's another section another one there's one that talks about the rot of something you should be here the wrote of god again the wrath of god say it again [Music] the what wait repeat it again the what wait repeat it again the what how can dear be wrought in god wrath is the work of the flesh anger is a work of the flesh how can god be angry once there's anger in god it tampers with the sovereignty of his character because anger is a work of the flesh and you see that's why the character of god has been messed up over the years and it makes it difficult for you to relate with god when you think that god has tendencies for anger god has never been angry god is not angry god can never be angry there's no anger in the light look at god's character can i show you god's character but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace gentleness meekness temperance faith long suffering goodness faithfulness that is a description of the exact accurate character of god there's no right in god's character let's go through it galatians 5 19 are you still in the building galatians 5 19 19 brother before 22. now the works of the flesh now what the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication and cleanness lasceviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variants emulations wrath wrath is a work of the flesh how can there be wrath in god that mutilates god's character and i am on a mission to defend and present the single identity of god that god does not have dual identity he has only one identity and he has no hidden agendas when you see god that's all that there is to him there is no hidden agenda when you know god like that you will have an intimate relationship because you can trust him you can rely on him and you are sure that he has your back even when you make mistake you know that he doesn't get angry rather he looks for how to get you out of the mistake now when you understand god's character your relationship with god is affected positively am i communicating at all god can't have wrath there's no wrongs in god wrath is a work of the flesh and they who have these works cannot enter the kingdom of god how can the kingdom which god owns accommodate wrath and stop people with rot from being a part of it that is not just don't forget that he may be just that he may be seen to be just in the eyes of legality because these are legal issues these are they are not sentimental issues the wages of sin is not tears the wages of sin is not apology the wages of sin is death there's no middle ground the soul that sinneth shall die there is no begging we are doing an interrogation this morning so sakayada can i close you're really serious for this so if there is no wrath seditions heresies in the kingdom then god cannot have strife he cannot have wrath he can have it these are works of darkness and there is no darkness in him at all these are works of the flesh flesh is darkness how do we know that flesh is darkness same writer brother paul will communicate these realities to the church in rome romans chapter 8 verse 6 stay with me romans chapter 8 verse number 6 for to be carnally minded is dead to be carnally minded is dead but to be spiritually minded is life and peace in him there is life so if god has life it means god can never be carnal minded god is a spirit so god is spiritually minded there can be no canality in god if god is carnal he has no moral justification to deal against canality now observe next verse next verse brother because the canal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be next verse so then they that are in the flesh cannot please god and the works of the flesh includes wrath there's no way god can have wrath if god had it it would be a fruit of the spirit i'm teaching good look look guys i'm on a mission a global mission against the misrepresentation of god's identity because once god's identity is misplaced the believer can never know himself because the believer is found in god it's a major issue we're dealing with here this morning as we round up the new limit conference so then they that are in the flesh cannot if you lack fast 100 days if you like cry they cannot please god because you know what they that are in the flesh are those that are not born again he that is born of flesh is flesh he that is born of spirit is spirit so to be in the flesh means you're not born again you're a non-believer you're only generated you are ruled by your senses you are you you don't your life is humorous all you have is human life which is equivalent to animal life which is equivalent to plant life that is you and flower are the same just like flower dies and ends you too when you die you end because what you have is humors human life but you cannot have a secondhand life i mean a superior life except you're born again born again brings into you eternal life so after this physical life ends eternal life continues am i talking to somebody here so to be born of the spirit means to be born of god's life it means immortality inhabited mortality it immense deity lives in humanity that man has no business with the flesh that man is a constant pleasure to god even when he does nothing just god sees you he feels nice why this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and when god said that of jesus jesus had not done anything just because he's a son of god god was pleased in him and today that jesus who pleases god always lives inside you which means when god sees christ in you he is pleased you don't have to add anything to it christ is enough am i communicating at all now watch we're walking we're walking through something put the scripture so then so for you to understand the calculations i just gave in the in the few last minutes look at now the next verse can we all read together the next verse one to go but you are not in the flesh repeat it again say with me i'm not in the flesh because i'm born of god therefore i don't have the works of the flesh what is the guarantee that you are not in the flesh if so be that the spirit of god visited you visited you what is there what does it mean to dwell to take up residence that is if you are the residential address of the holy ghost ziana katana that's why no preacher should tell you god will visit you [Applause] god visits an unbeliever but lives in me how can you visit the person you're living inside god doesn't visit me he lives in me sabana if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his going to church doesn't make you a christian just like going to mr bix does he make a donut you have to have the spirit of christ inside you for you to be a child of god church name doesn't make you a christian if you like answer christiana if you like answer christian christinos you are not a christian until the spirit of christ enters when i speak in tongues you better because i'm about to drop something yeah somebody shout i receive a receive okay say that let me push that he might be the just and the justifier so what qualifies him to be just is that he does not treat sin with triviality he is brutal in dealing with sin when god deals with sin he deals with it without an iron of compassion when god deals with sin he deals with sin without an ayat of mercy now watch this because that statement i just made requires interpretation when capatona when god deals with sin is no iota of mercy and compassion how does he deal with sin look at me god walked out of god in the person of christ for sin for sin for sin on the cross when he now is fulfilling the mission for which god came out of god and became a man god for the first time god looked at god and turned his back on god and walked away from god and god said to god my god my god why has thou forsaken me so because of you god walked away from himself because of you that is a greater love has no man than this that a man should lay down his own life for his friends if i'm teaching say i hear you now so god walked away from god and god said to god why that was the cup that jesus was crying in the garden of gusty money i don't want because that is the first time such a thing will happen that god himself will leave god now watch god deals with sin brutally how since there is no anger what is the brutality and where is the brutality from sense is not an angry god so how why how will he have the capacity to deal with sin brutally look at this when jesus became sin the moment he took sin what he told god is i don't want you the entrance of sin is a clear announcement to god get out you don't even need to shout it once sin enters what you're telling god is i prefer sin to you go so when jesus became sin god left the living of god is punishment that is when god withdraws from you the resultant effect of god's absence is hell fire see god does not give you hell he doesn't have one to give he but when god's life pulls back the absence of the pulling back of god is the entrance of darkness the entrance of death and the entrance of hellfire hell fire is the absence of god see god keeps saying i love you i want you i died for you i love you you keep telling god i don't want i don't want we bring gospel to you i don't want in god's long suffering he keeps sending different people to you he keeps walking through them you keep saying i don't want 30 years 50 years of your life you're saying i don't want god is still persisting in his mercy he's still begging you he's still reaching you even though you say god you're stupid he blesses you you say god you're an idiot he protects you you say god you're not even there he allows you to enjoy rain sunlight goodness good health he has not allowed any evil to be for you because he is willing you with goodness to see if you will consider his mercy in your life so after 65 years you say no and as you say no you died as you died god withdraws because you have told him you don't want him so he leaves you to face eternity by yourself and because it's not in you to be the light you face darkness because it's not in you to be life you face death and because it's not in you to be heaven you face hell hell death darkness is the absence of god do you understand what i'm teaching it's not like god will pour fire on people he doesn't have the to poor the absence of god is death the absence of god you know people don't die until life lives death is the absence of life see darkness cannot enter this room as long as these lights are on but turn the lights off you don't need an invitation for darkness it is automatic that when light leaves darkness enters it is automatic that when life lives death enters it is automatic that when you are not granted access to heaven hell comes it's not god god's mercy and grace is to delay it and keep begging you and keep treating you nicely and keep helping you and if you reject then god does not force his way he will have to accept your request by leaving you that is why he is just he is just and the justifier go back to romans 3 my brother romans 3 25 he is the just and the justifier give me 26 that he may be just under justifier teaching good he is just he doesn't have anger he has love he doesn't have death he has life he doesn't have darkness he has light response to darkness is mercy his mercy is life penetrating death his mercy is light coming to darkness his grace is love coming to hatred all god has is a single identity he is life he is light he is love no darkness he has no hand in the composition of evil somebody asked me somewhere so if god does not destroy who destroys sudama and gomorrah sodom and gomorrah rejected god the day god left the absence of god that's what the bible say and the day lord who was a symbol of god the day lord left it rained fire as lord as long as lord was inside sodom no fire could fall but the moment sodom resisted god lord left the absence of lord was the reign of fire somebody said to me why then did god destroy the world of noah the ark was standing 120 years god is begging these people enter enter 112 years of god's mercy enter animals entered man refused to enter goats entered man refused to enter even chameleon entered man refused to enter so since man refused god has begged and god has dried the door is closed the moment the dog closed rain began to fall that is the closing of the door was god's departing and the absence of god is the presence of darkness the presence of destruction and the presence of disaster am i talking to somebody in this world if your understanding shall i hear you sir sir that is why you will hear the atheists will say if you really say god is love why do little children die mercilessly how can a good god allow evil things happen to good people that is the question in the mind of people who don't want god they feel how can there be a god anywhere and children die at birth and women struggle a boy said to me i saw my mother dying i cried and i said god if you really are there please let my mother stay i don't have a father i don't have anybody oh god i beg you and my mother still died how can i believe in that kind of god that is the question in the mind of people that don't like your church that is the question in the mind of people that don't come to church because we preachers have preached a god of judgment and a god of love how can they trust a god who has dependency for evil and the tendency for good what kind of a double-minded god why is god so mentally agitated why can't he maintain a consistency we don't want that kind of god the world is asking questions they're in dire need of answers you want me to serve your god you want me to serve your god a god that destroys men how can i serve him it's even better to stay with satan you hear people say such things and it's because we've not been able to defend the character the single character of god and it's easy it's because the bible you read you didn't understand it you saw he kill it and make it alive and you thought it was god but you didn't study well to see that that was the impression of the author you already give it and take it away you thought that that's the dual nature of god but you didn't read well to see that that was the impression of a fallen mind by the name job you read and you saw that the bible said can the evil happen and god has not caused it you didn't read clearly to see that that was the impression of amos the prophet these were their impressions why no man has seen god at any time so since they have not seen god in their writings they added their impressions in the old testament if something happens that cannot be explained they concluded it must be god that's where our legal system got it from where they say natural disasters are an act of god the legal system of nigeria believes in fact globally that natural disasters are an act of god they got it from the old testament impression of the prophets if natural disasters are an act of god why will jesus rebuke the wind and the waves why didn't he say my wind my waves because this is an act of god jesus is god who came to introduce god's character he looked at the wind and said peace be still and there was a calm because god does not function through natural disasters all god does is to stop them to the degree to which you allow him to stop them he has no pleasure in death he is life i am come that you may have life that's god's character jesus i love jesus you know jesus is god in human flesh who came to help man understand god that's why he came in humanity because his target is man so he came in man's form so in man's form he can explain god to man so man can understand god so that man and god can be a family jesus showed up while people are thinking about god being the one behind evil and disaster and cancers and ulcers and high blood pressure and thinking it is god teaching them a lesson or punishing them jesus showed up and walked among them and said the thief commit not but for to steal to kill and to destroy meaning i am not the killer i'm not the stealer i'm not a destroyer i am light and my job is to expose darkness so let me expose who is behind death who is behind stealing who is behind destruction let me expose him he is called the thief the thief which is the devil but this is what i do when i come you have life and have it more abundantly [Applause] am i teaching good this morning how come that you may have life he that has the son has life give me first john chapter 5 verse 11 that he may be just un the justifier and this is the record kabayata the back to belitter tata this is the record that god has given us eternal life and this life is where in his own holy life jesus offers only life he doesn't have a buffet on his dish a single meal life which is light in him was life and the life was the light there are no two things is the same thing he doesn't have a buffet it's a single dish life which is light and delight that came out of the life shines in darkness and deep darkness cannot handle it he is the light of the world he said he that followed me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life i'm preaching gospel here are you still in this building so this is the record give me the next verse superlative give me the next verse brother next verse verse 12. first john 5 12. first john 5 12. he that has the son has life and he that had the son of god he the heart not the son of god heart not life watch the next verse these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know so how do i receive eternal life faith in christ when you believe in christ the resultant effect of that faith in christ is that you are born a son of god and when you're born a son of god you are a custodian of eternal life now what brother john calls eternal life is what brother paul calls in christ it's just different communication styles john calls it eternal life eternal life brother paul cause it in christ in christ in him be found in him complete in him in him we live in him we move if any man be in christ in in in they are the signature of brother paul's writing in in in him by whom through whom in him in christ in christ meaning an inseparable union between christ and the believer that no matter what cannot be separated that is glued by god's love brother paul say what shall separate us from the love of god which is where in christ in christ the believer is in christ and has a father who has an unmistaking identity his identity is so loud that you can tell it when you see it he is life he is love he is light pay attention so that he might be the just and the justifier so because he is just in his judgment he's the only one that has the legal right to justify a criminal and who is a criminal that is justified onto she that worketh not but believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness so faith in the sacrificial work makes you justified now hold on hold on jesus now walks the face of the earth are you tired give me a few more minutes jesus walks the face of the earth in his mission to defend the character in his mission to defend the integrity of god the moment he appears he calls god father father father he didn't call god jehovah no jehovah is people who don't know god looking for how to describe god in their own terms jesus didn't jesus didn't he says father my father pray like this our father because jesus wants to establish a relationship between a father and family he wants to take the distance away and take the misconceptions away so that sons can be battered to build a family for the father am i teaching that's the mission of jesus let me tell you until you begin to see god as your father you can have a good relationship that's why the spirit of adoption is abba father it's not jehovah neesee it's upper father the holy ghost does not make mistakes he can't come into you and give you the language of abba father and then you tell the holy spirit you don't know enough let's be calling him yahweh jehovah nisi holy ghost with first we are the ones who knew him no the holy ghost is the spirit of truth when he comes he will guide you into all the truth what did he guide us into the spirit of adoption cries abba father further further the fatherhood of god must be revealed to you until the father would of god is revealed to you you cannot operate in authority you cannot operate in answered prayers you cannot operate in your inheritance because unless you have come to that place of clear revelation of god's fatherhood every time you want to take your right satan will ask you what qualifies you and you'll be thinking for you to think like that is pride so the fatherhood of god must be established when god's character is obviously clear to you that god is not a killer but he gave off life he's not a destroyer but a builder he's not a taker away but a giver he'd appear not his son but gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us for god so loved the world that he gave god is a giver and giver and giver let me tell you something else god does not need you to give to him before he gives to you that also mutilates his character the moment god needs mobilization he has become a contractor the moment you must mobilize god before god will do something then god is a contractor before once you start hearing that gospel close your ears god does not need anything from you seeing that he owns everything amen where can i go give to you i know get money because you don't really get money how much you get how much you don't see money how much a hundred billion dollars is not money where god is concerned so what can you give me say if you don't give to god god cannot give to you is a lie it's a lie it's a lie praises go oh blessing come down lie lie that means god is sitting down and saying i will not come to you praise me then you stop praising him he's okay the thing is beginning to move me now you paint the picture of a contractor god is an insult god does not react god through acts he proacts because he sees the end from the beginning and since the beginning from the end and ahead of time he goes to make sure blessings are waiting for you good things are waiting for you so as you begin to move you just be meeting the things he has prepared i feel like i'm preaching here somebody shouted here i hear that's the god i preach that's the god i worship that's my father teaching good this morning [Applause] my father i thought somebody would shout out can i hear you shout it one more time look at ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 pay attention i want to quickly give you a few scriptures before i close ephesians 3 14 oh for this course i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ did you see the word family did you see the word family god is a family man the gospel is the gospel of the father and his family it is a gospel of sonship yeah our gospel is not the gospel of intimidation and manipulation and fear is the gospel of sons and their father i don't need protocol to take anything from my father i walk in there and i take it if my father is the governor of the state and governors are sitting with my father and i must see my father i will open that door and every protocol man will give me space i will walk to my father and say hey dad i want to see you for two minutes please right now my father will excuse everybody even if he's donald trump because his son may be in danger and my father cannot be happy to see his son he will leave that meeting and say son what can i do for you a son of god has unlimited access unconditional access undeniable access i feel like i'm preaching here lift your hand shout out sit down sit down give me a few minutes i'm beginning to feel this thing now i bow my knees onto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the family in heaven what he means is that the funny family in heaven are the same on earth there are no two families is one family but they operate dual citizenship they are the ones in heaven at the same time they are the ones on earth which means if as a family of god on earth things begin to disobey me and things begin to challenge my identity i leave it and i moving to my heavenly status and i command earth to comply the catabol he that is from above he's accompanied i i feel like i'm preaching here if you're catching my flow shout i hear i [Applause] he's my father he's my daddy oh glory to god the fatherhood of god in christ is the reality of our identity the fatherhood of god in christ is the reality of our identity look at first corinthians 1 3 first corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 is replaced all over the epistles first corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 brothers stay with me we're going to read some crazy scriptures now grace be unto you and peace from god hour father from god our father and from the lord jesus christ second corinthians 1 2. ii corinthians 1 2 thank you lord grace be to you and peace from god our father that's the that's the salutation because we the apostles we are trying to enshrine into our mindset the fatherhood relationship we have with god because that changes the demographics in our work with god look at galatians quickly galatians 1 4 galatians 1 4 who gave himself for our sins that he may deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of god and our father establishing our relationship with god the fact of the father and son relationship is found in christ is found in christ what we have is father and son inside christ when you are born again god becomes your father he said god to the unbeliever he is a father to the believer he is god to the unbeliever he is father to the believer see to me he's not god he's my father to the unbeliever he is god the governor of this state is his excellency to the citizenry of bayelsa but his own biological children his papa true or false they don't have to say your excellency sir dad pops what's up man they're talking to their father you if they burn you well try it see the governor on the road and say hey man what's up man protocol will use left hand and and adjust your position because you don't have the legal right to address him after that one it is called a breach of protocol is that true but the son does not breach protocol because there's no protocol between son and father that's what the bible wants you to see that god is abba the word father is the greek word pata patta means source origin resource that is god is my source is my origin that is my dna came from him that is my life is sourced out of him my life is his life his life is my life his provisions are my provisions my provisions are his provision on relationship father my father abba when you receive healing from god when you come with the mind of a father you don't beg you take it and you don't think whether it is happening or not because when you took it you know you took it and when you took it you know it's applied you receive it you don't beg sickness out this body has been brought to the price i can never be sick my body is the temple of the holy ghost where the holy ghost stays cancer cannot stay light and darkness don't stay in the same house by his tribes i am healed healing power flows in my body you call the things that be not as though and when you discover that it's like circumstances are overwhelming you you don't call them first you go nakatoma zebato biligaton you rise higher and higher and higher when you are on top of the problem you now look at possibility money come you're calling from a position of advantage i will not leave you comfortless but you beloved building up your most holy fate rising higher and higher like an if i'm preaching god shout i hear i hear lift your hand i shout god is my father please sit down give me a few more minutes can i take five more minutes [Applause] he's my father the family of god is found in christ the family of god is found in christ look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 8. ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 this is the gospel of sonship you're hearing ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 for by grace i is saved through faith through what faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast now look at verstappen and like verstappen for we eyes walk wait wait wait wait wait wait don't rush that workmanship means handiwork yes the mastercraft that is god stood up by himself source to raw materials and use it to fabricate you now the point you are not seeing is that these raw materials were not externally sourced they were internally sourced he put his sand inside himself and pulled a part of him and use it to form you you are made of the same stuff as him in 123 being born again not of corruptible sperm sperm the word seed is the word sperm is the word sperma which means sperm sperm means dna that is god took his dna and that is if you and god enter a lab test right now for a lab test dna lab test when you finish there will be fraternity established it will be clear that he's the one that burned you somebody shot and born of god you came out of his loins you came out of his loins you are not you are not an adopted child wait wait you don't sit down because when we talk adoption you are imagining english adoption adoption in the bible is not adoption in medical science the word adoption is the word placement adoption doesn't mean go to go to orphanage home and carry child no no adoption in the bible means god gave back to you after him born you they hear the speech in english and sometimes they think they shoot me for a given english because too much english they confuse some people after god don't burn you come out eh then he can carry you complace you in the place where sons they occupy that's the meaning of adoption adoption means placement so that you have rights privileges and the entire inheritance now you get them somebody shout holy ghost you have the spirit of adoption that means you have the spirit of placement to possess inheritance that's why the spirit of adoption cries abba adoption means the spirit of placement so that god's inheritance is my property whenever i see my inheritance the cry of joy out of me is abba father that is papa you love me too much see what thing you give me as inheritance adoption we are his workmanship kia toba put it up put it up we are his workmanship created ephesians 2 10 created wait wait let me show you something created means it did not exist before that day created means before the creation happened he was not in existence that day was the day he begun so the beginning of a believer is the day he was created that creation is called born again created in in the creation took place inside christ meaning the raw material that was used to fabricate the man was sourced inside christ brother paul caused it that the new creation is created in righteousness and true holiness after the image of him that created him after the image of him that created him meaning him and him when they stand together you can't differentiate you don't know what your heart that's why you are always calling satan in your prayer when you know what you have you will mention satan in prayer because satan is not a family member hence cannot surface in family matters sir you know if you remove satan bind fall down fire from prayer many people can pray again because their idea of prayer is fall die satan bind fire kerosene nicotine fuel dissent holy ghost holy ghost to understand who told you that who is deceiving you the believer has sweet fellowship what does the believer have sweet fellowship cannot be sweet if the name of an enemy continues to interface fellowship cannot be sweet if the name of an enemy continues to interface even after the king are talking nice nice and we're laughing and oh man i'm telling you let's plan and chill out in london next month man you know there's a hotel i found and he said i would love to go for you this guy doesn't like me he has been planning my downfall the fellowship don't spoil it then i try to remove him we start talking nice nice things then he said the other day i was possible this guy just insulted me that i'm a thief and since then i don't know i'm not happy he has interrupted the fellowship he can be sweet you can't be busy bringing satan's name in a sweet fellowship with your father who is satan where god is concerned why should you be trying to terrorize god with the name of satan when satan is an object under your feet so when you talk with god satan does not show up his father and son in fellowship then when you live fellowshipping with the father if satan may hear you out give everyone in charge of that territory it's not the father in charge you're the one he has put the devil under your faith behold that gives you power to trample over serpents and scorpios and over all the power of the devil and nothing shall by enemies hurt you you're the one in charge you can't be reporting the person under you to your father it means you you yourself there must be something idiotic about you i'm teaching good since i discovered these two years ago i've never called satan when i'm talking to god i've never not once in fact the least name you will hear in my prayers for months is satan he does not even have space in my prayer and if he misbehaves where i am i flush him out like you flush toilet flap it's caused with devils you shall cast them out out is out [Music] and that is the sign that follows those who believe these are the signs of sons these are the authorities the authority available to all sons of god except you don't know who you are again that's why the singular identity of god must not be in question in your mind you must know him enough that you rely on him you trust what he says because you know he's a god of integrity and then function within the confines of your authority and if the devil says no he talks out like we were saying you finish with him but some people there tiring night is satan throughout fire you shall not cross this you shall not scratch my hand satan himself is laughing see this one me i'm not even there he's busy calling me he must be truly intimidated demons let's talk about something else this one has died before we got there because the devil you are adversity go wait about like a rari lion seeking you know the meaning of seeking he'll never find he's seeking he is seeking he doesn't know you're there till you open your mouth and say satan say okay it'd be like saying accommodation there for this side somebody to call my day glory
Channel: Wozer Tv
Views: 533
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: abel damina, abel damina christocentric meal, abel damina sermons, abel damina 2019, wozer tv, power city int'l, grace, power, abel damina 2020, abel damina teachings, abel damina preachings, HOW CAN THERE BE WRATH & ANGER IN GOD? - DR. ABEL DAMINA, new testament teachings, in christ realities, apostle johnson sulleyman, apostle joshua selman, bishop oyedepo
Id: 4_OAC7tj1rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 48sec (3948 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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